Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 05, 1895, Image 6

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    A Trmnta lluli.s la lt-lf Whm
Yoa ConnUIrr thn Mrali That Ara l'rs
. farJ and arv.d Kvtr) thing la 1on
' la Firm Ola 8tyl fcut It Kn,
iin a fcchania Which New York ls-
DINE IN THE RUILDINC Two I hlov.w nnd t vvo ilet.vt I vo mot Hi
oilier litem I.I raj o II nvenuo nun ruiiioiu
invt. Tli' ooiiirtil ollico inrti wniu.-d
some Informal lo;i nlnml burglary. They
nlso wauled lo know what tho thieves wow
doing, mid Willi what virlli'iilar baud the)
wow training.
They opanttod Iho thieve ly stopping
The rvf.vtotiea of the vs, dejvart- J h",w", ,lum, ' r.LM'
,, .... ' converse, nnd they knowono man sreoonl
awutnonor'-lmiium of Paris are ( Th ,llTW;w nry known to them a a
turning thn most onrion nights of the j inspect. Kach detective took ono of tho
French capital. A nooti us tho Bou ! men nido and asked hint full detail about
Harold n.,,1 tbe to th l';M..Ir, I.N ..n.iHN ...Kln hiisl.... Inst
. . ,, . . I Jb and the I'"'1
lieart of nil American women who, The thieve wow lu dlleinitm- Neither
make the "grand tour" ami prototype j knew vv hat 1 he oilier win saving Kach
f tbe colossal establishments in New ' desorlln-d tin- other, giving name, nddiviM.
Vork Mini adjacent cities began to an- j bustno nnil nil.
...,., .,..,... !.. i.t. ! Taking onw not to allow tho iitt'tt to got
with tl, .....trio., ' ''' "Hkl"K distance 1110 dolooti, C
j "Toll tm who you nw, what yon do.
whom von live. 1 think wo wnnt you."
j Neither tlilof know how Id "pal" hitil
, dosvrllH-d him, nnil llh told nn entlwly
'How shall wo org nn ire tint 'meal
times' of these thousands of meu aud
In France "hutch," an understood iu
America, is miknown. Every person,
iroutlo mid simple, make of tho early
morning repast simply a "break-fast"
and no more. A bowl of coffee mid a
large piece of crisp bread for the work
ingmau and woniuu ; the smoking choc
olate in a Sevres cop and th brioche
which melt iu the month for tho mil
lioutiire thowiarethe only distiucliiitDi. !
For many generations the French have j
reconiued that it is unhealthy to take j
a hearty meal nt 6, 7 or 8 in the morn- j
ing. So they wait uutil 11 or 13, and
millions wait until 1 o'clock before tast
ing the first substantial meal of the day. ',
Dinner, a scismd meal of tsvo or three :
curses, ami in no wise resembling the
i new storv, jrnvc n new name, new mlilrcKx,
I new eniplii iiient ill f:h't, ivm'Ii (i0 his
"pal" the lie from tho sl.-irt.
Anio the dettvtivea cliangitl phwvs and
proceeded In eondeuin eneh man out of his
own month and of hls"vil." lloth
ilosoripl Ions ttiven were false, of course,
and the men had thus confessed that they
had soinetliiiitt to conceal.
Haviiitf thus "jrot them rljjlit. " t heron
trtd olllx men asked for a direct "tip'
nlout the luuylary they wx-r worklnu on.
threatening Imth thieviv with arrest If
thv didu't tell what they had heard In the
thieves' colony, where pntty nearly every
one knows who did the hkst "joii. "
Tho men who had told two lies n piece a
minute Ivforo told tho name of a hand anil
the name ef ainciuhcrnf that Kind with
light repast which Americans know as I (treat pnmipiti.-ss and that night a burglar
Vnnmr ' fviiiipd at 7 i ill- pntn Q Was arreM.-O
txirding to the circumstance of the pi'r
pon. Concierges, or bouse porters, gen
erally dine at winter and summer,
and sit over their meal au hour or two,
chatting and langhfeig. At that late
hour the whole family 18 united, and its
little affairs are discm-std and settled.
With the organization of the " bazaar"
ranie the need of keejiiug a constant out
look over the hnmlreds of young cien
and women iu each department, and
economizing each moment of their time
between the opening hours and the let
ting down of the great iron shutters lie
fore the immense windows at 6 p. m.
precisely. It was with a view of this
watch over the employees, rather than
because of any philanthropic tenden
cies, that the owners and managers of j
the largest "bazaars" decided to make
it obligatory for all employees to take
their meals at uoon and night upon tho !
. premises. i
The bazaar proprietor said, "We ;
must do this, as we do everything else, 1
with an eye to the advertisement. ' And
so they decided to install their refevto- ,
ries very handsomely and to feed their
employees well. The idea lias paid from
ihe start '
At the Bon Marclie spacious and very ;
bandsome halls on the fourth story of
the enormous ediSce are devoted to the
restaurant far the employees.
Hut the detectives did not tell In court
howthey placed their handson him. Then'
is nothing liko a little ifivsterv. New
York Herald.
; Tho Conn.
The common American "coon" I
slave to nn unusual form of etiquette,
which in its case has prow n almost lieyoiiu
the forms of conventional observance nnil:
become a kind of conscience to it. It will I
wash everything which it eats, if there!
is any water near. Tho fact sivnis to
havebi'en questioned ly some writers, but I
it is certainly the habit of raccoons when '
kept in captivity with tvi-css to water I
They are very fussy, particular creatures.
much given topii king up and carrying off j
anything odd which takes their fancy :
And this, whatever it may 1m is tluly tak I
en to the water and wuii "rinsed out. " I
whether vegetables or bits of cloth, or even
solid hard things like shells ami shiny
No "social pressure" can have Iwn put
ujxm the raiviKins nt the zisi to make
them conform to the laws of the coon eti
quette, but they tlo so all the kiihc, and it
is a fact that, last spring, one which had a
litter of young uncs, to which she was
much attached, was-suddeiily seized with
a desire to wash them, and carrying them
down one by one to her little stone Imib
paddled nnd washed the poor little crea
tures as if she bail I icon wushlngcithhagoM.
It may be doubted whether the kittens ilid
not owe their death to this perverted feel-
m , I ing of social duty !n tlcir parent, for they
Ilo IM. h I'layoil a l.iilmll Trick
III l.lttla M.tsr.
Little 1. Isle felt lierseir quite ft gar
dener its f.110 walked nenwH the lawn
with her new rake and watering can,
"Mv garden will always hmk nio
now, I can rake it Nimioih with my
new rake, mid I ahull water it everv
evening, and then the acotUwilt come
up, ninl tho Howe in will look fresh,
And Elsie held up her head and looked
quite proud.
She had not gone far licfore she met
her brother liek.
"Ah," said he, "you tiro going to do
your garden. Have you any seiM to
'No,"aid Elsie. "It is not tho right
time. "
"IXill soimI may Ih sown at anv time, "
said Dick, takingtwo laigt lioans out of
his pivket. "Don't set them very ihvp
mid eoino out every uuuning and mo if
they have come uiv "
Dick w;w very fond of playing his sis
ter tricks, though his mother told hint it
was wrong to do so, Mid he laughed as
he saw Elsie going on with her lnans,
which she set near some tloweriaits.
One morning Dick went off to the
garden with it small paper parcel nnd
hid himself behind some bushes, lres-
ently Elsie camo along, and when she
Kinked at her gardeu she spread out her
hands and said :
For chvse by the flowerpots lay a
pretty lttle wax dolL She did not wait
to picket up, but ran to the house, call
ing out :
"Mother, mother, my doll seed has
come up! Come and look!"
Her mother came, and when she saw
Dick looking through the hushes she said :
"Oh, Dick. Dick, you have been play
ing your sister another trick ! Itoeton
0 Jack'n llnbtijr lttr.
J.-lcltfe on Ills hi!Ly horse
(Jees ruHiic every day.
Willi a st riom, ciimcst fai1
Thinks tt wurk, not piay.
Kylaiiui aawrar,
Svlvanus Sawyer, Ihe inventor of III
rilled cannon, lui just died in Temple
ton, Ma., at the age of M. From hut
early iM.yhood, ay Ihe Spiinglleld
pnbiican, ho showed a strong nnvliunin
al bent. In IHftO he invented a inaehino
for splitting ratlan. In is.1l ho tested
the model of his rilled cannon. The ton
Is thus described by V. M. Kellon. the
owner of Hut shop in Teinpleloit whem
ho ttnislied tho model : "The trial took
place in it meadow a short ditaneo fiom
Ills homo. Ilo had rigged up a pan of
wheels taken from his father ' hayenrt,
and thus had diawu it down to the
meadow. About a third of n nnte it way
he had also rigged tip a target composed
of heavy on k planks fioin four to su
Inches thick and nliout ten feel square,
lie g it us all down about tho gnu and
then loaded It with nlmui a pound of
powder, and tliougli conlldeiil of lux
own invention lie mil not Hiiro trusi
himself in its Immediate neighborhood,
but attached it fuse Never u I fi't long.
lighted it anil then Ihe wholecrowd of
us ran like deer for about u quarter of u
mile. Hut nothing serious occurred.
'When the explosion took place, the
lirojivlilo went straight as a bullet to
tho mark, exploded as he planned that
it should, and tore most of the target to
jmves. Jims snivcsstul was tne urn
rifled cannon ball ever llii d in this or
any other country. A second discharge
with tho same prccaul ions was not so
successful, it striking the target askew,
for it took latel experience to teach that
this was the fault of the proj.vtllo, and
that tu secure Ihe straight passage
through the air it must le of even thick
ness and evenly balanced, loiter, after
tunny expel tinents, it was adopted by
the war department us an improvement
of great value. "
racta Itowiillir iH-ii IraUil t'eiieoriilin
II.. Hit of ta.ll ltoilllo - Tha lUlo-r
mau Nw.l S longer liieimila-r tllm
arlf W illi a l.oail"! '!
The ihinlly lluld wvn'lisl by ivrtaln h
tics of Miake.t was mailn a ubi't of study
from very early dale, but tho old lime
i,,,.ii..,o,,is, knew not bow to sol o l ho
Intricate problems of organic cheinUlry
All Hint they neeoinplUhed as to ereale n
prodigious niinilM'rof anllilon-.,,
.,,.1 .,r which In their Hint won. disdnnnl
Infallible Not olio of lliein was worth n
thousand meals are servexl dailv be
tween 1 1 and 6 o'clock. Men and worn-
en eat in separate halls, and are served
with the same politeness and attention !
that they would receive in restaurants i
or at "lunch counters" if Inncli conn- j
ters had ever been inflicted on the '
At the Louvre about the same nnm- '
berof meals are served, and the arrange- j
ments are wonderfully complete. The ;
kitchens, with their sednccive array of J
copper saucepans, and the pantries, with
the thousands upon thousands of plates ;
and cups, all marked with the trade I
mark of tbe bouse a majestic lion i
oouchant, with his paws hanging over ,
the letter "L" and the little army of ;
white capped and aproned cooks, wait- ;
era, bottle washers and potato peelers,
are well worth a' visit. Nor will the '
visitor get his back chalked. All is con- j
ducted with dignity and refinement, as j
in the house of a gentleman of fortune, t
The caldrons in the kitchens are ioi- j
mense. The visitor may look into one j
kettle which contains mashed potatoes ;
for 3,000 men, and into another in
which soup for 5,000 persons is simmer
ing. Then the bottle department is
Bomething stupendous. Twelve thousand
half bottles of good wine, guaranteed
unadulterated, are served out daily. The
battalion of bottle washers is busy from
dawn to dusk, fetching up the rosy
liquid or the yellowish white wine in
huge pitchers of wood three feet high,
and then bottling it. Both tho Louvre
and the Bon Marche have wine cellars
of vast extent for customers as well as
At the Louvre there are three table
services of 700 each for the men. At the
Bon Marclie a larger cumber can be fed
at once. Each category of employees has
its special room. The heads of depart
ments dine together, and never mix
with the head clerks of each counter.
The under clerks eat their boiled beef
and roast chicken without being trou
bled by the presence of their chiefs.
Then the humbler ones, the packers, tbe
stablemen, the elevator men, the run
ners, the sweepers and lighters, have
their long table, and finally, the garcons,
or the men who wear the uniform of
the house and accompany the delivery
wagons and receive money for purchases,
have their particular room, and are al
lowed to come and go more irregularly
than the others because of the peculiar
nature of their service. The "ladies"
observe the same classification in their
eating rooms, and are allowed to gossip
as freely as they wilL There are no
spies ; they say what they please on the
theory that they are not under the con
trol of the establishment during tbe
time of tbe repasts. Paris Letter in
Cincinnati Enquirer.
did not
long survive their Immersion.
Careful of the Wall Tappr.
"I have suffered so much nt tho hands
of the cbrouto liend," said the girl bachelor
plaintively. "If you have ever moved
about any, you will know what I mean
i onlv tixi well. They are the ticoplti who
cajole the landlord into getting new paper
for a room, nnd then, after a short occu
pancy, leave it for the next comer with the
walls more or loss covered with t;u-ks and
nail holes, with a neat little bit of plaster
knocked out alut each one. From hav
ing le-n a victim so often I have deter
mined never to add to the number of these
ruthless vandals. So whenever I find it
necessary to put a small iiufrumcd pic-1
turo or card on the wall 1 attach it by
means of a largo lump of gold beeswax,
and there it will stay until I wish to move
it to another position and will leave 1s;
hind no telltale tracks, or tacks, of its
presence. I may nilil in a whisper, by the
way, that when beeswax fails me 1 have
found chewing gum a pretty good substi
tute. " Philadelphia Press.
lw-a- r
-r..v . t.r."
Vsv- " S. 1 1 i
Fast and furious wimotiint' rides,
Isumi'tim.-H still mid plow.
Down town, un town, everywhsro
llol.y horse go.
Bnt with nil his earnest work,
low or f;ist the pace,
Strance to say, tho hobby horse
Never l.-av.-s his
Xo Obliging Waltrr.
An American traveler in France reports
a somewhat amusing illustration of the
French superstition with regard to the
number 13. Hu had gone into a restuuraut
to dine and began by ordering a dozen
Jcn Baptiste, the waiter, presently
brought a plate of very small oysters, and
put them down on a sidh table. Ulnnclnp
over the plate, Jean Baptiste suddenly
seized one of the oysters and swallowed it
very unceremoniously.
'Now whut did you do that for?" asked
the astonished American.
"Thirteen oysters on tho phite, mon
sieur." "And what if there were?"
"Surely you would not think, mon
sieur, of inviting disaster by eating 13 oys
ters?" Youth's Companion.
The Kodak In Jamaica.
A prominent Philadelphiun who hm
just returned from a trip to Jamaica
brings home the following laughable story :
The photographer of the party induced a
group of native girls to poso for him. Aft
er arranging them to his satisfaction, he
prevailed upon one of tho other girls to
take a peep through the camera. What
she saw quite astonished her, and she lost
no time in imparting to the posers tho fact
that she had ws-n them all standing on
their heads. The effect was ludicrous
When the photograph was taken, it re
vealed each maiden frantically clutching
her skirts cbout her knees, while a look ol
great distress appeared upon each black
countenance. Philadelphia Record.
A 1'layfnl Colt.
There' is u horse on the sandhills
that playjH "hidu and seek" with the
children, says mi Augusta! (4a. ) contem
porary. When it ('nines her time to
"count, " she will go to the base and
stand, with her head lowered tbe usual
length of time, and then trot u round and
peer behind the house corners and tbe
large treea until she finds one of her
playmates, when she will twitch her
upper lip and whisk her tail for an in
stant, and then dash off at full sjiced
for "base," or if she sees one of thcgirls
running for "homo" Ix-fure she discovers
her hiding place she will wheel and fly
like an arrow, and being fleet of foot
ceuerallv irets there first. None of the
children enjoys the fun as much as tho tivo 1,,:t ,mt ,llu "tumps of tin. burned
New Syt-nt of KubilUl.tlt.ff Titui,
A inoditiod centesimal system of sub
dividing time and angular measure is
advocated bv M. II. tlo Surrautoii. In
Le Hevuo Scientitlque. He proposes to
retain the hour as a fundamental unit
of time, on account of Its universal ac
ceptance, its convenience and Ibo help
lessness of the task of altering it. Hut
the hour should be divided into Im)
minutes nn I the uiiuule into Itio sec
ond. Thus each new minute would Is'
thnt'-iiftbs of an old minute, or sec
onds, bile t ho new second would ben
l'ttle over a third of the present second.
Two of tho new seconds won hi cover
tho time of a brisk step, like the accel
erated pace used in thn French army.
Tho new second is the time taken by
one soinivil ion of a single pendulum
r.'.U centimeters long. Time could then
be consistent ly expressed iu hours and
decimals. Thus 8:l.:i:lls hours might lie
read H hour 33 (new) minutes -is (new)
seconds, and calculations involving tune
would 1st much simplified, (.'lock and :
watch dials wool. I be subdivided mlo
hours as usual, but the smaller divi
sions fur the liiniuto and hands
would be hundredths of the circle iu- i
stead of sixtieths, mid every tenth divi- j
siou would have t he slightly marked, i
For angular lueo iireuieuts Jl. lie Sur-
ranton proposes 'J 1 ) degrees subdivided :
into 10 minute of Hiu seconds each, o i
that they could ! converted into hours
by shifting the decimal point ono place
to the left.
N' Mora timida on Approval.
Several large retail stuns have put a
stop to the practice of seun ng home
giKids to customers for iiis cin,u, or, iu
tho trade term, "approval," as they
find that such articles me often used
and then returned with the statement
that they do n it answer the piiipit-e.
A woman well known in fashionable
circles lately ordered from a foremost
house two iloen fairy lamps sent to her
resilience on approval. Two days after
ward she gave u dinner party. Among
the guests was a member of tho firm
sho hail so lately visited. Tho fairv
lamps were used with pleasing effect
on the table, spuikling among tint II. Av
ers uud greens or shining iu slmdy
nooks about the dining room.
Imagine the surprise of the merchant
tho day after to receive the lumps back,
as a clerk informed him, w ith u polite
note that they did not suit. It is a post
To Make a Daisy Chain.
This ilf almost picnic time, and it will
bo a novelty for the girls to know how-
to make flower wreaths for their hats,
so that they may sjiend ono day doing as
their favorites about whom they read al
ways do. First, be careful how you pick
the flowers. Break them with as long
stems as possible. Make the stem into a
loop, slip the head of the next daisy
through it, draw the loop tightly, loop
the uext and keep on looping and slip
ping in flowers und tying until you
have a string long enough to fasten
around your hat. Another way to make that the above reward was tho standing
caudles und the grease drinpinus had
not been removed. Philadelphia Call.
ImpoiMllillity of "IVrprtnml Motion."
One hundred and twenty years ago,
in n?."), tbe Paris Academy of Sciences
withdrew its standing rewurd of 500,000
francs which had been otlered for a
'perpetual motion machine." It was
plainly stipulated in the offer that the
machine snoujii ue ecir uetive; so
much so, at least, that when once set in
motion, it shall continue to move with
out the aid of external forces, und with
ont the loss of momentum, until Us
parts are worn out." During the years
I Inclined to AanUt Him.
. "Yon don't object to a contributor
dropping into poetry once in awhile, I
presume?" said the caller, with an affa
ble emila
'Certainly not, sir. Sit down," re
plied tbe editor, pushing the waste
basket toward him. Chicago Tribune.
Treatment For a Flabby Sikln.
For a flabby skin tbe following treat
ment is recommended: Never use hard
water upon it; either preserve rainwater
for tho purpose, or, if that is Impossible,
buy distilled water of a reliable druggist.
Eat bread that Is one day old and choose
that which is made from whole meal. A
little gluten made Into a mush and eaten
with rich milk is also said to help in
rounding out the face and neck.
daisy chains is to slit the stems close to
the flower and slip one stem through an
other, thus making a close set wreath.
Here is a picture of one of the most
attractive and popular cats exhibited at
the recent big show in New York city.
He belongs to Mrs. Bolton Hall. The
"Did you know Jack had changed the
name of his new mare from Sallie to
"No. Why?"
"Because she interfere. "Boston Beacon.
beautiful creature is worth all that is
said of him, and his owner prizes him
ho dearly that she has had him painted
in oils by a famous artist. He is 9 year
old and m.irey would not bny him.
offer thousands of men became imam
over the problem. At last, at the tune
of the date given in the opening, the
impossibility of constructing such a
machine having been demonstrated, the
offer was formally withdrawn. No gov
ernment or society of standing now of
fers a reward for eneh a machine. St.
Louis Republic.
Victim of OiiinibiiMCfi Id I'arU.
It has often been said that the old
stagecoaches caused in the aggregate
many more deaths than the modern
railway trains, even though railway ac
cidents, when they do happen, are usu
ally more serious than those to which
stagecoaches are liable. A French
statistician has been impressed with tbe
numerous accidents canned by the om
nibuses iu Paris, and he contrasts them
iu a similar way with accidents on the
railways. Even those who know the
dangers of tbe Paris streets, which are
far gieater to all apieurance than those
of the London streets, will probably be
surprised at the result arrived at. The
conclusion based upon the statistics of
the past year is that the Paris omnibus:-
es alone count more victims iu one year
than do the whole of the railways of
France in ten times that period. Lou
don News.
'I'll. lUtkftt iiolnblo work In lhl
n il bin nsi'iil Ninrs has locn 'rforuiisl by
)r Weir Mitchell of I'hlhiilelphla. who,
fur the ake of ohliilnlng tilhVlent qniin
title of tho poison, lots w Ilmea kepi n
ninny a bo oriotil In hl lalrntor Hl
method of uvuring Ibo wmoiii for i iuil
nation was to sele Ihe muiko by tho tus k
Willi tongs, forcing it ainvr hclcon tho
Jtiw The tinlinnl would I hen blto
Into tho sailivr, on which tho hiIk.ii omit
till wn left
The iihiiiiieo Hum ol' l n yellow
lull, triiiisnviil. sllckv lluld, without
miiell or taste, in.lly iliiw.lnil In nter
When dried. H will tvUiln U tlo proper
ties for any hingth of lime npmrcnt l,i .
looking liken gum or MiriiNh, nnil It ba
been preserved for V) y.nin w llhout alter
lntf In tlie l.iisl. tin lids ground It ! nd
vlsablo to handle with million toon tho
dried faun of snake long dond Hulling,
iinle. continued for n long time. il.- not
render the lluld lmrnib
Ahsiliol has long bel.l tho llis.t phi'v In
popular esteem as nn antidote for simko
poison In truth. It U !'t inli nt nil.
though useful to sustain the vitality of the
NrM.ii bitten against tho attack made
llsili It by the tonic nrf-'iit It sllimil.Ues
tho nerve cenler nod the notion of Ihe
heart, If tnk.'ii In small doc Hot tho
nil.lnko ordinarily made l to .ur Into
tho patient larire quant II le of lil.kv, the
eHoot of which Isejacllylhe opiim of
that rnulrod. Ill such d.e alcohol
' depresses liishMil of t uniilalis. thekltnl
, function Inlox lent Ion, far from helping
1 the cure, al.N tho olstiii And, bv Ihe
. way, nplo hae olteu dlnl from siinko
bile who wc.v 1 1 1 ; I i-i i hen deail drunk
! With the newly itlsvoiorvd nut Idoto the
1 Case l exactly laiu(er l tar
i mon. likely to result from hesliatloii In
: using It liU'iallv than from nn
! Stryehnliie, liself n ki!oii anelv les
, tornhlo than ntuiko w t dlr.vlly
tl h all the M. ries, atliniil.'illiig nnd loriiliig
j oil their Kilterii, wlOch the nake loll
Msk to deress mid turn off Ailing llh
tho uiierrliin ivrtalnty of n chemical l.-st.
It iiciilrullea the l itis I uf the serpent
' 'euoiu. liul it mils! lie aibululsi.-n .1 in
oslraonlluarv qiiaotHles, ei.ll lot ho ! ill
of producing spaMitisllo Iwilchtnsof ihe
In fact, the ordinary ihw mini Ih
gn-atly e.cileil, nud Iho aditilnlsi n.t loii
of the htrwhnlue must U-, eeii
If (he total quant Ity injected within i.n
hour or two Hitioiiiii.i to w hiit iu the nl.
aence of snat.e pots, .it wool.) is n danger
on If not f.ilal t!i mm. 'I ho few failun-s
niuong iho tiuiiieroiis iice.-se wit h Ih.i
drug thus far nsonh-.i hao n.iirly all lvn i
tnu'eahle to nil insiiltleleiicv of the null
dote In unrein i-n-o as much n ifo lo
minims should Ih'k-u.-o to any s mi r
I a yenrs of -ie If ut the end of 'ji inln
utes the s.viitptoin show no nhateiiient. n
second lllj.s-litili .if the n.llll.1 slIH-nlh
should lc made pnaopily, nnd uu!- tin ti
a d.s-l led io.provi incut is orcpl Idle a
.bird one, after a like Inien al The m l
of the drug when appllnl as nn initldot.- Is
not c 1 1 ii i ii hi r ive 'i he lend, oev i.i n l,u ...
1 always itn-al uhero lull. Ii veuoiu has
lj.s-11 alisorhed
Appan ntly yielding to tho Mncl ultin
for a time, the nisi. II. ms poison, ufii-r on
Interval dunnir v hleh it m-.-iiis i.i have
Ist-li compionil, nil nt once reasserts II
pi-i'sence nnd has to ls met by resli n).
lions, re!f!n'd!o of ihe ipi.tni uy
ly ailiniiiistei-iil SVit I, chlhln'ii Ihennioiiiit
of the remedy to In. given must nut In
Judged by the uw of the child, hut hy Ihe
n li i . 1 1 1 1 1 nf venom to Im. counteracted, the
dcgiTe of danger chiefly il.-pcndinir upon
the sU of the siinhe. Tho lilj.'W..r the n-p
tile of course the more iols..u It has. For
thoriuore, u to In- n'melnls-nsl that of
nil American serpent the rattli-siinke In
tho most ilaiieft-rous, t ho copperhead less
so and the water moccasin least
lu ease of siinko bite, the llrst thlmr to
I! done is to tin a string or a handkerchief
lis light ly lis possible hctwi-cll the wound
and the heart, whenever praot li able, Next.
cut deeply Into tho punelui-.-s made by tin:
fangs, so us in cause the blood follow free
ly. Suck the lil k kI from tho wound n
proceeding H-rfectly bnnnlos, Inasinilch
as the poison diM-s no harm when taken Iu
lerually. Then enn-fully hsis.i the Hku
tuni sons to admit a small quant lly of
fresh bhsiil to the member, in order thin
mortillciillon may tint ensue, Small dose
of whisky may now be given at frequent
Interval. If the patient has to wait fur
the arrival of a doctor, this Is the time lo
try nil means lo proline., profuse persplra
tluh Tho physician will ndmliilster ex
tract, of jiihnranitl for a sudorific and din
reiie, lino will iiiinnuisli-r by ,odennic in
jnet.lonsof lain ilo minims of'll.uld si rvch
Ida, repeated every ill) minutes until sllyhi
sjiasms appear
All of these fuels nnd Niiigostloim are
sunmied up In a paper published by the
Natlonnl miiseiiiu lu Its annual renori
H Is from Ihe pen of the famous ophidian
expert, nr J,eoniii-il Stcjni ger The nil-
inor stales Ini iilentally Unit tho iiolsouuus
snakes of this country are tli-erenslnu ran
Idly in iiuinhers This in phasani. news
certainly. I he main cause of Iho ih-erouse
Is the growing cull hat Ion or land In
parts of the country It may Im traced dl
reotly to the killing of serpen! hy hogs.
i nose itnimiiis an. Iiy no uieaim prisif
nuaoiM. i no venom ir It enters tin- r veins
but their doilies are pnileciod by a layer of
nu vvmcn is thick eiioiuth ordiimrilv to
prevent the fangs of the reptile from peno
trailng through If, San Frunclsi-ii Call
With Maiiuurliila f mr .....
- - , "U.nj.
They aiv lolling a good t,r, ..
......... . 't. ,.-i.. ii ii .. M,i frn
MoKeis t'barle II Ib.u i
nv mm..
Ilo wir,
III rri.r.'Mion ('unllieteil.
"Hait i" comiiianded tho highwayman
Hold up your liandsf'
Tim startled pcd.-strlnn lu
"Now, then, I'll relievo von .f
biiwens! How long have your hands Us-n
in that condltionr"
"About, 1 4 yours."
"T.ikii 'em down. It's the worst raso of
eezema I ever saw. I uh.iI u Ihi a iI. i,.p
iu.r,.. i .u.i ...
.oun .., , rMU 1.111 Call CM is.
those hands in two iiioiiiIih hy taking five
dmpK after every mnal of"
For tho proper filling of this blank II
will Im nn ewiiry to consult ihe advert is
log dcimrtim iil. Chicago Tribune
t-lirli.. ..
Ma.lliii Sipiaiv I h. nier MrKi
ollhv up Male III Hm tlier hunT"
with n Hviklng Ii.Ih. o.inii,,.nil ' '.'
U.x ollleoon the lower floor """Un
tlno day Iho mutt In iho l.m (i
tipthrouali Iho lulmi.i MeKmami
that them wn it limit down Maintop
Inindlo of iimuiiM ilpi. Mho iiln, "
him "'
"Tell It 1 1 ii I nut bu.y nnd linvoi10.
I.I W-iimIii IIIHIII lllll. " , .. nl
miiim. loll hlui to go nwnv "
....... i i -
nil I"' e. Ill' lllllsl- Mil Jim .j .
won't Inko mi for nn muu,., ' "via
-'III. Il.l .....'l ftS'..t.'l k. . M. .
- "' " "or Wi'll L.
Will, uud I bill nil t hero In iihoiit h, y
enn loll blln to eoino nl D iH,,! J""
Wink, and rhnp then will m "
lo Mire," mid McKiv niiiirllr, milt,'1
down I) ii.nlhplissiM.f lhoi.i,(,l1 ! 1 .'.ii...' no. -.iter Olllll WhUtU
I.I. ......I.. M.,1.... '
's- -' liijul t.
....... I... .1
r '- .- ." i'.'- n r.iHU
llowiv lie his written 1.1 fltn
l...s, i. ie ..s in. in ril ..I i.m
"nnd It worili your w Ml,, to MV ,ln
niiut no i eiin ii no ha. w rlttou I .
funs;. colllisllesT" sholllisl ,McKc "
I.I.I. .-I .'....
'Hut Im won't go nwny
written mm tno ntuir m n,.. i,i,s-
bnvo Isi'll produiHsl bero, nnd ,a
n.iii' i.i. ill lie inw. a . .nl Willi vim ,H
II.. f-r-e
!. .,1
hor hem en mike, innn. " nh.iiii.d u.
K.v, ' haven'l you M ii. I'liouuh i,,
U.l her mo with Ihinso i Touk? If yoiukmi
get blui out of I hew rliihl nwnv, I'll..
Hint you don't get even two Week' lMk
lo illll I lull lllial, .i, o don t luda.
mo nnv more "
well, no -rii that in. law drlueg
thl stuff, nnd bo iuiv ho la Is'iiml toaa
you If It take n week of Wailing him
to ns;siuipll-.l II
" V ho Iho demo U lui an) wayF" jrHli
"llesioa III inline U llo.i
M. Kis. niiiiii down. New Vork W.t
Himrtill.xn' llovlro Ii. II Ml Iim t IM
lu U.l Thrlr ork.
"I'nil'lli: up S. Issi last icuiwf
liinblivh K.rk ran.., " old a New Vurk
M.rt stimll. "it... I'hlV.i hli'iv Mi him
ii.iistaiiilv I b .l, try as I might, I khjU
Hot kei p n loan h nblnUM on; en. mh I..
Iljjht my pipe Afler n half l..elt liiatiltm
bad fhmsl out in ihe IlkcMing of I'l.-m,
mud.. Mime foivtblo reuiirkproi of ny
' 'Xa K iiio !iovv you liov to do i uil.l
my companion, nn old Ci.llforiil . aha
I was handling tin. bow ol.llo 'II .i xm
! it lilt of llnil tewt-r lcklllg .Mil .if
I your m ket
"He t..k tho pl.soof mi t nn. I crnrn-
pled ii up lulu n wad. vv lih li he MaiiH-d in
th pnliti of liN Iwonl Then mrikinxa
inatcii, be nls.ut it t
shield It from iho wind, utter iho trull
lloital manlier of Iho railroad nnivyln
lik-bllng hi pipe Tho Itaino liisimilly m
Iho k'iH-r i-iii'il'l. rliij mi t.-p wlihoiil iu
luvaktiit; tnlo it Ho pa -si si tl
biirnlnu vva.l p. in.., nnd It -rvisl ui
pl. lighter isiial ton llvo, lln MkIi
br.s -.' fanning loxtcad of extliigulshliig II
It Wo Ihe fiiiplc iiiven! loll of n pni llml
t-iin.l, w hlch my turn then nnd afl
orwanl. nnd I commend the ilevin. to
irtsni. n ii.astiug tinder for a pl' llukl
or lo mart a cnmpllw." New Vork .Sua.
I'liinrMi Varn.
The priest told ii .lorb-s of linens and
of bird, thai turned lo uak.-Hiid I'M their
owuei-s and of men vv hum il. v lis lsl ami
thrust llv lug im. i grave Ho nlso gnvr an
nn-ouiit of i be . apt tin-of Peking III Isneby
ncucko... hs k, which as far n 1 r.-ii!ointirr
ha .... ,i,,il ihe in I -f it I. -ii of bl-lurliin.
"And mi the fon lgu men, " be iwilil, i-m
pli,.-lilii( Iho last word to draw my at
tenth. ii In the compliment Implied, "Iho
foreign in. ii, th.-y made n ihk Who
hall oy In.vv blgf And on tup thorn was
an Iron bird that. f:ip-.l it wine nisi
cried. -Klknw, klkaw.' A loan Inhl tno
thl. And Inside ilu-w wow wln-el and
machinery nnd flee powder. So tho gnvo
It to the eiiisiur The iiiiN-rir who
hull say b.nv pleaml lui wn l-s.k It ml
put it Hif,. iu hi pala.c Put It in hi
piibico, Then not many days nnd It burst
to phs-es, p.,iv i and men mow kllhsl lnst
couniiiuf, nnd In rushed I ho fowlgn ul
iller und plundered mid kllhsl ami hum
od "
"Hot how did tho foreign soldier g.
then.:-" 1 ll.kell
"Tho foreign ml. Hers bad gone up river
nun by ono, feigning tu ilot.-iilllo III inor
chandise 'I'bal how they got llii-re,
kn lovvaw " lilai kwissl' Magnllio
fllora Than II I'mlorataad.
Kvery woman w ho cures to lwoll shod
these days keep lr.f to put her lil on
when she 1 not wearing I hem. A woman
who Uvea near Thoinn circle hit evernlHl
evero many pairs of them, und sho cur
ries I hem along even when sho I trnu'l
Ing. Not hum ii. ), w,.il out. to t'hlca
Ifo und stopped at a very good hotel. When
she Weill to I s I she put her heavy calf
sl.iu wiilklnc boon oulsidelho d. sir to Is)
blacked. The tni's wow lu them. Tho
porter was busy Hull nljthl, uud It was
into when he camo to tho Washington
woman' limn. It, may have Is-cti morn
ing, lu fuel, for bo brought- them
Hm diNir himself very early uud kms kist.
Tho woman opened tint ihsir. Then- sll
I very black man, hi eye rolling with
"Here' yniiuh fii't, miss," bo wild In
an nvvesirui k way. " I brought 'em ls'k
an, an" In n sIiiko whlsM.r "bow did
you eoino to Kit doth of 'em cut off'"
Washington Post.
To Start a llalkjr lianas.
A n ofllccr of I he police detail wild wrclil-
ly: "When I was u mounted policeman, I
learned of a most, hniiuino and kind mctn
l of curing a bulky horse. It not only
never falls, but It, ih's not give tho slight
est pain Hu. animal. When tho horse m
fuscs to nil, take tho fmnt fmit nt the fot-hs-k
and Ih-iiiI Ihe leg nt tho km' Joint.
Hold it Hum for limn minutes, und let It
down, nnd the horse will iro. Tim only
way in which 1 can account for this effoet-
Ivo imudcry of tho borsii Is that, ho can
think of onlv ono thlmr nt a time, nnd
having maihi up bis mind not to go my
llu-ory is Hint, thn iM-mling of tho log taken
his mind from tho original ihouuht."
Kiirm uud I'icld.
I.liulteil Affrfsrntant.
"Thn thirst for drink." nrgncil
the lhis,l,,Klan, "la due to the original
sin. "
Tho rationalist did not doubt it.
"Slning drink," ho n-jolm-d, "I eiT
tainly g.M for stiukn dilo. "
Having ngmcd thn far, however, tlioy
could ngnsj no fiinher Dctmit Tribune.