Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 05, 1895, Image 7

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    - .rrfsf?'.,j
il( NOW
I 4 r,((. Million and lh
a..t .. 1. 1. .
' V '""" -
..... u .o- M,.w oa
. ...l...llll. VI """"1 -
O"'" ....itri aoem to quiet-
'" im and w A"lo ,roy- f'wu KU
4uW"Lrebeglu.l to forme- baveruaw.
i in """"' u,,mB ,1, :",h, ll,r,:"u
? ,lr of llw loot during (he ; "'. I
... .v.uta w
P" . .1
Martin Julian. (Lima rila.liiin.oi.a
hauiploit uf Hi H or lil.
Philadelphia, Nov. SU. A litl4r
from MaiUu Julian, manager for Pita
aiininnua, wu received In thia city to
night. It la dated Houau.n, Tin.
Jullmi charge Corbctt with cowardice,
mul aaya Jului Koeuau, uf Nmw York,
ia ail enemy of Kllaalminnna. lit) aid:
"Ai regarda Pltaaliiiuu.iia oriwaing
the Hue and going to Hut rlpriiiga, I
will any thut It wu utterly li.iponaiblo
to aafcly trim anywhere. The entire
twu h guarded, n (I we could tint
1 without being killed, aa
wore made to u. Iu wilt
111 u thut I have already
Well InfoniiiM i""41"""1 "otii Niitiiiiii.weigni aim
. .. liuuiK tl.ri.uuh heavy-weight (ihailiploinimpa 01 the
Whan It la lUuolvcd Aoolh.r
lie Will II II.M y "
pulaii ew ... .aUim ulam i world for KllxalinuiDiia, who III the
i""" "'"'- .i.... i- ..i i i.... vt.. -i -
mi ooo.uou. miiif""' . -
.lone at IftO.UOll.wuu,
i"V" .", itl.a er 40.001). Of
,gZ Armenian
.eeiiia K"od ",",M,U (,,r Mivy'
tl.a irtuMrty ilwitroywi, hid
U ll. ' ' .'. .11 tl. tor.
i .f Vl pii " -
in fur
- ..imUtoiI
. . , U. l'.llte OOllllHt-
llu, 1 , mo onliilou uihiu th
WlWt NT 0ml, WHU t CHHUig of
""rl'fr.ill. .M-urw '""' '"'
A' ,r,"",t c4,u,m"V"" i'' rw
tZ ul,,,,,i"K """'"i1
.. .ii.iri'.'W. l,',,,
. iMr
rUii.U nmily to dxf.tud lxith titl
Httl"t th world, mid nil comnm, pro
vldthK U1.7 Imi white nicii, for from
$.Voo l It, firm ooiuu llritt
"Hhould Mr. Htwrt full to dm
Corlx'tt out of th lioln Iiii ImHuowardly
oruwli'd Into, then KltJiiiiiitn.UH will
I hi uuljr too )lHMid to Unlit Mulmr or
mijf other iiiMU IivIhk. To furtlmr
how how wlllitiK w me for a llht, 1
will .iv Ilm wlw'tion of'O to
Hliittrliiid t'orlHitt. I will bikii r
tl. l.'i If t'ir.dilt wi.uu
, U jirovu ho I not oowrd, ha will mv
wpt HtiiHrt' olT.'r for Unlit lienr Kl
Taw) fur iuriw of 10,000, whlfh ho
iiint. to .livlilo WwtMili th two IIK'U
Hiirvcy Krii. Ht liiw 1iim-1 tho Polut
llrm-zo inick ut I'liiliidiili.hlH.
(.Mimdiiiii h(irm iiiut lit future be
rnKiHK ro.1 with the Movt-ruiiieut,
Tim CoumwiI (N. H. ) p'ie re o.
inii to build K'kkI mile trm k lu pin.
of the priiM iit hHlf uillo ring now uh.1
hj tlituii.
It In chnrK'l ""Ie
J OfiJi, rcHintly wiuiuot Ki'imliw, mid
thut he did not dimine owmiridilput the
hid of ,400.
Dihmhiu Joe Dukkud. who, toother
u.i.1. i.iy him Foam. wu ruled off dur-
iI.m -nrini mmailiK t Dotroit, hul
Umii roiiiHliitux
Fly tt Krundly bred one by
Onwnr.l. out of Nmicy U, the dam 'f
Nancy lluuk, wuh killod in a ruilroad
uc. xl. iit in Hh'xle IrtiMMti mn-ntly.
Tho MiiHMdiumttH tnuk uiunmje
txint noticin prolilDltliiK nor
nlilloa of III l'iwr muA Joint
Not l rira In Autwt,
(mHtnntinoplH, N. 27. The nmln
nii.wttou now bollltf di0UHnll bttWOin
the porte mid repreeeuUtlvei of the
uowir li the d.iiiiMiid of Oreat HrlUiu,
ltiily, HuhhU end Auntrln for flrmiiiij
for tiiiHHHue throuuh the l)rdullt of
Uiut to llO Utt0llll tO
ilmlr r.,ix,tlvn umbuHHliill. While ad
niititnu thut tho ijowern nowmiui tho
nulit to he two uuard ehlna na'h in
i i i ... ru.lialfl.irH
Hie iwwiiimrouii, mo - ; j",nl - . , - . . .., ,.,i
.v,u ,ir.,..,d inoreane of the nnm-1 ,...riii on tho truck during the puim.u
U. ..f fr.,li.i war vihiwiU thore undor i cv f a ruc iiuIcjih tiny are nturt.TK.
preevnt coiidition. might ot" the J. K. Hi'iigruiu, the uilllioimire Hporw-
miin of Cuinuiu, won ." -
K.w MothmU In llnnnlitj-Hotiio Brtnt
Hl. of I'moM-A llortlulurl ir
,,r. Orchard llcutlng Cond.mnad -ll..pp-ran
ol tho Woolly ApUI..
The hortioultnral year of 1805 JU
pHt. Our product nae oeu
MuHHulmnui and produce an lTe't fur
from the one dcmrnd by the power.
Iu addittou tho jxirte point) our that in
tIiiw of the iimaaurea tukeu to premirve
order thure. au incroaae in tho uutuber
of guard ahipa attached to the imibaH.
Him la not required. It can be aaid, iiuthority that thia ia the
aulwtauce of the note the porto haa atmt j
the rcprttKcntiitlvcH of tho powers.
Aa noon aa tho note ahall have lawn
received and ooiiHidnrod at the Uritiah,
Kuaaiaii, Italian and Auatrlaii wnlma-
.i... H..Miui...ti...iv.ia
aiea a con'ereuce oi uiu
era uf unleriiig their
Turklait watera, aa
rurally ri"iut"li aei-iii to
llioill III
Tho !'
i.iM.ll kml.tng
i """" (..,i.,ii..ii iHiri.Hi
f ",r
f Dm iiruiau .ni. ..
ih. tiotn
'r '. t ..... leave bulonua bay for
.... .1... ia.wt.ra are inuati r-
UM ......... to
, n.nvriia tbta wwk. will ooumat
H,,.?," r.i!-. orui-n. and 'h r
Ml nlHI' lM4.i - -
" u.ia. The nat
i 1 1 .... ... i. it... iu, i. nff iIih -i ., urin in. chII.m! auu a
aoiiu.i. ..a .nil .'. .a ... jmrMi yw.i "
.lay MiliM'ted, without Intel lerenoe of joiut r,.,,y mMy le acut the porto.
any kind. That ia tho faireat propoai. 'lurkiah reproHeutativna at Ix""'""; ht
tli.n ever mad.., and I do nut think Dor- ivterahtiK, Koine and Vienna will be
la tt will ever accept It, Uiiiuao he ia i,minictod to eurneatly requeat the four
.a faint-hearted to go up agaiuat a 1M(Wra not to InaiHt on their demand,
man of Kitawtininoiia' caliber iu a talr i ,l(,litical circle the repugnance oi
Mini aquiire light, where urookedliiwa tMU J))irt to grant the firmlim applien
and lHit-un lol are not toleratwl." fr contribuK to the belief ait id to among tho Tuikinh miniaton that
THE YOUNGtH. ; to grant the tlrmliia woum
...... m .1... tjrin B
Aa it
of the
al t'arla.
anil lri
Itti that f-r th. V- .
1T.r for any emetg-uey.
rraiK haa at Htnj.
L...l.-hll, two
i, diunitv of tho aultan and a
.11.1 dir.H!t proof of tho lack of confidence
upon tho part of the power in hia
urn aud miiiuiaiu
it ia claimed, the Turk
.i f . u .:i:. ....r.l utlll I1.1.1U1.H1U
Aieianoer .'uih hijiimi B. .......
rn one
and two
Sra,; lly".nKrt.t.fn
' two orot-jni and
toS llUrilt lu thewat-raof hmyr-
12 wul-rt ou ,h"
....Hmyrna. in AAM
W'J ' ' .... ..... IK.' ...urn nor-
ful flH't crulanig i v
., of the Hia
I'arl. Nov.
ji ut ' II.... i.ul tlWti.
hia ohyalolana ana i u t ol loreigu "- ,
family. VMue ma V"f : 1 ' ,iv clak for the
letin iwued at o'cloca atatea in m auu iu.v,.
ralo.a I'ran
k ',
......i Wi.tvrii.
, ,Tu . ri--ra. and Uermany ha.
waU gunboat there, but it n.morl
Z two tiermau baUl.hh- on
, war. Auatrla ha. off hmyrn
ruaXhip. tw,. crui--llgut.a.u.
Of courr. h, la t
."uaval demoli.tralioli.' H la aim
,yu;;:,K,.,.tr,.tio t..e
I, . point agnl -lam apparently be
iwwu the power.
alight improvement lu tne conouiou u.
the fat lent, which w manifeated yea-,
' , ... 1... ..... Oi.uin..fl til-
i- u ti rilav. waa louuo n w .......
.. . . ... ..ui.u...
duv. Soou after till numa. ii ij
aud awoko at :0. "'uly "V':' "
few word to thoae about hia U-laide,
and then auuk back and dieil.
Ir.ld.-nt Faure aud ex-KmpreK hu
genio bad made frequent inquinea r.v
gardiuK the condition of the dtHtiu
KuialuHi pa-lent aince hia rn-riou itlutM
waa nrat mime m
ii,rriiir r.i..
i TJ..V. HO. Many
prayer were d-ubtlea ottered in ti l.
dty today for the oouveraiou of Colo
nel Uolnrt O. Ingcraoll, the noted ag
" t.o. Kat week, at the quarterly
meeting of the Christian hndeayur
" uioua of Cleveland, it waa auggea od
that .tilth prayer, be offered and he
Uaident appointed noon today a. the
I.... a,.,t reoueated that the 8.000
. ... ,.f .h aocietv ahould engage
..!.. ti.i. aiuiauii. hia beat winner be
iug H.irngiHU and Morphfii, which won
17,850 Mid 2,760 reap:tively.
Miaa Kita, the 8-yeur-oUI clmmpiou
pairing Ally. I exceptionally pure giut
ed r'lio wimra no biMita wlmtovor, and
l,..'r .Ii,-h are aa light aa cuu bo made,
all four of them not weighing over nine
oulicea. l
i..... Will,nM. 2:011. iaoue of 'the faat-
... ..-.ii .....1 t uifled
eat or uuyw.i- - v"
will, tl.e r;iciliK iiiHtim t could jobably
tr. i.. a :07 uuaiiiHt other liorae.
ia. Him i urobably the only trotter
the a :10 lint thut hua never won a ruce.
I Linked sleeve button are popular
will, both Kexea.
Popular atylea of docorution' nilvcr
are Umling, "'roll work uud fluting.
Iu Hi Ivor tableware tho tendency l
mure uml mure toward tho bright fiuihh. and fork have taken unto
themselves the old Kiigliab forma uud
coliiniul Htylea of Cuiah.
In tublewure a pleuaiuR design ia in
wlagou hhape, uml has bright nm-h
wiih beuilwork dworutiou.
The newest silver tublewure. various
ly 'termed old Knglish un.lfoloulul,
conMsts in modili. l cple of the ware
I used by colonial liamta.
i .1,1 fHhhioned sanceboata. teapots auu
and offered to tho market of the coun
try. For the flrat time we nave
able to offer our irun iu auu i""---tioaaato
attraot wide attention; our
prune product haa taken the lead by
far, and that Ji i n iu" .....-.
we are for tho proacut moatly InUjr
eatod. The reaulta. aaya Cbarlea I
Daily In the Salem btateaman, are uo
all that could be deaired, .till they are
precisely what waa to be expecie...
haa biain the flrat year for many in cor
ing their crop and experience la oaualiy
"dearly bougnt. " me iro.
bore aplimdid fruit Nature did her
part and did it well, dm iu
priMluct many failed, ntterly failed.
liujera have come bhiuuk u.,
the choice iota, and the balance ia left
to be consigned to Eastern market and
ia,,.,l.trfl aa aeooud irrade. The lea-
..... a t.iui.i .me. we niuat atudy more
carefully the drying problem; be leaa
negligent in handling, auu u
handle nothing but Brat class goods.
One car of buruod and cooked prunea
will do more to injure our marketa
than thirty cara of choice gooda can
build up.
I'runra 1'av.
pi... WuuriWtoii Italian prune haa
proved this season the beat paying
proucdt ou the market From Clarke
county alone there have already been
shipped forty car loaaa, .u au
value of f 1,200 a car. .m. ..j..v-
about half of this year's product.
Eastern dealers who nave epecu
a single car load or less have invaria
bly duplicated their orders, showing
. ' : .i u r. twit tntro-
that wnerever im-j ---dnccd
they have given aatisfaction.
The shipments to this date are double
those ot last year, wiui
maud. The average price baa been
i,nt fi cents on ordinary goods, and
toaix-oenta for fancy, which are
good prices for a season of general de
The market are a little more active.
Th.ra wnm a. bcxmI demand for all kind
I of produce, and price are paaily main
tained. I'otliiry rei;e.w ."ww
crease. In dairy produce, grocerie ana
merchandise there are no change.
Haul r. ....
There 1 no change in the local wheat
market. Extreme price for export are
a follow: Walla Walla, 4Mc; Valley,
62c per bushel.
produs) Mark.
FlX)0B Portlaral. Balem. Cancailia anil
Davton, are qtiotd at $2.K) per barrel J
....lil.lro... 12.80: Hnowflake. $2.70; Ben
ton county, 2.S0; graham, 2.20; toper
tine, 200. . . .
Uat tiood white are unoteil weak, al
Klc; milling, 28(30c; gray, 19(tf21e.
Ko! led oat are quotwl aa lollow : Bag
4.2f.6.25; barrel. 4.500i7.OOj eaaea.
Timnthv. 18.00 per ton; cheat.
5.60 ; clover, t6(S ; oat, 6.006 ; wheat. oaney,
brewing, noiiiinal.
MiLUtTUrra urau.
113.00; mid.llinga,lo18irye, 76bOc
per cental. , . .
Borrsa Fancy creamery i quoted at
Whd fancy dairy, 17c; fair to good,
16c; common. 10. per pound.
PoTAToaa New Oregon, 25336c per
'"onions Oregon, 60 (3 76c per cental.
Podltky Chtckena. old, 2.76g3 per
dozen; young. 200.2.60 per doen;
ducks, i3.UUM3.6U; o.60ts7.00.
turkeys, live. o per pound; dreBaea
Game Pheasants, $2.50; Chinese, $3;
cream jugs christened colonial affotd
,.,..,.r,.tt to the equally faslnun-
IHt.H. .. . . - , ..;,,.
..i...... nieiceil dltnea aim uhh"
centered trays with bordera iu high re
lief. Jewelers' Circnlur.
u Nov. SH.-Honalur
. -..,i,., of 400 po-
" a1 ' ....
. .... B.KMlHralH'C
pi .i ii. . ".-i -
lacturer 111 tni
. L . a.. WilfM
t ...... in i in Liirntvi "
STb li, and that .!
uua..unof i'''-'ur,,7;,,?1 :
...heuivcon-Uted mainly .
IVm.K r..ta. who enU-rtai" th
. i... A.,x- The liHittiM waa
lurmirii.K . , ,. i.. u.,der
.1... ...bioet of -I.larty. - '"
: ......... il.ut the ablest
ly.UK hick .-..(
..V .... ........r.
oliuarty ami a""
Which did lot ll.tertero ,
Ulate iii matter of I"'1'""1.,"
a niriner Bni .. ' 1)i,.u-
York, explaining why bo-aa ! -
Lauder Duma, waa bom in Pari-, i t tl)lt time. The preai.ient
. on. 1H24. He waa a son of Alex- A-r.worth League, who was pros-
and'er Davy Dumaa. He began hia nW WHWe tt 81imlar ap-
E arf crwhiloaboy o 17. wit I. - t () hi crgauu. .
1 Ua-kof trivial poeuia. "l'hea de Jen- ; , were to be deliver-
,i....i.. the iiiiaa-iuative " ,n ,U)W many persons
IZnvZZ applied him- -i Urn request will prob-
I the tdy of -iety. and aought m,ver bo Uu(AVn. Public prayers
toUrlalmilltude to make good hia , uffcm, or CoU)U((l Ingersoll a X
. ... .lo,i.ttMfl
tlcieucT ill i ramiuio cu..r..v
tiU. n..tly of the eq.nv.s.1
of French W.
mass meeting
u)K-cta i
waa tnai
f the Salvation Aiwy
. ; .1 church
and at Oliver uougn-B""- -
by the pastor.
Nov. 28. seuawr ( Tawma. JNOV. yr. -
try and secure some, ,olphitt ship Duiiaer, th,
ounitreaa rename uai i.'b;-
or tne i ,. mvinK
......... .....i.trrieH
ana ioie.n
. ir..iiiur i i. ro
the estalill."""'"1' iu,d has sent here ior
firm intends
V aldington
l.u ia uoing to
action by the present
to carrying out the provisions ol u ,
r,ltabhshing the circuit court Ulliu.d s
U 1 '. , u-., t., the establishment , . . ,
appeal"."-""- . . circuit. I h., .(...unship line
" . .....1,1 """ irt
i,f two additioiia
...iiirt. naa no.- "" ; f,...,. Pmrut souu...
.ra in i. i ...ii "
.I,.. .lute than L-ai- , to oo
..... ...mia in any " . i i i"-
ut to congress reliable of the Fro:
From a French rolnt of View.
Tho Marquis do CitKtcllaiio'a article.,
"Fifteen D;ivs In the United States,
iK-cttpies 24 Ww of The Rcvne do
Paris. Here is uu extract : "
This concentration of the American
brain on two ideaa-the wish to be free
and tho seeking of a fortmie by work
,uh not failed to impress n,.on the race
..l.vMcalcliiiriictenatKH. lthont
being of exceptional beauty, the race is
vigorous. One feel that it isoung.
"Tho women are neither painted nor
covered with rice powder, nor arc they
mm.mic All. or a .mat nil. o them
r nimii.lexions. They ure
tall, and very few appear in ill J"11'1
ks ntxiu tlpeir tiicc
Dili IU """' ' .. 1 . I
theexpre.s8i.mof their sensations or sou -tinients.
Certainly, nnd lx-ft.aps hap
pily for them, they have not been initi-
ed into tne rcui-...-" -.
artistic entlinstusnis. xueo n....-,
only grnvitatrn fiiuco
around tho two ideas that
. ., . . .m,l -lllfn
have animated tneir niuic.
will animate their husband the pas
sion of independence, and the passion of
work The characteristics of Amem-an
,-r;,l. .... .1 cmiusity, as those
ueauiv ... - ....
moli beauty are gniou uuu
Some lteoent Salea.
The owner of a thirty acre prune or
chard at Kiddle, Or., Bold at 3 "a cents
a pound, receiving about 3,000, giv
ing him a clean profit of 3,000.
Norria Humphrey baa shippeed 8,000
pounds of dried fruit irom irviug.
has 40,000 pounds more to snip.
t i, iwia Fruit & Produce
nany. of Salem, has just
carloads of dried prunes to
and one to Milwaukee.
shipped two
Mew York
into i
too, have
whieli bo ahowei
itr.i.iir adherent, and
.i. . l.. Cuban
pnJ-nt struggle f or 1 udepeiidoi.c.
in uu-i
ti.. Vahl nmnai
N..w Yrk. Nov. HO. -The
owned by
I... .l J !'
I). Willi
brougni. ... .tdistauci
ti, interestco o r Mim of
MlSKSfU could iiof
""J" r ,.,i,itf to do witn
r!. T" Z . who think
mnv"" 1........
if tint
' LKe of more favorable shipping
that per-
were oisiriuuw"
it is pronamo
Jamea and hia son. ""u" :,..., .uiumg t . . jaW 1IliKht be
James, which defeated " " ! tllllt the in"'.. . . 0hor
yacht Hauntleaa in n.h.w. - ' 01irried out r.-m - t y
across the Atla.Um "'"hl1' , : atatea. r"at i hhouhi
haa aince sailed aroui, . ha r d. b re ,
ii.K fitted out at Houlh Ut okij u Xm hl,1(li thoogn 1 ,)Ut he 18 ,.
acientUic exidition to 4 liko one o $m 'twice a y.r
Japan. On the afternoon of AB l(,r,s.d in haw "K that 111B
wit. at S o'clock. "Jf in the l'uo J u, (ir0 tho court
,lM,He of tho aim whwh w.n "'i)iti who have 1 t g - rf t dw.
vis, Me in thia part of the glo ! lirl, ot com, . buH)U0Rs.
T.l.i it... e.iiincllt HhU'""
herat college.
T... '--'lelion
lhrnton, Nov. as. A 'i ' 1 , ' ,r,,lit
of all business relating M(,
Endeavor ,lilfllt
colelin.o" -
ittee oi
.rrct Mather
:i-u.ikoo. Hi'
.w'cwifoof ,v
SHKe oi " , V:IM- -Bhil) buiid. i
T fe firm believes that a great com
limn va.
fled in the near future.
A Typleal Kncllh In"1-
Tho imi set close to the river
. rn s bilsof old silver gleamed
I'Oi'KiK iu... ilcires
tne oei.u i'.- r - -
III low
Mra. E. J- Nleliolso.
The women of the south are becoming
most active in literary work Mrs. E J
holsou, the owner of the New ;
leans Picayune ana "f,",v"'V , "I,
t -In I Htin ii
k..... ... 1..1n W..S
.I.-.U .u .....j, --- .
by a banquet at the Hotel
thirteen aat down W .h 1 B.tBIy
ii ana
The committee
......t their
Bud treasurer -"...
was o.
The total reoelpt- we
leaving a
lis k. i;iurK,
John Willi
retK.rta. The latter
782. with contribution i"
umw . in. 1 - H(.
axpenditure were "
balance ot t0n-
Suit Hettlixt.
3.Margaret Ma-
Pa bst, "
. ..... nnmOSOd
.. hit. H.'llil. ' .
riiuioreo. uli Has taken ? i o".
000 of the big b rm aL mwm.
Xl.aa AlHlli1-.. . . I ... a
her. .,;Hd her husonuo --
lM.rd horsewhipped h wwkl
.,i.lin atreet IU u f.
-, YorB a r i-w.Forest. of
W . I i.
...wfivn u
ST - g-lhosi there was the
am le l" .7. (.......inution lends to
welcome vi...... .ilM,.'A
tno rt'iu iJ'ih 1
- - 1.. 1 iit I ,011-
tho NortoiK 15l-uaun
?" ...! und4.f '1 success
f i" . She was Miss EUa
u ;r....t tl.n danchter of au old Hugne-
' i i,..p ehildhooci was spent
n. . .L fvotn which she has
taken the rather romantic pseudonym of
"peirl Rivers." While still a young
KirL she joined, he staff of The Picayune
literary editor, snovuy ... .........
'.'"..J '' , fflm owner. Colonel Holbrook.
" ,f.. . ....if t. his death in lKisses
o of a Hind t heavily burdened
IZ'Ll she haa siui-mlcd iu bruising
... .. r, i.lace among the iuspapcrs
of the country. Hor inamuge to Mr
Nicholson, who is tlo immai
of The Picayune, has given Lev leisure
for literary work and for brilliant soma!
Ufe. Munsey's MuBiiwue.
There is really nothing the American
A Horticultural Survey.
In addition to the survey of fruit or
chards made by Mr. A. H. Carson for
the experiment station, aays the Dallas
Times; Mr. E. L. Smith hoi been in
the tie d at Hood River, Mr. bhannon
the vanity of The Halloa, and Pro
feasor P. U. Hedrick has examined the
territory about Rouge river. Reports
from the various surveyors have been
Reived at the station,
u.,inlr ia makiuil up a repuui".
the information gleaned from these re-
0,,rt it ia to be printed and dis-
lUi,nt..d among fruit growers. It is
expected that this report will contain
I....U ...ur ill he of interest and value
rorchardiwa. Professor Hedrick's xn
spectiou of the various orchards con
ynce him that in adaptability of aoil
and climate for fruit growing.
compared with tne oesn
.,.... iu fr in the lead. Some
finest orchards he has ever f .
found in Oregon, and one that is
tioued is the Uorvains r.uu
pany's big orchard
w Method, in Canning.
A new vacuum process of canning
fruits in glass has lately been intro
duced from Europe among the packers
of the Pacific coast, and according to
Charles H. Sunn. wru.oK 1- -
trzzir- aci.
generated in cooking
L-ii-i IV'.." a" " , .
.1.- QT.ri even tne air, am
m toe
of the
ed under this new process,
so that fer
mentation is reduced to a nimum
No solder is used, and each jar is open
... ...i-inT juncture with a pen
knife, after wnicn too --
lifted off entire. The fruit is solid-packed-that
is, a can contains 90 per
cent of fruit and 10 per cent of syrup,
" . w.i,, two-thirds fruit and
lUSlCMll D - . .
was joiuiciij
In this way there
r.i.rirfis. while the
quail, $1.26 per dozen.
Eooa Oregon, firm at 25c per dozen;
Eaetern, 22c per dozen.
C iKB Oiegon mil cream, 8c
per "pound; half cream, 6(i7c; aklm, 4(9
6c ; Young A merica, '10c.
Ukicoon VicoaTABLica Cabbage, 14(
per lb;, 10c per dozen bunches;
..., ...,i,...H. 10c per aozeu; cucumbera.
76cl lr sack; cauliflower, $1 per
dozen ; tomatoes, 1525c jwr box ; corn
ePCAria0.x-Califor.,ia lemon.:
$5.6b&0.60; bananas, V-?'
bunco; Mexican i""isi - r
box ; pineapples, ?0(so.oo P" ""
lUi-ia-oBNiA Vkoktablks i-arlic, new
6(ft8cper pound ; aweet potawea, itf
per pound; Merced, 2c; boxea Jc.
PFKaHrLuiT-Pers, fall, 7oc$1.00:
cantaloupes, $ per ooze.. ,
per box; iiwaco cranberries, 10.60 per
barrel ; Cape Cod, $10.
Wooi-Valley, 10llc, according to
quality; Eastern Oregon, 7Sc.
Hopb Choice, Oregon (goc per
pound; medium, neglected. Q(5M1.
Nbts AUuouds, soft shell, 9lle
per pound: paper shell, 12 14c; new
ynlil.Z..U walnuts. Bolt shell.
H(ftl2ac; standard walnuts, 10llcv
ItaTiau cheauuta, 12-814c; pecans,
mine; Brazils, VtXQUci
1416c; peanuts, raw, fancy, 7c,.
roasted. 10c; hickory nuts, 8til0c; co-
coanuts, 0c per dozen.
PBOViaioNS-Eaatem bams, medium,.
ll12c per pound; hama, Pfr
afHc; breaktast bacon HH1
short clear aides,. 89e; dry ealt
sides, 7c; oed .b8'
Cisl3c; lard, compound, in tins.
grd, 'pure, in tins, 9410c; P.g tet.
80s, $3.60; pigs' teei, , -.
1.2b.. Oregon anioaeu. ,-g
pound; picaieu uuim, w, -name,
10c; bacon, 9c; dry salt . sides,
lard, 5-pound pails, 84c; 10s. 88c.
5ts, 8'4c; tierces, 8c. Country nieata
sell at prices according to .
Hiukb. lhy hidea, ouw-ucr,
per pound, ll12c; dry kip dj:alf
akin lOMllc; culls, 3c less; salted, bO
Cana"over.66ic;60 to 60 lbs 60
.1. ."iii 4.-- kid anu vot
in an lbs. 4c: calfBkin, sound,
... in 1 ha. 6c: ereen. unealted,
less; culls, l-2c less; sheepskins, shw;
linga, 10fl5c; short wool. 2030c ,
medium, au(gwc; ioi.t
' Blercnandlaa Market.
SALMON.-Columbia, river No. . 1, t,
$1.26(ai.e0; No. 2, Ulls, $2.252.50;
ftWTNo. 1, flats, $1.751.85; Alask
No. 1, taUs, $1.20(31.30 ; No. 2, tails, $1.90
buoiB Golden C, 4'8'c; extra C, 4jc j
dry Krauulated, 64c; cube crushed and
powdereu, oc jwu"" , 4- r -
discount on all grades tor prompt cash ,
half barrels, ic more thn, o&nela,
maple sugar, Ib&lto per iand.
Coffbk Costa Kica, 22(g-23.hic; Bio, 28
22c; Salvador, aitBic, vjv ,
2y(s31c; PadangJava, jw,
JaVa, 2o28c; llhat Java 235c; Ar-
buckle a jMOKaBka auu Ttr-"X r
loO-oound case; ooiumDia,
UoaXi eteauy; uuuitu..,
ner ton; foreign, $8.60(gll.O0.
BNs-Small white, No. 1, 20. per
jound; butter, 3c; bayou, 2c; Urn.
CoRPAGE-ManilUV rope, 1-inch, ia
quoted at 9?4c and Sisal, 8c per pound.
" .. . . .. 1 . . .. I ln
Island. 4.50t6 per sack;
pan. $4.00(3450
oue-third syrup
w.tii tin cans,
uano ...... - - v;.rt
f fmiirht cnarses, wuno
Jl liil. v. O , , f . I
lUperior attractiveness ana neaiuiiua-
ness of fruits packed in giass
Formerly he use 01 rrs.u,
hot iron scorcnea mo
iiiu llllSt Of
Cruise on
Denver. t'- ,. Kxchauge
thoNewyoi-- t0
has come w - ,iiuir ex
v l.q nr 1110
'-n Ilice. in
Paul. Nov. n.u ,8l)4.
ni. .Dm, - ...llniin IU 1"
will iu an Pn"u 'ihii gttt'nflrtnw
- """"
attempted to Are h .nW 'H
ui the met
..luuieca, in New
York. which arenotreg-
",1 he fullest guarantee. .
isteren. . " - tocVg tbat are
W "
stocks will be
re not r
i.t. Woman HiinVanlsta.
The Knirliah woman sulTragists have
ions uou. ......v - -; .
...l. ... 1 trisn, "
Echo opmi
stand training auffloionttf y
,h uraaa ooursea in ' .
rann over the uraaa
In atumipting to thro"
him hia
waa nurt. doubtf
nun aince, ou - - -will
ever be able to race.
,K .... gly
Kvery,.Cdoubtfal if he
"""""".e -A local
San Fi-h no admission ia
munio hall. W hf t Lady Sbolto
vii..fc ,);lI.lian,.,.tarysuf-
to won cm The list include the
fruKO to w on u )f Dnr,uiul(
t. shop of Ijoihio 11, .
Dr. rMTit.HDr New-
'"""y'r ;?,.. not look aa if the 200
vvomon in Great Britain
..u-nilfl IIIH llllli." M'"-
" . a, .
a very bad uwo or it. . " ..nnole of clever Washington
Kirla bnvo actually lunue the.nsehes a
piano lamp They have wit. bcy ha ,e
ho best of brmliiut. but tvfy haen t
;i be bishop of KdinbnrKh and
yHo!!;crs. TbeB..bmTranscrn.t
..ID w --- - , I..,,,,.
A nni v inline i.m.u. k..-.-
,h, ao they set to work
.,.,...,.f;.ct.ue one. Fin they took three
mid tied them together
PUiniiv a."
,iruwi f.whion. inese imj
" ' . . ,,,,,1
whole was
lkri.tlv with coiu-so com ana
ffele. 1 8 v.;. wife' ma:
SholtowiU aci-
who al-KuffniRe
ready 1"
had mcdo
Kooil For Thouaht.
He pressed a mud kiss upon her lips.
" she exclaimed.
. . , Mind." bo answered.
A ... H.tT .0 "
when, lour noui.
he took
his dctiartnre.
3etroit Tribuue.
she was atill thinking.
A. . tin Tlila. JLIIW
"Ti i , nkblecout of black
w,t,4 arl vvbei. a., old bras.
lamp was fitted into the pot. with an
il to ton off with, you d
have said tho lamp was the latest thing
7.. rfit inm. It sounds like a story
,.t of a wommi s mag-.i.ine, but it isn l-
It'a true. Wasliington Post.
Hi. Krl Orl-vmnce.
"I haveu't had any breakfast yet,'
Mr. .hiawav next morning.
And that isn't tho worst of it. I don't
want any.' Chicago iriuuuo-
' . -1 onoi-tnn. iu the top
syrup, ana s.m. - -
of the tin cans was so siuaw -
fruit was of ten crusnea auu v-u
beiuir placed in the cans, the syrup was
for this reason ciom.j. -
v,o will be clean and
memo" . r - iii
...j i,or.r crades of fruit will
Clear, au.. - -1 ...
. ..iL. o m.d aa the higher ones,
nioll. where tne uiuerouuo
tKpcJ '
iu the size 01 ino nuiu
ot lue tho x-ailybug.
TK liiiwrroearance of the
anhis from
the orchards 01 urego...
Washington and Califonria has been
..:... ..Ii th ladvbuar. but Profes-
vat worth, of the university of
California, says it is due to a fungus
vBlod by microscopic exam-
inatiou. Though the disease that is
deatroying the woolly Phl8Kha8.
Ja in its work to be closely
firmation of its existence
is found in the quick destruction of the
pest and the fact that tne laayoug
not found in the orchards.
Floce Net cash prices : Family ex
tras, 3.35(d3.45 per barrel; bakers ex
tras $3.15g8.25 ; superfine, $2.362.W.
BABUtv-Feed. fair to good, b3c;
choice, b5c ; brewing, 7075c.
VVbt-Vo. 1 suinping, 97k'cper cU;
choioB,"8s.c; milling, 974ca1.06. .
Ovw - Milling, 6572S,c; surpriae,
86396; fancy feed, 7580; good to
choice. oo(g75c; poor to fair, 59
&hc T?7'1 "Si'i? , nound.
PnTAToas tweetB, 50o(s.6; Bxu-
banks, Oregon, 6580c. yttnrn
Onions uooa to iuuiu. '
60C.60c . .... Md
Wool evau, np-b. - e, tt
choice, 9Hc; heavy do, b8c. Fall
S;dmouftain. l-djre. S
seconds, 27 g29c; fancy dairy, 2425c,
fair to choice, (ffioc.
Eoqs Kancn, )ifl-oc.
ruKSK rancy. mild, new, 8(g9e,
conimon to good, ,3f 6c: lffi Amer-
ica, o(?oc; x-aow".
ern. lUal2!c txr pound.
Moat Market.
Baar Groaa, top steers. $2.502.60;
fair to good steers, $2.502.tS0; cow.,
$2.00(82.25; dressed beef, 45sC pe'
Motto!! Gross, best sheep, wethers,
H75CS2.00; ewes, $1.75; dressed mat-
nDS .mall, 5S6c; large, 3
3 50 light and feeder, $3.00(3 3.2b,
dreeaed, 43c per pound.