MAj vj...-i but I Th Man Who IMtln't llpllrva la IN. 1Mb a a rilir. A iuro. ncivons l.toUmg man, nnay tt iu h tasty suit if blink end ciiiiyu g a small vahso lit hi hand, wont into one of the loading hotels the other day iuiiI addressed himself to the clerk: 'I see you use raw potato a a peu A THIRD IRISH PARTY. hmIts neh with McCarthy May can Aatl-rarnrllll fcillt Timothy Michael Healy, the famon In wiper," !io observed. "Ye," replied tho hott'l clerk, who happened to be at leisure and iu a wood to be gracious. "It is an good iu uuy thiutr else aud keen tbe peu from cot rod ing. " "Have you ever uiade an estimate. asked tlio stranger, leauiiuj forward and nieakinii in a confidential tue, "of the probable effect of the gcmnal adoption . of the txituto an a peuwipor, or rather a peustieker? "I dou't Uiitik I have," said the clerk. "It is worth your while, sir, re joined tbe man iu black, spcukiug ear cost It and hurriedly, "There are in thii town today probably not less than 800 hotels that habituiilly use potatoes to stick their pens iu. Kaon one takes a fresh potato every morniug. That uses BP 200 potatoes a day. Iu a bushel there are about 100 potatoes of the size of this one you are using. That makes two bushels a day, or 730 bushels a year. Do you begin to see" "My friend" "Wait a monieut. That is merely the beginning. I have spoken only of the hotels. The use cf the potato as a Tienstickor is growing constantly. It is spreading to mercantile establishments. Imagine what will be the consequences when the hotels and stores Hud offices cf this town use up 100,000 selected po tatoes every day I Think of it! The enormous total of 8(1,500,000 potatoes, or 8t5,000 bushels in one year in Chi' cago alone ! And every blamed potato gone to waste! A potato, sir, is no good when it is stuck full of ink. It is ren dered absolutely valueless. Imagine, if you can" "Pay, are you" "N'u, sir. I am not a potato euthnsi ast. I am a plain citizen, with a head for figures and the figures to show for it. With a view of doing what one man can do to prevent a custom thought less It and inadvertently adopted from becoming a national calamity," he pro ceeded, opening his valise, "I have in rented a little arrangement of wood, leather and tissue paper. I call it the comprehensive nec viper. It is, as yc see, very L-.nch more ornamental than a potato. It is cheaper. It involve no waste of a useful food product. Renew ed once a week, it will last a year at a total expense of" "I don't want it. " "At a total expense, I was about to Bay" "I don't care what the expense is. I don't want it. " "Yon don't, hey?" "Xa I wouldn't have a carload of them as a gift." "Oh, you wouldn't! You don't care how soon there comes a shortage in the potato crop and the price runs up to $10 a bushel ! That's the sort of man you are, is it? You're willing to go ahead and plunge the country into a potato famine, are you? Rather than spend 25 cents for a useful invention you d see the whole darned country starve, would you? A man, sir, that will stand right up in the face of facts and statistics a man that can't be reached by figures and doesn't care for figures is a man, sir. that would have committed the crime of 1873 if he'd had the chance. That's all, sir!" He put the comprehensive penwiper back in his valise, shut the latter with a loud snap and with a look of lordly scorn strode away. Chicago Tribune. Irish M. 1'. who hp 0 materially aided driving Chnrlr Stewart rumell into ivtiienioiit umi an curly grave, after Par noil's aoeial shortcoming had been exploits! in the d i v o r o courts, is now en deavoring toforce Justin Huntley MoOirthy, the timothy HKAl.v. present leader of the Aiiti-Pnrnellit factum, from his place, Healv is also nt odds with Johu billon, M. P., McCarthy's chief lieuten ant in the conduct of the mrty's affairs. Hcaly hates McCarthy and lh Hon as heartily as he hated Puruell after the groat Irish leader icfusvd to surrender the scepter, and there serins excellent reason for believing that if Healv dix-s not sue coed in driving McCarthy from the chair mansion of the Anti-Pstinollites he will cause a split iu the most powerful fae tiou battling for Irish home rule. In this event there will ho three Irish par ties in parliament engaged in a Kil keuuv cat ssirt of strife that will effoc tnallv kill whatever little chance Ireland may at present have of securing home rule. Healv was born Mav 17, 1853. at Buutrv, in the county of Cork. From boyhood he displayed great interest in Ireland's political struggles, and at the age of 25 was arrested for delivering an incendiary speech at Bantry. He escaped conviction, and soon thereafter was elected to parliament from Wexford. Once iu the commons he sjeetaiiy estab lished a repntatiou. owing to his seal for Ireland and his marked talent as an orator. Iu November, jpM, he and l. P. O'Connor uttonded the Land League convention he:d in I hicago, ami lus wealth of Irish wit, his liery oratory. his pathos mid his pugnacity won for him many admirers. The Lund League voted $250,000 to assist the Irish move nieut, and tire American tonr was a glorious success. In Healv served four mouths in prison for seditious speech, and the following year was called to the Irish bar. Iu 1MI0, when Parnell was driven from the party lead ership, Healy abused him with a viru lence that shocked even the other enemies of ParuelL Sinee then Healy has been very conspicuous iu Irish matters, and he will doubtless have a party of his own before lony. A RAILROAD KING'S GIFT. Hill Seminary. Ita Donor and tha Educa tional Work It Will Do. Hard by the famous falls of Minne haha and six miles from the center of the city of St. Paul stands Hill semi nary, anew educational institution that will long endure as a monument to the liberality of James J. Hill, the enter- (4 5 a u a u u s i a a A CKInoM Oululoa of fokcis A Chlmwe geutleiiiiin ulaylng at uua of our big hotel, finding the tuna bann ing heavy on his hands, asked an Amer ican acquaintance to Initiate him into the itiyatciu of the Kama of poker, doine other meu were iuvitel iu and tlia value was playinl with a $2 limit. The Chiiiiimuu was greatly interested, playing boldly aud losing philosophical ly to tha extent of about $100. Tlieu he callinl a halt. While they were, nettling tip the gum one of the party, desirtug to break the solemn silence, said : "Well, Mr. . poker how you like him?" The Chiuanian Khrugtted his shoulders and said, with a faraway UxA iu his eyes, "HihkI game!" and theu added quicklv, "Not cheap!' Chicikgo Times Herald. Uoliif I With lUnk t'Kllur. Life. Molly'i Church lWaoau Parson Well, Milly, did you likemy senium this morning? Molly Oh, yis, your rivirenee, 'twas mighty improvin. Parsou And what psirt vt it did you like best. Mollv? Molly In troth, pl'ase your rivir enee, I clou t rememoer any pait exact ly, but altogether it was mighty improvin. Parson Now, Molly, if yon don t re- metulier it, how could it lie improving? Molly Now, doe youi rivirenee see that liuinlhave been washin mid dhrv- iu ou that hedge there? Pin son Certainly, Molly. Mollv And isn't the liuiii all the better for the el nnin? Parson No doubt, Molly. Molly Hut uut a dhrop of the soap and wather stays iu it. Well, sir, it's the same thiii wid me. Not a word of the suriniiit stays iu me. But I am all the better ami rl'uner for it, for all that. Household Words. ATT1IK AKMY'S IIKAI GENERAL NPLSON A. MILE SWILL SOON ASSUME THAT PLACC. II V Not lrilutd fn'iii IVIut, ml II la lh V..unrt l M ' ,"r llri-oniK rniuinlfr In hkf-HU ' rvr In Itrlrf. Oemral Nelson A. Miles, now In ruiinnuid of the inllitai-y department of the east, with headquarters on Oovon;- ois Island, in New Yuk linrhor, who is to iissume coiniiiand of the entire army uihui the lniMiidlng ri'tireinent of Ueneral Schotleld, will be the first ofllcer not a graduate of West Point to reach that high pla Ho will also be the youngest general, excepting tleiieral Phil Sheridan, who has ever been altne neau of CncleSaiu's military fon-e. General Sheridan was but 62 years old when he died, tleiieral Miles is ft7, and as IU In the retirement age has seven year of uctive service liefore him. Nelson A. Miles was 22 when the war broke out, having been bom in l;ll at Westminster, Mas. The little red nchoolhouso was the source of his earliest iHlucatioil, and the course he receivei there was MipplenieiitiHl by the training if the village ncudemy. At 111 he left the neadeinv and went to Huston, where he got a place as dork or salesman in a dry goods more. Among his unenstors were numbered Some of the old time flL'hlcr of the republic, and a love for military affairs was one of his charae Arrrj - .V;C,TVA ,rw?'j-;' - The RiTal Beaatlr. Dear Girl I wouldn't go down in a coal mine for the world. Rival Belle It's nothing. I went down in one once. Dear Girl I know I'd get all black and. look like a fright Rival Belle I spent an hour in one, and none of the party spoke of any change in my appearance when we came out Dear Girl But you are a very pro nounced bninette, you know. New York Weekly. Willing to Accommodate. Pretty Girl (looking in crowded ele vator) Can you squeeze me in there: Polite Young Man (promptly) I don't know, miss. But I can come out and squeeze you. New York World. Forgetful. Prof essor ( about to start on his wed ding trip bids his parents farewell, then to his young wife) Goodby dear good by. "What, yon are saying goodby to me too?" "Why, that's so, you are going with me!" Bach fur Alle. It is said that in Virginia there are 1,900,000 acres of waste land or land that is not under cultivation more than there is under cultivation, while in North Carolina there is double the land not cultivated that is cultivated. Illi nois has 4,000,000 of its 80,000,000 that arn idle. HILL 8EMINART. prising president of the Great Northern railroad, and Archbishop John Ireland, one of tbe ablest Catholic prelates in the United States. Jim Hill borrowed car fare to get to St. Paul, it is said, but now he has more millions than he has fingers, thumbs and toes, and three years ago he gave $500,000 for the erection of a Catholic school that should bear his name and be an aid in the higher educa tion of Catholics. Surrounding the college are 40 acres of land, the gift of Archbishop Ireland, who is intensely interested in tbe proj ect. The immediate campus of the seminary contains six acres, and the six buildings thns far erected are located in the form of a letter U. There is an ad ministration building, a class building, a refectory and a gymnasium, and the two remaining structures are residence buildings. The seminary was recently opened to pupils with great pomp, Mgr. Satolli, the papal delegate in America, officiating as celebrant at the pontifical mass, which was a conspicuous feature of the ceremonies. The central object of the school is tc furnish proper educational facilities for students who desire to enter the priest hood. The branches of study comprise theology, philosophy, scripture, ecclesi astical history, eloquence, liturgy, po litical economy, higher sciences and higher English literature. Applicants who purpose taking the full course in the seminary must have first passed through a Roman Catholic parochial school and a preparatory collegiate course of six years. Then they must take a course of six years at the seminary, which is called by the faculty an eccle siastical course. Cach of the two residence buildings or dormitories has sufficient space to eomfortably accommodate 120 students, and each student has at his disposal two rooms, a bedroom and a reception room or den, where he may pursue his studies. The cjass building is 'two stories high and has fonr lecture rooms and an andi toriuni with seating capacity for 900 persons. The administration building contains the residence quarters and of fices of the faculty. No Ife-la). A large, gcrx nutured looking roan. who alwavs stops at u certain up town tel, was greatly attracted to a little girl iu the dining room the other day. She was about two yeurs old, was be ginning to run about aud talk a good deal and also appeared to be at home iu the botcL After smiling at him across the dining room and making friends with him at a distance, ho aecixited her in the hall. He asked her the regulation questions put by strangers to children, all of which she answered promptly as her baby fashion Would permit. Finally the old gentleman shcxik hands with her and said : "You are it nice little girl. Shall I bring you a box of candy tomorrow?" The little one looked puzzled u mo ment, then spoke up brightly: "N'o; 'oo better doe dot it now!" She gWt the candy that evening. Chi cago Post A Kcmarkable rig. A newly married lady who recently graduated from Vassar college is not well posted about household matters. She said to her grocer not long since: "I bought three or four hums here a couple of mouths ago und they were very fine. Have you any more like them?" "'am," said the grocer, "there are ten of those hums hanging up there. " "Are you sure they are all off tho same pig?" "Yes; ma'aai. " "Then I'll take three of them." Texas Sifliugs. No l'on!ble Danger of It. Straggles Missus, won't yer give a starvin man 10 cents? j Kind Lady Aud you won't take this 10 cents and get drnuk on u if I give it to you? Straggles Lord bless you, mum, I couldn't git drunk on less'u a dollur'u 'ah ! Chicago Record. ulta Gcrm-ane to Hlra. "Tobacco is an excellent fumigator," remarked Twofer as ho lighter! np a dead black cigar. "It drives germs out instantly. " "Count mo as a germ," said Good- style as soon as he had one whiff of it. New York World. Italy and the Export of Antiqaltiea. Signor di Prisco, an Italian country gentleman, recently dug up on his estate 28 ancient silver vases of Greek work manship. He tried to sell them in Paris for $100,000, but under the law forbid ding the export of antiquities from Ita ly tbe Italian minister of education be gan proceedings against him. Tba Wealth of Louisiana. The state of Louisiana, sugar planta tions and all, is worth $169,162,439. Too Valuable a IJf to lie Rhlwd. Acquaintance Why dou't you go and inspect that flimsy looking new build ing they are putting up iu the next block? Building Inspector I'm afraid it isn't safe to go into it. Chicago Tribune. ' He YVa aa Author. De Writer Things go and come with me. Von Bilk You mean come und go, don't you, my friend? De Writer No; I'm an author. Texas Siftiugs. Kstablliililng a Footing. "All rights reserved," chuckled the one legged burglar in the shoe store a he selected a few lefts and moved soft ly toward the open window in the rear. Chicago Tribune, Saturn Left. "Have you given fresh water to tbe goldfish?" "So, mamma, they haven't drunk what they've got already." Christian Register. OKNMUL Mit-SON A. UII.KH. teristics even when a loy. In ISHO, when there swim-d to ! some prusiert of civil war, he joined iu with a num ber of other yontig men and formed an organization which took military in structions from ail old French ofllcer. Ho was therefore fairly well trained iu military mutters when hostilities broke out, and upon enlisting wit made a cap tain in the Twenty -second Mawtuchu setts infantry. With this regiment he joined the Army of the Potomac ami servtd throughout the peninsula campaign, lie attained the rank of colonel in the short Fpacc of two months, when he wtt hut 22 years old. At Fredericksburg he was wounded in the neck, and at ChaiicellorNville receiv ed a severe wound in the groin and leg, being so badly hurt that he had to ha carried from the field. This injury kept Mile from active service for some time, and it was dun to it that he was not present at the battle of Gettysburg, the only iiiiiHiitaiit engagement in which the Army of the Potomac took part at which he was not present. At sipollsyl- vania be was in tho thick of the light, and in theclnsiiig uperaliolisof tho war, including the net ion ut White Oak Ridge and the pursuit of I, Miles still further distinguished himself. When the war closed, he was brevette-d a brigadier gen eral of the regular army in secial rec ognition of his services at ( 'hancellors ville. Later he received a full commis sion as brigadier general of volunteers for his services at the Wilderness ami Spottsylvimia. When there was no more lighting to be done in the south, Miles having sig nified a desire to continue his military career, he was made u colonel in the legnlar uriuy n ml assigned to command the Fortieth infantry. In IMtiU ho was transferred from that, command to the Fifth infantry. Application was made by the interior department in 174 to the war deimrtiui'iit for punishment of hos- j tile Ii, ans wherever found, and it was I then that Miles' career as an Indian fighter began. Before the year was over ho had inflicted exemplary punishment npon the Kiowa, Comaiiohes and Chcy ennes iu southern Kansas. In 1S70, und thortly after the (Mister massacre, Miles and his regiment were ordered to the Yellowstone valley, in eastern Montana. Generals Terry ami Crook were in the field, but had not succeeded in doing much, although they had 4,000 hi Micrs. Soon alter Miles arrival they withdrew, and then, late in the fall, Miles began his campaigns against Sitting Hull and In 1 877 Miles did excel lent work along the Ked water, among the Wolf mountains and in the KoNchnd valley, and in the rnnm year practically wiped out the Nez Perces, under Chief Joseph. In 178 he cusl'guted Ihe Han nocks. The nxt winter he passed in the east as a member of Iheiirmy equipment board, but in 1S71I he did more mid ef fective Indian lighting. Shortly after his victories in 187 he was made a brigadier general in the regular army, and was in command at first of the department of the Cnluinhiit and then the department of the Mis- ', souri. In JHSti and IHS7 he cammed Geronimo ufter Cnsik had failed, und was then assigned to the division of the Pacific, and in IH!I0, on the death of General Crook, was made major general, with headquarters at (.'hicago. That winter he broke up the ghost dances iu Dakota, and since then there have been no Indian disturbances worth menrinn ing. He was placed in command of the department of the east last year. In 1HI1H Gciji'i-hI Miles was married to Miss Mary Slierninii, a niece of Senator i John Sherman. Their daughter. Miss Cecilia, Miles, is a charming woman, and the son, .Sherman Miles, is a sturdy lad in his ci ly teens. Fiauuts ahe hih route. 4tlur l ...nmll. r WrlgM ' riKld l I rfllllirx in "Figures won't He, but llm Hl Htf of the iMitiii iiiimiul It' i" maikscred In Cut roll i. N l ight. H' I'nlled Stale commissioner of la'1"'? who recently accepted ihe chair of eco nomics in McMahon hull of phi loophy at tho Catholic university In Wichlngloti. Mr. Wright I an authority on figure, mil 111 hi case ut leitMt fiiiulllririty ha i...ui i..nii.t. "It ware in I" ii .,-. - ileal ll lo hear -eople ne figure lie lv," is another of hiNexmioii. which noiiiewhitt extravagantly illustrate hi revcrcm' for hi beloved ttiitlstle. Colonel Wright wit bom l KiinUr- N. II., M year ', iweiyrn .i, i .wincuiion. and for a lime I ton, high was a cotililrv schoolmaster, He begun the Ntiid of law. but dropped hi Black- Vtc- -.... t Ain;oi 1. 1 vtuiiiiir stone when Sumter was fired on and listed In the Fourteenth New Damp shire regiment. f w hVh he twain colo ntd in lil l. He served for a lime n acting assistant adjutant general on the j staff of General Phil and III) March, JNil.'i, resigned from the army, j Not long thereafter he was admitted to; the New llamhire bar and removed to j Massachusetts, when- he secured a hierti- j live practice ami wrvml two term in the state senate, in lTI and IS2. Hi" good work as a legislator attracted Gov- j eruor Washburn intention, ami in. governor, unsatisfied with the work of j the state labor bureau, asked Wright lo 1 take charge of It and ascertain w hether ! or not the bureau had tinv Mruw for i being ulive Wright relinquished a practice worth 1 about $10,000 yeurw ith reluctance, ; but he noon btvauie fa'iiiiited with the ! work, and the rcBult of hi Invest ign ( tiotis Were so well appreciated that h ! liem tue omce lor ... yearn, in i"" im ,,nr,(1, Ht , pointing t i,i was api-omled sus ivior of the t lilted j rl1( ,,, ,,-,,,,., , lh ,, ntate census m luiiisacnusiHt, unit uvr yeni later he was made the first com- j iiiissionerof lalsir iu the Interior depart- ! ment, Washington, w ith a salary of i $y,oiiii a year, which hits since l-n in- j THt CITY. Tns III' hi llif litiiti'M h'.iw., newt" rin ley tHol,n Ill Umi ri'll WihhI villi tliili'la yr,,w Ami wl" trull vile"" llnwir re ,w f'.ir all y ' "i"t H l"wr Th. ell iioulil I"- mll" nwajr, Aii'l "H f'X'l l'1" ' "y "'ir TIimuu " iiilel of ll iUji, Mwi ! miiiill" llierlh, nrw .h W, l liMtrv sliHIMI III llli tdtn.dH,,!,! Anil hi II"' ''' ' Is'liliel His ll( llimr Hi" hl'lih'll IOt(llOlllln. Tli. .null n. l.l me I l lul n.n ..r limliml lit tie jr tlwuiMigiii, Vol I ena Ittttr llm eily ly it TliMiuah H lb nlli'iicu "f llm mlit, for nm Hi ahlrlt in-Hit ami ttltt r'cr in" lli" vi"" li"r riuWi Tile llii fob' I"'' Vtxt lliSl Til I. nil. I li'lienlll In X r..lla(i..iiH Hal I inn fi"'! lb" mmi nciir, l ull lit'ur ll tlaC lit "til 1ni ftrva. Ami li"i I"' ""' "Iflil I l'ra I i. ar litio iimivius In hi l' i (Hi, for a IIIM i"i". f iff. .ini.l. Theinl'i n.'ti r a Mutter limil.l mai Wlierw iiil!m i't iniMiln li. ii.. All' I I' iHU"" KH't I' UIIIM lli ir H) till, fur li il lailntl. tf"i.. il,.a, A l l.x H lilnl.l nii liiu'l a, A ilnoi tlit'i' i'nmui to ilniwn Tlia vui.f lliul in.- mi' n i . I Midih -Nu Vnrninu CMINtSC QOH0ON. Tin. I mii" r.iillliiiin'a lli-aliaaiia T...liill" Mn Iu III klirll A en respondent writing loTIi lish American : One rlillly nig ni Sue, In the winter of i'kj I imt lved u liicssagii from ''inini don He had J ' t -1 Inudetl f..ia .Sq, mid w I'.li. d lo i' me 1 fmiinl Inu, , , in a i a' I11" Sue liotdl, ln.i black sti ieliiiy and truly fu, M li.inniii'.l I I 'I'.'lminv, mi,) frlciiiU, liicluiliug Ihe K'O' (J low n piir Mohaiiimiil I'l Tuliaiiiy, wis del inc. I In ' hi nniMcr full at y turn ami probably shared bin fnts, l.n klng cold and lulni'tiibli', and I iced he w a sipping some hut ml uf which the iiroiiiil did Hot x.-m lllnr. (In my eiiierlng. Gordon cxrlnirr "I hate reslgnt d Ml" giiveninr iralsliii of llm Molan end nut ret ing to linglaiid. 'I he kbctlive'n mini il.ired to send too llisliuclli tin, ami hate tiwigii'il Now, tell inn what will the world y of my 1 iu ihe Miilim nfur llm ycjtrn t aja lit llieref Wliitl I I lie u ,kwvti till ?" 1 said sotnething In tlieclTn l lh inline would live nod Iw H'lueinla'rr "Aye," ln rejoined, "bill what n trace remains of my exile aint I now I da I a w id that I klt-mld ului my lit-k. mid llu rt' t nlwMiluli'ly i lug to ahow ic tiling f.r tlm wihtI ea.;e at ei eot " he addixl I 111 w i of the table "est ept, lb.iui. Ih have titiigbt my M. .Iniiinni-daii mvtc to drink hot lodily in IU In lit m ing." I 'k-rtiilti t V f itirtlt ill " U'trrk U lift fli ereaseillo$.', i.WIO. His published report j fr ;,,., At Aleiandtm h on convict labor, industrial deprcasioti. ; UM ,,.,. ,, , ), a(B iM strikes and lockout. f-tory system i 1wlk ,Wln ut .,,,, ,ll(1,., anil Kiuureii siii jcct lorm in inemwive i a library of no mean pro)sirtion. ! THE BATTLESHIP TEXAS. A a:l,ooo,oou Allllin In Ilur Nar, Wllh Monalrr Twrlva Inrh lltina. One of the most formidable ship of tho new navy is tlm Hm battle ship Texas, which was placed in com misioii recent lv. She I a steel Vi-swd resigualloii, and then, reunit ing hit tlm badge of ullegliuice, adilresM'd I words of attrrliig udvlcetu hi highi "a from hii iiidcpcmlcul Fnghsli i tletniin " I U fore embarking for Kui Gordon w rote a famous inlcgruiu Iu ahmlivt " Mellc, Menu, Tekel, Up in " which wit shown lomnai the coi respoiideut of a great Urn llc ..lH-r, but It Is n tiietioti wlii HIH) feet long. Willi )U feet Is'itni aud a I it wit ever dispatched from Malta draft of Ul ! feet. She displiice li.soi) any c;ise, It wn rnriuiisly proplM tons of witter, mid is practically n istcr i Within two yi.r lh Sudan ship ut thebnttleship Maine. Her speed ' nieu revolt and l'gypt under fan limit is about is knots, which is very I control rust for a hattleMliipnf her displacement. In her vast bull is (imtrtered a small army of men, the crew consisting of 4fiil officers und common sailor. In the mat ter of armament the Texas is conspicu ous mining the ships of the rejuvenated utivy. She curries two 13 inch guns that are of enormous sie mid have an effective range of ls'twccti 10 und 10 miles. Of the other ships of the navy but three have larger gnu tlm battle. hi! Indiana, Massachusutt und Ore- I Till! IIAl li Knllll' TKXAH j gon, which carry i:t inch rifles and but I two ships, the const defense vessel Mon i tereyand the battleship Iowa, have guns of as hirye caliber us the Texas. I The Texas nlsu carries II II inch guns, 1 12 (i-pouuder iiick firing gnus, 4 1 -pounder ouick firing cannon umi 4 miixim guns. Her heuvy gnus lire well lirotected by piaeticully imM'netrable armor, und her machinery is nlsosafu from the shells of an enemy. She is one if the most exs'iisive vessels in the navy and cost Uncle Sam uls'nit $:i,0tm,. 000. Her eonstriiclion was authorized and the money uppiopi ialed for the work nine years ago, but several passed before the plans were umi the keel laid. It, was then f,miii t,:lt w ing to tin error in the plans, which were the work of an English firm, the Texas would sink a f.sit lower iu the water, rendering much of her armor useless. For a time it was feared the government would lose ubont $1,000,0(10 by reason of t), error but the plans were changed ami , ni,,,', now seems to be a very valuable, n.ldi tlon lo llm magnifieeiit fleet of batllo ships, cruisers, const defense vessels and gunbonts thellnited States is lminchinu on the seas. years incepted S Arrraa lo lnlrfrna. At the comer of Fourlh areiitt Smiihfleld street it Imly from tileow eiilered a crowded outgoing cur conductor knew who she wits, audi she resnleil iu (i li tiWissl. IlnslM. tlint she hail made a mistake, and I shit ihotiirlit she w iisoii 11 Sia-otid r cur, so ho crowded up the male and lilely iuiiiired ; "When nre yon going, lady?" "That' my busuics," slut tartly plied. The conductor said mailing more, the car sM'd along through the ila crossing the Moiiongahehi througli covered Tenth street bridge and rnpi putting space Is'twm'ii it and GlenW'i When It entered the big Knoxvillo I'lin elevittor mid slopped, liolsidy a word. After a miniiie' wail up precipice it started, leaving the klmg elii'trie lights far Isdow. ".My g.asliiess," N-reanieil tho M wismI woiiiiiii to t lie conductor, "wh Is tins ear going?" "Thai my business," dryly repl the Condi: 'tor, Pittsburg Dispatch. Itniiliimi Nynipalhy. I'at Kegan had a face oil him that, lm luid on. e remarked himself, wan "ollliimi to tlm landscape. " Next to homeliness his poverty was Ihe m consiiciious part of him. An Irish lii bor met him recently, when the foil" ing collispiy ensued : "An how are ye, Pitt?" "Moighty bad, intoirely. It'shtar tion that's shtarin me in the fiu-e. " "Is that so? Sure, an it can't be v pleasant fur ny I her of yet " Mont" Coliimbiaii. Vanlahlns Hrltona. In the domain of the Hritish empir alone wane H.0O0 iudividuuls vauish VCI1 J'OUX. A I'at riot' lllnnxr. Marion, the American Revolution" general, once feasted an Knglish ofl 011 sweet. potatiM'S hitked ill the lire b; darky and served 011 a strip of bar with a log for a table. It is said tli the ofllcer resigned and went homo, sa ing it was no uso to try to conquer pie who could live oil sweet jsitati I)elilM-rate treachery entails pmiis ment iim,ii the traitor. There is 110 p sibilily of twiiping it, even in the hig est rank to which the consent of soei can exalt the meanest oud the worst meu. Junius. There is one instrument that 110 clcv Woman ha ever learned to play. ' i'at is a anrtiutl fiddle.