Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 04, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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3 The nicest ::
J Little Store f.
j in Polk
3 County.
I ?
Our Periodical
There is always some good reason
why one merchant should have your
trade. lathe periodical line there
is one set price so that we will have
, to claim your trade on another line,
and to do this we want to call your
attention to the fact that we are in a
position to get books and magazines
here at the very earliest possible
moment, thus giving you the advan
tage of quick seryice and too, we
trim all of our magazines 'which
leaves them with a nice smooth,
edge and all leaves cut apart. This
is something you should not forget.
RepuMican Ticket.
For Congressman,
Thomas H. Tongue, of Hillsboro.
For District Attorney,
Julius N. Hart, of Polk County.
For Joint Representative, ' '
W. L. Wells, of Polk County.
For Supreme Judge,
C. E. Wolverton, of Linn County.
For Food and Dairy Commissioner,
,j, w. Bailey, of Multnomah County.
For State Senator,
B. F. Mulkey, of Monmouth.
For Representative,
Geo. L. Hawking, of Independence.
For County Judge,
J. H. Hawley, of Monmouth.
For Commissioner,
John B. Teal, of Falls City. .
For Sheriff,
R. S. Conner, of Dallas.
For Clerk,
U. S. Lauehary,
For Treasurer,
J. W. Caldwell, of Dallas.
For Assessor,
L. R. Green, of Spring Valley.
For School Superintendent,
C. L. Starr, of Falls City.
For Surveyor,
E. L. Collins, of Dallas,
For Coroner,
Dr. L. N, Woods, of Dallas.
The democratic central com
mittee met in Dallas on last Satur
day. The first campaign gun will be
sounded in this city on next Satur
day eyening.
The central committee met in
Dallas on Wednesday to decide
on the course for the campaign.
Hon. B. F. Mulkey is receiving
a number of very complimentary
remarks from the different parts
of the state and all of them are
very deserving.
"Our republican neighbors over
j, Polk manifested good political
-nee in renominating B. F. Mul
key for the stdte senate. His four
years ot service have earned for
We have the
very best line of
these goods in the
market and at
buch a small price,
only 5 cents per
You are prob
ably well aware
that everyttunn in
'the paper line has
nearly doubled in price, and while
you. can get 5 centenvelopes, noother
house in the city can furnifih you
with the quality that we do with the
low price.
A complete line of all kinds of
envelopes always iu stock.
him an honorable name among the
public men of the state and he is
generally regarded as a friend of
the taxpaying masses.' With his
experience in legislation, and the
prestige he has gained as a man of
ability and influence, he is in po
sition ,to serve both . the state and
bis local constituency most accept
ably. They did well." Sheridan
Sun. : '
Republican Speaking:.
Hon. H. C. Spencer, one of the
best campaigners in the state at the
present time, will speak at the
Auditorium on Saturday evening.
May 5th, at 8 o'clock. Everybody
invited to come out.
A Fast Bicycle Rider.
Will often receive painful cuts,
sprains or bruises from accidents.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, will kill the
pain and heal the injury. It's the
cyclist's friend. Cures chafing, chapped
hands, sore lips, burns, ulcers, piles.
Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Try it.
Sold by Kirkland Drug Co.
Council Proceedings.
At the meeting of the council on
Tuesday evening the city recorder
was ordered to write to Salem and
secure their ordidanoe on curfew
and dogs.
The council ordered that notices
be put in the city papers ordering
the cleaning of the streets.
It was ordered that $25 be ap
propriated for sprinkling the
streets, the amount to be applied
The following bills were ordered
paid: E T. Henkle, $9.10; J. N.
Armstrong, $30: J. F. Buckley, $35;
Gilmore & Calbreath, $49.75.
. '
Wood Wanted.
This office wants twenty-two
cords of wood on subscription.
SiiKanrirwra carins to Dav for their
paper for another year with wood j
inatearl nf cash mav do so until
this amount is received. Wood
must be delivered be fore pafer is
started. No promises taken. Mar
ket price only paid. "
1"" ' .i. - 1 Prize Wlnnr
f i
We now have in stock a nice line
of paper covered novels, by good
authors, for 10 cents each.
See our line of music.
The names of those winning the
prizes given away by Harry E.
Wagoner on May 1st were:
1st prize, Mrs. J. A. Wheeler.
2nd prize, Chas. Belieu.
3rd prize, Herman Hawkins.
4th prize, H-attie Esles.
5th prize, Miss Low.
Public Notice.
Bv order citv jiouucil: property
ownersof the ctty or Independence are
hereby notified that all ftreets, alleys
and back yards beoleaued up and the
rubbish and tilth removed within the
period of ten days fiom date and if any
property owner fails to do so, city
marshal is authorized to have it done
at the expense of said owner.
Dated at Independence, Oregon,
May 3, 1900.
J. F. Buckley,
City Marshal.
Jury Found Mrs. Hatch Died a
Natural Death.
Today's Oregonian has the fol
lowing to say: The coroner's jury
impaneled at Forest Grove to in
nnirp into the death of Mrs. Anna
C. Hatch, who was found dead in
her home at that city last Satur
day morning, this afternoon re
turned findings to the effect that
death was caused by heart failure,
produced by natural causes. It
further found that death ensued be
tween the hours of 6 and 9 Friday
Today's was the fourth session of
the jury, and Deputy District At
torney H. T. Bagley did not further
question S. W. Fletcher, the
wealthy McCoy hopgrower, who
was a visitor at the Hatch residence
Thursday evening and left early
Friday morning. The substance of
Fletcher's first testimony was that
he arrived from McCoy Thursday
evening, and after having supper
with the woman retired at 10
o'clock, bidding the hostess good
night at the head of the stairs lead
ing to his sleeping apartment. He
claimed that be occupied the bed in
which the dead
body was fou nd
and that he slept alone. He swore
that be left the next morning at
the Hour of 6:25 and did not B-e
; Mrs. Hatch before leaving. He de
I nied any engagement with the dead
Our Candy
In this line we are absolutely in
the lead in the city, carrying the very
best in the candy line.
We have a fine plain mixed, and
is the best that was ever brought to
town for a very small price.
A full line of Stick Candies on
.jMThesc goods are all sold at a
very close figureJ
1 woman, and said he only came to
nrlvinn bnr ftH to the disDOSal of
some of her property. He stated
that he had known her for 20
On Monday Fletcher testified
that he had Blept with Mrs. Hatch,
contradicting his former story.
He stated that he left her Friday
morning after he had placed a cold,
towel on her forehead to soothe a
violent headache of , which she
complained. '
The stomach of the dead woman
was not analyzed, although there
was a post-mortem examination.
Dr. E. A. Bailey, of Hillsboro,
found 42 gall stones, ranging from
the size of a pea to the size of an
almond, in the gall bladder and a
general bad condition of the liver.
Her heart was also in a bad con
dition. The jury, after hearing the state
ment of the physician and the tes
timony of Fletcher, was convinced
that no crime had been committed,
attributing Fletcher's contradictory
statements as to his confusion at
the time and bis desire to shield
the name of the woman as much as
possible. Mr. Fletcher left for his
home at McCoy on this evening's
The theory of the state at first
was that there might have been
foul play and that Fletcher might
have been desirous of getting pos
session of letters written to the
woman which might have been
damaging in a breach of promise
action This theory was held be
cause Mrs. Hatch was reported to
have told an intimate friend that
Fletcher was to wed her. The evi
dence, however, did not tend to
bear out the supposition. Mrs.
Hatch was a church member in
good standing and generally re
Where Joe Meek Stood.
In accordance with his appoint
ment for that purpose by the
Oregon Historical Society, Gover
nor Geer will tomorrow go to Bu'te
ville and locate the exact spot
where Joe M-ek stood when, in a
mass meeting of settlers, he called
for a division of settlfr. upon the
question ot a provisional govern
ment. F. X. Matthieu is the only
We can get
Anything in i
p Our Lbe
without delay
We carry one of the
nicest lines of Tobacco, both
smoking and chewing.
Do not forget us with
your subscription to any mag
azine or paper on earth. We
will get it for you, and save
you all the bother of sending
for t.
person living who was present at
that meeting, and he will locate
the exact spot where the event oc
curred George H. Hines, secre
tary of the Oregon Historical
Society and F. H. Saylor, grand
secretary of the Native Sons of
Oregon, will also be present to
morrow. The spot designated by
Mr. Mathieu will be marked tem
porarily with a stone and will
later be marked with an appropri
ate monument. ' -'
The meeting referred to took
place on May 2, 1843, exactly 57
years ago tomorrow. By the di
vision called for by Meek, a vote
of 52 to 50 was secured in favor of
the formation of a civil govern
ment in accordance with the plan
favored by the American settlers,
the French Canadians yoting
against it. Oregonian.
For Sale.
A two year old Jersey bull, gen
tle and of a solid color for $25.
J. B. Parker,
Independence, Or.
Woodmen Picnic.
The Woodmen lodge of Buena
Vista announce a picnic near that
place for Saturday, May 19.
An Kgff to be Proud Of.
W. A. Kelley, living north of
Centralia, M'ash., has a curiosity
in the shape of a hen's egg. It is
as large as the egg of a goose, and
has an ordinary-sized hen's egg
inside. The outHide shell is very
thin and double, and is beautifully
flowered. Mr. Kelley accidentally
broke the outside shell, thus dis
covering the egg inside.
home of the bride's father, in
Wt Independence, Sunday.
April 29, 1'. 00, Miss ' Jo-ie A.
Hopkins to Mr. J. J. Bowler.
Kev. .. K. B-iHwin oflidatinif.
CUood for Sale,
....lfi-iiich wfMl drtlivereil tu any part m
the city for ?1.2" x r rii-k
Lrave word at F. A. Douty'ti Ciro