Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 14, 1902, Image 5

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II yu'i nut ili liir llml urti rlli
mi i'ki'i riiiii tiiHt nioii t tun I'li'iiire
IhimiIiIh HiittilMT, HhiiiiiIimI on t) lili
lllK'Nl IIMtlftllll'lll III till' lHlf, (('I l
liiii')H'lni'iiri, lro. l Mill
Monmouth Correspondents
Mr. H. F. liurluiul, ol Fern j mt
tilliri", ItfiiloH county, wits In town
lat wcflc. Mm says rr'ii look
well u iIhtiv
Mr. l. F. null' niiI fuuily Iff l
fur Arlington, (iilliiiin county,
ICiiMicrii Oregon, IiihI week, wln-re
llicy expect In make their iiniwt.
We wish them success.
V. N. (VKrlli'V came home from
the Spuulding logging camp quite
ill, but 1m getting bftti-r.
Kil Hyatt and wife, ol Albany,
ar- v i t i i i 1 1 tt tbfir parents.
Mrs. L'lara William, of your
town, wan visiting hi r father, W.
N. O'Kelley, Saturday.
Mr. J. 11. Mulkey is having the
new grsde below Ira Smith's place
graveled and when done will be a
line pieco of road.
Mm. Mary F. While, of Eugene,
ha moved to town and will live
in a purl of Mr. Hoffman' house.
She cutntj here for the purpose of
educating her daughter.
The Bagley family ia at the
Sulphur Springe taking an outing.
Mr. V. Hyatt took his family to
the.Sulphur spring on Soap creek,
Tuesday, for the health of his wife.
The iad newa of the death of
tue wile o. joint ua.r
gloom on the community.
waa loved by all who knew her.
Ira Powell and wife returned J
trom their outing laat week. S
Mr 8 E. lUiab, ff American!
Falla. writes that everything looks:
..II nr. there and crops are Bood.
Mr. Charles Teal's horse took a
spin with the buggy the other day
and a broken buggy waa the re
sult. Mr. H. J. Butler was the first to
threah near here and his new wheat
did very well.
Mr. Charles Teal bus sold his
farm and everything belonging to
it to a man front Missouri. You
bet the Missounans know a good
thing when they ace it.
Just Look At Her.
Wueucerame that sprightly step,
fuHltlewaakln, rich, rosy complexion,
smiling dice. Hlie looks g-otl, feuls
Kooil. Jli-re'a her secret. Hlie uses Dr.
King's New Mfo Tills. Rtult, -all
ortsans uctive, tilgeHllon good, no head
aches, noehanw for "blues." Try them
yourself. Only at Klrliluml Drug
Eight day
$4.50 to $8.00
0. fl. Kramer $ Co$.
In, with nil may irriirrfnl iotw, itud
miir nittuvn iiniiiiii hi llm
cntil- mount", Irclril (nun III"
li'u yon mIikii utlii-rn full.
A IIiumIkoiim' Oulllt.
Hifi'lnl friilil Huron N'IhU.
In all I'olk county then is no
proiuli-r iniiii tliati 'van Evans.
The possecs'ion i'f which he i do
proud is a splendid Advance
threshing outfit that wan put in
operation for the (i ret lime lust Fri
day. The engine is a 'JOhorf
doulile 'ompoiiii(J ; tliero in a elf-j
Wdi-r and automatic wind stacker, I
."liliO. These latter attachment
save the work of mx men. The
new engine lit in charge of Clifford
Pugli, an engimvr of many yeara',
experience, while Taylor Miller baa
the separator to look after-
The new outfit in one of the
ft neat and moat complete on thin
coast. The capacity per day ii
about 3500 bushels, and the cobI
waa U100. It ia said that the en
gine heara a striking resemblance
to an O. It. & N. locomotive, and
that the outfit entire is a hand
some sight to
Mr. Kvane has hal much ex
perience in his line and ia an ideal
manager of hia crew. Hia motto
ia, ' Clean work atd good weight,"
and hia run thia season will laat
about U5 daya, which denionBtratea
his popularity. The machine be
gan work last week in the vicinity
of the Calvary church, but will be
U)(J neg,lbl,rhood of Buena
Th- crew
Up conip(med of Buena men.
-phe cook wagon ia presided over
by M-a. Anna Herron and Mrs.
Clifford I'ugh, who dispense the
product of their handiwork with
generosity to mo rrnngry norue
tht gathers about the tables.
The greatest ambition of Amer
ican men and women is to have
homes blotwod with children. The
woman afllictod with female dis
ease is constantly menaced with
becoming a ehlldloss wife. No
mediuine can rostoro dead or
gans, but Wine of Cardui does
regulate ilorsngements that pre
vent conception j does prevent
miscarriage; does restore weak
functions and shattered nerves
and dons bring babios to homes
barren and desolate for years.
Wine of Cardui gives women the
health and strength to bear heal
thy ohildren. You can get a
dollar bottle of Wine of Cardui
from your dealer.
148 Market btroet,
Memphld, Tenn., April li, 1001.
In February. lUUl. I fcixifcr one bottlaof i
I Wine of Oitruui nd one pack acre of
Thedford'B Blaok-Drannht. I hud been
nmrried ftftwn yoara and had nerr
Kiven birth to child until I took Wine
ofCarilui. Now I am mother of aflne
baby Rirl whioh waa boru March 81,
The babr weirha fourteen pounds and I
feel aa well a any portion could feel.
Now my home ia happy and I nevr will
be without Wine of Cardui In bit house j
again. Mrs. J. W. C. SMITH. 1
For evtrloa and iftrriunra. addrww, irlTlnjc
yuiptomt, Tiw Ijidiwi Atviary IeirU
m.Mit ", 'i ll ChHttaiiouiA MedlciM Coniny,
Clmttanootra, Toua.
KhUiiu Htslecuisii. J
I li following Isfroiu the iililor of
thifo!il Mill News, mid K'M'M fr
.iilwlsiiilitt" Him reniHrksi'le cure, of
deafness irloriiieil by Dr. Diirrln, Mr.
Carey's card has created ("'"l excite
ment aim i'K the deaf and the slliicted.
Mr. Carry's euro was wllnnwed by
Mayor Nell, of Ashlaud.
fit Cm fit WhHvr.
((Jold Hill N't'".)
Oueofolir filitnds atid sulitcrlbfrs,
Mr. C. Csrev. of Hum's Valley, has
U-eii liwinit his beiirlntf for about a
... ... tt ..m
year. He vlnlteil Hie ".xwi
few months nu ' Die subect of
treatment for Ills malady '" I.
when we reconimended Mr. Carey to
wall f-.r Dr. Darrln's visit to Hoiithern
OreKon. Last week Mr. ( arey vUltel
tllo dixstor at Ashland and wus ao
much benelHted that before Icuviiik the
doctor's h could hear a whlwr. Su ih
cures are wonderful, yet this one Is
undoubtedly true. Mr. Carey wild lie
had taken treatment for a nil mls-r of
nlivslelaiis sod siicnt all he had in pay
ing doctor bills and so lnfonnl Dr.
Darrln, who kindly consented t treat
him free ol charire, which wss magnan
imous of the doctor.
H ami maa
The following Is an extraet or card
from Mr. AiikubI, of I'o'tland, Or.,
Udllntr how his wife was cured of total
"f wish to mtks known what Dr.
Darrln has done for ray family. Kint
years ao my wife was totally blind,
from what doctor called 'nervous b
horrenoe of light.' In that condition
alts vUlted him and was cured. o she
could see a well as ever In her li'e. I
kuow ot hundreds who have been as
miraculomly cured. I am employed
on the O. It & X. Hallroad and can be
referred to at any time. I most earn
estly recommeud th aaileujd from
whatever cau to consult Dr. Darrln."
W. 'Sti'H Auhtin."
Jlnotbcr UUm testimonial.
Mr. Kdltor: Thirteen yea rs ago Dr
Darrln visited 8alem anal cured my
daughter Martha Dove, of diabetls.
Hhe was unable to retain urine and Had
to get up many lime night and day.
Dr. Damn cured her so she never had
any return of the sysmtoms. I reside
three miles south of Salem ou Koute 3,
and cau tie seen by auy one. My
daughter resides In West Salem.
B. O. Dovk.
Dr. Darriu givea free examination to
all and wheu necessary gives medicine.
In connection with electricity. The
poor treated free from 10 to 11 dally,
excepts medielues. Those willing to
pay, 10 to 8; evenings, 7 to 8 ; Sundays,
10 Ui 3.
Errors of youth, blood taints, gleet,
Intpotency, varicocele, dealness, ca
tarrh and stricture a specialty. All
ohrouio male aud female diseases treat
ed at 5 a week, or iu that proportion
of time as the case may require. No
cases published, except by permission
of the patient. All business relations
with Dr. Damn strictly confidential.
Letters or Inquiry answered. Cir
culars and question blanks sent free.
Eyes tested and glasses fitted. Dr.
Darrln's orHcesareat the Willamette
Hotel, Salem until November 1st, only.
Hiu iiii Vista.
Johnny Knighton has disposed
of hia livery ham in Saiem and re
turned to this neck o' the woods to
spend the summer.
Jud and Clarence Kays and
Harvey Nash were at Spring Hill
the latter part of the week en
gaged in breaking a quantity of
chittim bark that they have peeled
there recently.
Willard Linnville, book-keeper
for Merchant 8. L. Kline, of Cor
rallia, viaited his sister, Mrs. A. J.
Richardson, Sunday.
Miss Delia Pagenkopf returned
Monday from Pedee, making the
trip awheel.
WmiM call your attention to Fall and Winter in
the way of
Fall Goods
Such as hats from 25c to $2.
5 Shoes in all
(JrailcH, heavy ami lifilit, for men, women and
children. Hosiery and underwear, lleecedined,
cotton and wool. And trunks or telescopes, all to pack them in. But for hop picking
we start with 946 pairs of gloves
dozen, ho I think we can fit you. We havn't
npaco to tell you of all we have bo we would ak
vou to come and we will nhow you. Yours truly,
incnmouib-Tndcpcndcncc and Salem
,...3' JL .CZxiiLj...
Leaves Monmouth at 7:30 A. M.
leaves Independence at 8 A. M.
Returning leaves Salem at 2:30 o'clock P. M.
Headquarters at- Little Palace Hotel, Independence.
Hed Front Barn at Salem.
J. A.. BYERS. Prop.
Mrs. Olivia Hall, of Wells, was a
visitor at thia place Friday.
Harvey ' Xash returned a few
days ago from a visit at Lebanon.
Mrs. Robert Hereon and little
son. who ar here from Oregon
City for the summer, , were guests
several days last week of Mon
mouth relatives.
Mesdauiea Felix and Eugene
Dodele. of Benton county, were in
Buena Sunday seeking a placj for
themselves and Beveral friends to
pick hops in this locality.
One of the busiest men in Polk
county, is Mr. Oglesby, the village
smith. His shop is a scene of
activity from early morning until
night. Especially in the horse
shoeing line he has his hands full
to overflowing, and all comers go
away well pleased
Tbe M. E. church is receiving an
exterior coat ot paint. Several of
the ladies have been plying the
brush, but a painter will be en
gaged to put on the final coat.
There have been seyeral swim,
tiling parties in this place the past
ten days, composed of from eight to
fifleen 'adies and girls. An hour
in the warm river water during the
afternoon is found to be most re
frpahincr besides which some knowl
edge can be acquired of the art of
I Thurston Lumber Company,
....Manufacturers of....
) Dry Stork Always on Hand, aim Cedar Shingles (sj
4L . ttt a - js t 1 .1 ... nl!nK nnnhloo Ha ir ri Vfl Vftll
A) thoroughly
tn ss s
Geo. F. Rodger SL Co.
Paper dealers;
r Wrapping Paper, Paper Baprs
i Twine, etc. Photographers'
; Mounts and Printers' Sup
plies. Ve can save you
money on anything in the
paper line. Get our prices.
130 Court St. Salem, Ore.
It is said that the recent ex
tremely hot weather will damage,
to quite a considerable extent, the
late wheat and oats, causing the
kernels to shrivel and dry out be
fore reaching maturity.
In honor of L. D. Baldwin and
wife, who left this week for Albion,
Wash., a dinaer was given Sunday
by Mr. Baldwin's mother. A num
ber of relatives were present and
enjoyed the occasion.
Miss M. J. Lee has assumed the
charge of the postoffice, having ar
rived Saturday.
John Baldwin went to Benton
county Monday to join the crew
with the Bidders thresher.
Cotswold Kama For Sale.
Thoroughbred Cotswold rams for
sale; registered or unregistered. C.
W. Leonard, Monmouth, Oregon.
dry lumber.
5 y!s !L J