Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, October 03, 1895, Image 2

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Tb v way '"
.kr biril on lh wtn.
And th pruaer aivustom tan quill
To tHlciilinl si rain.
Hut 1 nun to maintain
That there' one thing which pasaMwlrkiU,
It km never li nun
By t.-rrvmnat Uweuo.
It aa wwr ly tn rvhoaraed
Howr turffably rtriail
And how niu.-tt liloltamt
la the homMd i baby tho Srall
Mot for Vt of rld
Upon IVIioiu rollod, ,
Vol for pearl to h 5rmamwt ptlJ.
Not for ruU.w k1"vs
Or tht rea Kohmnor
Would Ih moth.-r relinquish ht child.
Hha wuuld bravw tiro high lira
i a DkI.)u iynv
fha wonld patli-ntl.v hunirer and Mural
If her a-iortrle tirava
lYiuld by any mmn aw
From one pans her bal-y tlw ttrtl
Oh. dar HtU thins
I ib? qnava or tha king
Of too huwh.IJ In which II had birth.
Kor tho tuhr' mrong lova
fcimyily rank It abova
Ewry crvaturv or object on earth.
Yea, ahe fondly contrive
T brhow that it 'hirua
U of earthly dWMM the wonti.
Ami Ita tiniest aelie
Will tn.luee hor to wake
All the night lude baby the firstl
Rabtva aeoonil and third
Hare no reason to "gird"
At the motherly tn-atraent I hey gel.
RahKM four, live and aix.
Thcv am inuoh tnduliiwl chick.
Each In turn i called "Ma tckl pot,"
But the habes who succeed
Kumlvr one would indeed
rick a crow i:U mamma, tf they durst,
luld they guem how much loaa U
The love she portseMsr
For them tiun for baby the first!
The command was unnecessary, for
both horse ami driver were williug to
stop and rost nuder the shade of the
oaks and poplars that hot July noon.
From early morn, when tbo dew was ou
the grass, until now, when the sun was
overhead, Mr. George Slade had driven
his faithful horse over the wild, rough
mountain roads of the Bine Ridge, and
the place was too inviting for him to
pass by.
Mr. Slade was a schoolteacher, and
his academy, as it was called, stood un
der the shadow of Mount Lopateka,
one of the tallest peaks of the Blue
Ridge. He was, at the time of which
we speak, returning to his home from
the nearest railroad town, 30 miles
away. Some years ago, warned by ap
proaching disease, he had left his native
home in Massachusetts for a warmer
clima Attracted by the wild mountain
scenery and the balmy air, which seem
ed to banish his pulmonary troubles, he
had made his home among these hardy
.and hospitable mountaiueera. He had
Again entered upon bis old occupation,
which he had followed in his early man
hood in bis Xew England home.aud was
now at the head or a nounsning scoooi
in this secluded country. His habits
-were simple, and his slender income was
sufficient to satisfy bis wants. He was
alone in the world, and he bad long ago
decided to make his permanent home
here among the mountains. It was not
long before he became attached to these
bardy mountaineers, and be readily ac
commodated himself to the primitive
style of living. Although a man of
northern birth and one who had worn
the blue, he gave full credit to those
who bad worn the gray for honesty of
purpose. In return he stood high in the
esteem of all who knew him. His work
in the schoolroom was making its im
press on the community, and the chil
dren were devotedly attached to the pa
tient, white haired old man. It was but
seldom that he went out in the busy
world which lay beyond the mountains
encircling the lovely valley where he
had made his honia On this occasion
he was returning to his home by a route
which was new to him, and the pictur
esque beauty of this Switzerland of the
south had never before made such deep
impression upon him.
A lovelier spot to spend the noonday
hour could not have been found. Hard
by was a bold spring, gushing out from
the foot of the mountain at the head of
a valley which sloped gently northward
toward the Tennessee. The little stream
formed by the spring went dashing down
the hillside, winding its way among the
bowlders, now flowing smoothly along
over ita pebbly bed, then turning with
swift current around some steep decliv
ity, soon to reappear as it fell foaming
and sparkling in the sunshine over a
rocky ledge and again stretching out
like a band of silvered ribbon until it
was lost in the distance, around, on al
most every side, the everlasting moun
tains, reaching up to the cloudless sky,
clothed at this season of the year in
greenest verdure, with their wooded
crests and the deep blue ether back
grounds appearing like the gently roll
ing waves of the sea. Nestled among
the jutting cliffs at the mountain base
stood a humble log cabin, and across
the road in the little field on the hillside
in the growing corn could be seen an ox
harnessed to a plow and toiling up the
incline, and behind the plow, holding
on with all her Btrength to the handle,
was a half grown girl. The attention of
Mr. Slade, who had unharnessed his
horse and was preparing to lead the ani
mal to the ford of the little brook below
the spring, was attracted. He saw her,
as the ox reached the end of the row,
stop, and shading her eyes with one hand
look up at the sun.
, As if satisfied that the noontide had
come, she quickly released the little spot
ted ox from his trappings. The ox need
ed no word of command, but turned and
made his way rapidly down the slope
to the brook to quench bis thirst. The
girl followed and reached the stream as
soon as the ox had stuck his head to the
running water. She stood for several
moments with her bare feet in the clear,
cold water; then, throwing back her
homespun bonnet until it rested on her
shoulders, she stooped down and washed
her hands, and then dipping up the wa
ter in her open palms bathed her face,
rosy with the beat, and brushed back
ker tangled bair. Bor toiUt was OnUh-
What a picture!
Bunding in the running brook, under
the blossoming branches of bonding
mountain ivy, with Its white and crini
on flowers touching her hair, now re
leased from its homespun covering
whore the sunlight and shadow mot and
mingled, her chocks n,jtow ' "
morning' toil. nd hor ,,,a
other above, uiruod toward the hum
ble homo on tho hillside, she was in
deed a child or nature true typo or
the mountain girl.
"Good morning, "'i". MuX yit
Slade, who had approached unpeiwivod
by the girl, who bad boon busy with
her ablutions.
The girl, startled by the sound of a
hnmm voico, sprang from tho brook and
prepare! for flight iu the directum of
the cabin, but seeing tho kindly f- of
the old gentleman "he Hopped and ac
knowledged hi auluUtion with a nod.
"Do vou live hcrv?" ked .Mr. Slade,
"Ye' she replied, pointing toward
tho cabin. , , ,
"Now," said Mr. Slade as his horso
came up from tho brook after satisfying
bis thirst, "ran I not B t a cool drink
from the spritis?" l(
"Oh, yes! I've got a gourd there,
replied the girl as kIiu led tho way to
the spring. ....
Taking a large gourd which nnng on
a brokeu bough of poplar tree over
shadowing the spring, she dipped it
brimming full of tho no cold water to
the thirstv traveler.
"Ah, that a drink fit for a king,
said the gentleman after ho had almost
drained the contents of the gourd.
"That s w hat pap says, nam m
maid. "There hain't no colder water iu
tho Blue Ridge," she continued, filling
tho gourd again and putting it to her
"Who is pup?" asked Mr. Shulo,
"Pap! Why he is my father. "
"I know that, but I iuteuded to ask
his name. "
"John Hale. Howsouiever, people as
knows him calls him Cap'n Hale, 'cause,
you see, he w;n in the big war."
"What's your name, my child?"
"Where's your mother, Ida?"
"Mother's gone to heaven more 'an
two year ago; leastways ? he said she
was goin there, and I believe it. See,"
she said softly, pointing to a mouud on
the billsitle near tho cottage.
"And have you no brothers?"
"Nary one, only two little sisters,
Lucy and Sallie. "
"Where is your father? Why is he
not plowing instead of you?"
"See here, mister, pap aiu't able to
nlnw nor do nothin else. He can't walls
nor set up. He's got what they calls
par' lysis, "i told you as how pap was iu
the war. Well, over yonder at Chicka
mauga, where there was a big fight, the
Yankees shot pap two times, and they
almost killed him. I hate Yankees, don't
Mr. Slade was silent. She continued
her story: "After awhile pap mended
and got so he could walk around some
with a crutch and work a little bit Ma
has told me as how afore the war she
and pap had a plenty to live on, but
when he come home from Chiekamauga
it was all gone. Pap is a mighty good
man, and he done the best ho could, and
after awhile when we children was big
enough we helped him, and ma, she al
ways helped him. One day just before
ma was tuck down sick pup was comin
down the mountain, and he fell and hurt
bisself in the hips where the Yankees
shot him. Poor pap, he-mannf(ed to
kinder crawl home, and we all put him
to bed, and he is in bed yet and can't
turn hisself without help. Poor papl"
and the blue eyes grew moist, and there
was a choking in her throat.
After a short pause she continued her
story: "Ma tended him the best she
could, and she sold one of the steers
the mate to Old Spot, out there and
she tuck the money, and she went and
hired a doctor who lives way over yon
der across the mountain on the other
side of the Hiawassee river to come and
see pap. We all prayed while ma was
gone that pap might live and git well,
and the good Lord, be heard us chil
dren, and pap did live, and he was a
sight better when ma and the doctor
come. The doctor, he looked at pap, and
he 'xamined him close, and he held
down his head and studied and studied.
Finally he looked up and said as how
pap might live a long time, but he
would never get up and be around any
more. He said ho would do all he
could, but he nor nary other doctor
was able to cure pap poor pap!
But that doctor wouldn't tech ma's
money not a cent of it. He's an
other one as is goin to heaven when
he's dead and buried. Then ma, she
tried to keep up, but she got weaker and
weaker, and one day when the snow
was on the ground, nigh on to two year
ago, she come down to the spring, but
she was so weak she couldn't git back
up the hill. We children heard her
call, and we come a-runnin, and we
found her a sittin over there on that rock
as white as the snow around. We chil
dren got her back to the house. The
same doctor, he come, and be give ma
physio, but but ma never got up any
more, and when the snow was all gone,
and the poplar leaves was all out, and
the mountain ivy was abloom, she said
she was a-goin to heaven, and she's
there now."
She was silont Her simple story had
been told.
There was something in Mr. Slade'g
throat which prevented him from speak
ing, but seeing the girl about to leave
he asked, "Who makes a living for you
"Me and Old Spot," was the quick
"Can your father do nothing?"
"Oh, yes, pap does a heap. He's
mighty nimble with his hands, if he
can't turn over without help. We chil
dren gathers straw and broom corn for
him, and be makes hats and little bas
kets and brooms, and the doctor, he takes
and sells 'em for pap, and that money
buys us clothes and shoes and sometimes
a piece of bao-ni. Thu lh old oow
w call hor Beauty she glvos u milk,
and m ud Old Spol make the broad.
Oh, we U all doln tol'ble woll. Thou
pap help n with our book, ami I can
read print and plain wrltin, and Lucy
and Srtllio, they knows their letters and
can "poll little bits of word. Hut when
I know enough and pap says God will
provide a way for ui to know all I waul
to know I'll loam Vm all about tho
mountain, and the stars, and the bl
world that is over yonder aorosa tho
mountain. H" I must ! turn pap
and help thochildrou with tho dinner."
Aud she bournled up tho hill like
"Tell your father I will come in
few monieuts to see him," he railed
ut to l r.
Sho turned as she outer! tho cabin
door ami nodded her head.
Half nu hour afterward' Mr. Slade
wa seatiul in tho humhlo homo of the
mountain girl. Her story wa ton true.
Thoro, stretched on a lowly bed, lay the
poor paralytic, dead from hi arum
down, with hi mw white hair
whitened not so uiueli by tho fnvsts of
timo a-t by the agony of MiftYring
brushed snux.thl.v back from hi brow.
It yw the abode of poverty. Thorn was
but ono Mini ami but scanty furniture
ut tho most primitive kind. There wore
two doors, both standing wiilo open, and
tho bod of tho invalid was wheeled In
tho middle of tho room, in order that ho
might catch the gentle breoaa which
came so refreshingly down tho moun
tain side. Over tho fireplace ou a rough
shelf were a few well worn books and a
broken jar, filled with tho white and
crimson blossoms of the mountain ivy
and white and blue violets, gathered
ttiat'imirmiigon the banns or we mean
dering crook.
And that old man was bright and
cheerful !
All means that were in his reach had
bovu used to restoro him to vitality, but
hopo had tied, and ho knew that ho
would 'never again rio up and walk
Life, even to him, had not l ist nil its
joy and beauty. Upon Ida ho rested for
almost all aid', for the younger sisters
were too Fiua'.l to render much inst
ance. Into htr mind and soul ho in
stilled a love for tho beautiful, discern
ible in so ninuy varied forms iu the
wild mountain scenery uround their pie
turesipie though hniublo homo. Like
the sunflower which grows so luxuri
antly iu .this southern clime, his bed
was always wheeled around so that ho
could see the. morning sunlight as it
streamed in through the door faeiug the
east, and again, when the sun went
down behind the monntniu in tho west,
bo loved for the last rays to fall iu all
their golden glory npou his head. Often
whou tho moou was flooding moun
tain and stream and valley with mel
low light he would ask Ida to wheel
bis bed near the open door, and then,
with her hand in his, they would look
down the beautiful valley and see the
winding streamlet, with its banks liuod
with flowering ivy and laurel, looking
like ghostly sentinels keeping silent
watch over their mountain home. And
they thanked God fofit all.
Captain Hall had done what he could
with his Imperfect education to give Ida
some knowledge of books, as tho woll
thumbed volumes on the shelf testified.
While her language was rude and im
perfect and her information very lim
ited, yet aspirations hud been kindled
in the heart of this child of the forest
which she herself scarcely know. Her
life of toil, so hard for ono of her sex
and tender years, was sweetened by
those longings which had begun to
spring in her soul. Sho drew inspiration
from all the objects around her tho
grand old mountuius, tbo thickly wood
ed forests, the cooing dove aud the frisk
ing squirrel, the bubbling spring aud
the running brook.
Mr. Slarle had fastened his horse to
the vehicle and was ready to depart as
Ida came down to the ford of tho brook,
and whistling for the ox was preparing
to return to her plowing on tho hillside.
"Ida," he said, "how would you liko
to go to school and learn"
"Go to school !" she interrupted. Hor
blue eyes kindled as she continned,
"Ask me if I like to drink out of this
spring when I am athirtit, or to cat
bread and honey when I urn a-hungry.
Go to school ! But"
"But what?"
"What's the use of talkin, mister?
Are yoo a schoolkoeper?"
"Yes. I am teaching school across ths
mountains, down in the Hiawassee val
ley. If you would like to go"
" 'Tain't no use to talk about it"
and hor voice had a ring of sadness iu
it "I can't leave pap and Old Spot. "
Mr. Slade bade goodby to the moun
tain girl, but his mind was made up.
Providence was opening the way.
The first opportunity after his return
home he paid a visit to Dr. Baker, the
kind hearted physician who had be
friended the Hales in their sickness and
distress. Of his scanty means scanty
forafamily of 12 he had given literal
ly to the stricken family. His profes
sional services aud the needed medicines
were never charged for, and under the
righteous pretense of soiling the baskets
snd mats made by the feeble fingers of
the old paralytic many a dime and
quarter found their way over the moun
tain to the little cabin by the spring.
"Never have I seen a mortal being
bear his sufferings more patiently than
Captain Hale, He's always as cheerful
as a crickot, no matter if there isn't a
crumb of bread nor a scrap of meat in
the house," said Dr. Baker in explain
ing the situation of the family to Mr.
"As to Ida," he added, "she's as
bright and as pretty as a picture. If she
bad the chance of a good education, pro
fessor, she would be a queen among wo
men, or my name is not Billy Baker."
"I intend to give her the chance,"
said Mr. Slade, with decision.
It was soon arranged. One of Dr.
Baker's tenants was to go over and take
care of the little farm and the helpless
family, while Ida was to be taken into
Mr. Slade's school and given the best
opportunities of obtaining a finished
Vacation. Hood Mr.. lk '-'""
,d lo fll hor up with wardrobe lib h
weld .twr for present
Tou day after his flint visit Mr. Wh
was again drinking from Iho gourd
which linn n the hrokeii twig by U
ido of tlw mountain spring.
A Macanio aoMMtlm re. follow
ing Old f pot from tho oorntloM, sho m'i
'''"Howdy Mr. Hlade?" sh" Joyfully
claimed. "What you come for'"
"r'or you." , , .,,
"Former What for. Mr. Kinder
"To cany you back with m to
"lint I can't gv I can I loavo pap
mid Old Spot and tho children."
Her lipmiulvurtwl, and tho tears caiuo.
"Yon, you tun. "sum mr. ronoo,
a mail has come with mo for tho pur
lose of renting the farm. Ilo will lv
uml take care of Old Spot and your fa
ther and tho children."
Hor whole face slmno with Joy,
"A kind friend," ho continued, "hiw
provided n pair of shoes, a dress or two
and somo oilier thinus lor you In t'1"'
trunk In tho waeon."
'Thank God!"
"Will vou go?"
"Yes, If pap I willin."
"lie is not only willing, but wiiiou.
I must toll you. however, U foro you
mako up your mind that I am a
"The Lord has forgiven you for that.
"But I w as a soldier ut I hli kuimiu
ga." "Tho Lord will forgiva you for that,
too, if ho will foij;ivo mo fr hut in of
Vtinl:,tos what shot mid cr I ii n led
1 imp. I'vo done asked him to forBivo ui
j "Then you'll noon bo ready?'
"Yes. And Mr. Slado I cMi'ttoll it
' but 1 want to say thanky. 1 am only
a poor mountain girl, but if tho good
Lord lets mo live 1 will thank you, and
I'll work toy tinkers to llio lme to pay
you back every cent you sieiid for mo. "
la mi hour iho had kissed her father,
her sisters and the truth must bo told
Old fcpot. goodliy, and was gone.
Tour year had passed by four years
of hard study mid inmseerated devotion
to duty en tho part of Ida Hale. Nino
mouths of each year hud been P"iit at
tho school prosiilml over by Professor
Sluda and tho vacations back at the
humble cottago by tho spring, helping
with her own bund to till thu little
farm and gather tho harvest. Pap mid
Old Spot uml the girls ulwuy ob
jects of lu r love and her cute. The wa
ter i;f tho spring was jut as cold, the
musio of tlio running brook just m
sweet, tho white and crimson blossoms
of tho mountain ivy just us lovely and
the towering pt'ul-sof the mountains just
as grand us tho day wo first saw
her plowing on tho mountain sldo
and buthiug her rosy fucu in tho eooliug
waters of thu crock, where tho sunlight
played hido aud seek aiming tho blos
soms. But tixlay sh is to receive her di
ploma. Clad la her simple whito dress,
she stands upon tho stage, uml iu a voieo
rich iu melody, jet softened by pathos,
sho tells of her struggle and her aspira
tions, and nil eyes grow moist uml all
hearts bent in sympathy with tho bare
foot mountain girl who was already a
queeu nmuiig women. S. U. Bradwell
iu Atlanta Constitution.
king and Hawk.
Kichard I when iu tho Holy Land
amused himself with hawking ou tho
plaiu cf bharou und is said to huvo
presented some of these birds to tho sul
tan. Later on, while passing through
Dalmatia, he carried off a falcon which
he saw in ono of the villuges, and ho re
fused to give it up. Ho was attacked so
furiously by the justly incensed villagers
that it was with tho utmost difficulty
that he managed to make his eseapo.
King John used to send both to Ire
land und to Norway for his hawks. We
aro told by Froissnrt that when Edward
III invaded Franco ho hud HO falcons,
and every day either hunted or wont
to the river tor tho purpose of hawking.
Henry VII imported goshawks from
France, giving 4 for a single bird a
much gruuter sum in those days than ut
present. Uemy VHI while huwkiug ut
Hitchin was leaping a dike when tho
polo broke, and the king was immersed
head first into the mud und would have
perished in ull probability had not his
falconer dragged him out.
Elizabeth and James I were much in
terested in tho sport. The latter sover
eign indeed expended considerable sums
ou its inuiiitenauce. Aubrey, Jn his
"Miscellanies," says: "When 1 was a
freshman at Oxford, I was wont to go
to Christ Church toseet'harle 1 ut sup
per, where I once hoard him say that us
he was hawking iu Scotland ho rode in
to tho quarry, und there found the covey
of partridges falling upon thn hawk, ami
I remember his expression further, 'And
I will sweur upon the book 'tis true. ' "
Chambers' Journal.
A Centenarian Who Hlnga.
Thero are a number of lyric singers
in Kuglund who retain the mellow
charm of their voices at an advanced
age. But a singer, and a good one ut
that, at the age of loa years is some
thing remarkable. Mr. William Peplow
of Wellington, England, who was bom
iu J 792, has lately assisted ut a concert
given by his great granddaughter, r
very distinguished pianist. Ho render
ed several songs with a strong and sym
pathetic bass voice iu an excellent man
ner aud was cheered by his audience.
He also accompanied a singer on the
piano and conducted several choruses
with vim aud brilliuucy. Kurely this Is
versatility enough for a centenarian.
I'nfortuiiaU-ljr rut.
"Uncle, "said tho impocunious neph
ew, "you ought to go and see tho new
play. You would just dio laughing. "
Tho old man merely glared. In a few
moments later thero could be heard tho
sound of a scratching pen as ho altered
his will for the forty-fourth time. Cin
cinnati Tribuue.
O.los to th. Va. rwlh '
Ih. t ...!. -r Will
,.! Mr .t.r.lHl Than '
Ul.hou Wt.ll.oli'' '".
Mii.i.eii'l" Hud M. IMnl do " '
whys woik ill harmony, hot ' l"l,r'
Mis'sltluit there I" i.ei nH-lco opouti..ll
between llm two eliiea In making remiy
for Iho inteitulniuciil "f tho. who
.hall altend tho next g. ueiul convent on
of the KplMtipal church, whii li wilt
gin t Mmiuapolison Get. I and con
tinue three weeks.
This general convention U tbr loglnl
tivo of Iho elimvl. ft " nx
countrr.' Iu mooting, wide"
once in lhm year, " '" h
highest hnpnititnci'. Puiimt coming
M -salons n.alter having refeienco to lh
biwid ul missions, to the vsilotw idu.-a-
insiioi' wiiifi'i K
tiouul institution of tho church and to
many other F.plopul oigan'MUoii. and
rlitei prises Will be mnnd U! - "d " I1
ri'i-ni,iltves of all thee tH' iH ill l'
111 utn-iidaiu-.'. Among !!' r-prc nta
live wlUN'tlirt Ji'V. William .1.1.
), o, , i-hii-f seen tary i f iho l ar.l of
foreign mission ; the Kev. .1 Kunl r,
D. H. . assistant a.srilaiy; Mi Julia
M. Emery, Mi-rotuiy if tho woiiu-n's
auxiliary "to tlm luMird of mlioti, and
many others, who, while not i-uliib-d to
wilts in the ii.nventton. w ill lirvi-rthe-less
have m mil to do with shaping H
work in d liferent direction.
The sessions i f the convention will be
held in tii'lliM-maiio elnnvh, tiie "ldl
Episcopal hoiiM.of worship m .liuuei
lis. mid the ltev. II. It Whipple, 1 1 ,
bishop. if the di.-w, will l o chief ht.
of course, bis coudjtitor. the Kinlit Hi'V.
N. M. Hilbeit. 1- !, t'i"K nest on tho
list in that tegard. Hut n a miitier i f
furl nil the Epin-opul and
coniinuiiii imls of tho Twin Cities will
vio with ono mint hi-r in i-xt.-udiug th
hospitalities, so that thoao lu ulloud
litii-e will doubt less carry uwuy with
them tho pleasautest roini-mbranee of
li.-irai days' siuy. Coiiiinitii e room r
liingclioM-ii for thn executive work thut
will have to I. done In order to crowd
tho legislation of three year Into thre
wo'ks,si-inl telephonic and teli-grnpliic
facilities are bring provided, mid u dally
lunch has been urraiiged for at thn West
hotel, which will l general bemlipiar.
lor, und where rooms have ulremly U-n
engaged by many of tho imt eminent
dignitaries if the church who will I In
Among these, in addition to the
bislioui from ull tho diocese In tlm
Utiitixl States, will lw hv. Morgan
Dix, rector cf Trinity church, New
York, who ha l'ii chiiiriiiaii of many
sueeiwfvo convention, and who, it i
expected, will preside this year. J.
Pierpont Morgan, the banker who head
ed the gold und bond syndicate which
negotiated the lust l ulled Mate loan,
is also exirted to lie present as u luy
But it i doubtful whether nuy of thf
visitors will bn as interitiiig a figure in
Bishop Whipple himself. This venera
ble ecclesiastic is known wln-rever there
urn Episeopul clergymen of either the
Amerii'iin or the Kuglish church, und
whenever he is spoken of reference is
niadn to his wonderful work a a nils
intiury when a young num. This work
was performed uniting tho savage In
dians and s'lhnp hardly less suvagn
whites who peopled Minnesota iu lis
pioneer days, and it is liecanso of its
effw-tivu'ess that tho Episcopal church
has a stronger hold iimhi the Indian, of
Minnesota than upon those of any other
part of the Union. At the celehrul ion of
the thirty-fifth anniversary of hi con.
serration as a bishop two of the several
Indians who aro now Episcopal rectors
in Minnesota were present und boro tes
timony to the bishop's early services.
One of these Indians is tho Kev. John
Johnson, whose native inie e is Einmo
gahbah. Ho is a chief id the Chip'wa
.rilie und a typo of tho red mini that, is
fast passing away. At, the celebration
mentioned, which tik pluce last year,
Emmegalibah told, in a forcible half
hour S)Hch, many interesting stories of
the triuls and even dangers which tb
bishop was called upon to pass through
at the beginning of his work. Bishop
Whipple believes that the Indians have
dfimrslly l"n tiiUuutlurMmj t," I
"Tlio IildUn," said the tUh,i t I
ent Inlorvicw, "Is tlm lmliJ?'
mo, Tho Moot have a bad
now. but fr I'd yearn It wn tiw,
that lliey bad never IuUii w ."j
whito man. If their fornirt fjlry, 1
'IiiM liu chriugid In "iimlly, u JJI
. ...i.
I an ii .
When llllii'P Whipple Wenl ., y
IicmiIu, lio aottld at Fuilhuult, ul,,.
still live. 'I Id wiw In iH.'ill, and thtn
Wore thi'll SI pul'lahe W ith li-as 1)
roiiimoniciinl In ll illirei,
Iho first thieo yours of hi. amw?
traveled V?,ftHluitloi lit Ihodln-I
hi dutiiw. sliM-plug In front inr hro,
mid wilier' hut ami priv Mi.g
risiiui., cabins and log n-hiaiU,'
When tho Indian tlptomt luKm
liniKsiierod tho whiten, tho hl'luai, n ltt
Million! danger In lilnoelf, vuiln) y.
cctio of iiunago mid Ismiul tf u,
wounds i f I iio Injured. He
plldo f tho f.'l thai Hot una l',rtMis,
Indian Joined In tho bhssly Wurkuf lb
awful year, ulnl mid thut It wmlotfc
friendly wanting of tlnsai t'liriiiuu
diau that Iho iniiuiinlly of many
wen. spau-d win duo. Ho say Ilia
iu-iiwiin theoiitcoiim of a l-iiKmin
D.'ltliHi und ilileiinir, msl tbstf
cui.i.lcr lii.iliy or bU iltoly bind,
ninolig tho brave!, truest tiit-ntrtH
met. Their favolilo liuiin-a f,
nro "The Mt.i'ght Tongue" ml tb
"Father Who Ncvet Ldw." W'liiu,
civil war v.w In progr.ns, t!i tlijxa
bold oil.c oil liillli Held mid In Ua
camps of tu-m-rnl McClclUu mid (i
oral M ade
At Faribault, which I lullt-auait
of St I'nlil. liixlii'p Whipple )on ijju
futile'. d i.h-i illO'Cll llttilt!tioi hick
ll.iwown linn ll llll'IO lii-oi i.tMQ.Of
wmlh i f lopi-tty. 'Ihiyiiieallii
ul it iii-. a n-li' I f r KitUiMti
military rb.d, nii.l they Inns nu.'
l'ariliiill faiuou the w ot Id over. Tin
bishop 1 a o cf N-w York, ami m
nw lnt fai fr..iu til year of a. Hall
a l.irgo until with a t-h mi cut f 4
CoUHiiuiiiliiiM Mpl'rul;ce. Hnlsansai
i .-.ii.m si'i uki-i, mhI wlietii-m ll a
known that bo l to deliver an Mms
tho people II. k to li' ar him. Hp Was
iiiu.lo nevi visit to Entiliuiil. bi
ho bus ls u tho recipient of iiuiliy lna
or. and ..nio year uu lie was luvttnl
loib-livertlio utiivoisliy w.rnioii al (
bridge. Eiighnid. Tin invitation, whirk
wiut aiieplcd. v llhap III" hixbnt
In, ii, .r i v.-1 U-i.i. d uii an Ann was
clergy mini by Iho English.
It should lw said in memory of wis
of thn iiobh-.l worker w hoever wiKrwl
thowrvleoof tho church thai. mtsau
might I in tl.o ratremoly ilillktiU rr-
onk or tine ruiiiAt t ti ii't. m 'ii tnm
ruinnlaiii-e. Bishop Whipple' wy ks
Ihi.ii op..inil for him prior lo hi tt H
In Minueota, Bishop K -r was la
tho field l.foro Bishop Whipple, win
were tho Hev. Mr. Umr. who .-atil it
Fort duelling in I H3U, tlm Itov. J. LM
Hrw'k, tho Hov. isolon W. Mutiny.
framed tho constitution of Iho dii.
and other. ,
To return to iho convention ltlf.
Owing to the rapid growth of Iho church
much nniro work will havs to bed"
during this year's olon than has b"
lui'oiuplishod by nuy previous eonvan
tioii. Sunn IN.'IO thn jiiultlon erf U
Uniied State hu Increaia d ultoutflv
fuld, but tho coiuiiiuuirnnis 'if
clinn-h aro now I I times a nnmorool
a then. Among tho most Important
things to bo considered nro the rM""t"
preforri'd from thediu-iwsof t ulifirnl
and Minnesota for a division In "fl
case, mid while then 's littlo rliiot
that these roiuet will lm gruntwl.
since thn d anils urn nliiiot oiiuni-
iiniiis, much legislation thereon will I
ni-iary. Another mutter tocomebe
fore thn convention, which will o"
tlotibteillv rxcito grout Interest, Is ths
promised revision of thn const itntioB
und canon i if thu church. A coiuiuitw
has long been ut work Upon this "
ji:t, mid its ri-jsirt I nlroudy In th
bund of tho in"mlTS of the roiiventiiio
mid many ol her. It is a piiisTuffV
feeding brilliancy und , nullity, p Is mi no.,. .unit, do wire ill Winl"
it dcslr
(piurters to sen it laid aside. ThosS
up mo lis adoption say it f n large H
swcr of Iho bishop morn than is w". i
uml that for severul other retisons it
not dcsirubln. At this timo it i inip
ibln to predict whut will be done w'1"
it, but it is certain that it will ldt0
serious and ititer'-stiiig debate.
Tlm giineral convention of tho Epl10"
pal church is nlwuys a most Impress''
lKly. It is divided iuto two houses, on
of which is composed of thobishojissna
culled the house of bishops and the oth
er of laymen und lesser clergymrO,
termed tho hoim) of delegates. A luwto
puss must have a majority of b""1
house, thus insuring delilierate acth
und preventing ill advised decisim
The sucrotury of tho honso of bisht'I '
tholtev. IVr. Hurt and the secretary of
tho house uf deputies is the Kev. Vr.
Hiitchins. Tho Epiw-opul church i
America has ulxmt 8,000 parishes and
mission and a clergy list of 4,1109. H
Is proxscl to extend its inissionsry
work in umny directions, and three
years ago a number of new missionary
blshoi were appointor!. Doubt 1" their
reports on missionary work will
Btuotig tho moot imK)rtant dirnnients
proHi'tited during the convention's set
sious. M. I. Dwrraa.
uf tho wild iiihii III llio.WorM, iu m
iignlsen tho Ureal Hplrlt, l.w !
fiituio life, bn'- a piisalotmta luv fI
children mid will I t di-nlh ( 7
tribe. In Hit yours' rM'rlfiiewll. J
(Hun I never know una ;
anil lin liiuoiii rver anno snvthm,. -
a iim