DRESS MAKING Goff and Goff. V ra prvutred to do dre inskin hi the latest styles, and guarantee "Rtisfaotion. Pnmil erviee and reasonable t-liargvs. Dress Cutting mikI Fitting:. Cor. Kallroad and 1) Sta, in r Ki-EXDEXini. oni:;ox. TAILORING. "i",. rgEGjuTATOR THE 1MLK COUNTY News Ileum nntl Editorial previous. Pit ESS, E. Kroiit llw IVtlliw Ol'rvtr. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Afiae line of samples U .elect from. Almost everybody takes some laxative hi dean the svstem and keen the blood rme. Those who take SIMMONS I LlVt R RLGl'LATOR (liquid or powder i net all the benefits of a milJ anJ pleasant laxative and tonic that rurities the NooJ and strengthens the whole system. AnJ I . tlvm thi: SIMMONS I.IV I R Kl CiU- ! n imt j AtOR regulates the Liver, keeps It active and healtnv, and wnen mc is good condition vou t'md yourselt tree from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick ii.. i . , .,,.1 f iwtlr.itii)ii. and rid of Satisfaction Guaranteed! JtS. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will onlv be had when the liver is rroperlv at work. Jf troubled w ith any of these complaints, trv SIMMONS LtVl R Independence. Or. , dlKS anJ B(.er thail pjs. . .... ftrVXYMY PACKAGER Haa tht Z Stamp in rod on wrapper, J. H. Zeiltu Jfc Co., VhH-. Vm. 7. LAYTOIT JENKS, City : Feed : Stable. Eli Johnson, Prop. Horse fsl bv the luy, week or month Tran sient stock left In otir care will be well at tended to. Charjio reasonable. Main St., Independence. Marble Granite G.L.IUU-KIXS. Indepoiutenoe, - Oiv Jfon umcnts, Headstones, Curbing Etc. Correspondence solicited. THE INDEPENDENCE Rational Bank.! Capital Stock, f'tO.OOO.OO. H. 1IIKSCHUKKU, AliKAM NKI.SOX, W. 1 CONN AW AY, President Vice President. Cashier, A coneral tanking anil exchange busi ness transacted ; loans mailt, hills un' counied, commercial credits granted; deposits received on current account suhject to cheek, interest paid on time deposits. 0 ll&I E. McNEILL, iteeivor. TO THE EAST GITKS TUB CHOICE OF Two Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT UNION KORTHERXRy PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA SPOKANE IIEXVEU MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA ST. PAUL Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIK8. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every 5 days for SAN FRANCISCO. For (all details call on O. R. A G. Agent M. O. POi'TEK, Independence, Or. or address: W. H. HURLBURT, Geu. Fas Aeent, Portland, Or. DIRECTORS. B. F. Smith, A. Nelson, I. A Allen, H. H. .IasKrson, A. J. Goodman, 1. W. .Soars. H. Hirseliberg. Commenced Unstness March 4, lfvS'.l. THE First Hatiorpal Bank of Independence, Oregon, Capital Stock, Surplis, 50,000.00 $14,00000 J. 9. COOPER. L. W. KOBKKTHON 1'rp.tuletit, Vice 'resident. w .h iiAwi.EV, Cashier. DIRECTORS. . J. S. Coo(er, L. W. Robertson, 1-ewls Helmick, C. V. YVhiteaker, VV. V. C.ilins. k Kneral hankllne biMtn! trnacteii. Buys ttliit wINeX'-buiiKe un IliniM,rtHnt point!. Ieiu-it rerelve'l Htilijw:l lt chwk or un certlfl. cute itf lpM,iU, CoilectiotiA mude. Oltice hoiirr.9&. ui.tu4p.ai. Mr. Riley Ilublwrd niovoJ his frttnily to Yacquin lUy Una wtHk, Pallas can now boast of as ginnl a railrtvad as any town in the state, County Clerk Mulkey is busy making two copies of tho county i assessment roll. Deputy Sherill'Aslibaugh U about the streets aam, but looks pale from his lato sickness. It is a small uVlimiuout tax roll for Folk county ibis year. Sheriff riummer is "onto his job," ami knows how to bring them in. Notwithstanding the price of hops will barely tmy for the harvesting this vear, the Dallas growers are not discourage!, and will go ahead cleaning up their yards for another crtyi. Mr. avid Hubbard and family have moved from their lartn near Oakdale to Kinu's Valley. In Mr. Hubbard's removal, Polk county loses aVi old ami substantial citizen. The manner in which the Acad emy of Dallas is being conducted rt tH'ts credit not only upon tne management of the school and the students in attendance, but upon the cause of education itself. Kmni (lie 1hIIh lluiiilni'r. J. t Wtrts and fauulv will leave tomorrow for Tillamook City to make their home. 1 hree car Kan Is of hops were shipped from here yesterday and three more will go tomorrow. W. A. Pike, of Zena, fook his laree crop of dried prunes over into the Tillamook country for sale. Th Dallas flouring mill has a new water wheel of seventy horse power in place of the old one which was only forty horse pi w, r. Paul Kingston, of McCoy, mu-t be an extra good section boss for the railroad have kept hint right in that capacity for sixteen yea-s. V. M. Hunter, of McCoy, will have 450 acres of grain to cut next summer. A big neld ot H on me Frizzell place looks remarkably well. If all county courts were as dis creet fn dealing with the general interests of their county as is that of this county, there would be but little real cause of complaint, but Bomeipeople must and always will find b 'jiR'thing to kick at. J. F. Groves has sold his output of about 140 bales to Meeker at 6 cents, the 1-.., bales of 11. B. Plum mer's fetched 6j cent, Jmige Durch let 85 bales go at G and Peter Hanson eighty bales at GJ. The three lots last named were bought by Ed. Herren, of Salem, and go directly to London. We point with pride to the fact that at the recent fair our Mrs. Wolfe beat the state in cabbage, took first premiums in mangold, wurtaiell, early and late potatoes, parsnips, kale, rutabagas, turnips, j largest tomatoes, be6t variety of vegetables, and second premiums for table b ets, kohlrabi and best Old Polk Lads the state yet. Falls City Correspondent. II. M. LINES, Notary Public. -Life and Fire luurance,- OIIif1 Kasl I.NDEl'ENDKNC'K. ORE. HiUe-Maln 8t. umioslle Stockton A iietiKie a BOOr-dSHOESHOP P. H. Murphy, Prop. ThoiS, Oaks, Henry C. Paine, Henry C Rouse, Receivers IjORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. U N o 9 Pullman Elegant Tourist Repairing of all kind will rec ive prompt attention The best of work turned out ou short notice, A skre of your patronage is solicited. Main street, - Independence j group of vegetabl -s. Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars TO ST. PAUL MIXXEAl'OLIS I)ULVTH FARGO When Baby was sick, we (fare her Cantoris. When she was a Child, she cried fur Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. New York's morality will rise, I believe, until no city ean boast of u clooner heart. The influence of her experience will extend to other American cities, moreover, as rip ides of water widen ami widen alter llm miliiiili nf n kIhii.i. I khOW II f no more hopeful sign of progress than that so manifest right here in New York. Of course, there are people who find fault with it; know of people who would llm fault with their crown of glory il thev should ever gel one. They ie mind me of the story of a man who went tip to the gate of heaven tun requested St. Peter to admit bun "Where are vou fioiu?" asked St Peter. "I'm from Hoston," "Well, vou can no in." said St Peter, "but vou won't like it.' From "Are We Movin Forward!" in Demorest's Magazine for Novcm be I'. What is THEY .SWAPPED HON MOT. (irand Kanids Press: Senator David It. Hill and Ceneral Matthew Hrady were rival after dinner sneakers at a recent New York luncheon. . r. IInl sj oke first and think im to excite a bit of merriment at the exnense of the other, he said: 'Twirl Itrailyaint Itramly There Is only one teller, If Hruilv were hinuily I'd like llimly U-tler, The laugh went round, in which Brady tried hard to join, with mod erate success but all the time If was thinking. When his turn came to speak, the result of his thoughts resolved itself into this: Itelween Hill and hell There I onlv one letter, If (lilt was In hell I'd like Hill U tter. Worthy Your Confidence. The success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in conquering scrofula in what ever form it may manifest itself is vouched for by thousands who were severally alllicled by this prevalent disease, but w ho now h-juice over a permanent cure bv Hood's Sarsa parilla. Scrofirla may appear as a humor, or it may attack the glands of the neck, or break out as dread ful rut.ning sores on the body or limbs. Attacking the mucous membrane, it inav develop into catarrh or IoiIlmiil' in the hint; hud into consumption. Come as it may, a faithful course of treat uieiit with Hood's Sarsaparillu will overcome it, for working upon the foundation of all diseases, impure blood, the system is clarified and vitalized, and vigor, strength and health restored to the hotly. . Cnstorli Is Dr. Mnuicl Pitcher! rM riitloo for Infnnt, nml Children. It contain neither Opium, Morphine uor other Narcotic Milium-. It U . lutrtnlos milmtliuu for pn-MrlctDrM".K""',,,l' H)rii.snnl Ciwtor OIU It l lMcusaitt. It truamiitoo U tl.lrly jrvnn tiso hj Millions of Mot hers, C.wt orU .lest roj Worms and lnyi fevcrlshneas. ( florin prevents vuiulllnff Sour Curd, cure Ularrtueii nnd Wind CH. CiutorU relieve, teclbln troubles cure eouMlputloit and lUtuleuey, Custorli nsslmllate the food, reeululr the stomach ami bowels giving healthy nml nuturnl Mecn. Cm. tori.. Is tho Children's 1'uiuuea-C.o Mollior's TrlenO. Cnstoria. Castoria. "CartorH Is l'-'t m dU-in f " ehlt dnn. Wi.thr h t""l """ (vjud tt'oet P'U ""''r ill -rv "" I) 0 C rvnr., tit, , " Caslnrta U Uw W4 wulr feretiildrwi whk h I am i l ' 11 :' ' " 0 ' ' "J fur dHtaiit ft.-n niotli-ni l '' C' ' Iuu.rl Ut.-trchiUr.-n, tiu I u. . "c u Itrad uf llivrt.miiti i """" w,!il " .-tryli thrlr Uw4 .s. ee n,orit, nwrtmi rrul ait : r !" luroiiu down tli-tr thr-wta, UKr.i.y odu Ihoiu to imutatura ira.,," Ha. j. r nicnKum "Clirl' !.''Ul"l"''lt.iri1nli,i I r-wnimc'iikl rt i.uiriwrwijf Cnacniitka kuuou lu itw. it. A. Ancm,h. d III Su. ('"il n , lin.uljs, K f u oir U'X lit U i-liil,lri a 4ta llirllt !. li'tiUty of Uk-lf ni.v In Ui.ir uu'.iOila rwtit nh CMatti, A il aUlui ,'li u"if ! au( , i,,.,l,-l i (!" Im1 la kiw m frn )r.-l o fcri' li-" Duutn UmI tat ,i, ri ot Caouiriit U wua lu In kMi ttn Uur u It-" I'mrso tlumal. o Ihwmit, Utkm, mil, AUMH O, Karra, I'm., Tha Cntnr Cinptijr t',aj, Ark. TT Marrar Utrmmt, Maw Tark City. SASH and DOOR FACTORY. I'.. Illg t tll.ied wilt, (III' Itltt'St lllld hint WikhI working inm liiiHrv wear iii't piiti'd to do all kiiuli of wood work, such ns Frames, Itniekels, Motiidiugs, and all kiii! of wood turning at the lovit possible C FERGUSON prices. We also curry a full line ol A.M.i SSi.f.i, !I,ASS. (ilass culting quickly ilone. iND'PrN CNCC. OR, Bucklan's Arnica Salva The liest i-alve in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Itheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all .Skin hruplions, and posi tively cures Piles or no nay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents ner box For sale by all druggir.18. LITTLE FfflJKE HOTEL 1 uili'peinluu't', OiVfjun. (Most to railway flatimis, i-taiulM.at laii'lsnj.' ami tlift liiisiiit-ss part f 1 1 1 . city IJoomis atnl stiifes for Intth traucieiit ami pfrmaiicnt pirstx. Vrvicu 1111 htirpassnl. llatos $1 to 2 per lay. 'iW't'aiia t ciirry u lifHt-flitHH HtM"kf i) f P I I lift I SV!t !, I II I J li Mill -1 1 1 H, St OVt'lS W TiiiWiiro, olc, it Hlock that will mod tho W.'ttttM nfoiir t f.ulo. SUPERIOR STOVES -- - THE KEXOVATIOX OF NEW YOKK. Itev. Dr. Jtobert Collyer, I'astor of the Church ot the Messiah GRASP FORKS CROOKSTOS' WISSIREG HELESA and BUTTE THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASII1SGT0S PHILADELPHIA SEW YORK FOSTOS and all POISTS EAST and SOUTH Pnr InformatlAri, time cards, ruapa and tickets, call on or write V- W. H. IIAWLFY, Aent, independence, Or., OR A. D. CHARLTON. AfRt. Gen. Pao.Agt, o. 2,5, Morrison 8treet, Corner Third HI., Pobtlaxd, Ok. LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Corrected weekly by Star Grocery. Chickens $1.50 2.50 per doz. Side Iiaron 7 (a. c lb. Shoulders 6 7c ,, Hams 10 Cii 12c l,ard 7 (if, He Ktrers , 13c doz. Potatoes 20c bu. Cabbage 1c lb. Peas...... 2c lb. String beans 2c ,, Corn 5c doz. Onions (old) lc lb. Apples 20c ,, bu. Fall Butter Pears 2oc " bu. Peaches l.0 ". " Honey 10c " lb. Turnips...., ,.'ic bu. Beets 2-"C ,, ,. firapes 2fc;3c ,, lb. Tomatoes Htlc -, bu. Squashes iOe doz. One of the most striking and sig niticant developments of the time is found in the change which has come over the municipal conditions of'Ntw York city within the last two years, and which has its .a test manifestation in the Police Com missioner's work in enforcing the laws against liquor selling on Sun days. It illustrates once more the great fact that interwoven firmly into our social fabric is a vast in fluence for cleanness and honesty and justice, which will always show itself and hold the cloth together when the threads of corruption rot and fall away. A grand work has been done, work which will be permanent in its effects. Tides ebb, it is true, and New York will prob bbly fall a little way to her old condition; but tides flow again, and WE HflYE RECEIVED a new lot ol thtHo HtovoH, lor Doth oookiii: mimI honliiiu: purpoHoH. CflLL AND 5EE TttEH, tho DohI, kooIh lor tho l.-unt monoy- -4) -4 FRAZER & CATTRON t trMonmouth, - Oregon, v" FOR- snd WAY LANDINGS Tired, Weak, Nervous Could Not Sleep. Prof, lu D. Edwards, of Preston, Idaho, says: "I was all run down, weak, nervous and irritable through overwork. I suffered from brain fa tigue, mental depression, etc. I be came so weak and nervous that I could not sleep, I would arise tired, discouraged and blue. 1 began taking Dr. Miles' Nervine and now everything is changed I Sleep soundly, J feel bright, active and ambitious. I can do more in one day dow than I used to do in a week. For this preat pistd I (rive Ir. Miles' Restorative Servine the sole credit, It Cures." Dr. MUm' Nervine in sold on a poMttVa u.raijir iuav .ue nml uuuh will uenenfe. All riruzelHts sell It at U, Untie, for to or It will be lent, pre rood, on rei-eint 0f pr),., by uie Ut. alile. iluuical Co.. lkbart, Iot. SALEM, PORTLAND !fLSteamer Altona. Leave Porlland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, 6:(X)a. m. Leave Independunee Mondays, Wednesdays and Kridavs ll:.'H " Leave Salem " 7;4,r " Fast Time. Cheap Kates. -All T -n, , T l" kinds of Ltb&L DLAJNKb at this OHice. CITY LIVERY SALIC and KKKI) STAULIiS. K hLLJ-4 1 it ()Y, l'rops. """"""ni ut a. w. OtH-kxteader. L.f. t. f- '4 It? -ir-a nWWWtttl& hours S. mi ''Cwr'jr-.'i.iJ., i-.- T : Tl ish Turn outs Hood turnouts for Commercial men llorses boarded by ihe week or month. I M 1 EI'EX D EXCK, OU. Estes 5, Ell:ins, Leading City Draymen ah kinds of Hauling in or out of the city Promptly attended to.. Chartex reasonable.