l.s'liKrKSHUNCK KM MM ;SK, INItKI'KNIIKM'K, lti:iOS. Jl'I.V 31. Is NEW I? jiTHmlfiire Store i "J I W to aillll'IIIIC C III tllf llOll Of llhlcJH'llllflK o JJ. ." 2 him! vicinity that my ntirc now open innl rcinly for lniincs. I inn iccrivinu poods tilit lilting, lml luivo a j' m luro lino of piml.t now ifiolv for nulo in llio way of fniwy ' S iiiol imnliiii t'ui'iiiliiio. t ti 11 innl xeti tlm many I'HiguiiiH m m I hiivu to oll'tT ymi. 3; ! m . 5 Picture Frames made to order. 5. In nil it: ....Undertaking.... Ihjiih In-; day or iiilit falls romtly nlteriileil to; lint' r- in fonni'i'iioii. V. L. Hice, si Knliiilnicr innl I'ii 1 ml Iiielui Si x! floor to l'ail.lofk'H 2 N il.t calls ui Kf lly'H I1....M.. INIfKI'KNDKNCi:, Oil. 5; WW 1 I I 1 n v t 1 1 I ' v r . , o 1 trMT.wi''','';r'r'T'r',T1''",?','lt' U you want ilrtiirp Unit art! Hrtitli with an easy griii-ifiil po,Kiil mi pi'vm.ioii Ihnl Iinu'l lliu picture Mure, always fliiinlii'il in the lift pcmnlile iiiiiinii-r, iiiiiiinlifil on styliidi card-mount., .elected from the f liiH't MuKurtmriil In the "title, K" to I VivKeVs Gallery, liiili'iM'iiiifiK'f, Ore. He will pica you when other, lull. Monmouth Correspondents. 1 Mr. ami Mrs, JI. Uolmison, ofj Mri. Clark lias returned from Kings Valley, were the Ktiests of! Portland, where she spent a few their daughter. Mr, ley, Saturday. W. N Ok'el- days with relatives. Wm. Kiddlt has received a new William ltndwfll ami family twelve-horse power traction engine want to the coast this week. j from Portland, which he will ubo ... i ; to run his grain separator. Amos Holmiin was in .Mori-j mouth Monday on his way to: Merritt Tillery, of Independence, Kastem Oregon. i has purchased a tine Jersey cow of , , . ,, , a . . . , I Mr. Kiddle, the purchase price be B. L. Murphy antl family went j j 1 to Sotla Springs this week and ex-! . , .. t . 1- ., c,. ., ,;, ' Mr. Kiddle threshed his rape lust pectto be gone for some tune. , yWJ m Lee Bush, of Kings Valley, was j bushels from 18 acres. t the guest of A. N. Halleck and , . , ti.reshin hi(j ten very good, Mot everyone hud morn than their burn, would hold. fa Sunday, the iu.i., a merry it.irtv of pi' iiM i r Irmiii I'urker sciit llio tiny h' n admir ing (lie line viw of Mt. Hand ninl Mt. Jefffrnoll. Tii'f party t'iilifi"t,,'l of Mr, ami .Mrs. I'ill.ir. Mr Juin son, tlm Mis-t-s KIl'ii Ji'liiC'Ui, Magnie Kerr, l'Jiiniis M iford. Mr. May Kirr, 'ult-r li rf . and Lowell Simp'fin. (ieorgi Bootliby, of .Muiunoir.li. p'lrclmi'i'il .I11I111 I'tiwi'llV wether goatt. 1 (' f ( !nlili Ii m u iii iv iJeeriiiL'i mower innl a new hay ralie. Mr. ami Mr. P. A. I loni:. of lln'iiiaiii, V'hhIi., write tnat they will sjieinl tli'-ir sniiiriiiT vairation with their 1'iueiitrt la-ri) mid at Suyer V.. V. Tliurr-tmi is hauling him her from the mill at Falls 4 'it y Cor the mill company v. ml lor hiiifelf. Mr. Thuiston 1ms ah-ait nine acres in Italian prunes and reorts about half of a crop, lie has a piod drier and dues ins own dry ing. Mr. Mack has bought a second hand hinder for th purpose of binding his own grain. Mr. II. T. Itoothby, of Monmouth spent last Tuesday here with rela lives. John Powell ami family started for Idaho last Wednesday. They did not know just at what point they would Pettle. Leslie ft 'viv: a n a vi m W'tMild call yftir aMfiiii 'ii ti I'all ami Wintor in tllf WiJV f f Fall Goods Such as hats from 25c to $2. " V5 Shoes in all (irailos, h'-avv aijl lilit, fur nnii, wimoti t liililit n. lloMt i v aiitl tiiifl ! wear. i!i -litiotl, cotton ainl urn. I. A t:l trunk fir ti'lcsc.tja-s, all sizes to ack tl.i-m in. Qut for hop picking we start with 946 pairs of gloves "r ;i tlo.cns, ki I think wc can it you. We havn't Hiact-to tell yon of all we have so wc woiihl a?k von to coiiic ami we will show vou. Vouih trulv, THE RAKET STOR. VanMeer has .Seattle, Wash., to work. gone to family Sunday. : Mr. K. C. Craven, of Dallas, was in town this week. j The Chute and Hellley families! are taking an outing at Falls City, j Harvest is in full blast this week. The rattle of the binder is j heard in all directions and soon the : whistle ot the thresher will be. heard. Mr. Pete Corn well will move into his own house this week. Adora tVKelley, of Independence, was visiting her parents here Sun day. W. N. O'Kelley is working in the Spatilding logging camp. .Mount Hood View. George Sullivan and family have returned from their trip to .New port. Mr. Goodman, of Washington, has returned honia after a pleasant visit hero with his sister, Mrs. Clark, whom he hud riot seen for more than twenty years. acres of rane. It is a very hard crop to handle. The hay crop in this section was 1 Ceo. F. Rodgers SL Co. Wholcsiila Paper dealers. Wrapping raper.Papor Bags Twine, etc. Photographers' Mounts and Printers' Sup plies. We can save you money on anything in the paper line. Get our prices. 130 Court St. Salem, Ore. mms RELIEF A really healthy woman has lit tie pain or discomfort at the menstrual period. No woman needs to have any. Wine of Cartlul will quickly relieve thoso smarting menstrual pains and the dragging head, back anil sldo aches caused by f idling of the womb and irregular menses. 17HE"CARDUII has brought permanent relief to 1,000,000 women who suffered evory month. It makes the niou strual organs strong and healthy. It is the provision made by Na ture to give women relief from the torriblo aohes and pains which blight so many homos. Gxmnwood, La., Oct 11, 1900. . I bm vrty liok fur tonii time. I wm taken with a .... nain t.. id and ouultl nnt (jot Any relief until I l ,nm m nomoor win orurtlul. Be fore I bad taken all of it I waa r,illvd I tor t it njr dnty to aay that you have a wonderful madioina. Mm. m. A. Todmt. FfrJlTl,m11llnilnr,.ldrm.BlTlnitiiynllv toni."ThlAlla'A.lr!unr liuirlmoni' Tn i Ifllanoaga Madleux Co, Cbauanooga, Ttno. There'i more weir in Simmons (old-filled chain than in molt chains mnply because they are made of the ery best stock by the best skilled workmen. Wcwtch Ch&irvs Make sensible Yule-tide Gift. Every bit as food as solid (old chains, fully as hand- some, tar less cosny. 0. R. Kramer $ Co. I visit DR. JORDAN'S oncat MUSEUM OF ANATOMY I I0SI MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL . ( 1MM Blitk B.TMlA J Th UrrMit Anatomical MnMaa UP In tii ur.d. T rttit.it atrmrtlm In tht City. A 4"'jl ddb...,uiljir.4kr 1 th oldoat Ri-rl.!lsl ua th faalA Xsakbiukia no jraart. . 4mvn ritiisia uistAa a and mU4l f wbo ara auffiirlaf A i oi joutoiui inaia- r uaa In uaturar A Uealt7.1aa. W inontiiotnb-Tndcpcndence and Salem c-r-r-t A r i m i rZ JL - v i 1 i . . . . SUMMER SCHEDULE. Leaven Monmouth at 7:M0 A. M. Leavea Independence at N A. M. Iteturning leaves Salem at 2:30 o'clock P. M. , HeatifiiarterH at Little Palace Hotel, Independence. Red Front Barn at Salem. J. A. BYERS. IProp. Geo. Conkey and wife and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Arthur Moore and family, return- Department of the Interior, ed the first of the week from an Laud Otfiee at Orepon (;ity, Or., July 21 1902. outing over at Xeakowan. Notice Is hereby given that the fol- eetl More Help. lowing named settler baa filed notice of liU intention to make final proof ia Often the over-taxed organs ofdiges- support of his claim, and tbat said tionory out for helpb y dv.pep8iii' prtmf n i l be made before tbe KeKUter pains, muiHea, dissiness, headache, ttl,d Receiver at I . b. Land Olhce at fiver complaints, bowel disorders. fSneh Oregon City, Oregon, on Ieptember 5, troubles call for prompt use of Dr. ,vlz- i-naries wau ison m. k'ino'a Kw I ifn Pill.. Th are mn. 0- I;W'- 'or the N L'i' CC. ft, f 8 8, It tie, thorouirh anil guaranteed to cure, i . ... , 25c at Kirkland Drmt Co.'s. i H I ,bf following witnesses to . , , , . , prove h in continuous residence upon Oillfor INilk Cotiutv Warrants, i ana cumvaiton oisaia iana, viz. ieo. All warrants presented, m- ' L,. Hawkins, of Independence, Ore ' eon ; Freeman Robinson, of Falls City, dorsed and not paid for want of j ! Ore0!J Kicluird E. Ferguson, of In , , - .rr r , nAA ! dependence, Oregon ; Ueorge C. il- funds prior to Dec. 5, HH)U, j SOUi of ludependence, Oregon. are now due. interest ceases cma. b. jiuut., nfloi- tl,o nlo nf this nntinp : ..... itegisier. E. V. Dalto.v County Treasurer First pub. July 24, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - . ! iiepHriiiit-Ti'. m nit? 1 uierior, Deparlmeut of the Interior. j , Laud Office at Oregon City, Or., Laud Olliee at Oregon City, Or., ! Ju)y 21, 1902. July 21, 1!H)2. i Notice is hereby given that the fol- Notice ia hereby given that the fol-j lowing-uamed fettler has filed notice lowius-natned settler has tiled notice of her mtentiou to make final proof in of liisintentinu to make final proof in i support ot her claim, and tbat said support of his claim, and that said i proof wiM be made before Kegister and proof will tie made hetnre itegister ana i receiver u. ra. i.atiu uura at witfjou HecelverU. S. Laud Otlice, at Oreaon City. Oregon, ou September 5, 1902, City, Oregon, on September 5, 1902, ! viz. : Jessie Mattisou H K o. 130S3 via : Kicbard K. l-erguson it ts sa , tor toe e v4, .tf4 otv4 cect, 1315 for the 810 Sec. 8 T 8, 8, R 8 V. ' NWJ NW4 Pec. 9. T 8 S, R 8 W. He tianips tlm followiuir witnesses to : She names the following wituesses prove his continuous residence upon ' to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Geo. Sud cultivation 01 said land, viz: Oeo. O.Wilson, of Independence, Oregon ; , O. Wilson, of Independence. Oregou; Charles Mattisou, of Independence, Freeman Kobinson. of Falls City, Ore Oregon; Freeman Robinson, ef Falls gob; Kicbard E. Ferguson, of Inde- ( ity, Oregon; Ueorge .L, itawKins, ot ; penuenee, Oregon; ueo, ia. nawaiua Independence, Oregon. of Independence, Oregon. Register. I - Register. First pub. July 24. First pub. July 24. M mt 1 rlxMltiifr, ny m OimibhmtiuH ! W Mwitiaui nf ir rwavt eurmtlv nnwar. th ikwtatr T hMBoarrfttitrml hli trAlmnl that 11 will not A only ffnrd lmmKllt rlif(. but prtniQt r cure. Tb Doctor do nt el aim to perforin mlraclm. hut wtll known to b Uir and 3 In hmpri'nlty Pltm of w.r i RYPHII.H thoir-Uf hly 9riU M th ayatfim witbmit thm unaof Hmt i TriMta flttfttl hv Ait KxnerL 1 !fur for ftnplnrf. A t)UK'k cure tar Pllfi, riMr and ' " 1 Dr. Jordan's apclai imlnlm met.. . . KVKRT MAN arpi.vtnsrtoiw will .ccelr ' Our fvonfH tpinton of ulaofniplntiit. , U'awiU kunmnti a JQjbIl'lVX CVSS in a twrv can w wnrfrr.i;ff. W ('nniinltatfr.il KKKK mr6 itrlotlT pHrata. Treatraant paraonaUy or bj loiter. tu.ua t.,w rmit asan.O0 HV OV i MtKHIAMi:. Mailku Fhcb, (A valuable book for mn.j Caller writ i Dft H k CO., 1061 Miricat 8t.t. P. 0s& -jS i&s "K-W k9 Thurston Lumber Company, s m m r o m f'D Dry Stovk Alimya on Jlmut, nlso Cedar Shingle 5 Note: We have a first-class dry kiln, which enables us to give you fij thoroughly dry lumber. DA L I S, OltfJG OX. . ....Manufacturers of.... LaffiBER 0F ALU KINDS CI cl CI CI CI CI rs r - jjj '