Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 22, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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ors80 ro
$ flit (ZOSt!
to acfcm
Atl..i.rl. I,m i-tit'oks have lu'irtofniv liwn
tlu'io has Wen no
margin in then, for the printer, thore has Umx a (J)
tendency on the part of printers who have plants ft
(B that are not paid for to still cut the price so as to
(fL lose money. Owing to this faa the Kstkki-kisk J)
J will print hop check for jj
S 70c per ,000, zo numbered,
And 95c per 1,000, numbered
P and will positively not he underbid. We abso- H
f lutely guarantee the count.
Oj)88o8 8888810
Social and Personal
Fine soda at Wagoner's.
Notice the big cut Id hop checks.
Try an ice cream soda at Wagoner's.
Dr. W.R.Alhn, deutist, Cooper bldg.
Hop checks-no need of using your
old checks.
Frauk Skinner made a trip to Al
bany Saturday.
Dr. W. C. Brown was a Parker vis
ltor on Saturday.
Roy Hawkins is rustliug for the
Little Palace hotel.
Mrs. A. It. Seroggs was passenger to
Junction City Friday.
Thomas Fennel! visited Portland 1
several daj s this week. ' '
J. S. Moore has a tine new barber's
pole in front of his shop.
Wall paper at prices that cannot be
bealeu. Campbell Bros.
Mr. E. E. Paddock went to Portland
Monday by way of Salem.
Miss Mabel Wells is cierking in E. E.
Paddock's store this week.
Prof. L. P. Freytug was a passenger
to Newport Saturday niorniug.
President P. L. Campbell came in
from Portland Saturday morning.
Mrs. Mary Tuck returned from a
several weeks' outing on Saturday.
lleuieinber the new list of correspon
dent prizes are announced this week.
F. E. Chambers and wife returned
from their timber claim Sunday even
ing. Mrs. Kane Tetherow left Friday
afternoon for her home at Colfax,
Mrs. F. A. Douty returned Wednes
day from a short outing at Clatsop
Rev. Jean was a passenger Monday
to Portland, returning Wednesday
Laxative Bronio Quinine will cure
your cold in one day. For sale by A.
8. Locke.
M. A. Baker left Monday morning
for Butteville, where he will spend a
few weeks.
Attorney Fenton, ot McMinnville,
passed through town Monday on his
way home.
Allen Patterson is visiting bis folks
in this city. He has quit working at
the asylum.
Mr. I. L. 8mith Joined Mrs.
Smith at Newport on Monday for a
few days' stay.
Quart and half-gallon tin fruit cans.
We give wax strings with each can.
F. E. Chambers.
Call on J. 8. Moore for Herpicide,
the dandruff cure. Bold in bulk, or
applied if desired.
Try Huntley's Restaurant for a first
class meal. Only 20 cents. Special
rate by the week.
Carpets at cost. Campbell Bros.
Straight ice cream at Wagoner's.
Finest of Ice cream soda at Wagoner's
Miss Isabel Gray, a former teacher
in the publio school here, is visiting
friends io the city.
Dave Collins, after spending Sunday
in Independence, returned to Tacoma
Monday afternoon.
The Presbyteriau church is beiug re
flxed. New seats are being added and
otherwise improved.
D. A. Matlison, of Lebanon, visited
bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Matlison,
in this city last week.
Dick Mattlson, after a few days'
visit In the city, went up toCorvallis
on the Sunday train.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine and
stop sneezing, hawking and splttiug,
For sale by A. 8. Locke, v p - '
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinner Intend
visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Skinner
at Lebanon over Sunday.
Clarence Ireland visited his wire in
Portland this week. Mrs. Ireland
shows steady Improvement.
Miss Myrtle Seroggs will agalu
teach in the Milton school, leaving
about the first of September.
Eight-ball professional croquet sifts,
3.50, regular price J5.50. Four-bail
sets, $1.00. F. E. Chambers.
Misses Bessie Houck and a Rote
erts went to Independence Sunday on j
the excursion.- McMinnville News.
Rev. F. W.Parker, of Vancouver,
Wash., Is here on a visit to his brother, I
J. B. Parker, who lives at Riverside. ,
U. L. Frazierand wife are visiting in
North Yamhill and from there will
probably take a trip to Meadow Lake.
Miss Abo Mann and Miss Mabel
Cooper were successful applicants for
teachers certificates at Dallas last week.
Miss Vanche Dickinson, who has
been spending several week at the
coast, returned home Saturday after
noon. Ross Nelson, Van Dornsife and
George Graves, who haye been over to
the coast, returned home Friday after
noon. Arthur Moore was sick Monday after
noon. His wife, who has been ill,
with symptoms ot typhoid, i mucn i
The family of J. 8. Bohannon re
turned from Bodaville last week, after
spending several weeks at this popular
Mr. and Mrs. Layton Smith re
turned from Newport on Tuesday,
where Mrs. Smith has spent several
Mrs. E. W. Cooper, who has been in
the Salem hospital for treatment,
was brought home Sunday much im
proved, If the action of your bowels is not
easy and regular, serious complications
must be the final result. DeWitt's
Little Early Risers will remove this
danger. Safe, pleasant and effective.
A. 8. Locke.
4ii.,riHV Havter and Ralph Wll-
Ham, of Dallas', pam-d through here
Saturday on their way home from
Rev. E. J. Thompson pasaen
ger to Corvallls Frld-y morning h
preach the fuller I of the late Mrs. K.
W. Fisher.
Mr. Dr. Ealou ai.d children, of San
Francisco, arrived Wednesday on a
visit to Mrs. Eaton's parent, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Cooiht.
See our new line of pocket cutlery
made by the Csltaragu Cutlery Co.
We have good knives at very low
prices. F. E. Chambers.
Mrs. D. A. Hodge accompanied h-r
mother. Mrs. Holleuheck, a far as
Portland last week on her way to her
home at Cornwall, Ontario.
E. PIcKel is having a lare additiou
built to his photograph gallery and In
forms us that he will have a tin "eat
gallery as soon as completed.
The EnTKUi-kisk still wants a few
more good correspondent from the
places aniiouuced lu the big ad on the
editorial page. First come, tlrsl solved.
Kourmeu Imbibed too freely this
week of fire water, and as a result
three of theiu have been asslstiug In
street improvements, the other payiug
out. v
J. M. McCaleb, who has been absent
from his gallery Tor two weeks on ac
count of sickness, was sutlloleutly Im
proved to be at his place of buslueM
The E.ntkki'KIhB already has over
30,000 hop checks on hand. These
will all be printed at the out price. We
do not charge one an extra price over
Hou. J. U. Stump, of Suver, was lu
the city on Saturday and informed us
that he very much approved of our
cash plan stop the paper when the
time Is out.
Rev. James Waggoner, of Uklah,
California, will preach at the Christian
church next Sunday, August I, at 11
o'clock A. M. All are Invited tucome
and bear blni.;
Dr. W. C. Brown started Sunday ou
his trip to the East, where he will
visit his brother and also the Buffalo
exposition. He Intends being absent
about six weeks.
The proiptcls for the Monmouth
Normal school are reported to be v"ry
good for the coming year. Already
rmmisare being engaged by a great
many new studeuls.
Prof. L. I'. FreylHg returned Friday
morning from Portland, to which
place he accompanied his friend, L. C,
Mayer, on his w ay to his home at
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Claud I'engra, who ban been assistant
ut the depot the past year, has received
promotion, and left Tuesday for Cor
vallis, the scene ot his future work. A
Mr. Ross Is the new assistant here.
Dave Collins came In ou the morn
ing train Saturday from Tacoma. He
reports himself as well pleased with
Tacoma and says that things there are
now booming owing to preparations
now la progress for the Elks carnival.
If you want to buy a
watch of any kind it will
pay you to look at our
stock before buying. Our
prices are right.
0- H. Kramer $ Co.
Jewelers & Opticians.
Eastman Kodaks
Photographic Supplies.
Kustman's W. 1). Platinum paper devolopn in hot
water. Wo tarry the following bizoh :tj x :I x 4J,
and 1 x f.
Brownie Kodaks, $ 1
F. K. Chambers, ,ndSprceflnonnce'
Mr. E. T. Henkle and daughter
will return from thecrtast today.
Raymond Henkle visited In twu
over Tuesday evening, returning to
Corvallls Wednesday morning. He
leaves today for Rerkeley, Cal., to take
a postgraduate course lu pharmacy.
Rev. Dr. ThouiHou, of the Presby
terian church, will preach Hunday
morning In the Methodist Episcopal
church. Regular Hunday eveulng
services August 25. All are Invited.
It lathe Judgmeut of most hop grow
ers that picking will commence about
the 1st of September. Home may com
mence a little sooner, but few., There
jsprastleally uoslgn of lice, and the
mop promises to be first Cla.
' Eph Young became overheated one
day last week, and drank a consider
able quantity of very cold well water.
As a eoti'ciiucnce he has been lu ex
tremely precarious condition, necessi
tating constant attention, lie Is some
Prof. Hplllinali, of the Washington
agricultural college, visited in this
city several days, going away Tuesday
morning. Mr. HpUlnmn is a brother
of Mr. J. f. C.h. per. McMinnville
Telephone Register. Prof. HpllUnan
Is a former Instructor In the Mon
mouth Normal school.
Mr. Neff Fulkerson, a former student
of the Normal, is visiting In Monmouth,
J fiuntky's RtiMnt.
4 Mrs. W. iiuntley, Prop.
4 Meals from ii cents ami up.
a 8eelBl rates Vy the week
0 TtCT,
h- -A-
Go to
t. 4. 4-
For wall paper, window shades,,
picture frames, elfi. Furniture
of all kinds repaired. T
.It Telephone 0Jtet,
I S liRI'KS tKN"K, OKKUOl. ).
4 J.l. IKVINE.
4 notary Public and
a justice of th Peace, f
A Collections a spt-clslty. Agent f
" for a niiiiitMTot standard old line .
Insurance companies, 9
A lNIH:l'KNI'KNIi:. - OKWII'S, f
I Ji 7t 43S.
n Wk M SSL
The RaKet Stor
Will again open up a line of Men's and Children's
Clothing, with everything new, neat and clean, and
desire to ask you to call on us and see what we can
offer you. These goods will arrive about September
1st. Having sold out our line of clothing, which we
handled before, we will offer you nothing but fall stock.
The RaKet Stor,
7v rv t if fpr': 55.