! n w w -w v. , - v- (.0 None do Better ' Ami few as wi llby tlu-ir at present wo are in Carpet and Wall Paper Output I5 Indeed our salos aro muoli leyml our most sun- vP f) guitie expectations. Our huyini: in lariro tjuuntites and seliinm: on small margins no doubt has much 9 to do with our ovor increasing salos. Always lrin: V sizos of vour rooms and windows whon you want carpets, "wall paper and shudos. Shades made to ordor in auv si.o. . . J ' 305 Commercial SU Next door to P. Stores at Salem and Albany. County Correspondence. in in - in CALVAKY. E. Davidson and two boys were Salem visitors Tuesday. The Highland school closed a nine months term last Friday. Mrs. James Helmick and Bon, Willie, returned last Friday from a rive weeks' trip in Washington. Mrs. Elliott, of Dallas, visited her daughter, Mrs. Maggie Walker, last Thursday. Jatues Alexander took the motor for Dallas last Saturday, returning the same day. E. Evans spent a few days of last week in Portland. James Helmick lost a valuable cow Sunday night. Road Supervisor Mulkey, of Mon mouth, was through here Monday talking up the road work. W. A. Scott and wife were visit ing with their parent-, Mr. and Mrs. James Alexander, Sunday. J. M. Tedrow is putting up some new wire tencing. The Highland school board elected Lou Stapleton clerk and Chris Peterson director. Ira Earhart was up last week from McMinnville hauling down some oak logs to the Independence mills to be made into posts. He returned home Tuesday. George Bolter and familv were visiting relatives in Brooks last week. SUVEK. Mrs. C. E. McLane has returned from Grants Pass much improved in health. Miss Leah Giger is suffering from poison oak. Mr. J. M. Larsen has built a new porch on his store KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. CniCY'O KIDNEY CURE Is I iULlI 0 6uaranttid Rimsdy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the Best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c tad J J. 00. iNii:rr.NDKN( k customers as wo tlo. Just tho mulst of a groat 9 SALEM, ORE. 9 9 1 The carpenters are getting along nipple with thi railroad bridge. j Rev. Wood is holding meetings in the school house to large crowds. H. T. Kidders is putting up a new wind mill. Mr. James Wheeler left last Fri day for Albany to visit friends for a week or two and then will travel the rest of the summer for his health. () H. DeArmond and C. W. Steward left last week for Belknap Hot Springs for their health. 4 June loth was Alda Frum's Kith birthday and her friends came in the afternoon to the number of about 25 and spent the rest of the day with her. Those present were Mrs. Win. McLane, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McLane and son. Dee, Mr. and Mrs. K. Chamberlin, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Steele, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. II. Frum; Misses Eehel and Minnie Knighten, Lena and Lizzie Ridders, Minnie Maxfield, Alda and Jessie Frum. Marie Steele; Messrs. C. J. DeAr mond, Meb Carpenter, Gill, Will and Orin Giger. Ross Chamberlin, Otto Steele, Roy Frum, B. J. Rid ders. All stayed until a late hour and left wishing Miss Alda many more such birthdays. Ice cream and cake were served. Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful advance in medicine is given by Druggist O. W Roberts of Elizabeth, VV. Va. Au old man there had long suffered with what good doctors pronounced incurable can cer. They believed biacaee hopeless till he used Electric Bitters and applied Bucklen.s Arnica Halve, which treat ment completely cured him. When Elec trie Bitters are used to expel bilious, kidney and tuicrob poisons at the same time this salve exerts its matchless healing power, blood diseases, skin eruptions, ulcers and sores vanish. Bitters 50c, Salve 2-'c at Kirklaud Drug C. litieim Vista. L. D. Baldwin visited over Sunday in Albany, He made the trip awheel. Ernest Cole wag an Albany visitor Sunday. Dr. Frank Hall and family are to arrive from Albion, Wash, this week, for a visit with relatives in Polk and Benton counties. Dr. Hall is a grad uate of the Marion Sims Medical Col lege, of St. Louis, and is at present serving as president of the state medi cal board of Washington. kntkkpkisk, iMrj r.Nin:NcK. oKr.;N, jink w m. Mrs. Hello Baldwin Is t return to day, Friday, from an extended visit with Albany rvlut I v. While absent, Mr. Baldwin attended (be annual convention at Lunelle, of the Circles of t he Mate, Mmr delegate from t he local lodge. Mr. B. M. Adam arrived from Cor vallUTmxday. and I a truest at the II. 1,. Hall home. Mrs. II. I.. Hull was the huhsI, lust week, ofCorvalli relative and friend She returned Friday. Postmaster lou Baldwin leave I hi week ou a huslnes trip to . 'hlon, Wash. John Mot.aln and foully and John Baldwin and family visited the straw berry garden at Albany Tuesday, Mis Addle HecWer. of Wells spent Sunday with Miss F.lhel Locke, Mr. (fleshy, the vlllaire smith, i soon to begin Hie erection of a new blacksmith shop near dwelling. It will l "Mi feet, and Mr, Ogleshy should receive liberal patronage in re turn for hi improvement. "Sliafo" Kreuu has reshingled and newly weatlicrboarded Ids house, there by adding much to the appearance of his premises. The first of this week the large barn on the C. K. Hall farm was rilsed and otherwise- repaired. The work of rais ing the building was ucifiully per formed by Andy Wilson, of Indepen dence. I'nder the leadership of Rev. B.J Kelley, protracted meeting have U'en in progress at tbe K.vangelical ehun'h here for the past eight days. The inter est seems to be considerable and the at tendance is good. liev. Osborne assist ed in the Wednesday evening service. Among other Bnena Vista visitor during the week was Mrs. Phillip Gray, ot Harney Valley, Kastern Oregon. She left Wednesday tor Woodbiiru and Port land, where she will visit en route home. t ins Pagenkopf and Barley Hall were Salem visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Janie Kau and family, of Pedee, were guest at the home of James Me Laln this week. Mrs. Kan is a daugh ter of the latter, and came to visit her father, who is very low with asthma. 1'arkcr. We are glad Merrill and Tracy went the other wav, James Helmick lost a valuable milch cow. John Vernon took the south bound train for Tangent Monday. James Helmick and Mrs. J. O. WOMAN'S RELIEF A really healthy woman has lit tle pain or discomfort at the menstrual period. No woman needs to have any. Wine of Cardul will quickly relieve those smarting menstrual palus and the dragging head, back and side aches caused by falling of the womb and irregular menses. WIUE"CAnDUI has brought permanent relief to 1,000,000 women who suffered every month. It makes the men strual organa strong and healthy. It is the provision made by Na ture to give women relief from the terrible aches and pains which blight so many homes. DuiinnwD. T. a Oct 11 lono. I hav hAiiti vrv Blck for an in a tlmn. I was taksn with a mm pain In tnr I aide and could not get any relief until j t ineq a Dome 01 wine or uardul. Be fore I h&rf lat.n All nt it I mi rf.llVAH ' I feel it my duty to say that you have a wvuuonm meaioine. Ma. M. A. TooifT. roradrlnaAfwl I ItAratnrii. tiUrm fflrlnff ifmn. torn. "TtM LvUm' Artrttory Itepartmi-riL,'1 Tne luBuaoooa jteaieine io., cnarianootta, iena. laviiUoii purchased tlfty live i of J. S, Moore near Sultdnir KiiriiigH. Ilalph huvldson h,ts returned home from Corvalli .vlir he lias been attending the O. A. C. I. W. Cut breath ha moved to his new ranch near Monmouth. K Kvaim wa a Portland visitor last week, where he purchased a new threshing outfit, Misa Francis Helmick has r turned home, her school at Kowland being out. (iuite a few from here picked strawberries near Albany Monday. School inecliiij; wa held at the school liotie Monday- K. Kvans being re elected for clerk and P. J. Uickinfon and A. S. Kerr Iwiug elected for directors for three and two years respectively, Will Cure Consumption. A. A. llcrreu, Flueh. Ark., writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar 11110 11 preparation for coughs, colds ami lung trouble. 1 know that It hss cured consumption in the llrsl stages." A. H. Locke. Ourlng the summer kidney Irreg ularities are often caused by excess drinking or being overheated. Attend to the hldney at once by using Foley's Kidney Cure. Hold by A. H. Locke, i:CUILSION TICKl'.TS. ). It. V N. Co. Oflera ltatea to tlu Niitloiial i:luciitloint1 Association. Ticket to the annual meeting of the National Kducatlonal Association to lie held In Minneapolis, Mi no., July 711, l!- will le sold as follows: From Portland and Puget Pound ml common points, f'C.iKi. From Hpokane, Pendleton, I.ewlstoii, inter medials aiid common points, $44..V. D l'rM or BALK. From Port laud ami Puget Hound, Juneiis, July 1-3. The Luxury of Linen Laundered Right Is yotirsat small cost if yon palnml the Hulein Hti-am Luuoilry, for there ii'illilnv is tiiriieil out In anyollier hut the rlsht one, Our rai'llllle for Ihoroimhly ekniialnir Hint roerlv ironlti "hlrls, ifiilsrs Mini eurts for Ki'iilleiiii'ii are unexceptionable while ladles cannot rail to lie ileawil Willi the skill we dlniilay In tloinic up lite mom dclh-alely trimmed underwear, nklrls. ele. Ulye ua your next order. Orders left hi Kulrh'a Isirberiilioporlhe Kab-ni smse will receive prompt altuiitlon. Salem Steam Dundry, Colonel J. Olinsted, Prop. Dorous D. Olmsted. Mgr. Phone 11. 8U0 Llnerty fcitreet. MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE & MONMOUTH RAILWAY CO. leaves Indepen dent' for Mon mouth and Alrlle t:m a. m. H:M p. in. Ij'HVI'h Alrlle for MonmnuLh and lndeMrndenee. fMwi a. m. 4:00 p. m. Leaves Indepcn dene 'ttt Mon moutnaiid liallas 11:00 a. m. 7:10 p. in. Lves Monmouth Tor Alrlle. 7:V)a. m. H-Mp. m. Leaves liallas for Moniuoulh and Independence. 1:011 p. in, :: L'ves Monmoulh for Independence :.'. a. m. I:.l p. in. " Mr, " :il leaves Indepn. deuce for Moii, 2KV p. Ill 1,'vs Monmnulh Tor Dallas. 11:20 a. m. 7:.'I0 p. m. I From Spokane, etc., June July , L, il and 4, I LIMIT. tlolug-'lo commence date ofsalaor I day ttfterwlth llnl of July I". Iteturulug "September I, it'"-. Nop over wilt l allowed In each dlrectloii within limit. For further information call on or ! ad.lres the agent at Independent?, or A. L. rsiif, g I Ml passenger agetii, poitluml, Oregon. BANNER 8 A LVE tha moat hasting aa's In tha world. ,1. M. MOOItC. Tonsorlal Artist . i Only lirst-class workmen Hu t.loycd in the "Wigwam." Shop aitualed on North hide of C Street. 4 .1. i. i icv i n i :. nourv Futile and 4 3ticf tne Pcact. f Collection a specialty, A Kent f for a number ol standard old line 4 Insurance coinpsmlcs. ' 4 LsiiKI'KM'KNt'K, OltKIION. iaigif3iiiu THE CITY Cruck transfer go. F- M. SKINNER, Prop. ft A K ....My (a-rsoiial attention given to nil orders entrusted tome. Prompt J attention in every instance ,,. j imiom: 274. j I INDEPENDENCE. ORB G. L Ijawkins ludi'peudence, Ore, Granite .,oinniieiil and Head stones (.. melery woik etc. Polk County Bank, INCORPORATED. Monmouth, Oscoon. J. II. ilAWI.KV, P. L. CAMrBKI.I., President. Vien Pres. la C. Powki,!,, Cashier. Paid Cssitsl, aio.ooo. Dihkctous: J. II. Hawley, P. L. Caniilwll, I. M, Hiuipson, J, IJ. V. Hutler, John It. Htump, J. A. Withrow, F. S. Powell, Transact a General Hanking and Exchange Iiusinoss Tickets to and fromallFoints East VIA SHORT LINE sr. r.ti;i, iiimtii, irattrous, cmcito AND JOINTS CAST, Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Bullet Smoking Library Can. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME. For rates, folders and full information regarding tickets, routes etc call on or ad dress II. DICKSON, City Ticket Aifent. J.W.rHAI.ON, Trav Pass At Portland A it C DKNNLSTON. t W P A (112 First Ave., Healths Wash.