' 1 I 1 1 1 II 1 jxii.. i u.U'-mm-i.ii- - 1 , THESE PRICES ARE RIGHT II i -' - 1 ' " 'r Dress Goods. n?5S uuuua. , r counter We are jelling pri" 'K'U . . . . .. r. iJper yard. jior lig pargams 111 uktp? Y".';'i' Flannels. Winter Outing ot Muslins. Vauut l wv - .- L Muslins selling away down. Prints. Shoes. . . A bargain counter for Shoes, from SOets to 12.00 per pair. Clothing. Overcoats, Macintoshes, Rub ber gools, etc., at lowest possi- A Qreat Reduction All Over the House. We Have t)ie Goods We Have the Prices to Suit Everybody. ' EVERYTHING sold on its merits. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. West Side Trading Co. for. Main and C. Sts,f IXDEPEfPEXfW . " P S -Newbersrevex Rip And Bull Breeches are the best n :hst Cities in Dress Trimmings, Buttons, 'ffiftjp .i Furs. 2. Independence Roller Flour Mills, L. HELMICK, Prop, Dealer in Flour, Germea, Gra hajn, Bran and all kinds of mill stuffs, Warehouses at Independence & Parker. pommeuced Business March 4, 1889. THE pirst atiorpa Bank of Independence, Oregon, fpital Stock, Surplus, 50,000.00 114,00000 J.B.COOPER, President t. W. ROBERTSON Vice President. jr. h. hawlkt, Cashier. DIRECTORS. J. 8. Cooper, L.W.Robertson, Lewis ' Hafmick, G. W. Whiteafeer, r ' W. W. Collins. A reneraj banking business transited. Boys an 04TCbmige on 11 important points. Eeparftrrecelvgd subject to check or on certifi ed, ordepoSJt. Collections made. ' OSlee boirrs: a. m. te 4 p. m. THE INDEPENDENCE Rational Bank! Capital Stock, $50,000.00. fl. HIRSCBBERG, - President. ABRAty NELSON, - Vice President. JV. P. CONNAWAY, - - Cashier. A general banking and exchange busi ness transacted ; loans made, bills dis counted, commercial credits granted; deposits received on current account 'subject to check, interest paid on time fleposits. DIRECTORS. B. F. Smith, A. Nelson, I. A. Allen, H. H. Jasperson, A. J. Goodman, D. W. fcears, Hirechberg. LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Corrected yeekly by Star flrooery. Chickens $1.50 2.50 per doz. Eide Bacon 79c lb. ghoulders 6 7c ,, Hams 10 12c fju-d 78c ,. Eggs.. 17c doz. EoUtoea 20c bu. bbag. 1 Peas -2c lb- String beans...' 2c ,, Corn 5c do. &.!::: ::::::::::: ; t Honey " b. Turnip bu- Grape. 23c lb. tomatoes 40o ., bo. Qyiuhta..., &0- A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y., eavs that he always keeps Dr. iris's Ve- Disoverv iu the house and his family has always found the very best results tollow us use, that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman, drug gist, Catskill, X. Y., says that Dr. King 8 ew Discovery is unuuuui edly the best Cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottlos free al any Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Kite (gutcvpvloc. TIU'KMl'AV, OUTXiUKH 10. IhW. ltiblMird tverv Tlmrrty l Imlrjwutou, 1 lVikl-uiuy.Uivon. hU On Jou, lul umltor lit .H.i.a'ol. BROWN 4 BAILEY, P-0lTO"f . JT. M. lUowM. K.(llr. 1.. A. u.v, llunu Nf. l'IM.'BirTlN IIW On .rear. .in MIX IIIUUlll ... 'i,. TlHW IIUUlllt rATl IN AVVANt'l, Aviitiin Ht will b known on "Ton'riMTiN "f "' "" uu ,00rt aa,u' Kn.l It. a Ami .'1mm iiinui.vr. A.Wr!a .11 wmiwinwllMi lo T KxT.n rax, liuU.twiuiii.'. mb. Kvkry business man, that is every man who advertises should subscribe for Printer's Ink.. It gives the latist and freshest ideas in regard to advertising, ami eacn issue is full of suggestive idea which are worth, at least, the sub scription price of the paper. . i Tub Statesman says "some one has said that wherever man has built a creat city tiod has come along and put by the side of it a ureat river. W e have hero at ai em the river, which will always be an equalizer of freights." Not so fast our good neighborof the States- ma iiT The erratic Willamette threatens to cut through near the Gibson place and leave the capital city as high and dry as a Boston herring on Good Friday. It won't do to be too cock-sure about that "eaualizer of freights." "Man pro poses but God disposes" is another devout adage which you niitnt carry around under your full hut. It is said that a uiajui ity of the well-to-do farmers of the corn pro ducing states will hold over a lurgt portion of this year's crop for hot The large surplus nas Frtuiolsoo was sweltering Ud" uVg. tho other day. JVplo vl" lot lias been cant In Oregon hav for satisfaction mat the liuea bava fallen unto them l such jiloant places. Ir i. now cenerally ooncedwl that Independence. Is tho banner town of Polk county, indeed it has few equals ai.d no surirs on me Went Side south of Portia ml. liiiMmm MoMinnville, Indeiwii- dence and Corvallis are the leading i.iwnsnt Wt Willamette valley and Independence is not by ft long call the least of the four. Kasteks people who visit the Willamette valley for the purpose of making a homo here shoul.l see Polk county lefore permanently 10 eating. We have climate, soil and resources equal to any other section nf tho state: uoml schools, nuiner- .,.w rhur. hes and an industrious, i .:.i:.,.. i..ii.llu'iiit class of people. For scenic leauty Polk county is the gem of the Willam ette valley. Phintkrs' Ink cays "the public is interested in a merchant's goods onlv to the extent of knowing how it would be benefited in buying fori'iiee to others." There are Boveral ways that a mer chant can inform the public how it i benefited in buying of him. but i he eaMest and most forcible way to reach the public ear is through the medium of the local newspapers. Merchants who recognize this fact always lead in the volume of tUeir sales lT.KKYP W.l ,Wr...'lr... lll..'KNTi MI-. Hon Beyond Description 5V wJfc'liMt Mr, Kara imi.II4 lcaul"(a, It is really marvelous bow pop ular idols are being tumbled into the dust by th patient researches of the literary and scientiti : stud ents of today. We are now se r.ously told that tho federal consti tution was not an inspiration oi tue Au T a tc I vvd. t ii hiwii " I cut down the price of this great coimntion of 177, but that like . i i,....:nnujL . ... in T. .i:.i.... Topsy it just growen. it mi - sjiring full grown from the brain of cereal, and men of keen business intuition clearly foresee there will HlbUlbiui . -J -- - PJIIlll .v..... . necessarily be a rise in the market jiaii,,on Uny more than Minerva value of com early in tho season next vear. Perhaps a majority of jT. ,ere wa8 nothing original in the the farmers will do compeueu io sell their crop before the holidays When Baby mi sick, we gare her Caatorta. When ahe ma a Child, ahe cried for Caatoria, When ahe became Miaa, ahe clung to CaatoriA When ahe had Children, ahe gave them Caatoria. FALL OPENING 4- OFILLINERY, The ladieeof Indepen dence and vicinity are cordially invited to call and inspect the new line of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY just received at MRS. M, KINNEY'S Millinery Store, formerly Catlin and Kinney A nne line of new FANCY GOODS JUST RECEIVED. LOO'S SHORT ORDER HOUSE, Open at all hours DINNER lock LUNCH from Sets, ap. Oysters kept constantly on band. Private boxes for parties. East side of Main Street, INDEPENDENCE, ORE. MRS. A. M. HURLEY, PKALIB IX MILLKERY and FANCY GOODS, INDEPENDENCE, ORE. The latest styles in Hats and Caps always on display. Infants' Cloaks, Caps and Dresses in the latest styles, press Goods, Hosiery and Novelties. in order to pay debts long deferred which will amply supply present demands, but there is sure to be an increased demand for this ce real before next year's crop is har vested. The moral sentiment of the Ltitutions, but the federal consti the federal constitution. Indeed it adds to its value, for it is shown the world's experience in constitu tional government. COUNTY NEWS. Important Happenings and Erente Prom the Various Neighbor hoods in the County Gathered by The Enterprise's 0orp of Able Correspondents. NOTK CorreBponflpnw nhoultl he reclvM not later than Wnlm-wluy artiTiionti nfmrh w.- t limure ubl'c!lln. W want a II ve uirn-nuundenl in every town and tuwinlilp In lux county. country is driving the prize fight ers from his last refuge in the United States. There is now, probably, no state or territory in the union where a prize fight could successful! be pulled through. Govenor Culbertson showed great moral courage in downing the mob of gamblers and ruflians who clam ored to make the Lone Star state the battle ground for the Corbett Fitzsimmon's mill. The legis lature convened by Govenor Cul berson acted promptly and decis ively. Within three hours after organizing that body passed a law making prize fighting a felony. The expedition with which this act was passed is a monument to the moral sentiment of the common wealth of the great State of Texas. It is evidence that the people every where recognize the demoralizing effect of prize fighting and its at tendant vices upon public morals. We quote from Mondays Orer gonian as follows: Tabulations of September's weather show that the hot wave was escaped by no section of the country save the plateau districts of the great Northwest and the Par cific coast. Both the average and maximum temperatures were un usually high east of the Pwocky mountains during the third week in the month, the records at a ma jority of stations in the Upper Misr souri valley being broken for the wa.lr In iYit month. Thfl BCWUU ' I - maximum records were broken for with Miss Lora Butler, of Mon I . . 1 A 1 the greater part of the month in mouth, as tne leacner, the Ohio valley, lower lake region, CalMi Boor Middle and South Atlantic states. to Wisconsin The temperature ros to 100 deg. . find inv fnv-PR in IVLUUI..II, ' " "J J - - ., if: ' aw I over fwuiuci u sprang from the brain of Jove. 1) 1 Kevt ami '"' V HiH-ut the greater part of the wee. I . . Mil I..1H.I.I visiting Hi fair, nu-y ret Saturday. T J. Hut lor. of Pallston, was in town on business Saturday. School has now U-.h in "'sioii two weeks. There is aiK.uv mut, in attendance. Kduar Dennis, of Monmouth, was in town Friday. Mr Ware, our enterprising drug gist, treated the school hoiw tl.U week to coat or paint ami is no painting the reddenee of l. I Keyt. .V large quaultv of oak wood Is being shipped to Tormina lion, this place. Mr. Roberts, the veteran well U.rer of Polk county, has been at work in this vicinity for the past two weeks. Miss Helena Wolf begins teach ing at Crowley next Monday. Farmers in this vicinity are N tM.miiur to long for rain as the ground is so dry it cannot be work ed. Mrs. Andrew Wise started on a visit to Umatilla county, Friday. J. II. Townsend delivered a lec ture hero on the llunaiiuu lidaiidn Suuday evening. Kt-v. Crandall pmu bed his f.re. well sermon here Sunday evening. The people here regret to sco Vt: (Vuid tll leave as he has been a faithful worker. They sueivr-a in hix new field, der his succe-sor, eTts to till hisi Pursuant to a call in i'lel. appointment here next Sonday ; huihUt ..f our eit"in ft mw!;q wit held in Die bank IiiiMii;j! t). t..ln r o, at 7-.'l'l x'cliH'k fr tb I hi r pice ( iirgaiiiing a Uwpj i l ilV improVi llielit. The t'ljnt P the board i the gelier-ll ImproTc- ineiit of our v ttv in J i-Iantini! nil t io trees, ntrrt i tiroveiiieiits, U net a better '. xystnu, tc. Tliis is a mover in il ri.-hl diriH lioii. nitd much p-l purchas.xl the Monmouth hotel but j lollt. iw aiibe;- will not tuke charge until fpring. Mis I,inni Murphr bus U-eii quite sick for the past week, but is InUneo luff-ring With Mu, Khoumatism. I hr.jp wrttfjr that ttt,t af tfuul'lwt With 111 au. , 1 Th.7 tl. u loin, , annual m, M la, lataW i bad tauai Crutchn at IIiiwi in4i tU UuaU t It I would have to have tnj kf M lalxd ai the ln tieoaiiiaaliiiiMliit,, , i .... .. .... .i.Im i lunnnu it.mi.i Mwapriiiiioa iialljr, hwirlin of lluwl's Marurti a,inpililMt Mt'Y I. Atlar I hd Ula oiialn.Ule I Ml nmeh Utn.r in. laalnM vtat iHitllca can lrulliliiU ay 4 BUI " My Kne Haa Been Curas aud tun I 1 rati walk and u arming .iiv um ul ley lf. 1 am (0 n and "era mjf larm, and my tllllljr , fc an I altill'ioe to llie li nrll ,t, II.hmIV riraiaruia. i am ut tu .j,, mieteit rliaumetl.in III i")f Uke imm1' Hrairllla." Kuu Hu. Sar$a Hooa's 1L x. Uo sure to pet HOOD'S. HooU'sPiibjr.r furnish t lie lire company wuu t g,Hl truck. If a (ire wan t bml ..ut in tin liiines purl, iiviiiiu.t of work would ave the town a;;t no wv t.f getting apparatus t t; wish him nlace needed. Let some one u4t Kev. I'al- ; the move. nlterno.iii lit o P' M. .MON MOt'TII. l'ofrr.ni.'iii lu rm riaaiaa. Mr. Hewitt was ib'iug busineHS in town last week. (iuite a number of students en tered school this week. Mr. tiroes, of Pentoii county, has work of the framers of the conMi-1 imm)vinjt nml ,,.., to H. n,v ,,, tUtlOll. except ll UO iucuhjiiii I, t ll 1 n 111'. I llV tH'rSlrtnllt K , ...,.. .... . , lion on the part ( the board. Hit Od. 'J, near 12 Vb'' u'4 residence uf Mr. H. 1' .,..1 1 t i .. ... i .. . . . ' .. i;. T . resume iiei ptuutu mnn j ,Vl, ,lf(l i,verei la. l"' ul i days. 'ulaiiu was given and soon '"'fj The lecture on Japun given by j uuiulfr of nCiens was on themn". the Jaimnesn student from Forest Vmrlv en rv thiliC in t!iell'w''f i ( rove, on Del. -', at uie i nrisuan riKUiis a an save.i, nuv ui v mans and me oiu i.ouiuur.. ami - , idea here and there is said to have furch. was greatly enjoyed by ig of the upper - .d.iet. been taken from previous slate con-, , .... ..,,. HI lur irtnin? hi i" uiii-n-i '1 . 11 1 .111 Cl'lltl 11171 nv i I" the lecturer and the Sunday ig two f unks. Mr. Seward lt t estin"ied in the in ighborhood : nrwiti.jn mid verbal ex Jilt HI I J . pression. The ideas were all bor rowed from pre-existing constitu tions, from the English, the der- ....... a anil till' old KolliailS. All tution itself was simply thecrystal- ization of the lest elements of pre existing constitutions. Even if this theory be true it does not de- school. Tim Knteki'Iiisk reached us last week in enlarged form. The in auionif other things b) lu his tmd chest full of carjieiitertwl- this theory ne true u uoes not ui-jnnn .."ih i , . ..... . e .1 I f!a;.l.. in mm ivnai..t i.f uil! ui'lurli-fl I III 1 llirt Is Hiks. also a blCVllu. 1 1" tract in tne least irom ine vuiuu tit, - - . . . . ..... r i il ii... i: i. .... ...:n i ri ; .. l,.r,l i,l,.ur Mr .Seward ast lllllllt'I HllUJIinVBUV.il n 11 111 I"? "I . n .. U.IKI .... i . . . ... I ... I , interest to the farmer. The Kn to he the essence of tho wisdom of j tkki-hihk is pushing rapidly to the i . ..... .i - l n . PA It KICK. Correnponilfn to THK ENT KRPHIHE. Wiu. Fuqua spent last Friday at the fair. Mr. Edgar Dennis, who iB trav eling for Ilorst Itros., was doing business in our berg Monday. Mr. Dell Calbreath has returned home after a short stay at the Ya quina bay. The Suver literary society has again resumed its work for the win ter. If every district would start a literary society young people would derive much benefit from it Our school began Wednesday The Ideal Puiiiieea. James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says: "I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung Complaints, havii.g used it in my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of physi cian's prescriptions or other pre- jiaruuuilr). ctii.i in,- m iimiii - ' 11I(iil Uev. John Bnrgus, Keokuk, fa Tme'm! 1 ........ i. ., ,mi iiiiiiiirv r.iisci)- iiim kiviiik uie ni !-. n. . pal Church for 50 years or more. ' ''"'I'""? l' tin iisiinitlon """T,i ami have never found anything so ! T I in l beneficial nr tl.nt. 11 ' l,r,?'r ' U'r '"lve " ' V. r e-' -men , eiiriiiivu iinwers. unii uij I .7 , . . v. u l . . v. . .. - ri . - j , . . i r . : . l .... . .-. . .... .... ......... . i ,iu. i . it ,u .... i . . 11 , . . . y ...... a., un ,iin Y , Tr euIOOV Wlinoui. Koing B'J iai nnay. i" - r nil's ,ew miiuren IMiniirs lor nj . , ceeded 100 deg. in Northern Kan- Iliscovery." Try this Ideal Couch 1 f"!'- "'" '" f"r ,"1 eHtm as and the eastern portion of Ne-J " " Kenedy now. Trial bottles free ati"""' , t-'nY A ( Toledo,' , . j o...u n.v.. e..-Unoft to Wisconsin. anv Drno-Htnra ..'.c,!hN.:A SI prascav Mull uvutu o - Claud Boone is talking of going It seems queer that front and is now the leading as well as the largest paper in tho county. The track laving on the branch of the S. P. is completed about one mile sout h of this place. The work is iircifressitig rapidly. It will take about six weeks to reach Airly. Tho heavy steel makes a great im provement in the line. He hope to see business pick up so tho com pany can all'jrd to run daily trains. Monmonth nnods a ladder truck and a well organized lire company. We have good holders, hooks, axes, buckets, etc. Now let some one take hold this niattej and in conjunction with the, council One Gives Relief, It is so easy to be mistaken about indigestion, and think there is some other trouble. The cure is Uipians Tabules. One tubulo gives relief Ask any druggist. is a student, at the Normal and : ill afford to loose s. much at thi j time. The Imiiso waa owned k Lark Hall and was without iniurj a nee. the liiilicr having expired short time into. There was no om al the house at the time the H wns diKcovere.l. Mr. Portwooo w. at Salem and Mrs. Portwood attlvv store. Tho origin ol the lire is n. known, but is supposed to lin.ni fniin a .h.fuctive Hue. "I""1 the family went awuy in the nwri.j ing they extinguished tho tire ij the stove, so it must have lfi smouldering for several hours p"' to tho outbreak. Hex & R. j Euoklen's Arnica Ealvei 'ri... ;., tl.M world f"1 Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcere Hheiini, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, toru and all Skin Eruptions, and P1 tivelv cures Piles or tu l,fty ,r'' ..uired. It is irnariinteeil K) g1 1 perfect satisfaction or money funded. Price 25 cents ir W For sale by all ilruggisis. JfclOO ICciviird. I00. The reailera of this P"IM'I" j pleuseil to learn tbat there is at one iheaileil iIIhciiho that seleties i Uh-ii ul.le bieuro In bII Its slaises ' Unit is Catarrh. Hall's 'lrrSlnH is the only positive euro now " J to the tneilleal fraternity. (-'ul"rri" I Iiik a eiiiistiliilluiiiil illseas.', rt' 'J1 T eoiiHlitiiiluiiiil tn.Hf incut. Halls , I arrh Cure In taken internally."" any Drugstore. I A.bo'ld'by Uruggiats, 7.5c,