INDKPEN PENCE ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE, OIlKOON, AVfllTflT l.yiOOI. Independence Enterprise. 'PUBLISHED KVKRY THURSDAY. KntertKl at Imlopemteno. (HHUimo M eond-cl tn.tter. Subscription $1.50 Per Year. TKLKTHONK M. 6UrR!PTloN KATKK. (airlolly In adv.nee) rrr vnr.. ..,..................- Ulw H...nlhl . ...... " ........., ...... ....... " frji'otiiW rV S cin'w 'fit' i i mi rikYiibioiiy no riiic.oii for any nM nwvw, Kate on display dverillu mail knowu on Ulou. 0BQQQQQ99QB9QQBBQTs0 I $175 IN PRIZES, d Beginning April II, UHH. iiml ending July 81. 1WI. the Inixi-km.knck vl fk will give away nine ol Ilie inoet liemitihil prlwe. (J H TOTAL VALUE OF PRIZES 81 75 O It is proposed to give Admiral Cervera a loving cup for his treatment of Hobson and his crew during their capture by the Spanish. It has the endorsement of Sec retary of Navy Long and other leading, naval men. When former foes can clasp hands and wish the other God speed, rioht fhpri And thpre the hiehest type of .j..w - - - U heroism is displayed. The "unlucky" number 13 has been officially recognized in the New York hospitals. Now there i9 no ward 13, but runs 12 and then 14. In making this change it was stated that the inmates of the ward, when aware of the number, were oppressed and worried, making re covery extremely doubtful, and frequently fatalities occurred through the constant worry over being confined in such "un lucky" ward. If one should say that riding on a rail road train is as dangerous as going to- the front on the battle' field it would seem tranee, yet . statistics more or less vindi cate the assertion. In the United Stales alone over 500,000 people were killed or injured in the ten years past, and it ia ex tremely doubtful whether the world's war for the same period will equal this stu- Tunfan firare. Ah exchange, bv way of -"O - a ' , ,t comparison;' says: "Every year, the de struction is greater than the loss of both armies at the battle of Gettysburg." fc ; In his reply to the navy department asking to be excused from service on the Schley investigating committee, Admiral Kimberly makes use of these words: "Much to rriy mortification, this is the first denartment order that I am unable to honor during a naval life of 55 years. The years are expressive of great fidelity to his chosen profession. A man who can apply himself diligently to any duty for fifty-five years without interruption ie bound to reap just rewards. It is but fair to sav that Admiral Kimberly was one of the ablest men who ever trod a U S. man of war. Frank Carpenter, prince of newspaper correspondents, says nearly everything used in Australia and the Antipodes bear American trade marks. The American bicycle, vehicle, wares, clothing and thousand and one things a person will meet in their daily walks of life are of - American make, and imitations are being made of our products because "they sell better." sav the residents. He further , says that comparatively unknown makes of sewing-machines, bicycles, wagons, etc are shipped there and a ready market iound for them, through systematic ad vertising. America does not have to wait - K7 to secure the world's markets she has them already. The only question is: Can anv combination Europe can bring against U8 prevail? We think not. of a lifo sentence. IV the first time in their life they saw, as they emerged from the penitentiary gntes, a street car and n bicycle, and it is said lor hours they roamed about St. Paul "gawking" like country boys in the city. A certain class, of course, wants to lionize them, but it is said they display a perfect dis gust for any such notoriety. The Minne sota law forbids their ever crossing the Minnesota boundary line, and so the peo ple who would lioimc them for their criminal records will bo confined to the state of Minnesota. Fifty years ago the horse which could trot a mile in 2:50 was considered a mar velous wonder, and even ten years ago the speed of the trotter was several sec onds slower than at present. The grand old Maud S. has had her record lowered so frequently that now an animal which can travel o faster than she did in her palmiest days would be altogether too slow for the modern track. Sunol, Nancy it-v. Tho Ahhott and now Cresceus have all been honored with the crown of the turf. Cresceus record of 2:02 f, ac complished so soon in the season gives amnio room for hope that the long-looked for two-minute clip will be reached this mimhi. These reductions in speed are .v,. A-,rot fnu'ta of fine breeding, excel. fcUV w- i . knM.monahtn And imDrovcments in the Vehicle which the animal must pull along. Tillman's tirade against the black man of the south should result in the final re tirement to private life of the South Caro- atatesman. He starts out witn me bold assertion that; all men are not created equal, and that any movement to educate or improve the - condition of tne negro K. linurAffel. Haviue madef this assertion he starts out to prove it by saying if the Negro is the white man's equal why not intermarry, etc. Now, this is rotteness personified, and any argu-j ment of this sort would not be worthy of schoolboy, let alone a United States j senator. To say that all men are equtu implies only in the legal sense, in their natural rights, opportunities, etc. The Negro may not be the equal of the white race in intelligence, in morality, etc., dm who would think of seriously comparing Mr. Tillman to a Frederick Douglas or V . 1 TIT I' even to a uooner wMmugwu, wuvov labor Tillman discourages. Mr. Tillman knows better than he says. He is not such a fool. He is a sinking man grasp ing at the least straw. Shorn of his power with the intellectual class, he must appeal to race hatred to maintain his prestige. That's the sum and substance nf his tirade aeainst the rights of the black man. It is an insult to the intell gence of South Carolina to assert that state will long tolerate such views in one of her leading public servants. The Younger brothers, fellow-bandits of the notorious James brothers, have been paroled out of the Minnesota penitentiary, afUr faithfully serving twenty-five years Why Strikers Should Succeed. The sympathy and active support of the United Mineworkers is a powerful in fluence in favor of the Amalgamated ' As sociation. The disposition manifested by the building trades-unions to stand by the Amalgamated Association and refuse to handle structural steel made by non union labor is also important. The gen eral strike order for the steelworkers went into effect yesterday, and was generally obeyed. The cause of union labor thus far in the fight with the steel trust shows itself to be surprisingly strong, and it is better managed than any previous move ment was. Oregonian. Correspondents Contests THE ONLY CONDITIONS. Everv pern .ending in a letter ol newt containing lew than five I leine, ')' rpt. bleVr ' credited with two point. ; over ten Item, five pol . ,(( PV r twelve Item, ten point.. An Item worthy o en extra will be cre,l teU I w III VfcV ty points. One new yearly mi Wriber entitle, the per.n .ending It In to .evenly , ' point.. A renewal thlrtv-tlve point.. then a year twenly-llve point.. We want a correspondent from every vicinity In I'olk comity end l;r env ln (( f a will get u. good Jorreepondent Iron, the following place, will credited wit). KM J nt. Chandler. Ihitler. Uncoln. I'olk. hu.itl.tleld. lmle,nd ence, and llHton. Each etirre.pondent nni.t tend hi .! letter., each containing at lea.t fJ lliemi. "tocmHuwHlh.pwnlo the pern curing the erreK.udnU No V .i.. u.inl. i.rriwinilniitMiilv wanted from place called lor. lUi 1 Keiuember. from out of the . county only w ted Mi lyeclal headed r .. and the credit. med to the pereon ertultng them In or de gnated by the writer. HQ W credit. only given for thoae called for In thl. ad. W. don't article. The 11W oee. than lor corre.,nding. Sngge.lio... very grateful " "'Til deniatotbeadvi.abitUroIe.ubli.hlngnewoorre.pondentein the comity, sod cwiit for 100 point, given when accepted. ,;. Prizes with a value of 8175. Prize No. 1. Story A Clark Organ : A Kay No. 1 Kodao .w Target Ititle, Stevens, 22 cal... J-JJJ One dozen Iwst Cabinet ThoUw J.uO One double Ink Stand 2-JJJ One Kcxlac Album : J-WJ One Lincoln Fountain Pen 1JH One Nickel Watch.....:.: f. "Tn If a .'Aim ITn Hold"or late copvnent book l.oO Alwava keen track of your own points. The conditions are plain you can figure them for yourself. 2. 3. 4. 5. (i. 7. 8. 9. and ARE YOU A PRIZE WINNER? 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Prize 1 Calvary .. Monmouth INo Parker..., Lewisville ( Perrydale , Airhe ..':.'.r."..7....'... Buena Vista Monmouth No. 2 Crowley ...1865 ...1265 ...1045 .. 712 ...550 ... 315 ... 250 Elkins Dallas Monmouth No. 3 Dove's Landing r 215 150 145 142 130 121 Eola Rickreall Highlands JJJ nocca South Luckiamute 82 76 Jiccoy ouver ; qq Pedee r9 Montgomery Buell Riverside . Falls City " u READ THISTOO. All onr correapondenti are authorited to abwlutely guarantee all .ubecriberi that if thei, paSSr fa SSt sCpprf when the time 1 oat there wilT be noextr. charge. Bemem. hVr wo nnot accept .ubwription. with the M.nrance of a settlement In a few daye. myiz it'Vubo'St : nffiM their names and we wil mad them earn pie eopiee for few week, wiiuoni extra h". S "f yon would wnd In twentyor thirty name, and let "..ample copy ttfor fewweekyou wonld be .nrprieed with the .uccee. yon would have (n eecur ing namee. A FEW SUGGESTIONS. ry week to give our correspondents a few many TT.I ma will Irv AtfAr as how to secure more items and what kind of Items we want. A great au ggestions will call for artloles that will go in onaer wo .pwi Next week a new list of correspondence premium, will be announced, rrspondenoe will count with the Drat Issue in August. pointers of these All 001- (I INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE, 2! EAST SIDE MAIN STREET. V INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, y