Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 08, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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From I
Several i
Corrcipontfchta. j
Mr. Win. Hoot in quite ill.
. Mr. Hurt and family moved t
DhIIiim Muiuluy .
Mr, Fuller him built a new burn
on hi ftirin ni'tir town.
Mr. Younjjer ami family left
Wtdncmluy for Maker City.
Frank Motrin ban added
bnrii to hi fitrui 't of town.
Mr. Orr. tif Itickrcall, waa in
town Tuenday iMigiigiiig b ji k
er. Mr. iiiul Mr. Crane, ol Portland,
are vixiting Mr Coleman (hi
It L Murphy bit been rejourn
iiit( near Kur-ih for tliH pat two
Mix Leila I'lirrndt i noine bet-
ler Hiid ttt-compnuied her mother to
Newport Tburwbty. I
Mr. T, J. Craig, of I'orllund, i ;
viciting her mother, Mr. A. A. ;
Cttttron, of tbi place. ;
A. M. Arant will anfiat Mr. ;
HriMtow in the grocery wtore for :.
the nt of the Mimmer. j
.., , ..,,.i1L...l the !
M. 1. jinnu'w nun v ....... ..... j
Miifoii property and will 'ii
move hi fitmilv there.
,,r u,, -- " "
h.iMiutal at Sitl-nt cdne(lay o!
htt week and i aotnewhat belter.
J,h. Conyer. a former cook t
the dining hall t.ere. came down
to attend to airair at hw farm at
K, M. Smith hit Hold hi bay
pre to Mr. Iriver, of Indepen-j
denep. and h i haling the . hay in
thi vicinity.
Mr. Helen Adkin, accompanied
by her grandson, Herbert Adkin,
went to ICugene Saturday for an
extended viKit.
I. II. Frenin went to Portland to
attend the Woodman initiation,
and from there to Kaslern Oregon
to viit relative.
Mrs. 1 hive Hampton wan called
to The Dalle Saturday to ha with
her youngest on. who ia very low
with appendii'itua.
Mi. Kay. formerly of Junction
City, Lane county, has moved here
with hi family and itt now living
in the llellley bourn.
Henry l'icrce will work with
Lawrence' tlireaber, iiihI Miaaea
Mabel and Km ma Hyora will carry
the mail in hi place during har
vest. Mr. Howell and daughter,
Olivia, returned lat wi-ek from
Oregon City, where tliey have
Hpent, everal week a viiting relit
- S 'i.,.' - -- ' --
Daily and Sunday
i Orciioiiinn.
Tho Daily ami Suntlay Orop;onian can 1h
luid for 20 cents per work; Ihe Daily alone
fur 15 cents, jtcr week.
Mr. Coai. J. II. iSletner anil
family and W. A. Meador and
family li ft for tin lti( NeHtueoa
Tin-mlny, where they will vitdt
relative at W'immI.
Frank I, unit him bought the
lleinbree burn and lot outh of the
Cbrit-tiitn church, and wild the
burn to Mr. Kiddle, who i tearing
it down, preparatory to moving it
to hi farm for a find lor hi clover
Trip to IJruiiHc Mountain.
Xpl'l'llll Inillt Itot'CM,
I,itt Tm-Kiliiy it party of eleven
from here climbed to the middle
peak of (irmiite Mountain, it tak
ing three hour to muke the aaeent.
Alter lunch one of the parly
climbed it lir Iree and took it nie-
()f. t,rtlW( 'rt, men then
worked at it large bowlder and
hl,llt jt JWu the iiiouiitain nid.
()y thonn w -ho hit va aecn a howl
ih r roll and jump down a Meep,
lonu decent can know what a
night it i.
A lovely view i had from the
ton; to ihe aoutheiist can benefit
( Cartwheel .Mountain near v orvm
j li mid lieyond lllt ill" Cascade,
i while t'i the ninth Table Mountain
, .1 . !
!. Mliry-S jvllk ()om in lhdi
1 Unce and to the went I the hnwd
aviiiinui. nf u ii I it where llie miL'hlV
, .. n t0R(.hl,r wilh the
I ,.,,.k Vlley wilh ,
j ,,,.,. m,lke H
'picture well worth the climb to
j n,.e,
, Thone of the party were: Mr.
i ami Mr. C. II. l'eaw. Mr. and
Mr. F. J. Morrinon. Mr. L. I..
Porter. J. A. Spangler, W. 15. Hop
con. Harold Fearxe, Gerald O'NVil,
Mic Lulu Spungler and Kuther
Legal Notices.
Notice lor Publication.
Iii(l uitli'f ul Onuiin Clly. Oregon,
July 7, IWU.
NnlliB l lnTi'liy kIv.'ii Unit llm followlim
iihiiii'iI m'lllir Iiiim Illi'il iiiitlw ol lila hi-n-iilioii
n iiiiiUd lliml iiriMif In mipiwirt oi Ikt
cliiliit, mill Unit will pnMif will Im. mini.'
iH-iiirt! Hi lli-itlur und Itriwlvcr tit Oreitun
fllv, iln-ui'ii. on Hcpli'iiili.'r H, lirni, vl:
Klrix'f I. W iiiiottiT. It. K. ". I27W lor tlin
SW of Kcil Ion IJ, T.M K. 7 W.
Him ini in. ihn IoIIowIiik wIiii'bw'ii to prov
lnr con t Iiiiioiik ivMilenrv nvin uml cnlilvs
lion nl n lit Imiel, vl: K. llnhlnwiii, r KiiIIh
fllv, nri'Moit, Mm. Hum Tpthmw, of Fill l
f It v, tirmon. Mm. A. M. lliirlov. of IiiiIi'h'ii-
lll'lll-l', Ori'KIIII. Ivilll WolHtlSOl'lllllt'lMMHtvlMV.
Klmt pub. All. N. Lni-l pnli, Sept. 5.
.11 KNT.
Notliv Ih ha'tvliy ttlvcn Unit hy'ordVrol llie
Hiinoi'iililt! I nuiil.v Court f llie tnli" ol i int
koii, liir I'olk iininly, llie niiul net! lenient of
til.. HilmliilHtnillim of llm enliite ol K, K.
Honloril, lleieiiKeil, In net lor lieiirln Miitnr
ilny, Hi'ileinlM'r 7, pml, ul Hie hour of hub
n'r'lu'k I', M. ol KHiil (lily. All pelsonn Inte'i
exl.'il nn initllleil to uppeiir Ht wild time ul
the pliiee of holillnu kiiIiI eourt unit nliow
eiuiM' II iinv Iheie In, why I lie H'III Ion for
the xillll eitlelllellt nhoulil not l Hlloweri.
A.I III l' ol the en-tiile of K.I'.IIonIohI, (leeenwil.
A ltiitl Ituniiway.
On Iat Thurdiiy 11. Hirchla-rg
and I). V. Httam drove over to Sa
lem, leading behind their buggy a
young hor which Mr, Seam had
aold and had tarted out to deliver
to the purcliHKt.r. Everything
aeemnd to hlitrt oil' well until about
a mile In low town w hen the hortt
being led got it hind feet and
front feet mixed up and threw it-Ht-If
on the ground with a mighty
force, hut got up again in good
h.tpii wilh no bud rcaiilt more
than a couple ot kinued whin.
Everything now went well until
Hiilem wa reached and Mr. Ilireh
berg wu liinded in Salem, Mr.
Muni Wiprut taking Mr. Ilirch
berg'a place in the buggy and lead
ing the hur while Mr. Seur did
tin? driving, tarting on their way
to the fair ground, where the
animal wa to be turned over to it
new' mvner. When only a few
block it Ktrift car made it ap
pearance, coming up in th reur,
and it wa all on" wilh the horse
being led behind. He made, a
luugo and landed in the rear of tins
buggy with both front feet tanking
Mr. Sear and Mr. Wiprut alightly.
Of eourno the noie excited the
hore hitched to the buggy and he
lauded both men in ditch to the
aide of the road. The hor jerked
the line out of Mr. Sear' hand
and made a bee line for a barbed
wire f'-nce. Tl'i i the time Mr.
Sears paid he would not have given
2o cent for the horte, but the
fence pottle happened to lie pretty
well rotted oil" and the horse hit
the wire fence Hijuare and it gave
way and he went through wilh but
few cratche.
The gentlemen got their belong
ing tone titer and returned to the
Iiyery ttab!e and with Mr. Sears'
pendatcnt d.mioctalic proclivitiea
eeured a new rig and a driver and
again started. When at about the
same place the driving horse
balked and the expert driver then
whacked the borne with the whip
and he began to back, turning the
buggy over and twinting the axle
all nut of shape. Only again to
return to the stable.
Now Mr. Sear decided to have
hi tirnt horce back ride in some
twenty years, and securing a sad
dle hore at laot delivered the
horse to it new owner. Aa to the
reatilt Dave experienced from his
horse back ride we are not pre
pared to any. On Wednesday Mr.
Hirschberg boarded the stage and
about noon returned with the
horse "and buggy in good shape.
P. T. Thomas, 8unipterville, Ala.,
"1 wa KiiU'erina trout ilyspepnia when
1 commenced taking Koilol Iypepeia
Cure. I took several tiottle and can
diKcst anything." Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure is the only preparation containing
all the naturitl digestive fluids. It
Kive weak stomach entire rest,
restoring their natural condition. A.
S. Ixieke.
Itatlting at Independence.
A hath house ha been construced
on the river at the place used for
the upper landing of the boats dur
ing low water and now every even
ing the hank of the river is lined
with people to watch those going in
bathing. Several ladies have al
ready enjoyed the sport and are
learning to swim, itwitur the
past few days Wing so warm, the
water has been nice and warm
and much more enjoyable than in
former years. There is no use of
Independence folks going to the
coast when surf bathing like this
is so close at hand.
A Fatal Accident.
On Wednesday afternoon Mr.
Mosher, an old gentleman living
across the river, near the Sulphur
Springs, in Marion county, was
the victim of a fatal accident. He
Che University of Oregon.
Highest standard in the taU. Two
hundred conrsen in hilt"-liire, Science and
the Art, Science and Kiigii.ecring and Music.
New hiuldingft anil eipnpini'iil, seven new
instructors; marly .,xl volumes' added to
library in 1901. Mummer School wilh t'niver
sity credit. icial course lor teacher, tor
law and medi-al stwleuis. IKpartiiient of
F.dticatioti for teachers, princiiisl and siir
iiitetiilaiit. Tuition free, cost ot living low.
Three student granted scholarships in large
eastern universities in I'.Kll.
Send name to Preside!, t or liegistrar lor
circular anit-ealalogui s, Kiigeiie, Oregon.
wa hauling rail and burning !
brush, and though warned of the:
danger of a snag falling paid no J
heed. He wa walking about the j
snag, when without the slightest j
warning it fell on the old gentle
man, probably causing concussion j
ot the brain, from the effect of j
which he died half an hour Jatf-r.
Every effort was put forth to stay
awav the inevitable by those with
him, but before medical assistance
had reached him he had passed
O. O. Back, Ueirne, Ark., says: I
was troubled with constipation until 1
bought DeWitt' Little Early Kisers.
Since then I have been entirely cured
of my old complaint. I recommend
them." A. S. Icke.
P A It K Kit.
The warehouse will commence to
take in grain in a few days.
l)r. W. C. Brown, of Indepen
dence, spent Sunday with relatives.
James Shives, of Buena Vista,
has joined the chess club of this
Last Sunday was the hottest day
for the year, the mercury running
up to 101.
We were wrongly informed last
week, Mr. Kerr did not sell his
little one horse wagon.
We want to thank you, Mr.
Editor, for the 22-cal. Stevens rifle
you gave us, it being the third
premium in the contest just closed.
It is a little beauty and a good
Mrs. Simpson has returned to
her home in Albany, after a few
Collins Flouring Mills Co
ftp &
.Man u far f
dl Highest price paid for wheat
We have 'entirely remodeled our mill- to the
03) siiftor svstem. and now liMve the onlv full sifter
system in the state. Try
0 made by the new process.
01 Capacity 150 barrels
Ol . .. ..
uriiiuiiiy udjjauuy ttu,wwu uuoiicij
per year.
day visit with her parent.
John FlKjua contemplate spend
ing a few week at the iasi.le be
fore returning to hi home, near
Kansas City. Mo.
All ol'nur Woodmen id tiie World
attended the August "log rolling"
at Mount Tabor and report it one
of the best things tot record. l-'V-hi
candidates were initiated into tiie
order in one night. "
The hum of the threshers are
heard on all sides early and late,
and the golden grain will soon be
converted into golden dollars, and
the dollars exchanged for a thous
and and one different and useful
James White, Bryan tsville, lnd.,
gays DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve heal
ed running sore on both legs, fie bet
suffered six years. Doctors failed to
help him. (iet DeWitt's. Accept no
imitations. A. S. Locke.
j. s. ihooki:, '
Tonsorial Artist
Only first-class workmen em
ployed in the "Wigwam." Shop
situated on North side of C Street.
Bath and Barber Shop.
IxiycpENPKSt'K. - - Oregon.
a re rs of.
FTC. li
a sack of our best flour 0
of flour per day.
r- . .