Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 05, 1895, Image 1

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rrieoi run no from 25 cent
Ladles1 friend.
to 11.60.
Hand. Prion from 11.5.) to 117.50.
11(1 f them.
1l 1.1 I .1.......... I. ..I I In I I. It.
3, city on Monday was qulrland orderly,
nut int) general run aiiows mat a
good deal of "aerati'lilng" wa done by
the voter. We understand that
straight party ticket on either side
are a long way In tlie minority.
The following table In uunfllclal. but
It give the general result a n.torted
by the returning boards of each ward:
Respectfully yours,
CAPITAL STOCK:, S50.000.00.
HlBSIIIIKItU, President. A I! It AM NKI.K0N, Vic President.
W. P. CONN A WAY, Cashier.
KRECTOIH. U.K. Hmith, A. Nelson, I. A. AIImii, H. H. Jnerson, J. E.
lihuudcn, D. W. Hcr, II. HlriHiiU ru.
,rrl banking ami xcbangu hiislin. transuded, hnnn m l.
'led, (oiuwercUl credits gianUil. Ih-ikuh received on current
to check. Interest 1I on time denonii.,
i?itI Stock. 150,000.00. Borpini, if,uuu-uu.
J.S.COOI'KH, President. I- w. iiuiir.infv;.i, , , ,v....
V. II. HAWLKY, Cashier.
The City .Unction.
Kiir Mayor
T. J. (loin .. .
W. 1. (Jommway,
For llrrorder
J. T. Kuril, ili'iii...
W.O. ViHik, n-i...
Knr Maralm!
W. W. Williams, diiin
I'nliir OioU, ri'
For Tn.HsiiM'r
I'lulr Irvlnii, r-p
M, K. Ma.liTMiu, duin
Kr rounrllinsn
W, W. 1'nmlval, rrp..
W, H. rHVi'u, di-in...
tl, W, lliMikln, iIi iii..
It, W. :i Kiii'il, r'....
MhikIi Mi'iwln. ill-ill..
C. W. I' i-rlkh, n-p...
The Grand Hull at tho Audito
rium t!i Nodal Event of
the Heunoii.
A Leap la Tlio Dark.
A peculiar accident happened to Billy
Cantor on the morning after Thanksgiving-.
He was returning home In a cart
about 6 o'clock in the morning from a
mask ball at Kuver, and crossing the Big
Luckiamute brldiie at Helmick i, m
lirlilifH lmlnif covered and the morning
nulla dark, the borne walked through an
ojHJiiing In the aide of the bridge, falling
a dlntance of about 40 foet to the water.
In falling from the bridge Mr. Caator
wh hurled in audi a manner that he
truck the water about 10 feet beyond
the home and cart, In water about 10
feet deep, atriking upon hia breaitt. He
mnk quite deep Into the water, but com
ing to the urfuce. although encumbered
with heavy overcoat, he managed to
reach the hore afely by i)inming
downstream. The only injury he re
ceived, Mu having the breatV mo-
mentairty knocked from him, waa a
liglitly apruined wrut. The borne
managed to break loone from the cart
and alno wam aBhore. Alljert Tethe-
row hannoned along in a few minutee
after the accident aud BBKiated Mr. Ca
tor to a farm houne near by. Billy i an
expert swimmer, and quite fond of ad
venture, but he is not anxious to dupli
cate his 40 feet leap from the Helmick
bridue into the chilly waters oi tne
O. W. Whlteaker.
Arra. Unking bu-lne- """SStt
Unit noun. iv-i'i rw-i""' , : j ,,
JIlioi.i uia-lf. Uanktl.g nourf irum u - ,
The City Ilestaunuit
ill give you SIX gi-Kl 23-prnl meal. tr 1. We try to make our
g J Kumlav Dinners iho U-at in Independence.
WcGINN & CATLIN, Proprietors,
IClty Truck & Transfer Cai
The grand Thanksgiving ball given at
the Auili:oriuin taut Thursday evening
iainnfeasedly the aocial event of the
nea)n. The dance was under the aus
pices of the Kebekah loilge of this city,
and the ladies deserve great praise for
their excellent management ot one of
the most brilliant entertainments ever
given in the city.
Besides a lari!8 attendance from this
city and vicinity, there were aoinn fifty
gueHts from Salem, and many from Mon
mouth and other points. Most excel
lent music was furnished by 1'roi. wen
ton's orchestra of Salem, assisted by
l'rof. Wiemer of this city.
The grand march at 8:30 o'clock, led
liv Mr. Kiltuond C. Giltner and Miss
Guwiie Iiomlwlaleof Salem, was a beauti
ful and famdnatinir aiulit. There were
many eleuant costumes among both the
ladies and gentlemen. The spacious
hall was n-Bplemlent with flushing elec
tric lights and the graceful and elegant
.if tlm dancers There was at
one time nineteen set on the floor danc
iiiu a cotillion.
f lain hour a most appetizing ana
iiimptiimis aiipiier waa served by the la-
i: . I I).. I. ..I. ..I.
UIC Ul ,..
The total renilpta 01 me eveiiiiia
Rinounted to fllif-SO.
) Hitiilinir
mable rule.
A. W. DOCKSTIIAPHU, l'rop. jj
el.,,.,- nt rrwn- rutin
fully moved.
.,.v.-i.i-.vrii.vr'Ii I i "; U irAiU.l. ij
J. F. O'DONNELLG?, rs.
tMI Scissors, Shear
Ranges. Cook,QmmrTjC
Parlor ana j ij y uuj
Polk County Agents for Studebaker
Carriages and Wagons
Shells, PowdVr,
Shot and Cartridges.
M ' vtnrMP.P.
1 00,000
(180 pound Hogs or over.;
ZERBONI & Wlj-SON, Props.
Iiidcpciidenco Kcliool Report.
Knllowlnir is the reportof the Inde
pendence public schools for the month
ending November 2, 1895:
Whole no. davs attendance. . . 5814
Number daya absence Bj
Per cent ofuitendance 'j
Numiajrof tardlea.
Number bova enrolled .t. . lol
Nuiiitier Klrla enrolled
Total number a
The attendance during the month
waa excellent, but there waa an alnrrn-
n Inereaae in the number or laruiea.
The 6th grade baa the honor of having
the beat record for the mouin.
T. A, Hayks, Principal.
Wilson. Near Independence, Or. No-
wnitwr ja. low. iu -Hi'.
tJeo. U. Wilaon, a eon
Council rrooecdinsfa.
City council convened In regular
sewtion Dec. 3, 18a. President Cook
in thnnhair. Members preaeut: Cook,
fi.lf..lter. Flueh and talker, ao
. ivmlval and Strong. Ftuance
...... r,iti,Mv recommended that 1.
ui.i.m Im nnld 45 cenu rebate on city
taxes collected on properly ouimue oi
city limits adopted. Street commiuee
aaked for farther time t report on ea-
tabllahiHg an elecirioarc light at imer
muit Inn of 5th and D streets. On mo
tion the proprietors of Star grocery
.,,..,1 ru.rmlniin to DUt in a
tvuru 1 l nil in. .
ji.. iw.v iii front of their store. Mar-
U1UIU -----
BhttlTupperBubiulttejl report on aog-
lUA v - ...i
VntjF (oinnanv's bill ror
rred. and committee on
Fire and Water authorized to make a
witar mint rant with said company
Following bills against the town allow
ed, to-wit:
. . 1..KM. . 1.25
J. A. Jtrnui, " ,n
... .:... ..m.u ruAa ...... .w
VV . jvii:iiinic".n, .v-.
w ivu.ipnder. hauline . . . 4.0U
... . i ft nrniLiiiif
n.ilnv nrlntlns sta'y. . 7.50
J. T. FoW, recoruer i .......
H B. Walker, hauling aco't.... 11.20
weeuoii v"?z:rLVJ, -- .on no
W. r eUer, rnovciiiuci j
J. Turner, salary fees......
Electric light Co., November
aCC'l W'Y' on m
Interest on Ulty iionus
Total amount 1315.70
nienner Than Doctors.
weak and could
nntcio more iu - . - ,
could not write without ...y
han" r.'lJ nf Sarsaoarilla and be
"", ii anl now I am able to
guu --. om ell.
0!K. .. if. ,.q aint and waa con
Thisiaiiiuy-'-f. .
fined to her oeo o"ul '"" .,,
KM her to take Hood's Sarsapanl a
as,. tAkinff
.i nnnnRHniKii 11 mu v - r-
.iw,n time she was able to attend
twr medicine a a blood purifier than
ftr8apa ua in uif i" - ,, -
off the grip nd 1 other diseasea."-
B. Weincn, iceujt v.
1H. 1895. to Mr,
Joseph lUigers, a son
Highwt of all la LevcnlBj Powers- Latett U.S. Gov't Report
Important Happening and Efentr
Prom the Vanoni Neighbor
hoods in the County
Gathered by The Enterprise! Corpi
of Able Correspondent!.
NOT K. CorrMpornlenw .hoolil b rclvl not
ur limn wliiwly rTiioon otmrh murk M
In. lire publ'mtlun. W wnt llv wirrinipoiiaelit
In vry (own nd towuiblp in lh couniy.
Correnpomlenceto THE KNTERPKI8E.
Kev. E. A. Ross expects to spend the
winter in Oregon.
Judge Collins is making some Improve
ments on his new house.
Rev. Mellov, of Lebanon, has been
transferred to this circuit.
Dr. T. V. B. Embree preached to the
people at Rickreall S'i inlay.
Mr. Wills, of Crook county, was in
Dalla last week on business.
Rev. J. I.. Futrell will pwbably be
assigned to the Lebanon circuit.
Mr. Mark Embree, of Kings Valley,
waa in Dullas last week on business. -
Rev. J. L. Futrell and family expect
to visit friends soon in Washington.
Most of all the Christian denomina
tions of this city held Thanksgiving ser
Mr. Henry Black and family were vis
iting relatives at Scio, Linn county this
Mr. W. A. Wash, of the Itemizer,
made a business trip to the capital city
The Pallas literary society gave
Rev. Roork preached both morning
and evening for us last Sunday. He It a
good talker.
Monroe Kreutx has been working for
Robert Wells near Wella Station the
last four weeks.
Prof. Swann and Miss Mary Shive!
attended the grand bait at Independence
on Thanksgiving night.
Mr. Hank Wella recently killed a bald
eagle on the river that measured 7 feet
and 3 inches from tip to tip.
John Kays, who is working on the 0.
E. A C. railroad near Yannina. was visi
ting relatives in this vicinity last week.
The Entkbphibe will persist in spell
ing our new merchant's name Bovine,
which is incorrect. It is spelled Boivin.
Gilbert Bros., of Salem, have bought
a piece of clay land of J. A. Venesa. We
want men who will manufacture our fine
clay into brick and pottery.
An excellent program was rendered at
the public school here Wednesday be
fore Thanksgiving. Prof. Swann and
Miss Miner prove themselves able teach
ers. H. Boivin, our new store-keeper,
shipped several dozen of poultry and
eggs last Monday week to Portland. He
is doing a good trade. We hope it will
The ladies of the United Evangelical
church gave a dime social at Mr, An-
kderson'son Wednesday evening before
Thanksgiving. Everybody enjoyed them
selves. The receipts amountad to fd.Jd.
On Thanksgiving eve the Union Sunday
school gave a similar social at Allie Mc
Laughlin's, which was well patronized.
, j a n vil very interesting entertainment Friday
Rooers. Near Independent, Or. N J
Amazing "Waste.
The Oregon Agriculturist says
there is nothing new in the foFJow-
nir item, but is is one that ought
to lie nrinted in every newspaper in
the United States, and in the tim
ber regions it ought to be printed
in great letters and posted on every
dead wall, that every man knight
read and appreciate it:
Professor Itunnebaum, of Berlin,
sent bv the German government to
examine the timber resources ot
our Pacific coast, expresseu amaze-
ment at the wasie ne vninctwu
there. He says the end ot Ameri
can forests is near at hand unless
they are protected by law against
7 . .... J ll.. 4i.iQ
i. i i-. .i ni.TTiniT nun rn iiaviabjuiio.
reUMOOO v,uvuw.ft o I
While the leading countries oi
Europe are trying to make treeo
erow. the Americans are sweeping
. .. nnlw the mature trees,
u.,t iho on m intra, wiiicn mo
uuv t ' - - - - - -
ightful heritage of future genera
"If nothing is done by your gov
ernment," in his opinion, -you may
live to see lumber shipped from
Germany to Puget Sound." When
.v. PrnfBBor was in Oregon and
. ii . 1 In maa at WTO a
Washington, me wuuio cuo "
j.inoH with smoke from fires de
vouring enormous tracts of timber
nn.i,.mnd in the woria. nis ro-
UUOU""v ,
tv.ot lifrt nf the forest is
Ilia lifa rvt thfl npnnle is no flourish
Li 1 1 V3 U1V v f - r .
e .Loma T. w a. verified law of
Ul llicnvwv. m
nature, but trifled with or ignorea
as yet in America. Salt , Lake
The Great Eastern Comedy Company
gave two interesting shows in this city
last week.
The ladies of the Presbyterian cnurch
made fifty dollars out of their Chrysan
themum fair.
We expect a big boom in Dallns soon,
as the Republican Prosperity Club met
Friday evening.
Pmf Matthews, of the Willamette
University, preached at the M. E. church
Sunday week ago.
Mr. McDevitt went to Corvallis last
week after his son, who is attending
school at that place.
Rev. J. Li Futrell is aseisting Rev.
E. A. Ross in carrying on a protracted
meeting at Tangent.
Rev. Melloy preached his first sermon
in this city in the Southern ivlethodist
church Sunday evening.
Mrs. Snyder, of McMinnville, has been
attending the bedside of her mother in
this city, who is quite sick.
Mr. Nat Holman has opened the doors
of the Holman house to the public,
This gives Dallas a first class hotel again,
Several of the Dallas boys, who are at-
tending the different schoools through-
ont the state, were at home on Thanks
The members of the Christian church
irave a dinner on Ibanksgiving aay
Remints amounted to about J25. In the
evenine the members of the M. E
nhnrch cave a concert and supper. The
receipts amounted to about f3b.
$100 Reward. $100.
m,. 4an, nf thin Tinner will be
nl..naH tn learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure iu all its stages and
that l rjnturrri. Ha l's t.aiarm ure
.1 Anl.. nn. Hu. plirA tlOW K 11(1 W LI
111," 1111 1 J - - . .
u. ....liraii frotornitv. Catarrh be-
W vuo ..""-.. 1 ,
i.i . niiatltiiiinnn.1 dinease. reoutres a
1 lolmnnl Hall'll Oat
WUHIIIUtluni m ..... v . . -
.. U a tulTAn MHITIIHI I V. K-l UK
Hnii i hi ' j
directly upon the bkod and mucous
'riaoes oi me syawiu, iucicu, -
i ih fminrintinn nt tne aiseiuie.
ii,. thA nntient strentrth by
..ii if. .v.A Qtiliif Inn mid as.
1UHU1UK f lun w..iv.
.r. in Uh work. The
proprietors have so much faith in
curative powers, that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that H
fails to cure. Send for list of Testimon
ials. Addreoe n
F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O.
i-Sold by Druggists, 75.
Correspondence to Thk Ektkrprisk.
Several parties have butchered there
Mr. Rnivin carries a ireneral line of
The rivr has been rising pretty rap
idly during the last week.
Miss Nora Prather was down from
Corvallis Sunday week ago.
Clarence Calloway, of Eugene, was
visiting relatives here last week.
Mrm TWnton baa been visitine at
San Francisco the past two weeks.
Mr. J. B. Williams and family were
visiting at Albany Thanksgiving day.
Dr. Boynton ha a novel scheme on
hand for side walks. We wish him suc
Drummers are pretty numerous in
nnr town sines Henry Boivin baa lo
cated here.
Correspondence to Thk Entkbteisk.
Wm. Fnqua and family spent Thanks
giving at Corvallis.
James Helmick and family were yisit-
ing relatives in Albany last week.
Claud ''vou will find your overshoes in
the backyard. Next Sunday night put
them out of reach of the dog.
Miss Agnes Calbreath, Miss May
Bradley and Clinton Bradley, of the
Normal, spent Thanksgiving at their
Jimmie Davidson spent Thanksgiving
with his parents at home. James la
Btudeut at the Agricultural college at
Two young ladies were immersed in
the Luckiamute river at the railroad
bridge Sunday, by Rev. Burlingame, of
Dell Calbreath's favorite tune is "Yan
kee Doodle." He will probably learn a
new tune now as he has found a "Reed"
foi his horn.
The literary society recently organ
ized here is running in a flourishing
manner. The society will hereafter be
known as the Lilliputian Literary So
ciety. Everybody is cordially invited
to come.
The fox hunt Saturday night proved
to be a verv fair success. One fox was
captured in spite of the rain that fell.
Most of the chasers came in about day
light, looking as if something else had
hit them besides a ram storm.
Littlb Joker.
Correspondence to the Ektbbprsb.
B. M. Strong visited Dallas Sunday.
Miss Lena Wolf's school closed Friday.
She taught at Crowley.
Mrs Dr. I-ansing, who has been quite
sick, is improving slowly.
MorW Wolf, who is attending school at
Monmouth, spentThanksgivingat home
with his parents.
A nraver meeting has been organized
at the Methodist church. . It meets on
Thursday evening.
Frank Strong's horses are afflicted
with distemper. They caught it when he
made the last trip to the coast.
Th entertainment eiven by the Y. P.
S. C E. Thanksgivfng evening was well
attended and was a success financially
and otherwise.
Mrs. Enes, who had her hands so se
verely burnod recently, is improving
slowly. We very much fear she will
lose the use of her hands.
Old HicKOat