Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 14, 1902, Image 6

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Your Tongue
i . -i ii
County Correspondence.
What it)"t have heen ft yery
iseriou allair tuuurrr-i rviminj
ul.iv etrviiinir. ami a it it ono
I the jmrlicB ia currying a woumte
I .. I !... 1I... I..
. nil. ml Willi I11IU. inn in
Geo. Sullivan ami team are hau j ,
Mr.. BrUtow, of L-..-iviil ..djl U,,ulU ,or U, KW,,eU j to t nn eyo witnw. I- Mlo.:
Mr. lUm!aker. l Kiif-ene, jtnrwhing cre. ; snrv who Uvea south of
Monday here. Farm laborer- are very waro ! lowl WH under the intliM-uoe of
.... -. i.i , ....,r,,d from! anl hart! to set. limior. allacl.e.l K1v Fluke with a
.Mra. rrun - , i: !.
I ,ii kill i' Ut th HUIUI II lid mating
MWVrV' . I Tb.or... Iu.g- "d h' IXn U .1 I-m Koin to cut
K. Mulk.y and ware doing ,.-h damao to ;f f j wjo
Newport this w-ek.
Um. R.
1-jwnt Sunday Bfthel
Ir. Ren lUitler left Sunday tor a
few wteks at the eoa-t.
Senator Doughty is working with
Gene ll.wner on the Kitlar resi
dence at I.uekiainute.
J. I. Poughty and John Howell
are working on the Vernon houee
at Kickreall.
Mis Maud Hawley left Monday
for a two week stay at Newport.
13. p. Mulkey left Monday for
Ashland tojhe ready for his .sihool
duties ther
Dr. Hernial) Xehrhaa made a
business trip to Portland Monday
returning Tuesday.
Mrs. Horner drove in from
Luckiamut on Tuesday and ppent
the dav with Mrs. V: II. ParrUh.
Mrs. Denny who has leen quite
ill has fully recovered.
Mrs. B. 1''. Mulk-y spent part of
this week in Portland.
Mrs. Annie Boone, of Portland
was visiting friends here Sunday.
Mount Hood View.
Mrs. Frank Boothby, of Pell
wood spent Sunday here with
Mr. Mack has been quite sick,
but is much belter now. He baled
his oat hay to keep the mice from
eating it up.
Mr. and Mrs D. A. Hoag
arrived her from Iloquia J last
Thursday. They will spend about
three weeks in the Willamette
Valley before returning home.
Prof. Powell, of Monmouth was
out here last week after wood.
The Riddell boys started their
threshine outfit last week. They
do first class work and will have a
good run
Some one put fire into an old lo
in Calbreath's pasture to emoue
out a squirrel last Monday morn
ing and about high noon the pas
o no nn fire .Some fence wag
llUlO T!D V
burned and if the wind had been in
the opposite directions or the
wheat field been four feet nearer it
would have been burned also.
I hi Hardens in this neighborhood. ls l" - 7 ,
. was (.landing close by. immediately
Percy Dickinson, ul Parker, sold j nmi (i culver at Shirley, the ball
D M. Calhreath a three inch tubu j nierm the fleshy part ot the arm
and causing him to desist from the
attack. Shirle- was then taken in
charge, his wo.ind properly dressed
and no.v is recovering as rapidly n
could lx expected.
Mr. Shh W is a quiet, jwaoeahle
citizen until liquor gains an upper
band, and would never have
thought of doing any such thing
bail he not been in such a condition.
lar axl wagon last week.
Mr. I'ouiitn Kiicourugcd.
(ieneral Freight and Passen
ger Agent C'oinun, of the South
ern Pacific said this morning:
"I am greatly encouraged at the
results of the efforts of the im
migration agents who recently
made a tour of Oregon. I have
received letters from MeMinn
ville, Ashland, Medford, Hose
burg, Cottage drove, Eugene,
Salem, Albany, Grants Pass and
in fact from towns on the
lines of the Southern are in
earnest ami aro heartily co
operating." Portland Journal.
W.....I -I,. .nt i In, ki ut i-i'vt article
in this mck ' the wol ju-t now,
, i I. .ii
It not niv i.rmu a (o-
ttiHi.l wi'oii i. hard to si-Hire even
tSn. Dealers ili'liat a Mill
higher figure next year. I.ecaue
l.iI. .......I : I ... i n .r worked into
proper rhape for commercial pur
BLIND- &.?99tri0fF
Blindfold a
woman and he
loses all confi
dence in hrr-rlf.
Her step is slow,
hesitating and
uncertain. Her
hands are raised
to wrd the im
aginary blowa
which threaten
her. When a
seeks the means of health she is often
like a woman blindfold. She has no
confidence. She cannot tell what her
effort will lead to. She turns now to
this side ami then to the other in uncer
tainty and doubt.
The trick woman who uses Dr. Fierce a
Favorite Prescription may do so with
absolute confidence. It invites open
eyed investigation. There need be no
hesitation in following the hundreds of
thousands of women who have found a
perfect cure for womanly ills in the use
of this medicine.
Favorite Prescription " cures irregu
larity and dries weakening drains. It
heals inflammation and ulceration and
cures female weakness.
-With heart full of gratitude to you for end
ins out over the land your wonderful me Heine I
send thee few line., hopinn th.t noroe poor mif
fcrinf women w.ll try br. Fierce , medicine. "
wTit5 Mm. Cor. I.. Koot. rf rn.prin- Fur
nace, WMhinirton Co.. Maryland. "1 fad i r
fered .ererly from female weakness and had to
be in bed a (rre. deal of the time. Had head
ache backache, and pain in left .ide when i lyin
down. I commencedtaking Ir Pierce . Havor
e Frecription, and had not Uken two bottle,
when I wan able to be around aijain and do my
work with but little pain, C.n now eat anv
thin and it never hurt, me any more. Haie
taken rven bottle, of Dr. Fierce . K.y..rite I re
cription. and one of hi. Compound of
Smart-Weed and several nal. of hi.
frlUu: Feelintr better eveiy day. My huv
band My. I lookVtter every day -
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil
iousness and sick headache.
I'or Sale.
210 acres of hill land near Pedee
alley. Low price, easy terma.
C. W. Paoktt.
l'edee Oregon.
K. II. Woodward, postmaaler of
Kewherg and alo editor ot Hie
Newburg Graphic?, waa in the city
today, en route to Newport to
attend the state editoral aaaocia
tion there tomorrow We acknow
ledge a pleasant visit.
WALK EK At the home of friends
on Asylum Avenue. Salem. Or.,
Sunday,. Auaust KHb, 1002. Mra.
Maggie Walker, aged 3 5 yeara.
Deceased was the wife of John
W. Walker ot Monmouth and was
lal-Bti tn!tn about two week
ago when she was taken seriously
Ul from which illness she never re
covered. The remains were taken
t,-. whr the Dallas services were
conducted in the Methodist
Kniscnnal church by Reverend
Rounds. D. D., at 4 o'cloct yeater
dav afternoon and the interment
was had in the Dallas cemetery.
Salem Statesman.
G. Keller
H. R. Nehrbas
Flouring Mills
(Formerly the Burns Mill.)
Now running day and night.
Will My wheat or make exchanges.
Don't fail to try their Luckiamute Crusade Flour,
Jfliole Wheat Flour, Graham Flour, Gem Meal
Not equaled on the market.
Hrm Ilrinarv Diseases are
Successfully Treated By
Dr. Darrin.
To tin. Public : III appreciation of Dr
Damn's wonderful skill as a specialist,
T take f re ut nleaaure in extending Mm
(tliroiiKh the paper) my sincerest grati
tude for what he haa done ror me, wun
it, l.n.,.. tlmt titiiTeririii humanity w ill
avail therm-elves of hia power, ihould
any be afllicted as I was. For 1(1 year
I wao a great and coiiHtanr. mitrerer from
Htri-'turo nnd bladder trouble, which
finally complicated my kidney, pro
ducing general debility ana otner agon
izing dillicnltiea that made an invalid
nil tlmve ve-iira. Kiliht phyHiciana treat
ed me throughout this time, but to no
aunil n I enncluded to try Dr. Darrin,
and the renult I wich to give to the
world with the advice not to no to any
but a -jneeialiat, as 1 did, wlioae akin i
nndifiiuted. I am now a well man and
can be referred to at any time in I'endlo
n rw,n. J. E. TAYLOR.
Dr. Darrin can be consulted free at
th WillHmet'e Hotol, Salem, until o
vu,i,or it frnm 10 to 5 daily : evenitiKH
7 to 8. Charge low and reasonable.
Dr. Durrin makes all chronic and pri
vate dineaMes a specialty. SufTereri
from any trouble of a private nature
should not fail to consult Dr. Darrin,
tori vmir cfnmach
II II 9 VVlll jvm v .
is bad, your liver is out of
order. Aycr's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys
pepsia, make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
JSC. All druif !.
" W .m .ui mu.ii ii i lvrd a lMuiCwl
Titowa wr ru'n oiai'a r i nr
or th
liROOKS On Snnilay. Auj-uat
lt, I'.IUJ, to Mr. ami Mr. D. W
Hrooka, twin hnva.
5EPT. 15th to 20th
Vn arc Inviteil to nlieml mt
h.' th Kifiib-t indiiHlrial expo-
Mition nml liveHtocU chow ever h-i'l
Inn the I'ncill.! Cou-t. ioo.l raiinif
'every al't-rnoon. t'aiu j-rouml
!fnv. Come ami brinx your lain
! iliec. Kir anv information, write
j M O. WISDOM. t(C ,, Omc
We Are Conscientious.
Subatitutea. ami impure drug have no place in our bre. e
know phyaiciana h. not want tia to ue them, ami we won't do 'it.
' Hverv prc-cription here ia cn,npound.d of pure drug., by careful,
! compVtent and accurate pl.arn.aci-.ta. who don't make m.elake-.
! You can trunt u with your pre-criplin preparinu
A. S. Locke, Druggist,
CAPITAL STOCK!, $50,000.00.
(I HIRSIIBKUO. iSnU " ' A It HAM KI.S)X. Vice l're.ide,.l
C. W. IHV1KE, Caahier.
)!RKCTOKS.II. lilrarMH-r nl vV W. Stewart arid
A. Nelnon.
- ,.....,.l llllllll. lit I llP I in ii v in- mill eieiaim m ii. -
AuZr f-l-itsreceW,,! on current aecoi.n.
uojeri to IM.IH-K.
A Pointer....
Yen, the DKNSMOHK has
it Pointer which hIiowh exactly
where you are writing without
any guess work or loss of time.
Allow uh to give yon u Pointer.
H you want a Typewriter get the best.
Gel one with a Pointer, a Back Spacer, a lightning
quick Patent Releaser, Line Condenser m facta
Bull IJcariny:
The best and most up-to-date writing machine ever sold,
Dcnsmorc Typewriter Co.,
230 Stark St.,
For-tleirici. - - Oregon.
ta f ii a-aji m
are cheap In price, but in price only. Take Down
euns list at $27.00 and Solid Frame funs at $25.00, but
they will outshoot and outlast the highest priced
double barreled guns, and they are as safe, reliable
and handy besides. Winchester Shot Guns are made
of the very best materials that can be procured, a
thoroughly modern system of manufacture permitting
them to be sold at buyable prices.
FREE Send n.m. .nd addm. on . po.ul c.fd for 164 p.p lllu.tra.ed cnlogua.
o-fDCATiun arms CO.. New Haven. Ct
jl) WINIHtaitn ntrtiii"-"