Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 31, 1902, Image 2

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I r'S ft
Si i
i harry Hosier wan a passenger to;
Portland Saturday.
! K. C. Kldridge drove to .MVerson
Sundav on business.
Clinton Moon N vUiiing in ''or
vallio a low days.
Travia MeDevitt, of Corvallis,
spent Sunday in town.
Chun. Collins in working iu tlit : We have some bargains in second
he ml bicycles, hnuer v Rice.
A. Win;? ami daughter, of Lew la
vine, were in the city Sunday,
County Cloik I'. S. Loughary
P. M. Kirkland drug store.
)o not fail to see those sewing
machine at FrT A Rice.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Campbell, of
l,"s,,'""r' 10 i wi over from Dal.'n Mondav.
K V .- A .V .
Tt is up to ycu.
t; ,f- - v- - y -f a' j0n, Dickinson last week.
Monmouth, were
Sewnort Tuesday.
J Clny Fraxer, of Smith I lulnpoic
Cull on J. S. Moore for 1 rupioide. (,,,mv . .( u, , .liu(( feVri
the dandruff cure. Sold in hulk.i
....i;.ui ;r , Several nieinlif r of the Mix
,. ... , , . i family left Tuesday for the coast
Mr. Abe ISabcoek, of bridge-
watir. S. !.. has lioiiL'ht n farm; A. Huston ami family left this
near Whiteson, Oregon. ! week for Newport, where they will
, ,,. .. i spend several weeks
L. ithrow, of Corvallis, visited 1
hi parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. j Hareiic Ireland wan a passim
Withrow. here Sundav. ; ger Saturday to Astoria, thence to
, , . Seaside for a few week' outing,
(mindma Irvine was a passen-
ger to MeMiniiviIle Saturday to' r -Mts. .wci-aieo, oi .Mon
:, visit her on. J. I'. Irvine. j i"11""), returned Wednesday from
. .... . , I a neveral weeks visit with n win m
i urn in town irv iioioirv r
.... ... . , . ., 0 ', i Sherman count v.
. ............... t ........ ...... jifsiaurani ior a nrsi eias uieui.,
jri l miw. Fu-Il turn UUI lli.llllll lno I .
Tiirst.- work v.Mt r.oi m hihi'Ouk' Special rates by the week. Mis Marv Jones, of Lorvallis,
Atnim ImitiMi ptoiurv tioi lil''it' iroutt). ' J . . , . " ,
M'ni bit !hv us !.n a-. ..Muni -,.rK ran ' , . -v visiteil the Misses Kate and Ciracc
jf-. iii v w- iiriHiiitt-ii. ,m haw h iwuiiv, - Iov Kiiowles, ot ou, tJregou, . . ,
oiv:ithm i.ii hihI hitfvi -mii'"i. r "... , ., , Jones the. nasi week, return inn to
M.inniouiii ft., in.i.iH'niirn.f. 1, ; whs visitiiiif the family ot Mr. ! ,,. ', , . "
For Hinders, Mowers and Uakea
and all extras for- the Osborne
machines call on J. II. Moran,
Monmouth, Oregon.
Klders Goodwin and Allen, of
the Reorganized Church ol Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints, ar
holding meetings in the grove.
If you want Men's or I'oy'a full
stock Asbestos Calf Hand Made
Shoes call on T. H Clevengcr,
tlto Shoe Maker, Independence Ore.
Everybody likes good things to
eat. Strung' Restaurant af Salem
is the place to get them. Kvery
thing served in season. Right
A fine new Advance threshing
outfit arrived this week for Kvan
Kvans, of Parker It is one ofhe
best aixl most up-to-date separators
in the county.
There will be services in the M.
K. church on Sunday morning
next. August "!. at 11, and in the
eening a union service will be
held in the Evangelical church
' A party ot eight drove to Pcrrv-
J J dale and return Saturday evening.
? Social and Personal. ? T,,ev TnTt a i
Woodford Vance and latnilv, of
Get your plates and films of
Fr.-uer it Rie.
( i to K. M. Wade vt Co
vou:- bale ties.
Portland, came up Friday, on aj
i visit to friends in Monmouth.
for ;
Clinton Moore and Louie Wiprut
Captain Sponi:, of the Pomona,;
spent Sunday in town. j
Clarence Clodfelter was a paen
ger to Eastern Oretron, Tuesday.
j itiui in u iu 1'iiua vi riling uvni t
three weeks' stay on the coast.
Mrs. Gwinn and daughter left
Tuesday for Minnie, Lane county,
where they will spend a month.
Mr. and. Mrs. Ed Iferren. of So-
Vehave on1,Hn,lagoo,Istockof;ltm g j with Mr. and
KouaKs and supplies, rrazer ,v luce.
Mrs. Sherman Ifnys. in this city.
M. Tillery sull-oed an injury to
i his loot Iat wvek. hv a nail pierc
i inji it. It is healing rapidly, how-
Don't overlook the I'uekeye ' ever.
! 1- . I. f ,1 l i
wasiier. ror .i::o at u. .m. ,hk
K lO. I
Cash pail fir 'i4-i and country
butter at the Irdep'-iid'To- cream-:
w V,-
20 per cenn 20 per ccttn
Off! Off! Off!
Our entire Carpet line, nothing reserved,
From July 10 to Aug. 1st.
At which tiiiit' wo will tuk our annual iuvoico,
niil dosiro to roihtoo our stock. 'J'hin in your
opHrtunity. Iionu'iuher tho jilaco.
The Ilouso Furnishing Co.,
305 Commercial St., Next door to P. O., SALEM, ORE.
Stores at Salem and Albany.
illss iienevieve 1 ll;rrv was a
passenger to Amitv lor a few dava
visit with friends.
lr. A, P. Campbell and dauijb-
ter, Miss Martha, of Cincinnati,!
Ohio, have been visiting President;
P. L and Prof. A. P. Campbell.; nCW 1CU MuhU.
This is the first time in thi'ty j Huena VIbih, It
years that t'-e tl ren brothers havo
been all together.
Jt-s-'e Whiti-aker is ei joving a
; few days' tinting at the pleasant
'"Buzz" Slope', who has been in i summer resort of Seaside, in 0 1 a t -Eastern
Oregon, returned home on ! sop county.
W. C. Bryant, a former Mon-
The Misses Gertie Dickinson and ' mouth resident, but later vf Moro,
Mollie Johnson were pasen:ers toSh"rman county, took the train
Newport Wednesday morning. jrom here Saturday for Corvnllis.
Oroseph Told. of TiNiimook, is I Miss Ilillie Clark and Mrs. P. II.
The new M. K. church of lUicna
Vista is to he dedicated on Satur
day, Sunday and Monday, August
10, 1 1 and IS Ir. I'ord, of I'.ugene
is to Im present and arsisl in the
three days' exercises A good pro
gram is to he rendered each day.
(i. II. Osborne, of this city, is jms-1 "'
I'HtU'ti, I
t'iu ley, U
MllllMlclllll, II
Parker, ti . , .
CalvMry, l ..
liirkrcal, C . .
I!ills".tili, It .,, I'll
l.e lm lile, K 7
f on ti t IIikxI View, C ...... ... M'J
Monmouth, A j j
Moniiioiitli, 1) , , 74
Mimun, II , "
MiiiiiiioIIMi, 1 7i
nnvpr r c, Xi
cntc$t ends Jl 6 p. m. October 4.
W. R. ALLIN, D. Ds "
I'liil,- Ksirui'llon
visiting his feist, r, .Mrs. P. It Bur;
Miss Dora ILnnanri left Sunday
afttrnoon for Portland, her future
A thirty five dollar Ladieu Ram
bler for thirty dollars at Frazer X
Rice's. The Independence creamery will
pay cash for eggs and country
Miss Bessie Butler returned Sat
urday from a several days' visit in
Harry L. Gray has accepted a
position m the Castle saloon as
Try our Deering machine oil
you will find it A 1 ut H. M.
Wade tt Co.
Rev G. H. Osborne and wife
drove to Salmon river Tuesday for
a brief outing.
W. G. Shairnan and family will
leave next week for the coast for a
month's vacation.
Miss Allie Macaulay, after
several days' visit with her sister,
Mrs. Nellie Graves, returned Tues
day to Portland. '
Drexter, of Marian, S. D,, who
have been visiting the family of
Mr John Dickinson, left for home
last Friday.
Mrs. W. U Percival and daugh
ter, Pearl, were passengers to Port
land last week, Miss Pearl going
on to Astoria, where she will spend
several weeks.
We understand that Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Swartz are the proud
parents of a Inoy hov. Mrs
Swartz was formerly Miss Alta
Esles, of this city.
Miss Laura Chapman, a former
Hon. B. F. Mulkey, of Mon
mouth, and president of the State
.Normal School at Ashland, was in
Salem last evening upon his re
turn from a trip to the mountains.
W. II. Fitchard, of Utica, New
York, and Geo. Bishop, of Albany,
New York, were visitors in town
last week. Mr. Fitchard i a well
known Eastern hop man, and is a
brother of our fellow-townsman, ('.
L. Fitchard.
Prof. Torbet, of Albany, visited
his daughter, Miss Vida, here Fri
day. Thy left Friday afternoon
for Tiilamook where they will
tor of the church there.
There is to be a controversy be
tween the Reorganized Church of
Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints
and the parent branch. It will
begin this evening at the tent in
the grove. Klders A Hen and Good
man mil presei.t the reorganized
side and Klders Jansan and Rich
ards the other side of the contro
versy. Every body welcome.
J. M. Mitchell brought to this
oltiea several onl lssuei- ol news
pB;ers. One of them. th New
York Herald, wan of date of April
15. ISIi'i and contained a coti.ideto
account of the assassination of!''
President Lincoln, also the lasti
proclamation of Jefferson Davis, j
Another is a cony of Harper's j
Weekly of May 2S, 180-1. which is main stukkt,"
filled with interesting relics of the ! Inukpkxhknck.
darkest period of American history.;
Cihimt Hull. lint,
tnili'ixinileiiep. or.
o ris ii. iutm:k, m. i..
Physician & Surgeon.
Otllee in Hra Jloust tuilltliiitf,
iiesidence riioiie S. OHUe Plimie U.
Bath and Barber Shop.
She ts y?icade,
Dovidsop & Hedges, Props.
For h great many years d ..tors pro. Cir.ii-H, Cim-itt,TclMU
noiiiieeil ita ioctfl (I I ne ii Be, uii'l pre- i T .
HCi lI.etl local remeOles, mi. I hy eon- "OH line I Cot! 1( t lOlu'ry .
There is more Catarrh m this set-tlou j
of the cnuutry than alt other tllxeiiHe'
put tOKi'tlier, ami until the lat lew :
years wus supposed to lie liicurutile,
Ft ii sr Class Soda Fountain
Independence girl, is visiting Miss j wend the summer. Miss Torbctt
Edith Owen. Her home is now in j thinks she will riot return here
Eastern Washington. She reports wxt wintur ''ut dv,,,e 'er time to
her brother. John, as being a tele
graph operator and doing well.
Mrs. A. D Davidson and niece.
Miss Francis Patterson, of Inde
pendence, are visiting at the l ome
of Mrs. Davidson's sister, Mrs. M.
L. Dorris, at 46 West Seventh St.
Eugene Guard.
Mr Josse and family, of Cor
nelius, have moved into the Stock
ton house. Mr. Josse comes into
our midst with the intention of h-
the study of music.
eating permanently.
The 20th anniversary of the
dedication of the Presbyterian
church building occurred Sunday.
The commemorative service was
identical in character with that
rendered on the day of its dedica
tion. After the services adjourn
ment of the congregation was taken
until the first of September, at
which time regular fervices will be
i resumed. Rev. Thompson is to
I take a vacation, and will probably
j go to Los Angeles, California, for
j his outing.
j Itlcnraoutb Dundry j
II. I. Will 'HIAN, Prop
Miiiitly failiiiK to cure with local treat
iiient, proiiounceil ll Inciinitile. Hci ice
has proven eumrrh to tiu ii coii-l llu-
lioiiHl iliwune, ami therefore reoiiires
cnnstilulioiml treatment. I lull's! atarrh
Cure, mununtetureil liy K. J. Cheney it
(.'(., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only cinistiiu-1
tiunal cure o'i the inuiket. It Is tuken j
internally In iloNt'H I'roiM 10 drops ioh4
teaMpoonl'iil. Iluel4 dlrectlv on I he i
blond aii'i nineiMH surfaces of the svs-1
I fin . They oiler one hundred dnllnrs
for an, y esse It falls to 'iire. Scud f r
circulars and I est In ion In Is,
AdilreKS T. J. ( '
7 liver,., I Iw.lli In Tl.. Il..u r...i.. Ss
. ......... 1 1. 1 1 . . I I I V ( I .
Donation Dnd Claim for Sale. 1 '"'" ; u'"M,;in :;nM u,r
1 4 on luesday and delivered on A.
Taken in 1 N 12. Notification 0075 j a Saturday
Tliree-fiiurters of mile west of Lewis-! ... , n T
ville. m acres in cultivation ; : barns i WCfK UKuriinKCU. r
house and orchard ; alt under fen, and t ., n
crop fenced. I iKiiiire on the premises, i ivionmouin, UrefJOn. ,
A. I NO. M'-9'---e.-fr.--i.-a..a..,
' Kl
ddrew v. j.chknkv Co. Toledo ! 4 Should have your Work.
ild ny DrufiifiNlH, 7."o. 14 .
l's Kaiull.v Fills are llin best. i ViimIiIii called for and de.
H. H. Jasperson
Independence, Oregon.