PicKel- 4 llKlltW fltlUItilhll He Kir- 4 utee pW-Wij """ tttl money e buy. Irleee 4 down to ted rook. hverytkKly 4 iuviwd. Monmouth st. lM . Nitieiue. w -r 1 -r r 5, , . 1 j J 1! All kinds of Wade & Co. Henry Patterson, of Portland, epent Sunday in town. Miss Bertha Bohannon visited in Corvallii during the week. Kiutcfw ml cart for! otxuim iin. ."f.p.' ----- sale at U. M. Wade & Co. Miss Bessie Connett. of this city, was in Portland Haturday. left Friday tor Eugene on a visit to relatives. L. W. Robertson, of Portland, was in Independence Saturday. Mr. Ilindmarsh came up from Portland lest Tuesday evening. Rev. P. H. Burnett attended campmeeting at Turner last week. Frank Lord left Saturday for Astoria, where he has employment. H. C. Miller is able to he out again after a several days' illness. Cash paid for eggs and country butter at the Independence cream ery. Roy MsFadden is visiting his uncle. Horace Burnett, and wife in Eugene. J. A. Veness and wife, of Win lock, Washington, visited in town last week. Call on J. S. Moore for Herpicide the dandruff cure. Sold in bulk, or applied if desired. Mrs.J. Shelley, of Eugene vis ited friends in Monmouth and In dependence last week. Miss Eva Robinson returned Fridav from Arlington, where she habeen for several months past. Miss Mvrtle Lee was a passenger j to Portland Friaay afternoon. Me will remain there for several weeks. For bargains in Shirt Waists rL. PendenCe- , , Mrs O I) Ireland, of Portland. vWtS Sutiye.; Monmouth last tt.0l, retnrnins home Sundtt? afternoon. Mr. Huston, after several days' visit with his brother. A. Huston, returned Friday to his home at Lafayette. S. Hays and wife, Mrs. P. R. Burnett and daughters, also C. W. Irvine, attended the campmeeting at Turner Sunday. Mr. Ireland and wife, of near Monmouth, drove to their home stead in Eastern Oregon, wi.ere they will spend several weeks. Everybody likes good things to eat. Strong's Restaurant at Salem is the place to get them. Every thing served in season. Right p rices. Mrs. George McGowan and daughter, of Portland, after several days' visit with A. J Goodman's family, left Friday for On-swell to yisit a few days. S. E Owen, J. E. Kirkland, T. D. Campbell and T. J. Fryer were in Southern Oregon last week locating timber claims. They re turned home Friday. Editor Vernon and family, of Oakland, Oregon, were in the city Fridav. He reports that live Southern Oregon town enjoying a genuine boom and that our former fellow-townsman, Rev. W. S.Smith, as being highly pleased with his location. Mr. Vernon, as a jour neyman printer, worked on the old West Side when it was under the management of E. 0. Pentland. I WIWIKMWCK KKTKM First class wood work done l Milliard Jb I'lymaleV T C Mloii. vslediotorian of this vetuV Normal rUw, Sunday for Cnion county, where he wi ,end the summer. Mr. Allen ha i i... ..i...;. i ti, 1 rain- been eleOteil a - . ina department, at Monmouth and will return in the fall. end hand canopy toj phaeton for sale also "r Ica Cream Fweri at rraierA The l'omon will two round trip toSal.Mii or. the bourlh. The tirst hout will leave Indepen deneeatTa. in. and again t B p. m. lWumii.pw.il leave Hatem at 5 p. m. and again l" "re" works. A good line of Tents and Camp Stoves at Kraater A KicVe. r w Pajrett. a well known resi- ' 1 . -. . 1'a.lna U'MM III IU" " ' . . 'I lll'K- day He was lately appoint justice of the peace for that pre cinct. He reports crops as very promising and help exceedingly scarce Wringers with guaranteed Holla at H. M. 'ade Si Co. and wifrt left Sunday afternoon for Minneapolis, Minn., where tney win nun... National Teachers' Association thev will go to Massachusetts, their old home, where they will spend me nunmn. I L Patterson has been re-, appointed collector f customs at . Poitland. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs F. A. Patterson, of this city, and for years has been closely identified with the business and political fields of Polk and Marion counties. The position carries a salary of 4,500 a year. All kinds of wood work neatly done at Hilliard & Ply-male's. Miss Edna Burnett left Monday lor Ashland, to enjoy a summers vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Witherow re turned Monday from St. Louis, :...; uhitW thev had been for Mrs. Witherow She is greatly improved. . town try Huntley's , fof R first Jc!a,8 meal. ; gpec;ai r8tes by the week. I visitor in town over Sunday, re- - turning to Corvallis Monday. lurnl B Mrs. J S. Cooper was a passen- gar to I'oniaiiu ..... Mrs. W. Mattison. who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. E. Hub bard, returned to her home in Astoria Monday. Mrs. Bingham, of Bandon, Ore., visited in town and Monmouth a part of lnt- wrrk. Blair Miller, a former resident of this city, nows runs a store in Keatsville, Mo. Mrs. A. K. Leonard has written to her son, C. W. Leonard, of hel" safe arrival at Salisbury, Mo. She had spent the winter a the home of her son. near Monmouth. W. L. Bristow has moved his general merchandise store from Monmouth to Lewisville. Girl Wanted Call at Huntley's Restaurant. IJiai, Wixa u'-i-j ...... - -- - CJ lliai, rtao ...j.- ...... ! Vi Hiirroundinirs and familiar izing himself with the work. He is a pleasa' t, affable gentleman, and the Enteki-kjsk acknowledges a pleasant call. Second hand bicycles at R. M. Wade & 'V Henry Hill left Sunday to meet his son, Horner, who is en route from Crook county with a band of horses. The horses are to be brought to the valley for sale. The Independence creamery will pay cash for eggs and country butter.' - BISK. IMK1'K M'KNCK .'-..i i hut line of bewin Machine, at Frawr A IUo. Mr J. E. Shliut and child came i.. v.m KftMiern Ureiion iuesoT on a tlslt to relative here. 111 IHMII '--- ' J. B. Scrallord and children er passenger to Junction City 1 U.i day to spend the 4th. Choice pattern hats nr-d a well pelectcd lino of millinery g"ds at riitH at Mrs .'I. W, Wallace's, uuiepenucuvr. Il 1 - turn ViuWlVlll) ll ireel from Chicago a ine of Drop Head Swin Machines Uiat rangn in iO to :!.". Frater Si Hice. Misstiarlin Hill returned Satur day from Pomeroy, asn. .-no will aetur.i this fall to Pomeroy, where she has a position as assist ant principal in the high school. For Binders, Mower and Bakea and all extra, for tne w.w.rn. ...aehines call on J. H. Moran, Monmouth, Oregon. ; h thinff in th Hilliard ! ii..l. Thev have a lirst class wood worker in connection with their .hop. Miss Laverne Fen ton, of Mc Minnville, who has been visiting at the home ofJ. B. V. Butler, m Monmouth, returned home last week. The Pomona came up Saturday ..,! mmiinnl over lliltht. proceeding up the river in he r ... Ti.,.i,; ,l,nn Mondav un tne river i" "r .uip -. .v .-.r -The trip down Monday lal,d, is visiting her grandparents, morning. wnH the lat-i ono i" i .,.1 rivnr noinls. above Independence. The boat will make this place up to the last of the month. Do not send East for thai Sewing Machine, but get it of h ra.er .V Rice s. Clover Leaf Rebekah Lodge No. installed the following cllicers Tuesday evening: Rachel w- ins, . "ne ' " Bessie tButler, Sec; Lena Jones, Treas ; Nettie Bohannon. W srden; Kate Jones, Conductor; Mintie Taylor. Inside Guard; El va Taylor Outside (iuard; Nancy Claggetl, K. S. N. .; Sara Irvine, L. S. N. G.; a,i Tovl,,r L. S. V. (!.; Mabel Cressy, K. ' Goodman, Chaplain. Margurcte If yu want Men's or Boy's full stock Asbestos Calf Hand Made Shoes call on T. B Clcveng.-r, the Shoe Maker, Independence Ore. The men's ice cream social given t tin. home of .L A. Mills Monday p.iiiiffwas marred by the cool rriniift tv . ( ii, r.rnurtilintf anti u e creatr. could have been substituted by hot coffee. However the other features more than compensated lor tne discomfort of the evening. The annual Bible Conference and campmeeting of the Ui.it.d Evangelical church will be held in the grove at )allas July 5-14. Tenting ground free This will be a good time and place to spend a week outing. There will be another union ser vice of the M. E. and the United Evangelical churches in the church Sunduv evening at 8 o'clock. The pastor of the Salii.ct "Church Abominations." . g.nwt e(lUl,lly in- j t,,r,.HU.d in this subject. Alt are invited. K. L. 0. E. meets at 7 Evanaelical church will preacn and take part. Mr. Clyde Hill, a former Inde pendence boy, had his team stolen a few nights ago from the barn in which thev were kept. The con stable, of Cottage Grove started out to investigate the matter and met the horses, returning about forty miles from Leona, the place from which they were taken. The cul prits probably rode until the break of day and then turned the horses loose. As it so happened Tracy and Merrill were not in that part of the country the credit could not be given them. 0HKO0N. JULY . 1MB 4th of July AT SALEIiVi .,l,,n oxt,n.l. a vonlial .i . T. aoiH'iuleiH'P to coieiraw u steamer Pomona will run excursions , i inrlenondcncc nil day. Detweenaajem. Klaborate Float., Fino Music. Athlotic Contests ami t ...., ri.iuL'ett. of Port- .ii r. n .n. - .-pb R. M. Wade Co have just re- . . . i : ... nf unot Ofiyetl a large si . pi - -guns, single barrels, douhle hy re s hamnierless. em. " " ' ; (VIIIH nun ( -...i will anrnriSH vou .- prices. Itlokreall. Helen 8oiitl.wl.-k an-! Mr.. T. Mc Dowell returned Hal.mlay from Salem, where they had ' visitin for a ft-w clav. A. Ilsrbioii exiwct to move to Palern MMIII. J C.KliH.ltl.e mi-fortune to a ,,i,t-e of steel we.lir y off while plittlKK wou.1 and cat Id leg. Die aerldent. while painful, U nut con.M- ered dangerous. I.. C. K-r HiKl A. r- i,,.,.. ii.. lr cali- at the uil.kri(tl tre, wbh-h w "' ",,l"u"1- ( KOrrwln Imltd a rcHidem-e on hi. j (or ,,iH wii-ln-law. who rillU,(t ti,0 farm for the coming . yeai. ! Mr. V-anuie .H-on awl " ; NeH1,t, went to Halem Mon.l.iy, J. V. lioodell went to Halem day on biisinefs. Mr.T. F.. ('..nfleia left K.inday for i ui.u .fill rniiniin there for 10 dayit(ore.tarti.iHor!uliit!i. Mlnne-j Hot... to visit an imule lor a fVw montln.j Mrs. Amanda WasM-urn nnd.-l.ild-; ren, who were visUtf Mrs. W ash- j hnm'srurei.t, W. K, Clark and wife, j returned honia to S.rinllell Monday. ; W.K.Clark lust a lino "'f Sunday from sijiiii) unknown disease. j Mrs. H. Orr came up lion. Portland; Friday to remain a few days m. i.er family. Frank (iil.son and went to Ha- e.n Haturday, roinaininif over Sunday with his moil.'-r, L aving her Hon.ewliat i in proved. The social dan.-e here was pretty well attended and a go..d time was had. I W Fetzer and wife, Mattie Koser nn'd'stellil Smith took in the cainp nieetinit Ht Turner Smi'lay. I) M. Oalbieath, who was the ri)uhlican nominee for county ,... hn moved to an ideal home three and one-halt west of Monmouth. miles t7 invitation t tl.. l-i i l'.nnth with thi'in. Kxcellent Spvak.njr. Ihrtlhng UnparalU - UHl Mroworks. rri Uobertson. who lias been in charge of one of Minor to. (j tores at Spray. Ore . has changed his location and is now living at FosseU. Ore. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. R. ALLIN. D. D. S. ...Dentist... I'alulnM K.xinu'lloo I'lHiix-r IliilUlltiii, liuli-nili'ii". HM'rlally. oris i. ntTU:it, m. Physician & Surgeon. Otllit- III Oprii IIoum IhiII.IIi.b. n.lh-if l'l.olie 6. OlMee Phone ft K. T. HICNKLF., Bath and Barber Shop. main htkkkt, Indki'KM'K.nck, Okkoon. She ?reade, Dovidsor? & Hedges, Props. C i Sf j u -h, J i iii 1 1 ' 1 1 Tol u '-).- iiiul Coiili-cl ioitoi-y. Fihst Class Sola Fhintain CoNNI'TTIoX. M 4 & A A .j. K ...THE. 4 4 A Itlonmoutb Caundry A II. It. WHITMAN, Pi-op. 4 Should have your Work. Washing called for and de- 4 livered, both In Dallas and Imle 4 petnlei.ee. Washing called for 4 on Tuesday and delivered on 4 4 4 4 Haturday . Ulork Guaranteed. Monmouth, Oregon. it H. H. Jasperson, f UNDERTAKER, I) Independence, Oregon. f