Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 22, 1901, Image 1

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Mrt Development I" '
til II. A. Ulll.
Home time in July, or imtnedi-ttU-ly
subsequent to the ljiair
ance of Elmer Lieb's bicycle,
Frank Uurrell, living near tlio
Umpqua frry. or ten miles west f
Oakland, missed a horse, saddle
ud bridle from his lrn. The
mutter wan retried to the various
ollicfi throughout the valley,
following a it did so tlosely H'on
the heels of-the bicycle lucWeut,
tiiu-riir Withers suspected that one
ami the fame tirty committed
Unit act. Other development
continued thin belief.
After diliguit inquiries and a
go-d deal of hard work, Sheriff
Wither ameiluined that an outfit
niiHWering the descripMau of thut
btnleii from Uurrell had been Hold
to U. K. Seeley, who resides north
of Independents Armed with the
necessary pupers Mr. Wither vis
ited that locality laH Saturday
returning to this city Monday
with tho stolen property in bi
possession. .
Mr. liorrell ha been notified
that his borne, saddle and bridle
arc here in the keening of ibe
sheriff, and will arrive in Eugeue
at an early dale to claim his prop
erty. 1
From the description giyen by
Mr. Seeley of the party who sold
liiiu the horse, Mr. Withers is con
fkhmt that II. A. Will, who pur
blued the bicycle, also sold the
hre to S'oeiey. Su'-hbelug Hi
ciio Mr. ttiil will also have to
answer to the Dotmlas county court
-for tho latter ollense. Eugene
Oregon Girl tn Alaska.
Mil's Frances Mann is the name
of an Oreuon cirl who finds life tn
the fur-away Unalaska, while per
haps not one continuous round of
pleasure, still very interesting,
riloosant and even profitable, says
the Juneau, Alaska. Dispatch. She
in the novernuuent service, ana
for four years has teen connected
iitK the (iovornment inuian
"Miss Mann reports that the at
tendance at this school has been
increasing, notwithstanding the
c. ti,ut th niLtive. who are
larce v dominated by the Russians
and the Russian Greek church, are
'nreiudiced against American lusti
tutions, and what they consider
outside interference. As the Inuian
population is decreasing, however,
it is onlv a question of time wnen
the school attendance will decrease
also, and the need of a school will
be no more. At the time Miss
Mann left Unalaska there were 90
pupils in school and two teachers
employed. Trior to the past year
the attendance has not exceeded
from 20 to 25. The Indian popu
lation of Unalaska has for some
time been about 350, but August
W a visit from measles and
whooping cough reduced the nuuv
ber by about one-third. The In
dian. according to Miss Mann's ob
aervations, is passing, not only on
the Aleutian Elands, but in all
narta of Alaska. At many points
where some years ago there were
W villaaes. there is scarcely an
Indian left to recite the heroic
A Record Breaker.
A Record Brewer for New Subscriber. With the Enter
prise tooK place from Apriljl, to July 31.
The number of now HubnoriptionH received during that time wa neventy
cfcht name Kent in by correspondent, thirty-five new names that juhI
cntiie t the office and HttbHeribed and twenty renewals. I hi makes one
huared thirteen new uberiber,. We believe that we can truly say
that net another ,,a,r in the .Uto ha- taken one-fourth this number and
our KuhKoriptionH are all paid in No trouble from bad .bilk e
would be ,.leu,e,l to have your natne on our list if the cash aceompanieB the
order and you want your money's worth, but we don't want it if we have to
credit ym." The eanh plan is the rijiht plan and it s a winner.
deeds of bis fathers, hither civili
zation or disease is slowly hut sun
ly exlei initialing the race.
In speaking of the diameter
Uticsand customs ot the native
Aleutians, Miss Mann said: "The
Aleutians are not a very bright
people, and are better imitators
than originators. The Esquimaux,
on the other band, are bright and
make much more rapid progress
in the schools than their larger
cousins. When it conies to music,
the Indians are right at home.
They have a good ear for music,
and the Unalaska cornet band "f
natives is one of the attractions at
nearly all the celebrations. The
Fourth of July, by the way, was
celebrated in grand styie at Una
iaska this year, tho crew of the
United States gunboat Concord,
which happened in the harbor at
the time, assisting in the presenta
tion of ft creditable program,
"The principal food of the natives
is a sun-dried fish, known as ukla,
and tea. They practically live on
fish. A brew of dried fruits and
sugar gives the natives a good sub
stitute for whiskey. This concoc
tion is called sour dough, and the
best evidence that it is effective is
the fact that it usually knocks
them out. One good set-to with
this brew, which iB the "court' bev
erage upon all state occasions, puts
the imbiber hors du combat. There
are some 200 holidays observed by
the Russians and likewise by tne
natives. The natives observe
these holidays by going to church
in the morning and then filling up
on sour dough. No one can do
any business with them while they
are drinking ana usually they are
not tit for business until the follow
ing morning. The Aleutians are
not treacherous, even when drink
ing, and the most serious conse
quences from, these drinking bees
are black eyes. They seldom cut,
slash or shoot, and killings are
very few and far between. The
principal avocations of the natives
are fishing, hunting and basket
making. "The best baskets come from
Attu Island, the last in the Aleu
tian group, and these are really
works of art and command a high
price. The grasses are obtained
at some distance, and the work
manship is the very best. Attu
baskets bring fiom $2.50 to $40
each on the island and frequently
sell for 1100 or more in the states.
They are woven tightly and work
ed in silk.
in consequence uf the long as
sociation with Russians, the natives
are lowing their natural ways and
custom. Even their primitive sod
huts, which areas comfortable as
they are picturesque, are giving
way to more modern and probably
less comfortable shucks.
"Business at Unalaska has not
been so good this year as it was
last. The Alaska Commercial
Company has a large trading post
here, while the N. A. C. i at
Dutch Harbor, only a short dis
tance away. This is due to th?
fact that coaling facilities for ves
sels going to Nome are letter this
year. Last year vessela had to re
main two or three weeks at a time,
whereas this year h.y are makine
but short stops. Still a great
many people pass through. There
were as high as 3000 people at
Dutch Harbor the latter part of
June. Last year there were as
high as 10,000 people there at one
"Mining is receiving some at
tention even at Unalaska. At
Huntsville, about twe miles dis
tant, there is a quartz mine with a
three-stamp mill, employing from
eight'to ten men."
Miss Mann, who is a handsome
brunette with an intelligent face,
furnishes a striking example of the
self-made woman. She is enthu
siastic in her work, and therefore
successful. She likes the govern
ment service, but probably will not
return to it at Unalaska. After
visiting Salem a short time, she
intends to go East and probably
spend the winter in New York.
Next year she hopes to go to the
Philippines, being impressed with
the opportunities that must await
energy and ambition in the recon
struction era that is dawning for
those islands. N
The tabulated statement pre
pared by Register C. B. Moores,
showing the amount and character
of business transacted by the Ore
gon City land office for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1901, has just
been completed, and forwarded to
the general land office. This state
ment shows that the total number
of acres of government lands locat
ed in the district, during the past
fiscal year, was 183,916.13, or 23,
321.1 acres less than were located
during the fiscal year ending June
30, 1900. However, there has been
an actual increase in the acreage
located by actual settlers. During
the first year, the Korest Reserve
lieu lund selections amounted to
92,601.63 acres, about 81,000 acres
being taken by the Northern Pacific
Railroad Company, while during
the past vear the lieu laud selec
tions will not aggregate more than
12,000 acres. During the past year,
however, the homestead locations
far exceed that of any former like
period in the history of the land
office. Following is a summary of
the land entries for the fiscal year
entries for the fiscal year ending
June 30. 1900;
Homesters, 56,597.56 acres.
Indemnity school selections, 13,
331.84. Northern Pacific Railway Forest
Reserve lieu land selections, 81,
584.03. Oregon it California Railroad
Company selections. 1797 acres.
Timber applications, 34,649.32
Private Forest Reserve lieu land
selections, 19,256.62 acres.
Isolated tracts sold, 57 acres.
Total acreage disposed of, 207.
237.37. Disposals should also be credited
with lieu land selections of the
Northern Pacific Railroad as fol
lows: Tillamook county, 1118.49 acres;
Washington county, 1947.63; total,
6093.12 acres.
Trout Law at a Glance.
As few sportsmen have a copy of
the Oregon game laws, and as
these laws covered so many pages
that few care to search them
thoroughly, the Oregon Fish and
Game Association has had a brief
synopsis of the laws in -regard to
trout-fishing printed on cloth to be
placarded in every section of this
state for the information of the
public. These read:
It is unlawful, under penalty by
fine, of not less than $20 nor more
than $100, or by imprisonment iu
the county jail, or by both fine and
To fish for any trout by any
means whatever, except with hook
and line.
To take, catch or kill, by any
means whatever, any Eastern
brook trout. Loch Leven trout, or
grayling before April 4, 1901.
To take, catch, kill or haye in
possession any trout, char or sal
mon less than five inches in length,
or to take, kill or capture more
than 125 trout in one day.
To take, catch, kill or have in
possession any trout, except sal
mon trout, during the months of
November, December, January,
February or March, or to fish for
salmon trout in any other than
tide waters during said months.
To fish for any trout between
one hour after sunset and one hour
before runrise.
To sell, offer for sale or have in
possession for sale or exchange,
any species of trout at any time.
It is also unlawful, under penalty
of fine of not less than $200, and
imprisonment in th county jail,
and for a second offense, by fine
not less than f 1000 and imprison
ment in penitentiary, to explode
or cause to be exploded any giant
powder, dynamite or other ex
plosive substance whatever, for the
purpose of catching, killing or de
stroying any trout, salmor, or any
food fish, or for causing or permit
ting any sawdust, lime, medicated
bait or other eubirtance deleterious
to fish, in any of the waters of this
state in which food fishes are wont
to be in.
Warning is given that any per
son violating any ot the foregoing
provisions will be prosecuted ac
cording to law.
Correspondents Are Well Paid
For Tueir Time and Trouble.
On account of being delayed the
prizes for the correspondents that
commenced on August 1st, have
Vorn delayed rntil th week. But
we now present the list in full
which amounts to some $112,
which will be given away in pre
miums for just the little items that
go to make the Enterprise the
best county paper in the state.
You should read the list. We
want every correspondent to try
and do their best this time and
not let a single item pass. It's
very easy to win a prize if you
keep everlastingly at it and look
after the odds and ends that the
other fellow overlooks. Just try it
and see if we are not right.
And, correspondents, you will be
simply surprised how everyone in
your neighborhood will assist you
when they find out that you mean
to work and help yourself, especi
ally 'when you have something
that interests every member of
Polk county. If a person leaves
the county or makes any kind of a
change, what do they do first?
Get the paper and see if their
name is in the paper and see what
is said. If it is uot there then
they say: "Well, I wish tie
Entekprise would get a good cor
respondent from our place." Now,
is this not only too true? But if
you get the item and it appears,
then what happenswell, ehe or
he, as the case may be, are all
right. Now, we wish you would
not forget these little points as ;
they will help you in a number of
Now in starting this time com
mence right away and do not miss
an opportunity to get in a good
list of items. Remember, that
while you may hold back until tht
last, there are others that may do
the same and you are jnst ahead
the amount of items sent in.