Image provided by: Independence Public Library; Independence, OR
About Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1895)
x MOTOR LINE TIME TAfj Waalua Mi l '," '' "'" 1Ih" " I.m '"' " laM lirM Imluir0 MihhiimuIS liirt.ymre l)iiutilh t:U . . i . . m m a. m. , w, IN " I0l' " It . W. IJ u, iu. II:W liUU p. Ht. I 10 p ai. tin " i.u f M ' 4iW - l I.W .) " . liUU 1 i u i i II H 'in - i) ii LODGE DIRECTORY. cs urotrxiDuoi couiat, a. .-A Meet In Odd Fellow lUHiynry Friday evening, rejourning niobers re oowialiy invited iu aitenu. IXPWIIDMC1 C. X. 101, OMU or m world. '4 (mU riral nd Third ulngs l two inoliin, in hiu rrimwa j Viaiuua uiaiiibera will bi) wnlouia I T. A. II A V KM. Coiafc la 0, rwrm.TM, ciars. am lomi, u, Miwta svery Wea)day evainlu. All liialfan In KihmI auixtlng will Ue du mIvm aooordliigly lilting Una o govern tar in Knlglila ara InvIUhui laud WIivh ooiiveiiltfi, J. W. IttC'IIAMIiaoK, i, 0, J. H. MoaiM, K, It. H. PROFESSIONAL CAROS. T OTIH I. lIUTLHlt, Physician and Surgein. . Secretary United State Exailn intf Burgeons, IiiilrtMH4lt'Uco, )ro. Ollioo in Upora house block. HUH. LICK & IIAIUII1T, Physicians and Surgeois. 8cil attention paid to diiMiwi of women. Oflic in Cooper bock. T. J. Lee, M. I. W. Babbitt, I. J. C. M., Fellow Trinity college. K.L. KKTCIIUM, M. Ii., Physician and Surged. Office and residence, corner Ril road and Monmouth streets, Inde pendence, Oregon. OKO. A. SMITH, Attorney at Law. Office over Independence N alien' ai Dank, Independence, Oregoa. E. T. IIICNKLE, Tonsorial Artist Han no tuijierior in shaving and air-cutting, fehaving 1 5c, Mir- cuttmg 2.M3. Two chair. Main ulrm'l, Independence, Oregon. PATTOX VAX NOUTWICK, independence Barbers." Shaving 15c: Hair-cutting 25c. (ii Little J'alacB Hotel. Two bath uln no tedious waiting. LOO'S SHORT Qpn at all hour. DINNER IScts. O LI NCII from 5cli op. lOyiteni kept eoimUntly on band. . I'ri vale boxet) ir jmriifa. Kant aide of Main Street, INDKl'EJJDENCE.OKE. MRS. A. M. HURLEY DKAI.IB IN MILLINERY and FANXY GOODS, ' INDEPENDENCE, ORE. the latest tylcn in Hats and Caps . , always on aispiay. nfanta' Cloaks, Caps and DrenHes in tiA Inlont. stvles. brass Goods, Hosiery and Novelties. THE STAR GROCERY SELLS FOR CASH A jacket of 8TAK 8YRUP for $1.25. ; 00 pounds of Deans for $a.oo. SMITH & OC. NANII Mini DOOItHi-We rarrv full Slock 0 lJoors, Mouldings (Haas, Km. aUf Turiiliiv a seiklty at Mitchell A Tlohsti noil's, Main street, NOTICC TO ADVCRTISCR8. MT All business liMttla and display advartl inaiila liul ullinrwlM aiHWinad, will tia pub I1IIIPU Willi! UIU.IIU Will, LOCAL N1!V Ol' TIIK WKKK Hour Kraut at Douty A Louke't. Hlrong'i Dread Is better (ban ever, Try It. Freali Flab every Friday at Hpurlliig- BrvM. W. J. Klrkland A Co. do firat-ol hormtahotflng at 1.60. Dr. Kpley, tba dtiullat, Monmouth. dues orowu and bridifo work, A full line of drum kept ooiuUotly ou baud at I'attenton Uro'a drug store. AtUrinitbA Pattenaou's you will dad the ft u eat line of candles lu tb city. a very iniervaiiriif atmiai uauce was glrn at the 0tra houae Haturday ere- uIiik. Fifty tbouaand ftwt of flrat-cluaa feuding at bultor's luiutwr yard, Mon mouth. The Entkhphihk makes a specialty of brief printing and guarantee aatla- factUm. 11. II. Kikji has a new baker and be can now awl! 00 luaves of flrat-clua bread for $1.00. The Le Creole aoadumy and Dallas public atdiuoli have adjourned one wk for the holiday. Iluy your lirvad of Q. O. Htroug, the PluuiH-r liaker, b will give you full value for your money. Mr. Klla Howe, ofBlouktoc Cal.,ar rived here Mouday and I vlaltiug her half-aUler, Mrs. M.H. V. K. Yates, a Ifadlng t'orvallls at torney, was transacting bualneMa in this city last Friday and Haturday. Fred Veueas, who Is a studttnt at the Willamette University, Is spending the holidays with his pareut lu this city. I'laiit au advertisement lu the En- Tkui'HIhk. tetter advertising medium cau be found. Ak those who have tried It. A number of Normal students left Isst Friday ou the cur and river boats for their resiectlve hoimt, where they will speud the holidays. A Hue Hue of silverware, consisting of Knives and Forks, Hpoon and children's sets at greatly reduced rices, at It M. Wade 4 (.Vs. A geuulne "chluook" swept down the valley Hunday night, and as a re sult most of the snow was gone from the fool bills on Monday morning. The McMlunrllle republican club held lu first meeting Saturday night, and eudorsed rrrcUlent Clevelaud lu efforts to uphold the Monroe doct rine. Constable Cult Hubbard, of Dallas, wss lu our cliy on ofllclal business Monday. Curt Is s rustler and Is al ways ou time tn discharging the duties of bis oftlce. Lester Hlggins Is spendlag the boll- lays with hi parents In Monmouth. H!Str is one of the brightest students at the Klale Uulversity, and we believe his ambitlou Is the law. One doxeu best cabinet pnotographs ill cost you ouly 14.50 at D. H. Crav- . . a . , ...... A lA en's, will a mo sie crayon portrait free. This is a rare chance and prices tiedrock. Don't miss the opportunity to get a crayon portrait. Editor It. A. Harris, of the Amity Blade, was a pleasant caller at this office Monday afternoon. Mr. Harris informs us thai he will not remove bis newspaper and Job plant from Amity in Monmouth uutil the first of the year. He has, not definitely decided on the name he will give his iiew pa per. E. B. Rerg, the popular furniture man. having reduced the price on pic ture framing, found his business In creased to such au extent that lie need ed more help. Consequently, he has employed two men, one to go through the country with team and wagon, taking and delivering orders, the other to help with the work inside. The following curiously worded ad vertisements, which are funny, with out latent, are olng the rounds of the pens: "Annual sale now on. Don't go elsewhere to be cheuted come lu here." "A lady wants to sell her piano, as she Is gelng abroad in a strong Iron frame." "Wanted, experienced nurse for bottled baby." "Furnished apartments suitable forjentlemau with folding doors." Many of our readers will, perhaps, remember readlug In the Sunday Ex aminer, December 15tb, an accsunt of the killing of Albert Mason and Frauk Ballew by H. F. Yokum, near Center ville, Cal. Albert Mason was a brother of Mrs. Katie Oofl, of this city. The man Yokum alleges the shooting was done In self-defense, but young Mason's dyftig statemeut, says that the shoot ing was deliberate and in cold blood. Mrs.Ooffla in receipt of a letter from John Coleman, at whose home young Mason died, glvlns- substantially the dying roan's statement. The shooting grewoutofadlsaute over a piece of ground claimed by both Yokum and the partner Ballew and Mason. For fins carving seta go to It. M. Wade A Co'. Call for the General Campos, the best oc olgar ou the market. Altoruoy J. I!. Townsend, of Dallas, was In the city Haturday. New line of blank books for New Year at Clodfoller Bros. Prescriptions carefully compounded at Patterson Bro's drug store. Prof. Parson's orchestra plays for the New Year ball given by the I. A. A.C Miss Allle Macaulay, of Portland, visiting rslatlve aud friends in this city. Get your smoked aud salt meats of all kinds at Hperllng Bros. They keep the best. Mrs. F. E Griffith hi spending Christmas with her parent at Mo Mlnnville. Mrs. Will Madison, of Iloseburg, is spending the Christmas holiday With relative lu tbl city. Circuit court department No. 2, Judge II. II. Hewitt, has been post poned till January 26, 18U0. The J. F. O'Donnell Company will soon occupy the Hirschberg corner on Main and Monmouth streets. Ouly f2 (10 paid In advance secures the Kntkiu'kihk and Weekly Or- egoiilau oue year. Huiiscrlue uow. Attorney Kskln. or Dallas, waa transacting business lu the city Tues day, aud gave this oflloe a pleasant call. ('raven, the photographer, makes a sH-clallty In enlarging picture aud crayon work. Call and see sample aud get price. ' At a called meeting of the I. A. A. Club Haturday evening, It was agreed to rent the J. F. O'Donnell building for oue year. Mr. Peter Karre has returned from a four week's vialt to California, lie visited the great Hussian river valley and is well pleated with the country. Miss Maud, Dora and Pearl Cooper, students at the Htate University, are spending the holidays at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mr. J. 8. Coop er. II. L. Ford la prepared to do all kinds of wagon and carriage work on short order, aud in finished, workman- hip manner. Leave all orders at his shop nesr the City Hall. D. A. Hoaa, teacher of the Buver suhool, was a pleasant caller Mouday forenoon. He was on his wsy home from Monmouth, where he attended the teacher's Institute Haturday. Kd .vard Lyous, section foreman ou theO. C A E. railroad, was killed Sunday by a mass of rock falling upon him while he was at work on the track under a bluff near Pioneer. John and Menthal Fox and Harvey Pool were arrested Haturday at Craw fordsville for burglarizing the store of It. W. Moses, of that place. They are chanted with breakiug Into the store aud stealing $200 worth of goods. The Athletic Club have made ar rangements with Prof. Parsons to give a grand concert from 7:45 till 8:45 pro ceeding the ball New Year's night. No one should miss this opportunity of hearing the best orchestra in the Northwest. Spectators 25 cents. Congressman Hermann missed the coveted chairmanship on river and harbors. He la a member of that com mittee, however. He is chairman of the committee on irrigation and arid lands, and Ellis Is chairman of the com mittee on expenditures In the depart ment of Justice. The mystery of the disappearance of John Elcbzen was cleared up Saturday morning by the fluding of his body In Mill creek. He disappeared December 14, and it Is evldmtt that he accidently fell into the stream while returning home during the night. Be bad beeu resident of Salem for several years, aud left a widow and two daughters. An Impromptu Christmas entertain ment was also given at the Presbyterian church Wednesday evening. A very interesting program was rendered, con sisting of short addresses, recitations, etc. Miss Nell M. Hill told about the ftrst Christmas ever celebrated in In dependence, which was held under a big fir tree some fifty years ago. Miss Blanche George recited the comic Irish recitation, "The Buggies' Christmas Party." Miss George possesses rare gifts as an elocutionist and her inimical recitation elioi ted enthusiastic applause. Rev. Mr. George delivered a short ad dress on Christmas, telling why we celebrate the day with rejoicing and gt ft offerings. Mr. W. E. Allen, of Sioux City, Iowa, was visiting iu this city Monday and Tuesday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Brown, old-time Eastern ac quaintances. Mr. Alleu's wife and fam ily have spent the past summer aud autumn at McMinnvllle the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John King, ery. Mr. Allen Is taking his h'dlday re cation, this being his first visit to Ore gon. He is very favovorably impress ed with the country, especially the Willamette valley. He says that Wes tern Oregcn has a suptrb climate, and that the people here don't know the meaning of bard times, although they complain a good deal. He will return East after New Year, acoompauled by his family. Dr. Epley, dentist, Monmouth. Kd. Brookman is spending tbl week lu Eugene. Strong's Home-made Bread baa no suerior. Try It. Lard In bulk cheaper than ever Sperling Bros. New blank books for New Year at at Clod fetter Bros. Patterson Bros keen on band a fine assortment of paint and olla. Wamtko. Girl for general house work. A pply at this oflloe at once, Pink Patterson, of Salem, spent Hun day with relative and friends in this city The "Robert Bums" olgar stand at the head of all lOo cigar. Smoke no other. Mr. J. C, Fletcher, a well-to-do farm erof the McCoy vicinity, was In the city today. Rev. D. Haalsr Glass left Monday for oue week's visit at bis home In Portland. If you want something neat and nobby In the jewelry line call on Pat terson Bro's. Monthly school report cards, neatly printed on card board, kept In stock aud for sale at this ofllce. Money to loan on Improved farm property. Sibley dt Eakln, Dallua, Ore. Office In Wllsou block. The Hauta Claus iu Clodfelter Bro' dlitpluy window this week is attracting considerable attention. For all kinds of blacksmith and wagon work go to W. J. Klrkland dc Co. Main street, near long bridge. Mrs. S. A. Rlbeliu, of Halsey. Linn county, Is siending the Christmas holiday with her daughter, Mrs. K, C. Pentland. Billy Tom, an Indian, was killed by Alex Jefferson, unotber Indian, in a fight at Siletz, on the reservation, Monday night. Mrs. R. F. Wells, ofTacoma, arrived Id this city Tuesday, and wilt spend tbe holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Claggett. Mr. A. P. Bonzey expects to return to bis home In Sau Francisco about tbe last of this week. He visitsthls county every summer looking after bis farming Interests near here. Wheu the West Side Trading Com pany full to fit or suit you lu ready made clothing, they will guarantee a perfect fit lb tailor made goods from samples on band at lowest possible prices. Mrs. W. W." Williams is spending the Christmas holidays in Albany with her daughter, Mrs D. V. Poling. Mr. Williams tenth's morning for Albany aud be and Mrs. Williams will return home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Craven spent Christmas iu Portland. Mr. Craven returned home today, but Mrs Craven will extend her visit until after New Year. She is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Robertson. Prof. Parsons' orchestra, which the Athletic Club have engaged to furnish music for their ball Ne'sr Year's iiigHit, is the same that furnished niutlo for the last Portland Exposition. It was acknowledged, by all, to be the best orchestra music ever heard in Portland. You now have an opportunity to hear this famous orchestra. Don't misslt. Wayne Williams, our marshal-elect, Is quite proud of a neat cane which is the handiwork of and a Christmas present from bis brother James J. Williams, of Dallas. The cane Is made of heavy sale leather with a steel roJ through the center and a neat bead ornament. It is a beautiful stick, quite highly polished and resembles ma hogany wood. A murderous assault by some un known party or parties was madeou T. W. Smith, at his home in Dayton, Yamhill county, Ore., Tuesday night. Smith is an old man, 68 years of age, aud resides aloue. He was badly beat eu and left inseusible. The attack is supposed to have been made fur the purpose of robbery. The Christmas holiday was appro, riately celebrated by several of the churches at this place. The M. E. Church held their Christmas tree fes tival on the night of the 24th. The hurch was crowded with people and a very neat program was rendered. On Christmas night the Baptist held their festival, The church was deco rated with evergreens and a suitable program rendered. The house waa filled to overflowing. The dramatic cantata, Jephthah and bis daughter, at Monmouth last Thurs day evening was greeted with a full bouse, aud the performance was ex ceedingly well rendered. The persona dramatis were composed exclusively of local talent, but the characters were well, sustained. Too much praise can not be given Miss Rose Bassett, who personated Jephthah' daughter. She possesses genuine histrionic talent aud was rep"atedly applauded by the audi ence. Taken altogether it was the most entertaining drama ever played by lo cal talent in thla vicinity. An effort will be made to have tbe Monmouth troupe play this great biblical drama at the auditorium sometime in Janu ary. We are sure Independence will give them a cordial greeting and that tbe auditorium will be well filled with spectator. NEAT CLEAN ATTRACTIVE That is the Kind you Want That is the Kind we Do That is the Kind That Pays While we do not claim to excel in all kinds of first class printing (though we Halter ourselves that we can hold our own), t "VV Ji that we have unsurpassed IXD facilities for getting op OI-iA-IIM: attractive Bookiements' i Palef'and ! WE! Good Ada May 11 Spoiled In The If you want your ads, circulars, stationery, t etc., set and in a attention and respect, EPTEirilSC FFK A. Tubular lantern at the Racket Stor 80 cents. Dr. Epley, the dentist, guarantees all his work. Cash buys goods at low prices from Douty ALocke. Subscribe for the Enterprise and Weeky Oregon ian. We always have themschool books at the City Book Store. A grand New Year ball at the audi torium. Don't miss it Home made mince meat and Saur Kraut at Douty & Locke's. Miss Hearst, of Salem, is visiting in this city the guest of Miss Myrtle Lee. Griffith & Patterson manufacture the General Campos cigar, the bests cent smoke. Subscribe for the Enterprisk the best local newspaper published in the Willamette valley. Charlie Allen, who has been oonflned to bis home for a week with neuralgia, is able to be out on the streets again. The Enterprise job office is equip ped with everything necessary for the rapid printing of all kinds of job work. Firstrclass work guaranteed. Messrs. J. A. Veness and R. H. Wil cox have returned from their trip to Winlock. Mr. Veness reports tbut the lumber trade has been very good in that country the postseason. The Rey. F. H. Groyme, D. D., of Salem, will preach in the Presbyterian church ou next Sabbath, both morn ing and evening, at the usual hours for service. All are cordially invited. S. A. George, pastor. Messrs. E. A. VanMeer, Ed. Grubb, Chet, Jay and Leslie VanMeer are spending the holidays with their fam ilies in this city. They will return to Raineer next week, where they have mployment for the winter. We mean business and we are here to sell as good goods and as pu-e drugs as can be had in the state. Our prices suit the times and we guarantee satis faction. You will find us at our drug mporiura on Main street-Patterson Bros. Independence M. E. Church, D. Hosier Glass, pastor. S?erviees next Sunday as follows: Sunday School at 10 a. m., followed by a devotional ser vice. In the evening the Epworth League will have a special program. Instead of the regular prayer meeting Wednesday evening, a Watch-night service will be held Tuesday night. Awarded Highest Honor World'a Fair, dold Medal. Midwinter Fair. D1X CREAM Most Perfect Made. -40 Years the Standard, . man H General Job Printing. attend to the whole business. Tell us what you want we will do the rest, and nobody can do it better. I 4 Good Egga -Setting. J printed style to command just send copy to the 1 Hood's pills cure all liver Ills. A lull line of bread, pies, cakes, etc. at Loo's Short Order Restaurant. Miss Cora Snell went to McCoy where she will spend a few days visit ing friends. Tbe Butte (Montana) football team won the big Christmas football game at San Francisco, defeating the Olym pics after a hard fought battle. Boot 14 to 12. "My father bad not been feeling' well and he began taking Hood's tiars aparilla and was soon smart again.- I have also taken Hood's Sarsaparflla and have found it beneficial." Mr. Emma Paucett, The Dalles, Ore. Rev. J. W. Oliver, in a communica tion to tbe Baptist Sentinel, has the. following good word to say of our neighboring city: "It was my privil ege to visit the little church at Mon mouth, Oregon, last Saturday and Sun day and worship with them aud preach Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. . This is one of tbe most im portant centers of influence in all Ore gon, as it is here that the State Norm al School is located, which is sending out young men and women all over the North Pacific Coast to become teachers in our public schools, as well as leaders in society and religious work." . ' . The Christmas ball given at the audi torium Wednesday night was an other brilliant social success. While the at tendance was not so large, perhaps, as the two previous big halls, but . the large dance bull .was well filled with people, who enjoy tbe dizzy waltz and tbe infatuating cotillion. Most excel lent music was furnished by .Prof. Creasy 's orchestra. The dancers were enthusiastic in their praise of the ex cellence of the music. About It o'clock a superb supper was served iu tbe up per ball of the building. The very best of order prevailed aud both danc ers and spectators enjoyed tbe gala oc casion. The total receipts of the even ing amounted to upwards of $70. , Tbe G. A. R. Post is highly gratified with the financial success of the entertain ment Notice of Annual Meeting. Notice is hereby given that tbe an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Polk County Land Company, for tbe purpose of electing officers and trans acting such other business as may properly com" before them, will be held on Tuesday, December 31st. 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m., et the Indepen dence National Bank building, Inde pendence, Oregon. D. W. Sears, Secretary. MARSHAL'S SALE UNDEIfc WARRANT. sJ Notice la hereby given that under and by virtue of a warrant duly lsReed by the city recorder of the city of Independence, County of Polk, state of Oregon, on tr.e SUth day or November, 1885, upon a certain lien duly en tered of record In the records of eity llena af the said city of Independence on ths Utta day of October, 1S5. agaitist the followinr denorlbed real property, as the properly .f J, 8. Cooper: , . Beginning at the north eut corner of Lot No. One (1) in block No. 8. or Henry HlTl'a Town of Independence. County of Polk and mate of Oregon; thence west to the alley thereof; theuce south -JS feet; tbenoe east to First street; thence uorth to the place of be ginning. , And which warrant so lsaned commanded me to levy upon - the said above described re 1 properly to sausiy me sum aw w rvMitit- levy upon the said described real pro and will on the 27th day of January; 1 1 am on bar aoiu any u, mtruiuvt, kwi rty at the hourof oneotlock p. m., In front of the City Hall, In theeity of Independence. Polk i'ountv, Oregon, self at public auction to the highest bidder for caxh in band ou the day of sale all the right, title and Interest af tba said J. H. Cooper in the above described real property to satisfy the said sum ol SW.36 and the eost of this warrant and accruing costs. -JUated this th day oj leoenilwr,ii , Citv Marshal or the City o( independence. Polk County. Orcgou, ...