Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, June 26, 1902, Image 6

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r "-7
I KM' '"J
Second Prize.
j Tine $10 Camp.
magnificent mcrris Chair.
SWALLOW POISON. .N0B1HHln.lihuiii.ilikWlm-yir
x.mnd. Foley's KMurya 'ur iiinkii
th kidney right.
1 a !
First Prire.
v Woiner nd Frank iltlini lv
old ' fr l"'r lK,v"u,
d.'llvoivd Bt Alrlirt.
lnitloi ".im l"u,,,,r' ""'V
C. Millor (urni.liv the uiunl1'
frvh ui't.
1 ii.'.l.r.l Imtf sold over :UK (fill-
lon of trU-rrU tlii ton, mnH
I. OWn.iin Jin. -old B""0" ol
t)r ii.on-tmnts r Win W ot'"U
,,.rdon for i-ttf" 0i supply w
Thorn. Kinchin, recently trom North
stock much two wilt's wet of IVdee.
Tln Mi"' Kiln ' Annie Ki"er school t i'u.i.
Mr. A. Kerber left tins week to
join her luislmnd. who is employed hy
the llooth-Kelly Lumber Company at
1-n.nk Kowley, of Salem, i pciidiii,t
the summer wiHi his imcle, J. W. Yon.
All of our v',lt',,r" tt,',,t'1 tlto re
union ut lhiUiis hist Saturday.
Marion Smith, of I.e -isville, made a
Imsitie. trip to this pluos and Khis
Vttllev last week.
ForiMi'r Monmouth KMtont the
Mrs. Kpley, wifoot Ir. II. O. KdV.
the wpll-kuowil di.tit, h'd narrow
,-ai. death last wwk wyult
u( mistaking bottle of tmetnre of
1.. 1 .. a l.Hriiileso mlxtnro wldeh
.he intended to take. Not fevllii very .1,.. ilicmjlit sho would take dose
of easoaret. It preparation ol chittein
i..,h l.i.t i.u.U il,o rontf Isjttle, neither
o( whieh had hdsd, and the content
of With havimr tlie same Hlor an.l tfen-
eral appearance, ami la'l" sue Miew
It lm l,adallowo. a milllcient n"""-
tltv of the "deadly nightshade" to
make her seriously ill half an hour
later and to endanger her tile.
1. ..u,n . !. realiel what liail nap-
Hned. her husl.and linviint none Ui the
...11. .11. I.onr Ix'iore. she attempted to
reuen tlu'lionse of a neitfhhor, a hlis k
av, hut fell down in the stiwt ami
wnn'unahle to proceed. Other neltl
Ihms saw her pro-Irate and rushed to
tier assistance, and upon learnilnr the
liouhle procure! the iuiiiiediate at
tendance orw physicians, ho ap
plied antidotes and hroutfhl her tliroiiiHi
i..iiii.let recoverv hy last c-veiiini!,
iil.m.t MrioiiM results, hut he had a
very chwe call, and the numerous
,.f 1,.T-.-lf and hushand L'lve
Frank CillUm was a Pali. visitor then hearty .Modulations upon the
laat Wednesday. , . . r.-i.l.-a in Mon
Mrs. Onirics Stores is slowly rt- j i)(m(h( wll(,r,. .r hnsimnd practiced
overinn from a mvero attack ol rlr.-u-! di,ntimry-
""" lKcdii. e.t Uat.HlMr Ith ot .Inly.
Khner Lewis nas "
1 1 wn.-s and drive a fast The Soillh.-rn 1 'l "t
(Mi tln ltrt Indication of kidney
irotil.le, atop It hy tftkluit Foley'a
Kidney Cur. Hold hy A. H. l.iM'kw.
New Hprln and nrlV" i"'
tlilnir In I lie clolliln line made to order at ra.
aeclalty ol ladies tailor made mill.
W. G. SHARMAN, Merchant Tailor,
,.;;,-;.v;, - - - -v
I. .1... Kink.- of vour city, has se
a position as sawyer with the IV.Ice
Lumber Company.
Mrs. Henderson Simpson, f Airhe,
visited 1'e.lee relatives lust Sunday.
Jay Brown, a venerahlo pioneer ol
McTininmnda Valley, was a recent vis
itor to IVdec.
Air and Mis. Henry Lewis, of l.ewis
viilu,' vi"ite.l their son, Elmer, last
; week.
The Spuulding Company is const rm-t-imi
a private telephone lino from llos
! kins to their lotiifinj? camp, distance ol
I 11 miles.
' m-i Hi-nil l'rice and
Cotnpan v
tlm k:iIi of" reilnccil rates
, 'on account of the Fourth of July,
emeu , i. .,.! ,,,,
i in. c.i i ifiiriiH v ii i'i- v. ..
i mid one tlnnl fan? fr the round
1.,;,. iniikiiiL' I cent-t per mile
I r,.n.) trin tiassaue to ami from
'....,:..., in Uiihmii. . 'rickeU will
The .m saltt Jtilv :inl nnil It li. ami
will he pood fur return up to nm
' : ....i,,,;,,., tin. r.tli
t '.tl..l ,r;i1 ioim vv ill ho held tit tin
! -- . . ,
S iiollnrtslllt lldllltS. IOCIII
a peiitu will furnish nil details on
W. K. ("OMAN.
! CiTiernl I'llsselioi r Auent
We Are Conscientious, j ami iinimn-'dru have no ,-Uce in our Htmo. We j
kll0wphvsiciaMlo not want tin to use them, nml we wont .! i . ,
Kvcrv nrVscii.dion hernia rompoundeil of ,.re JruK. hy W 1.
L1,;, ;,.t!,,tan!hnou.a.e ph.rm.cW-. .ho dou'l mako tnistakes. j
You can trust m with jour uescriition prcpartnu. i
.. . . - I
A. S: Locke, Druggist,
I Steamer Pomona.
.. . i i it,,. I'niii.iiiii. will leave
iovi.i vs. n 7.7.v:s.i r.s. .i-v n.'uu rs
Lands at upper dock.
CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00.
. -, p.lllM NKt.SON, Vice I'resideril
C V. IKV1SK, Cashier.
..m.a-r.iiw.-ii. J: K 5'' """""
.........i ... ,.i,.l,i th,. l'oiiiniiu run
... ! unround on the .-aiillam l-ar hihI t
Mrs. t. i .,.r!v sumlav moniiii hi lore It
I'a-'Ctt were recent l'allas visitors. ' conlil net Into ( orvalli.s I In- Jtulll
lHU , . has siis,. ended trips on the upper ,
We have him here too tlie man who j rjvtir rtllltujll hponi; thinks the
kows ju-t how to capture Tnu,y and j make Tl "
Merrill. . i oiireeo( ieKrel to the people here thai j
l'..v V I nifilit. ot Kint-" auei, ; ,(, eW tsuil. w iiien o-
' .. 1 I. ..., inir (In Mliiiliicr was
preached a very ' j j;, Vho receiH.lisastrous lr at
large auuiemi- bciu - -
discounted. Con.ineich.l crcllls U'iaiue.1
nhject to check
Xe irlv all of our citizens attended the
camp meeting at Lewisville lust Sun
day.' A petition to the governor to call an
extra session of the legislature to the
end that the wiU of the people maybe
..acted into law, is oemsj signed ,.y
I enacted into law, is o...i.B -fe
r, 1 1 O ) it's. lless of political bias,
6 T V UrrJAs, i and. it is hoped, that n, future our sa,
Uh Prize, Si worth of Photos
at E. PirKcl's.
5th Prize, Subscription to
Pacific Homestead.
6th Priii e, Ladies Home Jotr
. ii a t
Conditions Gowning Contest.
f... oven- news item ac-
rpnted. A Htorv worthy of a separate
heading 2") points. A column article ou
points. For every yearly subscriber,
,.. o .n. !il. 75 ooints. Iess than
a vear at the same proportion.
'We want correspondents in every part
of Polk county. Now is the time to
make known our resources. Send in
your contributions whether you are a
correspondent or not.
and. it is hoped, inai in i..v...v , .
government may be conducted in a , I f
fiow You Stand.
Calvary, D
Wonmouin, ri
Monmouth, B
huver r
Parker. O
Pedee, P
Rickreal, C
Buena v isia, t lft
Highlands. B
Baiieion, r .
Monmouth, A
Contest ends it 6 P. TO. Oetoter 4.
manner to prevent abuses that will re-
quire a special session of the leyisiaune
to correct.
Happy Time in OKI Town.
"We felt very happy," writes It. '.
ISevill, Old Town, Va -when Huck
len'B Arnica Salve wholly cured our
dauebter of a bad case of scald head.'
Ii delfRbtH all who use it for Cuts,
CortiH. Burns, Bruises, Boils, L leers
Eruptions. Infallible for Piles. Only
21c at Kirkland Drug t'-
r..,i tl.e Kalis City Leader.
One of the most remarkable es
capes on record took place at the
Coast Range mill Saturday. Little
Archie Montgomery tell into me
slab chute which leads 100 feet
into the gully by the mill. He
,Wn the chute and hurtled
through the air from the end for
50 feet before lighting. men,
-trantrft to relate, instead of being
dashed to pieces, he got up and
I C A 1
crawled back ten or tweive ieei oe
fore he was picked up. Outside of
a few bruises and jars he is little
the worse for his experience. A
heavy man would have been killed
lm toUl wrsck-could not ,'etrJ?y
.nSoT'i I Hi me-licia, from
doctW but rrcMved vrry 1 llllr benefit. I Urt
flh ami HtrenKth. w. not utile to , do R K"od
dy work. I commenced Uk.iiK Dr. Pierce
Golden Miilicul omcovery, no
taken one Iiotlle l couiu (' -
wan wonderfully Improved. 1 hve Ukta five
bottle and am itill improving."
The Bole motive for substitution is to
permit the dealer to make the little more
profit paid by the sale of leas meritori
ous medicines. He gains; you lose.
Therefore, accept no substitute lor
Golden Medical Discovery."
A 'Point or....
Yes. the DKNSMollK hiW
a l'ointi i' wliicli shows n t!
Ulitilio V J t 1 1 HIT
S of tillll'.
Allow us to k'V' '' l,i",, r-
u lii-i-c v(iu ii n
iiny iriioss w k or
If you want a Typewriter get the best.
., Di5narpr. liuhtninu-
Ucl one nun a roinien Xr ' e in facta
quid: Patn RWase," Line oonue...
1 5ji11 HcnrniLi-
The best and most writing machine cm sold.
Densmore Typewriter Co.,
230 Stark St., Zrm
re cheap in price, but in price only. " Take Down
Jun . to a $27.00 and Solid Frame guns at $25.00 but
fhey wUl outshoot and outlast the highest priced
double barreled Euns, and they are as safe, reliable
and h ndy besides. Winchester Shot Guns are made
of the very best materials that can be procured, a
thoroughly modern system of manufacture permitting
them to be sold at buyable prices. 1
. . . e.rd lor 164 dim Illustrated catalogue.
FREB-Send name ana soar... v-i - -