ENTERPRISE INDEPENDENCE - " " KK5HTH YICAR. New Htorw. Tli CHiH'r hiiililing, which was occupied by J- I Blockton, ha been rented to 8. M. Daniel, the Monmouth merchant, who Is now moving A stwk of merchandise from Hiio hern. On calling at thu Monmouth Htor thin week we found that Mr. laiel km at 8cio. ami were tin ablu to learn anything further than the. above. A to whether ho will run both tre or not could not he "ascertained, but that seems to he the general impression. Just when the utore will be opened is also not stated. Don't Want the Hartli. The following ia part of a letter received by a ho man of thin city, from a prospective picker. In stalling out he nay: "Now I wish to HtaU) that 1 can bring a few families of fair, stortdy pickers who would like all day work and not b chut oil' half a day two or threw limes per week. Please inform me by hater what you will do by theiu. "First Probable rates paid and constant work. "Second Camping privileges ; do you furnish any shanties, and their condition; part, of us have good tenia. "Third vVill you carry us to and from our homes free of charge? "Fourth Do you furnish wood fur camp ftrea or cooking? "Fifth Vo you furnish potatoes? &veTralTnip laeiTi.ftM! m oftered to sever! ol my friends. "Sixth Can you supply grating around for cows and horses. "Seventh If there is another inducement, state it. "We don't want the earth, but some bop men are making it hard lines for me to hold 2.) pickers un less I have something in black and while fro.n a reliable source to show them; then I can keep them united." Suuriay's Storm. Htwclnl from Crowloy. After several days of threatening weather, we were not surprised Sunday evening when it began to crow dark in the southwest and everything indicated that a storm was approaching. But wu were somewhat surprised at the severity of the storm when it finally reach ed us in all its fury. Old timers sav they never saw its equal in Oregon or elsewhere. Shortly be fore seyen o'clock in the evening the liehtnintr. killed a horse for lion. Seth Itiggs, the horses being near the center of his pauure ad joining Crowley. At 11:20 P. M., the lightning struck a telegraph pole about 75 feet from Linn Gay's house. He was awake at the time and sprang out of bed, saying to his wife that he believed it had struck the warehouse engine, but discovered the next morning that it had struck a pole directly be tween him and the engine. Seven telegraph poles were struck and split at Crowley. Mr. Gay felt the shock, but having never been struck by lightning he did not know at the time what made him have such a peculiar sensation He' say be doesn't care U learn anything more about it, he never M. j. . . W M INDEPENDENCE, having much taste for electricity anyway. Hop I'hUera Arriving. All this week people could he swn moving toward the various hop yards. They go early so as to secure choice camping spots ana to enjoy a short season of recrea tion previous to settling down 10 hard labor. Pickers are still very scarce and bier placards are hung up along county road inquiring for help. Harvesting will not ne through, prune gathering will soon ho in full blast and hop picmng will reouire so many people that fully 10,000 additional people pould find employment in tins county during the next mouth. Competent men to express an opinion, say that fully 150.000 will be paid out during the next thirty or forty days. Tliiuuler Hliower. Sunday afternoon, quite unex wctedtv. the weather changed from a sultry warmth to a chilly temperature, with a strong south wind which soon caused a nice little shower to fall. Later in the evening, the same conditions came about, and about seven o'clock a terrific ram storm came up. At about 9 P. M. a tremendous clap of thunder was heard, causing tele phoiie bolls to ring as loudly as though central was doing it. Forked lightening, something rare indeed for Oregon, it being some thing vei four' years since" we' were treated to similar display, played about in the heavens and made the night, at times, aa light as day. The storm has cleared up the atmosphere, refreshed things, caused the dust to settle and made it much more pleasant if it only stops right where it is. If not, look out for long faces. SCIO FLAX MILLS. About Sixty Hands Are Now Km ployed Over 3000 Acres ot Flux Grown. Ira A. Phelps, editor of the Santiam News, who was in Albany last week, says the new flax fiber mills at that place are now in thorough ruuning order. About sixty hands are employed and the mills are busy working on this year's crop of flax. The amount of flax grown in the vicinity ofScio this year was over 3000 acres- It yields from one and a half to two tons per acre. The long fiber flax sells for 15 per ton and the short flax for $2 per ton. James Bright, the new manager, is an experi enced man and is making a Buccess of the business. The flax com pany is distributing a large amount of money around that section of the country these days. They haye a large crew of men at work at the mill and also a crew of men and women at work in the field spreading flax that hs been threshed. They have installed a new kind of threshing machine which consists of smooth rollers, running together and H,( does much better work and more of it than the one employed last season. A 'large amount of flax nas been delivered and there Is more yet to come. Herald. POLK COUNTY, OREGON, Hcliley-Hampson Olapute. The next two or three months the Hchley-Hampson dispute, to be investigated by a committe ap pointed by the secretary of the navy, will absorb public attention, in fact, it will be the principal sub ject of discussion by the daily news- papers. That our readers may understand every phase of the dis pute we publieb this precept, given by the secretary of navy for the board of inquiry, and the replies ps made by Admiral Schley in the past, and as compiled by the Chic ago Record-Herald: 1 His conduct in connection with the events of the Santiago campaign. 1 An affirmation that Rear Ad miral Schley'B conduct was in the line with his duties as a gentleman and an officer. 2 The circumstances attending, the reasons controlling and the propriety of the movements ol the flying squadron off Cienluegos in May, 1898. 2 Admiral Schley remained at Cienluegos instead oi , moving to Santiago under general instructions from Sampson to remain there un til satisfied that Cervera's squadron was not there. He was not fur nished with the code of signals whereby he could have ascertained that lact, and when furnished it moyed rapidly to Santiago. 3 The circumstances attending, the reason controlling and the pro priety of the movements of the said squadron in proceeds from t en fuegos to Santiago. 8 Admiral Schley took with him the Eagle and the collier Mer rimao on his way from Cienfuegos to Santiago, and this being a slow boat retarded his movements. He had to stop to repair the Merrimao several times. These vessels were assigned to him by Admiral Samp son and he could not abandon them. 4 The circumstances attending the arrival of the flying squadron off Santiago, the reason for its retrograde westward and departure from off Santiago, and the propri ety thereof. 4 Schley was informed by Sigs bee, Jewell and Wise, who had been off Santiago for a week, that they had not seen Cervera's squadron and was also informed by his pilot. The sea and weather prevented coaling and he started toward Key West, but finding that he could coal later, did coal and returned to Santiago. 5 The circumstances attending and the reasons for the disobedi ence by Commodore Schley of the orders of the department contained in its dispatch dated May 25, 1898, and the propriety of his conduct in the premises. 5 Admiral Schley was instruct ed that the navy department be lieved that Cervera was at Santiago and looked to him to ascertain the fact aud to see that Cervera did not leaye without decisive action. Schley telegraphed that his collier, the Merrimao,. was disabled; that he was unable to coal the Texas, Marblehead, Vixen add Brooklyn, owing to a yery rough sea, and could not remain on that account. In.hia dispatch -be-said : "Muoh to be regretted, cannot obey orders of department." ' AUGUST 29. 1901. 6 The condition of the coal sup ply of the flying squadron on and about May 27, 18'. ; its coaling facilities: the necessity, if any, for, or advisability of, the return of the squtdron to Key West to coal, and the accuracy and propriety of the official reports made by Commo dore Schley with respect to this matter. 6 Admiral Schley said he would need ten thousand tons of coal on arriving at Key West from Santiago. The coaling facilities were a broken down collier, ar.d with no other base of supplies Key West was the proper station. Ad miral Schley's report, he being on the scene, cannot be attacked for accuracy and propriety. 7 Whether or not every etlort incumbent upon the commanding officer of a fleet under such circum stances was made to capture or de stroy the Spanish cruiser Colon as she lay at anchor in the entrance to Santiago Harbor May 27 to 31. inclusive, and the necessity for, or advisability of, engaging the bat teries at the entrance to Santiago Harbor, aud the Spanish vessels at anchor within the entrance to said harbor, at the ranges used, and the propriety of Commodore Schley's conduct in the premises. 6 The Cristobal Colon lay well up in the harbor, and not at the entrance. Schley made a recon noitssance on the afternoon of May 31 with the Massachusetts, Iowa and New , Orleans to develop the fortifications and their character, his intention being to destroy the Colon promptly. His fire was re turned by heavy batteries east and west of the entrance, by large cal iber and lo-.ig-range guns. After this reconnoiesance the Colon re treated into the harbor behind the land. Schley fired at 7000 yards range on account of the land bat teries. 8 The necessity, if any, for. and advisability of, withdrawing at night the flying squadron from the entrance to Santiago Harbor to a distance at sea, if such shall be found to be the case; the extent and character of such withdrawal, and whether or not a close or ade quate blockade of said harbor, to prevent the escape of the enemy's vessels therefrom, was established, and the propriety of Commodore Schley's conduct in the premises. 8 The Colon having disap peared, and the strength and dan ger of the batteries having been de termined, Rear-Admiral Schley withdrew out of range, still main taining a blockade of the port without the risk of disabling his squadron. At the time of the withdrawal the Brooklyn and Texas were not with his force of reconnoissance, but were coaling in the offing. N 9 The position of the Brooklyn on the morning of July 3, 1898, at the time of the exit of the Spanish vessels from the harbor of Santiago. The circumstances attending, the reasons for, and the incidents re sulting from the turning of- the Brooklyn in the direction which she turned at or about the begin ning of the action with said Span ish vessels, and the possibility of thereby colliding 1 with or endan gering any other of the vessels of NUMHKU 39 the United States fleet, and the propriety of Commodore Schley's conduct in the premises. 9 The turn of the Brooklyn, or the loop,- was ordered by Captain Cook, as a matter of tactical judg ment. In'his official report he ex plains it simply, thus: "We opened fire on the leading ship in five minutes from the discovery (that they were coming out.) The port battery was first engaged, aa we stood with port helm to head off the leading ship and giving them a raking fire at about 1500 yards range. The enemy turned to the westward to close into the land. We then wore around to starboard, bringing the starboard battery into action. The enemy hugged th shore to the westward., The Brooklyn, leading, was fol lowed by the Texas, Iowa, Oregon, Indiana and Gloucester' The secretary of the navy, it will be shown, never criticised the loop of the Brooklyn. Captain Philip" of the Texas does not allege that there was any danger to his ship or any others from the turn of the Brooklyn. He does say, however, that the fire was for awhile blank eted by the Oregon. 10 The circumstances leading to and the incidents and results of a controversy with Lieutenant Al bon C. Hodgson, U. S. N, who, on July 3, 1898, during the battle of Santiago, was navigator of the Brooklyn; in relation to the turn ing of .the Brooklyn; - also the cot'oquy lllxt ume betn on modoru othlty uid - irtikoMi Hodgson and the ensuing corres pondence between them on the eubject thereof, and the propriety of the conduct of Admiral Schley in the premises. 10 It will be shown that there was no personal or official impro priety in Admiral Schley calling on Lieutenant Albon C. Hodgson, navigator of the Brooklyn, to dis prove a statement derogatory to the admiral, namely that be (Schley) said he was too near the Spaniards, that he gave orders to get out of the way, and that he said: "Damn the Texas, let her take care of herself." This report ed language of Admiral Schley was investigated, under orders from Sampson, by Captain Chadwick, and no action was taken, although Lieutenant" Heilner, navigator of the Texas, stated that Hodgson had Baid that Schley used the lan- guage attributed to mm. Only two women in the United States may use the mails without paying for the privilege. These women are widows of former presi dents They are Mrs. Julia D. Grant and Mrs. Lucretia A. Gar field. All -mail matter sent by Mrs. Garfield and Mrs. Grant under their respective written autograph signatures, and all mail matter sent to these two ladies will be carried free during their lives. No signature or marks are neces sary to the free carriage of mail matter to either of these ladies, the address being sufficient. Mrs. Garfield has enjoyed the privilege since 1881 and Mrs. Grant since 1886. Exchange. There to nothing better than pure soda tor a eool drink when everything used In the syrups is pure. Wagoner's.