01 TUM 0 Co BARGAINS IN PROFUSION. Nipping Profits in the Bud Broadcloths Black, Hrown, Navy ami Kol at 85c IH'ryanl. IVttor goods at $1.50 lHr .var,, 5l inch, all wool, Suiting at 75c w yard. All wool Tricos at 25 C lor .vaul- Corsets Just in, one case 11. it G. Corsets, Mack or drab, at $100 Iir pair. Bed Spreads Marsales Quilts, good value, $1.00. Marsalos Quilts, large size, extra value, $2.00. Shoes rrr Just received 20 cases of Mens and Childrens Shoes. Mens Cordovan Shoes, $2.50 lH'r Tair Mens heavy Shoes, $1.50 to 1J5 r pair. Oregon Blankets . . . 5-lb mottled, all wool,. $4.00 I,or Ya'1T' Clothingcsss Boys black and navy blue Chevoit Suits, $0.00 to $12.00 per suit from 12 to 18 years. Next week 1 lot of Childrens suits, $1.75. Next week 1 lot of Childrens suits, $3.00. Next week 1 lot of Boys suits, $4.00. It is better to look than to wish you had. A TRIAL and we get your trade all the time. West Side Trading Co. Cor. JTain and C. Sts., IXDEPEXDEXCE. fount I v between tlio coast mount ains and tho Cascade range, T quote the figures given: "The total amount that foil during the month of Ootolwr. IS'A'i. was the ureatost at Astoria, where O.'-'.'t im lira fell At Albany 0.10 of an inch foil, am at other places west of tho Cascade the total amount ranged from nonr or no trace, to 0.0" of an inch There have loon years when i much aa 11 inehrs have fallen i tlie lower valley ami from 10 to inches lit the middle ami uppi valley. The yeir 1 S08 is quote a having nit autumn aimilar that of this year, ami there ia tradition among tho oldest inhah itanta of a year along in tho early 10's that had no rainfall to i the autumn. As a rule, however tho month of Oetotier is seasonable, there being a surli ciency of rainfall to insure goot llow inn ami amnio sunshine to germinate the seed planted in the ground. WHITE STAR ROLLER MILLS. LOCATED AT TALMAGE, BETWEEN INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH jjI Experienced, competent miller. Best flour on the market, for Bale. Highest market price paid for wheat. Mill feed SEARS & CLELAND, Prop's. he (Enterprise THUBSDAY, NOVEMBER It, 1893. Published every Thursday at Independence, Polk County, Oregon. Entered at the Postofflce at Independence, Oregon, as matter ol the second class. BROWN 4. BAILEY, Proprietors. P. M. Brows, Editor. J. T.F(bi, Asaoctate Editor. L. A. Bajlky, Business Manager. scbscbiftiok bates. One year Mix month .... Three months.. (Single copy i .m .7-5 . .40 rAYABLK IX ADVANCE. A nvKRTisiNB Bates will be made known on aoDlication. Job PpTNTixe of all kinds done on short notice ana in a nrst class manner. Address all communications to The Entek- pbise. Independence, Oregon. ihe UDserver quite loltily in forms ns we are in no danger of in dictment for manslaughter because of unduly exciting the torpid mol cules in its editor's brain the "in sanity dodge would save us. Even tinder the conditions suggested we should consider ourselves in partic ularly bad luck to have to exchange localities with Bro. Doughty. If those the Lord loveth he chagteneth, then, it is reasonable to suppose that the Democratic party is in good standing at the throne of Grace, and there is yet hope for it in the future. However, it is safe to say that its political bosses receive only a moiety of comfort from the assurance of the biblical text. There is a certain degree of satisfaction in the reflection that they have ample leisure to give the scriptural lessons their prayer ful consideration. hie age in wnicn we live is in tensely practical and it is also highly educational. This is an era of commerce, industry and finance Under the pressure of this intensely practical and intellectual life keen commercial competition and re lentless struggl" for existence which each wages against all a well rounded education has come to mean the open door to success. Existing social conditions have made it obligatory upon the individ ual to fit himself intelletually and morally for the great world- struggle into which he must enter sooner or later. It is now rec ognized on ever hand that the educated man, other conditions be ing equal, is better equipped for the active duties of life than he who is deficient in educational training. To tie one all the great highways of life are open while the other is compelled to trudge along narrow and rugged paths. Education has become a sine qua non of success and usefulness. It is the civilizer of the race; it enlarges men's views and reveals a new world to his moral and intellectual vision; it gives meaning to life and puts its possessor in touch with the uplift ing tide of civilization. IxiKrKMK.oK is greatly in neot of a free ferry, there is no diversity of opinion on that laiint, but tho lcst method by which to establisl KUt h a ferry is a mooted question. Some say that it should lie done by taxation, others suggest voluntary contributions. He that as it may a free ferry is needed at leant one way. That is to say all persons coming to Independence from the Marion county side should lie grossed over the river free of charge. 1 his is simply a business prop osition. It is a fair, square bid for trade that legitimately belong to this city. There is a largo and thrifty farming community along the rich bottoms and adjacent foot hills on the east side to which In dependence is the nearest and most atcessiblo trading point. The riv er is tho only barrier to this trade, aid it is a barrier only in the sense that these farmers have to pay toll to reach the city. The small pro ducer can ill afford the expense. If he takes five dozen eggs or i half dozen pounds of butter to mar ket it requires twenty per cent of this produce to pay the expense of ferriage. There is also a large amount of wheat produced in that section, which should be stored in Independence, but hard driven far mers can not afford to pay ferriage. This trade naturally belongs to this piace, and if our citizens will only show a little public spiriti dness in the matter it can be made a source of substantial revenue, increasing in volume as the country becomes t'hickly settled and developed. COUNTY NEWS. Important llapppnluga and Ent From tha Various Neighbor hood! In tlit Co nut j Oathtrod by Th Enterprise's Corp of Able OorrenpoiiilenU. N OK.-IWrminnilvuv ht Mlt ! M"lv,1 n lalor llitl Wrinwlny bOtii. 'il fiwn ' "' liiaurv iHilill.-atloH. W w mil II w errrli.iii.w'iii III t) low a anil li iilu l " waul) i UihnIIv Uod crowd 'la attendance and everybody enjoyed themselves, lint M. JHONMOl'Tll. ii:iikyiw.i:. to Some of Oregon's big dailies have been looking up the Willamette valley's weather record for the month of October since 1850. The data is not absolutely accurate but sufficient information has teen gathered to establish the fact that the month just past has been the most phenomenal October in the history of the country. The aver age rainfall during October varies from two to four inches in the The republican city ticket put in the field by the convention on Wednesday evening is an excep tionally good one. The candidates arc all bona fide citizens whose in terests are thoroughly identified with the city. And whatever the result of the election the ticket is well "Cooked," to ' say the least. The democrats should get out their best men. Tiiehe is cumulative evidence that the political and social an archy now existing in Armenia will sooner or later precipitate a cri.-is in Turkey. The enlightened na tions of Europe can not long with hold the protecting hand to the sorely oppressed Armenians. If the Moslem fanatics will not listen to the dictates of reason and hu manity they should be driven across the Dardenelles into the des erts of Arabia from whence the Ish- maelitish horde emerged in the th century. The Turk is an usuper upon Iuropean soil and it will be a blessing to humanity and a for ward step in the march of civil ization when his dominions are blotted from the map of Europe. IVrrmimtulone Uitho r'Ni KHTHIHK, Mr. Wolf visited IuIIhs on Saturday 1' ml Strong vim l -d rvliitivoM in Dallas Saturday and Sunday. The section men made (tip to Tort laud on business Tuesday, J. M, Wise made it living trip Portland thin wees, on business. John II. Ware ha I xvn oil (lie slo lii-t (or the past week but Is improving Tlio section uien are leveling ii tlie track in tow n. An iulilitioii to tlicir (oiv Is needed. A pitrtv WHStfiven at Mr, Nolile's t'rl lay nielli. Tlioxuwlio attended reHirt s pleiisunt time. The t'liriMtluii endeavor In tfettliii; ti an eiueriuuiiiient to Ik) given on rimnkHiviiivI ttititit. II. M. itroiiK returned (mm the coiihI Woilnestliiy, lie rciKirU considerable sickness In thiit locality. V scrilx lots his wood nil in the house ami now is rciuly to join the mil vemil crv "It it ruin." Ir. 1-aiixins: lots ulsiilt recovered from his recent Mckucss Hint is nhle to ln at ont on the streets attain . Kx-SuiiorlntoiiiJent ltrvim. of IVntun county, siH'iit ednciMitv iiit'ht In ton n us the n'lcst of A, J. Miiplcy. Charley Myers has lxon workinii In Win- it kevt's store thi week. They nivo Ih'Cii imiKinu it thorough clen tip. Prof. J. J. Bryan, of Corvullls, was in is vicinity c .mvassliiir for maps this week. He was mooting with good uc- cess. The school tmanl nddel H turpi limp of the state, of Oreifon mid tho UiiUhI tates to tho stock of appnrutns this week. . Mr. Wimpson, a druggist of Amity. was found dead in l'd Suii.lay inoriiiii. Heart fiiilure is MtijHuntI to bo the cause. Hey. Sfekafixise orenpied the Chrlstinn church at U a. in., and Hev. Colder the M. K. church at 3 p. in., Sunday. Key. Cahlor preaches every second and fourth Sundays. It we ms strange that suuie youi; men can not Udmve thoinselve when they attend an endeavor lueeRii. A suiail tante of the law would-prove beiiillcial to some of them. Oi l) IIickoky. tiMMHMliH in T m a If s i " t UihkI waterworks would Iki a K'a""1 liiiiro'iiioiit. Mr. Jolmson, of Albany, 'i"'"' Hiimlny In Monmouth vUltlihj ' ho students. Mlsa Marv Coats I" al'lo to resuiuo her work of teachlnit, uiiicli lo the joy of hor little puiil. Wo realise those dark iiljtlila thl Mouinoutli In very much la no'd ol electric llhl. IW, liinn and w ife have hnted rooms at Mr. Crosby's whore they nN'ct lo live thhiiiRli the w liitor. The (ilendsof Mrs. lilmer Jlall " rejoiced over her Improved eondition and now entertain hopes of her siatnly rooovery. Mr. hit rivnn has move.1 Into Ids sloie buildiiiKt on tho south side of tiniln stretit and ha a full supply of dry tpw on vvhibition, Mr. Kiaiik I'owell and (ninlly have moved Into town (or tho winter and their friends aw pleased to reot them as lienlilKiis oncu morn. We hear many remarks show In- the appnviatlvo inn r in which lln ruin of Monday iiIkIiI was lecelviHl ami jml tfintf from appearance the end is not yet. Prof, mid Mrs, HaliHiiuh gave their S. S. elas of normal students a roocptinu at thoir home last Saturday ovaiiliifc', a very pleasant time was the verdlcl o( all j w ho attended It. (Mir town liow Uuist of a 11011111 latin lrv, oarrii-d oil under the tiperv Uioii ul tr. IKity siid wife and another party w hose name we have nol learned. Sue- coa to tho undertaking Mr. Chas. Kii-herhas built an addition to his livery l-arn, ho now has a place. to wash his I'iignles nod a plpo to carry the wuter away so it makes a dwulid iiiiprovomeiit in ditferoiit ways. Hon't enliciso Ihu ludicrous luanm-r In which tieo. Adkins acta and talk. for he is beside himself with joy over thnartival of a little daughter, Wliu came into their home Tuesday last . Mr. (.irons, who purchased tm liutel it prepariiii; to uiuvo in ami is roimaiioiiiu ami repairing until the rtKiuis and fur niture will have the ap)H siuiiif o( new articles. We predict suei-ess (or him. Nervous ProsM Gould Not Sleep Appetit, a 1 sa. "'-parui. lenffartid ti-ry mueh 1.-. . llh Uervoua lirsiUtl.m . r rXr?, X -"-atiutt, 1.; "r lr, "WMHissm.! n,t duty t othari,,, nW Ihs k.. ""'"Ufro,, ''uid Not 4 0U iwiu. wruil liuu air, J. !. Itiuisi V n. ... ..........1. . . M1 rlmt U.tlle Ol HimhI's Hara,,,," nind and eonllnuwl tg ji . j Bright end RefrelhH tn tha niornlnB. I comIbihmI .i,J luwll! Ins ud m ruratl, bml; u,4 " Mil sli ll and h,tUlf s way. I gladly racmimivntt parlllalo othrrt." J, nwaao .- aiaiiisou an,, Aiii-glitay, fL f-food's XL JL pari Ic Sure to Get I Iood's H00d PUIS f"'?" "r'.Mia.t I ward, W. U. lUwley; TliirJ Andy Wilsmi. tn motion the convention j itino'd. MA It It li:i . l'AKK Kit. I'ormpunilrnr to TIIK KTKItCRIMI!. There will be a literary society organ ized at Calvary Friday ninht. James Aldrieh leaves in a few days for Colorado, where ha will siier.d the win tor. A social dance was triven at the resi dence of Thoiuus Culbrcath Saturday ni)ht. Clinton Hradley spent Sunday at home. lie is attending school at Mdii-mouth. L, L. Raker i trapping coons in the J.nckiamute bottoms. He has several pelts already. Win. McCurdy, section foreman at this place, replaced 1.01)0 ties during the month of October. Parker has been serenaded tho last few nights by fox huntcra. We are fond of music, hut would advise them to change their tune. The barnyard turkey has begun to show signs of uneasiness, as tho inno cent old farmer gives him his brenkfiini of wheat and corn, "who looks uh if he never thought of eating more than the better half of Mr. Turkey at tlia least on Thanksgiving day." LlTTl.K JOKKB. l'ruf. tiinn will teach tho llrst lenwin in riidiiuoutal ami vocal muic at lira.e huri'h next Saturday evening. Thetw remise to U a gorsl uttendance of ihe young peoplv lor they reaiuu the value of learning to sing anil sing correctly. (ieo. Mctiowan, of Mallas, will remove to Monmouth and n ii a full stis'k of morehaiidise January 7. He will oc cupy the saiuo building formerly used by the Mercantile Co. We extend a hearty welcome to such a buniuens inuii. Our community was grieved Monday morning to le.irti of the. death of Mr. I 'avid Martin one of tho oldest and most highly honored eltuons. His death was peaceful and calm, well litted to the i)uiet manner in w hich ho had lived. His funeral took place at the Christian church Tuesday afternoon. The sermon was preached by Hev. Hon nell, of Italia.. Th lloral tribute was beautiful and numerous ami the church was filled with sympathizing friends. May Ho who Comforts all sorrowing hearts bo the stay of tho companion w ho is left to mourn alone. Hkx A Hkx. KKIUHMCAN CITY TICKKT. IJUENA VISTA. I Suver School Iteport. Report of the Suver School for the month ending November 8, 1895. Number days taught 20 Number days attendance. . . 6S2 A u tniier any absence 4.i Number times tardy 0 Numlx;r enrolled, boys 12, girls 22, total 34 Average number belenging 31- Those neither absent nor tardy and whose deportment was 100 are: Robert and Bessie Patterson, Ilar- ley Wheeler, Lena Jackson, Flor ence Marsfield, Carry James and Josie Harper. D. A. HoAO, Teacher. OorresjiowUmee to Thk Kntkhpbiss. ' The roads begin to show a pretty mud dy surface. 8upt. Hutchinson paid our school a visit last week. Joseph Miller returned home from Newjiort last Monday. Prof. Swann attended the football game at Corvallis lafit Saturday. J. B. Williams, Honry Beaton and Charles Kaw visited Salem Monday. Win. Wells, who has been buying hops at Independence, returned home last Saturday. James Slaves, who is attending the Willamette University, visited his par ents Sunday. Capt. Jim Smith, of Portland, was on our streets last week, U was looking up a body of balm timber for logging purposes. Henry Boivine returned from Port land, bringing a goodly sized stock of goods back with him, which he offers for sale eheap. The members of the Evangelical church gave a dime social last Friday evening at Mr. George Smith's. A Pursuant to call the republican voters of Independence met in con vention at tho City hall on Wed nesday evening. Meeting called to order by W. P. Connaway. On motion, W. II. Ilawloy was elected chairman and (J. L. lluwk- ins secretary. W. P. Connaway was nominated Ifrmyor by acclamation. w. v. uook, J. V. Richardson T 4 unit.. , , . uuu j. rt. iitiits were placed in nomination for recorder. Jirst jJalJot Cook received 33 votes, Richardson, 2.'S; Mills, 8 1. 1.. ..I. A nr ien t oiu.ua, t. iur. wins name was withdrawn. Second Ballot Cook, 41 votes itichardson, 2A; blank, 2. Mr. Cook was declared tho nominee for recordor. Claire Irvine was nominated for treasurer by acclamation. 1'eter took and J. E. Hubbard were placed in nomination for mar shal. On first ballot Mr. Cook received 35 votes and Mr. Hubbard 31. Mr Cook was declared the nominee for marshal. W. YV. Perciral was nominated councilman for the First ward, O. W. Cleggett for tho .Second ward and C. W. Parish for the Third ward. The following committeemen were appointed: First ward, W. O. Cook; Second Ml ICI-MV Si.hi-kr, In IuM Saturday evening, Noveiiihr 1M'., at the reaidottre of V WVMm, Mr. limner Murphy Miss Maud MojH'r, Hev. B Piiuuoll, olVu iating. 1 ne iair nrino is mo t: daughter of Mrs. Viola Sltpr, 1 lives aUmt one mile Roiitb of t !ty. She is an Itiil-xndetic rl oil girl and is universally tMw for lior many aimublo iUnlitic li'ist of friends wish her well in new relutiniin of life. The env. tho second son of Henderson !j phy, Ks'ir., and ia a young gei man of gixnl character, eticrp and intltiMlrioiis. He staiuU n in thi eomiiHinity and bin its ftienrU extend their con? illations. The Kntkki'KIsi 1 gives congralulalioiis. An Important Olllce. To r rojH-rly fill its ollice & funi'tiotiM, it ia iinMirtai)t that t blood be pure, hori it is in 11 a condition, the body is aliiinle tain to bo healthy. A conipUi at this time is catarrah in some its various forms. A slight ; develops the disetms in the hn Uropjnnga of corruption passing i tn the luug bring on coiimmpti 1 Tho only way to cure this dica is to nurifv the bhunl. The mi obstinate eaes of catarrh yield tho medical jaiwera ot Hood's 8 (iparillu as it by magic, siinply cause it reaches the seat of the u ease, and by purifying and vit izing the blood, removes the cat) Not only does Hood's Snrsnpari do this but it gives renewed vip to the whole system, making possible Iur good health to rei, supreme. Wonderful are the cures ace" polished by Hood's Harsaparllla yet It Is only Imwium) HooI can parilhi, tho one true blood pun" makes pure, rich, heidthy blood. AN0 800 PACIFIC -LINE, the Greatest Transcontinental Hi' offers the BEST, CHEAPEST and QUICI EST ROUTE to all Eastern Cities. Also to ar from Europe. Unequaled Sleeping and Dinir car service. Canadian Pacific Railway's Iw; al Mail Steamship Line to Jup and China. Canadian-Australian Lin ' Honolulu, Suva (Fiji) " Central Ocean points. For descriptive nam nh lets, rat or information to or from any poit call upon or write to EI). CLODFELTER, Agt C. P. R'y, Independence, Oi ALLAN' CAMl'IinV. Agt C. P. R..14G 3d St, Portland, 0 (iEO. McL'BROWN, Hist. Pass. Agt. Vancouver, B. C." 1