Vkf I this iolk county lMinsa. DRESS MAKING Goff and Goff. Wis are prepared to do ilivus- llUlkillU ill till) latest Style?. Slid IfllltrHlltcO HrttiffHOlitm. l'lMllipt service and reasonable charts, Dress Cutting hikI Fitting. Or. Kallroad aud D Sta, IX" KI'KX DF.X IK. OKKGON. Citv : Feed : Stable Kl.I JotlNSON, Plvp. ll.irscs fed bv the day, week or month Trail moat stuck l' It in imr raw will lie well at t'mlttl to. Charges reasonable. Main St., - Independence. Marble Granite G.Liun'h'r.Ys. Indopomloiu-o, - Ore .Man u merits, icad.itou Curbing Etc. Correspondence solicited. Rir-AN-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. 101. oi.o K. McXICILL, Keeiver. TO THE GIVES TIIK CHOICE OP Two Transcontinental ROUTES CHEAT KORTHERXRy PACIFIC M. Vregulato"r7 .News Item and F.dltnrUl K presslons. Krwm th liallssolwervrr. 000 FOR EVERYBODY Sunt. Hutchinson has Un giv ing magic lantern exhihitiona over in tho south jart of the county, Clerk Mulkey granted license to wed to Mr. Warren Ward and Mia 1'hoehe Harrington, Wednesday Mrs. Geo. Myer, of Sniithfield avsa mt unfortunate Tuesday morn Almost everybody takes some laxatlyt . u ,. , f ,. , . ir,eJidne to clcsnse the system ana Keep tno r - - - MooJ pure. I hose wno a.Mmuns iwreh at Her nouie ana urea ner i iulu ki r.'i atoh (lldulJ or powder) . ret all the benefits of a mild and pleasant l't rm- iv.il ve and ionic mtu punnes uie fiwu i . ,, , . e r. i.tnurtiitM the whole svstem. And """i '"" "r ...... r.-y.. I ...... . ... more than this: n.wmum uvck trsi triul ml IOp growers insti- UTOK regulates the Liver. Keens it tuyt , . ,, ,, , t hu ihv. and when tne Liver is in " " ixl condition you tind yourself tree from vll who are interested and believe .talaris. Biliousness, indigestion, skk ... . ....n.... i l.la.he and Constipation, and rid of orgatuaaiuw unouui aneiiu. that worn oui mo unuii m w . A vrv nrcttv wmltlniir tn'oured at These are all caused by a slucRish Liver. A very pretty weaunifcouurea at Good digestion and freedom from stomach ,,0 M, E. church in this city, Wed troup es w l oniv re nau nni mc nn . , u , , , , u lriv .tuork. IftrouMed with any nesday evening at 8 o'chn-k, in of these complaints, try SIMMONS Liver 4iich Mr. Harry lunn tnd Miaa KKil LA UK. I IIC rwillK VI M'vi lk w . .1 .. .. ; ,,.c .n R,tt th.n F Us. Anna wciaiuui were me coniruci- v I IV ... - jr-EVEUY PACKAGE- ug parties Kev. Marr, ollioiating. II aa the z Stamp In red on wrapper. They were the recipients of many J. U. Zeilin A Co., rhlla-, l'a THE INDEPENDENCE Rational Bank! Capital Stock, ,")O,tX)i).0O. handsome presents. The Observer joins itli the many friends of the young couple in wishing them happine!8. Krom the talliui lU'inlaer. HIRSCHBKKU, AliltAM XEIOX, Vice President. Perrydale. Perry CampWU dug 1"0 bushels President, of potatoes from hah" an acre near W. P. COX.S AWAY, Cashier. A general bankinif ami exchange husi iuc. transacted : loans made, bills dis counted, commercial credits granted; U'IhcUs received on current account uhject to cheek, interest paid outline epustta. Miss Elhi Porter, of Mill creek. has become the better half of An derson ivie. l'LKASANT ANI lKOFIT. akli:. Th session of the teachers' in stitute here Saturday was largely attended, pleasant and profitable one. A few nivtrc such meeting will get up a degree- of interest and enthusiasm which will Ihi felt in every live school ir. tlu county. Our ciliiens entertained the visl ting teachrs hospitably ami Indo pnileuoe is sure to do the same at its next meeting' Pallas ltcmuer. A Corn Harvester. The labor-saving machine l moving on the corn crop. Coi n is about the lust of the field crops to succumb to the inventor. Machines im out into a sixty acre Held of wheat and thresh it into sacks be fore night. Others will dig up ten acres of beet lietween sun-up and sun-down, cut the tons oil' and take them to the sugar mill. Corn- cutting and coruhusking have re mained in the province of the hired ai t 1 I man. Mil now a macmue naa oce n invented that will go out into the cornfield, husk the corn, put the ears into a wagon-box and take them to the crate as fast as three or four expert buskers. This ma chine appears a tritle belated in its appearance, for the old practice of husking corn afield and leaving the stalks to their fate has fallen into lisuie, since the modern farmer alias his cornstalk fodder as worth aUiut the same per acre as first-class huv. Itut another ma bine is on hand to harvest the corn, stalks and all. One firm has T. II. Lucas, whose sons live at sold 10,000 of them this year. It Pixie, where he was once a black- will cut the sixteen-foot giants of smith, has gone from Arkansas to the Wabash bottoms, or the Van- What is 1 m DIRECTORS. B. F. Smith, A. Xeleon, I. A Allen, . 11. .la.siHTTOii, A. J. Goodman, D. t . Sears, It. llirschfoerg. Commenced Business March 4, 1SSD. THE Abingdon, Illinois. jesterdays tram pulled otit with 484 bales of hops raised in the vicinity of Dallas, part of them sold at from 6 to 6J cents and the balance consigned to London. kee corn, planted with shotguns, in Vermont, equally well. These corn machines are much worse from a social point of view than those that work in beet or small grain. They cannot compare CastorU U Dr. Samuel ntcher'i proscription for Infant, and Children. It contain neither Opium. Morphine tior other Narcotlo substance. II la m harmless; subatltuu, for Paregoric. Prop, Bootulngr Hjrnipa, nd Cantor Oil. It Is Pleasant. lt pnanutteo Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers, CutorU destroys Worms atid allay, ftirerlshneas, Caatorla prevents vomltlnf Hour Cur4, cures Plarrbo ud Wlud Collo. Custorl reUcfe, teethlntf troubles, cures constipation and flatulency, CastorU nsslinllatrs the fool, r tfulutes the stomach ud bowels, irlvlntf lenltly naturnl sleep. Cas. torU U tho Chlldron's punsveou-tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. rwwta la an wrll a.lnM.-d luphll Ji. a) I rvfoniuwnU 11 aaauWlurkiaujr pnawiBttai kiwa lw aw." H. A. Aacaia.IL a III So. Oif-fl bi-, Unutlf a, , Oat hr('teM lu Uta ehlMrwi'. mmt ha aruiiM kiaUljr of umt u?i nta la Uwlr ouliAla iUi 'immit, u4 alUiouirb only ki. awn limli.l aui'M kat ta aaoa a itkr pnaluoia, fwt an tn to aunta. Umi aj. Mwrti. at Caorta tuu m k, tout ana, favor ui It." U arras lluarrrati as tharaauar, Saua, Ma C. Una, rut.. Castoria, cuiri i "" -w r n dia. Mutlirra lu roprotnil lu.d R ot food alTnH upua Uwtt .Ulrva. 1). Q. C. rWvn., Uw, lUa, CMorla to l'ia !! romwlf tf ihilla of hWh I am a.-.! I M ' u ' far duiant wh nmiVra will nui .W tlw mil blm o Ui"" chll-""1. " 1 " C.mr 1 uaa of Ui.Tarfcuqiia. a axinw "hieh ara dnimt uw ur! . fiTi iiwi-ei"'"- BHirvhlna, auuUilns arrup ami ortwr h'iririU aMit ao l""". 0-"' lr swans IbMa to praaturasr'M'" Pa. J. T. Kiacaavoa, (Xiaaa, Ark. Ths Catau Companf, TT MaJ-raf StrMt, Haw Tars City. SASH and DOOR for a moment with the hired man Last Saturday Wm. Savage told oh what a a,in. (lff it wij, l(t for First National Bank U8that for,nin, years P tha the husking-bee when, instead of day there was a big rain after a the Virginia reel and the simple t 1 t . . . a.na .a oi inuepenueuce, vrvgon, mne dry spell, l'erhaps no other L:.M!n ,lf ,,. .., iia man in the county is so well post- Lmi m,ii,b.nH lt r l,rr...i..r. 0pital8tock, - 50,000.00 pd on back date8 and occurence8 , . , . lleillB etlil.ied with the latest and best woop JOA OTO R Y working; imit hinerv wesre I fw I Uli I prepitreil In do all kinds of wood work, such as Frames, llriu-kcts, MouldinH, and all Limit of wood turning at the lowest possible g FERGUSON prices. We also curry a full line u' MAIN STLhT. ' ( J LASS, (iliiss cutting quickly ilonc. iNDtPCNC INCt, OR. Surplns, 114,000-00 Last week J. J. Williams cut yard, without a ripple of mirth to DIRECTORS. oner, Helmick, G. W. Whiteaker, W. W. Collins. VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL VIA PEXVEU OMAHA AND Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every 6 days for SAN FRANCISCO. For lull detail fall on O. R. A G. Agent M. O. FOf'fEK, IndeM5iidence, Or. or address: W.H. HCKLBURT, Oeu. Pass A cent. Portland, f'. 1niim V.O Ki no Ir tralk ir, fmnl nf hrrRk tlll'ir fl I I'll 1 1 l t i VH bIIhIU'o! . S.COOl'ER. L. W. BOBKBTWON u .j . .... ... ....... prMidem. vie prideni. his residence and in its heart a foot Daily Oregonian W. H H.IHLIT. V-aalllcr. I, , , iri'm Lilt? Biilllltc mill ritit lerb iriiili the ground found a wagon nut. Worthy lour Confidence. The tree has doubled in diameter The success of Hood's Sarsaparilla since he moved to Dallas twenty- n conquering scrofula in what I OT16 YtfflrS S170 c'1' (uiiii (if utaj uiauin rn jirt'ii in I 13 OAimka. f.-.m K K. 1- ... t a.. vin.;uc4 in uj tin upainin ihj nrrr severally afllictel by this prevalent Turner, has been engagsd to preach wno now rejoice over a i . n , permanent cure by Hood's Sarsa- the coming year in the Presby- ,.ji . r. i i , , ,. . . parula. btTotuIa may appear as a tenan 'church. Their Sn,ndav humor, or it may attack the glands school is to be reorganized next of the neck, or break out as dread Sunday and their young peoples ful running sores on the body or meetimr in tbP evening Rev D!' Attacking me milCOU Whiteman. his wife and three chil- ?'?mb.rane' " .nm-V .velp into ' Pflrflrrn nr iruiirintr in tim iimrrj rune Fa. Tnpepkn fiRfspR. ork. I J -1 - ,i 1 v-l. . . B ft sideMaiLst. ophite Stockton urr" "r" reuy "wu"s"cu " lead into consumption. Come as parsonage. it may, a faithful course of treat . . .... . . ment with Hood s Sarsaparilla will im. r i v in i n irirfii whiii. inn i . . . RnnTan,cHnF sHnP uL. i ..v:J?vereit or..wo.rkuiK p?n the www w- -w wi wi uuiiuaj wj nur uub hu wucrijHiuiJW MoUnUatlOIl Of all dlHeaHeH, on the Rock Creek road k ffHneral hankinjr bu)insj trKiiiiartexl. Buys aim HiilMjteuiaiiiie on allimiMirtisni pulnts. LtfpmltH received nuhject to check or on Certifl- cutp iirueposii. uollectloriB made. Office Hours: 0 a. m. to 4 p. m. H. M. LIN ES, Notary Public. LITTLE F1LJCE HOTEL, Iiult'iK-mlaiict', Ort'jron. Clone U railway htatimis, HtoamlM.at lan'lcng ami tho Lusiiuss tmrt of the citv Is Koonigaml niiitcs for Loth tramicm ami jH'nnatieDt jxuests .SVrvify un Burjatisi'l. Kates 1 tt f 2 j'r day. ;and Fire Innuranco.- Hi-nkle a P. H. Murphy, Prop. Tho.F. Oak. Henry C. Paine. Henry C. Rouse. Receivers 0RTHERN PACIFIC R. R. U N o 9 Repairing of all kinds will receive prompt attention IL The best of work turned out on short notice. in mules. Irving Wilkes is cook and the road is being made westward from Suitor's mill to join with the party of Rock Creekers, who under the directorshio of A. Porter are Main street, - Independence on ,heir wav eastward Falls Citv Correspondent, impure Hj. h. blood, the system is clarified an Fanno,directs the work and a large vitalized, and vigor, strength an nuanity of provisions were hauled nea"n re8W w me D.wiy by Wm. Alderman and his A share of your patronage I is solicited. I I A Remarkable Announcement. Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars TO ST. PAUL JIIMYE.JPOL1S DULUTU FARGO GRAXD FORKS CROOKSTOX WIXXIPEG HELENA and BUTTE When Baby waa alck, we gare her Castoria. When the waa a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria When she had Children, she grave them Castoria. LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Corrected weekly by Star Grocery. Chickens. . ....$1.50 2.50 per doz. THROUGH TICKETS TO CTUCAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NR W YORK F OS TON and a ll POINTS EAST and SOUTH maps and Side Bacon 7 (8 8c Shoulders 6 ( 7c Hams 10 (as 12c Lard 7 8c Eirgs 20c Potatoes 20c Cabbage Mc Onions (old) le Apples 20c Fall Butter Pears 25c Honey 10c Turnips 2oc Beets 25o Grapes 23c Tomatoes 30c Squashes 40c ' Cauliflower ..tl.OO lb. doz. bu. lb. lb. bu. bu. lb. bu. A brief paragraph can bardly do jus tice t the Interesting announcements wbicb The Youth's Companion makes for the coming year. Not only will some of the most delightful story- writers contribute to the paier, but many of the most eminent statesmen. jurists and scientists of the world. No fewer than three cabinet Ministers are announced, among them being tlieHec- retary f Agriculture, who chose for a subject "Arbor Day," the celebration of which he originated; (Secretary Her bert writes on "What the President of the United Btates Does," and Hecre- tary Hke Smith on "Our Indians." In a it prentit how he became an author, General In a fascinating croon of articles un der the head of "How I Nerved my Ap- renticeshfp," Frank 11. ntocklon tells For lnforrnatln, time cards, .Inbnta Mi II rn w ll wi i a war a w a i.tv wwmT A I w. ii. hah 1 , K-eiiij i4tuiinower ..ii.uu independenorr . Quince. 25c A,VriiARIT0AssUGen.l.'AiOyr P,M" ' V. J Ko. 3V, MorriMf.n Htreet, Corner Third SU, V-rrotS 14. UU l7l.yu, On. 1 Parsnips 1c lb. bu. doc. doz. bu. Nelson A. Miles gives reminiscences of his army days, and Andrew Carnegie recall his earliest struggles in getting a business footing. The Publishers of The Youth's Com panion make the following liberal off er: New subscribers who will send al once their names and address and $1.75 will receive free a handsome four. page Calendar for 11106 (7 1 101, lithographed la nine colors, tne retail price or wbicn is 50 cents, The Companion free every week until January 1, 1WH3, the Thanks giving. Christina and New Year's double numbers free, and The Youth's Companion fifty-two week, a full year Jb. to January l, is7. Aaaress, ton Tmk Youth's Companion, lb. 1 1&3 Columbus Avenue, Boston. HEART DISEASE! Fluttering, No Appetite, Could Not Sleep, Wind on Stomach. "For a long time I had a terrible pain at my heart, which fluttered al most incessantly. I had no appetite and could not sleep. I would be com pelled to sit up in bed and belch gas from my stomach until I thought that every minute would be my last There was a feelling of oppression about my heart, and I was afraid to draw a full breath. I could not sweep a room without resting. My hus band induced me to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and am happy to say It has cured me. I now have a splendid appetite aDd sleep welL Its effect was truly marvelous. " MRS. HAERT E. STARR. PotUrllle, Pa. Dr. Miles Heart Core la Bold on a pnaltfw guarantee that the Brat bottle will benefit, AlldniRirlntaaell ltattl, bottles for H, or It will beaent, prepaid, on receipt of prlr hy the Dr. MUes Medical Oo. Elkhart, lad, Ar .w ..... j ..... . . " VA $ of llarclwart'. ImiltmiitH. Htovt IlllWIIl'O.l'tC.HHlOck tltUt WillllHH't tl' waiitH of our trade SUPERIOR STOVES --- WE HAVE RECEIVED a now lot. oi tlu'Ho HtovoH, for both fookiiiur iuul heating jmrpoHOH. C1LL 1ND 5EE THEM, tho bout roodrt for tho leutnt money' o FRAZER & CATTRON t n . Monmouth, - - Oregon. wW FOR- and WAY LANDINGS SALEM, PORTLAND Steamer Altona. Leave Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, 0:00 a. ru. Leave Independence Mondays, Wednesdays and FridavsBulO " 7:45 " Cheap Bates. Leave Salem Fast Time. Plant an advertisement In the En- terpkihk. No better advertising medium can be found. Ask those who have tried it. Estes I Elkin5, -Leading- ity Draymen All kinds of TT i n or out of the city Promptly attended to. Charges reasonable. The K.NTKKi'liisK Job office Is equip ped with everything necessary for ths rapid printing of all kinds of ob work. First-class work guaranteed. CITY LIVERY 8 A LIS and FEED STABLES. KKLLEY A ROY, Props. Hiircoanora to A. W. Itocksteader. Styl. Alim. At as ish Ihouri I i outs UyJ Yxzihr Gotsl turnouts for Commercial nn Horses larded by the week or niontn. INDKPEND KNCE, O B.