INnF.rKSDKSCK KNTKUrKIPK. ISDKI'KSDKNCK. ORKC.OX, JULY 17, I.H.2. IS. t.. HawkiiiM. the Intlcii- detc inurlile dealer, ereotml it monument in our cemetery Saturday. riuiinna A 1 1 it and 111 hUter. of nliuii Valli'V. vi-ili'd their uncle, John Water, ll Sun " SPECIAL BARGAINS. -c- trJajyiUr " ,,imk m Z. - AZ- " Ilia Tablet f I main STREET, INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. I J. f CIRCULATING LIBRARY. h-i-.t o.i.iea uieelM f He very bext c. r iilni"! " ,,ur "K"1"1 dUH-k of l..Mt.m.Mui!, and rH'Mi'l K'v III" pWiplvMlf Independent '" '"lk eoiu.ty aeliune!lof tlie popular aiitbora for tlie uiaH mu t I 'r 1 H,k- Th 1 h i littiti' of a U'e-lini f.rtli.e vvlio doint feel Hli'e to punliase tl t 'n l'rl ,,f 1.3.Y A BIG UNDERTAKING. Till Iwli'ija l'i(t uiKlfilaklnK fr a email town ami retire Ibe xery M-le el okaerv;uiof f ur voiitrnt-t. THE CONTRACT. The following i tlie mini "! MiUtauee. of theeoima.tHii.l n-iiM be 'hiim1 ml. I eon plied wit It by chiIi mnl every p.r.n iMWinit on' tok : For the rtvileis 'f U intf al.!e ieti vour i"Vi tvlil'il b oka I itt-i-tvii the f $1, wliiib itivta me the use "f iKH'k '"' tlie Mini of Si cent. Ami I to uy tbe sum nf fl.S-" l' lli Ux'k ia dati.rl"l wl.lie Hi my iiiiil. I hImi irvif to I ay tbenini of " iH-ntM -r we k for eaeh wl 'r l,",rl thereof the lMik in ke.t over the time limit. Hx dYCt Mllnba week. For ih'e who prefer "to fiirnili a.curiiy ly having h friend ln I property bolder ig 'be cant for tuem InMead f depositing tlie 1 we lit'Vf fun lhd t lie foil" w iiK oline: 'I ure to e'lle the folloninit e"iiira"t if f t anv reii ths above aiKiter kiioiiM fail to do"" The reutl fee of Si ren'y fr the b.w.k must bepa.l lfore the book leaves filestore. NEW LINES IN FINE WRITING MATERIALS. Weliavejunt reeelveil a tine "evv line' el writing er '' l",, k" agea of the very latent aha.lea ami tlie quality of paper la the very net ; ' we have lite envelope to niati'U. The had. pir an 1 prloe al.oiil.l make them popular seller. F.nveloje 1 rent pel bunoh. I'ajier, any liil Imiu'liea for 10 cent. 4 1 11 C-VtW MTftW' ivi.-iu."uj 'C-'-l pa m BOX PAPER. In this Hue we surely have a very nice Hue that ran in prii-e from '- icnta ami up. Our avcenl tioxea com p.J of i'liiheeUof Japr ami 2 velopea will ttoulile diacom-t any I'ort- laiij department alore price. 200 NOVELS IN I0-CENT EDITIONS BY BERTHA M. CLAY tta mnc cucrnriM ttt;t APRIVFD ON MONDAY. - jtTHLS IViXVwJ . ;ww - ' HAVE YOU TRIED OUR SODA AND ICE CREAM? v j. t I IV; 1 1 t 1 We are commented on mir fine oda every day and our trade in on a ateady lncreaxe. At our fountain H.vrtip are marie from nothing Lut the pure Hiinnr and flavoring It ha lo be good. Our ice cream iould not be any purer than It In, for we uae no adul teration whatsoever. The pure cream for ice cream. We puck any amount you want 111 Ice pucker at following price: 1 gallon , "quarts f 75c 1 quart -Wo 1 pint ' 200 day. K. A. Taylor mid family, of 1 Satiirdnv und Sunday of lat week will, 'relative near lloakiim, Hi'iHmi rounty. Quite a number of. our youn iieople atteiulxl fiimiinei'ting Ht llalla lul Sunday. Mr. Frank Turner hn returned from a viait to In" pareiU at Wend ling u .n,l Mr. II L. Kenton, of Pullu. were gnent of Frank (iil- j 1 i 11 in luxt suml.iy. Lemuel Ui'r killed tw; hear,. biinlinif near the headwater of the Luukiamute lut caturilay. Mr. Frank Itilner. of Wendling. i viaiting relative here and at Kins Valley. l)orey Turner and the irrepre. mhle Hilly MoAdiun. of Air!i. weru caller lant Sunday. W K. William mid wile, of Airlie, viiied with King Valley relative Sunday of lat week. Thonm Kinchin ha heen ap pointed rlerk of the ehoo! hoard in district No. .V.l. Clyde Tumer, of Airlie. who ell freali meat to the fanner, poHee the tiower of a conjurer, and hypnotize hi victim by Burning a hungry hik which Cannes hi customer to experience a en of gonene ahout their Htomuch. for wlnt-n a tenuer eiena or juicy roat i the only panacea. hint a lurge black bear was chel from the mountain into a logging camp near HonkinH, and was killed by members of the camp crew. I A Hautiotra. of thi lllllCC. of Clifford l'Ugh, joined in the search for tbat gentle- J . ...1 in ilia man, who was reporwu mountain lant week. Mr. CI O. SLurifOHH. who i ill ..!.- l.ualth Will HOOII ltd tO Dougla county to .euiaiu until fall. a An tr,.;rh ami bride have re- turned from their wedding trip ami have taken up their rcHKlenee on a ranch on the upper I'edee. Ilon't Fall to Try Till. ti. i,......ui iriul la iriven to Elwtrie liittur for any trouble It I recommended f"', permanent euro will iiirely be ellected. n never il, rtrti a.l Iu,u.,Ih. mimitlate the liver, invigor ate the nerve ami purify the blood. It's a wonderful tonic lor ruii-oown l-l....!!,. llittnra noaltivelv ciiren kidney ami liver trouble, Momacli rimordem, nervouiies, sleeiileiinc, rheumatiHin, neuralgia, ana eH... malaria. Hatlnlaction guarauiecu j Klrkland Drug Co. Only 50c. 4 ,1. i. IICVINI. 4 nowrv Public uA f 4 3MtlC Of IN P4. f. A (ollH'Uoli'ecilly. Agent f ' for a number ol Mandiinl old line . 4 lliauranie Hui.ule. T I NI'H'KN HKM Ki OKKOOS. f I THE CITY . CruckCran$fcrCo. 1 p,M. SKINNER. Ptop. $ ....My ieromil attention given In i 5 Uor.lfriitriiMed tome, Prompt T A attention l every lindanee A I'llONF. XT I. $ INDBPBNDBNCH. ORB KXKXWtCWWW'1' Pedee. Cricket Bevens haR stored hi wool at Airlie und will hold it for a better price. A prudent plan, we believe. J. S. Buchannn. h merchant of I Airlie. was a caller hint week. j fr mil Mrs. H A. IiaHMiiesi have returned from a trip lo Cot tage Grove. Miller ifc Alcorn are placing a new driveway in front of their Pedee store. Mra. Harah Prif-e is viiting hr daughter, Mrs. W. I). Mwhiiy, in Salem. Mrs. Hpnry Lewi and daughter. Ada, of Lewisville. visited Con stable Lewis larit week. Kcv. Arnold, of King Valley, conducted religious Rrvices at a little church located near the Pedee Lumber Company' caw-tnill. on Friday night of last week. Mm. Alva Womer and eon, Ilex, are vir-lting relative at Inavale, Rentou county. Mr. K. A. Kdwuid. a land hunt er from PhunviUe. Pennsylvania, after inspecting uille'-ent parts ot the Willamette valley, has taken an option on a line farm near Pe dee, and will probably consummate the purchase of the premises this fall. Mis Lna Pagenkoff, after a i.leiiHiint visit witli her brother. Ed, who i" one of our prosperous farm ers, has returned to her home in Albany. Miss Pagenkoff has ac cepted the position of principal in the Carlton public school, a posi tion (die is eminently qualified to fill. Alvu Womer has a large force employed in taking care of his im mense hay crop. Will Adams, of Buena Vista, was inspecting Pedee real estate las.t week. Messrs. Murphy, Jarvis and Hop kins, of the Pedee B.wmill force, attended the picnic at Falls City last Saturday. Siiiyih imnrovement is noted in Lo rnrwHiion of .lav Brown, of Mc- Timinonds Valley, who is eunenng from a recent stroke ot paralysis. While on a visit to the coast last week, John Kau found a valuable water agate, and hi sister, Matilda. was the fortunate Under 01 a neau tiful specimen of the moss variety Tliui-o wan nreaching at our school house in the forenoon and evening last Sunday. Itev. Arnold and Rev. Launer, of Kings Valley, conducted the services. Frank Gilliam has bought a new Deering mower and a steel hay rake of the latest design. Frank has a well kept and well equipped stock and grain ranch and is quite up-to-date in all his methods of farming. I1Y - 111 ; I I'lHV! m-- J 1 ;x.. !..,.?. The Luxury of Linen Laundered Right . ,1 . . nalinnlxn tl.A Hrm Ml.'m 11.11.1 ry. lor thr not nriii il oi l in any ihu.-i ,"- " 0,irr lllll. for ihoroiiKl. y '''""' ."" i pn....rly ironlnK .hlrl, willar. B... ' f"r ipnllrinon are unex.wp while lle ?n....l rail U. lw .lHe.l - Willi t he k I we Uplay in dolus "P the iiiohI A''"'"' trlmined UDclerwear, Nklrta. tfl. tlv i vour next order. Order left at K11WI1 KaXr .hoporlhe Halm alaite will receive prompt attention. Sakm Slcam Dundry, Colonel J. Olmsted, PP- Uoroii I). Olmsted. Mgr. Phone 11. 3J0 Liberty Btreet. O.LBawkins Jify lmleendehce, re. Wnm 'ai')'e ai11' illlfft Granite Nloitiinif ute and lleail Hlonea t'diietery wolk etc. Polk County Bank, INCORPORATCD. Monmouth, 0tooN. J. 11. llAWI.V, P. U CAMfSkU., rrwudent. Vice Pres. Isa C. Powitt, Canlilie. Paio Citl. f so, ooe. )iiikitoh: J. H. llawley, P. L. Campl!!, 1. M. fllmpwn, J. It. V. llutler, John B. Mump, i. A. Withrow, F. S. Powell. Traiuact a General Hanking and Kxchange ltuiiie MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE 4 MONMOUTH RAILWAY CO. Imvm liidepeir i deliee r..r Mole inuiilh and Alrliu i Trim a. in. asm p. in, hlrleir denee for Mull leaves niiiiiluaud I (.l In" II no a. in. 7:IA p. m. b'vea Moimmiilli for A I rile. 7:"wi a. in. p. in. L'vea MoiiMHiulli imllai. 11:20 a. in, 7:,'I0 p. I.I. I.env.i Alrlle for Mon Hi and Jilil.'lM'iicl.Mi.e. a. ill, 4:il p. III. I,.uvi. for Monniniilli and lndeH'ii.leilr. I:UI,, i I .'viii Miii.nmtilll i for liideiwiiileiioe i: A a, m, l::i p. in. a " Tr.ih " H:IKi " l, lll.lepetl- d.'ti.w for Mu, iM p. m Marlv .32 Cal.Hlgh PraaaureSmokalaaa IN MODEL, 1893 n WE r prtprd lo furnish our lull lias of Model 'J r.Sca, talld and lakc down, for thi new .M Caliber HIGH PkESiUkE SMOKELESS cart ridge Thla alia uaca a IA5 (raia hullcl and haa nloclijr ol over 2,000 leel par second, msklai II the most powerful cartridge made for ae American arm, with the as. rcpilon of ins .30-40 U. S. Army. i Is sutflcienilip deadly for any amc known In North America. Anoihcr great advantaae la that the barrrla are bored and rlhed(bul chamhcrrdleaclly I he aama a the reiulsr.32 40 Merlin, one turn In Ifllnches. This mikes theuie of black powder and lead bulleta a aailslactory and convenient as In a reiulsr black powder ride. 1 his slie la lha Oral hlfh-pree-aura arm developed In thla country for caliber larger than .30, and ibe Rrsi lo vac a alow enough twist to give beat rcsulla with Pries, same si. JO ..u isnsun. Mjua r Im nt rifles, ahot I tuna, ammunition, sec, cover In ' colore, mailed lor three atampa. THE MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN, it CONNECTICUT