Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 04, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Independence Enterprise.
Entered at Independence, pMtoffloe Mecond-cM matter.
Subscription $1.50 Per Year.
Mr, Hanna says he will not go to tho
Philadelphia convention and Mr. Bryan
says he will not be present at the Kansas
City convention. Just the same these
two persons will be the dominating spirits
in their conventions respectively, or, if
you please, they will be the whole sh6w.
Hon. S. C. Spencer, of Portland, Ore.,
will address the citizens of Independence
on the political issues of the day from a
republican standpoint, at the auditorium
this coming Saturday evening. Mr.
Spencer is well-known as one of the best
speakers in the Oregon canvass, and all
should hear him.
and refusing Quay. The first willfully
violated the marriage laws, the second
spent over a half million to become a
member of the senate, and the last en
deavored to force himself on the senate
against numerous precedents, law and
right. This question of seating a senator
on a governor's appointment is forever
settled. Never will such political lorce
be brought to bear as Quay controlled.
T 1 1 a 4 ra oaa PflnvnRS WES UOfc Wltnuuu lto ,i
results. A number of weak swaddling after Mfty L
1 otofoempn viemea 10
his influence, and flopped to his support.
Every case of this kind that ever came
0iVWntirn was a riehteous one
in comparison with Quay's, yet he lacked
but one vote of reversing a long series of
precedents. This question, of course,
should be relegated to me uutgivuuu j
electing senators by popular vote.
Just Like a Letter
This week noted the commitment to
prison of Captain Oberlin M. Carter, late
of the U. S. A., who swindled this gov
ernment out of something like $2,000,000.
The case has been stubbornly contested by
some of the ablest counsel in the United
States. His short term of sentence is a
miserable miscarriage of justice.
Senator Stewart, in a vain effort to
explain why he flopped to the Quay
supporters after voting against seating
Corbott, said that he did so because he
believed "Mr. Corbett did not come with
clean hands." Be that as it may, it
comes with ill grace for a man who has
bought his way to the senate, as Mr.
Stewart has, to speak about clean hands.
Senator Quay, in Stewart's eyes, must be
an angel.
General MacArthur now assumes con
trol of affairs in the Philippines and
General Otis will return home. General
MacArthur is more popular than Otis.
The Philippine campaign has established
him a splendid military record, and his
promotions, justly earned, has assured
him of the commander-in-chief's station
in the U. S. Army in the regular course
of promotion. Let it be hoped that he
will bo successful in bringing trouble to a
speedy and satisfactory conclusion.
General Longstreet, the most renowned
ex-Confederate soldier now living, is to be
pensioned. The old warrior served con
spicuously in the Mexican war as a major
in the United States army, and it is for
this service that he is to be rewarded.
He is now living in very meager circum
stances, and is quite feeble. lhe great
episode which gave Longstreet his stand
ing as a great general is forgotten by a
great republic, for our nation is not only
great enough to remember but as well to
Dewey starts out this week on a grand
exhibition tour, and to him, undoubtedly,
the great receptions to be tendered him
will appear in the light of overwhelming
popular clamor for his election to the
presidency. After July 4, the democratic
party, the party of his "chosen and well
matured convictions" will give him an
opportunity to display his "enthusiasm for
democratic success" by supporting the
ol the party, William J. Bryan.
r. n.u-.v shimls absolutely no show of
' receiving the nomination.
M'Cormick, Wash., April 25, '00
4 Independence Enterprise:
Dear Sirs: "As I have bad two t
4 notices from you in regard to my paper
4 I will take time and drop you a line a 'f
I would like to have you send me the
4 Enterprise again for it seems like a f
letter from home.
The, mills ar running full blast, r
4 fif-itYio timfM nhnrt of hands and at other
4 times full handed. There are a great
4 many accidents. Only a few weeks ago r
4 a man was killed in the timber. Joe
4 Tuck was hurt today, but not serious.
4 1 did not go to the timber to work as I
4 had intended but began work in the
4 mill at $2 per day. It is two miles to
4 McCormick, our nearest pout office, so I J
4 will just send the amount in the letter." r
4 Youib very respectfully,
4 Leland Young.
Gets His Money's Worth.
Pome roy, Wash., April 24, 1900.
Independence Enterprise, "
Independence, Oregon.
Dear Sirs:
"Enclosed find money order for
$1.50; one year's subscription to your
much appreciated paper. I am pleased
to note continued improvements and
other evidences of prosperity. May
good fortune continue to be your lot."
Our Plan Approved.
Rossland B. C, April 23, 1900.
. Frifind Harry:
Z "Your notice of the expiration of
my subscription to the paper came this
evening and I will enclose $1.50, the .
a amount for one year.
I guess my time is already out and
. kUma van for it as I expected you to a.
irivn me not ice as I did not remember
D r
when my time was up. I fully approve
of your Dlan of running the business
and do not wish to get the paper longer
than it is paid for. We are enjoying $
the most beautiful weather here now
and have been for some time. We have
had what we think to be several attempt
to burn tho town of late, but the fiie
department is good so stopped them
with but little damage. The labor
question which has caused so much
trouble here lias been setuea wr me
time being, although not altogether
satisfactory to the miners.
With regards to all and best wishes
for your success, I still remain,
Yours truly,
Nar Patterson.
"1 ; truth when it says of "Cyclone Davis:
Fi"It seems a pity, though, that such a big
,iT iii - r- " ' r
Colony for Lane County.
The Eugene Guard says the Danish col
ony for Lane County will comprise be
tween 200 and 300 families, and that they
will occupy from 5000 to 10,000 acres of
The colonists will begin to arrive
Doesn't Remember '90.
Portland Telegram.
David Bennett Hill is coming to the
Kansas City convention to try to have
the Chicago platform toned down and
made a little more reasonable, but his
voice will be like a whisper in a whirl
wind. Like Our Way.
Ullnels State Journal.
Oregon Republicans in their state con
vention declared in favor of the gold
standard, retaining the Philippines, for
expansion, and the immediate construc
tion of an isthmian canal, under govern
ment control. There is no tinge of mug-
wumpery about Oregon Republicans.
New "Native Sons,"
S. F. Call.
The steamship China brought 137
coolies to this port. The Doric had 132
on hoard, and now the Nippon Maru is in
the harbor with 266 more of "merchants,
students, tourists and native sons." It
this procession keeps up Collector ot the
Port Jackson will soon have enough with
which to open a new parlor of native sons.
United States Exhibits.
X. Y. Sua.
The number of United States exhibits
at the Paris Exposition is 6,564. France
alone showing more.
Next to the United States comes Bel
gium with 2,512.
Great Britain sends less than 700.
We believe that they call America the
great land of trusts.
Getting: Ready to Run.
S. F, Call.
General Miles has announced himself as
Verv trulv yours,
B. F. Burch. a candidate for the presidency, and has
also advocated the construction from the
f Atlantic to the Pacific of a broad highway
f smooth enough to play marbles on, so it
f looks as if the general wishes to have an
easy route lor running wnen ne gets
Tfco OreiTon State Penitentiary carries
The Vmoriean congress is higher in ; about a hundred less convicts than it d.d j
tht-ftin.ation of the people for having i five or six years ago. This speaks well
xpelled Roberts, reporting against Clark, j for the good order of our people. j
Au Eastern Opinion.
Illinois istate Journal.
"Every indication points to the
heaviest wool clip in the northwest for
many years." This is the opinion of a
member of a Boston wool firm, M. E.
Race who has just been through Utah,
Lini-m rnntnnn and Wvomine. This is
better news than to hear of the wholesale
oio.liier of Rhepn because farmers cannot
afford to feed them, as was the case under
a free wool policy.
A Great Donator.
Illinois State Journal.
During 1S98 Andrew Carnegie gave an
oo-crrpo-ntfi of $3,503,500 to American
.Kli'n 1,'hrnHes. but he has broken that
record this year, despite the fact that but
i 1 T j 1 12 I
! one-fourth ot it lias passed, in me nrsi
il,r.o months o f 1900 he has given an
.....rrn.,tA nf 4.H()0.000 toward the build
ing and enlarging of public libraries. In
loss than a vear and a half he has given
almost $8,000,000 to the libraries.
Out of Ills Line of Business.
Ashland Tidings.
The Portland Evening Telegram is not
fellow as Davis would'nt have pride
enough to go out into tho timber some
where and make an honest living." But
then "Cyclone" is no wood's man he's
a jaw-smith and a mightily poor one at
Without Free Silver
Illinois State Journal,
The money circulation of the country,
which was $1,509,725,200 on July 1, 1896,
had increased to $2,002,931,791 on March
1, 1900: This was a gain of nearly five
hundred million dollars in three years
and a half. Of this increase $295,150,584
was in gold coin and gold certificates.
During the same length of time, what
could the free silverites have done if they
had secured control of the government?
According to their own theories, they
would have had a large number of "50
cent dollars to pay debts with."
Ingalls on Dewey.
Ex-Senator John J. Ingalls, of Kansas,
when interviewed lately concerning the
Dewey candidacy, said:
"It is unfortunate for the fame of Dewey
that he did not remain indefinite at Ma
nila. The perspective was greatly to his
advantage, and distance lent enchant
ment to the view. He was a hero at Ma
nila, but ever since he landed in New
York the bran and sawdust has been run
ning out of him. Everything he has said
and done has sunk him steadily in public
"All his utterances have been cheap,
weak and silly, and his conduct has been
feeble and vacillating to the edge of imbe
cility. Somebody has buncoed the admi
ral. His candidacy is ridiculous. His
ignorance of politics and public issues aud
public duties is pathetic. Since Hancock's
announcement in the Garfield campaign
that the tariff was a local question, ' which
he had heard mentioned at JNornstown,
Pa., there has been nothing so absurd as
Dewey's declaration for the flag and tree
trade. He will not receive a vote m
either convention. The presentation of
his name would provoke inextinguishable
laughter and derision. What the admiral
noo1a oViovp AVfirvthinsr else at this time is
"Vvu www i w j o
a course of instruction in the noble art of
Have You Registered?
T5flow is the number of voters that
have registered with the county clerk
from each precinct to date: lhe nrsi
column shows the number of the precinct;
the second column, the name ol the dis
trict; the third column, the number of
voters in the precinct, according to the
1898 poll books; and lastly the number of
voters who have registered to date.
Douglas :144. .
Jackson 152. .
Salt Lake 68. .
Spring Valley 107. .
Eola 183..
Rickreall 108..
South Independence 151..
South Monmouth 148.
Buena Vista 102.
Suver 54.
Luckiamute 193. ... 132
. 94
. 43
. 77
. 97
. 65
Bridgeport 98
East Drtlla? 176 . .
McCoy 87...
South Dallas 13(5 . -
North Independence 110...
North Dalla- 135 .
Rock Creek 36. . .
M;ddle Independence 96...
North Monmouth 102. . .
FrIIs Citv 117. . .
. 84
. 82
. 60
. 81
. 79
Total 2508 2u38
overly complimentary, but it hits the Registered during the week, 122.