Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 04, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Republican Club
The Ilepublican Club of Independence will J)
meet at the
Republican Readquartm,
On every Saturday Evening,
At 8.3ft P M All "ReT.nMipn.ns are reouested to
ftSnninl and Personal.
Holmes & Hurley, attorneys at law.
Gus A. Hurley spent Tuesday in Sa
lem. H. M. Lines spent last Sunday In
.Strawberries were in the market
last week.
Miss Garlln Hill returned to Corval
lis on Tuesday.
Miss Florence Burnett was a Salem
visitor last Friday.
Quite a number from Dallas were in
this city last Sunday.
The R. M. Wade & Co. report the
sale of threo separators.
Miss Myrtle Lee visited in Salem
several days the past week.
Asa Robinson and Charles Irvine
were in Salem last Friday.
Attorney Martin, o,f Salem, was in
the city Thursday evening.
A number ot cases of whooping
cough are reported in town,
K. C. Eldredge returned toNewberg
on the morning boat Friday.
Ladies wrappers, at J. L. Stocktou's,
75 cents, 90 cents, $1, $1.60 and $2.
Rev. John Osborn was au incoming
passenger on the morrlng train Mon
day. Miss Aggie Butler was a passenger
to Crowley on the afternoon train Sat
urday. The water has got so low that the
Ruth has to laud in old town near the
Ira Powell, of Monmouth, cashier of
the bank, was a passenger to Salem on
Mrs. E. E. Krengel, of Kosslnud, H."
C, wub a down river passenger on
Laxative Bronio Quinine will cure
your cold In one day. For sale by A.
8. Locke.
Lowney's choeblates in boxes, the
first that wereever brought totown, at
Ideal wheels, with P St J tire is the
best $80 wheel made. F. K. Cham,
hers, airent.
Mr, Kbhert, of Monmouth, whs an
incoming passenger on the morning
truln Friday.
Mrs. A.Hikm, a W. C.T. IT. lecturer,
was billed to lecture at the Auditorium
Monday evening.
M. O. Totter spent several days in
the city last week, returning to Tort,
land on Saturday.
1 he (fold seekers to the Cape Nome
district will leave alvout the liKh of
the preseut uinntb-
The lower boat binding has had
some very needful improvements
made quite recently.
A. I. Starr, tlx republican candt
lisle fur sehiKil suiw-rtiiteudeut, was ilk
tUk." vit Wat l'uv.ty
J. M. STARK, President.
W. H. KELLY, Secretary. f
W. C. Brown, dentist, Independence.
Ham mocks from $1.00 to 6.50. We
can suit you in quality and price, F.
E. Chambers. .
Ladies if you wish an underskirt
nice enough for a party dress call on
J. L. Stockton.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine and
stop sneezing, hawking and spitting,
For sale by A. S, Locke.
R. M. Wade A Co can save you some
money on cream separators. They
ship direct from the factory.
Clarence Hamilton, ot the firm of
Buren & Hamilton, of Salem, was in
the city Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. E. J. Jamison, of Monmouth,
visited over Sunday with friends at
Amity, returning home Monday.
Mrs. E. A. Mills, of McMinnville,
after a short visit with her son, J. A.
Mills, returned home on Monday.
Mr. HosklnB, who ran a grocery In
Monmouth, and went to Oregon City,
has been closed out by his creditors.
There is nothing in Polk county
that will compare with the line of
buggies carried by R. M. Wade & Co.
Grandma Irvine was a passenger to
McMinnville on Monday, for a few
days visit with J. P. Irvine and family.
The Woodmen lodge have already
begun to prepare for the meeting of
the Woodmen lodges in this city in
Mrs. Dr. Wilson, of Airlle, came In
on the morning train Monday and
went out to her home on the afternoon
Mrs. D. M. C. Gault, of Hillsboroi
attended the funeral of Mrs. Harry
Deutingerand returned home on Mon
day's traiu. s
Miss Claretta Thoraasen, sister ot
Mrs. G. W. Kutch, left for Amity last
week, where sue will make her home
with her father for the present.
Rev. Shuppe, father of Mrs. Scott
Lattghary, was an incoming passenger
on the boat last Thursday evening,
and left for Portland on Monday.
The committees that have the work
of .the Grange meeting in charge are
milking preparations for their enter
tainment during their stay is our
The city council has taken up the
proposition of the cleaning of the i
alleys, backyards, streets, etc., and
proiHse to see that it is done up right j
this year.
Mrs. Warren P.Cressy, of McMiun-
ville, arrived iu the city Monday and
weut to Itallas to vit her part uts and
be in ut tendance at the wedding of
her sister.
Henry Patteraou tpetit Sunday In
the city, returning to Portland Mon
day afternoon, accompanied by Mrs.
J. Davidson, who will visit with bis
family for a short time.
' 'Cyclone" Davis, the eminent Tex
as orator, was to have spoken here
Monday, but ou arriving be found no
preparations bad hteii made lor lib
l-tii, auU returned to Mc.MUim-
For anything In ladles shirtwaists,
dress skirts, wrappers and muslin
underwear, call on Mrs. M. W. Wal
lace, Mr. W. B. Lawler, the well known
miner, left today for Nevada, where
he will take cbar(?e of the mining
properties whlsli be purchased there
several months ago. Albany Demo
Rev. Lovell Is the name of the new
pastor of the Evangelical church, and
he is from Pennsylvania. He preach-
ed last Sunday evening. Rev. Lovell
has a wife aud infant child, who ac
companied him to this place.
William Barnelt, who has been
working for Campbell Bros, for some
time past, has resigned Iiib job and is
now going over the country and buy
ing up chickens which be ships to
Portland. He reports that be Is doing
Quite a number ol republicans went
to Buena Vista on laaj, Thursday even
ing to listen to an address by Hon. S.
C. Spencer, of Portland. Home of the
candidates also made short talks. All
report the address first-class and a good
The following (tentlemen have been
reported having left Monmouth this
week to hunt timber land on the
Lucklamute and Indian reservation :
G, T. Boothby, Cbas. Herren, L.
Ground, Al JDeutley, J. P. Doughty,
L. W. Waller and Geo. Murphy.
A large crowd came up from Salem
last Thursday eveuing on the boat,
went to the auditorium and indulged
in dancinn until midnight, when the
boat returned to Salem. The affair
was under the auspices of the Work
men lodge of Salem. It was a great
success financially for the lodge.
Mrs. Hatch, the divorced wife of ex
Senator Hatch, of this county, now in
Alaska, was found dead at her home
In Forest Grove last week. For some
reason the cause which lead to her
death is being screened from the pub
lic, though the telegraphic dispatch
announcing her death stated that sen
sational developments would ensue.
It is thought the lady was murdered.
There were 90S post-offices iu 1800 ;
today we have te.OOO that is in
America alone.! It took a letter six
teen days to go from Philadelphia to
Lexington, Keutucky; twenty-two
days to Nashville, Tennessee. The
cheapest letter postage was eight
cents, and to seud a letter more than
a hundred miles cost a shilling.
Three million letters and papers were
then'seut in a year; at the present
time the postoffice handles about 30,
000,000 pieces of mail Iu a single day.
May Ladles' Home Journal.
The 81st anniversary of the estab
lishment of the I. O.O. F. lodge was
fittingly observed by the Independence
lodge Sunday morning. Tbe mem
bers of both the Odd Fellows and Re
bekah lodges assembled at tbe hall
I and marched to the auditorium, where
services were held.: A lurge choir ren
dered several selections Iu an excellent
manner, after which Rev. Joseph
Mottershead of the. M. E. church, de
livered a very scholarly address on
"Friendship." The grand principles
ot the lodge were extolled iu eloquent
language, the speaker praising not
only that order but all others tor the
grand work for good they are accom
plishing. The building was well
n Great
j j
j '
j j'
....A very fine 17-jeweled
Apyk'toii it Tracy move
ment and nickel case for
0. JL Kroner $ Co. j
1 Racine
Bain Wagons.
full line carried in
p. E. CfmmBERS. I
Much better value in carpets and
curtains, etc., at J. L. Stockton's than
h to be had by sending east. So says
one who has tried.
Her contemplated departure in the
near future for Olympla, Wash., to re
main, gives opportunity for a number
of lady friends of Miss Myrtle Lee to
tender her a farewell party, and so in
vitations are out for a private dancing
party at the opera bouse tomorrow,
(Friday) evening. The Independence
orchestra is engaged, and an earnest
effort is being put forth to make the
occasion commensurate to tbe high es
teem which her girl friends entertain
for Miss Lee.
The excursion by steamer to Inde
pendence and dance on Thursday
eveniug, giveu by the local lodges, A.
O. U. W., was1 a big success. Every
one of tbe 150 tickets were sold and
none of the purchasers had the slight
est occasion to regret the investment.
The crowd was a jovial one and dauc
Ing was indulged iu on the boat. A
four hours dance was enjoyed iu the
G. A. R. hall at Independence, music
being furnished by Parvin's orchestra.
Salem was reached on the return trip
at 1:30 o'clock Friday morning. Sa
lem Statesman.
The remains of Mrs. Harry Denlin
ger arrived on the morning traiu Sat
urday, were escorted t the auditorium
by the members of the Eastern Star
lodge, of which she had been a mem
ber, and there services were conducted
by Rev. Dr. Copeland, of the Unitarian
cbureb of Salem. Though the hour of
tbe funeral was close to the noon hour
and the busiest day of the week, never
theless the building was packed by
several hundred people to pay their re
spects to the memory of the deceased.
Tbe remains were Interred in the
Burcb cemetery, near Rickreall.
D. J. Collins returned home on the
Pomona Wednesday eveniug.
Attorney Harry Denlinger intends
locating in Eastern Oregon soon.
Mrs. Anna Culbertson will leave for
Salt Lake the latter part of this week.
Mrs, Myra Brooks is now working
for J. A. Mills in the Raket Stor.
The Independence Whist Club winds
up i;s winter's amusements this even
ing with a banquet at Dr. aud Mrs. O.
I). Butler's resilience. The organiza
tion has afforded considerable pleas
ure to the devotees of th's pastime dur
ing the long winter evenings.
Leave Vim their dock in this city every morning
(Sunday excepted) at 7:00 A. M. for Portland and
all way landings. For freight or passage a pplv on
board or to the agent. J. E. HUBBARD.
Kid gloves in all shades and sizes for
$1.10, $1.25 aud $1.60 at J. L. Stock
ton'). Mrs. Beatrice Molesworth, a sister of
Mrs. Lilla Smith, arrived from
Eastern Oregon on today's train.
Miss Clara Uglow aud Robert
Gainer, of Dallas, were married In
Dallas on Wednesday, May 1st at 8:30
P. M.
I paid $2.50 a yard for this dres'
goods In tbe east that you sell for $2.
So said a lady to J. L. Stockton this1
Miss Maggie Pomeroy, who ha
been attending school in Portland,
has returned home to remain for the
The largest and finest line of cotton
and knitted underwear and hos at
J. L. Stockton's, ever displayed' in
Ed Hilliard has been confined to the
bouse for some time past on account
of sickness, aud Tom Fennell is work
ing in his place.
J. H. Moran presented his resigna
tion to the central committee on Tues
day as a candidate for constable and
W. H. Kelly was put on in his stead.
Mrs. Wheeler, mother of Mrs. M.
W. Wallace, who has spent the past
two years or so with her daughter,
will leave the coming week for her old
home iu North Dakota, to remain.
Bince the ad on the front page was
put to press the committee for the
phrnic has met and decided to post
pone tbe candidate picnic indefinitely,
on account of tbe picnic at Rickreall.
Sheriff J. G. VauOredel has informed
ns tbat he has turned over to the
eotiiitv treasurer on the 1809 tax roll
$13,184. 19. This undoubtedly shows
some very good work ou the part of
tbe sheriff.
For Sale.
A good, buggy, horse and harness,.
Buggy has been used but little. Will
trade for sheep or goats at right prices.
Enquire at this wfHee.
Merchant Tailor,
Main Street,
Independence, - Oregon.