Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, November 14, 1895, Image 5

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    CJiODFKIiTEIt HltOS.-:
ia 'riiir pi ifii' 'vt inv Viifn
0otiaol -:- Books,
i i i , - . . 11 .. . i j
ur iiyiuuiK you niu in lliu Nchnol
room, from iVnloiitlengrapliy. Our
linn of Tabids Ih not Miiitlll any
whore In thn r-ntiuty. Wo will mil
you Tni'li'ts from
Old School Books bought and
New ones EXCHANGED for
your Old Books. ('nil nn.i so n.
Main St., Independence.
Motor Mi" Tim Tabln.
NASH and
i full stork n(
lOOICH!Wi. lurry h
(null lliHira. Muiililliiun.
I V . HI.
M ,f
i ... It III.
f - r
I "
1 tHI 1
In VI H.
Ill m II
1 ! '
" Hi Milrlicll .V liulittiinou'i, Mtt iii ntniL.
loan wo. ,
m,i .-ry Wi'iliii-'l'iy
i.nli.. M "" '"
a,Nl .UIII'lHlil Kl'l iMhl'
i, nii'l iiMV-ni tin-in-
lvH"wlilMill ' iiiiii
Klllulila tv 111 IU 1 l l
,., wht.ll li"'
J, W, llii iMHiHt-K". Jr. 1 , 1-.
J, It, MuKIN, K. ILK.
Or THE wum.u
u-i.k'lnllllil l llllJ Tllrily nVrulli
f.liiiiilli,liiM. IUII.
Vulllii lii'Miiwi "
t. A 1 1 A V I I'mi.iil,
I at ('. t'l iinrni.TM, ttrh.
A. 1 A.
VmiD In Odd Follow Hall, every
fri.Uy evening Mijourniiijr,
iimhiiU r
mill - - r
Bninlmllviiivlt"-! losltciid,
iu ti.i:.T()vnhi:m i-o -
TKK -Attorney' l t "I t-
W.M.ri--l.Uiy. onUfln il.'t-r
Uurk, Iliil.i-Ml.lfti.v, Oregon.
OTIS l. IH'Tl.r.Il.-,i'-1 '
in Iii.U'h'H.Ioiw, Orv-tfuli. !
tct lu oiH-r ItuiiiKJ bU-k,
. . . . arti'fl
I'hv.iiiuii HurtftH.ii. Mftal i
irnLuil iml.l to .li-ttJ ul "'
0.ovw ln.loiuloM N'" ""'J1 ,",k.
T J U-e. M. I. W. M. !
M., bllow Trinity mwtinil r.IU'K.
- .r 1 1 v 1 ii.i ri v r.
...1 ...... !.... ....rnur liiolruiul ini'l
MuniiKiulli HlH, in.-i..l.'lif,lr
. . . . I V
(.r.i 0 UMITII.-irUUAI',1
.i.Uw. bl'tW ovor li.a.H'n.tH..-i
NlftV kJ( V
iiial Aurifsr. ""!,.rfl",r.
ui.. u.i.l ll,.lr-i-lltlllllf. UlVf
nZTi.. Mtttn ft'i
. . . .....I . kllllVllllf. li'
. 11.1. 1'. .11!.... twill. I" l'Kt
ivuim 1 nun I'liini-pi - ' -
.MlAi-fl tlOUM. J Kirifl.. ..Ill,,,,
t-To Imih tul- no KhIIoii U.'
v t) .....I tl.iii tumor citrr fully,
a ". :. I nmil ll nCHUt,
11 . . I !. t uir fr i.'lll M 111 III"
v.. . 1... it... fiill i-n nt tn
f ....i.i;...i!..m niid hiive Hi'
UIIK.U Ul iiuuiu;ii"" . di.1,1 riiirlltitr lv to vour I'.bkv
ern friondH. It wi Jvorliw ur
country and convim-o KiiHlom o Ori'goniium g"t P 0U"J
in the morning.
Kir.t-.-luK work ,.,!"nho
trial. I.tiun.lry om i.mwh ''' - ; ,
1...11. Wn will "ill K,rll"u
deltvur all work for Inaopomlenu .
! ' otib TUP S
td. s. 1a r-ftso with the
i l!tU UIW A '
'. t. t lnrtro but it 18 3
1I.H hWl l IB l. r- , ,M
I- comolete, for Jta principle w i
t amail Block and frenh good. A
But tho Star ot i ,
is large and growing. ,s
secret of this ccc and
growth is they dare to 'U j
a very email proiu
Items of JLocal News.'o lliiyili-n uuv.-llii' Km i i'i-iiisk
It tuH-likl cull 'l'lli niluy,
A lliu' iiMMirliiii-iil (if l.'L'i.l lilunlm
ki-.t culinliiiil ly on IiiiihI.
Vmi citn buy h ni'W HIh'I Uunifi. for
lir., ut II. M. Wu.. A(V.
Pn-M-rliilliiim ciircfully ('.iiiiihmiiIiIimI
nt I'lilli-rnon Hro'ii limn Mtiiiv,
W. J. Klrklitml Iiiih ihiu-Iiiim-iI llu
llllliir-l 4 Kiviil'i-I liliu-kNMilib hlmii.
I''irli IUIi fvurv Tuiwiliiv un.l l-'rl-
iluy ut H'liliiK ltr.m. im-ut iiiuiki't.
lltMinlrk Ifymi want (inn nf tlioHi
iM iiiiilfiil l,m.kln lit Cluilfi-lli-r Itro'n.
Tin' KstkiiI'kihi; nnik u hpfi-liilty
of lirli f iniuiiiiK mill KKicuiitt-iH miIIh.
HiiL'iir. lii'iiim. Coiil (HI. H. m i ami
It,, 1 1. . I ( mix Very cln iip thin n k ut A.
J. Wliilcuki'r'.
Aw-mir Itiirtun' cciihiih report
mIuiwh Unit I.mif county lum L'TOl ini-n
utilijirl to inllliury uuiy.
Our r-.orli-r wiw mUtukfii In miyinn
tlml ir.l wttv iliiynl t I In- Oil. I J-id
Iiiwk mirrim WH-Iiil on IlollowuVn.
Mr. V. I.. Wilkin' fiimlly Imvo
iiioviil Into llii) W. K. Cre.iy .roK-rly
rti nlly iiilil by Mr. J. 1!. Mnrin
A ni'W 1 1 in of IiiiIhJuhI riHflvi'd un.l
uUi tho liit-l In nl.-cvo ami Bklrt liuliiK
ul Mm. A. M. llurlfj' nililitury More.
Mr. W.J. Klrkluinl lm pun Imwil
ll... t.roiMTlv win-in . Ii. IIKliiH
1 1 f
r,...,iu. i.uvi. Ih-i.ii llvlinr for tu'vurut
T. D. Luciwttinl AUx Klrkhiml, two
u-it.ltniiw n fiiriiicrn of tin? itit'krwiii
ii'llilH'rliiMKl, wrre dolnn bimlm-H it
iticdiy Moinluy.
WtKii n.- l'fiKltion by a flint-ehi"
...III. r unit fllt'llU-l-r. Itl-Ht Of ntnlll
io..iilutl.iim furtil-li-l. Oill 01,1 or ud-
(licthi Kntkki'HIkk
1 c tuoit. a Him l''riini'looi'iiiill
u. In the ellV tbU wwk I.M.killi,'
nfi'i'r bin li'.u Inti ri'Ktu In till vicinity.
.1 ...... i.f llm liiriru Imp lli-ion
IIP IIH II. "" -" ----
lout mt.i tlic river.
v.. !.,. vmi -The KNTI-HfltlwK lilts
a,iHlr of ft-col. "i-to l,l'WM lliiW,Hl0
' M .1 1 ......H.I. ll.ltl'l.
. 1 e.m .... . ur ii.tMii. 11.1.11K. ...
iriiniJliir i...
hiiw. ( lm- I" I'XCCHCIli ""
Will only trmk' for cIhim u g"" "
I It loll.
.... ..! Unit onr now
I ll nlllH T"lll... -
it,... (i.Hi. W. Moltrhli', Ihoii
i,vlnic cvcllcnt iH'uUli ' l 'fully
ti.. duties actti".
in. will li-iivc for WiwhlnKton city be-tw;,thl-thaiilffllorthU
, ..r iTiintliiirtot) In
Tho nine i.i "
, ,w...rm, a- vlHltcl y l,1H
... w I.... (ii.iriilllir.
lira HHl c-
1 ill rml.-ll 11 lOlll -",""'
1 III! low v.... .
II. M. SU-elo, n IcmlU't? KUHii..- .......
of the city, I tlw lu'iivicm -Hnrumt'ttbontiMHi.
iH-hiird Hin.pon,ftl'ineor of IS-.O,
.,..1 hi. Indian war volorau. ww
.mini ui h,,,,,,u-v ,, ; 7.."
'v,"", 1 1 i ..1. .11. 111 mill
State l'hiuiimwuuoui
S,y, I (owaa US ycr f K" "d
Kiictory lm
TIip 1 iiiii"l,,v .,,1
Htyleoftiu, "'"" Tl nf!l.
Mr J N. Fox 1 iroprifi
irviutout nlo.t four ton.rf-oap
S m iction as fur an It baa Un te-W
ttMition m 1 ( back Kiwt
. t..n..f miiios. jir. rii
I. Hid lii bulk cheupcr thuu uvcr ul
Hpi'i llng lii-oM,
Ci.iimIuIiIii L, Jlubbard, of Uullua,
wu In thn city Hiiluiiliiy.
Try tbf "ItoU-i t JturiiM." loo oliwr,
at (iillllth A ruttcrHon',
Ir.'l''.i,lei tin. iIciiIIhI. Atiiniiiolllh.
- - i - 1 .
dm- croM ii ami bildk'" work,
Killed boon urn con tin mil I v Cotlilnit
Into the depot for hlllielit.
A foil llnr of drum keot coiiHtuolly
011 hand ut I'ullcrMon lliu' di n nunc.
liou't fiirgi't to or.h r a kuIIoii or tbut
line I ted Hot Honrcrout at A. J. Wblt-
Kim llm Kurd IIimi-i. Air Tiiht lll-llt-
Iiik Htovf, cheupeMt und bint at K. K
Mm k A. llureli. thu ruHtllnu- Uli kro.
nil iiiwii huiit. piild our city a biiMliicM
vUll .Moii.liiy.
Mr. F. Mulkcy, our k''II county
clerk, wu In tho city Huturduy on
Ollll-llll llUili'.
Mr. II 'V. fleiriett Hlld her Utile
diiUKbteraro vlMltiiireliitlvHlii Hprliig
alley Ibl week.
Klllmi'l'lllll fur llm IvN I KHI'KIHK tilt)
bet Iih-hI iiuwNpaK)r publlhud In the
Wiiiuiiieini vuii. y.
Thn Itiiiiiin.u mine, of lluki-r county,
the other day clciincd up 4,.rMi, tho ro-
ult of a two week run.
WANTKD. A Hltuutlon lu Indo-
H-nd'iii'o by an experienced wunoii-
iniiker. Apply at tblHolllco.
Thn Hiieiit lot of cutlery ever brouirht
to ludeiiendeiic and ut irrcutly reduc
ed priced, ut It. M. Wiulii A Co'.
Jleihli-iH.ill Sliiiimou and V. K.
Htiiut, of Alrlic, and T. It. WIIIIiiuih,
of Li-wImvIIIo, wro truiiHiictlnif UiihI-
111 In tho city Friday.
Heron CTiamlNirlalii, a hop grower of
the I'pper l.iickliiinulc, wu In the
i I v l-'riilav loiikluuui) tho In P iiiarkwl.
Ilu Iiiih hU bop crop atorud here.
When tho Went Side Trading C'oni-
i,.iii' full tn IU r Hii it vou In ready
miidoclothiiiK, they will guarantee1 a
iH'ifcet lit It. tullor inline gooon inmi
Haiiiple on hand at loweot poKHible
Miwi Kmniil I'.uriiH, of Siilcnij will
bu in liideu'ink'uce Aoveinber join
il.i tene ml dreHHiiiukiuir and mill
inery work. She will be found at Mrs.
J. Tumwr's realdeiice on Jion-
A. Tubular lantern ut the ltuckei
Hl..r UU ci-nt.
Wt alwn.v huvo lliem mdiool binik
at llm city Hook Ktore.
do to Hi-rlln Itro. for extra mirloln
and porter Iiouhd tenk.
1'artof tbe Xinu baruuln now be
ing opuiied by tloilfolter Uro'a.
Iluy o1iool book at the City Hook
Htorti-Mra. M. H. Wbwlir, jirojirleUir.
Hoo thiHoleifiilit ''Huperlor" beutlng
toveJUHt received at F. K. (;bumU)r.
If you nefd a cMik or beutlng alove
... ..... ......1.. t.
you will Und tliem ul Jl. M.
If you want iliicthliig neat and
nobby In tbo Jewelry llnu call on Tat
terMou Hio'h.
Money and llnio saved by taking the
Northern I'aclllo when you go
In.iulieof W. H. Hawley
1 ....u, l..t of (ierinail Dill lilcklek
the all hi work
and the Racket Store will open
up a line of
Bleached Muslin,
Unbleached "
Canton Flannel,
Outing Flannel and Flannel; also
Prints, Ginghams, Shirting, Tick
ing, Etc.
bt-Ht in tlw market. Try them.
l'r..iii-li cnndii'M.frch frultt! aud
flneclgurH, alofreh Kalciu bread every
dny at too iu iou .iFiuii;n"..cV
1).. nut nuv li!ie for a clgur when you
can buy tbo "Jlobcrt liurn," a IndU-r
cigar, for Mo at Urinitn & l auurwiu
More wmwl wantiil on subscription
uttlio K.NTHKeioHisonicc. If you want
JI,mhI'm Pills cute billoUHricMi,
ltr. Kpby, the dentist, guaranUfe
uttlie KNTKKi'inHBoiiM-c. " " ; ' . . ', b. . . i
to pay your HubHcrlptlou in wood now printed on card board, kept In stock
Is your opportunity. .,..--.-
1.'..-1 n. in riiriilture.cari)CtM. Don't foritet that Jt. M. wane w
tl M ..(I f.l.lill Villi iilnir. nicture i.ri. iiireiits for the Oliver plows,
WHIl Hl"-, V" ..".., n. . ., 111
friiuies etc. go to E. 11. Itcrg's HrM class tbe only chilled plow mado that gives
furniture store on cust side Mulu street, satisfaction.
mouth street,
Tbe A 111: to mine. In the Bohemian
district, bus been sold to a Chicago
syndicate. The Annie 1 considered
the most extensive nuartss mine In that
district, and contains a large amount
f free-miliiug ore.
11 t v,mk-a n Cottairo Orove brnd
1.1 slm. maker, was found dead lust
I'l.iiru.luv niorninir with a bullet-hole
through his head anu a revolver in ui
rluht hand. He is supposed to have
.iiiniltted suicide. Hewasn jears
of ago and lu reduced circumstances
Mr A. T. Neill. a nroinlnent citizen
und ex-county clerk of Union county,
was thrown from His wagon nisi,.v and killed. One of Ids feet
..i.n.rl.r. In the hearlnirs of the tongue,
which position be was Uraggeu lor a lllllf 111 lie. lie was so bruised
that his body was scarcely recognl.
'Hubert Burns" Is the clgur for
at Orlllltli & Patterson's.
Patterson Bros keep on band a line
assortment of paints anil oils.
If you need a cook stove buy the
"Superior," the very best. . r.
Chambers, sole agent.
Monthly school report cards, neatly
Iudepi lidclicc. Or.
Judge B. 1. Boise wus In the city
'i',..ail.iv The link' Is now up In tlie
70s', but he Is hale aud cheerful rorone
if lilu vim rti He lias been called tlie
Nestor of the circuit court oeiicu ui
"I 1 1 live been afflicted with
..tUiii forsevural years. I begun tukiug
Hood's Sursuparillu. Before 1 nan
iiiui.,.,i tnUliiu- one bottle my arms
wereentiiely well." David B. Lakin,
Eugene, Ore.
rpi... "l.P.rU...ilii.n.iirti Fair will be
1 UC I.U'J"""' ... -
1. ..ill in iim Auditorium on the 1-lth
, . t fV.
undl.ltb. Be sure ana see me lu.u- - . Thlln4f,iiv nirht.
bourino Brill and the Gypsy V edil ng -J- were pres.
Saturday night. Tbe motor w iu ru - nmP i an
1 aril u iMfi. iiin in ii'"" - --
Saturday night. . M Di.vidHOn bus visited
u' l.i.veiinl,v a few ladlesVJackets ' ,.
lelt, It is geuinis luwi " 1 . I u , iha m p.. church
to clear Uiem out we oner um v " - . . np.
itlve New York cost. Come iniore win oe 01 mre nm -
they are all eon-. You get a bargain. Kabbatn. in ui .....-.
" 1.1:.... ,AA..r ,.f tin. Snlem dis
. ,1: . 1 ...... . imnH iirfNiiniiu ciu. ... ..."
KoHenuori x hhxuuvik. o...", f ..... .1
1 t. trlct, will preach and administer the
Clarence Irvine has been taken into Kiu.rftmeut of lhe Lord's 8upier. We
the grocery business of J. P. Irvine, v invite our friends to be pres-
thelirm now lieiiigJ. r. Irvine mm
Scotch rialds is the labmt lor Ladies'
waist. The nicest patterns or scoicn
plaids all wool you can find af Boseu
dorf A Ilirsclils;rg's.
We mean business and we are here
to sell as good goods and as pu-e drugs
as can be had in the state. Our prices
suit the times and we guarantee satis
faction. You will linn us ai our urug
emporium on Main street-Patterson
Mrs. and Mrs. E. W. Cooper, Mrs.
M. Davidson. Miss Essie Robertson,
Mrs. Dr. Butler. Mr. and 5Iis. w. r.
Conuoway attended Naomi Chapter O
Dr. Eplcy, dentist, Monmouth.
Basket display at Clodfelter Bro's.
Dr. H. A. Mulkey expects to oacupy
bis lino dental parlors in the J. S.
Cisipcr brick on or about the first of
next moiilh.
Now Is the time to plant your boll-
day advertisement If you expect to
realize good results. The Enter-
hiiihe has stmce to sell and guarantees
to place your announcement before as
many, if not more, readers man miy
other paper.'
Tim first series of dances uuder tho
auspices of the Independence Dancing
Club was given at ttie opera noune on
Wednesday evening or tins wees.
There were some twenty odd couples
In attendance and a most pleasant so
cial dance enjoyed. I'rof. W. E. Cres-
gy's orchestra furnisbea trie music,
whiiHi was rendered in excellent style.
Im britrht. liUHtlinir, young
d his many friends
cougrat u 1 ate hi m.-Tele pboue-Itegis
John and Bob Jordan under convict
.tlli.stealiuii in Harney coun
.. kmlra lull nil TiiitHthiv niirht of lust
week at Burns aud made theiM-scape.
Birthdivy and Surprise Party.
' ' . . ... .... T
pnfl pnl.iv tb sserviee wnn us. m
it, a ntr the pastor, D. Hasler
..,.11 uripnk unitn the subiect, "A
ji luna, -1 . -
Woman's Bights." All are mviieu
who are interested in this
question of the day. The quarterly
Conference business nieeuug .
held at 8 p. ni. Saturday.
A peculiar accident happened to the
1 . - ... - . 1 r .... T
T.rt ioTii Aav nf Xnvember. beinir the
i.uw r v- - . ,
anniversary of the birth of Claud Hub
bard, a Dumber 01 ins youuiiui wu,
called at his parents residence
on the evening of that day, and sur
prised Claud by exclamations 01 joy ai
his having attained the age of 14 years.
Claud was equal to the emergency and
received his friends and put forth every
1 tUn
effort to entertain them ana muse vuo
time pass pleasntly. The time was pass
ed in innocent amusements, and at an
opportune moment a nice lunch wag
sot out and partaken of, and in the
midst of their joy, Claud stepped into
the room and demanded silence, where
upon, he, holding a nicely ornamenrea
cake aloft .said. "My birthday cake, pre
sented to me by Miss May Kennedy."
A riniring laughter was the result, and
all were supplied with a piece of that
highly prized cake. Everything passed
nffnlpasantlv and iovously, and at a
r - - - . .
reasonable hour the voung Masters ana
Misses prepared to depart for their re
spective homes with wishes for many
happy returns of such joyous occasions.
We wish Claud and his yontntut com
panions lives of joy and hapoiness.
Their are four other Jordan brothers iiu --i- M j F.
the Harney county jail cha.god 4-jear ol ch. Id g
of toilet o .-,1- Mneot.
settlinB P l"s
ed home soon.
The news reached here ye. -..,
ihnt the notorious Jordnn brothers, AI.
that me uoi phiiinnnnen
and Will s, lieiu up ""-
r Tola Tuesday evening. They
,K v down one Chinaman and rob
knocked down one cll,nBIMen
1 ISt nd oUed Sheriff
went to Pallas 1 aphe(i to
So ir n l V Late i the evening
allcginl robiury- . apiwar-
th0 Jordan boys ma.U Ul
a""Jn Th Jo dan9 aW noUir.oi.
am , 1 and one them, if not both,
brd'ernilnthe penitentiary.
T. O. Hutchinson, superintendent of
.boots In Polk county, was In the
city yesterday. He reports nearly all
thesehools in session, with seeming
good attendance as usual, lie is ai
present engaged in making up a course
of study for ibescnoois 01 n "...v.
so ns to Insure greater uniformity.
General John II. Dickinson, asso
ciate counsel lor the defense in the
Durrantease, is visiting in Portland.
Ho isdeseritied by tlie Oregoniau as "a
well-built man of middle age. He lias
-.,., .tnmtr face and a military pres-
11 xii. m. Unison irives it as his
personal conviction that Durraut is an
iunoeeut man.
111.. 1'ianr old son of Mr. and Mrs,
1 I.V 1" -
rr,wl.n wus examined in
IS . 1 111 llll I v 1
this city Saturday before County Judge
Huron and committed to me asyium.
n.i ....rnrimin bid has been afllicted
with hydrocephalus, or dropsy of the
i....i ut,u. bis birth and has always
required the closest care. His parents
have bad him treated by some of the
..i.i.., ..i,,-ui,.iiins of the state. Tbe dis-
Uim-n ('.".I - - ,
1..,-.,.i, o ehiimcter as to bailie
ease is 111 01...
medical skill.
had ouite a
breezy runaway in this city Saturday.
He was driving a higli spiriieu ie.....
and stopped In of A. J. White
i-..r-a rroiHrv to do some trading, when
a couple of our local sprinters came
).., ilm street in a 00 yard
dashjustforthe fun of -the thing, as, j YVhltcnkcr.
they exprosseu. u.
who was seated in the hack, had tem
porarily dropped the lines for the pur
r oninn mirchases Mrs,
pose OI anm'K'.'B r---
Whiteaker had made, when the team
started at breakneck speed down th
street and across the big bridge. Uncle
Davy hastily gathered me ones,
same time dropping his nioney-purse
into the street, and tinauy ""(,"
team to a standstill alter wt.. -nearly
a,half mile. Very fortunately
.1 . u-(1 a mine. iii..".'r-."
no lUll"c " ,' . u
r,n ilm bridire at tne
Mr. Mart Prather, who has been liv
in., in Kustern Oreeon for the ptist 13
years, has returned to bis old home
form tionr liiiena Vista. A feNv days
a.,,, i. moved his wife and children to
this city for this city for the purpose of "arenUj of tbe accident and an exaui-
obtaiulng good sciiooi iacuiucs uunuS , reveaied the fact that tne aou s
the winter.
O'Donnell a week ago last buuday.
Little Erma O'Donnell aud Mr. 1.11-
... . . ..1 .,ill
more's little gin were iujiuS
drills, and durinu the play the
foot of one of the dolls was broken off
.i i.i u.n manner lodced in nine
Erma'snose. The children told their
ination revealed the fact that the doll's
foot was still lodged in the child's nose.
i...i,.iM was called and in his
efforts to take it out, it was pushed in-
i ,i.p M.n.l'B head. Biie was laneu to
Salem Monday for treatment, out
a careful examination failed to reveal
the doll's foot The child complains of
a hurting in the head, and will e iau
eu to Salem again iu a few days for fur-
ii,.,,. Ktonben Ktaats came in from
Koseburg last week and is visitiug his
,.. wi t htutfhter in tms cuy, itr.
f'i....-l..a Ktiiats and Mrs. J. E. Hub-
ur,i TTnelft Sieve savs that his gol
right arm, the arm that wields the
facile pen, is almost paralyzed irom
. 1...1.! i....,.ic .. ill, lliu niHiiv Muiids.
Ho will probably visit here three weeks ther examjuati0h.
i.,.f,.i- i-..tnriiimr t,r Itoseburi!.
or aimo uc.w.w .
Mr A. M. Waddell. livinir nearDay-
i., Vumiiiil eniintv. was budly bruis-
l V ' 11 , i 1. , - f
ed aud trampled by bis teau last Sat
urday. He wasdelivermgwueai wucn
at the Dayton warehouse, and was inspection
holding his teams ny me ou, ir m
,i, horses became frightened at the of the Public next
.... 1 ,.x I1.K.MP. -i tr
bout Whistle, una Bianeuui iuu un" TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. xvm
'2. bv Hot Water, Lighted by
aiidinuiciu.geve,t, . Mnrlern.
. i r .....l ll H ecTTlcltv mcit..."6 '
Ul luut: o.iu w"lv- I
... -. t t...,,...,.. .1-1-1 la nnemt- nnolitv. stvle and price9.
1 in ..,1., nut. in Southern Oreeon, or,r,lil invitation is hereby ex-
arrived lu this city Saturday. "He tende(1 to the Public to call and
thinks there will be considerable de- pleasant evening from 8 to
velopmentin the mining interest of t
iwf ziAiintrv anon ns llib wihici iuiudi
come on. Mr. Vannieer exiiects to re- j
turn to Southern Oregon in a few days
aud then begin active operations in de
veloping his mines. He has a plaesr
claim and one or two quartz ledges,
but he will give most of his attention
i .,i.,i,r minim thin winter. He
thinks that he has good prospects)'
T.ost Tlmrsdav moruinir. one of the
leading features of the chapel exercises
at the State Agricultural college was
the singing by little Miss Ada Will
lm. of Polk county. The performer,
who was but nine years of age, already
exhibits a richness of voice, a grace of
manner, and happy interpretion, that
besneak for Her a gieat iuiure, us
charming singer. Interest in the
nttio Lulu's nonularitv will be increas-
lllt..- .. J - f-. -
ed when it is remembered that she is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
YVIIllnnia now of Hneua Vista, but for
merly of Benton county, and that she
Democratic City Convention.
Notice is hereby given that the
Democratic voters of the city of In
dependence will meet in the City
hall on Monday evening, Novem
ber 18, 1895, at 7 o'clock p. m. for
the purpose of nominating canidates
for mayor, marshal, recorder and
one councilman for each ward to
he voted for at the city election on
the first Monday in December next.
L. C. Gilmore,)
A. J. Goodman,) Committee.
L. T. Price. )
IK3 Ol- i"- 'J - "
'Mtr0 WhitXr money was found j Julius Brownson, once residents in this
excepting about tweniy-nveui- . v..,. -
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Qoid Medal, yliawlnlcr r-c.
nrfr TArtWt Made.
40 Years the Standard,.
Tho nbrvsnnthemum Fair will
be held in the G. A. R. Auditorium
November 15th and 16th. All those
competins: for a prize are requested
.r. .1 .-11 ,: Knfn.a
to bring meir uunwuuiio uctuto
noon on the 15th. Each exhibitor
,,5r fnmish the receotacles and ar
range their exhibit, if they desire,
Admission 10 ana 10 cents.
Following is the
Vocal Solo
Cornet Duett . . . .
. . .rrana ijreeu auu Aii...e
Recitation Miss Fannie Orr.
Vocal Solo Miss Addie Prather.
Piano Solo .....Prof. Yoder.
Vocal Solo Senator Donghty.
Vocal soio ibc """'"t"-
Miss Williams.
..Jessie Wood.
Vocal Solo.
Cello Solo. .
ATiaq T-Antrftcra.
Miss Bowden.
Recitation Mrs. J. Kirkland.
Piano Solo rrou " wmw
Vocal Solo .Mrs. C. E. Clodfelter.
Gypsy Entertainment, aim neuums.
Buoklen's Arnioa Salve-
The best salve in the world foi
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, letter,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns,
and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money re
funded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by all druggists.