Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, June 26, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    V - vu- s- - -ii' v W
None do Better
Ami few as well ly tlu ir aMoiners as we lo. Just
at juvsrntwe are in the iniilst of a jrrcat
Carpet and mall Paper Output
iii ...1
lliueeit our aic mm n i'ii'mh. -
;.,v.v,t.iti,,1u i
anil st'liiniijr n siiiail liiariiins no oiilt lu much f
to .lo with our ever im-ivain-; sales. Always bring J
i.os of your rooms and windows when yon want 9
4 easelswail paper and shades. Shades made to
f' The House Furnishing Co., 9
-ilSr Nrxtdoor to P. CL SALEM, ORE.
" " Stores at Sakm
g :
m iii ill i" M m
County Correspondence.
Aurelia I'-nn-h returned home :rom
school at Kiiift'iie last week.
Frank liilison and ife went to Salem
Morula v to .'ee his mother, Mrs. M- K. j
iibson, who is quite X. ,
Jake Ritreh. ofAllany, son ot Hon.
S. T, Dutch, came down Friday to visit
Sadie Lucas, who ha U'en stopping
nith her irrandiuther and family and
oing to school the past term, returned
to her home at Reaver Wednesday.
Allie Enroll returned home from Cor
valli" Friday.
Mrs. .1. J. Burch went to P.allston to
visit a few days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith attended
a birthday party at Mm. Sharuian's at
Monmouth. A very pleasant time as
Mr. i. C. Smith's fister, Mrs. Mot
fort, of Newport, is visiting them this
Miss Zoe Stockton was visiting the
Jfesniiths the past week.
A nephew of A. F. Stoner arrived
from IVninylvania Monday and took
them by surprise.
Mrs. J. F. Vaughn returned home
Monday from Portland, where she had
been visiting for a few days.
Mrs. 8. Orr returned to St. Vincent's
hospital Friday, where she is receiving
Mrs. Frank Waite, of Georgetown,
Washington, is visiting relatives here
this week.
C. M. Boyle went to Molalla for a few
days last week.
Several from here attended the
pioneer's picnic at Dallas Saturday and
report a very Kood turnout and all
seeniel to enjoy it.
Willie Bradley has returned from Ku
ireue and will spend the summer vaca
tion with his parents.
K. W. Ku ink and Win. Fuqua were
business visitors at Albany Friday.
Mrs. .1. W. Patterson is visiting her
parents at Philomath this week.
t: R Parker spent Sunday with his
oiur.. fra. J,acey. of this place.
are the most fatal of all dis
eases. FOLEY'S
Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the Best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c Mi $i.oo.
- a
.,,,.,1. ),... iti.l mil' iiiikI s.'ltl-
ImviiiL' in larire ui:inliu'S v
and Albany.
.. - ... -N
. m... hi i msm.-
Mr.-". J. O. Davidson It a purchased a
fine milch Cow of K. W. wink.
Mr. and Mr. Win. l-'uipia invited a
f-w of their intliuale friends to cat ice
, cream with them Saturday evening,
i Mrs. John Vernon is spending a few
; week with her parents at Soio.
! CM. andT. C. Hradlcy spent Holiday
j at home.
i A. S. Kerr is cultivating several of his
teichlior's gardens.
: Several of our neighbors went to
I Vanderpool's Monday !or s-trawlierries
j and were again disappointed.
! Frances Hehnick is spending a few
j days at 8daville.
i The section force is augmented ly
the addition of I. V. Gray.
Prosiiects are favorable for a bounti
ful crop of blackberries in this vii-'niity.
Virulent Chikht Cured.
j Startling pr.xifof a wonderful advance
! in medicine i given by Druggist!!. W
I Roberts of Klizabeth, VV. Va. Au old
j man there had long sutt'ered with what
I good doctors pronounced Incurable can
I cer. They lielleved hiscae hopeless till
! he used Electric Hitters and applied
' Bticklen.s Arnica Silve, which treat
i meut completely cured hlm.WheiilCIeo
trie Bitters are used to expel bilioiiH,
kidney aud microti poisons at the same
time this salve exerts its match lew
healing power, blood diseases, skin
eruptions, ulcers aud gores vanish.
Bitters 5((a, Halve !i"c at Kirklatid Drug
E. A. Tedrow has returned from the
O. A. C. to spend the summer at home.
The Misses Ruth and Laura Cautnorn
are visiting their sister, Mrs. E. Evans.
Mrs. P. J.Dickinson's mother, Mrs.
Dextley, and friend, Miss Cotton, of
Dakota, are visiting with her.
James Alexander eold eight head of
hogs to Win. Percival last Weilnesday.
Mrs. Anna Sliafer purchased aiiuiui
last week.
Highland Grange inlets next Hatur
day at 10 A. M.
Tiiis rain is welcomed by the farmers
as the gardens and grain are both need
ing it.
Mrs Clarence Tedrow spent a few
days of last week in McMinnville.
L. Bolinan, of Eugene, was the guest
of J. M. Tedrow last week.
MifeB Fannie Helmick attended the
picnic in Hodaviilo last week.
John Walker and family were in Dal
las Sunday.
Several of the farmers intended to
commence haying Monday, but the rain
put a stop to it for awhile.
Will Cure Consumption.
A. A. Herren, Finch, Ark., writes,
"F'oley's Honey and Tar is the best
preparation for coughs, colds and lunar
trouble. I know that it has cured
consumption in the first stages." A.
8. Locke.
kntki.trisk, indki-kn-dknci:. ohkuon, jrxn wi
Itueni) Ylnlii
Harry Evnn, of near t'urkvr, was 111
this place Friday, engaging men ntnl
tennnt lo Hiwlst him i" harvest. Mn
Evan has a new. S,.Vi Ail vane
threshing oullli, which has a straw
burner engine. This Is the only out
til known in this part of llu country
which biirnstiw lusle.ul of wood for
creating motive power.
David Da'vlwitin has secured the con
tract for cellliiK and painting the In
terior of the M. E. church,
Mrs. Emma lluh",v, of Wells, visi
ted In this burg, Friday and attended
the KeU'kah nnvtlng In the evening.
Afler seversl day visit, Mrs. It, M.
Adams returned lo CorvaHis, Sunday.
I nniicis have worn a pleasant look
since Monday, when a much 1 neede t
rain fell. This was a splendid tMni?
for the growing grain, as w i ll ns f.-r
gardens and fruit.
Macy people from here were at the
strawla-rry garden near Albanv. last
week, tjulte a number returned
empty haiule l, Is'lmi unable to secure
berries, which app-Mr to !' ni'iwr and
of less excel lent ll.ivor than usual, this
Crop are In excellent comlliioii In
this locality, and promise a heavy
yield, llats are over a foot hiuh and
looking tll'st class; wheat Is als i
making a tiiic showing, while hay an I
pasture land are in exci-edimjly good
The protracted meetings which have
been in progress here, cloned Kchl iv
evening. There weie no conversion
thougll the attcmlaucc was good and
the attention mid Interests most en
July 1st Mr, Haley, the mail carrier
between Parker and Bueua Vista, will
turn the route over to Ityroti Vlxou,
who will enter upon n four yeais con
tract with Uncle Sam.
A committee lias leeii appointed by
the local catnt) of Woo liiieu to submit
plans for a new had to t e ere ted by
the order in the near future.
Mrs. L. D. Baldwin relumed the
latter part of last week from a visit to
Albany and Eugene.
(ins Pagenkopi' transacted Inisiuei
in Allan, Monday.
C. E. DeBolt arrived from Moscow,
Idaho, Tuesday, In cliaige of a ver.
handsome monument which has been
placed by Mrs. Margaret Hall at the
grave of her late husband, E. C. Ha l.
The stone Is from Vienna, originally,
ami is an exceedingly fine one. 'I he
monument was pi weed by Mr. DeBolt,
Wednesday, he having made the (rip
from Moscow for that purpme Mrs.
rla',1 leaves shortly for Monmouth,
Oregon City and Portland, where she
will visit, en route to her Idaho home.
Wino of Cardui is the guardian
of a woman's health and happi
ness from youth to old ago. It
helps her safely Into womanhood.
It sustains her during the trials
of pregnancy, childbirth and
motherhood, making labor easy
and preventing Hooding and mis
carriage. It gently leads her
through the dangerous period
known as the change of life.
cures lcucorrlnca, falling- of the
womb, and menstrual Irregularity
in every form. It is valuable in
every trying period of a woman's
life. It reinforces the nervous
system, acts directly on tlio geni-
tal organs and is the finest tonio
1 lor women known. Ask your
druggist for a $1.00 bottle of
Wine of Cardui.
Bativill. Ala., July 11, 1M0.
t win. r.r furiltil a ti t Thttd-
,.-.! . m Tr,,,. lit.. uml I fei'l like a
Iamereni woman mir.-'i. rv.... .
dies hare keep the medicine In their
I home all tne tinw. ui
nod they are uoln it with ".,.,
For urtvi.N! and literature, lilreM,.irlTlnit
' ni-iit ". I he (,l.lliuug ileaicine Coiii.auj,
ChattuiUKiifK, iRiuu
Ilyi'on Mxoh loi b-eli I'ligiigeil the
past week In rc-shlnnllng H' Mclho
(list church.
A new sidewalk I to u const rucled
from tlu- Evangelical church lo; the
at-tre . t he lumber I on the gn und.
Theliiiproveiiieut will be Mppreclaled.
A meat wagon passed through Ibli iia
Vlia, Monday and will hereafter make
regular trips on Monday and Frhlaya.
The Wilson Is run by a Monmouth
iiiuii and will lie a gleal convenience
to lesldcut hcleubouls.
During I he summer kidney liicu
tllinllle ar.i often causeil by excen
itrlnklng or being overheated. Aliiud
to the kidney at once by usinu Foley'
Kidney ClIIV. Hold lV A. H. i.oi ke,
A gieat iinnilsT of Jieoplo iitlrllded
tlm pioiicer ton t at Dallas Natmdiiy.
Mix Slew .ot. of Sheridan, is veiling
at the home of Mr, Seyin iur Fudge.
Several of our young people attendril
the closing exercise of the l'etrydale
cli'"l last Friday.
At the lecent school election N. M.
Conner was re-elected diicctor and
1 It-iii y lliitier cleik.
Mr. Merrill, of Independence, was
here on business this week.
Mr. I. C. Wilcox, telephone ehc
li'ician, is home on a visit.
I ieni ge Hull and Win. Ym iiiii have
each phtce.1 a dairy on Iheir farm and
each report the U'st of resulls
l.oii Nertell istheptoild father of a
girl l'i by, Imi'ii lat Fiiday morning.
Farmeis have commenced timing
their clover ha. There ate lingo
ipmiilitiv raised here. It make a
lare yield in this section
l'rof.A.J. Shipley, wlio has U'en
nrincipitl of the public school here for
the hist two years, has Mulshed his
achoid and moved lo his farm two mile
ni'it of Monmouth, which he bought of
J 11. Sliiiup. 'lie w ill teach the si IhkiI
near his home next year.
Mr. A. W. Thornton, station agent
and postmaster at this place, hac
cured a sitioii with the railroad com
paiiy at I'ortliutd. F. W. lioval sue him as station agent and he and
Mr. Tlioums WiskIIcv have circulated
petition for the otolllce.
The Luxury of Linen
Laundered Right
I umixut smull cnl If yon pitlionln the
hnlein Mleam Laundry, for lliern iioliOun is
liirneil out in Hiiy other lint the rlitlit une.
nor nii'lHIle for I lioroinilily cli iin.liiK uml
properly iriotluu shins, eolliirs uml cult fur
Ki'lilli liieii are uiiiiei iiloioililt' while Indira
eannnl lull lulie pleuseil Willi lliu sdlll we
lllluy li ilnlnu tip I he 11101 delleiifely
trtninied uiiilenveiir, skirl, ele. Hive 11
voor next onlcr. tinier teli ill Knleh's
Uirlier shop or llie Holem Ihk w ill rewlve
prompt atleulion.
Salem Steam Dundry,
Colonel J. Olmsted, I'rop. Dorous
D. Oluisied, Mgr. 1'houe II. Jll'O
Liberty Street.
Irfitves Indepen
dent'D fr Moil
month and Ali'lle
7:W a. m.
Ih'M p. 111,
Leaves Indepen
dence for .Mon
nionln und luillu
ll-ii a. in.
7:15 p. in.
Ive Monmoulli
for Air He.
T:"o (i. 111.
8:p. in.
L'ves Monmoiittl
lor 1ml Ins,
11 a. in.
7::l p. in.
Leaves Alrllo for
Monmonih stid
l:tsi 11. 111,
:IHI p. 111.
Leuves Inula for
Monmoitlh and
I:im p. in.
MM) '
L'ves Molilllfitith
fur Indepeiidenee
U l.riii. ni.
pan p. 111.
2:i "
fiH.i "
:(".' "
Leuvts Illdepen
deneti for Mon,
2:05 p. in
J The WiKiiliuen have elected the fol-
lowiim ollii'i'i : Consul, Gcoii New
bill; Advisor, If. I-. Hears; Hanker, '.
H, Grave i K.scoi t, T. J. Short ; Watch
man, liufu llohaunon ; Henlrv, John
Mavlleld. C. S. Grave and William
I'.irker well) H'lit at tlelegiile. to the
district convention at Wisidhui u.
The Fpworth l'iigue of I'tdU and
Ynmhlll Couiille w ill hold a picnic In
the grove norlli of town next Haliliday,
I lie "Hill Ion!, Hilllsloll Sunday school
has b I iiked to tnkii part. Tlioma
New.'illl, Roy Stockton and Edna Butler
have been appointed to innku itmiii)te
liieul here.
Messrs, Hull, Haling, t'l.ielield ant)
While, our local bop men, have nearly
llnislied work In their vatd. Hop
iiiiver looked belter and u ho un yield U
j evpecled.
the moat healinQ ' In tne world.
.1. n. ikvim:.
DvMarv FuMlc 4J
s) 3u$iiccct ilic Pace, f
Collections n feolalty. Agent f
for a number of standard old line
Insuranee coiiipiinle.
iMUTKNIilMi:, OllPOtiN. I
1' X
I Criicka transfer go. I
9 a
fli t IVl.orirrCf, r lww. y
r- ... t . 1 1- n . t
0 ....My personal attention given to
all order entrusted to me. Prompt
Ji atleiitioii III every Instance ft
i'iiom: '27 1. I
mm O.Lfiawkin$
Indcpelidelice, (re.
:omimen's and Head
stones i . inetery
utuk etc.
Polk County Bank,
Monmouth, - Oscoon.
J. II. Hawi.kv, l CaMI'IIKI.I,,
President. Vice Pres. j
Iha C. Powki.i,, Cashier,
Paid Capital, 00,000.
DiiihiToiis: J. H, Hawley, I'. I.,
i ('ampliell, I. M. Simpson, J. It. .
Butler, John B. Slump, J. A.
Withrow, F. S. Powell.
Transact a (icneral Hanking
and Exchange Business
12 Cat. High PreureSmokolo
WE ire Preprrd to funilh
our full line of AU.dc I 'WJ
rilled, otid hikJ tilie down,
for the ne .M Cnltbcr HKiH
rtdje. This klze uiira I rt .1 grain
hutleranU hai i vclfK'iiy oi over
2,000 feet per Recnnd. makiiiK It
the moat powerful oriridfic made
For an American arm, with the ex
ception of the. HMO U. S. Army,
ft in aufTicirittty deadly for any
K3 me knnwii in North America.
Another great advantage la that
the barrel are bored and riflecKbuf
not cliMinheredJcvactly (he tante
the regular..! J 40 Marlin.nnc turn
In iHlnchea. 1 hia makcii the uc of
hldci powder and lead hulleta as
aatUfaelory andronvenientaa In
rrciilar bmtk powder rirlc.
llnrirri the Hrnt hlgh-pret-attrc
arm deveioped in thia country
for a caliber larger than .30, and
the firt to uc a alow enough
twlnt to give befll rriiilta with
blat'k powder ammunlfitm.
n.i name as. .10 -Mi MARI.IN.
!20-pii! cat. log of rillcn, ahoi
i funti, animunliioi!, e'c. cr.ver In
UcoiurB, niailtd furlhrcc mampa.