Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 28, 1902, Image 8

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    IXIiKCKNUKXcK KNTKItritlSK, INIKI"KNIKN'K, OlllitillN, .U'lll'ST l! I'M
Arthur Harrison, who arrived
here from Miemiuri some two months
since, has been nuiiummed to
Missouri n wit nee iu in
Mis Lena Tarter, of I'orvallis, ia
visiting her grandmother, Mrs. I.
A. JohtiMin.
Mrs. Ki-hanl Pumi. of Kings
VaM-y. visited relative here last
week .
F. A. Link sold a lot of sheep to
a Monmouth stock buyer a few
tiny sinoe.
Claud Lewi tasel through here
hist week with a drove of hcef
rattle. fir the Miitmiouth market.
V. S Alcorn, of Miller A Alwm
men-ham of King Va!W,wn in the firm' ("lore lit this
place last week.
Master Harry Morrison has a
tine new gun and i quite a marks
man. Jo Brown's grain crop ran ahove
."iOOO buhel?; the largest in this
A piece of lone became lodged
in Richard Grant's throat while he
was eating supper on Wednesday
of last week and it required the
services of a surgeon to remove the
A. X. Xewbill, engineer at the
I-ertne i.umDer to. wmnin, 1
called out to repair James Grant el
thresher engine last week. .
All of the threshers in this Prt j
of the county are running wm
"short" crews.
The yield of grain is much below
what early summr conditions in
dicated it would be. The shortage
is attributed to the excessively hot
weather that prevailed during the
early part of this month.
Hop burrs are of good size and
are free from lice or other pests.
Picking will begin about the first
of September 'and the present con
dition of the crop gives promise ol
a heavy yield.
All of the employees intheSpaul
ding camp who were attacked with
what was called small pox have
C. S. Graton supplies all of the
logging camps and the Pedee lum
ber company with butter. Mr.
Craton was the first to embark in
the dairy business here and has
been very successful.
Look Pleasant, Please.
Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Eaton
0., can do so now, though for years he
couldn't because he suffered untold
agony from the worst form of indiges
tion. All physiciaDS and medicines
failed to help him till he tried Electric
Bitters, which worked such wonders
for him that he declares they are a god
send to sufferers from dyspepsia and
stomach troubles.. Unrivaled for di
eases of the tstnniucb, Liver and Kid
neys, tfiey build up aud give new lite
to the whole system. Try them. Only
50c. Ouarauteed by Kirkland Drug Co.
Now Is The Appointed Tune.
The O. R. & X. Co. has issued a
handsomely illustrated pamphlet
entitled, "Oregon, Washington it
Idaho and their resources." People
in the east are anxious for infor
mation about, the Pacific North
West If you will give the O. It.
& N. Co. scent a list of nams of
eastern people who are likely to be j
interested, the booklet will be
mailed free to such persons."
Yours truly,
A. L. Ckaig,
General Pasgr. Agent
Gray Hair
"I bm used Ayer' Hlr Vigor
for over thirty yert. It h kept
my scalp fre from dtndrulf and
hi prevented my hir from turn
Inf gray." Mr. r. A. Soul,
Billing, Mont.
There is this peculiar
thing about Ayer's Hair
Vigor it Is a hair food,
not a dye. Your hair does
not suddenly turn black,
look dead and lifeless.
But graduallytheold color
comes back, all the rich,
dark color it used to have.
The hairstops falling, too.
SIM I Mb. All
If jour dnipsrtl rannot ippljr jmo.
prnu ua on u. 1 1 un uu wa win f
jriu bottle.
H nr ami lv th natu
wl rout nrtiireaii oflu. Aililrras,
J. I'. A V KH X., Lowell, Mu.
IU kr.-all.
W. K. Chirk returned home from
Joseph Saturday.
J. II Hu'g.ird came up from
Portland Saturday.
tii-orge While came p from
Portland Saturday, returning home
Pauline Nesmith went to Port
land Wednesday to spend a few
days with her nitnt, Mrs. lUUie
K liner Vance, nephew of A. F.
Ftouer, left Saturday for his home
Jn Pennsv,vtnia.
A. K Ie Vce. of Portland, took
ciiarae 0f the depot in the absence
0f K. F. Lucas.
H. F. Lucas and family returned
Friday from Newport.
Mr. Yoran. an old school mate of
Mrs. L. V. Koser, was visiting the
Koser family the past week
Hoppickiiig isfxpect"d to com
mence about the ,Stb of September.
Thf outlook is good for a tine crop
of good quality.
This week will about close up the
threshing around Rick 1. Tha
farmers are happy a lli- weather
hus been a"l that could be desired.
H. r. Lucas ani familv -vent to
Turner S iturday, returning home
C. M. Bradley spent Sunday
wilh parents.
U. V. Swink is spending a tew
days in Independence.
Mrs. Lyda Cox and daughter are
vUiting at the home of the former's
mother Mrs. J. O. Davidson.
Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers.
Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars,
For rates, folders and full information
regarding tickets, routes etc call on or ad
dress H. 'DICKSOX, Citv Ticket Atrent.
J.W.PH ALON, Trav F'sms Agl Portland
C12 First Ave., . fe'iattle Wacli.
After a few weeks vacation, T. C.
Hrndley resigned his position with
K. K, Puildock and accepted
similar position in McM inn villi
K. Pavidson has been running
bachelors hall for a fow days, his
family U'ing camped at Sodaville.
P. J. Uickivson, who hus Iwen
quite sick was removed to the
hospital at Salem, where he is
getliuit along nicely.
K. Kvans seems to be have bad
luck wilS his new threshing outfit
He had to get h new engine and
later lav idle until extras came
from Portland.
The Misses OU Alexander and
Pessi Taylor invited a few friend
to eat ice cream Sunday. Those
present report a pleasant time.
Nearly all of the grain is threshed
through this part of the country
The average yield being about L'l,l
bushel to the sere.
A number from here were down
tithe band concert Saturday night
at Independence.
Department of the Interior.
Laud Utllee at Oregon City, Or.,
July L'l.lHOi
Notice N bereliy given ihatMhe fol
lowiiitf iiamed settler has tiled nut lee
of 1U Intent Ion to make final proof In
Kiipnort of his cluliii, aud ihnlsaid
proof will lie made before Ihe Register
mid Receiver at 1. 8. Land Olllce hi
Oregon City. l)tvrin, oh September ft.
uy, t : t iiaricM .miiuis.ui ii. v..
No. latMII for the N K4 feo. II, T ( S, It
H W.
He naiiit the following witnee to
urove hi continuous resident's upon
mid eiiUiviitloii of Bald hind, vi. tieo.
I.. Hawkins, of ludeiH-iidence, Ore
gon ; Freeman Itnbtowtn, of Kalis City,
Oregon; lilcliurd K. Ferguson, of In-dejM'ndein-e,
Oregon; (leoige C. Wil
son, of I ndependeiuf, Orpgmi,
I II An. 11. MUDIll'.n,
First pub. July 24,
iH'partmen' of the Interior.
Laud Oltice at Oregon City, Or.,
July I'l, !rj.
Notice Is hereby given thai the M-
it tr.liulliMil u.tll.r bllH (ltl(l miticf.
rr l,u. Inti.iii In imikM 11 mil iiriiuf ill
support ot her claim, and thatsuid
proof will lie mane neinre uegisier hiiii
Heceiver V. W. l.und Olliee at Oregon
City Oregon, on September 5, 11SI".',
vi. : J-ssie Mattinon H K No. 1.'Mim3
for the Hi SW, NHlj HW4 Hee. 4,
N W 1 N W 4 ec. 0. T 8 8, It 8 V.
She names Ihe following witnesses
to prove her continuous residence upon
ami i.lllllvutlllll 111 Hill it IhiiiI. vl: Oeo.
(. Wilson, of Independence, Oregon;
f reeman Koliinson. 01 runs vny, wro
uoh; Kichard K. Ferguson, of Iti1o
iii'inlHiwe Oreirnu: eo. L. Hawkins.
of Indepeudt'iice, Orenf.n
First pub, July 24.
Jlepartriieut of the Interior.
Lund Olllce at Oregon City, Or.,
July 21, IIKJ2.
Notice is hereby itiven that, tbs fol-lowiUK-numed
settler has Hied notice
of hli intention to make dual proof In
mipport of his cUim, and thai said
proor will he made liefore itPtrinier anil
Keceivrr V. S. Land Office, at Oreiron
City, Oregon, on Heplemlier 6, 11HI2,
vi ; Richard K. r-erjfiiaoii H I'j .
1:1145 for the SIH Hec. 8 T 8, H, It 8 W.
He mnupn the fnllowinif witnesses to
prove Iiih conlinunus residence upon
and eiiltlviition of said land, viz: (feo.
(I. Wilson, of Independence. Oregon;
Charles Mattinon, of Independence,
Oreeou: Freeman ItobiiiHon, of Falln
('ity, Oreifon; 0'ore h, Hawkins, of
Independence, Oregon.
First pub. July 24.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
United 8'Mtes ,nnii (Wire,
Oriuoii Cily. Ore., Juno 10, list1.
Notice Is hcniliy kIvcti Hint In rmiiiillmice
Willi the lirovlKlnris nf tlifl net nf coniiri'ss nf
Jniii'3. IH7, cntlllHtl "Ail net liir the mile or
llniliiT liindi In the stnlea of i ullfnriilB. re
Kon, Nnvailii.iin.l Wsalilnnton Territory," Ha
extcnilfd lo Mil ihe nulilli! IhiiiI aialcs by net
orAilifiist 4, IKW. Sadie Hniltli, of Inilcpcn
(Icnci;, eon lily of Polk, atHle of ori'on, hus
this itnv fllcil In this fclnce lir sworn aunc.
merit No. r7i7. for the liiircliiise nf Iho N K !4
ofHcctlon No. IW In Township No. V M, Ituni;.'
No 7 W. and will offer proof U show Hint
the lunil sought In more valuable lor Its tlm-
lM-r or Ion limn fur miiii'illnirnl mrHwa,
Mini lo hiIiiIiIIi.Ii liur I'liom loanlil IhihI ln'iurti
1 1' l H. mil v I In kul I'ulk (hiiimivkI I'iiIIk",
(mu. hi, mi hiitunlsy, i lie .mill Uy r
Auuii-i, l''i.
hliv iiMiiina lliiii': II II. Ki-l-ii. "I
liiiti'm-iniKiiiw, oi iimii I.I. In.lo'
lmhMMv, Ori'itun; I.Ih Ki'I.ii. il hnli'l'''
ili'iii'n, ortntini It Hi')' lliiilimik, ol I'uli',
Any mill nil twrmiiia iIhIiiiIi" ftdrsr.'ly
III IhiiiIo i ik lMU.iil
illi. tiiclr .'l.iini. In I Ola nilUw ou . f l.i-lnro
aKUl MU iUy til A Ilk ll-1 liaij.
fllAx. II. MoiillKM.
Klral llll. J II in" Hull.
Timber Land, A.t June .'I, IsTH
Notice fcr Publication.
I lllli'.l Htltlra I.KIKl tUtlif,
On-nuiH'ltv, iiiv , Jiiiik In, l'fJ.
NnlliV la lii.r.'I.V kivrll lliHl III I'.iililillmi.l'
Willi llti ilivlaluiia ill the net l ihiiih ii'-a nf
Jnttria, IsTk, iillil..l "An m l Inr On-al.. in
I.iiiIht Unit. In l In' alHi. a ul I'lillluruln, Hu
ron, Nam. In. mill W IViriliM t ,"
rtiillilil lo nil tile imlille Iniul .liili a li tint
nf Annual 4, IM'J, Inn Ki'lan, uf I mli (M il
iliimw, eoiinlv n( I'.ilk. -lair nf Ulv,.ii, haa
lllla lint lll-.i 111 I Ilia ultli Ill'T nrn "lilU Sii .t71M. fur lln iil'rliiiai' (if lhi SI'., nf
M.1'111111 N'l ' I'l Tllllallll Nil. S, llHIIgH
Nil. T , Mini will nlli r iriMif In almw llml
I liti Iniul anttubl la ninrct hIiuiIiIi' tnr Ua oiit
lirnir Klm.r limn Inr auiL nliiiinl niria..a,
Willi l.i Iter I'lHlln In aiilil IhiiiI Iii'I.iiii
tlm rnlliin i'lt'1 k n( Pnlk iiiuutv, nf ISilliia,
(irviiiiii, mi mitiuiliiy, the -killi iln.v n Aumi.l,
nnntca n. wttni'aai.: t I. sniiili. nf tn
ili'M.iiliiiia, Ori'tfint; hkiIIw Mnillli, ntln.le
pi'inli'iiiv. iirritnn; Kilny llin Imiik, uf I'lilir.
liri'; tl. l, Ki'lan, nf I nili'i'luli'tn'e,
I ir nun.
Aiiv nml nil erianiia I'laliiilnu mivnai iy
llu. nlMivv ilriM'rllK'il liilnla tiro ri'itit'aii it in
till' llii-lr elillina III llila nlllif nil nr l. llim
aatil mtli tin) nl Aiikii-I. I"-
I ll.i., II. flliiiuir'-,
Viral ptili, Jlllir '.1,
:t ( v v -i- ".,v-,j
1 1 jiw.vv K- V
j 1 j c " - ..
To make a long story short
These warm days we will not tell you of
the beauty or line finish of our luiimlry
work, but just remind you that when
Von want that delicate colored negligee
iitundereil that we will do it just like
new without Injury to color or fabric.
Our work on linen collars and culls
Well ! 'mill' aid! Orders left at Knteh'"
burlier "Imp on the halem stage will re
ceive prompt attention.
Salem Steam Caundry,
Colonel J. Olmsted, Prop. I input
P. Olmsted, Mgr. Phone II. ALU
LllM-rty Street
Shorj Line
and union Pacific
ukfakt TIMKSCIIKKl'LE akhivi
Chicago Suit Lake, Pcnver,
Portland Ft Worth, Omaha,
Special Kansas Oily, St. 4 .110 111
nam via Iiuis, Chicago and
Hunting- East.
Atlantic Salt Luke, lenver,
Express Ft Worth.Omalia,
8:61) p in via Kansas City, St 8: 10 a m
Hunting- Louis, Chicago
tun. and Fast.
St Paul Walla Walla, Uwis-
Fast Mail ton, Spokane, Will-'
0 a m via lace, Pullman, 7 a in
Spokane. Minneapolis, St
Paul. Duluth.MII-
wntlkee, Chicago
and Fast.
72 hours. Portland to Chicago. No
change of cars. Tickets Fast via all
rail or via hoitt nml mil via Portland.
All sailing dates
subject lo cliHtige.
8 p m For Sun Francisco 4 n m
Ssil every ."1 ilnvs.
except coi.t;Miii. iiivkii
8 p in To Astoria and way 4 p m
Saturday landings. f,x. Sun.
10 p 111
AL HERRE.V, Agt., Imlopendence.
. '.i v- i e
4 .i. i. i it vin i:.
4 nourv Pmdiic nd
4 3uiic of in Putt, t
4 Collis'tloua a siecllt.V, Ayent f
fur a iiuuitH'r ol standard old llns .
4 liikiiimice oompsnles, "
truck transfer Co.
p. M.SK'NNER. P'op-
....My pemoiisl altenlion nlven to
2 all onlern entrusted to me. rrouipi
I-- $
A un..,.ll..n In Miurv inaluiii'l.. W
I'Hum; an.
tiweccwit '
l H'V. 1 lK-.fl
' j 'ky t'ltV Independence, tire.
mm Mk ami
Nl no 11 ini'ti 1 and Head
stone t . mi'lcry
wink etc.
Polk County Dank,
Monmouth, - Oscoon.
J. H. II iwi.nv, I'. L. Cam en tt u.,
J'rvsidmit. Vice Pres.
Isa C. Pow m.t., Cashier.
Paid Capital, 00,000.
!ium ton: J. It. Ilawlc.v, I. I..
Campbell, I. M. Simpson, J. It. V.
ltntlcr, John It. Stump, J. A.
Wilhrow, F. S. Powell.
Transact a Oeneral Ilaiiklng
and Exchange Ilusines
I. I'll v
r..r Mull.
i l.i'iivia Alrlln for
i .Mnitnmiiih nml
B:m a. 111,
a im p, 111.
1 Leiivi's I'm Una fnr
1 Mniiitioutti and
I:l"i p, III.
s:ni "
- l.'voa Mniiliioiltli
fnr Iiiiti'piinili'iice
H I'm. 111.
I i p. 111.
ft; Ii "
i S;isl "
f lillVliS lllltl'llf'll-
i deuce for sluii,
i '2M p. in
mnillli unit A I r 1 1 11
7:mi , m.
arm p. m.
Li'itvcs ImlfiHMr
ili'inai for Moll
mntltllBtld llllllMN
7:1.') p. 111.
I,' Via Moniiinutli
Inr Alrllo.
7:.Mia. in.
:!: 'iU p. 111.
Lves M mi mnillli
Inr bill Ins.
II '.Hi a. hi,
7:.') p. 111.
32 Col. High PrciureSmokeles
Wll ire prcpired lo furnish
cur full line uf Model 'UJ
rifle, oli(J ind tnkc down,
for the orw ,AJt CtUhcf HUIH
PkhSJUkfi KMOKhi.FSScarl
rulrfo. 1 his ftiiv uc IMS gruin
hiiliei tnil lis a vriovity of over
UUU led per second, making It
Itte moM cowcrful crlrti1(c made
for an Anicricmt arm, with I he ex
ccpnonof (he ..10-40 U. S. Army.
Ii i nulficicnily dridly for tiiy
gitme known in North Americi.
Another gretl adviniage is (hit
ihe birrtU rc horrd and rilleiKhtif
nut thiinibert d)ri tiy the mmeii
(tie regular .JJ 40 Mrlin,oneiuri
In Hi Im-hca. J hltt mukeMhc int of
Murk powder and lead hutted ad
Minfactnry and cnnvmienl aa iu
rrKnlar black powder rlHe.
Ihia ale iu ihe flmt high prea
aure arm developed in (hi conn fry
for a caliber larger limn .30, and
the first lo ui.c alow enough
twin! to five hcit resulia with
black powder ammunhlnn.
Prifi name a.J0-J0 MARI.IN.
I20 pa'r? cat. log of rifles, .tu,i.
ftini., aniniuniimu, etc., enver In
U colors mailed for three atampa.