Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, October 10, 1895, Image 3

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    Receipt of Railway Greatly
Reduced In Two Year.
,lf, Hi:i'Hr 0'' U A,': HAMI'TON
..iiiiiia Mail ' "iiin.lssli.iier
, lallr'ls MmI l Ilia I'a
rllln llna.U' 1'xlilo.
VVukIiI'1""' 4- Wadit Hump.
,,iniiilsloiicr of rallroi.ils, has
-,,,'ltf hi" annual r'Mirl to aeon.
"ryuftliu interior, ilo aaya in tli
h(r, times. l l'l""r" " nr ro.
Hit of H' I'"'"" yotoiii weir,
j,,! ii.uou.uuu 'r month below
i.. normal. Tim ooiniiilasiiuier says a
,al Iron rule to payment cannot lm
Ihau-ved. and I"1 tl'luku l,1,,rn should be
'.flexible sdjiiatnieiit of annual pay.
uuni lo correspond Willi diminished
mriiinK' "" ,,l'"' Thtirmaii nut
l found l" J""11'. " XHf'ttl"n
gf ik fratners " the following amend
ariil ate !:
"KirMt'l" ninrM wllliln It pro.
,mui nil l'aelh roada which Imvii re
wived from Huiim th loan
gf MhU in aid construction.
"rtxMiu'l To provide llmt 60 r
Till, instead of lH'r '""'d.
wrtl'l,1(,.l. r.lni.'.l.
"Third JO'"'"'! Ill" "CHI Ulltll 11 1
.hull have t"ii discharged a provided, j
, of ilm companies abandon any part
,4 ilu' ulidi"d lines, or divert their
Iwim-Ni from aubsiduod to Mil llll-
tiiiiiwi company 1 1 iii
nioh I'm" required to transfer tint
iiell mill condition which attached to
,1 ohl subsidised l"". ' order that
right interest "f t T ti
sul. iu.r ,H' protected. "
Tlw con.mi'tslotior llin awn I' K
-t-if" """ " "i
cuonw,!...' ludel.t.HliiiH... . they are
unn.u. I" U irwu iroiu gov. ,un,. i.ii
W-rvii"U- aim v. lien t nmr aggn-guui revenue or
Thn oniiimliwloner refers to the fact ;.'.U a itioiith was ktnpied, it left no
Uut tli-r has l-en great iluprovi-iui-ut i way of maintaining the various ilepart
anmililii'iis simw last annuiil report, j incut.
tod that there is all iiu ren.) ill earn- A M.,i of
, f roads under Ins suN-rvli..i..
U rt-vl.'ws ine iiuuiK'iai -oiiiii. i
Union I'aellto and the tViiliul l'u-
tte. sad "" ,'"t t'"'
Inl'ti I'lU'tllo t the government lit
il.uoi.uii:i. with a t"tl liability of
I;.iSmI..'.oO; the debt of the Central
rVltic M the Uulled hlul.-. is
;it.lt3. with u total liability of
WJ.IiJ. 'I he ImihIs of tho tVlittal
Psc'iOi-, whieh fell due January 111,
KSi, were to havu l u ptild by the
MuiMii). but, as a matter of fail,
liaid out of Hie k'elieral funds of
. . .. . i , .....
ik Uuii'-l Mau-s treasury, lie
pavnu'lll may im reiniuui-,! inu
liw Mle ot liinls III the sinking fund,
tet ij., r is not sullielent market for
t) Hie et such Imlida to euli.-el a tenth
t the ,1.1,1 The pn.perllea of the two
,!, are rel.rted lit good eonditien.
a,,vv,. w. the attempt at l'ae.tlo rail-
nal legiKliitloli III the eong,,.
"Be.'re.ul! of the .st two years
Mr, .how, that during l-.i-l of
.. , ..... i i.....
iui-ial and industrial ll
finil.l 1 for the Union I'a- i
ttt.t ulittliiil
txw. in aiblltloi, to other
ther lleccwuiry j
ltd liievltiilile extS'llses. or I'l e.
am such i
mm. -mil ns would Is. ietiired to ills
turgv the debt lo the United htti .
tdlty years at a ja-r wut, as pn.)Heil
Uio'lteilly bill, or even 3 cr cent,
the), the representatives of Hie com
jMjr were understood to Is. willing to
nv.i. home regard should Is' had
lr uch eoiidillous as have existed,
sal which are likely to
arise again.
Oh Town Wl,rr 111
111 ul lt W orn.
Birmiiigham. Ala., k-l. 4. The
immii of this city may ride bicycles,
at they have put away all idea of
liiing bloomers, and all on account
it clever trick resorted lo by those
bo nppoM, thu fashion.
When the erawi tlrst struck the city
but extremely young girls appear-
l mi the streets in bifurcate.
mi the streets ill bifuirated gar-
"Mil, it was whispered, however,
4i ji.mi wom.'ii, and some not s
I'Jimg, were hastily preparing their
wiuita. 'l'hen the Hiitt-bl.Hiiuelites
ljwl It low down. They employed a
al-black negress of piuiileroilS Weight
ad flabby tortn to ride a bicycle
ihn.ugh the streets day after day.
nu-yutlin-d her in a gorgeous costume,
nntiiig of a tliiming-re.l waist, blue
iMosrs with a wide white stripe down
enii.H, uiul bright yellow hose.
Owing to her great avoirdms.ia this
f'ltiwpii! Ilgnre ja-rs.ires at every pore
lw wheels along the streets, but she
.ll paid for her labor, and the
Mnitiier cra.e has Is-en killed forever
u Birmingham.
Axotlier Failure.
Chiwigo, ts-t. B. Utter fuilur." atr
Mini the efforts of the executive olll
"n uf the Western roads t.slay to e
'W nil Hgree incut for the restoration
""Iniiiiiiti-nance of freight rales. The
""'tiiiK was unable to iigns. on any
'ting. There was only a partial rep
"eatati. n of the roads, and it was
ni inexpedient by those present to
""mitt to do anything till ful1 "''
""Ihiioh could lat wtoun-d. t ne of tho
,liitiH-s was tho Missouri, Kansas A
Ien. The Missouri I'lieilh' stated
"'Plinth it would not lat a party to
'"J "RTixtment to which that road was
Mat a party. Under these cir
"ii'Uunes, nothing ntmained t Is'
but adjourn. It did , wit" hu
undemtaiiliiiK that the clmirmaii
"M use bis utmost endeavors to
""H luit a general uiiderstanding
""""g the roads and learu when t
'illboooiivouient for tlieui 1111 to '',
It.'I'.OIH. . Mlulx.
lull H ill
Wash Uwum, dot. r,.(iviini(ir (..
. w- t'laii. ha h.ii,,uui
hi animal r.-K,rt lo iliu ..rolry of
tin. Interior. Before ,lll,hl(r r rl
can la. imi.l.i tlin territory will Ihwouiu
-nil", hid rniHii t h tlnviit.,,1
wnoiiy in mitt iMi( Hliowtnir
IIIU ll).
oiiiv(.. mii.I itoiiililii.ii of il, t,,rrltoiy,
,".,.,1111111.11 M,.,!,,r,iiiiK u lint
'..mum i.f iHtif., ai7.ilW.l6i. Jtfr.
rliiK U Hit, ,i,mHH.tlvo HiliniMHlon mill
imloning ,k,py ,)f tlmooiiKtltutloii llmt
IinIhn fritiniMl, tl, Kovuriior miyii
llmt it Ik wiuriui of mitiNriintiou that
nfi.T much Mirlfu, lMKiiiuiiiK in ikhii,
I'Uh in ulH.iit to miUir thu Union im a
K"'t Mini WMMnui. Hint, with u ho.
iiioKnmtu, thriving ioiiNiih,,
fui Mini Imm.y im-oi.Ii,. TIih
) that lw fiiHil tliut- llm ooiiHtitu-
Iloll Will Ui llllolltiul. Mini Unit f II VI If.
Illllll NCtioll Will lw tllkl'll I.V thn t,r.,.i.
lll'lll. All till, IMXIIlll, Will Ittlluultl 1h.1h
riiriiMiiiUlivnN mill i.tlliMim of Dm
tttUi, h riifruiun from milking imy
nxlilllllUKiiilHtluu h, Ut l,.KiHHiicm
.vliiK llmt mu ll oMli'lnU will Im in h
IMMitinii to iln whut in Mwt for thu
Ill i.f Huluiini Ht..i,a ran.
rlHl KnibNrrHBiiiriil,
Kainwa City, Oct. 4. Miivor Wil.
Ufil, of Arumitinu, h milmrt. ot Kiunum
t lly, Knit,, t,Hlny IkHuml orili'rt U (111-1
rliMiKi, fvury iolitnMiiiii, uiul .t.liiiu!
otlliwr, fxw.tliiK tint oily iniimlitd, to
i"l, nmi ilnwn tin, tiro ili'piu tmi'iit hih! nr- i
rniiK" to wU tin, Imrw hihI iMjtiiiiiiinui !
uiul to rim! ilowii thu wiitnr I
Tim fliH-trio tlijlit wiviih) will liu
tiiin within thu iii-ii t,.n ilyii. 'I'),,, ;
city now priictnmlly lit, thu imiroy of j
llrn Hint outluwii. N'vi-inl iiinriinou
ui'iitM lui vm Ihvii thi'iu nil day luiHlly !
I'liHiiK".! in oiuiiwlliiiK iimurion! mj!i- i
i liu. All lliln In tin' riirtiilt of cloHinir
; - y jmiiia. ac.-or.ung ;
; to the r-.-nt orders of i ...vernor Mor- j
r.u. , ,,.-y wnn, ci,.i mis inuriiuig. i
Ksn Framii. tJct. 4. Tho steamer
I ..ik ine lias arrived Iruin the Arctio
00- iiii, tiriugiuK news of death and dia
it r Hiuoiig Uie whaling fleet. Thu
1- iiti-h for the lu-awiu was a Inn -ft an
t.oluto fiulure. only twenty-three
w hale tuiving Ik-i-ii taken. The hark
Triton was t-uugbl In the ice, and ul
thotigh she i-m'Hh-,I la-H.g crunhed, she
sprung aleak ami was rendered uusea
worthy. Tin-re were furteti deaths
III the little tl.i-t wlil'-h was fioxeu lit
uejir the moiitli uf the Mm keiiKie river,
and, when the Lakuio left lleraehu il-
! A
nd, lime runaway sailors were inlss-
I ' "-"'
Kan UraneiM-o, th'L 4.-1 he supreme
'" has de.'iar.l ums.ualitutlolial HI of seetloii llll) of the
euuiy govemmeut tut. w Ineli ptx.vnies
j Ht In counties of the SNih class alone
every person sulipcnsed as a witmws in
; a rr.n.msl esse by the s,.H-rior court
.hall, -object . o the ' '
J"K" .'., " - -
1-t diem as juror
lu like caws, lue
.-oi.rt ,1,-eliireS this provision unuolistl-
I...., ... .1 .1 it not
luuoi.i... o- .o- .... -
nave a ulillorm appiieauou, n-,i,o....
by iwivtion 11 of article I ot too ooni.ii
union. 1 he Murilrr ut l.m. li" lllryrllst.
Unidoii. t- 7.Tho Armenian cor
respondent of the Dally News says that
the pasha appointed by the sultan to
carry out the projected reforms in Ar
menia has granted permission to Will
iam A haehtelbeit, the Kt. Ix.uis bicy
clist, to aiwinpaiiy him to Hiiyinslid,
and has promised to aid him iu clear
ing up the matter of the murder of
Frank l-en. the American bicyclist,
for which purpose Mr. Hachtelben went
to Turkey.
AI...II l "' 1'reii.lums.
Iter' in. (let 7. The National Zei
luiigwivs that international negotia
tions, with a view of bringing about a
and thu ultimate abolition
j,.f the preum ... " sti co ... .. -
hoped they will lean voso.....,..-....-
. .. 1 i . ktlifH
the eoniitries concoine..,
principally France, are interested, in
view of the tlnaiicial situation, in oh
the alKditiou of these pay
ments. i in. I.h.. Sum "I "
, .1... l.i A A disoatch
to thu
Initio...., " " .
Slaii.lard from Shanghai "ays that
Viccov U Hmilt Chang has gone to
Peking at the sHK-iai re.iuest of the
, , wager empress of China, with whom
,. hs always had the most con ml re-
atioiia A grand scheme of adininis-
,,ga..i,.ion l,.s l,;n
,,, ,,tweeit them, a piym.nei.t fen
re being the removal of the ,,nta
Iron, l-eking to s,.munioi-es,v.iro place
in Central China.
NrM York's l.r..w Inquiry.
New York, 6-Th l-ard of
..i .1... il.-oiirlllieiii ""
,hr,h"rC UM ov- The
!:;;:;g iTrriUof'evidenee produced
jXe the
m is. nmi"'' f"'";
(Vt- I'lstncs
- i ...!.. Via would
H.rney Win .
bring the case
of Jlisa r isg.,
,ral Flagler, clnet oi me
tvr of (lene
.....ii.w. bun-
ao of the v.
,t.O. .
who killed a negro boy
nameo tirenu
Mlinu- fruit from a
rnTU-re the grand jury now m
I.!... V...
WHS " c
N,.w York has reported
I tnves.igalion of the charges against
Ma r W. - Andrews, ex-commiHsion-of
--t el.iic this city 1 he
"r . . , . x...i..r Andrews guilty of
I kl IttlllH 111J" ----
IIIIIIHIir, I ll,..!,,,.!,.. I'lurK,! ,n
M'ltlKOD HlHIIll.
Hilll FriinulM,)!), Out. 4. Thu lliifniiHH
in tin. Dun-mil oiiiw did titihiy that
wliliih it Iimh (iftmi utk'hI thu pr.xniou
lloutodo. Attornuy l)tiiiiiiy oiillud
to llm Htiuiil llliy-nlni, muni burM of thu
kIiinn to whom Dr. Chimuy lixiluind thn
iifUiiiiutin of April 3, hiiiI hmIukI ouch
oihi if hu Himwurud to Durruiit'n immo
ut thu roll-cull, Kvory mmwur wim In
thu nuKiilivu. Attorimy Doupniy wont
furtlmr uiul iiMki'il ciich ntuilmit if hu
kimw of imy utlmr niumbor of thu cIhhh
who )mi HiiNwuruil to lJiuriiiit'i Hiimii.
Not on,, of thu witniwHu IihiI Hiiy in
foriniition on thn Hubjout. Of thu iitu
ilmitH Nuinmonud to thu Htund, not ouu
know whiithor Duimnt wim ut thu liw
tiiru-riiiuii in Cooir collngu the day
tlmt llliinolio I.iiiiniiit yM uiurdurud, or
not. Nuithiir oouh) thuy ohII to luind
Hiiy othur Htuilmit who wmh thuru. It
in i!Xiiitiiil tlmt thu ruiiiHiniiiK four
toou iiiuinUirN of thu clHKwill huoiillod
to thu Ntiuid tomorrow.
Whilu thu Htnp tiiknn by thu dufiiiiHu
toiliiy in oiilliiiK JJurrttnt'ii c1iihkiiiiiU-m
to thu Ntaiid Im K'"i'illy ri'Kiirdud an a
bold, it uiiiinot bu Hiiid that it ro
nultisd to the niutorlul udvuiitiigu of
nithur i(lu. 'J'hu Uwtinioiiy of thn llfty
lino witiummm who wuru phioud on thu
mind wan important in u fur iim it
wont to rrfuto thu uoiiUtntlon of thu
IirotHHiution that NotnobiMly olau an
HWnrnd to Dtirrant'i uiimu on thu day
of thu inurdor. ()u tho othtir hand, the
proMHMitinu oiuiU-iiiIh that thu tonli
iiioiiy In iinimjjiirtiiiit, iiiaHiiiuoh an wiv-I'lity-thrui)
HluilmilH mifht kivd aatiit
fimtt.ry iividi-iioo for tho dufunao, whilo
thu iMivi'iity-tourth mi-mlx-r of thoclatm,
if ho oould 1m, found, will uivo i vi
iliuioo that the prowieutioii ao much do-.
- - i
in-iit Ktn-HH waa laid by both sides
today on thu memory of the witnesses
an to the Individual studuuta who at
tended the lecture. While thu prose
cution, showed that not one of thu stu-
,,,,, wh wm, ,JU u, Htu(1 m
ln,.mM,r,.(1 mmiui( i,urrHIlt Bt the lec
, tllt) lU,u,nMS hu)Ui,lt out the fact
' that the witm-ases did not rememlier
jaiiy other studeut who was present,
j The day's testimony, therefore, result
. ed iu no material udvantugu to either
! side.
Mrasurs Will Itls..mliry
ftlsjorlty tr lh Nraroes.
! Columbia, h. (.'., Oct. U. The re
; port of thu sull'riigu oominittue of the
i constitutional convention was madu to-
j day. It provides for the registrutiou
' of qtmliticd voters. Thu quulitications
i of vl.sttors given iu thu following bis)-
I tton aro regarded us practically dis-
imalifying the majority of thu negroes,
on account of the oducatiouul and prop
erty reiuintineuts:
' The person applying for registra
tion must bu able to read und write
unv section in thia constitution, or
must show that ho owns and puys
taxes ou ifllOO worth of property in this
state; provided, thut at tho firat regis
tration under this constitution and up
to Jaiiuury 1, 1HDH, all malo persons
of votinir ants who can read and write
a clause in thu constitution, or under
stand und explain it when rend to
them by tho registration oflioer, shall
bo eligible to register and lHtcome elec
tors. A separate rooord of every per
son thus registered and sworn to by the
registration ollicer shall be tiled, one
copy w ith the olerk of thu court and
one iu the oflicu of the secretary of
state, on or before January 1, 18U8,
and such person shall remain during
his lifetime a qualified elector, unless
convicted of some disqualifying crime.
Tho certificate of the clerk of theoourt,
or secretary of state, shall be sufficient
evideuce Ui establish tho right of Biiid
class of citizens to register and exercise
tho franchise."
Senttle May UulUI Tl.m.
Seattle, Oct. 4. Auioug the bids for
tho construction of six new gunboats
opened at the navy department yester
day, the lowest bid for two single
screw vessels was by the Detroit Dry
dock Company, and it was said there
would be a question as to awarding
tho contract to that firm, because of
tho treaty between the United Suites
and Onmt Britain, which provides that
ships of war cauuot be built ou the
( Lakes, although intended for
service on thu sea. This question is
already answered. If tho Detroit Dry
dock Company secures tho contract, as
it undoubtedly will, because its bid is
the lowest, the two single-screw gun
boats will bo built at Seattle. Thero
has been a representative of the com
pany in this city for nearly a year, and
today ho said that it was tho intention
of the company to build shipbuilding
yarns neru n nunuoum, -
his would lie but the start of a
big plant.
I'm- the first two bouts the !
binerv will be made at the Detroit
yard and shipped to this point, the rest
of the work being done here. The De
troit Drvdoek Company s a weaitny
Michigan corporation,
ti lino. ODD. and it has
Its capital is
no debts. Its
president, is Hugh McMillan, brother
of Senator McMillan, and these two
K.iiitlemeii, together with Alexander A.
McVittie Hud Frank E. Kirby, are the
principal shareholders.
To Shut Out Culirornla Corn.
Seattle, Oct 4. It is reported that
the Burington is about to enter into a
truffle agreement with the Northern
Pacitlo whereby it can lay down Ne
braska corn iu the Washington market
for from 18 to 30 a ton. At present
the Bnrliugtou ia handling part of
the wheat crop of thia state and its oar
often oonie back empty. By making a
cheap rate on the return, the Bur
lingwn expeota to shut out California
Extra Session ot the Texas
Legislature Convenes.
( imli-t llrlMKn (iuvoriior full.xraoii
Mini llll) I-iiIIIIikI (liiliriiln-IIIIU
litlriiilumd In Jlolli Uuumi:
AiiHtln, Tux., Oct. 8. The Tixa
legialature at noon with a o.iorum
preaont. The governor, in a ,
reviuwnd the luwn Bgainat prizefight -
i..g in TexiiH, oalliiiK attention toerror.
therein, und cloaed by aaying:
"AH peraona havo boon given notioe
that the rl,)tt.Kitr.Him.,..n. exh,b -
turn would not be permitted, and whut-
ever haa l,en dmie by the VUn
waa wnh a full knowledge of the eon-1
that thia exhibition eKpocially ahould
Mexico and the territories, outlawed
ami driven from every atute, it in pro-pom-d
to BHitemble here a herd of rufll-
ana and gamblora and offer in thianttite
thia coiuinaudiiiK inault to jiublio du
cency. Tho iuatliiuta and prido of tho
jmople revolt, and your prompt and n-a-olulo
action will Hpare them thia iguo
miiiy and ahuma. "
liu rouoinmeudH a law mukiiig prizo
fighting a felony.
There ia a atroug lobby hero from
Dullua, and the leudera of it claim to
huve voUm enough in the house to de
feat tho emergency clauHO. there are i
only threo aenatora opposed to the
omerguuey ciiiuho.
oeverui uiiLi-pi iaii((u, uw "
troduced in both Iiouhoh, and adjourn-
meiit waa taken until tomorrow.
Thu two billa introduced in both
houses today, contain the uiuugency
clause. Ouu of thu bills, introduced
by Senator Lewis, is recognizee! as the
administration bill, and prescribes that
a usiiu euuoumui w is";" ."'" "
Zai puhn-imnn j
.... ............1 ..
... ..... ..... - ... t.
l.i IJOli IS ll.HU UUU ll-ll ....'IU .
years. Tho other bill,
prepurded by j
Kenator Hmpson, I rovidea for an
m.uiiiiini)i.r (11 in ill' i, 1,1 ll mi&
These bills were referred to the ju
dioiary committee in eicier house, and
they were to take action thureou this
afusrmsm. Tho Dallas attorneys ap
peared before them to ask for further
time, claiming that they could show
.',,.. ,..iu,.,.;,. ua
I: ; n ' l .
request, both committees artjourne.1
until morning at H o'clock, and noth
ing further was done by either house
iu the matter.
As the mutter now stands, it is a po
litical row between the friends of Gov
ernor Culberson and his personal op
ponents, of which he has quite a num
ber in the legislature. There are
ninety-four menibciw of the house and
twenty-four senators. Iu the house it
is necessary to get eighty-six votes to
make thu law go into immediate efloct,
and twenty-four votes are necessary iu
the senate, Iu the house at the present
writing, there are fifteen out-and-out
men against putting an emergency
clause in the bill, while there are four
who are doubtful. This puts the two
thirds vote out of the question in the
house with its present roster, j In the
senate, there are three against the
emergency clause and two are doubt
ful, which places the bill in danger
there also. If a vote was taken now
with only the present number on hand,
there is little doubt that the emergency
clause would bo defeated.
Tho administration forces do not pro
pose to to come to a voto in tho mat
ter, however, until more of their men
arrive, and their absentees are expected
tomorrow afternoon. The Dallas
people also want a delay to gather ad
ditional forces, so everybody is pleased
to delay the game ut present.
Tonight, lobbying is being indulged
in right and left, and a strong effort is
being made to put the twenty-two pop
ulists in the house over to the hglit
lVnry's ireMt Fatlurft
Now York, Oct. 8. Lieutenant
Peary's colored servant, Matt Hender-
sou, ana rroiossor jj. u. uyene, oi ine
Kansas state university, arrived from
the Arctio regions this morning on the
steamship Silvia. Lieutenant Peary
and the other members of his party
who left Halifax yesterday by rail, are
expected to arrive in New York this
Professor Dycho, whilo reticent as to
the details of tho expedition, admitted
that it had been a failure. He declared
Lieutenant Peary had not managed to
forgo much further north than on his
previous expedition, ne wonm not
give any reason for tho failure other
than the lack of lood. Whon driven
back in the first attempt to reach the
North Polo, Peary decided to press for
ward in 1894. He had buried food in
the ice, but oould not locate the cache.
He was obliged to kill his dugs oue by
one and feed them to others. Dyohe
and his party lived on walrus meat
when tliey oould get it
The professor status emphatically
that the party, would never have reach
ed America had it not been that when
just on the verge of starvation, Peary
and Henderson killed some musk oxen.
Professor Dycho brought back about
4,000 specimens of Arctio flora and
Trouble. Among the Theosophists.
Loudon, Oct 5. Herbert Burrows
has written a letter announcing that he
has luft the theosophists' society, ow
ing to rtveut disclosures, which have
convinced him that deception in the
aocietv has been rampant for
by both Messrs. Oloott and Sinnett.
He aava he believes that Mtiia. Bla-
vataky ia partially fraudulent
itn Kflmt to linvlva llm Sw Vurk
fi.rin Notwpnl.
Nuw York, M. 8. A riiovniuiit
wh put on fiM.t today to revive thu
coiiiiiiittoe of noventy, or to crt-aU) a
KlmiUr body tu tuku atepi noouHiwry to
hrinjf about a union of all anti-Turn-many
fnrcm. Thia niovmnuiit ia in
Mpirod by tho notion of thu good kov
urumout clubs couvoution laMt night in
uomiuHtiiiK a tickut UKuliiHt thu advice
of a majority of the executive commit
tee. Thu chauooa for auoceaa were con
aidurod good by thoao who took the in
itiative. Dr. C. II. I'arkhurat haa tele-
, teWHrt
, who u t at Btamfordi
1 1
, ou hM , mum
I j Inntitute a new committee
. . " . . .... (l,(1IlyiHr,
ljn(1 lnhH'rmonloui Im cannot hot
(J( ,,
Df VutVhant u coufldont that .
,mMniitioa of anti.Tamluan7 or((aIli.
,.,,,.... .., t,,uut ,ht..
meeting to "youthful enthuHiaam" and
"exeeaaive seal." He anys that the
good-government clubs, while claim
ing to be the aucHaora of the commit
tee of seventy, have not taken up the
dutiim and purpoaes of tho committee,
and that therefore the only thing to do
ia to recreate thu committee.
1 t. Marlloruii(h-Vs.i.lrrl.llt Engsge
uivl.t t.on.
London, Oct 8. Truth says, com
menting upon the engagement between
the Uuke of Marlborough and Miss
british inummaa and their daughters
will soon be clamoring for protection,
if all the prizes iu the marriage market
are to fall to American damsels; the
muuia for title is inherent in the Anglo-Saxon
and it ia vain to contend
against it. But the matter ia some
what serious to the United States.
... v . i,ur..
ugh the accumulation of its wealth
crossing mo
ocean, and the unitea
n wul ao wcu w mauuiaciu.o u.o
... j .. ii i m.. ... . V.
I.. !.... i V.,.l,f TV.O
: existence of. titles, it is true, is not in
" -
accordance with the simplicity of re
I publican institutions, but, in view of
i the heavy drain, this might be over-
looked, and the parents of any girl
! might be allowed to buy her a title,
say for 200,000 pounds. The public
treasury would thus be well filled with
Wlar,, and thegW would remain at
home. Thero would be still the diffi
culty of finding husbands in the borne
market, for the Americans are strongly
opposed to becoming rich through their
ladies as British noblemen are in favor
of this mode of enrichment. "
An Insurgent Jc-feat
Loudon, Oct. 8. A dispatch to the
Globe, published this afternoon, from
Madrid, confirms the report from Ha
vana, telling of the defeat of the insur
gents at Portrere, Las Vergas, near
Santa Espiritus, province of Santa
Clara. The (ilobe dispatch says that
a Spanish column, commanded by Col
ouel Rubin, met 2,000 insurgents under
the command of Sanchez, Serahn and
Castillo, and that the government
troops dislodged the enemy, killed for
ty insurgents and wounded many
others, including Serafin and Sanchez.
The government troops only sustained
the loss of eleven, including Colonel
Rubin. It is further stated that thir
teen of the followers of Sanchez after
ward surrendered.
Mr. Kose's Challenge.
New York, Oct. 3. A dispatch to
the World from London says: "There
is a general impression in the United
States that it was due to the Prince of
Wales' encouragement that Mr. Rose
challenged for the America's cup. The
prince returned from the Continent
yesterday, and the World correspond
ent brought the Times' letter to his at
tention. Sir Charles Knollis, the
prince's private secretary, tonight sent
the following note:
"I beg to inform yon in reply to
your letter, that the Prince of Wales'
name has been used without warrant,
and that he was entirely unaware that
Mr. Rose had challenged for the cup
until he saw it announoed in the news
papers." Two Thonmrnd Men Go on a Strike.
Columbus, 0., Oct. 8. A special to
the Dispatch, from Massillon, says
2,000 miners have stopped work. They
want 60 cents and the operators want
to pay 60 cents, but the two disagree
as to the plan of fixing the rate. These
miners are disposed to leave the United
Mineworkers of America, who are not
in sympathy with their step.
Affairs In Western Asia Crave.
New York, Oct 6. A special to the
Herald from Berlin says: The Ger
man emperor's autograph letter to the
czar, delivered by Colonel von Moltke,
refers to peuding events in Western
Asia as of the gravest character. The
reception recorded Colonel von Moltke
by the czar was most friendly.
Cable From Brest to New York.
Paris, Oct 8. M. Anrelebon.French
minister ot commerce, announced to
day in the chamber of commerce of
Calais that a contract had been signed
for laying a cable from Brest to New
York, which will connect the French
telegraph system with the Antilles.
A Preacher Sentenced,
Mount Vernon, Ky., Oct 8. The
jury, after forty-eight hours' delibera-
tion. cave Rer. W. G. Capps two years
in the penitentiay for shooting tats wife
three mouths ago. She had applied for
a divorce on account of cruel treatment
The fruit business is not quite ao ac
tive, still a fair quantity cliaituea hauUe,
and price ate maintained. J'ouitry waa
iu supply the pa-t week and waa
inclined to lw weak, fcggt are cleaning
up and the prke ia not likely to go any
lower. Butler i tinner than it haa
been. Other markets are Unchanged.
Wheat Market.
There ia not the strength in the local
wheat market that there was the week
before, and dealer have lowered bills.
Kxport quotations were given aa fol
lows: Walla Waila, Mk; Valley, 4U(9
4fyC per bushel.
ft'roduea Market.
Fixiob Portland, haium, Cascadiaand
Dayton, ie o noted at J.76 per barrel:
Uohiilrop, 2.H6; nnowliake. 2.76; Ben
ton county, tZ.o; graham, IZ.dd; auper-
fine, (2.2b.
Oath liood white are unoUsd weak, at
22c; milling, 28i$3oc; gray, 18(3 1 0c
itolleU oata are quoted m lollowa: Bags
x4.Zog5.25; barrels, H60i.7.00; caaea,
IIav Iiiuothy, I7.Wa8 per ton;
cheat, ab.faJ.
Baklky reed barley, ll(gll.2 per
ton ; Diewing, nominal.
MiLUrur Bran. tlU.bU; shorts,
$13.60; middlings, l6(gl6; rye, 76(g80c
per cental.
isuTTKB rancv creamery ia quoteu at
22ve; fancy dairy, 20c; lair to good, 15
(gltc; common, 12.'-svper pound.
POTATO ;sew Oregon, dbtaWJC per
On lONa Oregon, 75 1 1 f-er cental.
I'oulthi Chickens, uid, 3(u3.60 per
dozen; young, i.5d.u3.ou per dozen;
ducks, 2 60ui3.00; geese, ad.OUluo.UO;
turkeys, live, lie per pound; dressed,
Koos Oregon, are quoted 18c per
CiiKasK Oregon foil cream, 8(g9c
per pound; hail cream, 6 fix 7c; eklui, 4(g
be; Young America, li4lc higher.
Ukkijon Kukr.iui.KB cabLmge, lc
per lo; jadiBiiea, iOc per dozen ouuehea ;
green unions, luc per dozen; cucumbers,
,6c(gtl per sulk; caulillower, $1 per
dozen; luinatuee, J5ift40c per oox; coin,
b8c per doz.
iiauuiKs Blackberries, 4c per pound.
TaoeiCAt. t auir Oalilornia lemons,
fi.ouia4.6U; bananas, 2.j$3.00 per
oancn ; Valencia laie oranges, 3.00 per
Oox; Mediterranean aweets, 2.d0(g3.U0;
pineapples, 4(a6 per dozen.
Camvouma v toiii Aui.ka Cariic, new
6(a8c per pound; sweet potatoes, 2(g
2jsC per pound; Merced, l,J4c.
rstsH j-auir apples, good, $1 per
box ; prunes, 2oiu4ou, loaches, 26(a70o
per oox; Baitielt pears,fi(ul.6; water
melons, 75cia1.00 per dozen; canta
loupes, l.isj(gl.2d peruozeii ; grapes, boc
per Oox; ie Vor CoiicordB, 60c per
uaeket; Ilvtaco craubeiriea, 10.60 per
Wool Valley, 10(llc, according to
quality; Eastern Oregon, (Slta.
Hoes, Oregon titaOc per
utb Almonds, soft shell, (gllc
per pound; paper eheli, 12,' 2 (a 14c ; new
crop California walnuts. Bott shell,
lliu!i2!!c; standard walnuts, 10js?llc;
Italian cheduuts, 12;s(ftl4c; pecans,
13(a.loc; Brazils, 12)Bisl3c; hiberts,
14iftl5c; peanuts, raw, laucy, 5g7c;
rousted, luc; hickory nuts, 8tsl0c; co
coanutB, bOc per dozen.
faoviBioNB Eastern hams, medium,
HSl2c per pound; hams, picnic,
ujalgyc; breakiast bacon ll2(12c;
short clear Bides, syc; dry salt
Bides, 7,'ai!i8c; dried beet hams, l
(a 13c; lard, compound, ui tins. 7?4 ;
lard, pure, in Una, ,'sloc; pigs' feet,
80s,; pigs' feet, 40s, $3.25; kite
1.26. Oregon smoked hams, U6c per
pound; picaled hams, 8bc-, boneless
nauis, 10c; bacon, 9c; dry salt sides, 8c i.
lard, 5-pound pails, y8c; 10s, ,'ac;
50s,yc; tierces, ac
liiuus. l)iy hides, butcher, sound,
per pound, 13iiS14c; dry kip and calf
skin, llio 13c; cull-, 3c less; salted, B0
tos and over, 88sc; 60 to tSO lbs, 7(sJ
7,'sic; 40 and 50, ti(a7c; kip and veal
skins, 10 to 30 lbs, 5uujc; calfskin, sound,
3 lo 10 lot, 6iso; green, uin-alted, lc
less ; culls, lig2e less ; sheepskins, shear
lings, lU(ul5c; ehoit wool, 20g30c;
medium, 30va40c; long wool, 60ta70c.
Merchandise Market.
Salmon. Columbia, river No. 1, tails,
$1.26gl.o0; No. 2, talis, 2.25s2.50;
lancy, No. 1, flats, 1. 75(4 1.85; Alaska,
No. 1, tails, 11.20(1.30; No. 2, tails, $1.90
Suoab Golden C, 4c; extra C, 4iyjc;
dry granulated, 5c; cube crushed and
powdered, 6,'8c per pound ; ,'4c per pound
discount ou bit grades lor prompt cash ;
half barrels, Kc more than barrels;
maple sugar, 15(Sltic per pound.
CorrKS Coeta Kica, 22(a23!sc ; Rio, 20
(S22c; Salvador, 21(ri21Jsc; Mocha,
2b) (a 2Sc ; Jfadang Java, 31c ; Palem bang
Java, 20(a;28c; Lahat Java, 23(d25c; Ar
buckle's Mukaska and Lion, 22.30 per
100-pound ease; Columbia, $21.80 per
UK)-pound case.
Coal. Steady ; domestic, $5.00(g7.50
per ton; loreigii, $8.50(o;11.00.
Bkans Small white, No. 1, 3c per
pound; butter, 3,0; bayou, 3c; Lima,
Cordaok Manilla rope, l-inch, is
quoted at 9 '4c, and Sisal, 8c per pound.
B.uis. Calcutta, 4'4o.
Kua Island, $5(a5.25 per sack; Ja
pan, $4.50(4.75.
Flouk Net cash prices : Family ex
tras, $3.35(i3.45 per barrel; bakers' ex
tras, $3.15(a3.2o; superfine, $2.36(0 2.60.
Baklky Feed, fair to good, 67lsc;
choice, 68?4c; brewing, 62,ls(a:70c. No. 1 shipping, !)5 perctl;
choice, yO''c; milling, 97l2c(iJ$1.02'B.
Oats Milling, 7585c; surprise,
S0(gS5; fancy feed, 75S5; good to'
choice, 70(f?75c; poor to fair, 62,'a(S
67c; gray, 67,1-s"5c.
Hops Hiuotable at 5(37c per pound.
Potatobs Sweets, $1.25(tfl 50; Bur
banks, 60(S85c.
Onions Good to choice California,
35 (a 40c.
Wool Spring 6 to 8 months Calav
eras, defective 6(28c; Northern, good to
choice, 1213.Sc; do defective, SiglOc;
new iambs and tail clips, oyibc; Ne
vada, spring, light and choice, 9(itllc;
heavy, 6(8c. Fall Short, trashy San
Joaquin plains, 3(5c; good do, 4tc;
Southern and coast, 4(gtc; mountain,
light and free, 6(cf 7c.
Bcttkb Kancy creamery, 2022c;
seconds, 18(g 19c; fancy dairy, 18(al9c;
fair to choice, 16(tl7c.
Eooa Ranch, 2733c
Chbbse Fancy, mild, new, o7cj
common to eood, 3(rt6c: Young Amer
ica.. 6(o 8c: rasiern, iimisc; r eel-
ern, 1012c per pound.