Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 31, 1902, Image 1

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A N M V i : A 1 1 V H i : I C V I i:h
Onimcuiitloii 'f Pri'sI'Vlerliui
him it i:ii,oj a iii ) ii
kioii l.iiHt Kiimlay.
'Mm -ii atitii vfrry f Hm ded
lit iiii nf I ln I'h -l v l riaii ihurih
ofthisfily OCCUIted hist Sllbbllth
morning. N t w i 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 U i 1 1 many
ate absent on llu ir summer ontii'g
h large audience w present to en
inv the virv tileanant services if
the day. Quiti' n number were in
tin ooiiKngiiti 'ii who were present
Hi tin dedication services 2 years
nio. Kev. E. H (iearv. I. of
Eugtme, preached ih dedication
g. llil ill Hi tllllt lillll lllill WllM HN-
Minted l.y Itcv. II I'. Iuiuiiiii. now
of Sau Francisco, and tin- pastor,
Kfv. Anlhi'iiv Simpson. Dr. Geary
A ill I!'V, Simpson are both dead.
During the i ntt-r vt-niiijr years the
church Iiiim had jriul of prop
jwrity and seasons of adversity,
iint in it changeful lif" linn itecnm
plished much g'd in 1 1
.uiiiiiity. It him paid tow-aid itH
iwii support over liini! thousand
dollars, and given to the benevolent
Kurds of the church more than
Jim thousand dollars.
At r'Hiit the church linn the
largest membership in its history
sind i in ft prun'ising mid prosper
on condition. At tin services last
Sibhath morning Dr. Thompson,
I,,. pr,.(.'iit pastor, after reviewing
rmiii' of th items of special inter
est eulincit'd with the anniversary,
took for the text f f n short senium
Josh. 4 ft and endeavored to show
what the building expressed to the
world mid what it meant in the
community. Iho sermon was lis-
tened to with the closest attention
ii lid dee pent interest. In the even
ting there was rather an unique
nervier oonHiHtinir of ''A Study of
Some of the Old and Famiiiar
Hv.inp. Mrs, Itabiiilt, who no
ellieienlly presides at the organ
with the choir, led the congrega
tion in simriniz these historic
hymn a, which were greatly enjoyed
1v all present.
Thou panned the 2 t h miniver
miry of the dedication of Calvary
Presbyterian church of Indepen
dence. Oregon. As the congrega
tion Ming in cloning the grand old
livtnn. "All Hail the Tower of
Jesus Name," many a prayer of
gratitude was silently lifted to
heaven for great blessings received
and also the fervent petition was
offered that greater good might bo
accomplished by this church in
the twenty yearn to come.
For Sale.
210 acres of hill land near Pcdt e
Valley. Low price, easy terms.
' I'edee Oregon.
St'Coml Orivnit Amiiiut Fxciirslon
mi tin v. .v i:. it. it.
The Corvallii A' Eastern Hail
road Company will run their pec
ond grand annual excursion from
Albany. Corvallis, Philomath and
nil points went to Nswport and re
turn on Sunday, August 1902.
Trains will leave Albany at 7:00
A. M.j Corvallis T:.'!0; Philomath
7:45, and returning leaves Newport
at 5:."0 P. M., giving nearly six
hours nt the beach, (irand exhi
bition drill lv the life paving crew,
,surf bathing and other attractions
jni)i:im:ndi:nci:, roue county, oki:;o, ji.m.y :h, ijo2.
i'.....-.-...-- a-.'''''--'---;1'
t - 'r J
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4 ' ' -v. '"t-.
4 ' '
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4 ' '
- - A
Thi-1 Iickoh MilUna A Wanli'MKM t'., of Iiib peintem'.' t 'm ily
l.ii lt it !- in i!4 limn. ,Mki- h line u rude i f wlimt ll' l.'i. i inieu
win h w IiphI Mini nr h'-m Hour, lu-lili fet d-i nr nil kindH. V'tirt h(Hit (i
it lnilrn'inli'iii'f, M 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 1 1 mill Aiflle. t
will mtke the event one long tc (
rt'inembiTi'd -
r . i t .. ii
Fare for the round trip from ,.I
. ....
bnny, ('orvallia and rliiloinatli, t
itl..riO; point m went propori ionatly.
KiixviN Sionk, Manuger.
Deerlnir Hlmler lor Siiie.
i i i ii : .... ;i:. iv..
iiiiiio i'i" iii'
sal" clnap Call
Parker, Oregon.
K Kvbiip.'
iMni't Fall to TryTlilH
reciiiiiini'iiili'il fur, a jHrinpiieiii cure
ill mirtily lie elticled. It never fil to
lone Hie piouitu li, reuulato ttiu kiilney
and bowels, Pilmuluiu the liver, inviflor
lt i lie i,.tv pnl I'liiHy ! UUkhI.
It's a wonderful tonic ter rnii-ilown
nVHteiim. Meclrlc Jlltters hwiiivimv
i-urt-s kidney and liver troubles, slniusrli
dmorders, iiervotisnesu, HleeiilenMiivss,
rlieiimntisiii, iieiiralttia, and expels
miliaria. Hntiofaelioii giniriiiiteed by
K Irk land I i uur I'o. Only .r(V.
m:ii' i:i icatkm.
To I lie Senlte null Moiintalii
Tickets are now on pile at all
Southern Pacific, and Corvallis A
ICastern It. 11. ollices. through to
New port and Yaouina at reduced
rates. Southern Pacific trains con
nect with C. A E. at Alnanv and
Corvallis. All tickets cod for re
turn until October 10, 15)02.
Passengers for Detroit, Hreiten
bush and other mountain resorts
can leave Albany the same alter
noon, reaching Detroit in the even
ing. Tickets are on sale from Al
bany to Detroit at $", and frmn
Corvallis at $3.25 good for return
until October 10th. with privilege
to get on train returning at any
print cast of Mill City.
The Southern Pacilio Company j
have now on sale round trip tickets
from all points on their lines iu
Oregon to either Newport or Ya
ijuina with privileg" to return via
cither East or West Side divisions,
Connection with the C, Ar K I
three-day Sunday excursion ticke s
good going Saturday and return
ing Monday alfo on sale nt
very low rates from all S. P. and
C. IC. points.
Full information can be obtained
up to rates, time tables, etc.. by ap
plication to any S. P. or C. E.
If a Man Me to You
And sav some other salve, lointiuent.
lotion, oil or alleged healer is an koihI us
Ilurklen's Arnica Halve, tell liini thirty
vears of marvelous cures of piles, bums,
IkiIIs. corns, felnns. ulcers, cuts, scalds,
bruises and skin eruptions prove it. the
lie-t and cheapest. 2,c at Klrkland
Drug Co.'
) ,
C'liiiiiecH fror Nci'iirinff it riuiu
! v .... ir.i-i.rt, I
' Olmeryer: Dalla' ''propped f.r
jpeciiring a firpt-clap pyptem of
ivai-r-works wure never brighter
than at the iirepent lime. D.ivhl
,. i. . t I .!...
i...ii. i... v,,
pendente Light A Water ('oiupany,
ip depiroiip of putting .in a plant at
j this place, and w i'.l do no ifpatip-
j Mr. Cat breath came to Dalian on
Wednepilay of thi week and ppent
the div in looking h-y. the Pttua
tiim'witii a view of ifibmlttihg a
dclintie proMpition at an early
date. In company with member
of the city council he investigated
the various available sites for a
puinniug station and reservoir, and
after careful examination and con
sideration from all standpoints, de
cided that the most practical loca
tion for thip purpose is on the
Levens farm west ct town. This
site possesses advantages that can
not possibly ha had elsewhere,
owing to its close proximity to
town, its elevation above the street
level, and the unlimited supply of
pure water always available.
Mrs. lllnilnuirsli Sues For Goods
Katherino 1. Ilindmarsh has
brought suit against the Portland
& Asiatic Stemnxhiii Company for
the recovery of 10 tons of her per
sonal effects, w hich wer brought
on the Indravelli from Hong Kong
and deposited with the Collector of
Customs, pending payment ot
I -IvSO.'l, which is claimed hy the de-
funJllnt company
Mrs. Ilindmarsh alleges in her
complaint that the bill of lading is
in the usual form, and it was
agreed that the company was to
bring here at the rate of if 1 a ton
qe company delivered the goods
to the Collector ol Customs ami
filed a lien for S0;'. Through her
attorney, If. K. Sargent. Mrs. Ilind
marsh claims that sh- tendered
the $40, which was refused, and
there was also tendered a good and
BUllicient undertaking for the full
amount w hich the company claims,
hut this they refused to accept and
would not release the goods.
The action was not one in re
plevin, as the plaintiff claims the
property consists of wearing ap
parel, presents and souvenirs of a
Bptcial value to Mrs. Ilindmarsh,
and that a payment of the money
value would not be an adcijiiute.
remedy. The plaintiff asks tor a
decree that the company l re
quired to show the nature of the
lieu and that they be declared to
have no lien.
It is learned that the property
was garnii-hecd in Hong Kong by
several ('hiii' se, mid that the claim
of the company includes lh gar
nishment as well as the transpor
tation charires. Portland Tele
Hand Concert.
The following program will be
rend red by the Independence Es
cort bund on Saturday evening: i
March.. "Red Men's".. II. B. Hall!
Waltz "Troop" Hollinson j
Trombone Solo. .''Mr Thomas Cat" ',
P. I,. Hedges (by request)
Saxi phone solo. Bohemian Girl'"
Prof. Zeiher. j
March. .'-Bombastic". .11. C. Miller!
Cornet olo with variations. . ."My
Old Kentucky IIome"...Masten
Prof. Flank Lucas.
March "Hot Combination";
"Hail Columbia."
They Fntertaincil.
There was an unusually pleas
ant meeting of the Ladies Aid
Society of the United Evangelical
church, Wednesday afternoon, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
McLain. in Buena Vista.
After the ladies had quilted and
picked wool for .some . lime, the
a Ihiir took on the" character oT a
social and merriment was the order
Lemonade and cake were served
and an excellent time is said have
been enjoyed by all.
Th social features were in honor
of Mrs. Hose Herron, of Oregon
City, Mrs. Nora Criderman, of
Winlock, Wash, and Mrs. Belle
Baldwin, who is to leave shortly
for Albion, AVash., to reside. Mrs.
Herron and Mrs. Criderman are
visiting relatives in this place.
Other visitors present were:
Mrs. Chas. King, of Seattle; Mrs.
Robt. Steele. Mrs. Getty and Mrs.
A. J. Richardson. Members pres
tnt: Mesdames Anderson, Rowe
Steele, Pmther, Gobat. Krentz,
Baldwin, McClain, Misses Bertha
Rowe and Tressa Prather
The Aid Societies of
Vista are a public benefit,
as they
work cheaply and devote their
earnings to an excellent purpose.
They deserve the liberal patronage
of all who wish sewing done cheap
ly and wejh
I'edee Harvest Notes.
As hay making is the chief mid
summer employment of our farm
ers, and there being an unusually
heavy yield of the product this
year, the past week witnessed a
great activity in the hay fields,
and every "hand" that w as able to
aid in the work was pressed into
service. Ideal weather made rapid
work possible and the close of the
week found a bumper crop of
choice hay safely under cover.
Some fall wheat has been cut
and by the close of the present
week most of the fall grain will he
in the shock. Most of the oat crop
will be ready to cut by the time
wheat is out of the way.
Potatoes are in fine condition
and a good yield is fully assured-
HAM) 'OXti;UT.
Another I'leiiPimt ArTalr Satur
day Fvenlntf.
A large crowd assembled on
Main street Saturday evening, and
for an hour was f nte-tained by the
Independence band in a concert of
much merit. The program was
entirely different from that of a
week before. Lights had been
strung across the street and chairs
provided f"r the members of the
It is the intention to have a
similar entertainment every Satur
day evening for several rveks, a
subscription fund being taken up
among those w ho are willing to as
sist in the entertainments. The
money is to go into the treasury of
the band and is to be used for buy
ing new instruments.
A IJirtlulay Party.
One of the most enjoyable events
of he season occurred at the home
ofR. C. DeArmond. three miles
northwest of Independence, on Sat
urday, July 20, the occasion being
a party given in honor of the 17th
birthday of their son, Roy.
At about 8 o'clock guest after
guest began to arrive till the house
was crowded, when all were sum
moned to the beautifully illumi
nated lawn.' After several hours
of enjoyment on the lawn the merry
crowd of young people filed into
tne parlor where they were enter
tained tiv vocal end instrumental
music' till icaUed "to" the ""dining
room where a sumptuous lunch of
ice cream and cake was seived.
At a late hour the guests de
parted for their homee after wish
ing Roy many happy returns of
the day. He was the recipient of
many beautiful presents.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
R. C. DeArmond. Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Rogers; Misses Blanche and
Gussie Mulkey, Laura Martin, Kate
Lorence, Claire Russell. Bessie Ire
land, Veda Guthrie, Manda Melz
ler, Hannah Tuttle, Zelma and
MedaSeobert, Loeta Rogers;Messrs.
Roy DeArmond. Walter Metzler,
Oscar Russell, Edd Buffam, John
McMillan, Eddie Lorence, Hartley
Mulkey, Lee Scobert, John Sayre,
Hugh Rogers, Bob Loe, Warren
Ferguson and Reuben Yost.
Uelknap Mineral Springs.
J. M. Tedrow and wife and Mrs.
Dennis and two sons left Polk
county on the 16th iust for Belk
nap mineral springs to spend a
month or two fishing and hunting.
The weather being so very warm
they were six days on the road.
The farmers all along were busy in
the hay fields. The Booth-Kelly
Lumber Company are logging ex
tensively for. forty miles up the
On their way there they stayed
one night with William Ireland,
formerly of Polk county. He has
a gcod mountain ranch and a fine
garden. On arriving at the springs
they found twenty camps and 100
people from all over the state.
Fishing and hunting are good and
it is a delightful place to spend the
summer outing.
Rev. E. C. Wigmore and family,
of Monmouth, were passengers to
Amity Wednesday afternoon.