Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 10, 1902, Image 8

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20 per cent! 20 per ccnti
Off! Off! Off!
Our entire Carpet line, nothing reserved,
From July 10 to Aug. 1st.
At which time we will take our annual invoice,
ami desire to reiluce our stock. This is your
opiu.rtunity. Kemeiuber the place.
i The House Furnishing Co., i
' 305 Commercial St., Nt door
Stores at Salem
County Correspondence,
Albert Teilrow went to Albauy, last
Friday to spend a few day.
Sam Keuuedyaml wife, ot Dalla.
were visiting at the home of Jnu
Walker, lust Thursday.
Rudolph Simon la putting up a new
barn, probably a new house will be the
Pearl and Viola Alexaoder spent the
glorious Fourth In Portland.
Lester Rhodes, is mowing hay for
Mr. Merrill.
J. E. Rhodes took a load of cherries
toKaleni, last week and received a
good price for them.
Sarah Helruick and Charley Smith
were in Corvallis, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Reuf spentj
Friday ana saiuruay m omcm.
Grandma Heimick. of Albany, has
been visiting her children here.
Farmers are In the midst of haying
now. Gardens and grain look fine
since the recent rain.
Chris Peterson is helping William
Fuqua with his hay.
E Davidson purchased four head of
the White Chester hotrs, last week
from Mr. Gaines, of Highland.
Ellis Burch writes from Pomeroy,
Washington, that the eople ar?
very much elated over the prospects of
big crops ; that the prospects for Barley
and wheat are wonderful.
If a Man Lie to You '
And say some other salve, ointment,
lotion, oil or alleged healer is as cood as
Buuklen'a Arnica Salve, tell him thirty
vearu of marvelous cures of piles, burns,
boils, corns, felons, ulcere, cuts, scalds,
bruise? and skin eruptions prove it the
best and cheapest. 25c at Kirkland
Dru5 Co.'s .
Pertee. j
Joseph Edward.", one of our lead-1
ing stockmen, and owner of the
largest apiary in the county, made i
a business trip to your city last:
Elmer Lewis ha3 bought two j
G. Keller
Flouring Mills
(Formerly the Burns Mill.)
Now running day and night.
Will buy wheat or make exchanges.
Don't fail to try their Luelciamute Crusade Flour,
Whole Wheat Flour, Graham Flour, Germ Meal
Not equaled on the market.
i n n k r k s n k x ok
to r.
and Albany.
-n .'.m
fine milch cows and other cattle
from CLris Gross.
V. McTurner, our road super
visor, is doing good work on the
roads in this neighborhood.
Mrs. Wilson llnmp has returned
to her home at Forest Grove after
a visit to relatives here and at
Mrs. Frank Turner is visiting
her parents at Wendling.
Judge Larkin Price, of Kings
Valley, was a caller last week.
Asa Haight and Miss Eva Powell,
worthy young people of this neigh
borhood, were married in Corvallis
on the 3rd intt.
Wni. McLaughlin, -vice president
of the Spaulding Logging Co., was
a business caller last week.
Miss Lillie Taylor has returned
from Blodgetts Valley, where she
has been teaching school,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Taylor, of
Airlie, and J A. Veness, of Win
lock, Washington, were callers last
Oda Craton, who has been in
Chehalis, Washington, for the past
year, is back home.
Miss Letitia Shewey was assist
ing Mrs. Tagett in the store last
Mrs. Cordelia Taylor visited
Monmouth relatives last Saturday.
Jo Dyer, a former resident of
this place, was shaking hands with
his roanv friends here last week.
Jo. now holds a lucrative position
with the Booth-Kelloy Lumber Co.
at Wendling.
15. L. Hastings and wife have re
turned from an extended lip-river
trip, during .whicn uiey vixucu
their son, Rice, at Cottage Grove.
Ail of the logging crews deserted
H. R. Nehrbas
KXTEnruisK, indkimcndknck.
camp last week and cam out to
It. A lUih ha atnuit recovered
from a serious attack of Ingrippe.
Frank Gilliam and Frank Turner
went Hulling last we. k ami claim to
have caught StHi tbh. but their
IrietuU think they are rather
mi tig lit-)' in their calculation.
Howard Ihuh and familv. of
Kins Valley, visiied Mr. Hu-jh
mother near' Airlie laot Sunday.
Mr. Hush succeeded himself us as
sessor of Benton county t there
cent election.
Jav Brown, n highly respected
pioneer settler of McTiuimoinU
Vallev, wa stricken with paralvida
on Tuesday of last week and is
still in a critical condition with
little hope of recovery.
Troy Turner and wife, members
of theVolnny at the Pedee Lumber
t'o.'s sawmill, came out on the
Fourth, and were guest of Mrs.
Turner's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alva Winner.
Fred Frakes, of Pallas, vi-ited at
the bomb of Lewis Kilner Ut Sim
day. Mr. and Mrs. hem Hiker spent
the Fourth with Dallas friends.
A trio of drunken Siwashes from
Grand Honde. en route to the
Siletx reservation to aid. their
duskv brothers in celebrating the
Fourth ol July, caused some dis
turbance by their hilarity while
camped near here one night last
week, and were given very em
phatic orders to "move on" the
next morning.
Had weather and had roads pre
vented th uual Fourth of Julv
exodus, and but few of our citizens
left home to celebrate.
Crop conditions are entirely sat
isfactory, though dry weather is
needed for hay harvest, which is
now at hand.
The ninth annual assembly of
the Willamette Valley Chautauqua
Association is now being held at
Oregon City. Two orator of
national reputation will be present.
The assembly will last till July l'.l.
Reduced rates are offered by the
AND Union Pacific
Chicago Salt Lake, Denver,
Portland Kt Worth. Omaha.
Special Kansas City, St. 4.:0p
da in via Louis, Chicaiiu and
Hunting- Lust.
Atlantic Salt bake, Denver,
Kx press Kt Worth, Omaha,
K : ."mi p m via Kuiisuh City, St 8: 10 a m
Hunting- Louie, I'hieago
ton. and Kant.
St Paul Wnlln Walla. l.ewix-
Fuft Mail ton, Spokane ,Wa!-
li u in via lure, Pullman, 7 a m
Spokane. Miniii'iipolif. St
Paul, lUiluth.MU-
wiinkre. Chicago
and Kat.
1 2 hour". Portland to "('hioago. No
rhnnjre ( earn. Tickets Eiixt via all
rail or via boat ami mil via Portland.
All Kiiiititf d'n tes
subject to change
8 p in Kor San Knmrisro 4 r m
Sail everv o ilavs,
except i oi.fMiiiA kivkii
Spin T Afloria nnd way 4 p ni
Saturday lamlinjj. Ex. Sun.
10 p in '
Steamers leave Independence water
wniiittinjr for Salem, Portland and way
landing" Tuedav, Tlmrwlay, and
Saturdav about :'(K) p. ni. For Albany,
Corvalli". anil way-laiidiii Monday.
Wednesday and Friday, nliont 6 :Ol) p ni,
Vondav, Vednesdav and KridavlOa.m,
Ah 1IEKKEN, Agt., Independence.
okkuos. jiu.y h ipos.
Fred Uos, of the Hreitenbush
Hot Mprings, U In the rlty. H
reiHirts a good crowd in at the
spriiiK. and more going every day.
The new hotel will be ready In a
few davs and he will b able to
serve till in a tlrst cIiim shnpe.
AUmny Herald.
Can Epiltpij bs Cured?
r. Iurrln Mii) Yes and llva
4Mrvlirlmlnir l'rMt of
Ills AknciIIiiii.
Hwli in Joiiriml
Mr. Abtd Wareliam was fr Jl
year a snU'eivr from plleptio lll. The
many soars Hint be will carry tlirouuh
life lienr evlilem or the terrible fal'a
ie uUlned remit of tliU iiomt
liorrlttle nf alUlelioim-eplU piiy. She
colixulted Itie let medical talent, -lx
illtt'erent pliynlelsns pnilimincltn the
caw Inouratile. Sliw was recommended
at lst tiDr. Parrln. but In lier own
mind, and the minds of her frlrmln,
w ith but little hope or ever being cured
AHndrd ar lierowu wordn:
"Ir. Darrlu treated me with elec
tricity and medicine, and from tbe
first, I began to Improve, and after a
tlioroiiifli ooiiree of Ida treatment I
am liappy to say I am curfd. 1 liavv
had no nidlcatlon or a return or my
awful miction r.r the part 11 ear.
I Kive this In the lutereats of tlnxw
similarly altllcteil ami moat heartily
recommend Dr. Darrln's ytm. I
bad eplley 'Jfl years lierre going
unuer Dr. liarnn'a care. November U
he cured me ol a cane of deafiuiw In Id
minute. I refer to Mr. H. F. Haley
nd Mr. Orabam, oorner Fl rat ami
Main atreeU, also Mrs. F. K. JDewey,
asil Da via street, Portland, all of whom
knew of my conditio i, tlieu and now.
"Ilefer any and all to me at Monta
villa, Oregon, by letter or lu eron,
"Mas. AlllllK Wakkh AM.
(To the Editor.) 1 wish losUtemy
cuae In brief. Five yearn I was
afflicted with selatlo rheumatlsin and
cured by Dr. Darrln with electricity
and medicine. I reamin permanently
cured. Herer anyone to me at 645 HihkI
street, Portland. J. A. Hknnkt.
Dr. Dahkix's Pi.ack Ok HrxisKss.
Dr. Darrlti give rree examination
to all, and when nccenMary glvea medl
Clues lu connection with electricity.
The poor treated free 'rom 10 to II
daily except medicines. Those will
ing to pay, 10 to 5 ; evening", 7 to H;
Sundays, 10 to 3.
Errors of youth, blood taints, gleet,
lm potency, varicocele, deafness, catarrh
and stricture a specialty. All chronic
male and, female private diseases treat
ed at $o a week, or In that proportion
ot time, bh the case niny require. No
cantu published except by permlwoon
of the pa' lent. All business relations
with Dr. Darrln strictly coiindeutlal.
Lett rs of inquiry answered. -lr-
cular and questions blanks sent tree
Eyes tested anil glusws lilted. Dr.
Darrln's ollices are at Willamette
Hotel, Salem, until Hepteinlier 1.
The Luxury of Linen
Laundered Right
I your" ut mini 1 1 it ym uilionl,e lli
haii-ni HO-HIM l.iUMicli y. for I here linl lilnii l
I uriwfl mil In iin.voili. r Inn Hie rlulil one.
(inr liii'lllllc" lor ihorooi-'hly eluiiisliiK "'l
iiroiu-rlv iroiilmr hliis. enlliirs uml (or
iFi-lillenieil toe unexeetl""Ml'le while lHill-M
ciuinot lull In lie pleitwil ' Willi llm "kill we
lllsplnv In ilolioi up I mo! (lellrailto.v
liliiiiiieit nuilerweur, ulrl, ele. (live "
voiir next uriter. Onlers lea l knH-li
i.iirlnir BhoMir llm Hiil-Mii mimi; will receive
liriiiupt allenlloii.
Salem Steam Caundry,
Colonel J. fllmslcd, Prop. Doroiis
P. Olmsted, Mgr. Phone 11. 3l!
Liberty Street.
4 .1. 1. lltVINE.
4 notary Pufciic ni n f
4 3iicc cf im Pmc. f
A ColltH-tlou a specialty. Agent f
' for a iiumlier of standard uld line
4 luaiiralice couipanlea. T
Cruck transfer Co,
F. M-SK'NNBR. Prop.
....My iK'raoiiul attention given to w
I all ordera entrusted tome. Prompt y
attention In every Instance. Y
iMiosr: a7 i. s
r 6. L RawKlns
IndeH-ndiMice, Ore.
Polk County Bank,
Monmouth, - Oaioow.
J. II. Hawi xv, V. I.. Camcbxh.,
President. Vice Pres.
Iha C. Powxm Cashier.
Paid CaeiTAt.
Diskctoss: J. H. Hawlpy, V. h.
Campliell, I. M. 8lmpon, J. B. V.
Butler, John 11. Htuinp, J. A.
Wilhrow, F. SJowall.
Transact a General Hanking
and Kxchange Business
leaves Indepeie
ileiiee for Mon
iiioiiUi Mini Alrlta
7 HO n. m.
A:M p. in.
leaven tndeiwif
iteiii-e for Mon
iiiiiiitiiniid tulls
1 1 n II. III.
7:1.1 p, HI.
l.'vea Moiiiiioulti
for Airlie,
7:'iO a. m.
:l: si p. in.
1ves Moiiiimiittl
li.r liulliia.
II:'.1I it. in.
7:W p. in.
l'AVsa A I rile fur
Miniiiiimili suit
:! a. III,
ml i. 111.
I.enves liutlaa fur
jlloiiiiifiiitli mill
1 ii il o ili'lut'.
I:ll l. 111.
S::l "
l,'H' Miiniiioiilli
fur liiiteeiiileiii'
U: It a. in.
:n p, in.
J:IU "
.":l.i "
H:l "
l,envc Inili'lwii
ilenw fur Aluii,
J:0ft i. Ill
.32 Cal.Hlgh PreaaureSmokoloaa
WB ire nrcptml to firrnih
our full line ut Mmlel 'A
rifle, olii and ufcc lnwn,
fnr (ho nrw .M Caliber HH.H
rWhSSUKe .SMOkI:LlfS!cri-
.fv3 ritlift. I hia he uhca ti."i grain
bullet anJ ha vrhtciiy ot over
V 2.UW0 feci per accond, miking t
f I he ifir.( powerful tartrlitac mtido
, fur an Anicruan arm, with llie ex
, tepilonof ih. .10-40 U.S. Army,
li Ik aufflcicnilf dradly fur any
I ,rt siine kntiwu in North America.
Anotlicr grral advautnpj ia thai
fhe bantu arc bored and Hfl-dCbul
nnU'hambcrrd)eai'i,ly tlie Mine as
tltercxuiar.aJ 40 Martin, one lurti
In IHtnche!. 1 hi maken ibe uol
black powder and lead bulleia aa
kadftfat-tory and ennvtnient aa in
rt tfiilar blat k powdrr rirk,
lhiaaieii he rlrai Iilgh-prti-tirc
arm developed In (hiacounrry
for a i-aliKcr larger than .30, and
(tie fir M to uc a alow enougn
twlni to Kiv bent rcftulta wiita
black powder amrnuniilnn.
Prtcti aamc a..tu-.u
,-1 1 20-page cK lg of rmen, nof-(Sr-
fun, ammunlilon. Ci:., cover In
u.r u rninra. ma iru ioi ifirct:
fjlilfm Moniiuienis and Head-fZW-tfl
atones l.'imetery
JvLI-'. work etc.