Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, June 05, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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None do
Atul few as wi'll ly their
at pri'sont wv aro .in
5? Carpet and M
In.K'fJ our sales nronuwli imv m 7' k
ni L expectations. Our l.uyinp in largo quaiitin J
and selling on small margins no doubt haj nuu-
to do with our ever inereasmg sales. Ala8 Mi V J
ies of vour rooms and windows when you want J
S) carpetswall paper and .hades. Shades male to
order in any si.e. . ' ' (
c The House Furnishing Co.,
30S Commercial St, Next door to P. 0 SALEM, ORE. (
) Stores at Salem and Albany.
County Correspondence
Culvary. i
John Walker and family were at j
Dallas on Decoration Pay. !
Mrs. Sparks, of Shetkls. visited !
her daughter, Mrs. George Heuf.
last week.
Mrs. Linden and little son, of
Minnesota, arrived here last Fri
kay on a visit to her sister, Mrs.
R. 0. Simon.
J. M. Ted row has purchased a
1100 cream separator.
Mrs. Claude Williams, of Mc
Minnville. recently vieited her sis
ter, Mrs. Clarence Ted.ow.
Wild strawberries are scarce in
this vicinity.
Albert Tedrow graduates in the
high school at Albany this week,
and his mother, Mrs. James Ted
row, went up Tuesday to be pres
ent at the graduating exercises.
George Stapleton, wife and daugh
ter, of Portland, were visiting at
the home if the former's brother.
Dave Stapleton, last Saturdsy.
' Johnnie Woods has sold out and
is going back to Eastern Oregon.
Virulent Cancer Cured.
Startling proof of a wonderful advance
in medicine Is given by Druggist O. W
Roberts of Elizabeth, W. Va. An old
man there had long suffered with what
good doctors pronouueed incurable can
cer. Tbey believed his case hopeless till
he used Electric Bitters and applied
Buckleii.s Arnica Salve, which treat
ment completely cured blm.WbenElec
tric Bitters are used to expel bilious,
kidney and microb poisons at the same
time this salve exerts its matchless
healing power, blood diseases, skin
eruptions, ulcers and sores vanish.
Bitters 50c, Salve S'.c at Kirkland Drug
Dr. L. N. Woods, county coroner,
was here Wednesday.
are the most fatal of all dis
FOLEY'S Somrtiid SiBidj
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c. tad $1.00.
customer as wo !. Just
tho muUt t a pout
Paper Output tj
A Great Deal of Dissatisfaction
-County Assessor Criticised.
Ki'iTou Extkkpkisk: There ap
pears to be a great kick among the
taxpayers ot Polk couHty in regard
to our county roads, and if the
rumors that are going the rounds
are true, we have a right to kick.
To take the money from this dis
trict to build roads elsewhere would
he unjust, for the simple reason
that the roads are in as bad condi
tion south of Monmouth as they
are anywhere in Polk county, and
ot course it would be natural and
right for these men who have paid
in the hard cash to demand the
use ot the same on these Ind roads.
If the ro ids were passable, then it
would be right to help build these
hud roads.
We will just take for an example
t.lm road from Fall City to Dallas
Tfir. were not for the sawmills the
farmers could maintain a good road,
but. these null-men will haul 111 in
ber in the fall as long as they can
psssibly get through, cutting the
very bottom out of the road, thus
destroying the work already done
in the spring.
Now, gentlemen, would it " be
right for the taxpayers to pay an
extra .tax to build roads for those
mill teams to destroy? I claim
that a road can't be built out of the
course gravel they are using to
stand the heavy four-horse loads
and narrow tires.
It seems that the new law giving
the county court power to appoint
a general supervisor does not meet
with general approval, but I be
lieve that is all right. As to
whether Mr. Huntley is competent
or not I will not say, as I have no
means of knowing, but if he is
competent to fill this office he will
save his wages many times over.
You are all well aware of the fact
that our roads are in as bad condi
tion now as they were twenty years
ago. There are several reasons for
First Incompetent supervisor.
Second The road bed wearing
down to the clay, making a chan
nel for water.
Third Lack ot drainage.
Fourth Lack of system.
Fifth Lack of education on road
building. .
Siith The country being settled
and diversified fanning, dairying
etc. In tact there U such a chaise
taking place that our road will be
visod much more.
There are other reasons too
numerous to mention. If the road
supervisors will educate themselves;
have a good road convention, say
nhotit two a year, all meet together
at Pallas with the enmity court
und discuss road building it would
he of great hte(it to them and to
the county.
I don't think you will bear a
great Kick from the farmer if the
money is used judiciously. There
has not been a lick of work done
in the district south of the old Da
mon farm south of Monmouth this
season, but within a mile of Mon
mouth where the roads were com
paratively good, with the exception
of a few loads of gravel last year.
Tl mitiKrvisor tilled up a lot (I
mud and dirt on top of the gravel,
makmir a mud hole, and this year
the present supervisor is piling up
more mud. I claim throwing this
road up in this manner is waste of
mon-v: iust as well throw me
monev in the ocean, uno ss the road
is finished with eravel. I also see
that our supervisor is using the old
dump scraer and crowder. There
would be just as much sense in
farmers trcwiiiE binders away and
going back to th self-reapers of
fifty years ago. 1 he county nas
four good, improved road graders,
and the road can be built better
and for one-fifth the cost. I be
lieve if we had a uniform syBtem
of road building we woald have
good roads, and when the taxpayers
get value received for their money
in good romU there will be. no kick
Another little item I can't see
through is why uots our assessor
have four men help in h'.s work,
hi Benton county I have been in
formed that Mr. Hush, assessor of
that county, runs his farm in Kings
Vallev nd does the work alone.
Benton county gets its work' done
for sfSOO. What docs it cost Polk
county? It is true our county is a
little larger, but if Benton county
Too much housework wrecks wo
men's nerves. And the constant
care of children, day and night, is
often too trying for even a strong
woman. A haggard face tell the
story of the overworked housewife
and mother. Deranged menses,
eucorrhca and falling of the
womb result from overwork.
Every housewife needs a remedy
to regulate her menses and to
keep her sensitive female organs
in perfect condition.
is doing this for thousands of
American women to-day. It cured
Mrs. Jones and that is why she
writes this frank letter :
Glendeane, Ky., Feb. 10, 1(01.
I am m glad that jour Wine of Cardul
1. b"lpln me. 1 am 1 las byurt han
I hve felt for yeare. I am doing my
own work without any help. nd I
waihed tt week nd waa not one bit
Jlred. That ehow that tlj. Wlw . U
doing me good. I am setting ne.hler
than! eer waa before, and eleep good
id e.t hearty. Before I began U ng
Wine of tlardul, I need U Bar to ley
down Sre or el time, erery day, but
Sow I de not think of lying downthreuh
the day. fticaAaD Jonne.
S1.00 AT IMUTCltlMT.
fereaXM HMton. er,, Ji'I
Ctetuaew MriulH Co.. li.BUl, I-
can do i work with one man I
would like for some one to unswer
whv we have four lure in Polk
county and only pay about $!MKX)
more state taxes.
A K A II M Ml.
... . - ---
The nomination of (ieo. .
fiibeeas receiver of the Oregon
City land olllce which was held up
by Senator Siuiuii fr so many
months, went OS tin senate atur
day. Mr. Bibee succeeds Mr.
Callaway. Both the retiring and
incoming reiviver aro acquainted
with many hero.
' Nned From An Awliil I'm.
'Everybody said 1 had cnimi
llon," write Mrs. A. M. Hhlelds, of
rbamhersbuig, I'.," I was low after
six month of sevt-re slrkiiew, eailwd
by Hay Fever ami Aelhmn, that few
thoiiKht I could Kt well, but I learned
of the marvelous merit of lr. KIiik'
New Discovery for t'ouuinptloii. u-ed
It, and wh completely curl." For
desperate Throat and I.uu Dlsea-e-. It
I tli wtfrst cure In the world, and I
infallible fur Cough, Col i ami Hnm
cblat Amotion. firn'ruiitewl lltle
fiOcand 10. TrUI Bottles fiec at
Kirkland lru Co.
(). It. .V N. Co. Oiler Huto to
llio Niitlonnl F.dilontloinH
Ticket to the annual meeting of the
National Kdueatlonal Anwiclatlon to
i.m i,,.l, I In MlniieaiiolU, Mum.. July
711, l'-H"-. will be sold a follow:
From Portland and l'uet Hound
and eom.uou poiut. Vl.w: From
Hpokaiic, lvndletou, LewNtoti, iuter
medlataaud common polul. Ml
From I'orllund and Puget Hoitud,
June 2s, July 1-3.
y COFTtllOMf1
The Luxury of Linen
Laundered Right
U voumiitMiii'll I' vo1! l''Uonite thp
lurnedom In anvi.tlier bill l In- rlglit .
Jm ml-nitle. r..r lhom..Bhly el.n,..O.jC
nrmierly iron Iiik li rl, .ulliire nun r
i". Ib-. e-ii ire,, while h.II
S. m,l rail t . Pl.-'e-l 'Will. "','; ''""
airplay lu rtoitm up i "t rt 1
trlinii ed iinlrwear. aklru. eU-. Olv. .
vV, r next .r.ler. Order, left a K'Or ' .
l)Brlierhiirlhe Hule... ilinto will receive
priiinpt attention,
Salem Sieam Caundry,
Colonel J. Olmsted, Prop. 1 )ormi
D. Olmsted, Mgr. iiioub it. ..."
Liberty t-treet.
Ieavea Indenen
dcnie for Mon
mouth and Atrlle
7: a. m.
XM p. in.
Iavea Indepen
rtenef for Mon
nioutnand Dullae
11:00 e. m.
7:1 p. m.
L'Tee Monmouth
for Alrlle.
T:V)a. m.
8:t0 p. tn.
I,eav Alrlle for
Monmouth and
0:io a. m,
t:00 p. 111.
Leave Italia for
Monmouth and
1:00 p. ni.
8:) "
lve, Monmouth
for Iudepeudenoe
0:4.1 a. m.
1 -..- p. in.
2:4U "
:4S "
:( "
Lnvn lndepen
denoe for Hon,
2:06 p. in
t'ven Monmuth
for Ln.Ha.
11:20 a. m.
71 p. m.
V I r 1 T I A. - - L. HiJ, . I
From hpoim.e, t-ie., June July
1!, Hand 4, -
(bln To commence date ofulor
ily arte r with tlul of July l.
Ueturiilmi Soieiii!er 1,
Slop over will Ikj allowed In each
direction wllhln limit.
For furt Iter information call on or
addie. the aneut at Independence, '
A. I.. Craiif. uencial pafiiP'r audit,
1'orlliiiul, Oreuuu.
tha most hnng aa' In h world.
,i. s. moo hi:,
Tonsorial Artist
Only tirsl-clnss workmen em
ployed in the "Wigwam" Khop
situated on North side of C Htreet.
4 ,M. I ItYINI'.
4 Notary Public ini
a nusiice of ih Peace.
a ColliH-tioii a specialty, AK"'nt f
for a number ot Binnilard old lino .
liiNiiranee eomule.
A iNI-Kl KM'KNi K. - OlIKOON. f
I CruckCransfcrCOe
F. M. SKINNER. Ptop. f
... a.....-......! ulluiiliiii, irlve.t IO w
P) ,.,.l p l'l,"' "' T
A nil order entr.isled to me. Prompt y
r mieiition In every instance
O IMIONi: L'7 -I. S
ft a,
'..r.'.' ' V'U . . I e a....
lildejifiidem-e, Ore.
llarlile ami
ioiiuui.'in and Head
utonea t .iuetery
uork ele.
Polk County Bank,
Monmouth, - Osioon.
J. II. IIawi.kv, P. I.. Camiuiicu.,
PreMidnnt. Viee Pre.
Ika V. Powki.i., Cashier,
Paid Capital,
Dikkctohs: J. H. llawley, P. K.
Campbell, I. M. Siiupson, J. II. V.
Butler, John K. Stump, J. A.
Withrow, F. S.JWll.
Transact a Oaneral Banking
nnd F:xchange Jlusines
Tickets to and fromallPoinls East
ThrouQh Palacs and Tonrlit Sleepers.
Dining and BnUet Smoking Library Cars.
For rates, folders and full information
retrardine tickets.routesetc rail on or ad
dress II. DICKSON, City Tleket Awtit.
J W.PHAI.ON, Trav Pass Agt Portland
612 First Ave., Seattle Wash.
1 1: Av tf. vtj.