Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 15, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    i Social and Personal, i
F Ine soda at Wagone f '.
o Shoes. The Baket Blor.
Oil stove, at F. K. Chamber..
Try au lee creu aoda at Wagoner's.
Dr. W.H.AUin, deutist. Cooper bldg.
IVn Lewi, of Monmouth, Is at New
port. J, A. Mills visited McMinnvllle last
D. A. Hodge Is buoy building a fruit
H. Best and wife are camping at
Quick Meal oil stove at cost. F. K.
Mrs. Arthur Moore Is Improving
quite slowly.
Louie Wiprut visited bis parents lu
Salem Suuday.
Glenu Ooodnian returned from New
port Wednesday.
You cau get our tailor made cloth
iug at the Baket Stor.
Aure Ford, of Dallas, was vlsitiug
lioy Irvine this week.
Graudma Irvine returned last week
from a visit to Portlaud.
Wall paper at prices that cannot be
beateu. Campbell Bros.
G. L. Hawkins returned from the
coast Saturday afternoon.
Rev. E. J. Thompson was a Dallas
visitor Monday afternoon.
C. A. Dicks was a passenger to
Toledo, Oregon, Mouday.
O. W. Kutch, a brother of George,
was visiting hiui Sunday.
Wheat ranges in the neighborhood
of 47 cents per bushel here.
Miss Elfle Richardson returned Fri
day from a trip to the coast.
T. J. Craig, of Portland, visited
friends in this city Sunday.
Byron Atkins leaves today for Cot
tage Grove, bis future home.
Mr. Schiller, of Portland, vteited
fnends in town over Sunday.
Miss Vena Got!" was a north-bound
passenger Monday attemoon.
Mrs. J. S. Cooper was a passenger to
Portland Saturday afternoon.
Roy Whiteaker came in from the
Walla Walla country last week,
Fred Elliott, foreman of the Dallas
Observer, spent Suuday in town.
Miss Macnay, a sister of Mrs. S. 13.
Owen, is visiting her in this city.
A. F. Campbell and family returned
from Southern Oregon Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hays re
turned from their outing last week.
F. A. Douty left Friday for Clatsop
beach, for a week or two of pleasure.
Sheriff W. W. Withers, of Eugene,
was in the city last week on business.
J. M. McCaleb is absent from his
parlors this week, owing to sickness.
Olen Scrafford, son of J. B. Scraf
ford, south of town, is dangerously ill.
Ted Baldra, a former resident of this
city, spent Suuday with friends in
Julien Hurley was a passenger to
Lafayette Tuesday to visit relatives a
few days.
E. E. Paddock returned las week
from a several days' business visit to
Laxative Bromo Quinine will cure
your cold in one day. For sale by A.
8. Locke.
$7.50 Quick Meal, two burner, oil
stove for $5.00. 3 burner, $7.50. F. E.
Rev. J as. Waggoner was a passenger
to Corvallis Tuesday, and will return
Miss Edith Lines, who has been
visiting in McMinnvllle, returned
Miss Francis Mann, who has been
teaching in Alaska, Is visiting relatives
in this city.
County School Superintendent Starr
was a passenger on the morning train
for Newport.
J. P. Btapleton and wife, who have
been visiting relatives near this city,
returned to their home at Vancouver,
Wash., Tuesday.
Carpet at cost. Campbell Bros.
See our clothing ad In this Issue.
Straight Ice ere.Mii at Wagoner's.
Finest of ice cream soda at Wagoner's.
Mr. l R. Burnett left Monday
afternoon on a visit to her rather, at
Brumagln Burdett, erglneer on the
Vancouver ferry, visited with Uvl
Jones Suuday.
Call on J. 8, Moore for Herplcide,
the dandruff cure. Sold lu bulk, or
applied if desired.
Try Huntley' Restaurant for a first
class meal. Only 20 cents. Special
rates by the week.
We are Informed that Mrs. J. A. C.
Brant will Join her husband In Alaska,
leaving this week.
W. W. Lines took advantage of the
Sunday excursion and spent the day
with his folks here.
Ralph Fisher, of Monmouth, re
turned last week from a short business
visit to McMinnvllle.
Jeff Mattney, wife and daughter, of
Cottage Grove, came in on the train
Saturday afternoon.
The Misses Wilcox, daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. G. A. WJlcox, returned from
the coast Weduesday.
Miss Lela Parrish and C. C. Lewis
were passengeis to Newport on the
morning train Friday.
Mr. Stansbury aud Miss Howe, of
Portland, relatives ot A,W. Stausbury.
are visiting In this city.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine and
top sneezing, hawking and spitting.
For sale by A. 8. Locke.
Misses Maggie and Nellie Pomeroy
and their little brother, Dole, returned
from the coast Monday.
Dr. W. R. Allln spent Thursday
evening In Salem, returning home by
bicycle Friday morning.
Bemember, J. R. Cooper has 850,000
fine new brick on hand and will sup
ply you in any quantity.
The family ofG. L. Hawkins, who
have been at the coast the past month,
are expected hra today.
Mrs. F. A. Douty was a north-bound
passenger Saturday afternoon to Join
her husband at Clatsop beach.
George A. Wilcox and family re
turned from the coast Monday aud re
ported having had a flue time.
Dr. W. C. Brown expects to start
East about Monday next, and will be
absent about four or five weeks.
Mr. Clark, who has been visiting
relatives in this city, returned to East
ern Oregon Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Sarah Young, of Portland,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, I. Claggett, of this city. j
Miss Laurie Burnett, accompanied ,
by her cousins, the Misses Turner, of j
Portland, Sundayed in Independence, j
Mrs. George Claggett abd daughter, j
Lorene, who have been visiting in
Newport, are expected to return today. ;
Miss Hazel Butler, of Monmouth,
who has beep at the coast for the past j
two weeks, returned home Wednesday. :
Miss Nan Cooper, of The Dalles, j
stopped in the city this week a day or
eo, being on her way home from New
port. Miss Blanche Ground, who has been
visiting relatives In Monmouth, was a
north-bound passenger Saturday after
noon. Miss Frances Mann, after a few
days' visit with relatives here, depart
ed for McMinnvllle Wednesday after
noon. Elder J. R. O. Russell, Baptist
pastor, will preach next Suuday at 3
p. m. in the Baptist church, of Inde
pendence. Mrs. T. J. Craig and little daughter,
of Portlaud, who have been visiting
relatives In Monmouth, returned home
Willis Hill, a former resident of In
dependence, is now located at San
Bernardino, Cal., where be is said to
be doing well.
A couple of Ad ventist elders were in j
the city this week, trying to arrange (
for a series of meetings to be held here j
in the near future. j
Prof. A. M. Sanders returned from j
Seattle, Wash.. Sunday morning.
The professor will not return to Wash
ington for the present,
Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Chamber. ai
visiting their timber claim above Falls
City this week.
Miss Cora Snell. we are Informed,
lias entered th theatrical Held, and l
now a member or the Horn hern Hunk
Co., tourlug California.
Mr. L. W. Robertsou and daugh
ter, Mis Eva, aloP.C Patterson, or
Portland, vlslled Suuday with Mr.
and Mr. W. H.Craven.
Win. and Stepheu Hogg, who have
been visiting Mr, and Mr. A. W.
Stansbury, started on their return to
Kansas Tuesday afternoon.
Clarence Irvine and wife, of Poll
land, visited th- family of J. D. Irvine
Sunday. We are sorry to learn that
Clarence's health Is very poor.
Thia morning down lo handker
chiefs came lu. That means 800. If
you want them for your children,
come at once. The Baket Slor.
Pins 4o, ueedles 3o, aluminum thlm
bles 2c, silver thimbles 15c, goggles 5c,
blue spectacles 13o. kid curlew 5c,
handkerchiefs lo. The Baket Stor.
Mrs. Felix Kerlson lelt to Fran
cisco last week to Join her husband at
Manila, where he ha a god posltlou
lu the govern meiit printing utllce.
John F. Cordray, the iw.pular
theater .man of Portland, and his
theater manager, Maurice Smith,
drove over from Salem Sunday after
noon on business,
Mi F.llie Richardson was a passen
ger to Portland Saturday afternoon,
returning on the tratn Sunday
morning. She leaves oil a visit to
Tacoma this week.
C. C. Lewi, and Pres. P. L. Camp
bell returned from Newport Wedncs
day. Mr. Lewis gave a stereoptlcou
entertainment at the auditorium there
on Tuesday eveuliig.
It. E. Williams, the handsome young
cashier of the Dallas, Polk county,
bauk, came over with the crowd last
evening aud will remain several days.
Yaquiua Bay News.
Hon H. B. Thlelseu leaves this
morning for Buffalo, to visit bis fam
lly and attend the Exposition. He Is
a member of the Oregon Exposition
Several of the Portlaud crack bicycle
.i.i ......... i,. iimoltv Hundav look-
nuuin "tic ... - -
lug for races. They dldut seem to be
very particular to run up agulnsl the
Riddel boys of Monmouth, however.
Lost. On Albany road, between
Davidson bridge and I. Compton's
place, a small brown leather hand
grip. Will give full description of con
tents to finder, who will be rewarded.
F. A. Link and family, of Polk
county, and some friends from Kansas,
who have been taking in the sights at
the beach for the past week, will re
turn home In the morning. Monday's
Yaquiua Bay News.
We are in receipt of this clipping,
taken from a Walla Walla paper. The
W. N. Estcs mentioned lu the Pern is
Will Estes, a former resident of this
place and clerk in F. A. Douty'. store:
Articles of incorporation of the Preston
Grocery Co. were yesterday filed at
the ofllee of the county auditor. The
life of the company is given as limited
to ten years and the capital stock Is
$8,000, divided into 80 shares of$100
each. The objects of the concern are
to engage In both a wholesale and re
tail grocery business in the city of
Walla Walla. The trustees are C. W.
Prestou, D. H. Preston aud W. N.
, Estes.
Just Received
Some smoked Eye Glasses at
a bargain.
Can give you a regular
Smoked Kye Glass for
so Cents
while they last.
0. H. Kramer $ Co.
Jewelers & Opticians.
Now Is the lime
We carry
i4 x 3 (or Peering Mowers
3 x 3
3 3 1H x 8l for Oslmrii Mnaer
3x3111' for
3 x 3 1. 1
; x .I'm
a x 3 w "
a x 3 "
3 x 3 3-10"
3 x 3i "
We carry a full line of
Binders and Mowers.
F. E. Chambers,
Arthur and Italph Van Northwlck
spent Sunday lu Independence, re
turning to Portlaud on the, excursion
train. Uus Van Nortwlck,.thelr falh
er. Is now a barber In the hotel Port
land. Mr. Slmoiitoii took his place as
night operator at the electric light
plaut Saturday evening. Mr. Burton
Is working during the day at present,
aud Byron Atklu. says he has choice
r several good position, at Cottage
Grove as soon as he can arrange to ac
cept It.
Sunday's Oregoniau contained the
following itnis from liideudence:
Miss Cora Knell it enjoying an outing
at Seaside. V"- E- ,,,ckel m,,n
re billing relatives at Albany. Mrs.
J It Miller, of Portland, Is visiting
Mrs. O. I). Butler. Mbs Klva Taylor
has returned from an outing at Hoda
vilie. Mrs. J. 11. Burton has returned
from a two weeks' outing at ."Newport.
Mrs Morrill and Miss Nellie Harris
visited relatives lu Huver the first of
the week. Ms.e Hazel and I'omella
Allen, of Skagway, Alaska, are visit
ing Ml P i Cooper- Mrs. T. T.
I,oy has relumed to her home In Kan
sas City, M.. after a two month.'
visit with relatives here. Mrs. Win.
Boggs, after a two win ks' visit with
relatives here, started Tuesday for her
)) I IV L ;, 1 I J flP "WW
i i'i ' i www i ; w
The RaKet Stor
!! wiii
again open up a
riUnr -nritK ovorvthino
viivjuiiii f y
wbu,w,m M . -
offer you. These goods
wH 1st. riaving sota oui uur in is. viwiwiwS, -. - -
4) handled before, we will offer you nothing but fall stock,
1st. Having sold out our
The RaKet Stor,
v PN
to repair your
in slin k
:l't X 2 lor Peering Ulndei.
.1x2 3-10
3 x 24
3x2 3-ltl
Oslsirim "
Woods "
M.-Cortnlik "
3 x :'''
Osliorne Mower
I'lano "
MiCoriiiUk "
Standard "
Wood "
extras for the McCormlck
home In Missouri. MIm Cora Thoni
am hi. who has been visiting her slter,
Mrs. U. W. Kutch, has relumed lo
her home at Broadmead.
Burnley' $ Restaurant,
Mrs. W.
Huntley, Prop.
4 Meals from 2" cnts and up.
x Hwelal rales by the week... .
. 4
tio to
For wall paper, window shades,
picture frames, etc. Furniture .
of all kind repaired. r
At Telephone Ofllee f
notarv Public n
justice of the Peace.
Collection a specialty. Agent
for a number of standard old lino
Insurance companies.
of Men's and Children's
new. neat and clean, and
o '
on us and see what we can
.7. . . o L. m,
will arrive about oepiemrjer v
line ot doming, wnicn we
-ss, Sav