Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 10, 1902, Image 6

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fiew Vcu Stand.
rd. r
liallston, 11
Mount Hood View, C
Calvary, 1)
Kimpeon. l '
Monmouth, II ltj-
M.iiuiioutli, S ITS
Ciow lev, U
Airlie, S 1
Moiimoutli, A
bueoa Vista, H 1A"
Monmouth, I '
Haver K I''
Kickreal, 0
Highlands, It 20
Contest ends at t P. m. Octctcr 4.
Wnat Beeclier Said.
This Eminent Divine Upholds
the Advertising Doctor
Whose Work Becomes
Salem Statesman.
That most eminent divine, the late
Rev. Henry Want Needier, publicly d
vocated the advertising doctor, as he once
stated in the following words:
"I am glad that the doctor cured hi m
I am clad that the doctor put it into
the wiper that lie could cure him. And
if any doctor is certain he can cure sm'h
diseases and don't put it into the paper,
I am sorry. What a pity it would have
been had this doctor come to town with
his wealth of science and experience,
and gone away leaving him unenred!
What a pity it would have been if he
had been so prejudiced against adver
tising as to read the responsible certifi
cates. of the doctor and gave him the go
by as t quack ! What are newspapers
for if not to" circulate Information?
What more valuable information can a
newspaper give than to tell a sick man
where he can be cured? If a man has
devoted his life atd labor to the study
of a special cla? of diseases, the neces
sity of his saying so becomes all the
more pressing. His duty to advertise
becomes imperious. A really able man,
whatever his gifts, makes a great mis
take if he fails to use those gifts through
want of advertising.''
Thi; above extract from an :ble article
of the Kev. Mr. Beeches embodies a
sound view of the subject of advertis
ing. Suppose Dr. Darrin had come to
the city and not advertised, who would
know of bis presence? Since Dr. Dar
rin has been in Salem he has relieved
more agony and suffering than tongue
can tell. His testimonials have sub
stantiated his cures. The fact that his
offices at the Willamette Hotel are
crowded the greater part of the tune
and that few go away dissatisfied, is
pretty good evidence of his success.
The editor ot this paper is. personally
acquainted with many ot the people
named as cured by Dr. Damn.
names Who Cart Be Referred to.
J. W. Pate, Jefferson, Or., rheuma
A. O. Bvers. Independence, total
Chad. Ramp, 378 Marion street, Sa
lem, weak lungs and bronchitis.
Mrs. T. James, Salem, female trou
bles, tumor, heart trouble and head'
B. G. Dove's daughter, Salem, dia
Miss S. Stanh'eld. 323 Mill street, Sa
lem, deafness and discharging ears.
F. H. Hahn, 110 State street, Salem,
Henry Voegeli, Medford, Or., deaf
ness. L. Ewenson, Brownsboro, Or., deaf
ness, I. P. Clemment, S. F., cancerous
H. G. Meyer,. I-ake Creek, Or., deaf-
DeC. C. Presley, Grants Pass, Or., deaf
ness. Wm. Senor, Medtord, Or., deafness 20
Too much housework wreck wo
men's nerves. And the. constant
care of children, day and nijrht, i
often too trvlmr for even a strong
woman. A hazard face toll the
(story of the overworked housewife
and mother. lHrangid tmnc,
lincorrhu and falling of the
womb result from overwork.
F.Tcry housewife needs a remedy
to regulate her menses and to
keep her sensitive female organs
in perfect condition.
is doing this for thousands of
American women to-day. It cured
Mrs. Jones and that U why he
write this frank letter :
Olemdran, Ky., h. 10, 1901.
Iuim that your Win ot Cantul
la helpin me. I m tee'iu betirr thau
1 have felt for JTtfara. I " llolnf inv
own work without any hlp, ami I
nashol lt ww unit w not on bit
tired. That ahow thai tie Win I
doing in good. I am ttlii dhlrr
thnltr wm brtor, anil ilwp h1
and t htartv. Before I be taking
Win of Crd'ut. I unid to bar to lay
down fl or aix time t-trty day, but
now 1 do not think of lying down through
the day. Mnm.tticiiAiioJo.xioi.
l.oo at iitr;c;irft.
For lttimr.. Uf. rT(l,f ,?7T1
C. W. DeCariow, Trail, Or., discharg
ing ear.
Mrs. Wm. Druschel, Can by, Or.,
total deafness.
Charles Carney, Jacksonville, Or.,
catarrh for years.
John Martin, Cove. Or , dydroecle.
O. r. MeCrary, Jaekeonvi'le, Or.,
deafness, " years.
Mrs. Martha WooJniir, Cleveland,
Or., partial paralysis.
Ex-Judge t. Crockett, Jiernn, or.,
deafness 10 years.
Wm. Hunter, Eugene City, Or., ca
tarrh 20 years.
Nearlv all our people attended the
celebration at Sheridan and report a
good time.
Roliert Sears has gone to McCoy,
where he will work for J. K. Scars until
Mrs. Thomas Woodley has been ap
pointed postmistress at this place in
place of A. W. Thornton, resigned.
Miss Gnssie Wester left Saturday for
Dallas, where she will visit the family
of her uhcle, S. C. Dodson.
Ed Baily has gone east of the moun
tains to work in harvest.
Rev. George Girard, an old time
miller of Sheridan, was greeting old
friends in this vicinity last week. He
preached Sunday at the Red Prairie
school house.
George MeFarquhar and wife, Mrs.
Wm. Fudge and S. C. Ball spent the
Fourth at Portland.
The night of the Fourth J. C. Wilcox
fell from the landing at the north end
ot the Sheridan bridge, sixteen feet to
the edge of the river, but luckily was
not hurt much. It was the same spot
where George Leabo was killed about a
year ago.
Mrs. Mat Caldwell, of Scio, was visit
ing her father, Kenneth Campbell, this
Sam McAllister, the Whiteson brick
i;U mannfaKtnr UTAH in tovll last
week. Tie has quit work on account of
ill health.
James Olmstead's baby, Blanche,
took the first prize, a three dollar ring,
for beina the prettiest baby at Sheridan
on the Fourth .
An outing party, consisting of Alva
Gilliam, Mrs. Martha Conner and the
i;uaa firaoa unit Mamie t annerv and
Mut.tie McCulloch returned from the
coast Wednesday.
T-4. T.v.1rn l.aa nnnA pnflt. Clf the
1 n: i i, j.ivunc ' " 1 ; ' " ----- --
mountains, where he will run an engine
tnrougn Harvest.
Prof. Paul H. Wyman, of Tacoma,
has been elected principal of the public
school here, and Miss Glennie Runnels,
of Monmouth, assistant. Both are
graduates of the Monmouth Normal
School. ,. , ,
Peter Nairn, who was so badly burned
sometime ago, is rapidly recovering
and will soon be around again.
Frank Kinsev, our carpenter, is kept
on the run these times building barns
for our farmers.
tieorito Claik, who owns a hop yard ..I t.mii will arum IH'UIII
tfrvclUm of i torn hop lun.wv
Ill VI ,
nfSlier!dn. Will
I hnl Id
i. He
liirirn Block barn for Wm. Yoeutii
will .torn Iced for hi dairy cow
i above.
mi ili lower floor lie will run
i the
milk separator for Ills dairy.
I!..v,l in,l Kuvxrv hitve lllt
Urvrn t.,ck ham lor O. K. FoMit
Joshua Bowles has Jut iMinplebHl a
nlen dwelliim houiw oil liia farm south
of town.
Aaron Tillerv ba lun-n building a
hoiiHOfor Mrs.' Mattie Hyde, of Ne
lerjr. Mat Caldwell, of Scio, has knight the
forty aero farm, w hich beloiige.1 to the
late" Fred I'lumU'ck.
The annual basket meeting f lb
Polk and Yamhill county Christian
churches will bo held at ihe Ballslon
picnic grounds next Sunday tliu l.un
Uev. James Mathews, of Salem, will
preach hre next Sunday night.
Miss Nellie Sear la making an ex
tended visit with relative in Portland.
Mr. 10. Hoyd and Hon returned
to their home in Independence
We.ltiesd.iv. M--H- Hoyd haa re
stdeil in the ICinerUk liou nj'ar
the public Pohool building duritin
the piist school year and lier object
in coiiiinp to thia city as to pive
the boys tin ndvHiitHge ollcred hv
thoO. A.C. Mrs. lloyd's husband
U assistant agent tit Independence.
Corvallis (iaette.
The coons at the Fall" City
Hotel have new qunrtera, th old
box being i-hanped for a roomy
woven wire "cnjio coiiietbing over
six feet around. The two coon
it how tlioir apprecintioii of the
change by renewed activity.
Attention, loctora!
Swlul from llue.ta Vlta,
Huena Vista wnnts, needs and
must have a doctor, and why not?
During the past winter physicians
have neveral times been called
from other points . as for removed
UH Corvillll. I Ilia 1H a t:oiMini"ii
of affairs that nhotthl not exist.
litiena Vista bus a drug tdore;
she has two dry goods and grocery
stores: there is a good daily mail
service; an excellent graded school;
two eood churches with regular
Sunday services; a sociable, pleat.
ant class of residents; unexcelled
beauties in nature; pplendid water;
comfortable homes; delightful sites
" I sleep well enough at night,
And the blatnedc-st appetite
Ever mortal man possessed."
Rilev' farmer ia the very picture of a
man advanced in year, yet in the enjoy
ment of perfect health. A good appe
tite, gOOU GlgeSUOU 8I1U WJUlIU .i
II1C ;ih:i iwi
a vigorous old age.
Life is stutamed
by food, when it is
properly digested
and assimilated.
When digestion
fail, there ia a loss
of nutrition which
soon allows itself
in Dhvsical weak
ness, nervousness,
sleeplessness, etc.
Doctor Pierce'
Golden Medical
Discovery curea
diseases of the
stomach and other
organs of digestion
and nutrition. It
strengthen the
body in the only
way possible, by
enabling the as
similation of the
nutrition extracted
from food.
used trn bottles
'lerce c.ouicn
-vi-r vial of
--i.y ni . ,,.,
w.m ' Ilfiuinl Pellrtjl'
a ymi H"
nd have had no trouble with indtKotion ince,"
wriu- Mr. W. r. Thonion. of Townneiid.
Broadwater Co., Montana. "Word fail to tell
how thankful I am for the relief, ai I had suf
fered no much and it emed that the doj-tor
could do me no good. I got down in weiKht to
i iioundu, and wan not able to work at all.
Now I weigh nearly 160 and can do a day work
on the farm. I have recommended your tnoll
cine to several, a ahall always have a good
word to say for Or. I'ierce and hi medicine.
in., rvnmnn "Ach Adviser.
1008 pages, in paper covers, is sent free
on receint of 21 one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailini
. ... A x. T.
lainncr oniy. nuuicw
R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo. N. Y.
I v f in
for ho me. building andjumny other
I'll val.' have ttoen culled here
many time during the pant ix
month. With no medical laid to n,mm, More Help,
be had within teven nillf, it
leave Uuena Viala citiieti to but-! Olte.i the over-taxed oiguns ol .llges
tle alone with many an ai'.u.ent to! thmcry out for helpb v
, . , , . 1 t., pains, nausea, disxlness, headuclies,
attend which a resident phynoian ,vr ,,,,,,,,, M, dLord-rs. Such
would speedily bo summoned. trouble call for prompt n of
This i a business proposition. King's New l ife Pills. They are en-
lUiona Vinta has much u offer any
medical man w li 1 th aires a Iota-
Wc Are Conscientious.
Substitute, and impure drug have no place in our utore. We
i know physicians do not want us to use them, and we won't do it.
; Kvery preset iptiou here irompoundod of pure drugs by careful.
! competent and accurate pharmacist, who don't make mistake, j
! You ran trust us with our prescription preparing. j
A. S. Locke, Druggist.
Steamer Pomona.
The Oregon Cltv Transportation Co.' tmnl. Hie P0111..1111, will leave
Corvallis foi IndcpentlciHCaleiii, Port land and w ay landings on
jo.v).i vs. i7;A' : ! i .s iai '; j ys
arriving here about a. m. l.'Hurtilng leave porllntid Tuesdays,
Thursday ami K.tllt.lays, at tivlng at I iidcpendciiee about 7 p. m.
Lands at upper dock.
OjcVIPIT-A-Xj STOCK, $50,000.00.
II lURSMKKKU. Premdcntl AlUtAM NKI.MIX, Vice IW.lent
C. W. IIIVIXK, Cahier.
OIKKtnOHS. H. 'llirehl-r"i I). V. S-ara, It. K. Hmilll, M. W. Ktewart antf
A. Nelmm.
a Eeneral bankintf ami exchniiKe luine tratimictcl. Loan Hindu. lUlti
diwoiiutud. Coimiierclal credit granted. Pepo-itH receie.l on ciirreitl nrcount
object to cheek.
If you want a Typewriter get the best.
Get one with a Pointer Back Spacer, a mining
quick Patent Releaser, a Line Condenser injuria
Ball Bearing
The best and most up-to-date writing machine ever sold,
Dcnsmorc Typewriter Co.,
230 Stark St.,
F02Ptleincl, Oregon.
are cheap in price, but In price only. " Take Down
guns list at $27.00 and Solid Frame guns at $25.00, but
they will outshoot and outlast the highest priced
double barreled uns, and they are as safe, reliable
and handy besides. Winchester Shot Guns are made
of the very best materials that can be procured, a
thoroughly modern system of manufacture permitting
them to be sold at buyable prices. I
(REE Scod nam. and addict on po.i.1 card for 18 page lllutrrated catalog..
j tion; h need a mdd.-nt physl-
elan ami nope tu wvum "v.
tint parseihy pause and consider
this matter carefully.
I tie, thori.tmh and guaianieed to cure.
2 e Ml Kirklaml Drug l'o,'.
IV 1 UIIlll I ....
Yf. (lie DKXSMOKK luof
a 1'ointt'r which liov exactly
where you are writing without
nny gtieais work or loss of time.
Allow us to give you a Pointer,