IKDEPENDEKCE ENTERPRISE IKOWN 4 ItAllBV. fubll.h.r. WPKPKNPENCR.. ..ORKUON PULITZER TO PA1US PRESENTATION OF WASHING-TON-LAFAYETTE STATUE. Cnttltud I rnwf for Her tisaeroo C-Oneratloa I Oar ftlraggla dependence and Llbsrtjr-A Tribal m Bartholdi mud rlltier. Paris, Duo. 8. Bright weathtr booe opon the ceremony today of uu veiling the group of statuary of Wash ington and Lafayette, modeled by the wsllknowu sculptor, Frederick Au gaat Bartholdi, and presented to the city of Paris by Joseph Pulitter, editor f the New York World. A notable assemblage witnessed the unveiling. Among tbe company present were: Henry Viguaud, first secretary of the United State embassy; Major San ford C Kellogg, miliury attache, aud Lieutenant R. P. Rodger, naval at taohe of the embassy; the Hon. Will iam T. (Juimby, United States minis ter to the-Netherlands; Samnel E. Moras, United States oonsol-general in Paris; Ueueral MoOook; M. Bartholdi, the aoulptor; the prefect of the Seine; M. Freimigo, designer of the pedestal; a number of French official, and many ladies. The site of the bronse group is at the west end of the Pace des Etata Unia, in the most fashionable quarter f Paris. .Ballard Smith, London correspond- est of the New York World, first made . fo; trU1 jn le8g thau 0U6year. THE DEPARTMENT OF WAR. asggsaUone Heram"1"""" l Secretary Herbert's lienor. Washington, Doc, 8. The annual report of the secretary of the navy ia very exhaustive document of 80,000 words with numerous table. After reoltiug the fact of tht com pletiou and oommisatoiilug of the new warship Olympia, Miuueapolia nd Indiana, built by contract, aud the Maine, Texas and Amphttrtte, built at government navy yards, the secretary calls attcutiou to the failure of the ram Katahdin to make the rate of speed named in the contract for her con struction. ud refer the matter to con gress. He say the department expect the Terror and Monaduook to toe tu commission by February I, 18lrt, and the Puritau about July I, 181W. He ays delay have occurred in construc tion of vessel by the custom of trans ferring workmeu from the ooustruotion to the repair departments, in order to avoid increasing the force of workmen. This custom has becu abolished iu the government yard, and the secretary enter protest against the habit of congress of relieviug contractor from penalties imposed for delay by the de partment The secretary pay a high compli ment to the excellence of construction of the new vessels. Of the vessel now in eourse of con struction, ha predicts that the first class battleship Iowa will be complet ed about October, 1897. The first class battleship Massachusetts is practically completed, except as regards the ar mor. It is estimated that the vessel can be completed in about eight week after the delivery of her armor. The first class battleship Oregon is as far advanced as is practical before the de livery of armor and guumouuts. About six months will be required for their installation. The Brooklyn will not WSlllMi AIIKAD. DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF THE NORTHWEST. a short speech, presenting the group of statuary, and was frequently ap plauded. He said: "I am here today as the representa tive of Joseph Pulitzer, who honors himself and his country in presenting this statue of Washington and Lafay ette, kindred names in the deepest af fections of the two peoples, to this beautiful and histories! chief city of our sister republic If he could have been here, Mr. Pulitzer would doubt less say more than I can of the patri otic and affectionate motives which in spired his gift; but we can perhaps sufficiently interpret Mr. Pulitzer's cardinal motive by quoting the inscrip tion that he has prepared for the statue, which is meant to be, as he has written it, and speaking as he undoubt edly may, for all our fellow-citizens: " 'Homage to France, in gratitude for her generous co-operation in the struggle of the people of the United States for liberty and independence.' " Mr. Smith then alluded to the fact that it was Mr. Pulitzer's good fortune, as editor and proprietor of the New York World, to inaugurate the popular subscription which gave a worthy ped estal to M. Bartholdi's statute of "Liberty Enlightening the World," in New York harbor, and in conclusion, in Mr. Pulitzer's name, he presented the group to the city of Paris. The military band that was present thereupon played the "Marseillaise," M. Bourd, vice-president of the Paris municipal council, in accepting the gift for the city, briefly reviewed the history of the two men thus represented in bronze, and said that the nnion of flags under which Washington and Lafayette stood hand in hand repre jtented really the union of the people of the two republics. He hoped the echoes of today's cheers would traverse the ocean and unite even more closely the two nations. He thanked Mr. Pu litzer warmly, and also M. Bartholdi for the manner in which he carried out his conception. A Tramp Convention "Wichita, Kan., Dec. 3. A two days' convention of tramps of the Southwest adjourned last night It was held on the Arkansas river, between Welling ton and Winfield. About 1,500 men were present. Kansas City Jim pre sided. He arrived here today, and, being elected president, will make his headquarters here. A Christmas holi day convention will be held at Hot Springs, Ark., and the regular summer -convention has been designated for Cripple Creek. , Colo. The time will he designated in the regular tramp al phabet on all the railroad depots and watertanks, when Kansas City Jim fixs it His quarters here are in a va cant room connected with the police .station. The police cater to him, as his residence here is a sure protection against tramp depredations in this city. No substitute for wood for some parts of vessels having been found, the department has adopted the electric fireproofiug company's method of treat ing the wood used. RICHER THAN CRIPPLE CREEK Which Another Minim Camp From Much I Kxnccted. Denver, Dec. 8. The splendid career of Cripple Creek may be repeated and possibly eclipsed by West Creek which is within fifty miles of Denver and al most in sight of the dome of the capi tol. The greatest activity prevails among the miners and prospectors and townsite boomers. There are now sev eral hundred assessments worked and the surveying of claims has just begun. There will probably be several thou sand claims surveyed and recorded be fore spring. The miners claim the mineral is richer than that of Cripple Creek on the surface. It is lodged in clearly de fined veins and can be easily traced. While the entire country is covered with a thick growth of magnificent timber, the drift is shallow and does ! not operate as a barrier to the discov ery of leads as in many other camps. The accessibility of the camp is cer tain to make it a favorite. It is locat ed twentv-one miles south station on the Denver, New I tmuriM and l.umlwr Mill, -oris aud Water Work-Minim and Nhlnnlng Information tlnthsred From Many aoareee-Oregoa New. A prairie fire near Burn destroyed over 1,000 ton of hay. A logging tramway ha Just bee" completed at Fiahtrap, liear Coquillo, Another aliiion eaunery will prob ably be established at Kogue river iu the spring. A now coinpauy of the Third regi ment, O. N. U., haa boeu mustered iu at reudletou. Uraut oouuty, ha an abundance of hay aud feed for the stock of that neighborhood. Peudletou ia organising a boys' bras band. The members are to be from 10 to 1 5 year of age. A ash and door factory i to be built at Coquiile City by a stock company formed at a mass meeting of citUon. T. P. Mondeuhall, a pioneer aettler of Umatilla county, ia dead. He was 5 year of age aud resided at Foster. (ju account of low water, the result of dry weather, few Coiuille fishermen luado expenses during the suaaou just closed. The chamber of commerce of Astoria ha adopted a memorial asking con gress to fortify the mouth of the Co lumbia aud to establish a quarantine station at that place. The re-organ ixatiou and enlargement of the Oregon and Washington Millers' Association has been announced. With i this association will be a mutual tire insurance company which will re duce the cost of insurance one-hall. Receiver McNeill, of the O. R. & N. Co., possesses a rare relic, dug from an old Indian grave near Wallula. it is a silver medal, made by the United States government for distribution among prominent Indian chief by Lewis aud Clarke on their famous trip across the continent nearly 100 years agt chool of en at Oath cases of the re- Cherokee Inter-Marriage Law. Tahlequah, I. T., Nov. 29. A bill passed both houses of the Cherokee legislature today, repealing the inter marriaee law, relative to Cherokees and whites. Whites who h"ve hereto fore married into the tribe will, how ever, retain their citizenship, but no rights in the nation can hereafter be acquired by whites intermarrying, provided the chief signs the bill. Washington. Th e fall fishing has closed lamet, and about 100,000 salmon have been packed. North Yakima has joined treuebmeut procession by cutting down the salaries of city officials. Mrs. Bailey Oatzcrt has given 000 for a free kindergarten for the children of the poor of Seattle. The new packing house at Seattle, is neariug completion. The machinery has not yet arrived from the East The second annual show of the Ta coma Poultry Association will lie held December 31, January 1, 2, 3, aud 4. The job priniting offices of Seattle have formed a company, representing tfOO.OOO, for the purpose of putting prices on a paying basis. A oounty fair association has been of Platte incorporated at Spokaue with a capital Leadville & t stock of $10,000 and with its principal Gunnison railway and eighteen miles j place of business at Cheney, north of Woodland Park, on the Colo-1 Dayton decided at her recent city rado Midland road. Two stage lines , election that there should be no sahxm are kept busy between Woodland Park j licenses granted in that town. There and West Creek and one between were tbirty-one votes cast by women Platte station and the camp. Two nnder the new charter, towns Tyler and Peberton have already j There ig ftn effort ing made to or been established and there are nearly ; glinize a oompany for the purpose of 1,000 people in the camp. I building a flour mill at Edwall. A i... .r.u.ii.yit of the state ...i.,.u. ...i.l tint lustier now rested tlrely with the local board, and thai U wit probably a questiou with thorn It a market cau be found for th school warrant. A well known stockman, at Ulasgow, sava, speaking of Mock Inter.!: Th" heavy shipment this year were mainly ou account of the large number f steer that had matured. Then the range were wot in the best of condi tion, and thl prompted cattlemen to ship everything thai was available. The average prloe of the season hve been a great disappointment to the stockmcu. ItrltUh Columbia. A telegraph Hue ia to bo erected be tweou Northport and Koaslaud. The Canadian Oenoral Klectrleal Company ha secured the contract for thecoustructiou of the electric light plant at NeUou. A British Columbia capitalist has conceived the Idea of putting traction etigiue on the Cariboo road from Ash croft to the Cariltoo mining country for hauling it supplies and taking out the product of the mine. A big gold dredging plant will Ui put in operation iu March lu the Que nelle river. Steel-toothed bucket of cast-iron, weighing from 1,000 pounds a ton are operated on a reversible cable stretching from show to shore. All kinds of dirt, even immense boulder are takeu out aud dumped into a flume fed by centrifugal pump for washing. Au Ottowa firm i now at work ou the machinery. MemU'r of the well known Barbour thread firm, of Liaburu, Ireland, have been in the province for the past two week for the purpose partly of observ ing the capabihtie of British Colum bia for tlax growing with a view to in troducing that iuduaty. The Harbour already supply the great bulk of the twine used for salmon nets, and have also la-en in the Fraser river districts iu connection with that business. A great trouble with salmon nets has boeu the difficulty iu getting twine to withstand the phosphorus in the wa ters of the coast, aud the firm have re celitly succeeded iu obtaining a twine that is not subject to this trouble. The California in Quarantine. New York, Dec. 3. The Anchor line steamer California, which arrived this morning from the Mediterranean, with cabin and steerage passengers embarked at Naples, has one case of smallpox on board, a woman. The steamer was de tained at quarantine, and the patient transferred to the reception hospital. Another New World's Kecord. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 27. The Coliseum at Nashville, this city's new enterprise, was inaugurated tonight with the breaking of a world's record. L. D. Barret, of Lincoln, Neb., rode two miles unpaoed in 4:49 1-5. The record was 4:54, made in January by Starbrongh at Madison Square Garden. TRANS-PACIFIC RATES. The Effect the Fasnenger Hate War Has t'pon Them. San Francisco, Dec. 3. The rate war between the Southern Pacific and the Oregon Railway & Navigation, over coastwise passenger travfl, has seriously affected trans-Pacific rates, particularly the business of the Pacifio Mail steamers. The Umatilla started for the Sound today, with a big load of passengers, and Colonel Mention, of the Southern Pacific, was on the dock, keeping tally of all who went aboard. Among the steerage passengers were thirty Japanese, bound for their native land, via Victoria and the Canadian Pacific steamers. They claim that they have been discriminated against j hitherto by the Pacific Mail Company, j in favor of the Chinese, although I theirs is the shorter haul, and they have at length found a cheaper route. TVib Pacific Mail has been chartrinK i50 fnr flhinesfi. while the .Tananese wereV, forced to pay $51. The fare from Vic toria on the Canadian Pacific steamers is $41, and as the fare from San Fran cisco to Victoria, at present, is $5, the total cost of the passage to Japan, via the Sound, is only The party of Japanese which left on the Uamtilla is the third that has taken that route, and altogether the Pacific Mail has lost about 120 Japanese passengers in that way. It is Btated that the first class rate of $8 to Puget sound points is also liable to affect cabin travel. capital of $10,000 is required, a good share of which has been raised. The newly proposed salmon cannery at Richardson is fast developing into a reality. A pile driver, preparatory to constructing the company's wharves is being built, the piling for the new net wharf is out, and 40,000 feet of lumber is on the ground. The outlixjk for the shipping busi ness at Port Townsend is very bright at the present time. High freight rate are offered aud all available ves selB have been chartered. There is a big demand for vessels to carry lumber to foreign and domestic ports. Ship ping agents report a stronger demand for vessels and a better freight rate than at any time since 1889. The Paris Again Heady for Service. New York, Dec. 3. The Paris, which has been undergoing repairs at CramDs' shipyards and which was thoroughly cleaned and painted at Newport News, arrived in port this af ternoon. She will take the New York's nlace on the schedule and the latter will go to the Cramps' yard and under go the Bame overhauling as her sister ship. Attributed to the Karthtnake. Cincinnati, Dec. 3. Since the re cent rains it has been found that cis terns in different parts of the Ohio valley no longer hold water. The cis terns have been dry for months, and the general theory is that the cement was cracked by the recent earthquake, which was so distinctly felt through out the Ohio valley, October 31. , Idaho. A movement is on foot among the local capitalists to form a company to light by electricity the towns of Oem 'and Burke. A vein of coal, of an excellent coke ing quality, has been found on Smith's Fork, near Cokeville. Cokeing ovens are being constructed. State Timber Expert C. O. Brown has so far estimated 20,000 acres, con taining 320,000,000 feet, divided as follows: White pine, 120,000,000 leet; yellow pine, 6,000,000 feet. Thire are half a million acres in the Jez Perce reservation. "All are rea sonably worth $10 au acre. From $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 will there fore be added to the taxable wealth of the state. It is reported that a Chicago com pany will take hold of the Horseshoe Bend placer proposition, on Salmon river, near Grangeville, and will com mence the work this winter. It is es timated that it will cost $50,000 to cut through the Bend and get water on the property. Montana. Billings is agitating a complete sewerage system. Bids have been received by Anaconda for the erection of a city halL The Anaconda mine was located in 1876. It has put in Montana $72,- 000,000. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Kdltorlal Oplnl'-na on Jiutlon of th Day by Leading Journal. St. lilo'.e-l'cmn.Tal 1 An iucrease of revenue from some sources apparently will be needed, November ami December are expected to show slight surpluses, but these may not offset the deficit of October and the one likely to occur in January., This questiion of providing additional gov ernment receipts may come up to bother congress. Both parties would like to dodge this issue, but they may be forced to face it That t'uner Kerth. IMIiniMpolli Trllmiir.) The railroads should pusli the move ment to compel Pullman to reduce the urice of upper berths iu sleeping cars. An upper berth isn't worth as much money as a lower one at least people won't pay as much for an upper if they cau help it At fifty cents less it is quite probable that the upcr iu any particular car would be sold as quickly as the lowers. Antl-.lltigolam. Sow York Kveiiing Poi.) The protest of the New York cham ber of commerce against the "recent warlike utterances by men prominent in public life," suggests the question who the persons and classes are iu this country really desirous of a foreign war. War talk is thick, but whero are the warriors? War hath no fury like a non-combatant Tho testimony of nearly all tho great captains of mod ern times, from Wellington to Oraut, is that war is a slus'kiiig calamity to civilization, into which nothing but the direst necessity should ever drive a great nation. KHaheth Cariy Htantoil. Utiltimoro AutcriCiin. j Slie is in many respects one of the most remarkable women of her time. She was never a wild reformer of im aginary wrongs, but a sensible, practi cal woman of superior mind of unques tioned ability, a born leader among her own sex, seeking no notoriety, but al ways devoted to the cause in which she enlisted. One of the greetings sent her by thirty members of the family of John Bright spoke of her as "the friend of the enslaved African, the doughty champion of peace, of temper ance, of moral reform, and for sixty years tho eloquent advocate of the claims of motherhood and women." FOR ANOTIlKIt TKIAL DURRANT'S ATTORNEYS READ THEIR AFFIDAVITS. The, a Krjr Artl.1 l'IU" U r l l'l'r CMwrMlMi lh ( rim ad Hurtanf Trial. f.r la ! IMiwtaaal uf Juror Mrowa. Han Krniloo, Nov. l. Theodore Durrant appeared before huperlor Judge Murphy today for aoiiuuiin. fr the murder of Blanch UmonL II baiked well-lionrlhcd and contented, sNudiug the lime before tho opetilng of court l reading paper and ohattliig with friend aud counsel. When the case was called, General Dickinson, for the defendant. egU to read from bundle of 1161 type-wrltleu page of affidavit, ou which lie laod hi mo tion for a new trial. Tim affidavit include every article published by every local paper concerning the crime and Durrant' trial, Iu the affidavit Durrani lav particular atreaa ou th ........... i il.ut aoiiie wt!UCMN for tha defense refunod to l.mtltfy lu hia behalf lieeause of the oommeiit In advance of the iiewipapera, Hefcrenoe w also made to the action of the oort " granting peremptory challenge of the prosecution to Juror Walter M. Brown, u. i.. I.,., i uo.vut.Hl aud aworu to try the case. Th" actioii of the court in accepting O. P. Nathan a Juror wa also dealt with aud the record of the court quoted to show that Nalloiu was accepted In the faint of the challenge of tin' dofcndal L Not a point wa overhs'ked, and the affidavit eveu recounted U attempted attack upon Durrant by an unkuown person In the corridor of the city hall during the prugres of the trial. Kef ference wa also made to the crowd who gathered daily at the oouuty Jail aud city halt to see the prisoner taken to and from Jail to the court Dickiusou consumed the entire day lu reading the aUldav it. District At torney Barnes will also present oouu ter affidarit and argue the motion. Tho decision of the court on the mo tion will not likely be made fur sev eral daya. CLEVELAND'S LAST TERM. Needed Ifeform. ntiiPKKo Iitoji-iI.J .ine recent periormancns or the new battleship Indiana, with the other im provements in the American navy, have generated considerable enthusi asm as to the future of tho United States forces on sea, hut this need blind no one to the urgent need of some reform in the system under which the service of our great war vessels is at present conducted. There will be doubtless introduced at tho next session of congress a bill to readjust the sys tem of organization in the naval ser vice, and if the ships are to have ca pable officers to man them the change cannot be made too soon. Cleveland Inherent reatnan. (Ne York Mall and Ki, !. President Cleveland's inherent great ness nowhere appeared more vividly than in his issue of the usual Thanks giving proclamation, just in time to head off tho election returns. It wouldn't have been taken seriously by any Democrat in tbe land if it had Ho mf Jmrih JiSitiuii the Arlor. and Ilia I'eraonal r'neml St. Paul, IVo. 3. Iu conversation with friends today, tho closest friend that President Cleveland has, aside from hi political associates, and sr hap the closest Hiroual friend of his family Joseph Jefferson, tho veteran actor said that President Cleveland was finishing his last term iu the Whit House, aud after March 4, I Ml),', would Isicome au ex presideul and would remain so. "I suppose the president enjoy get ting out ou the water, where he is quite certain that he cannot be got at by politicians?" suggested ouo gentle man. "So glad is he," said the el. I actor, "that he never will bo bothered with them ilk'" i". after his present term ex pires, Mr. ( leveliind will uever aceept another nomination, and would not have lax-ome a caudiiUte in IH'ji, e eept for Mrs. Cleveland. She desired it so earnestly that ho went iuto it himself with the idea of winning. But nothing cau change his present deter mination not to run agaiu. " In a general talk it transpired that during tho past summer au arrange ment wa made that will lie carried out when the president retire. He will make a trip itrouud the world, and the conipauiou on this journey Mill bo K. C. Benedict The ) aller 4'e. Washington, Nov. 28 The Kansas congressional delegation, as mmit as possible alter tlio lilty-touriu congress begins, will introduce resolutions ill I both houses lisikiiig to au investiga tion of the circumstances connected with the arrest and imprisonment of ex-Consul Waller. The memlsrs of the delegation take the position that the United States is entitled to the record of the trial as a matter of right, and therefore should not aide it as au act of comity. Tho probabilities are they will try to secure the passage of a resolution instructing the govern ment to stand by its demand for the dixnimmit. Tho first resolution, how ever, only will call for tho correspond ence iu the case, Harry Hay ward t'oiiffnneR. Minneapolis, Nov. '4H. Harry Hay ward, who is to be hanged next mouth for the murder of Catherine Oing, anil who has protested that he is innocent, has confessed bis guilt. At tho time of his trial, Harry ende-ivored to show that it was his brother Adry who mur dered the dressmaker, Miss Oing, who had money and other transactions with Harry, and had been very intimate with him. Harry Hayward, who had been refused a new trial, made several attempts to break jail. MOKl SMITH'S Will Not I'rimerute the Indian. Baltimore, Nov. 28. On tho request of Jacob Horn, the father of little Johnny Horn, who was killed by tho Indian Mohawk, of Buffalo Bill's troupe, State Attorney Kerr today nolle prossed the case against the In dian. The father wrote that, upon investigation, he is convinced the deed was wholly accidental. Mr. Cody has come forward and paid him a sum of money for expenses, etc., and he is un willing to prosecute the case further. Governor Richards, in speaking of ' been delayed another day. Huinlli on the California. New York, Dec. 3. Tho Anchor line steamer California, which arrived this morning from the Mediterranean, with cabin and steerage passenger em barked at Naples, has one case of small pox on board, a woman. The steamer was detained at quarantine, and the patient transferred to the reception hospital. Tha l oadllloa u . "" is (, . Kei'art,,,.,,, ,i Washington, n,,,, t,0 lloka Hm I ih i,f .I.- i. .' . " ; iiitniia ii nieiit, haa mad lug imiu.i the prldeut It rvw, ,l; fi the department begin,,!,,.. 1 titan service, and calls .MentiuJ trlct niiforoBiiimn chilli, . 1 glveu to ctvll tervliw refrm V to those plc covered ti; tht'oh orvlon and tho. u WnUlB h thl service do not apply, The atvretary dwells tip. u,,. tty of eliminating ,Mm , ' luaiisgemeut of Indian atr.ir, " conducting each reaw.u,',, trtetly business prlimipl being to make every Iiu,8 . in in upon tho rr-anrvsiluu m porting and ready, a snuu u to assume the duties of oiling,, be freed from th patxriul era u government The mmnry ih If tha resource of tha rirrtioi treated intelligently, and tl, i accustomed to Islair, In ,,w practically all the Indlaiu on U self supporting. The secretary rooomuinuili u, gatilaation of the bureau f,,), FindThat Instead ()f inlw mtasioiier of Indian attaint, i i service 1st placed In clur,o ( commissioner, two of them to vilisns to be appointed froiudi! political parties and ,, lo tailed army o nicer, Moootul That the tenure of (jj au Indian agent ho dependent oj, faithful dtschargn of hi rtuti apMiluliueut aud romovsli be by the president upoii rocomutcai of the three commissioner 0( 1 affairs. Third That cIhiwiIIim! m-rvic tended over all the iilMinliniie tlous, both at the ageucie anil clllMll. The reduction of 30 'r ecta, i the law required lo Iw inailn lu a tiou with the Indian contract ha Ink'ii sir lolly carried nut, u secretary dd that there mvmi uo reason why such reduction , not tHintiuue from year to ywir the system of government aid t turlau school ahull teriinnstm Kcferriug to the allotmenti secretary say there are a mini! change which should I mails preseut allotment system, whi quire congressional action. Aco to the present law, au Indian br a outsell of the United htsUi a ccivlug hi allotment In any esse bo Is ready hi t land twfore ha is prepared fr tli sequence of cttlciinhip. Allel should ls made o,i Mon n Ilium are opened. Kach Indian i tai settled upon bis homestead sclfupprtiug before cltlxeiui conferred tijaui him. When c ship la conferred, the goverunirut Mi let hliu atone ami allow hint t hi place, surrounding hiiu wi more restraint and giving him si help than i accorded to other n Under the preseut ysleni, liulii whom allotments havo been ui' upon whom citixciishtp h b fcrred still receive cnorniouigrat and Heed every dollar they recnii Upon each reservation a part i Indian will he ready for clti Is fore others, and all are rest land slid to work it before t' ready for citizenship. The law i Isi changed so that allotmeiiU r mude tiiaiti the p'coinuieiiilaliun 1 agent to those, who are ready I and patent should bo issued lat" the approval of the secretary " termr to these Indians upon t themselves ready to receive th !4Sitfilcd, Hu ali recommend that gene thority, w ith the approval of the dent, Iri given the Indian ourt sell parts of Indian reservation money to 1ms used for the paymt lands" for the purchase of sgrict implement and cattlo for tho 1; who may reside ou the rem lauds. Koferring lo the UiiiioiiipaK" vation, he otitis attention to th that through tho geogolical surv examination has been made of t sonilo beds; which seem to l 1,1 great value, and he recommend lation to allow these deposit to I or leased to the highest bidder. Tho report review the Jueksni disturbances, and gives an aecut the active means taken by tlio ment to secure justice for the kit. the Bannock Indians July 15 la also to preserve peace Is'tweeti t dians aud whites. Ho rooimnen peaceful course of tho Indian circumstances so extremely agti ing on the part of the whites. A lloaton lindertaltlii. Bostou, Nov. 2N. A ux'etiii tended by over 1,000 persons, I whom were many Bostou "t'1,,t pit), wa held iu the Bijou the day to orgaui.o the movement f vuting the stage. Henry A. I presided. Ho stated that tho pi to lease some theater in Boston short season and give a series of rieal Tiorforiiiunccs. probably th week, for two weeks. The plaj to t selected from the French, I aud Oerinau scIkkjIs. Tho prod any, are to be devoted to charity. Nn, Ith llerritts Hurge. London, Nov. 28. At Boli" Club today in a tweuty-rouud c for 700 between Jem Hmith and Burge, Smith won in the ninth r Smith weighed 178 pounds, Burge weighed only 140 pound the lirst round Burge aparcd to Smitn at his mercy, but he uuv allowed his opponent to rest duru next rouud. As it result, Ham" i himself together, and, by sheer fo weight, knocked Burge all ring. Burge fell down repeii without being struck by Smith, this he wa dually disqualified.