r I Countv Correspondents 1 j Aini.n:. Busey. the napthoh'iini man, was iii these parts a few days ago. ICHxt v Uuthrie will begin pick ing Imps iii ihe Williams yard on next Monday. Mr. J. L. Ilerschner, of Hood Kiver, in visiting her grandmother, Mm. Simpson. Joe Iirown linn live teams haul ing out from hit farm in McTim monda Valley. Hone Commit, of Buyer, waa in thin place last week getting a aclec lion of kodao picture. Wages are good in tbia part of the country and Block Bait is Bell ing at 91.15 a hundred. llutler fc Coad were in thi city last Friday procuring affidavits concerning a private road near here. Wheat ! ooming to the ware house at a lively rate juat now. The berry la plump and of good weight. J. W. Miller went over to Mr. Kaber'a. near Corvallia, laat week after peachca. They eell for $1.25 a buahel. , Aaa Btaata ahipped to the butch era at Monmouth one day laat week a aeven-tnontha-old calf that dressed 380 pounds. Ed Patras haa juat returned from the head watera of the Yam hill river, where he had been ae lecllng a timber claim. James Grant paaed thia way on bin trip to the Klger peach orchard near Corvallia. He will bring peachea for all his neighbora. Uelatley finiahed threshing in thia vicinity and pulled back for Corvallia. He run twelve wagona and threshed aa high as 3200 bushels a day. Mr. East was looking over the R E. Williams hop yard a few days ago and informed ua that the yield would be large and the quality first-class. Dyspepsia Can be cured by using Acker's Dys pepsia Tablete. One little tablet will ive immediate relief or money re funded. Sold In handitome tin boxes at 26 cents. A. 8. Locke; druggist. PEUKVDALE. ' Three carloads of oata have already been shipped trora this place. Mr. John Wolfe and daughter, Lillie, returned to Newberg Wed nesday. Miss Kennedy, of Independence, returned home Wednesday after a week's visit at the home of E. C. Keyt. We Are Conscientious. Substitutes, and impure drugs have no place in our store. We know physicians do not want us to use them, and we won't do it. Every prescription here is compounded of pure drugs by careful, competent and accurate pharmacists, who don't make mistakes. You can trust us with your prescription preparing. A. S. Locke, Druggist, MAIN STREET, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE, OUEtlON, AUGUST 29, 1901. 1 x Ed Keyl and family have re turned frin u two weeks' outing at Neskowin. Min Heroic Latham lft Wed nesday for an extended visit with Portland friends. Archie I)e Voe and Hoy Latham went to Ia!luB Saturday evening, returning Sunday. Jena Morris drove over from Sheridan Sunday afternoon, re turning in the evening Mis Maud Huxler, who baa been bo seriously ill for some time, id rcjwrted to be no better. Mr. and Mrs. G"orge Townsend drove to Dalles Sunday to be at the bedside of Mr. Townsend'a mother, who is very ill. Mia Effie IMankington, of Bridgjiort, who haa been visiting with relativea in thia vicinity the pant week, returned home Sunday. The warehouse ia the busiest place in town at present, wheat ooming in at a lively rate. It will be necessary to begin Backing soon, aa the bins are almost full. The many friends of Henry Gil liam will be pleased to know that he ia again able to be up. He was able to leave his room Sunday for the first time in six weeks. Miss Leonora Harris conducted services at Concord school house Sunday. The people of that vicin ity are well pleased with her dis courses and it ia probable that she will continue the work there. FA 1X8 CITY. ; 15. E. Lombard has gone to Stock ton. California. Frank Butler was a Dallas vis itor Saturday laat. George Gardner and family have moved to the hop yard. Forest fires are raging In the mountains west of here. Mr. Talbott is repairing the county bridge at this place. . ' The condition of Miss Elsie Montgomery is atill critical. ,Ve are pleased to Bay ' thai J. S. Montgomery ia slowly recovering. , Fred Lombard and Miss Edith Den nin were married Thursday of laat week. : "; Z Z' " '. Mr. Todd will soon go to Marion county to work in a prune dryer for Dr. Perry. :v ; 1 John Teal was a Dallas caller Saturday and was also inspecting county bridges, v vv. Cal Cramer returned home from Monmouth, coming by way of Dal las Saturday evening. Miss Plankington, of Bridgeport, has been engaged to teach the Oakhurst school near here. Al Harrington, who has n working for the Luckiumute Mill Co., contemplates going EaHt soon. James Klynn. Wm. Southwell, Win. Alderman and John Mont gomery were at Dallas Saturday evening. Win. Fhelton, of Dalla. and Hon. II. K, Nichols, of Prin.'vill. were calling on friend near hero hint KndHy. PmuI Hunter and Randolph Sut ler were up al the fifty-foot falls one day luet week fishing. Thy report a good time and fine ca'ch. This week will have completed the harvest. The yield of grain was (id around here and at 'Hridireporl and the outlook for a good hop yield is looked for. The Griggs store building now owned by Jack Wagoner, is being fitted up and will soon be occupi d by Mr. F. A. Lucas, who intends putting in a new stock of goods. At ft recent meeting of the direc tors of school district No. GO, Mrs. Milliiian was chosen director to fill the place vacated by Mr. Reynolds, who line moved to Benton county. Don't be Batinfled with temporay ro lef from iudigestion. Kodol Uyspepsi Cure permanently and completely re move! this complaint. It relieves permanently because It allowes the tired stomach perfect rest. Dieting won't rent the stomach. Nature re cieves supplies trom the food we eat. The sensible way to help the stomach is to ubb Kodol Dygpesps'a Cure, hlch digest what you eat and cannot help but do you good . A. 8. Ieke. KOLA. We had a copious shower of rain Sunday. '; Heziie Brunk, who has been ill for Beveral weeks, f is able to be about again. - ( " Miss Bertha Holmes is in our midst again after an extended out ing at Seaside. j. Mrs. Sloper, of Independence, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mur phy, of this place. Mrs. A. 0. Brown, tvho has been seriously ill for several weeks, is slowly recovering. : Miss Elnora Clement has just re turned from a several days' visit among friends atSmithfield. Mr. Charles Reins ftnd brother, Till, of Mehama, made a business call on Mrs. Thacker last week. There will be preaching at this place Sunday, September 1st, by Rev. Bowersox, of Salem, com mencing at 4 o'clock P. M., after which communion services will be conducted by the pastor, Rev, Rabing, of this place. Thos. W. Brunk'a crop is at present being threshed by Jim Ball'B outfit. Mr. Brunk has about three hundred acres ot very good grain. v It is not known yet what the yield will be, but it is ex pected about 30 bushels per acre. Notwithstanding the cold wet weather and slow growth in the fore part of the season, hops are looking excellent at this place and growers are jubilant. Picking will commence in moBt of the yards about September 5th. The three yards here, Gilbert fc Patterson, Docksteader & Murphy and John Holmes will use about 300 pickers. Gilbert & Patterson have just completed their large store and baling room, besides they have added to their drying capacity by building another kiln, making them four large kilns in all, enabling them to handle about J six hundred boxes per day. With their large amount of room, new buildings and modern appliances they now have one of the Ixst dry ing outfits in Polk county, if not in the state. The MisK-a Louise and Emma Wolfe and Martha Sheridan, of Salm, visited Mrs. IS. I. Ferguson Sunday. Your Face Khow the mule of your feelings and the HtHte of your health a well. Impure Hood makes ithelf apparent In a pale anil sallow complexion, pimples and ekiti eruptions. If yon aie freling weak and worn nut and do not have a healthy apiM-aran-e you chould try Acker's Blood Kiixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap r-arnapurillan and so called puri llers fail; knowing this we sell every bottle on a poitUve guarantee. A. 8 Locke, druwttKt. I'errytlale Flour Mill. Hfieclal from Perrjrdale. The farmers of this locality have on more than one occasion ex preVnid a desire to aee a flour mill erected al Perrydale, and now they are more than pleased to know that their decree are to be real ized. The thoughts of an empty Hour chest in mid-winter with no ot:ier recourse than to drive ten or fifteen miles to the nearest grist mill makes him hope lor the suc cess of the undertaking There ia no question but that it is a natural place for such an enterprise, situated aa it ia in the heart of one ot the beat wheat growing sections in the Willamette valley and having no local com petitors within a radius of ten milea. The building of the mill hag been under the supervision of H. T. Latham, the miller. It is well constructed and furnished through-, out, and ia how ready to be turned over to the millrighta. The ma chinery arrived Friday and the work of installing it will be begun at once. Thia will require about Legal Notices. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City. Oregon . July ST. 1901. Notice la hereby glen that the following named settler has (lied notice of his In teution to make final proof In support 01 her claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Oregon Oty. Oregon, on September 8, 1901. via: Klorence 1. Wagoner. H. K. No. 127W for the HW H of Heel Ion 12. T. 8 8..R.7 W. Hhe names the following winesses to prove her continuous resldenoe upon and cultiva tion ol said laud, vis: F. Robinson, of Kails City. Oregon, Mrs. Sam Tethrow, pf Falls City, Oregon, Mrs. A. M. Hurley, of Indepen dence, Oregon, Ivan Woods, of Independence. Oregon. CHaS. B. MOORB8. Register. First pub. Aug. S3. Last pub. Sept. 19 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that T. J. Jellison has been duly appointed executor of the es tate of Rachel l)avldon. deceased. All per sons having claims against the said estate are herebv required to present them to the unclentlgued executor, properly verified, within six months from the date of the nrst publication of this notice, or at the office of Attorney N. L. Butler, at Independence, folK county, Oregon. Dated this 22nd day of August, 19M. T. J. J ELLISON, Administrator of the estate of Rachel Davidson, deceased. First pub. Aug. S. Last pub, Sept. 5. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice Is hereby given that by order of the Honorable County Court of the state of Ore gon, for Polk county, the dual settlement of the administration of the estate of F. Hosford, deceased, is set for hearing Hatur dav, September 7, 1901, at the hour of one o'clock P. M. of said day. Ail persons Inter ested are notified to appear at said time at the place of holding said court and show cause if any there be, why the petition for the said settlement should not be allowed. Waltbk HoeroKB, Adm'r of the estate of E.F.Hosford, deceased. 0tv Bill m G VAN I. DOKNS1FK, Prop. .. ..Pereoual attention given to the distribution ot all kinds of printed matter. House to house deliyery, at very reasonable pnceB lor good work. . IndeDendence, - - - Oregon. 5 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. OTI8 I. 1IUTLEK, M. !., Physician & Surgeon. Office in Opera House building, rtcaidence Phone 6. Office Phone J. 8. MOOHC, Tonsorial Artist Only first-class workmen em ployed in the "Wigwam." Shop eituated on North side of C Street. i: T. IIKMILE, Bath and Barber Shop. main street, Independence, - - Orego.v. i I N. L. BUTLEK. Attorney at Law. Collections a specialty. Oflice up stairs in Independence National bank brick, Independence, Oregon eix weeks, as such work is neces sarily slow. At the expiration of that time it is expected the mill wiil be put in operation to the ex tent of it capacity, , which is 00. barrels pr day. Experience, ia the Best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Hliould it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 and 50ct. A. S. Locke, druggist. Did you ever buy any of the big city papers and notice the tig page advertisements in them by the dozen? Thev cost thousands of dollars. What do you suppose they are printed for? Surely not to LelD the DBDer alonit! They are printed solelj because they are a part of the merchandise business. No merchant can be successful who hides his light under a bushel. K 4- A i i !-' tl'i v A ...THE... monnjotilb Eaundry a H.D. WHITMAN, Prop. f 4 Should have your Work. .....Washing called for and de livered, both in Dallas and Inde pendence. Washing called for on Tuesday and delivered on Saturday mork Guaranteed. Monmouth, Oregon. Polk County Bank, INCORPORATED. Monmouth, f OaaooN. J. H, Hawlky, P. L. Campbbll, President. Vice Pres. Ira C. Poli., Cashier. . Paid Capital, sao.ooo. Dibkctobs: J. H. Hawley, P. L. Canipbeil, I- M. Simpson, J. B. V. Butler, John B. Stamp, J. A. Withrow, F. S. Powell. Transact a General Banking and Exchange Business Boards.