Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 29, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    iff- mmmammaammmmmm
Social and Personal
Dr. W.R.Allin, dentist, Cooper bldg.
Cal Hutton visited Albany Sunday.
Ice cream at all times at Wagoner'.
Al Wbiteaker, of Albany, is visiting
Don't overlook R, M. Wade t Co.'a
stove ad. ,
Miss Effle Richardson returned from
Portland Friday.
A splendid line of spring wagons at
R. M. Wade & Co.'s.
Wall paper at prices that cannot be
beaten, Campbell Bros.
Wm, Metzler. of near Monmouth,
was in tbe city Saturday.
L. C. Gilinore and family inteud
reaching home tomorrow.
Try a nice ice cream soda with pure
crushed fruits at "Wagoner's.
The infant cbiid of Mr. and Mrs. O.
Martin died on August 19th.
Mrs. W. . Percivalaud daughter
were passengers to Dallas Tuesday.
A state certificate has been granted
to George A. Serfling, of Monmouth. j
Julien Hurley returned Monday
from a several days' visit at Lafayette.
B, Wilson and wife returned last
Thursday evening from theipvaeatlon.
Laxative Bromo Quinine will cure i
your cold in one day. For sale by A. j
S. Locke. j
The Misses Florence and Edna Bur- !
nett drove oyer to Salem Saturday !
At the meeting of the Masonic lodge
on Saturday evening a new candidate
was started.
R. M. Wade& Co. is the place to
buy your shot gun. A large shipment
just received.
Call on J. 8. Moore for Ilerpicide,
the dandruff cure. Sold in bulk, or
applied if desired.
Try Huntley's Restaurant for a first
class meal. Only 20 cents. Special
rates by the week.
Quart and half-gallon tin fruit cans.
We give wax strings with each can.
F. E, Chambers.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine and
stop sneezing, hawking and spitting,
For sale by A. S. Locke.
Eight-ball professional croquet sets,
$3,50, regular price $5 .50. Four-ball
sets, $1.00. F. E. Chambers.
Miss Dorothy Cooper, who has
spent the summer on the Sound, re
turned home Sunday morning.
Mrs. John Ward and Mrs. William
Ward, of Pacific county. Wash., are
visiting their father, I. Connett.
Mrs. Retta Powell and children, of
Monmouth, who have been visiting in
Portland, returned home Monday.
An exchange says that F. 8. Young
er, formerly of Cottage Gtove, has pur
chased a grocery store at Pendleton.
Mrs. Graham, of Salem, came up on
tbe morning train Monday from Port
land, going over to Dallas by motor.
oftimeand money In a business education U not a venture, The benefits to be derived
from such a course last for life and pay substantial dividends every day. These facts are
amply shown by the uniform success of the graduates of tbe
Our student are offered the ad vantages of aschool well known for Its thorough work,
pleasant rooms, skillful teachers and modern methods. Class and Individual Instruction.
Uving expenses cheap. Hend for catalogue.
W. I. JTALIT, Principal, 5slm, Oregon.
Dining the remainder of
the reason Ice Cream will
be kept on hand contin
ually at the....
Wagoner Store,
Nothing but the very
best cream handled. Ice
Cream Soda, with crush
ed fruit served.
Carpets at cost. Campbell Bros.
Mr. Blankenshlp, father of Mm. J.
M. Stark, came up from Portland on
Misa May Kennedy returned this
week from a several days' visit at
Hon. W. E. Richardson, superior
Judge ofSpokaue county, Wash., is
visititig bb father, Claib Richardson.
Miss Edith Owen will attend tbe j
Sao red Heart Academy at Salem this
winter, leaving the last of September.
Cards are out announcing tbe Har
vest Home Carnival ball, given by tbe
Woodmeu at Albany on September
Mrs. Maud Ireland has Improved so
rapidly at tbe huspltal in Portland as j
to make It possible to be brought borne j
soon. !
D. B. Taylor' family is expected j
soon from the coast and V. O. Slinr- i
niau's family will follow in the near j
future. !
Glenn Butler, of Monmouth, who
hss spent several mouths in Eastern
Oregon, returned home last Saturday
Jess Irvine, of McMiauville, who
has been spending several weeks at
Newport, returned to bis home ou
Mrs. Emmett Staats, of Airlie, left
Monday afternoon for Port Towusend,
where she will visit relatives for a
short time.
Mrs. T. P. Baker, who has been vis
iting A. Nelson's family, left Monday
morning .by way of Salem for her
Iowa homo.
Charley Bacon, of Southern Oregon,
a former resident of this place, came
up from Portland Friday on a visit to
relatives here.
Mrs. W. Babbitt aud Miss Bowden
have returned from the coast and are
prepared to resume their teaching in
music ut once.
Mrs. E. L. DeLashmult, was an In
coming passenger from Seattle, Wash.,
Monday morning, going over to Dal
las on tbe motor.
Mrs. C. L. Fitchard, of Indepen-,
dence, passed through Salem last even
ing returning home from Eugene.
Salem Statesman,
Charley Bacon was a passenger Sat
urday morning to Newport to spend a j
few days. He is now an S. P. brakes- j
man at Grants Pass.
See our new line of pocket cutlery j
made by the Cattaragus Cutlery Co.
We have good knives at very low
prices. F. E. Chambers.
Dee Taylor was quite ill on Sunday.
Attorney Fenton, of McMinnville,
was in the city last Sunday, returning
home Sunday afternoon.
Miss Myrtle Lee, formerly of this
city, now of Olympia, Wash., will
soon enter the Good Samaritan hospi
tal at Portland as a nurse.
If the action of your bowels is not
easy and regular, serious complications
must be the final result. DeWitt's
Little Early Risers will remove this
danger. Safe, pleasant and effective.
A. 8. Locke.
Mr. and Mr. H. A. Zurcher loft on
Saturday for their new home at Enter
urlse. Eastern Oiviioti. Mr. Zurcher
was Miss Host, of Mouumutu.
V. 8. Younger and on, K. Younger,
arrived Suuday from Monmouth, Or,
aud re guest ol frleuds. Peudleton
oorrea(omleut to the Telegram
Mr. Frank O'ltrlen aud children
left yesterday for Cleveland, O., ou a
visit. Mr. O'Brien acoompauled them
to Port laud.- Altany Democrat.
Frank Lord, who worked In V. D,
Calbreath's grocery store, la now fol
lowing the race circuit as jockey
being at present in Everett, Wash.
Luiu Yeater, of the Lucklamute,
got hit In the rib by pitchfork
haudle that wa kicked by hone, ou
Tuesday, which fractured oue rib.
Miss Veda Torbelt was passenger
to Albany Saturday morning, where
she will peud several weeks with her
parents before returiilug for tbe win
Elder J. It. U. Russell, of Dallas,
will pleach in tbe Baptist church Sat
urday. at 2 P. M. aud Sunday moru
lug at 11 A. M. H'jd In the evening at
8 P. M.
J. E. Hubbard and L. Damon were
over at Grande Roude on Tuesday
looking at large stock ranch belong'
Iuk to N. L. Butler, with view of
renting it.
Henry Wilkes, former Iudepeu-
deuce boy, surprised people Monday
by coming in ou the morning train.
He has been at Fossil, Eastern Oregon,
of late years.
Miss Olive Williams, daughter of
Mrs. Han ford Williams, returned home
from Salem this week, where she has
been spending tbe past two mouths
with frleuds. ,
The Alrlle freight train emjlne broko
down at Airlie Mouday evening, nec
essitating its laying over there until
anew engine brought up
from Portland.
Jasper It. Miller, who lias been In
Alaska for some time, returned last
week. He reports having been at the
Stump camp recently ami that they
were getting along flue.
Rev. and Mrs. Claud Le.Musters and
Infant child pasnvd through town Mon
day morning. Key. LeMaslers was
formerly pastor of the Christian church
here, but is now located in California
Rev. James Waggoner, of Uklah,
California, preached in the Indepen
dence Christian church both Sunday
morning and evening Rev. Waggon
er will probably he called to this Held
of labor, so we are informed.
Mr. and Mrs. Mchwans have taken
up their resldenci; in Vancouver,
Wash , ay the Vancouver correspon
dent to the On-gonian. Mrs. Schwar.
was formerly Miss Alta Est oh, of this
city, later of Wulla Walla, Wash.
We notice by the marriage column
of the Portland Telegram that Miss
Frances Holden, a well known young
lady of Monmouth three or four years
airo, wus married to a Mr. Brink on
August lil. Among those uMHistiiig in
the ceremonies were Miss Opal Hall
undMlns Maud Stockton, bolh wcll-
knowu in Monmouth
If you want to buy a
watch of any kind it will
pay you to look at our
stock before buying. Our
prices are right.
0. ft. Kramer $ 0o.
Jewelers & Opticians.
OHKt.ON, AlH.UirT 29 1901
Photographic Supplies,
Eastman's W. 1. IMatinum paper develop in hot
water. Wo carry the following size lij x 3J. 3J x 4,
and 4
x o.
F. E. Chambers,
An Ice ores in tods. Wagoner's.
Mrs. C. K. Stoats, of Alrlle, w In
the city on Wednesday.
Owing to the rush of work In this
office, severs! correspondence hud to
be left over for nexi week.
Mrs. W. Babbitt and Mb Florence
Bowden, also Muster Dick Babbitt mid
Mrs. Bowden returned from tbe coast
last week. They have been spending
several weeks, near Minnie, and re
port the weather ah having been de
lightful. They report the weather at
Newport, however, as being cold and
Ilev. Albyn Esson returned from
Portlaud Monday to complete moving
from Monmouth to that city. Kev.
Kmmoii Is pastor of the Hodncy Avenue
Christian church, of Portland. The
Monmouth church, of which he was
paxtor until recently, Is one of the
strongest churches of that denomina
tion in the stale, but Is without a pin-
tor, for the present.
Hon. W. It. Kills, ex-represvnlallvo
In congress Iroin the second con
gressional district of Oregon, visited
Monday and Tuesday with friends In
this city. Judge Kills informs us that
lie bus recently moved from Ileppner
to I'etid lcton. The judge Is a pleasant,
aflhble gentleman, and bore tho unique.
There may be others as good but there are none better.
Has them and sells them at the lowest price that a cash busi
ness will allow. Kindly look at them. Yours truly,
Kodaks $ 1
distinction while In Washington City,
of being one ol tbe handsomest mem
bers of congress.
fjuntlcy'i Restaurant,
Mrs. W. Huntley, Prop.
Meals from 3 cents and up,
Hpeclal rate ty the week
Go to.
H. M. LINES, f
For wall paiter, window shades,
picture frames, etc. Furniture .
of all kinds repaired.
.It Teh-phone Oftlcr,
.1.1 . I It VI NIC,
notary Public and
justice of m peact.
Collections a specialty. Agent
for a number of standard old line
Insurance companies.
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