Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 07, 1902, Image 5

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U you ia it'll ) . i -1 1 1 I'm llml tne mil-tic, with mii fii-v urni-clnl fine, mul J
ao ivii iiiii llml lian't lint picture unii', ii!in I'.i.Ulii.l In ill" l't
? lionnltilx in ii it in-r, 1 1 n l l li 1 1-1 mi ( iitil-iiiminli., ni'liclnl In. in the j
)lict n.l lini'iil in I ln Klllli', fii li
llH.'HIHi'IH' lTU. I It) Will pit'. )t Wlll'll th'IM 1 11!.
Monmouth Correspondents.
L -J :
Mr. .I.' I 'llipa, of KhMi Iii Oh kiiII, In rlniirh Iimh It lifiiliy C"inil"te. Hlnl II !
viil liu I r !) t4 mill Icliiiivi-H in iiml ; u lil ureal ly I" II" itiHtiiaiiee, '
l"",t '""" lin W Uiliium Ini been In- ping I 'ill.V
Mr, llmncy (Jiillnli-li'iiiKiit w-veml ' p,itrn put up hl gridn. ;
ai r,. ..f ii, ... I'Mi. r place, I ,,,,,.,,,,, ,.v , (11),(,v ,.fl !, !
'' "KM "f Mr- I.rUli.v l.,r th. ir fniiir- I.. n.-a' Si j
linn. .1 it (ilil.i I In' k:iIIU. Ioiii. Tlicy t "li with Ill-ma slni-p
, . ,i t I I "Hill I'lll.'U.'IIK W 1 1 3 I'll I. UN
M, Mmi.l.. ..x washi tow., thm n ,,Ual, ,,, M , Tll(.v
Wei U Ml I llllll lit r H'liul'l ""lk, (.11 im lln.l lIll'V Hit' fiiUU to luilcll lull
., ., . , . fruiii nil ni'iM iuiim- 11 inuke imi'iy
1'ile nrnwtll moved In IiIh i'n 11
. ..l-il.. llilUlilflll.
iirii'i ity l.nt l ililiiy. . ,, , . . ,,
11 J ' ' I.nwii'iii'.i ( iniut Ih Imvimr mi mlill-
W hile Mr. t'.iik win hrtiilli K wixxl Hun I'Hill In the limiw lint ll-nry
Hi- other d..y lil run a y. I'""" " ''.l '",,v" U'',
tliiuw lim him nut "f wagon and """n
ImrtiiiK l.lm potty l.iid'y,
Jit' K"M l Mlt III! I III) HlK'I't I
It. I', ifluiitl, of IVrri .til11n',
ll.-iii.. n I'uinily, was In town on I'U-l-nexi
liint m-k.
$100 ICi-uuril, IOO.
Till' ICIllll'lH lit llli I'll 'I r will If
jlll llB. il 111 l. lirll llllll lIl'Tl' l HI ll'SISt i
mii. ilrt'HiU'il iliwiiKi Unit M-ifiicti Inm ,
li.'i'ii nl'lii In rum in nil it Mage and
Hint I catarrh. Ilall'n Catarrh Ciiiu in !
only iinilie iMito now kiinwii to
Mr. Juliii NiflmU litin ln-wtJ "ii ll" , tlio iiii'iIIi-hI friiti'rully . 'nturrli Ix iiii;!
uli'k lll lut.-ly. ! rotiHt il ut ionitl illw-Hw, rifimri'ii a con-
.... i .r. i .i : Btttutiunat tri'Atntttrit. Hull' CltrrU
Mr. 1-rnnk I lirilii'rrof tlm Miiiimit, , ... , ....
' . ...... ii.ii..! Cur m iiki'ii ini.'rniillv, m-tiiiit ilircctly
lii' lomity, n In town the 11 rt ,
. ' llnti lliiM' Mini niurolli mlrliK'Cft 01
oftliB ' ihili yrU,Wt ,i.r,.,v ,i..NirnyiiiK tho
Wlmt li Im'voiiim f mir innrHltiil? fuiimliitiiiii if tlm dii'UM! mill givlntt the
Iv'li.Hil will wM.u Im-uIh biuI lhr re i pnlii'iit utrenKtli by luiildinit up the
(UHe lt of niili-wnlk" tlutt nliiilJ c iilitiifioii mul a i nr iiatur in ila-
r.'.lrt'! tli ' w,,,k- . Tl' ro.riit.ri Imve no
, ,11 i iiim-li liiilh in li curative owcr that
OurlHH.k (.. ..M lm..K..d '-. jUi ,.r((i8llIfliIml ,to,llir(,for.ny
fu U....II.... .1... ri mil I v
.11 r. nruillin f H '" -
Vat?iMiT, of your city.
Kev. Limner, f KIiikh Vullcy. will
gircaoh lu Hie Kvii(tlicl cliuruti Hun
dy evening,
tlravtl Imultng l lb ordT of the
lny now.
: raw that il fuili to euro. Semi tor Hat
ol tcHtniioliiala.
I A.l.lri-. V. J. CHKNKV A CO,
TolxU, 0.
Kold by driiui"i", 7fio.
llall'i Family I'llla are the bent.
i)r Kobfrtson, who lifts been
Meaara. Jamlaoil A HoUmttU have j SO ill witll npwncidti8, i HOW
KivcH tlu-lr wan-houae a tboroiiKli j in Salem, and will be brought to
okaulnu and whltewaahcd the blua Iiuleru'iulenco the last of the
with lime l kw poiiltiie weevil. i week. After resting here ev-
furul ilavs ho will return to
l''rSl' Snlein to be operated upon.
2-10 acres of bill land near Pcdee ; m, (u,.,t Habit.
Valley. Low price, eaoy lerms. , u h R wi lQ be tegr,,Uoj thttt g0
C. . 1'aoktt. fw of u live up to the "(Jolden
Peilee Oregon.
Mra. Jane Heli'mlh, wire of Uev. !
HeJ(, ol Wlllliuna, Oretton, ar-(
rll laal Friday and will vlalt here j
with friend relatlvea. j
Mra. Vain Mattlaon and Maater '
Jiarry, orDnllna, are vlailliiK the for- J
mor a father, Mr. I. W. Uwia.
Mr. Jl. F. ami F. M. Hmllh have had J
aeviTwl tonaof hay lal?d thla aeaaon. j
A imrl.v conalallim of Mr, dene;
Hums anil daughter, I.averne, Mr. .j
F. Hmltli and daughter, Mary, and
Mra. Jlonnio Smith left hwt Tueaday
for the inoiintiiina in aearcli of wild i
hlacktarrlea. :
The hf creiun aoi-lal given by the
Ladle. Aid Knciety July Slat, waB a ;
decided alieceaa l"th tlnanclally and
amiallv, the amount cleared being
ai'out j
. . . i
Mm. llaltie Hltiley, wlio na oecii
viaitlu'g her parent a, returned to Dalian
on the nmlorluHt Saturday.
Mra. Hadlev daughter. Mra.
Jteiiahaw, of Ht. John, are vlMitlng the
former'a sou, l'ercy llHilley.
MiaaHena Norton, who haa been
teaching and attending school In
Wanhlngton, la home for u vocation.
Mra. ltronaon took Iter son lluiart to
Dallaa laat. Sunday to aee a phyalc.iau.
Mlaa Dora anil Klla Itoy, of Dalian,
have laen viaitlng their alater, Mrs.
The liophouseon the Tarter yard is
Mr. Hrlatow.oiir merchant, although
having been here hut a abort time, ia
having excellent trade.
Henry Hlaats haa turned out with an
M. D. to hi name and he always doc
tor with chittim.
John Taylor, who haa painted the
Wine of Cardui la tho guardian
of a woman' health and happl
nea from youih to old ago. It
helps her aafcly into womanhood.
It sustains her during tho trials
of pregnancy, "childbirth and
motherhood, making labor easy
and preventing Hooding and mis
carriage It gently leads her
through the dangerous period
known as the change of life.
cures leuoorrlima, falling of the
womb, and menstrual Irregularity
In every form. It is valuable in
every trying period of a woman's
life. It reinforces ,tho nervous
system, acts directly on the geni
tal organs and is the finest tonic
for women known. Ask your
dmggiat for a $1.00 botUe oi
Wino of Cardui.
nnt.-nvllle, Ala., Jul? 11, lnoo.
I am fining Wiuaof c'ar.lut and Thed
ford'a Hlaek-IraiiKht,nd I fl like a
ditlomit woman already. Sweral la
tllra bars kocp the medicine! in their
home all tha time. I have three girla
and lliey areuaina it with me.
For adli nd lltfmUire, adilma, irirlna
Tmi'loiim, "The LadlH' AilTlxirl Iei..
n in ". Hi ChKliiuiootf lledlouie Conniaajr,
CluUUnooii, Tanu.
Itllli)" of il"ing it w would bu ilnlif
by. However, in bru-liiiiK up
against dill'erent rharaetera in th'a
big, buav wni Id w.-1 aainiiully rim
acrnaa a buppy exception.
1 '. ii.Ttiu Vi'tn b.i a eiti' ii wlin ia
li exception, !' pnaaiii a in-ili-bur'a
ranch, (iiiu iii')'niug recently,
he policed the Itarn-yiird nj'ir.
It was n rainy in'iniin and tli
gran hhh knce bigli and i-t. bnl
he went liver mid tin-el lh )! iU
thereby Miving tin- i,-ightor a t.n-i-'
after his , .r p.-rhup nun- j
ri l imia trmilil" fii'in lini-e atcek in, ;
the lii'liw a y. I
Tin. 1 1 null. ik in V'-r lie. n !
" , I
kln.M II tn p iaa 111! "peii t; ite ilh-j
( Inailig it, itlllnnih lie once reci-iv
. il it ' l-U-i-iln;" f'-r clnaiii" on" thut
the owner hud ptirpoaely left ajar.
!l i pimply llie uniiMial apifil ol J
kind nea iiiiinift-d thut inakeaj
thia item wniihv of InenMnli. j
Now IsTlie ApiMiintcd Tune, j
The O. K. ,1' N. Co. ban i-nited a j
handsomely illuatraled p-uuphh f j
entitled, "Oregon. Waahiiititim .V
Idaho and their reHittree. 1 cnple f
ill the east are anxinun for tnfnr
malioii about llm raeilie North
UVat- - If vol will give the (). K.
Si N. Co. agent a lint of nam- of
aatern people who are likely to he
interexted, th booklet will Ik;
mailed free to audi perann."
Your truly,
A h. CltAKi,
(leneral Tangr. Agent
Itiicmt Viatii.
A very enjoyable party at the borne
of F.iioeh Cliamberhilil. weal of town,
waa attend:! by several IJueiia vnung
n-nile. Ice ereain and cake, duncing
and other feature, rendered the occn
a'.ixi moat pli aaaut.
( 'la ranee Kays and Harvey Nash
were down from Spring Hill and .'iit
Suuday with relative.
The reaideune property formerly
owned by Dow Baldwin haa been pur
chaaed by Hryoit Nlxou who will
occupy It WMn. -
The M. E. ehnrch waa put into ser
vice a week ago Sunday for the first
time aince the removal from the old
Mra. Ilobert Wilson, gf Wella, apent
Friday with friend here,
Mr. Loy in the possessor of new
MeCormlok binder purchased last
week in Independence.
L. D. Baldw in and ErneBt Cole spent
Sunday in Albany, making the trip
by wheel.
Oua Pagenkopf waa a busiucss visi
tor in Independence Friday.
Newton l'rather and family are to
return this week from a nionth'scamp
ing trip in the DesCbutes country.
Charles Mclain lost a good mare
last week. Death resulted from the
uiuial drluking too freely of cold
water while In a heated condition.
A new I'lano Under la to be aeeu on
the premises of Mr. Pillar, west of
Buena. The purchase was made last
Misa Delia Pagenkopf haa gone to
Pedee for a brief visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles King left a
few days ago for Bridgeport on a visit
to Mra. Addie Harmon, who ia a niece
of Mrs. Kiug.
Mian Bertha liowo haa been the
guest, for the past week, of her cousin,
Miss Pearl Halleck, of Monmouth.
Mra. Belle Baldwiu arrived home
Wednesday from a short visit in Al
MisaTresaa Prather has beeu visi-
tiug in Bridgeport the past tew days.
Kvau Kvana la to put his new thresh-
inir outfit In operation today, Friday.
Lester Murnby arid Harley Hall of
this place will be among the crew.
A new barn is Beaiiuircompletion on
the property recently purchased by
Byron Nixon of Postmaster Baldwin.
Mr. Nixon is the builder.
Buena Vista ia to have a new post
mistress. She ia Miss Mattie Lee, who
will assume the responsibilities of the
office early next week.
'Ml I "I t '
1.11 1 J
Would rail .your uU-iiJin to Kali ami Winter in
the way of
Fall Goods
Such as hats from 25c to $2.
it Shoes in all
(inulcs, h-avy anl li;Jit, for men, women ami
chililtiii. Hosiery ami umlrrwear, lleer-lim'!, . ii'i trunks r teloeoja-r:, all
But for hop picking
i.i-s to jiai l; tin iii
ctiri unth OztR r-iairc nf nlnupi or l.
VV C O LU I i. Vv I II I J r w fW" w w, jj.w-ww
ilnciiH. m 1 tliiiik wo can lit you. We liavn't
pa-o to tell on of all we have h we would nk
voti to eoiiH- ami we w ill ihow you. Vourn truly,
inonmcuib-lncJcpendence ana Salem
Sn i a. ( i i 1
1 -T.K XJLJ-J....
Leaves Mnnnidiith at 7:30 A. M.
Leaves Independence at X A. M.
Ucturniiig leave falem at 2:30 o'clock P. M.
Headuartprs at Little Palace Hotel, Independence,
lied Front Until at Salem.
J. A. BYERS- Prop.
Early apple, peaches and peach
plum now occupy the Oregon house
wife's attention. The peach crop is
repot ted as a little below that of laat
The Aid t-ociety of the M . K. chunh
held a very pleasant meeting Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. John
The hack which Mr. Nixon now
runs ou the mail route does a thriving
business. Passengers come and go al
most dally besides which much freight
ia handled.
There is to be a rededicalion of the
Methodist church lu this place, a week'
from next Sunday. Appropriate exer-,
oises are to be held on the 16, 17 and 18. ;
Dr. Ford, of Eugene will be present,;
besides the regular pastor and other !
speakers. Singers are practicing for
the occasion here aud a good program I
will he given. The church was tirst ;
dedi-ated in 1S75, by Bev. f. D. Driver ;
the well known Oregon divine I
Don Baldwin and family are to leave
Monday, for their new home In Albion
Fallgraiu iu this locality Is prac-'
tically all la shock and cutting will!
begin on the spring crop the first of;
next week. A slight rain fell, Thurs
day, but not sufficient to be of any!
value. Considerable annoyance is felt j
from higher winds this summer than
is common In this part of the world, I
which in turn create havoc with the
dust aud blind the traveler. !
James l'rather aud family expect to
leave in a few days for an outing at the I
Hot Springs, Southern Oreou. They!
will be absent about a mouth.
Geo. F. Rodger & Co.
Paper dealers.
Wrapping Paper.Paper Bags
Twine, etc. Photographers'
Mounts and Printers' Sup
plies. We can save you
money on anything in the
paper line. Get our prices.
130 Court St. Salem, Ore.
There's more wear in Simmons
gold-filled chains than in most
chains simply because they are
made of the very best stock
by the best skilled workmen.
Make sensible Yule-tide Gifts.
Every bit as good as solid
gold chains, fully as hand
some, tar less cosny.
1 ?
0. J. Kramer C.
1 Thurston Lumber Company, s
....Manufacturers of....
LafflBER er all? hinds
. . r
Dry Stock AJwais on liana, aim Vedar smngies 9
at ... . . . .. i a ... atiaKUe na rr, civA vnti
w ' pote : w e nave a nrsi-ciws ui.v nun, u.. B j
A thoroughly dry lumber.
5 e