Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, June 26, 1902, Image 2

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lHMten competition. He H"1""
itl't" ll l'l-l " H'
t)it money can I'v. Prices
tlown " rook. KvrylI.V
tuviud Monutoulli t. Imle-
i '3
1 !
j Social and Personal, j
Ed Owen wa a Southern Oregon
visitor last week.
First-class horseshoeing at Ken
nel 1 Hutton's.
i: IT Osborne is in
lain! this week on business.
Second hand hugsiv and cart
.-I- n M. Wade t Co.
. !
Wr...l Ciimctt. an inmate of the;
S.ildier Home at Uosehur. is visi
inn oll friends here.
Jake Hilliard
who ha been at i
,. ".,. r;i.. f..r KHVcral years, has!
vm-Mi v .
returned to Independence.
T J. Newbill. the new principal
ot the Independence public school,
was in the city Wednesday.
The steamer Gray Kagle, the
well-known logging boat, was sunk
on the lower river yesterday.
Cash paid for eggs and country
butter at the Independence cream
ery. It i8 learned that Mrs. Rutherford
whose thumb was so severely in
jured by a needle breaking, may
lose the" thumb after all. She is in
Portland receiving medical assist
ance. Rnval servers. W. II. Walker,
G I," Hawkins. Rev. Osborne. Geo.
Conkey and J. A. Mills, June :I0 at
lawn social at Mills.'
Mrs. C. L. Marks, of Monmouth,
with her daughter, Mrs Ethel
Brown, who has been attending
school in Dallas, have moved to
Independence to make their, future
Second hand buggy for sale by
Frazier it luce
President P. L- Cainpbel! de - j
liveredthe address to the gradu-j
ating class of the Portland high
school Tuesday evening. j
For bargains in Shirt Waists
Wrappers and Muslin Underwear,
call on Mrs. M. W. Wallace, Inde-;
Pendens. I
The Independence students at i
f. ,.nlW returned home
.--. X i .. tho awmmt of the
tula wren..
commencement exercises we note
several of the girls mentioned for
superior talent.
Everybody likes good things to
eat. Strong s Hestaurani ai .-aiem
is the place to get them. Every
thing served in season. Right
The Southern Pacific company
has arranged to place on sale at
Portland citv and depot offices
tickets to Dallas via either Yamhill
or West Side Divisions and White
son. This will be a great con
venience as it will obviate tne
.,onoi t v nf troi nn to the Jeflerson
lit. O '"
street depot to secure tickets.
Go to the lawn social at J. A.
Mills' residence Monday evening,
June 30. The men will serve you
ice cream and cake.
Go to II. M. Wade , .fe Co. fur
fishing tackle.
We saw the other day W. II.
Kingery, a lormer student at Mon
mouth, but now principal of the
school at Carlton, and he informed
us that he was going to start out
the 30th of June with a company
of voung boys on a tenting expedi
tion, and to study natural history,
geology, etc . from nature. In ad
dition it wi'l be n splendid outing.
Ted Cooper roe from here.
Wool! Wool! 500.01' )0 pounds
of wool wanted at highest market
price by S. M. Daniei. Monmouth.
Ciill on J. S. Moore for Herpicide
the dandruff cure. Sold in bulk,
or applied if desired.
Mrs. G. W. visited Mc
Minnvitloover Smnl.iv.
ihtUiwn social Jim :ot miu.
Mi On UVft left Tuesday for
Portland, to join her parent HT.
S. M Daniel. Monmouth, pay
highest V1 io, r xv,m!
i :,..! .....onutor Hiul seller. W.
11 Craven tor the men
" .. . . I . Mill-,' i
UBI.- - . t
social on
50 at J. A. Mil'" residence
... i.i.
Kov 1'. R. Burnett, ot i'"""1
Wash.', arrived Tuesday on a visit
to hi family.
Mrs. A. M. Hurley is enlarging
ami otherwise improving her mil
linery store.
i.- i:u... nn ii tiassemier ioi
t...i.,,i.l Moi.dav afternoon, t
lew davs stay. " !
." ,, 1 M.tmlilV
11. llirsehherg rw
from a trip to Sa;
Dick, 1
Mr?. M. Babbitt and son
Li." Mi Bowden. were
Vlltjs visitors this week.
... . nii-Wir.son left
.miss mi""" ,,. , i
... i ... r. -;.,. f i.. nsii.. wii'if
i.l,e will visit Tor several mr.
Mrs I.ula Mason Bennett has
returned from Kent. Sherman
county, where she has been teach
ing school.
F W Harris, who recently
graduated with honors a Bhibi
delphia medical college, is visiting
relatives here.
: .iur. loils and a well
.;ion' i .
selected line of millinery gH.ds at
greatlv reduced prices at Mrs M.
V. Wallace's, Independence.
Mr and Mrs Mundt and child
ren of Sioux Fill. South Dakota,
are visiting A. K. Ur ,
familv, with the intention oi rest
ing here permanently.
It has just been learned by us
lhat Geo. Heaton, an old so
sent from here to tho Soldiers Home
at lloseburg. was the victim o. a
fatal case of heart trouble a couple
of weeks or mo ago. The remains
were interred in Roseburg.
R M. Wade & Co have just re-
i .. l..- iliimnent r'f snot
have the
ha.n.n r es. . wJth
guns and will surpn.e j
yZelin Sr.
od or k .me go
? conn,,,inn with
their shop.
, it
" a norse is n ( i j
i cannot
For-nel it lluttori
know how to properly shoe a horse.
Try them. Worn guamim.-.
Mrs. Maude Ireland left yester
day for Eastern Oregon to upend a
tew weeks.
For Binders. Mowers and Rakes
and all extras for the Osborne
machines call on J. H. Moran,
Monmouth, Oregon., who has Veen
visiting her mother and lriends in
Portland returned to Indepen
dence last Thursday evening.
Miss Scuta Potter, of Portland
nn,,,.. nt. liidiiy moruimi on a
short visit to friends here.
Miss Francis Mann has returned,
af'er a several months' tour of
Europe and is visiting in Indepen-
The Independence creamery will j
J .1 n-.ll r. fT ,
j,ay cash tor eggs am. ,...-.j
When in town try Huntley s
Restaurant for a first class meal.
Snecial rates by the week.
,i,.v. Rl.Wr. assistant principal
... " ' . .,!;,, nartof
his vacation at Monmouth.
J. D. Conyers and wife came in
t fmm Pullman, Wash.,
where he is employed in the Wash-
ington Agricultural College. j
The electric lights were closed
down Sundav evening for a few
days, to give opportunity for
necessary repairs.
F. A. Idnk, of UwUville, wiu an
Indopeiuleno visitor, Monday.
Th '. '2 Brownie, kodak, only
at Kraer.v RioeV
Mrs. Ed Owen visited Ml. Anglo
tltii week.
I.adie Hot- Journal and Mum
sey for Inly now in at Warner a.
The lawn social hy the men at
tha residence of J. A. Mill Juno
;H. Grand collector of Ho hwi,
K. H. Knox
Mis Edna Burnett leaven Mon
day for a summer's wisit nt Ash
land with her brother.
ml to S. M. Daniel,
Monmouth, and get the highest
market pi ice in rash.
l.TNtmul. will
ii.-ocnt a nosition in the linneiial
saloon the fust of next month.
... ..i t .1... ..I...ut,.iil
u. a. roroos, oi iu i.j-.
'. , , t the Normal.
t'lllllU" I""' ... ,
i ... ..., ....I-.. t,.r iim o il noma
1. M..f.,rrnv wbtl SllCHt
several days here last week, return
ed to Eugene, Friday.
r rani .u-. "j
Rev. D. V. Poling, of The Dalles,
.r.w in 1 1 to i-itv Friday, in route
from Dallas to .Mbany.
m.u lr it Cridlev ami Mrs. F
M. Butterfield, of Vancouver, Wash.
..r.. o atri. vixit with their sister.
ir 1 S Moore returned home
Geo. Murphy, after attending
commencement exercises at Mon
mouth, left last week for his home
in lirnsB alley.
Dixon D-horner is quuranteed
to remove horns.from calves up to
one year old. Its work is clean,
smooth ami reliable. CampMI
P. H. Murphy, who has been
here several days, returned to
Grass Valley Friday.'
The McCormiok binders, mowers
ami rakes an:, repairs for same
carried in, stock by Frazer & Rice.
tr rt Mirbas. the business.
manager of the I.nckiamute Flour
ing Mills, whs in independence u
business this week. He reports
everything at the mill in readiness
to begin operations.
Cal Hutton, tho horse sboer, at
Harry ami Francis Patterson,
children of H. A. Patterson came
up from Portland Saturday to
spend several week with D. L.
Hedge's family.
Walter I. Font, formerly of this
citv. was graduated last week with
bif'b honors from the Dallas
All kinds of wood work neatly
done at Hilliard fc Plymale's.
A special motor will leave Airlie
and Dallas on the morning of July
4th for the accommodation of
those who wish to spend the Fourth
atSilem, The motor will make
close connection with the boat at
Independence both going and re-
Mrs. J. Stapleton, of Indepen
A,,u arrived here Tuesday even
i., f,,r a two weeks' visit with her
.i.Mi.rV.fcr Mrs. M. Deaton. Mrs.
Denton will p"robably accompany
her mother home and spend the
summer in the salubrious climate
,.f ti,.. U'illnmette Valley. lone
Wringers with guaranteed Rolls
at R. M. Wade A: i;o.
A meeting of the Willamette
ill be held at Gervais
next week. Dr. Thompson from
here will attend.
Three daughters of
B. Sears
will this
and wife, ot liallston,
month graduate from tho univers
ity nt Eugene Vessie in the post
graduate course. Sadie from the
.tal.. ..mirse and Winnie with the
gf,nior casR. Dalh-s Itemizer.
Second hand
bicycles at R. M.
Wade & .0.
A good stock of kodaks
supplies at Frazier & Rice's.
4tti of
Sulrm t;xt.'.iU a n.nlial invitation to tho h'iM.1o of In-.U-tK-nilonci.'toci'lcd.iat.'
a C.lovious Fourth with tlifin.
Steamer Pomona will run excursions
Between Salem and Independence nil day.
Khhoruto Floats, Kino Music, Hxcollont u-aki..:, Thrilling
Athh-tif Contest and l!niaraU'U'l Firt-works.
You can't afford to miss it
J. K. Kirkhind
in Southern
On gon this week.
Miss Ethel Whiten ker. ot this
i . . . ....... i
city, visit-d in imuas im ."-.
All kimls of hay tool ut K. M.
Wiule A' Co.
r w Poller visited Eugene ami
other Southern Oregon points last
Robbie VunOrsdel, son of -herin
VanOrsdel, of Dallas, has l-en
visiting in Independence.
Miss Persenhone Butler, of Mon
mouth leli Saturday for Junctior.
fi.o t. with her sisiar, Mrs.
vi?l -- -----
A. R. Martin, for several "ays.
T.J Fver is in California this
. i : . ... ....... 1... ...It v i i i 1.
week. Ml HIS rem. ii
Grants Pass a few days.
Mr and Mrs. Claience Ireland.
Mr. n'nd Mrs. S. Hays and M.. and
Mrs. I. L. Smith spent Sunday in
Falls City.
Miss May Wilson, of Reno,
Nevada-, who Usually Sih1s her
in imleiieiidMitce each year.
arrived last week and is visiting
H. Irvine's family. !
F. A, Douty and emiloyees spent;
Sundav at. the pleasant "'""rUp tVPGGdS
h,e of O. A. Wolverton. XJVYO y 1 UUd t
Prof. W A. Hooker and bride, of: Davidsoi? & Hd9e9' pr0P8'
Brown-ville, were In iepemlence
visitors Saturday. : (Jitfarn, Citf!ir-I I h. Tol nn-
Mrs. Nellie Pa.hlock, of Indepe-.-j coHtimlCoiiUvtioiKny.
deltce. came over Thursday to,
snend a few tlavs with her Muter,;
Mrs. Staiger, of thia city Salem,
i. i
K K I!iimion returneil to .Mci oriuu k,
WaaliiiiKton, last w.-k,. after heinu
here a few "lay on biiHlnes.
u.rrv K. Waironer, the stationer,
hasjust put a new sign In from of I.I
. t 1... f.if the (litest III the
Htore iimi i" "
city and would he a credit to a much
Urger place. Besides the sign a new
show case Is expected any day that will
add much to the Inside appearance ol
. . it. i 'Tim utnre llf.W
presents a much more crowded appear-
nneethau it did when It was moved to
its present location. Tins store fills a
Hid UU Illlll IKIIIIIrll.. ..... ..v--."
otitlmmlly passing In and out ol tne
Htore It undoubtedly Is enjoying a nlcti
little trade.
V. A. Doilly l''ns some InlrresllliK
ihiuK" "y the ily,,r'' "r P"lk
county. It will I money In vur
jMicket to heed what be '. Set his
W. R. ALLIJN, D. D. S.
I'ul!.li"u I'xlnit'll.iu
('nir Hull. In. .
IihI.'IkimIi'IIi-v, nn.
OTIS 1. lll"IT.i:U, M.
Physician & Surgeon.
(irllee In (era luilltllntf.
U l(leiice PlioneS. dftltn Phone t
Bath and Barber Shop.
I MAIN S I'll I' KT,
Vimv Class Son.v Fi ntaix
...r. P.....Jum
- j J 10nm9UID LWHWI Y J
11,11. Hllll.'l.l,l l"li
Should have your Work.
! v
Washiuu culled for and de
Ilvered, hot It in Dallas iiud lode
4 pendence. Washing called for
4, on Tuesday and delivered on
' MonmOUth,
H. H. Jasperson,
independence, vt Oregon.