Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 19, 1895, Image 4

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kJ H OElFlIi IPIf HHHn j
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liV -Q Gene O(ox Q-rara Xtojd h-So; a q3 K
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Motor Line Time Table.
Wiie Days
Lmtm i Leaves
Iwd.pd'c Muiuuuuth
i:jn p. m.
i-M a. m.
l:w p. m.
li a- m.
p. 111.
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H0iES LOraE, No. 4s, I. tf t.
Meets every Wednexdnv
evenhiE. All menilx-ra In
il,gHMllaiHling will lake due
nonce unu icuvern them
selven ni-ciirtliiiKly Visliing
A-niKiiix are niviiea 10 at
tend wben couveiiiettt.
J. W. UichaRdsii.v, Jr. C. C.
J. B. Mokin, K, It. S.
Site Q5utcrprioi
Publlshtd every Thursday at Independence,
I'olK County, OreKou.
Oregiin. aK matter of Hie aeuund c !..
KeeU Flrstand Third Tuesday evenings
of each month, In Odd Fellow Hall.
Visiting members will Ire welcome.
T. A. HAYES. Connul.
Ika C. Clodfklteb, Clerk.
Independence Council, No. 34,
A. P. A.
Meets in Odd Fellows Hall, every
inclay evening. Sojourning members
lire cordially invited to attend.
not a town in the Willamette valley that
is not in need of an improved sewerage
syetem. Jiiit this in not paying that thn
city council should bond the city at the
present time to put in sewers. Times
are Hard, money is scarce, and. in our
judgment, it would be unwise for the
Entered at the postortlee at Independence, city council to increase the bunded debt
of the city. We think there is no more
sickness among the people of Indepen
demit' than there is among the same
nnmlprof people in the country, and we
believe that the physicians of th cily
will bear out this statement. We will
say, however, that as soon as the council
can clearly see its way to put in better
sewers, without unnecessarily burden
ing the taxpayers, they should do so;
force of character. Men of
type never lead, they simply talk learn-! the t.rimitivit tn.liii,,,,. Tl... -...,1.1 1.
growini; U'tter Iwauw of thi Kmud old
so u; lice ante f the sjiirit it lusters, the
BROWN & BAILEY, Proprietobs.
F. M. Bkow.v, Kiiltor.
J. T.K oki, Ajwoeime FHtor.
L. A. liAii.KV, Ku.inena ManaRpr.
arHacairrifiN batkm.
One year
lx month
Three months "
Single copy
edlyand overHhfM)t the mark they are
"talking at." William II. Harvey is
not a party builder, lie is a theorize r,
and that's all.
Tin president's special message to
congress on the British Guiana-Ven-
etiela boundary dispute is a powerful, ; men, and the old promiw
vigorous and perspicuous presentation 'good will," will then rei
and defense of the .Monroe doctrine
Ai.VKKTiaixo Rate will be made knowo on
Job PeiNTi.xo of all kinds done on abort notle
aiiu 111 a nrxi ciuhh manner.
Address ail communiciitiona to Th Entkb-
"His, i-iep-iiueiice, uregun.
and Surgeon. Secretary U. S. Examin
ing Surgeons, Independence, Ore on. Of
fice in opera house block.
Physicians and Surgeons. Special at
tention paid to diseases of women.
Office over IndcD6ii(ltince National hnk
T. J. Lee. M. D. W. Babbitt, M. D. C
M., Fellow Trinity medical wllege.
Ik congress reflects the present temper
of the American people the ;admiiilftra
tion will not be permitted to add an
other dollar to the bonded debt of tli
United States. If the administration i
in need of money to pay government ex
penditures it should raise the reouired
revenue through other channels than
the sale of bonds.
nd residence, comer Kailroad and
Monmouth streets, Independence, Oregon.
Office over Independence
National Bank, Independence, Or.
BIAL AKT1ST. Has no HUtif-rinr in
Shaving aud Hrtir-cutting. Give bim
your work. rshaviiig 15, Hair-
yuLuugAVje, iaing xc. Jiain street,
We acknowledge the receipt of an arti
cle from Prof. T, O. Hutchinson, schoo
superintendent of Polk county, which is
addressed to the teachers of the county
ine superintendent's letter is in the
form of an appeal to the teachers and
pupils of Polk county to aid by their
political and moral supKrt tho early
construction of the icaragua canal, al
so asking that they extend such pecuni
ary aid as they can towards a fitlini.
"testimonial for the battleship Oregon."
We publish the letter in another column
in order to give it publicity as wide, at
least, as the circulation of the Extek
pbihe, for it is a patriotic appeal and
snould, in our opinion, meet with a
hearty response from the people of Polk
caunty. Accompanying the letter is
also a petition memorializing congress to
take such action as will tend to complete
the Nicaragua canal at an early date.
but, at the present time, under existin
circumstances It would' be an unwise an
injudicious measure
An exchange (close at our elbow) savs
"The inventor of a bicvele suit that will
enable woman to look as graceful
standing on her head, or reclining in the
middle of the road, as when dressed for
an evening entertainment is sure not
onlyvof fame and fortune but of the un
dying love of every woman cyclist." So
the many wheels in that writer's head
have set to buzzing in the direction of
unique and wonderful invention that
will make a woman "look as graceful
standing on her head as when dressed
or an, evening entertainment.'' Well,
we thought it would come to something
ike that after while, but the madness
has come on a little sooner than we ex
pected. Fame and fortune and "the un-
dyiVg love of every woman cyclist!"
Why, such good luck is enough to tetnpt
Apollo from the court of Olympus, and
mall wonder it is that the maddening
thought is about to turn the silly head
of our country editor.
Independence Barbers. Shaving, 15
cents ; Hair Catting. 25 cents In Little
Palace Hotel, C street.
a-PTwo bath tubs- -no tedious waiting
Subscribe for the the
twet local newspp per published jn the
WillsPJette valley.
Oub esteemed city contemporary, in a
leading last week's editorial, strongly
urges upon the city council to enact an or
dinance establishing a better sewerage
system. "We either need sewers or we
do not," says Bro. Pentland. "If we
need them the council in its wisdom
will see that they are honestly and eco
nomically built and on as easy terms to
the people as possible." There can be
but one reply to the statement "we
either need sewers or we do not " We
need them, and it is safe to say there is
Tim now famous author of "Coin's
Financial School" is to bead a new
party to be known as "Patriots of
merica." Its essential mission and
particular shibboleth is to advance the
the cause of free silver. Its incidental
mission is to eliminate selfishness from
politics. It is easy guessing to say that
Mr. Harvey will not live to see the fru
ition of his Utopian dream realized.
Politics can not be freed from the bane
of selfishness, neither is it probable that
the rehabilitation of silver will lie ac
complished during the present century.
The interests of capital are atrainst it.
And there is no denying that capital
holds toe field today, and it is too
strongly entrenched to be easily routed.
Mr. Haryey is a genial gentleman, a
lofty theorizer and a builder of beautiful
"castles in Spain," but be lacks the
mental nerve fibre to be a leader of men.
He ii deficient in constructive ability .
Is the most important state paper that
has eniinated from the "White House"
in twenty-five years. It is theonly doc
ument ever written by the piesent chief
executive that will go ringing down tl
nges. It Is epoch making. It marks an
era in the political history of America
for it proclaims to the European lowers
that ttie doctrine ennni'iated by Presi
dent Monroe is still a living principle
and part and parcel of the unwritten law
of the great republic. The American
people are in accord with the patriotic
sentiments so calmly but vigorously
enunciated by the president. The press
country, irrespective of party.
with a single exception, support him.
The New York World has the unenvied
notoriety of criticising the message as
a blunder." The message is not a
blunder, but a masterly state paper
which proclaims in trumpet tones that
no European power can obtain by force
another foot of territory upon the West
ern continent. Congress will sustain
the president. Tho country stands as a
unit for the enforcement of the Monroe
doctrine, and it will lie strange, indeed,
1 congress does not crystnlize this great
political tradition into the written law
t .1 . , .
01 ine laiio. ine present tern tier of it...
people favors it, and congress should not
lesson it leaches, tho Iiok it Umpires,
the joy it gives to the tin man heart
The time may come when the aiiglen will
sing that joyous wong again, hut I hey
will sing it in the elui-li ne.l heart. .,f
'pence niid
regnant in
every home and every heart.
School I.iitcrtainiiK-iit.
As was announced mnim time ago,
ine iU(ieM.ienc Public HHiixd w ill
have a Christmas tree and a program
"ii 1 11 msi nun I've at 1 lit aililitorlilili
r.iicn grade w in coiitrltnile m thing
...v. ,1.11 me program, winch will be an
4 f
Bkfork the next issue of this paper
ine great Christmas festival will have
come again and gone. The Christinas
song is as old as humanity. All trace o
ine ancient tradition is lost in the dim
light of intiquity . It belongs to no one
race or people, but is the common in
heritance of all, It is a song of iov and
gladness. All tongues haye sung it, and
every people Have voiced its inspiring
lessons. In the Christian world it has
become symbolical of tho central tenet
of a great religious faith. Tim inaniivirl
babe, the kneeling shepards, the angelic
nosts chanting their celestial diaphason
have become the major key of the glori
ous Christmas song. The enlightened
world of today recognizes only this irreat
lesson and hears only the angelic voice
which said : "Peace on Earth, good
will among men." But the essence of
the old-time festival is still abroad in
the world. The feasting, the joy and
merry-making, the blythsome song, the
t lir Sinias Nnng . bvclasa.
Ilecilation "Letter to Santa i lails,"
Ulcu Locke.
Dialogue . ,(V .,hlH.
-Nil OHAHE MIHH Mil UVV a ....
Hecitatlon ''Uraiidmu's Mistake."
vnorus- 'ioy Miikm.llaiinner and
, ' "VmX "".VM,
"P wee l.lltlii heainster,"
, -I a niiiu gins.
Hecitatlon "Minirlsefor .Santa Clans "
tl , J'.'iiel Walker.
Hecitatlon "On CliriHtmas
Blanche Clehilid.
OTII OIlAI.K MlflS (lOOIillIril.TKAfllKll.
Walogiie "Christina. Stocking..."
Itecllution XYHie Wh, leaker.
'"8 MlssLongacre.
Instrumental Music.
Ciilesthenlcs Drill.
After the program the present, and
real for the children will' be distrlb-
.1 1 V. ' 1 '"""'"""i. t-reseiite for
the children can be sent to the teach
, "y" vo Krudes, who will
... mHiriiMitioii when the
-""icn. e nope that a lllinml
upply of presents will he fr, , .
Hchool (.hlldreii will be admitted free.
Should there to.n,(lVl,iaTn
Mr. Mary HlnUlcy
Frederlke, lows.
Goitre 31 Yean
Tenacloue Chronic Case Civet W
to Hood's Sartaparllla,
"Thlrty-oiie yisirs ago, after danjero
Illnean, my neck began to snail. It d
not give me any troul)lr,oe0pt thsdefo
mlty. for nwny ara. AIkiuI t-n yen
anil It oomnienixMl to psln Ul and II I to.
oold I would have
Terrible) Choking Spells.
Even mr people thought uiy laat hour hi
enme, 1 rmd of a lady in Kalnmaio
Mich., who had been cured of irollre I
Hood's Harmjinrllla and Immediately t
tan to Uka thla medicine, ualnir aersr
utllee. My neck measured 21 Inchea In
My against 16 Inches
now. It le a wonder I
and aatonlahment to
my friends and neighbors, for I wait grow
Ing worae all the time and no one though
I could live through the winter. Al
thought a cure imnoanlbln as I am 4 Tear
of air." Mas. Mart, Fred
rlka, Iowa. Take only Ilood'i.
HW'a DIff enreanilTerllIi,bmou
,,wu s 3 tiaaa. haailaeha. 260.
serfiices of the system, thereby d
iroyiug ttie roitndatioii ol tno tiiw ime,
and giving; the puticnt streitglh h)
building up the constitution and a"
sistlng nature In doing Its work. Tht
proprietors have so tniich faith l K'
curative powers, that they oiler
Hundred Dollars for any iw that It
fails to cure. Hcnd for list of Testiimm
lals. Addreas
P. J. :IIKNKY A Co., Toledo, O.
8A.Sold by Druggists, 7"". "
$100 Rewaril. Kit (in
The readers of this paper will I
pleased to learn lh,.r m. 'l . VI '
.e dreaded disi,,se t Jl ''l""
rieen ul.l.. i,. ,. 7. c urn
-- i lire mi
s catarrh. II.
j run cure now
is Hie onlv inmiiii. . ''ure
to the medlr.rfrat;rnV Z " "uT"
ing a constitutional llw Zt
cons,lf tis , treatment Ha. '. Ct
Ch'iiMT Thiin Doctors. "
"I was nervous and weak and could
not do mora than half a dav's worn. I
could not write without steadying my
hand with lliuniloi. mm I nrociircd a
a bottle of Hood's of Sarsaparilla amihe
Run taking it and now 1 am able to
work and write and am feeling well.
This fall my w Ife was sick and was con
fined to her lied alsmt half the time. I
advised her to take Hood's Siirsajmn l
as it was cheiitwr iIihii ilnctors and
finally consented to do so. After faking
it for a short time she was able to attend
to her work. I have not found any
IsHter medicine as a blood purifier than
Hood's Sarsaparilla. I keep Hood
Sarsaparilla in the house all the time to
ward off the grip and other diseases.
mucous B. Weirich, Needy, Ore.