Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 08, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    : JUUUk Hiiiix:
Are you Insured? If not insure
(ST with. . .
j V. O. BOOTS,
T? Hi (.,1im,!nv IcikIx in nicnii.t payment of Iohhoh
;2 ami ntljiiHtiiiiitn. W
"2 tint Monmouth lire
j Sunday, June 16, 1901, j
:S Ami wo iM'Hiin paying losses the next day j;
:s ana Dy
i Tuesday noon
: Thirteen claimantH hal heen piven check fr
5 the full amount of their claims-
The drv KfiiMon in hero, have
I I County Correspondents,
j -
A. C. MeKinnon mad your city
tt call last Saturday.
A purl of the machinery fr the
Hour mill arrived last week.
Mr. I. C. (MotlfV.K'r, of Port -land,
wu visiting relatives here
last week.
Mr. Klliotl has turned painter
and in now employed painting the
iihw Hour mill at thin place.
Will McKlnney Iihh rented t) i e
Vanbuskirk place and Mr. (lib
baugh will move to Portland.
Clover hay, which was cut in
the proper time, promises to make
a good ceed erop in this vicinity.
Harvest season is now upon us.
This week and next week will nee
jiiohI ofthKrtt'" cut nnt '"the
Kijr,ht cents for Hack, four cents
per bushel oil' of the price of wheat
make the farmers Hcratch their
Strong Bros., the blacksmiths,
have been kept quito busy of late
repairing the many binders in this
Mr. Batcbelor, of Lewisville,
formerly of Independence, was
down this way Tuesday looking
after a ranch to rent.
Mr. Pratt has stacked his cheat
hay, some 30 tons, and will have
it baled. There seems to be quite
a demand for cheat hay in the
In unloading a line shaft for the
We Are Conscientious.
Substitutes, and impure drugs have no place in our store. We
know physicians do not want us to use them, and we won't do it.
Every prescription here is compounded of pure drugs by careful,
competent and accurate pnarmacii,
You can trust us with your prescription preparing.
A. S. Locke,
liu.l tliirti-rii .ohm in
your property inmiml. 5
(lour mill off of the top of a box
car it Ml to the ground and sprung
it considerably, which will delay
the placing of the machinery for a
little while.
Barns are being rapidly filled
with hay.
Lilo Blair is staying at Mr. N
M. Dickey's.
Kvery body is busy now gather
ing blackberries.
Anna Deakins, of Sheridan, has
been up on r. visit.
Mr. Emmett and wife, of Falls
City, were up Sunday.
Mr. Fletcher, yellow jackets
stiiiu; you had better leave them
Mr. and Mrs. Coad are still in
Amity, where Mr. Coad is being
N'iila Coad. of Dallas, is staying
with her cousin, Nellie Coad, of
this place.
Several have put in bids for
carrying the mail from Buell to
Dallas and back
Last Friday Mr. Conger's horses
ran away with a load of hay and
upset it, leaving Mr. Conger on
the barb wire fence. Such acci
dents rarely happen to teetotalers
If the action of your bowels is not
easy and regular, serious com plications
must le the final result. DeWitt's
Little Early Risers will remove this
danger. Safe, pleasant and etleollve.
A. S. Locke.
Sivnal threshing machines will
Start this week.
Mr. and Mrs. ( K. h"t have
prone lu Newport.
,Mis Suva Teal is improving and
is able to be about again.
C. (i. Howell, of Dallas, was call
ing on friends hut Sunday.
Frank ('liapin has returned
home from Benton 'Uiitv.
No wi!d man is reported this
HciiKoii and lich-rmen are plen'y.
Mr TaM'ott has sold his thresh
ing outfit to Steele brothers,
Call Mcl'herson. who has bt-en
ailing for some time, is rapidly im
Tice Ellis and others are busy
cutting grain ami a good yield is
expiated. '
Mr, Harvey, who arrived here
from the Kan, is expecting his fam
ily soon and they will locate here.
Chas. Young, head sawyer in the
Mountain mills, is at his home in
this city, laid up with stomach ail
Mr. Kenton is building a large
goslshed upon his farm, formerly
owned by (Jeorge Gardner, ol tins
B. rt Hobinson and Frxnk Mc-
Murphy, who have been working
in Benton county for Mr. Fly nn,
returned home this week.
Several parties from a distance
whose names we did not learn, are
camped just above town and the
tiny tribe is not so numerous.
Miss Elsie Montgomery, of Port
land, who so faithfully nursed and
cared for her brother, Wilbur, who
died here, will return to Portland
next month.
Mr. Lucas has the necessary
lumber on the ground, with which
he will siKin erect a largo store
building, GO x 40. He will con
duct a general merchandise bust
Mr. Marv E. Arvidson, who has
made her home with Grandma
Glaze the past three years, was
married to Chas. McDonald, ot
erty, on Thursday evening of last
The county clerk and the county
treasurer, also our school supenn
tendent and Uobt. Gaynor, of Dal
las, passed through the city last
Friday on their way home iroui
Itock Creek, where they had been
fishing. They report a fine time
and a good catch.
Deafness Caunot be Cured
by local applications as they cannot
; reach the diseased portion of tho ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remeuies
iwIkm i caused by an inflamed con
dition of the niocous lining of the
Eustachian Tube, When this tube is
inflamed you have a rumbling round or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
,ir,.l nl.isiHl. deafness is the result, and
unless the InHamation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal con
dition, hearing will be destroyed forever
nine cases out of ten are caused by
Catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give Una nunureu isuuiun iur
swioaf n..fnpn fraiiped bv catarrh)
nur moo oi M-
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, tree.
F. J. Chk.vky & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, "5c.
Hall's family pills are the best.
Fred Wittenstrom is burning his
Mrs. Porter and J. A. Spangler
i have returned.
W. H. Ilopson has returned to
his home at Well.
Mi M. I.. Hampton went to
Falls City Sunday.
j Koyal I'lank is helping Clarence
Aiknian with his hay.
j A. V. Thompson is gelling out
lumbi-r lor his new house.
M. U. Hampton has bought a
hoie and wagon of It. E Henry.
Geo. Mill"r rn.s been baulirg
cedar bolts for A. Thompson.
Hoy Henry and family have
moved to the Lucas saw mill,
whre be has work.
Jit.i Harris of Dove's Island,
n topped at J. I- Morrison's Fun
di)', en route to Newport.
Mr.lioitne and family, of Molalhi,
nasd lore Friday n his wy
home from the coast; he broke th
front wheel 'if his wagon iiesr the
port i.flice and was delayed half a
IMavfil Out.
Dull Ileiuliiihe, Pains in various
parts of the body, sinking at the pitof
tin, Htotnai h, loss of appetite, feverish
..,. t,iii,!cs and sores are all positive
evidences ofimpure hi vxl. Xo matter
how it lieramK so it must lie purineo in
order to obtain good health. Ackers
lilooil fclexir nan never mo.-u .....
.. .... f.. i..., ,.r u't.lnii!if iHiisons or any
otlit-r blood diseases. It is certainly a
womlerlul reuieoy ami t .-.c.
bottle, on a csisitive gimraiiw. .
The Helmick party has returned
from the coast.
E. Evans expects to commence
thresning Tuesday.
Bert Harper was through here
Friday looking for hop pickers
J. Tedrow and wife visited Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Cockle Sunday.
P. V. Haley is cutting grain for
Rev. Baldwin, near Independence.
James Davidson and wife visited
relatives in Corvallis Saturday and
Flev. Hussell and wife, of Dallas,
visited at the home of James Alex
ander last week.
Mrs. Ida Scott and daughter,
Edna, visited Mrs. James Alex
ander Wednebday.
Jessie and Lillian Cox visited
their sister, Edna, at the home of
Charles Staats Sunday.
J. D. Stapleton and wife, of Van
couver, Wash., are visiting at the
home of Mr. Stapleton's brother,
Several of the young people from
here took a trip to the Sulphur
Springs Sunday. They report a
large crowd there and several
Mrs. Hattie Stevens and little
daughter, Abigal, of California,
were visiting Mrs. Steven's sister,
Mattie Davidson, last week and re
turned to Corvallis Saturday.
Experience is the Best Teacher.
Use Acker's English Remedy in any
case of coughs, colds or croup. Should
it fail to give immediate relief money
refunded. 25 and 50cts. A. S. Locke,
Garret Horner has purchased a
new $50 camera.
0tv Bill
Personal attention given to the distribution ot all kinds of
printed matter. House to house delivery, at very reasonable prices
lor good work
Inderjendence. -
KIrI'I pounds of Uv and lUKhlrr, of
milt s and unhine or ? Many mother
can 611 up the blank out of b r ripenrnot
of puny, wailinx children, whoe cotnimf
ntM lo the liome.
Vt'omrn who have
Uftrd In. Pierct's
I'avorite Prescrip
tion as a pre-naul
pri-paration know
that it makes all
the difference be
tween nappy,
healthy mother
hood, and a mother
hood of murmur
ing and misery.
And they know
also, that happy,
healthy mothers
have happy.healthy
children. "Favor
ite Prescription"
strengthens the
whole body for the
train of mother-
V, It nrartic-
ally does away with,
the pains of child
birth, gives the
mother abundant
.ii.liif and en
ables her to nurse and nourish a healthy
ClThe "Favorite Prescription " contains no
alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, chloral nor
any other narcotic.
! am mother of i children." writea Mm.
C A riKK. of Millwood. Douglas Co., Oregon,
V.nd"l wiVs took three or lour hollies ol TFa
write erek-,i!.tim' before confinement and
never suffered any to .peak of ; had no after
oaina- my babies were large-lhey all weighed
KTe ihn eight oounds. and 1 am not a large
woman; weigh about in pounds. I haje hafl
13e omach trouble, but a lew os of -Golden
Miieal Uiovery would t me all nKM .1 am
hardly ever without your medicines, t hey are
all the medicine one needs, if taken in time, to
keep one in perfect health. ...
mf feel that I owe my little boys life to Dr.
Pierce , tlolden Medical Discovery, a. he bad
convulsion., and everything he ate would bnng
them on. I commenced to '" Jf?!.
Medical Wwovery in ten drop doaes three tunes
dav NoJre Uju beallhv a child can
be found and he grow, like a weed.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the beat
laxative for women.
J. !. Wit brow Is-gan thresHng
at Mr. Hoag's Monday.
Mrs. O. Buchanan i? spending a
w-ek with her parent? at Wren.
Mrs. S. Scanlon, son and daugh
ter, of Portland, are visiting Mrs.
Scanlon V parents, Mr. and Mrs, 1.
B.Williams, at this place.
J. O. Staats ha one of his eyes
done up in plaster because the
brake bar slipped out of the notcn
and struck him on the cheek.
monmouib Catmdry
Should have your Work.
...a V BflllllS Viva
4 livered, both in Dallas and Inde-
4 peudenee. Washing called for b
$ on Tuesday and delivered u f
Saturday f .
4 mork Guaranteed
4 Monmouth, Oregon.
t'.biii.i I fir a t.H lift.
Polk County Bank,
Monmouth, - Oregon.
J. H. Hawlsv, P. L. Campbell,
President. Vice Pres.
Iba C. Powkll, Cashier.
Paid Capital, $30,000.
Dirkctors: J. H. Hawley, P. L.
Campbell, I. M. Simpson, J. B. V.
Butler, John B. Stump, J. A.
Withrow, F. S. Powell. '
Transact a General Banking
and Exchange Business
- (C