Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 26, 1895, Image 1

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l.adira frlrmd. Prices rungu from 2." cents
JUml. Prices from 1.50 to 117.50.
and them.
Respectfully yours.
Tlio Return of the Duello.
oai'IT-a.Xj stock:, S50.000.00.
flSllBKHU, Preildmit. AHK.tM XKLHON, Vlr President.
W. P, COXNAWAY, Cn.lii. r.
L-jyltg.-H. K. Hmlth, A. NeUm, 1, A. Alln, II, II. Jairiiun, J, K,
lOiundt', IK V, Si'M, II. HlrwIilMTg.
iimprsl louklntf ml e haitita btmitii trn,icln..
kswI. ('uiuiiii'rv'UI crwllu iiiiiU'I. IVHit rucelv
!) k. Julcreil paid on tiwo llIKUK.
lj;tll m llf. Hill
ud on curnml Account
4l Block, 160,000.00. 8urplui, 14,000 00
S.CWI-KH, rmiluiib I,. W. KOliKItTSO.V, Vire I'renlJmit.
W. II. II AWI.KY.(lilr.
Is the "code of honor"' again up
on iih the codo that once tyran
nized over men much on the decrees
of fashion tyrannize over women?
A tow days ago two New York
gentlemen went out by agreement
and took a idiot at each other, with
a little blood-letting as the remilt.
A few mouths ago two other citizens
equal in valor and paucity of bruins
Made targets at themselves for
mutuul satisfaction to no result
whatever. And now Representa
tive lioatnor of Louisiana and Kdi
tor Ilcarscy of the New Orleans
".States" are talking truculently of
pistols, bowies and coll'ee, and
sending friends to arrange details
for a meeting.
The curious thing about these
affairs is that nobody seems to
think of interfering in the matter.
Neither the gentlemen
other hand, the season has been
unfavorable. The Grand Island
and Norfolk factories both refused
to accept quantities of beets on ac
count of their low grade, and those
that were taken yielded an average
of less than 12 tier cent of sugar
It is apparent that sugar beets may
pay in some places and will not pay
in others. This being the case,
something definite should be ascer
tained concerning the conditions in
Oregon and Washington before
much money is invested. Oregoni
Total Valuation of IUH'ereiit
Kinds of Property as Hhown
by the AMaeMHiiicnt
The following tables are taken
from Wednesday's Oregonian and
who have hows the wealth of the state accord-
induced in the noble pu.-iti me of Jug to the assessment 01 IS!)-1):
I'ouiiig eucn otner nor tne gentie-
men who are breathing threats of Acres Ry. land. .1,850,4(10
a meeting for slaughter appear to wagon road (Wl,012
bo of any Interest to the police, and unimproved o.iM7,tHJ
,,,01 !r . r . cultivated ,,2,1)58,071
no bheriir or Governor interferes to ', . ., " ' ' ,,r
prevent the shooting.. Telephone teleg'b. 2207.35
A few months ago the Governors Horses and mules. . 183,513
of half a dozen states, the Sheriffs Cattle 376,030
of a score of counties, the minsters hee and goats ... l,707,HO
, ... fit 1 j Kwlne 120,022
and peace societies of the land were , , , , '
1 nwn mirl nil v lata
in a turmoil, lest two fist-fighters improvements on lots.'....
should come together and settle a imp. on deeded lands
, 1,024,085
Highest of all in Leavening rower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
dispute in regard to strength and Money 1,651,800
kTOKl-J . Coup', l w- KWtn, L-wU HliiUk, W. w. Colliiw,
U. W. Will leaker.
rwrl Unklnit bmliiew trmiHU'tnl. Huys set! wlls elinire on ll lin-
y-MUt li. Wrtiifclng Hours irom . 111 . m .
f000B tmmmmmmm
City Truck & Transfer Co.;!
w. docksti:ai)i:h. nop.
jHanllnir done lit reumiu
1 . . .
moid rir. . . 1
lManosMiid I'uriiltiirecare J
fully moved. .
. . ,Aij
kuiui Fovn-roor woon FviiA,m
V M V V 1. .
Note and accounts 9,057,432
Shares of stock 1,818,0'
Imp. 011 deeded lauds 801,483
Household furniture etc.... 3.743,584
Machinery and equipments 1,522,505
Mdtte. and Implements.... 8,804,752
Rolling stock of railrouds. . 028.171
skill with six ounce gloves on their
fists. 1'eace officers everywhere
were on the alert, and the militia
wus placed under arms. This was
perfectly proper. Yet there seems
to las an inconsistency somewhere.
Nobody had any idea that Corbett Total value of all property .fl58,819,7;i9
or Fitzsimmons wjuld inflict any
great damage on each other. A
black eve. a bioken nose, a lost
tooth, would be the extreme of in
juries in case of a "mill." Hut men
who go out and shoot at each other
with pistols at twelve paces shoot Columbia
The grand total of each county is
as follows:
County. Total.
IJuker 12,354,791
Benton 8,007,703
Clackamas 5,197,72
Clatsop 4,458,19
to kill, and if they fail in their be
nevolent intentions it is not for
want of will to harm.
Does this public and oflicial in-
diflerence indicate a return to the
dueling practices of earlier days? Harney
Possibly such a reyival would have Jackson
its advantages. It is distinctly
Coos 3,091,285
Curry 644,957
Crook 1,853,39
Douglaa 5,210,0(1
Gilliam 1.493,fl!25
Grant 1.325,519
...r 4,480,553
Josephine 1,324,78(3
Examples of decoration in the sup
plements are numerous and season
able china painters and wood car
vers especially are given a rare
treat. In the letter press, among
countless good things, the story of
Lauv Hmma Hamilton, with tee
portrait by Romney, is sympathet
ically, and briefly told, "The Study
of Human Expression" deals with
a subject of universal interest, and
the article on "Teaching the Child
to Draw" will attract not only
teachers, but ever mother in th
land. It is not easv to imagine
more suitable holiday present for
an artistic friend than a year's sub
scription to this sterling magazine
(Montague Marks, Publisher, 23
Union Square, New York. 35 cents
$4.00 a year.)
Santa Clans at the Auditorium.
iRanyes, Cook,
!Parlor and
Scissors. Shears,
Pocket Knives, Table
Knives, Axes, Saws,
Nails, Hope, Etc.,
Shells. Powder,
Shot and CartrklKM.
Polk County Agents for Stmkbaker
Carriages anJ Wagons.
. i, market. Mill feed
'"ced, competent miller. Hest nour
Highest market price p.t for wntau
e City Restaurant,
. . . - . Ki tnr 1
-jou SIX good Z5en i n. . indenendence.
We try to ma
Sunday Dinners
1.' I ....... I, 1 r.) n-n
superior to the custom of shooting Lake ' ,'47o374
an enemy in the back, which has Laue . 7!30e)o55
had the approval of many courts, Lincoln 801,105
Liu 11 7,880.965
Mainour 1,138,559
Morrow 1,415,714
Marion .'. 9,384,0
Multnomah 50,673,109
and especially of the appellate courts
of the country, as a means ot set
tling grievances. It is likewise
o i 1
preferable to the custom of "shoot
ing on Mght," that appears to be polk 4,524,532
he easiest way of composing differ- biierman i,oi,wo
: .u. Tillamook 1,252,703
euces in mo ouum. ,T . -.I,. oc-Y
.,,. e, j j Umatilla ,44faxi
let in mis age oi mu uu ...uu- Uu()n 3.917,688
try there is ever reason for turning Wallowa.. 1,098,504
over the settlement of quarrels to Wasco .-,477,007
t.lie courts: and as a measure to that wasuingtou i,,os,ioo
end it would be well for the peace
authorities to look after gentlemen
who make an ostentatious prepara
tions to Bhoot each other and put
them under bonds to keep the peace,
and to hang a person who kills an
other, whether he thinks he had a
grievance or not. S. F. Examiner.
Yamhill 5,919,416
IJeet-Sugar Outlook.
Beet-sugar work for the year
presents a conflicting showing. In
California the sugar season has
hecn remarkably successful. The
beets have yielded an immonseton-
Buoklen's Arnica Salve-
The best salve in the world foi
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns,
and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money re
funded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by all druggists.
Palmer Hadley. In Monmouth,
Oregon, Wednesday, December JKth
1895. at the rexidepee of Mr. mid Mrs.
I. C. Powell, Mr. L. L. Palmer and
Miss H. Ellen Hadley, Kev. Win
Bumpier, ofllciating.
lhe wedding ceremony was a
quiet and pleasant aflair given in
the presence of relatives and a few
intimate friends only.
The happy couple were the re'
cipients of a number of beautiful
and useful presents. The alter and
room were ornamented with the
usual decorations of the season,
Christmas green and hoLy with
boquets of choice chrysanthemums.
The friends present joined in
wishing the young couple a bright
and joyous voyage through life to
gether, and many returns of their
wedding anniversary.
The groom is well known in
Monmouth, having made that city
his home for some time. He is
universally recognized as a gentle
man of high character and Stirling
The fair bride is recently from
Southern California, but has many
acquaintances in Monmouth. She
is a most charming and estimable
lady, and is highly esteemed by all,
who have the pleasure of her ac
quaintance, for ier many charming
qualities of both head and heart.
The couple left on the afternoon
train Wednesday for Portland,
where they will spend the holidays.
Mr, and Mrs. Palmer will make
their future home at Newberg,
Yamhill county, Ore.
Oak View School lteport.
The Art Amateur.
The Christmas Number of "The
Art Amateur" is replete with valu-
nage per acre, with large percentage able practical material in every de
in sugar. Claus Spreckels has an- partment of art work, and contains
nounced that he purposes erecting special articles suited to the season,
three new beet-sugar factories in The picture of the old fiddler, which
California, and it is understood that is this year the attraction of the
the machinery for one of them has news stands throughout the coun-
already been ordered. A large pro- try, is from the famous picture by
portion of the Cluno beets run 18 J.U. lirown, entitled A pad Heart,
per cent to sugar, while .European out a ivierry iune. .even more
growers are satisfied to propogate valuable to the Art Student is the
from a mother beet giving 15 per striking study of "Fleur-de-Lis,"
, . 1 .1 r I 1 5 XT TJ
cent. The industry nan uieimure in waver cuium, ur r neua in. ac-u-advanced
to the point where it uses mond, shown in progressive stages
nearly 500,000 pounds of seed an- of painting, like the companion
nually, and a oeet-seeu iarm is panel 01 "American ueauiy noses,
talked of. In Nebraska, on the I issued with the October number.
The following is a report cf the Oak
View Public school for the mouth end
ing December 20:
Ko. days taught 19
S'o. days present 450
No. days absent "1
No. times tardy 4
Excuses for tardies 4
No. boys enrolled 14
No. girls enrolled 19
Total number enrolled 33
Daily attendance 24
Average 00. belonging 27
Percent of attendance 88
No. of visits 15
Those whose names were plaepd upon
the roll of honor are. Lester Rhodes,
i-Jeo. and Charlie Kurre, Maria and
Myrtle Schaefer and Walter Wells.
O. D. Ireland, Teacher.
Cheaper Than Doctors.
"I was nervous and weak and could
not do more than half a day's work. I
could not write without steadying my
hand with the other one. 1 procuied a
a bottle of Hood's of Sarfaparilla and be
gun taking it and now I am able to
work and write and am feeling well.
This fall my wife was sick and was con
fined to her lied about half the time. I
advised her to take Hood's Sarsaparilla
as it wag cheaper than doctors and she
Unallv consented to do so. After taking
it for a short time she was able to attend
to her work. I have not found any
better medicine as a blood purifier than
Hood's Sarsapnrilla. 1 keep Hood's
Sarsapari'la in the bouse all the time to
ward otfthe irrip and other diseases."
B. Weirich, Needy, Ore.
The public school Christmas pro
gram at the auditorium Tuesday
evening was well rendered and
quite interesting. Two email fir
trees, illuminated with wax tapers
and loaded with presents for the
little folks, stood immediately in
front of the stage.
The entire front tier of seats was
reserved lor the school children.
About 8 o'clock the , little army
from the Independence' public
schools commenced filing into the
hall. The seats were all soon filled
and the exercises opened wita mu
sic by the pchool orchestra. The
members of the orchestra are- the-
Misses Ella and Susie Fennell, Mis
Myrtle Lee, Masters Fred Hooper
Clarence ClodfeJler and Raymond.
Henkle. Next on program wan a
Christmas song and calesthenics by
the first grade. Recitation "Let
ter to Santa Claus," Master Glen.
Recitation "Chris Krengel," by-
Master Paul Cleland.
Recitation "Grandma's Mis
take" Cora Shinn.
Song, by class.
Chorous "Toy Makers Hain
mer and Saw," by six little boys.
Chorus "The Wee Little Seam-
ster," by six little girls.
Recitation "Surprise for Santa.
Claus," Ethel Walker.
Rocitation "On Christmas Eve,
Blanche Cleland.
Brownies six little boys.
Dialogue-"Christmas Stockings."
"How Santa Claus Comes Down
the Chimney," by a number of lit
tle girls and boys.
Recitation Miss Nellie Whitea-
Song Mrs. T. A. Hayes.
Dialogue Pupils of the eight
Calesthenics drill, 8th grade.
Salute to the Flag, by the
Professor Hayes gave the audi
ence an illustration of a volcano in
eruption, which was quite inter
esting. The most interesting feature to
the little folks was the distribution
of the presents by Santa Clans.
Wayne Williams personated "Old
Santa" in admirable style, and
caused much amusement by his -odd
costume and comic ways.
The entertainment passed off
quite pleasantly and everyone
seemed well pleased. Tne gross
proceeds of the evening amounted
to about 35.
Muhlman. Iii Independence. Ore..
Friday, December 20, 1895, to Mr.
and Mrs. S. Muhlman, a sou.
Matxey. In Independence, Ore., Sat
urday, December 21, 1895, to Mr. and
Mrs, W. H. Matney, a daughter.
$10O Reward. $10O.
The readers of this paper will t
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages aud
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be
ing a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Cat.
arrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blod and mucous
serfaces of the system, thereby dea
troying the foundation of the disease,
and giving the patient strength by '
building up the constitution and as.
sistiug nature ia doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers, that they offer Oue
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. (Send for list of Testimon- -ials.
F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O.
t.8old by Druggists, 75, &
3INN & CATLIN, Proprietors
. " -if''' '