INDEPKNOKNCK KNTKKriUSK, IXDKPKNDKNOK, OKKC.OX, AlkiU.ST 20, 1901. Cbe University of .Oregon, j Highest standard in lint stale. Two j hundred courses in Literature, Selene and j I the Arts, Science and Kngtiiet-rint; and Miiitiu. j i Now buildings and equipment, seven new , j instructors; nearly 5,000 Volumes added to ; ! library in 1101 . Summer School with t'niver- J ! sity credit. Special courses for teacher, for j law and medical students. lVpartineut of Education tor teachers, principal and super- i intendants. Tuition free, cost of living low. j Three students granted scholarships in largo i eastern universities in 1001. j Send name to President or Registrar for j circulars and catalogues, Eugene, Oregon. 3 TESKsetTSS-C County Correspondence UOCVA. L. V. Hampton and family are staying ou their claim this week. George Derrick, formerly of this place, was in this vicinity on busi ness lust week. Mr. Myers, of Dallas, passed through here Wednesday on his way to the Siletz. Ben Harrington and family, of Falls City, stopped at their ranch Friday on their way honje from Newport. C. TeUen, of $an Francisco, and Mr. Mays, the Elk City grocer, were guests of Fred Wittenstrom j Wednesday night CKOWLEY. G. F. Seely went to Perrydale Sunday. Cass Kiggs had his foot very badly mashed one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. White were visiting in the Eola hills Sunday. Dr. Maud Holt is here visiting her grandmother, Mrs. N. W. Har ris. S. K. Crowley, of Monmouth, was looking after business here abouts Monday. Mrs. James L. Slipp, of Portland, has been here visiting her sister, Mrs. Allen Rogers. Henry White has rented the farm of John Holmes and expects to moye there soon. Mr. Sherwood's little five-year-old daughter cut her foot very bad ly on a piece of broken glass. Mrs. C. F. Patton, of Salem, vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. White, a few days last week. Crops are very good around here this season, most all of the farmers having more grain than they expected. Finley Edgar was over from Salt Creek Monday and said that it hailed quite hard over there Sunday night. Mack Hubbard, who has been working for his uncle, Sam Smith, for several years, is moving down near North Yamhill. Sears fe Gay began taking wheat into the Crowley warehouse on the 19th inst. W-W. Fawk brought them the first loud for the season of 15)01. Those operating threshing outfits say they are ''having a hard time to keep hands, as many of the men I wish to quit lo prepare for hop picking. Threshers seem to be in demand around here this season. We know parties who have been want ing their grain threshed for several weeks and it is still in the shock. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the rnoeous lining of the Eustachian Tube, When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflaniation can 1 taken out and this tube restored to ita normal con dition, bearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that eannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Che.vev & Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's family pills are the best. Harvest will soon this vicinity. Miss Nellie Harris be over in and Miss H. H. Jasperson, UNDERTAKER, Independence, :: Oregon. Maude Patterson, of Independence, were Suver visitors Monday. C. K. Mcl.ane and A tt'u went to AltHiiy Saturday evening. Hop picking will soon commence around here, hut pickers are rather scarce. The warehouse is running full bluxt, as it keeps them hustling get sacks to keep he niuchines supplied. Quarterly meeting will be held at the school house at this place Saturday evening. The services will he conducted by Rev. Melsier, of Dallas. The many friends of Kitmaii Vatiderpool will be pained to hear of his death, which occurred Tues day morning, after several weeks' sickness at his home near Wells. A young gentleman arrived at the residence of John Quivey early last Kridav morning, weight 12 pounds. John says ho used to work, hut he won't any longer as he now bus two bovs to work for him. iAitKi:it. Nellie Haley is visiting here with her sister, Miss Iva James H-lmiek is shipping old w heat to the Talmage mills. William has sold his hop pnss to ll' tiderson Murphy. John Gentry, of Highland, is working for the S. V. Co. on the section. Charles Huntley, of Tnlmnir?. ia I sacking wheat and loading cars at , . the warehouse. S. II. McElruurry had two calves killed last ween oy me i . t railroad engine. W. Turnidge anil family, of Air lie, spei't last Sunday here with It. Swink and family. Mrs. Smith, of Salem, spent a tew days here last week with her sister, Mrs. Vernon. C. M. Bradley, while returning from Corvillis on the train last Sunday, lost a valuable hat. Dave Haley has quit the section temporarily and will assist Will Scots through the hop season. Ed Prather, of Buena Vista, has been delivering engine wood for the Ilelrnick warehouse, from Jas. Prather's farm. Can a man lawfully, or is it morally Hght for a man to marry his widow's niece? This if for correspondents to answer. Kinman Vanderpool,who lives near Wellsdale, Benton county, died on August 20th. We did not learn the particulars. He was well known in this county. ZKNA. P. F. Clark's wheat averaged 37 J bushels to the acre. J. B. Shepard's thresher is at work near Lone Star. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Zone, of Spring Valley, Oregon, a son. Rev. McKinley. of Woodburn, delivered a sermon at Zona last Sunday. D. 0. Henry, while driving the cows to pasture last week, wrenched his foot, which will keep him from work for some time. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of lo j EftSiflfiBfl AM'Cctatilc Preparation for Ah -slimlAl intf the Foodantl Hetfula -linfi the Stomachs oral Howls of mm Tremolos Digestion Choc rfur ncss and Rest .Contains iicHIkt Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. OT NAHCOTIC. A-kMU JUtt -4 .Cm ill lMtttmtB Anerfccl Kentedy forfonslli Iton, Sour Slonuwh, Diarrhoea I Worms ,( onvulsioiw ,Fc wrish- ucss mul Loss OF SLEEP. I'ar Suiiilo Sujnnlurt or N'kvv vonic. MACT CC?Y OF WRAPPER. Mr. Phillips and Mrs. Puncun returned from the const last week. They report the ro'tds very dusty. Bob Ienl has a live sheep v.i:(i it THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK OJlPTTJJL, STOCK, $50,000.00. fl mRfSIII!KH(S. President. DIKKCTOKS. II. Ilirsehlierg, P. W. A. - general bunking uml exchange business transacted. diseouiited. Commercial credits gruiitr-l. subject to cheek. Interest paid ot time r THE PHooo 5 COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY" 125 Geary Street, SAN fRANCISCO, CAL. Daily and Sunday m m CI CD The Daily and Sunday Oregon ian can bo had for 20 cents per week; the Daily alone for 15 cents per week. HARRY E. WAGONER, For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signati six 1i'k. It has four leys the same as suy sheep and a fifth one lM-or i's iViiht T i t and the sixth behind it ffunl feet. I of AM h$ Use y For Over I Jhirty Years roiiifnirtrdbii im tmi ettu . Mia o im, Al'.V. Nl'IXlV, Vice President W. IKViNF.. I'uPlii.-r. Hears, IS. K. Mniili, M, W. Mcwuit and Nelson. Ijiuiih in d. Bills ed on current account IVpnsi! r'-eei deposit. 3 to t5Q ENTERTAINS EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE Latost NEW PROCESS Rooorda SEND FOR CATALOGUE 36 j AGENT.