Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, August 08, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    Social and Personal.
Oil stove at K. K. Chamber.
Try an lee ereatn soda at Wagoner'.
Pr. W'.lt.Allin, dentil, Cooper hldg.
Mis Ami Miuin visited
lulek Meal oil stove at
cist. r. I'..
K. K. Paddock whs a Corvallls visi
tor Friday. ,
Mr. V. W. Percival visited Port
In ml this week.
W. H. Craven was b business visitor
to Portland Saturday. '
Miss Kftle Kiehardsoii was a swii-
gcr to Newport Monday. j
Wall paper at prices that cannot I hi j
beaten. Campbtdr Broa. I
Sherman Hays aud family are spend, j
ing several days at Cascadla. j
Jasper Kennedy was a passenger to t
Petrydale Sunday afternoou.
Monro ltutler left on Monday for a
several days' stay at New port
Miss Cora Snell, of this city, was
registered iu Portland this week.
1!. K. Parrish returned home on
Friday Iroiu a several days' outing.
Mrs. Fisher, a daughter of I. Hart,
was passenger to Sodaville Saturday.
Frank Skinner made a trip to Al
bany on Saturday after a truck load of
Miss Mabel I'ooper returned on Mon
day from a two weeks- outing at New
port. S. C. Baker attended the Wood
men's entertainment at Portland Sat
urday. James and Riley Cooper were pas
sengers to New port Saturday to spend
Laxattve Brouio Quiuiue w ill cure j
your one day. For sale by A.
8. Locke.
$7.50 Quick Meal, two burner, oil
stove for $.".uo. 3 burner. 7.50. K. F..
A I Herren is now on the road buying
wheat for the Salem Flourng Mills
F. A. Douty spent several days of
this week and last in Portland in a
business way.
The Misses Nellie and Maggie Pome
roy w ere passengers to Newport Friday
for a week's stay.
Call on J. S. Moore for Herplcide,
the dandruff cure. Sold in bulk, or
applied if desired.
Carl Herren shipped his alligator to
Capt. K. J. Riley, a Portland gun store
man, on Tuesday.
Try Huntley's Restaurant for a first
class meal.. Only 20 cents. Special
rates by the week.
Mrs. W. P. .Cressy and son left for
Newport Wednesday, where they will
spend several weeks.
H. H. Jaspersoo, had the misfortune
to fall from his bicycle last Saturday
and sprain bis wrist.
Pearl Hedges, instead of returning
laHt week as announced, returned on
Monday of tbis week.
Mrs. Peter Cook and Mrs. J. VV.
Fetzer, of Rick real!, were Indepen
dence visitors Jfuesday.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine and
stop sneezing, hawking and spitting,
For sale by 8, Locke.
G. L. Hawkins was a passenger to
Newport Saturday to join his family
for a several days' stay.
George Steele was in the city last
Friday and started the new threshing
outfit of the Black Bros.
Ralph Williams, of Dallas, cashier of
the bank there, was a passenger to
Newport on the train Tuesday.
Wm. Boots, the insurance man of
Monmouth, was a passenger to Seattle
ou the afternoon train Tuesday.
J. E. Hubbard intends m ovine his
family across the river the first of Sep
tember for the hop picKlng season.
Miss Lora Butler, of Monmouth, who
has been at the coast for the past two
weeks, returned home on Monday.
John Hunsaker, of Prlneville, who
has been visiting hre, was a nort h
bouud passenger Sunday afternoon.
Carpets at cost. Campwll Bros.
Mrs. Arthur Moore Is still In a very
precarious condition.
James Staplcton, of Vancouver, ar
rived In the eily on Sunday and is vis
iting his brother iu the country near
Miss Mat tie was an Incoming
passenger on the nioruing train Satur
day and Is visiting with Mrs. K. A.
Miss Nellie II aley was an Incoming
passenger on the morning train Friday
and took the motor for her homo at
Jesse livlne and his sister, Miss
Clara, of MeMinnvllle, were passen
1 gets for Newport on the morning
i train Tuesday.
I Mrs. S. M. Paniel was an incoming
passenger on the inoruing train Satur-
dav and took the motor for her home
In Monmouth.
Mrs. K. J. Hosier left on
noon trtiii Saturday for
the after
Wash., where she will
lives and friends.
Mrs. Ira Clodfclter,
days' visit with N. (
family, returned to her
visit w ith rela-
afler several
. t'lodfelter and
huiiie in Port-
laud on Monday,
The Holl'innn & Jamison warehouse
at Monmouth expect their tirst load of
wheat today, ("has, Leonard will be
their weighmaster.
Mrs. P. M.Kirkland and son. Frank,
left on Saturday afternoon for I'm' a,
Wash., where they will visit for ev
eral weeks w ith friend
Row Nelson, Van I. Pornsife and
Georgie Graves were passengers to
Newport oil the morning tram Tues
day for a few days stay at the beach.
Mrs. J. II. Burton and Miss Myrtle
Scruggs ret urntd on Tuesday from a
several days' stay at Newport. Tliev
report the weather very cold and bad
Mis Kugeuia Craig, of Portland,
who lias been visiting her grand
mother, Mrs. Cat iron, at Monmouth,
was a passenger to Newport Saturday.
Ira Smith ou Friday shipped four
teen tiue buck sheep to W. O. Cook iu
Soul hem Oregon. -They went to Port
laud and from there by boat to Port
Claud Hubbard is now clerking for
Will Mattisou in his cigar store at As
toria, during the absence of Mr. Matti
sou at Tillamook, where he has speut
several weeks.
The Misses Katie and Sadie Clnd
felter sent a letter from Grangeville,
Wyoming, and stated that it was lnO
degrees In their car aud the dust was
something awful.
Owing U my absence during the
harvest season the warehouse at this
place will be In charge of Marsh Mer
in Al Herren. airent for Salem
Flouring Mills Co.
At the Baptist church Geo. R. Var-
p' general missionary of the Oregon
Baptist State Convention, will preach
morning and evening Sunday. Every
body specially invited.
In a letter to Mrs. J, W. Richard
drdson, Jr., of this city, Mis. J. R. N.
Bell informs her that they will move
U) Portland in a few weeks to make
their permanent home.
HeiiJersou Murphy claims to be the
owner ol a tine calf, which has two
perfect cropped ears, born that way.
Both are identical and present a very
strange freak of nature.
Mr. Jay Lucas, U. 8. register of the
land office at The Dalles, was in the
city Thursday ou his way home from
the bay. He is a former Polk county
man. Albany Democrat.
Miss Alice Macaulay, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Nellie Graves,
returned to Portland on Saturday.
She is head saleslady in the millinery
department of the Meier F'rank es
tablishment. I Prot. L. P. Freytag, of Monmouth,
! accompanied by L. C. Mayer, of Mil
I waukee, Wisconsin, who is spending
the summer with him, left for the
j coast on Friday, where they will spend
i several weeks.
! Mrs. J. A. Mills has just found out
i how to appreciate the value of the
chicken law. On going home one day
last week she found that some good
i neighbor's chickens had visited her
flower beds and scratched them all up.
The attention of our render la called
to the ad of lh State University In
this isstiff of thi p iper.
loo cream sodas are now enjoying a
tlt.esale at Wagoner's. Ileietofore It
has been most Impossible to get a good
Ice cream soda but ibis has now been
overcome, and the ladies are now our
bt customers.
Little Helen I 'at t roll, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Lug 'lie ('nitron, was
given a birthday party on Friday,
August S, at t he home of her grand,
mother, Mis. A. A. Cut I run, of Mon
mouth, Batiy IMen Mug Just one
year old,
Mrs. Maude Ireland whs taken by
the afternoon train Wednesday to
Portland, w heie she will la-taken to
the Good Samaritan hospital to under
go an operation. Mr. Clarence Ireland
and Mr, and Mrs. J. S.Cooper accom
panied her.
Henry Clodiellcr, of Perrvdale, was
j iu the city on Friday evening, re
' 110111111; home on the early motor Sat-
j urday nioruing by way
j Henry Islit present very
i cupieil In looking after a
of Pallas,
busily ne
full grown
' hoi I ou his left hand.
! Mr. and Mrs. J. I'.. Conyers, who
! have lived at Pullman, Wash., for the
! past several years, where Mr, Conycm
j has hern cook at the schiad there, re
i turned home last week and w III t-pend
Home time at their farm near Mn
; month. Mr. Conyers ha not fully de
; fided whether he will return to Pull-
noiii tbl- fill or not.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Campbell re
lumed lat Thursday trom u several
days' isil at Corvallis and L'ugetie.
Mr. CampMI tried bis hand at cut
ting grain lor a day or so while there.
Mr. Campbell, while visiting ut Ku
gelie, noticed many Improvements in
that city and states that the insurant)
men there are rustling to beat tbe
band for business, of which there is
the greatest of plenty.
H. U. Campbell, the rustling real
estate dealer, effected three sales ol
laud this week as follows; HO acre
between Pallas and Monmouth to
George Vick. leueittly from Mlnue
sola, who villi clear the land and set
out an orchard. The purchase price
wusfliHl. Two and one-half acres of
the Henry Howe farm, near town,
wet.' sold to K. II. Cnrpi nur forl"it.
A. Hull, "f hit ago, bought IU 1-2
acres i f the George Tilloison farm,
paying thenror $ I (MIC. PmIIiis Ob
server. Ve were shown this week a number
of old photographs owned by J. A.
Mills' mother. They contained on the
back revenue stamps that had been
used many years ago, Tbe photograph
on the stamp is the likeness of
George Washington, and the stamp
is the same size as the red postaue
stamp now used. The revenue stamp
used then is ililFeienl from the one used
during 'bis year, both in shape and
also that each stamp had printed on its
faee for what it should be used; if a
stump was for a bank check It had
printed just below the picture 011 the
stamp "bank cheek." Mr. Mills also
Informs us that during the u-e of these
stamps, which was about ISlHi, that
photographs also hail to have a rev
enue clamp attached thereto.
and a
complete line
of the
Rogers Bros.'
Knives, Forks,
5poon, etc.
. ..II wamtnrf Slid
proper!? fitted to thrtiet gmde
II 01 giaue.
I Repairing.
Now is the time
Mowers and Binders.
Wo carry
Sl4 :i lor Peering .Mortem
:) x
!t Itl .'!'.. ior OMmru Mower
:l x H II I' (or
:t x :i L I
:i x :t' "
:l x !l I" "
:l x ll'it "
:i X M'j "
We carry a full line of extras for the McCormlck
Binders and Mowers.
F. K Chambers,
Ice cream straight at Wagoner's.
Will Mattisou. of Astoria, was in the
city this week.
All upholstering establishment liaa
located here.
Curt Hubbard, of Pallas, was in the
city Wednesday.
Ford Potter, of Poll land, was In the
city Wednesday,
Mrs. Kast, of Monmouth, was a pas
senger to Sodaville today.
H. Wilson and wire leave lids week
for a two weeks' trip to Neslucea.
K. K. Pathbak was a passenger to
Portland Wednesday afterms.n.
Will- Mattisou, ol Astoria, was in
the city on Tuesday and Wednesday.
' Aur plain mala Is all right. Nothing
but the best syrups and extract used.
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Polity Intend
leaving this week for a season of leo
reatloii at Newport.
W. G. Cressy hurt himself nulla bad
ly 011 rniuday while trying o move a
sack of ice.
Mrs. M.S. Go!!' returned home this
week from the coast, owing to the bad
weather over there.
A. V, Averlll, of Hrownavllle, who
has been working in this vicinity, whs
a passenger to llrowusvllle today.
Lay toil .Smith and Kph Young re
turned Wednesday evening from a
several weeks' hunting and lishlng
Miss Ijuffy Hutler. who has been
spending several weeks at the coast,
returned Indue on Wednesday after
noon. PIcKel is tin artist who makes
everything iu photo jewelry and but
ton pictures, and all kinds of picture
Judge Kills, of Hcppner, after a so
jour'i at Newport, passed through on
the afternoon train Wednesday on his
way home, .
Byron Atkins expects to tput work
ing at the Water and Light plant the
loth and will mwe to Cottage Grove.
His place will he taken by Mr. liurton,
the present electrician, and Mr. Ihir
tou'a place will be occupied by Mr.
SimoHton, of Itickrcall.
Hessic Ireland, who liven south of
Monmouth, while returning home, last
Hunday, slipped aad fell through a
cattle-guard and was (pille badly hurt,
She lay for some time unconscious
aud was found Iu that condition and
taken to her home, where she is now
greatly Improved.
Mrs. VV. G. Cressy, who has len
visiting her brother at Yellowstone
Park, returned home last (Saturday
unexpected, as she did not Intend to
return uutil this week, Mrs. Cressy
reports a most enjoyable trip, and Is of
the opinion that a person lias never
Keen the best part of the world until he
hps the pleasure of visiting the park.
Mrs. Cressy secured a number of very
beautiful specimens, of which she la
very proud and values very highly.
repair your
in Muck
K'n X '' I" (or loctii!g Ullldei
;i x L' :H" " Piano "
3 X -."4
:i x s :i-ii
Oshoiite "
Wuo.U "
Met'oruiii k "
X -'11
(Msii'iie Mower
Piano '
Simulant "
Woods "
f)UMicy'$ Restaurant,
Mrs. VV. Huntley, Prop,
..Meals from 'i cents and up
4 SH't'lnl rates by the week... .
Mis. S. II. A II port. Johnstown, Pa.,
nays: "Our liltif girl aluioM. strangled
tu'iltiittli w lib croup. 'I be iliH'tots mhI
nlie rouldii't live, but she was iiiMnmly
relieved by One Minute Cough Cure.
A. It. Locke.
Mr. J. II. Patterson, living south of
tow n, was Inking a horse 10 the held
when passing under a live he was lo
mile manner throw n to the ground,
how, even he Is unable to explain He
was found uncoiiMdoiis awhile later.
No permanent Injury Is anticipated
(Jcorjro Wilson Hurt.
While feeding a huy baler on the
John Hver place below town :ti
Montlny evening just at tjuitting
lime. Mr. Wilson was pushing the
hiiv into 111" lsler with his foot,
which has become 11 very cureless
habit among feeders. He was re
moving his foot, when the foot h
was tdaniling on s'iippt'il am! he
fell into the Imler and his leg was
csiight just below the knee, lie
yelleil for (ho driver to slop the
tesim. hut the horses hearing the
loud yell started tip and before
they could bo stopped hist leg wan
luiJIv mangled, 'if1 wm taken to
his home in West Independence,
whero ho is now under the care of
l)r, K. L. Keichnni. It in not
known whether th leg can ho
pa veil or not.
Mr. Wilson is a member of tho
Odd FdlmvH lodge, here, hut owing
to some cftreh-HHtiesH has allowed
his dues to run behind, no he ia
really entitled to no benefit Rt the
hands of the order. Hut as usual,
tho lodge rs willing to do all it can
fur a needy member.
In cases of cough or croup give the
little one One Minute CoiikIi Cure.
T'lieu rest ency and have no fear. 1 lie
cl.ilil will lieallriuht in a little while.
It never fails. Pleasant to take, always
safe, tire. and almost ins taiitancoiis in
effect. A. S. IxM-ke,
4 ts -4
4) Go to
4 H. M. LINES, f
A) For wall paper, window shades,.
picture frames, etc. Furniture .
0 all kinds repaired.
At Telephone Ofjier,
;tl"ttt t t ttfs
4 J. I. IKVINi:,
notary Public and
4 Justice of the Pace, f
a Collectiotm a specialty. Agent
for a number of slandard old line
4 insurance companies.