Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 31, 1902, Image 3

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    iNii:ri:Ni)KNci; KNTj:m'Kisi:f inikimc NJi:NMot qim:oox,
tliil Wiuiti'il lii'piirti at Kn
IHII'IIIHK oll'ice,
Mrs. l.ayton Smith ftrnl 'on
Walter, who hav bmui l Newport
returned Wednesday.
(!. (I. I''ihcr look tho tars In
I'lirlliiiiil Wmlncmliiy and from
there will go to Schh'uIh for a brief
II It. Kelno and Ove Parker
l. ft Wednesday fir th" I'.liio Moun
tain lor two ueek of fishing am!
Mr. McCandlas and family, of
Pennsylvania, am l'r visiting
bin aisler, Mr. Thou, Pouien.y.
They came here from fnlnrad,
itnd will piobably locuto snniB
wher nhi.ul here. M" in highly
impressed with thin section.
Tin Oregon Milling v Mare-!.
1 '.. or., nmv rcnU' ft ir hll fi - 1 v
n.'M. The mill t Independence;
bave been fitted up with the latest
appliances ho tluit they win handle
grain HVu'iently ami economically.
A receiving hopper has been placed
in tho tloor to obviate the neceswity
of lifting tho sack. This con
venience, will be greatly appreciated
by piitrona. Ah thu company has
about ltl.IKH) bushel- of old wheal
on bund the product of tho mills
for the next three month will b
niiul" from thia stock, a fart which
tha housewife will appreciate.
Tim intercut in thu toon at the
Kail City hotel ia kept up by the
prank thu little animal are con
Mantly exhibiting. One of ' them
baa been named Zip.
parms etna iBtocl KGinolnos For Sale,
m .ore r.l, bom I-..KIIU..- r..y road, .1 , ... on tim. -t ,r cent; fair and Urn.
A n I'-r ' i""" .-..
V.. I
V..V -Ml . Uo.kI H,..i, .,! h..iie ami barn. H orrlmr.1, if.! water,.,., county road.
lieo oil time it l cent. i,i,.' r
... . ... i ., i i .it ,.t,.r and and imiler uoo-1 fence. ! nte,
No I! l(Mcre. le.rtli Iiuii. Jn.l..en.iciiee, miri..-,-,. ,
' . - - '
IHl'a. ux ImiiB M'I miiull tiinlMT. Price, '.' per ie. '
,mr'v.ii. lime, per cent intercut line Hater hii.I a t-nrK.iiii.
.u t , - - - ' "wi-'""-' ' 1
himI i i mi piiniuiiH No.
j.jlllH I
wntere.1 by (""U" cr',k- "" hoiMil-. I'rli. tV"-
I linve it few rt'g;istorml bucks
that are extra line, nlxo Home
high bred not renialered. I'riceH
According to quality.
Jah A. (Jkihsiiy
Two iviileu north of Indepcii-
( PUIIIU lt .-. I. ..,.11 f, ......
..:ii r...l. 4.1 m-rt'S in cultivation, all miller g-al fenw,
No. !'. 1"-" I acre. Htirt-k rillicli, wel lliuei- limn " - .
Hint K. I'ium' hihI leriim mtnie.
No. 10. l-'H nee., VU ill cullivHtion. I...l;.m limlN'r bii.I pntiir
,i,wn iui.I Imliince on time id o ier ceni. ii ,.....,.
;,;.;:., ,., -...,.-. .w.,,,.,
Ai;',':",T"n :i. - ,.. - -"-' - -- w-1" r ""'.t,
T'.TZ:r.. ;.;.;. s -. - - -
,!"'M'""1' . i !- !v.. hi.1 iii cultivation. 8(1 acre nhiKlieil aud eeileil to tame truss.
I remain respectfully,
It. F. Mulkev. of Ashland, wan
in town Wedneaday, going north
oa Wednesday afternoon' train.
It ia naitl tha- Congressman
Tongue has recommended Marsh
Q 4f xi xii v i i; is s1 s -
For the month of
Now IsTlie Appointed Time.
Tua n h A? Co. has issued a
handaotnely illustrated pamphlet
entitled, "Oregon. Washington
Idaho and their resources." People
in the east are anxious for infor
mation about the Pacific North
W'egt- - If you will give the u. it
mr. Cct Writes Ms Tollows.
'I'.. ,. ir,-.t,. Prinr Iji H)lllinUr Urt-
der Dr. Darriu'a medical and electrical
treatment, I bad been palnruiiy anuc
ted with sciatic rheumatism, general
deb'll'yand uervouaueas. 1 could no!
unlit without a cane when I first con
sulted the doctor two moDtha ago. My
West II you will Kivo jauiim u"v. o -
A' X Co acent a list of nams of I relief from all systoms was rapid, and
' ' . . . 1:1. .1.. k i , . . a .. 1v wifp has
eastern people wno are ueiy iu ji no mngei
interested the booklet will be been troubled with ber lungs-having
mailed free to Buch persons." a severe cough for many years-also
Youra truly,
A. L. Craw,
General Pasgr. Agent
We will sell every article in our
Store at
Uboksale o$t Price,
Days ot '4
J Special from Monmouth
Monmouth was the scene ot
troublesome times last Saturday
evening about nineo'clock in which
Joe Rose, our Liveryman and his
brother-in-law, Mr. Thresher, who j mo)th9 an j be your treatment
works on the section, had an alter- j trmihlesonie catarrh and I am uot
And all genuine goods, in order to make room for our
Fall Stoi k. We have no life-preserver nor a First National
Hank to Lack us, therefore l.ave to dispose of our stock,
and not being able to plunge into the waves to be tossed
about, we like to meet our creditors and our customers alike.
We acknowledge that we need money and we must sell in
order to keep our credit good.
Suits of Clothes, Hats, Shoes, every
thing goes at the lowest prices you
ever bought Call at the
While House,
pains and numbness in her limbs,
being obliged to use a cane. I have
every confidence in Dr. Darriu and his
new method of cure and most emphat
ically commend to the public. 1 re
side near Turner, Or., and cau be seen
any time.
Rki-hex Lee.
Prominent Cinn County Eadv Curtly
nr TWrin. Dear Sir: About two
cation over a load of wood. Clubs
o tnif fionirpd conspicuously.
Mr. Rose was stabbed between the
seventh and eight ribs but not
seriously and is getting along as
well as could be expected. He
will be confined to the house for
some time. '
There have been no arrests made
8 Tiirew Aside
Tneir uanes
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Lee of
Turner, Oregon, Relate
their Experience with Dr.
Darrin at the Willamette
Hotel, Salem.
Salem Statesman.
marvelous But true.
There are perhaps no more promi
litir known people in Marion
county thau Mr. I.eeand Mrs. Lee, of
Turner, Or. Wherever they are known
ttieir word is aocepted without ques
tion and their card published below
goes far to establish Dr. Darrin'a claim
to successful treatment of chrome diseases.
tor a troublesome catarrh and I am uot
. . t ! i.
troubled any more. This may oeuem
others, so use this letter if it will be of
any benefit. Yours respectfully.
Mrs. Nettie Dempsey.
Co Salem Ladies.
Dr. Darriu has treated me for ca
tarrh, neuralgia and rheumatism,
scalp trouble, deafness, general nervous
debility, female trouoie auu phii
paralysis of neck of the niaaaer, wuu
marked success. I feel that words are
inadequate to express my gratitude for
the great good Dr. Darrin has done rue
and I most heartily recommend the
doctor to the afflicted.
Miss Mixxib W bli.s.
157 lSth street, Salem.
CDe University of Oregon
The first Semester, Session 1902-3,
opens Wednesday. September
The following Schools and Colleges are
comprised in the University, tiradu
te School, College of Literature, Sci
ence and Arts, College of Science a d
Engineering, University Academy,
school of Music, School of Medicine,
School of Law. .
Tuition free, excepting in Schools of
Law Medicine and Music. (Incidental
fee $10, Student-Body tax J3.o0 per
yean Cost of living from f 100 to 3
per year. For catalogue, address
Registrar of the University,