,.14 TnDKI'KNDKNCH, 1'OI.K COUNTY, OU1WOX NUMIiKIl 45. A 4 J-LJt 4 4 A, A . X r.n TO Kramer's For WATCH CHAINS and CHARMS. WE HAVE A FINE ASSORTMENT AND CUR HKIUto Ant mun i. rafw- --j o 0. A. KRAMER, Jeweler and Opticion. I" The City Restaurant win '"' ,x k'"m1 , ri-llt lil'l" "r f ' We try lo niiiUf , , hit tin lifl our Sunday I Hu tu Independence. -.- KEALS A.T A-LXj HOTJES. McGINN &CATLIN, Prop's., f..,i. HI MifMT, Don t be bicw Wl KNOW li it mill "' i'H '', " L-liiV r.ui If "" tft i.-i.m,!.er Ihm t in imr lai-uie-H to -U M.-.li.n.e WVve Iim'I -u-i.l-rli- ex .K.ru.mv in .rv.ar. M.f.lu-t.wj. iu Lm.w ll..' .lvuiiti!i( "'"!' ...,r Drug... W kwp no utlicr kind. 1 ft A t I When You are wen nm i ill iir'iaiiv ' nn - K .MKMHKU that we Inui 11,. iiiunv article 'u I. L.ii i.lrv may ih-ni'e, tiiini ,ikcnvaiv, Watch.-, ('lo-ks, etc. PATTERSON BROS., Main t. , l ii.l.-m-i-, Orison. iiiCity Truck & Transfer Co.,;; A. W. IKHJUrw . . - ; iMiiiio unit """ fullv moved. . !! ...... .1...... lit ri'HMHI' ' llltlllllK rut". ' " .... ...... 1 1 .') . nrif.l OOT WOO! t 1 1 n i. i 1 ii i'. . v. iji i x...oi ami" i i.i'i.. rri'I--- - imii:ii:mi:nci: kciioolh. The TlrHt llny'K Alti'inlam-ii Lnr- . . I . f .... M KitTIiiiii Any rrcvioii i-im. THE OUTLOOK VERY ENCOURAGING. Tin) Independence, public schools for lS'.).r-'.)) opened promptly at 0 o'clock Momluy morning, October . I 7. Tlio attendance was mrg.-i tlmii lliat of uny previous year on tin, first tiny of school, Kuch do- 1 4 in faut.tlie riirinry ini'l one or two I other lower ileimrtmentB arc i.imonv ... . . i.i i- ernwdeil. I liO Kiitht craai!, Ill K '- ii.-i.nri incut. Iiiih a mucli ...v.ii .... .. j lur.n.r rei.reHeiitation than ever bo . :i fore. bcHiiicH a nuiiiDer oi pnyo who arc taking a high bciiooi l'...r..r iiHuiL'tiinc tlio pu- i,iln to tlu ir reHiective ile.artiiientB thu entire ncliool wan congi--r;";;' lit 1 tt till 11 ami adtlri'HKiHi by in i ' - rector Shinn ami rrincijial llayn. . i .i... ..... Mr. Sliinn eongriiiuiuieu n- i'" i.iU upon their bright and Neat p iiiul (.'xtcniJiMi ine.in u t.n iruiuiiv-' behalf of the school board. Ho r,uid the work in wnicn thev w re now ei.gagcd was -imply preparatory for their lite work in the future, and ho hoped each pu pil would improve the present, op portunity by mduHtry ami dih- ;,. il,..ir mudicH. They had niudu marked advmrement in their stuJii-a htHt year ami ujd eamly advance onward lh coiiiiuk e. The school year would coiiht of ..t.l I .i (I, imlv and each pupil n 1 ! n..t IU will have to crowa iimo work into eight. It wart the duty of the pupil to be obedient to their teacher and to accord to each other equal privileges. Tho rules Id bo impartially OI HIV - ...f.. i m,1 the interests ot all i.i i... .-..mount to the inter WUU1U I .. .. .....tii. f,i A few ltisuljordi- nute pupil, if uch there bhouia no, would not be purnuuou w i: i, u. luu.l. The board of di II." i tin Ih'hL interest ol the recvoin n.v. w hole Bchool at heart and no etk.rt would bo spared on their part to , ,, ...ni mil interest oi itovance u.u - i. nil. I'rincipal Hayes welcomed tho ... :.. f,.w brief words and . - . . . i .tw i i.' i 4 rt 1 till . , TltUliHlMY, UVlviii'i I IMI.I" riKIKJK. In Independence, Or., . (Ii-iol.er It. haiuriiay morn.", lHir. Ala I.eona.the litiledaugh terof Mr. and Mru. (1. W.I'ierce, aged 2 J year. Tho littio girl' death waiicauHed from severe bum receive.! uie evening before, a full account ot which will b found in anoiuer column. The funeral was preacn- ed at the (1. A. 11. auditorium, Bun- . ti l..v HfiiTiioon at 2 o'clock, ltev to. It. Baldwin, olliciating. The ser- moil wa an eloquent and tuougiu from the 14th chap- i .. rtt A matt. laht claiiHo of 12th verso "l'r.'pure to meet thy 0k1. a hirie contrreiiation was present, . ......I u....in..l to aim evei y j- " . e x 1 realizo the sjlemniiy oi me ,u and to appreciate tho de.-p i i;,..i,i f the bereaved family im adorned with I III; t,..rivvv i :c,i (!.,w,.r. ih irii't of rnaii ..,,,1 -v.nonthetic friend. 1 In i.tken to the Odd riTlll.l.l.n .-- Fellow cemetery for interment. . -.ti-i .l.M V..ur Indcliendw:) A."J""" ,. i i..-:.i... rti,n Mir iiciooer. '.""C ' , ..f 4 lSllo, tno imam uouft... -Mr. and Mr. J. jin Ow.W, of inllawation of the bowoie, Bget) two we. k. The funeral services were hold at the family residence Saturday fore noon, and the remains takn to the Odd Fellow Cemetery, for in terment. Hight of all in Leavening Power-Latest U.S. Gov't Report ago attnetion and usetulness. Ji is a cause for regret wnen any ol his youth, promise mid ability . . . . i ;.i,..,i;r,,.,l permits himseii io with eflbrtB to debase the currency of his country. A Cool I'rojiosltion. T..,i,.,.Mrl(.ne.o is now well pre pared to accomodate almost any ' milt, state or county organi.auoi. .... i,;i,ln, .,,.. r.ioin. Pllice llic I Ml,:.,,. , of the (i. A. It. auditorum; and while there are a number of im n ,ri..nt. criitherinzs to ho held then it mieht not be out ot ii.jv, 'J oi " place to suggest that the next county republican convention be ..eld there. We all know that our court house room is not suitable. Dallas Observer. OLD YAMHILL. OX 31 -:TTM'- II EK POLK COUNTY'S WEALTH. Summarized From TH Assess ment HO" "r nn. r..t n.r Kiimmury 1 IID ivi'v o - the askable wealth of Folk county us returned by bounty - Heckttt: IIW.IMI acres of 44,0:tH acres railroad luml .... IniprovenieniM lands Town and city lots improvement-on town and city lot Improvements on hinds not deeded or mtented Stt.J miles railroad bed ana rollhiK stock . 08.1 miles telegraph and tele phone hues. ; Merchaudise and implements l!Hi,3:!0 203,' Alexander-Cooper Drug Co " . . ... t..wl i ... ..... bifii nr. iiiiiiu Always im t V l.Ul.iU in a lew one. --;; ' , .. . W honed the labor ot the """, ...ck... . . O .1 . i t ,H .. 1 1.1 flll-Ut I 11114. 1H,1.'1"1 , . . onflr ri.iKes,eto would be mutually j'. 4757 hors.-s and mines . e . i. u.',,,v,l .-., 1, .l..fil 1 he rules 01 mw no iii.nt UelpIJl. lot .1 ..,-,:. -i.,. and uoats. . . .1 .. 1. ...... 1 ,,1 the end inai . ' car- Perfames, button ery, I'tunls, Oils. Varnishes, ltrtishes, Combs, Soas, Syringes Prescriptions Kuhher (lends, Sulphur. Patent Medicines Cicriir. Thi-rmoinetors llnoks, lVns, ' I'eneil. Etc., Ktc. Compounded . .... nml rrmii 1 order may pre httr" .,' 5 1, relations!,!. vail, -ll" ii"Pv: .7 11 . i..M,-l,ers and mi nils would h., ,,u imiicauio uuxi.ik v..v. t. school year as it had In-en ni he . 11 ,1. .11 snciested ,'ua. ' .. . ;J rehto their rt that me- ,hM-: . Oross value of all property. KxempUou t ' , if 2.21. Carefully -: )ay or .mk11" j. r. 0'DONNELL G9, Total taxnhlo property.. .. . 1 .ultiviited 1 the Pupil march to their re- The average vu.u - - icdhe departments to the music laml per ftcre is $17.56; unimproved I.. . ..:.,,. 1 1 ( 7u- mil road land 4b celits. Ol inn i"1""" ,, , j oi w'i ."i . " .... 1 11 ...,11 uliniveii SU i.- ,.c ot ...ill l 111! V7. " - In., .. VflTIlM ... niii.iv.. I ne 1110 Bveruno :il8 irw' . .. J 1. ?0 of horse and mules, 1 . .. . Iniie hers are as sioin. "i ... ine.iepa, ....... v - heet and goats, 1 H .a.v'-' 1 a Mrs. Tuck: second 1 "'V . 1.-r third crad tirade. li ob ...v..j, - l5!1" , r..,.iU prude. Ml M .-U I .1 .(' II Ilitl . ll'l." v.. p, . , 11.11-fifth grade, a TO It HU1a.i. ) . . . . t . ,i..ii.mi 11 1 1 . ni .ii.. in r in 1. nrtimii a lh crime. r". , - crade:Miinn;S'!'' x tassical graduate at Sven- -. . . 1 1 rr lim it. ii" t 1 - . r .1. a , who ins neeii . ,. ,. Mis j.oiiu'"-i - , i:ulti.t oriuors i teaoliing in Portland was oi - stiUes. ent to take cnarge . - mi :.. ,...u,.i mime couiu- . I1IM .11, ,t-v- 1 r... I,., f .v.Mrill.ll.I. ,..-.. IHUl, considerable uisapmo..- Tn,iinrs Ervan. who is Miss Longacre wired ne " . . burst8 of XT l.tir tikmllOOIl LI lilt' I HI; 1 Ll li K jmiouivj .. ci-,.,.lcet. was 1 l,u nil I U 1 uwuui in. lieo the silyek-toxoi:ei ok- ment sion and ment A rector she would SELL HARDWARE, 1 Box Scissors, o..--. Pocket Knives, Table I.x,s. Axes, Sawfa, Nuils, Hopo. Ktc., TINWARE braniteware I o nn Mrnndenvvear .,,u.r.ountrtyAgetsforStuilcbaker Sn to take charge of her school. iu Salon,, Martn county Illi- IHH.i. ... wnrn the . .o.-.i .,1.1 raib.1 FTM... ...ultnrH Ilirnt-liw . ifinii Ktbiciivtu hoard of directors, b.C. lent an , spending vaca- T. Layton Jenks and A. ou the farm. He was grad- J-T. I'W'1- ..,., ..;,hMiitrhest honors from " ' .-..- w V Ullitu ....... -c . cir'IAI EXCLKSIOA. .,,1 prse of Illinois col- . unc-iv The Oregon Industrial Kxposi- Jacksonville, just after his tion ha made JZ 17th birthday; studied law with th Southern Patahc Company 1 Timhnll and moved to . ti'.ini 1 ttnv 1 iViunii j. v spi'cial excursion r.itto..v in 1887. He was !.l McCoy to Portland at a elected to the 52d and re-elected to ana .1 wr. in- jm,rt round-trip raie . ' I the tuiii congrwo eluding the .rl.mr,0ThT excursion Bryan's speech on the Wilson bill position u.m. k. R j . wa9 one of the ablest ana most ei- WiU XS il. Oct- nt presentation of the free "ifr lli and return on Saturday, traJe' doctrine every made auy Ortober" 19th. rersona wishing to 1Iia private life is said to $JZ be crowned w ith more than aver- ni l V,.,,,l, 111 is on her mettle and, just to show the kind of stulT .1.,. ; m.lnf. she challenges all out i" - creation this side ot cugar xi . ,1 "i.r.rth of the 42d 11011OW nuvi parallel." The head and front of the grand old county's hot indig 1 bv the pie-head- nauoi. " ,i 1 Winess of that "agricultural how show" over at Salem lan wwa. awarding the first prize ior u.e best county exhibit to Linn coun ... virci nrize to Linn county, in deed! That parveuue, upstart, un known commonwealth. In what . .. ,.,.r nf the Willam- CUSiaw ajf -- ette valley is it located, anyhow? ..r heard of Linn county 240,030 1 until thise'ivicd and un remit'. ed , 0,, ! prestige was thrust upon her by a 6,19 , H f, , .. onfa velented. I Stupid 101 Ol luwii'r"""" J ' I."0"L, 1. ,ioi.,i-Mii courtesy, mein- lUlUllgl. tti.o - (i.otio ! hers of the Oregon State board ot 2os,(Mi.-.i .,..,, old Yamhill, like an- 10,8110 I """ .rn 0f other Sampson, nas uu 1 tU .,i,.tVi TT 1 1ft- her beautitul iocas imws taken confidence and in the house u... r,;,la Whv. didn't every- OI uei in""-" - . 1 u. j iw.t that she would win? ; catarrh Of course they did. It was a 3 to . , . !.i..,- r.vr mnnev. red apples ,i,-ti X uoieitiici M8T ior pumpkin. Transcript sa.a bo, 1 r .. .. I.I an trif" Telephone-ltegister b. 1 . 1 - colli Oil Reporter eaut so. aim ..... k,.i ,M,nv-a-liners from Clie nts llttlC J-V...-J - halem to Willamina and from July to eternity. What right, then, has Linn county to step in and L...hiQ tin, t.ride. moult the tail Ullll.ti" l , r 1...... ond knock the tUl-Key fcu"- bier strut out of old Yamhill, the proud and glorious commonwealth where all of Oregon's great men , made their fit start. mhiU won't stand it, Yamhill don t ...,.. .,o,,.l it. Yamhill is not nave iu ow --. eoin' to stand it. Not much! She is going to ship -all her surplus products to the Portland expo Lion and just beat the day ,. ... ..... .,11 ..rpat.inn with her stu- LlglH out v.. pendoua exhibit. That's what ain- hill i going 10 ao- built a bonfire of dried leaves, and little Ada Pierce, happening to run too near the fire, her clothing caught and in a few moments she was -enveloped in ilatnea. Her brother Georgie, aged 11, and one 1 t urn fil her children raade frantic . . . 1.. efforts to suWue the namea, u with out avail, the brother burning - 1 ' . A' . a Ia his hands hadiy in -w rescue his little sister. The ehUd was badly burned atxiut tne i-c and breast, the flesh on one arm . . . , . t....,i,i&. was cooked almost to tne Buuu.u. Her clothes were burned oh, anu she lingered in awful agony until five o'clock next morning death mercifully came to her relief. The family is prostratea wuu this being the secona cuu 1-; have lost in this manner. The en tire community i m Bymp-mj with the family in uit reavement. The Woman's tteiiw Corps rendered action and sympa thetic assistance at the funeral and burial services. 4(W.4o lhysoo 15-5,")iU 124.M' 4u.t;i 1 14,4iS 44,141,523 The Statesman says that Salem does not pay her eounciluaen any compensation for their rriees J eeems to as to be only just that dty of isalem's population, the cap- Oreeron. ital ot tne grem . . 1 nf hr should pay the memue.o common council, at least, soinemmg for their services, ltwnoinguiw ask men to give their time and 11 . 'll. mi 1ACI1 services to the public wivuuuu pensation. Worthv Your Confidence. The success of Hood's Sarsaparvlla f.,1o in what- in conquering kiu.u. -ever form it may manifest itself i , v .k,..,on.irli who were voucnea ior uj muu..--severally afflicted by this prevalent disease, but who now rciee-over a permanent cure by Hood' Saraa- r ... t f..u ,.tq sinnpar as a paruia. ocroiuia.ti.v-ff- , iumor, or it may attack the glands of the neck, or break out as dread ful running sores on the body or limbs. Attacking the mucous .nembrane. it may develop into catarrh or lodging 1.. . -b-lead into consumption. U.me as it may, a faithful course of treat ment with Hood's Sarsapanlla v ill overcome it, for working upon the foundation of all disease P" ... ia i.,-ifipo and blood, tne sysiem 10 """" - - , vitalised, and vigor, strength and health restored to the body. Sperling Bros., Meat Maricei nPlI.FR IX Choice Meats. A1A PIERCE BUKNED. . . . . 1,1.,,, tlist Cast a Stiadow of Gloom Over The Entire Community. A very sad bereavement happen ed to the family of Mr. and Mrs i-j W Pierce in this city last Fri Their little two aay ai-i-i""" - , and a half-year-old girl was burned j...u diviner at 5 o'clock Satur- day morning. AIhiui, - . 1 .ft..Ar.n rhe Mr. and f riaav " t;..0 were temporarily iurs. it" - absent from home, their children 1 .(K.q were, nlaving in ana some ', , , the back yard and thoughtlessly I OPEK SUNDAYS 5E0M 8 to 9 a.m. Free Delivery to all parts of the city. Main Street. - - lnaepe R00TndSH0E SHOP - m- r Drnr P. H. Murpiiy, nr ij.,,.irin tr of ! . . .! .. ill ail MUUa " rect-ive prompt m The best of u-,.i-k turned out ob short notioe. A share of your patronage . I is solicited. Main street, - ladepenaeo. 4 I '1:' nil it . 1 Ue Us, PowJ". , carriages and Wagons. S",',"JC"":il - OREGON.