Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, October 03, 1895, Image 1

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. .Ai.AA.A.-kAAAAj.AAAAAAA jt. t 1 1 kiuivf i mp t 1 1 n im KI'.ltH. I uwful life. No had passod the! t:t.M4 f.nln T.vMirM Power. Lateit U.S. Gov't Report c
A. A T" " . ' - - - - j. r . -j- . i- t J ; -j- I ai'num w - I . I A AJK.iJvt w - 1 a
m w .1
ii kfa. ...
r i
Respectfully yours.
0. A. KRAMER, Jeweler and Opticion.
r f r t
The City Restaurant
Will plvf yti nIX K""1
Wis try to make our Sunday IMn-
IHT I he Iti'Hi III llll'M'llttfll('t'.
McGINN &CATLIN, Prop's.,
Muln HI.
Don't be Sick!
WK KNOW how It iimkcBoim finl to
Iw Uk Hut II wl'.l Kt i lf
ifiiifiiiluT ll'iil it in our Imciiit-MH lo m'll
Mi-Uiflni w. We'vo hiul roiiH'li-nililM ex
iifii'nii iti r'Mi-iiiif iinluiiH a ml
know thi wiviintinci' iii uhIiik frvcli una
ins I'm. We no ollmr kiwi.
uwful life. No had passod the
throe score and ten mark whim
summoned to that "bourne inun
ul.nnnn nn truvftltfr returns." Oil
of his moHt marked characteristics
was affliction for his family, and
i. a m n n iiinnu ruuiiv in n ii inn
DIHD. At his family resworn in - ( . ' .
.l. i..n. ...... t., tir uniKiren wiin winu wuno;i
JMOIimUUWI, I Ui t.iunvr, ") - .... . i
Hini.lav Bi-ptember 'A 1HU5, from the field of experience ami
- , i tr . i . . . i ii. . .
v iimi 1'it(! viii. aeou yeuru u,hn nfCfiHinn fioma ntieu no vvv.i
refused to give them financial an
1I left a widow now
Hmrlam . Auitust 2!), Win, ernt
In 1853. and has
h. ....... . - n - ,
Paul HlltlbruiKl .and William
iwlvul I'uhh AcroNN the
MjRtlo Unit Into tho
Hlh-nt H-y oiid.
nnr ma her 70th year, ana
.hililrfiiv. namelv: James and
ahnoHt continuounly uiade I oik . . j Mrs. J. 7 J Out-
couuty hia homo ever eince. Mr. , A Mr8 jiftrt Scrafroi-d
I'orcival was married to Mihb Mary unerai g,.rvice8 were con
Z. Mulkov in M'ihhouH juHt pro- ,,.., tl i?v. L. 8 FUlier, of
vioua to euiicruting to thin country. Monmouti. and Rn that'was mortal
Ilowaaaman of ponitive wvic' Lf ittUi Hiltibrand waa V4''1 10 ru8t
tioiiH, honeBtin hu opinionn auu k SI,jt, burying-ground on
honifHt in hi UeaiingH
Monday September 30tb. An honest
f.'llowmen. For nearly halt a oa,Bei ttway from the
century hia pcMonal interests bavo . , . troubles of earthly life.
Un identified with Polk county, iha mmnrv nf hia eood d(ds
iu.ii.r (-itizen or more sin
i irn KHrnBHt man ever lived. Mr
Percival's old home was located
the foothills three miles
rwirdiwoHt of Monmouth, and by
industry be accumu
i..i..,l a fnr liure of this world's
iwitk. He raised quite a large
family, three sons and four daugh
will ever remain fresh and green
in the hearts of those who knew
him best and loved him most.
FOUNTAIN. In Monmouth, Or.,
...... . m
hurffl. lMUo. Mrs. wary
Fountain, of neuralgia of the
hi.itrt. ai?ed 53 vearB.
The family of the deceased lives
, . i5uin- nnt in California and she lecenuy
tors, ail OX wuvm me g 1 r.4i
' .. n i o. L.mB to this country for the Ijene
one daugnier. m-veim - .i.,ou
... i ifin. fit. or her neaim. ouuic'''
he and his wne muvcu " . V r ,t, Thr.inin,
. .. . i i v,n vinir in Monmouth. Iberemains
mouth and mey nave w ,---- vnhi of
.i,J, home ever since, were laid to rest in the Kn gnte ot
" . . . i-ft - -i.lnw ,,n Pvthias cemetery on. Monday,
I I..1 ilurliHIUIUI II1IN ir 1 b u n l w-.- j- -
I IIU uvm - I .
.'. ,hildre... as follows: Mrs. 1 . pepwmoer ou
t ,.c T.,,l..nml('noe: Airs. J.
J. r I :"
When You are Well
RKMKMHKUtliatwo lian
,lle many artich'B vm
inav ili-xiif. tl H Jewelry,
Stlvvi-waru, WuUIk-b, Clin ks,
Muln St.
IiMepviHlviKV. tircKon. Truck & 1 ransrer uaui
!$ ...muMI.'l! 1iruv M
Pliinim and Furniture care J
IVilly moved.
i!iiulliiK don wt rHon
t ...... ......... . .
il,sT.i,i.vx rovn-rooT noon ronsAL-
f.. Kii'trs. of tuletn; Mrs. Ed Ford,
ill lmiuiii, -
Yreka; M. F. Percival, of Dallas
and W. W. Percival, ot inuepen-
ti, Amaral waa held at the
.Hitlence in Monmouth on Motv
iluv at 10 o'clock a. m., Rev. Mr.
Kn' olliciatine. The remains
in ih KM2IH8 01
Wrrfl ill kCI -
Pythias cemetery.
OPKN1NOOP SCHOOL. f Kuiilies eelea in
the Different Grades.
The Independence Public Schools
AVill Open Jcxi luuuuaj
Morning. Oct. 7th. Parents
ShouWUSeeTliat xneir
Children Have the
Necessary Sup-
on the
l)ook No. 5 and drawing pencil,
No. 4 copy book, pen and holder
oractice Daner, slate and pencil
.. .... .
Kixth Grade. New .National
render No. 5. Fish'a arithmetic
No. 2. Brook's mental arithmetic,
Maxwell's laneuaue lessons, Com
Drehensive eography, Read's
. . . .
word lessons, Manson's spelling
blank, drawing book No. 6, draw
ing pencil, No. 5 copy book, pen
.wi t,rJ.l,r nmctice naoer and a
AtlV. w . v w . , r .
10 cent composition book.
Seventh Grade. New National
render Io o. r jsh h iuiukuv
No. 2. Brook's mental arithmetic,
M.-ixwell'a introductory grammar.
Comorehensiveeeography, Reade's
word lessons, Manson's spelling
Wank, drawing book No. 7, draw
ine pencil. No. 6 copy book, prac
tice DaDer. Den and holder, ten
cent composition book and pencil
and naoer.
Eighth Grade. Fish's arnnme-
- . . . -.V
tie No. 2. Brook's menial arnu
matic. Barnes' brief history of U
S.. Maxwell's advanced grammar,
blank drawing book, drawing
i holder, uencil and
IIVxl A '
m andlinir blank No. i
.iiaunMii " h r
.nl a len rpnt COmDOSition book.
Citv council convened in regular
session. Tuesday, October 1, 1895.
Councilman G.G. Strong was elect
ed president pro tem.
Members present: Olodfeller,
Finch, Percival, Strong and Walk
er. Minutes or two previous meet
ings read and approved.
Report of financial committee
submitted to council and adopted.
"An ordinance to amend Section
2 of ordinance No. 4" passed first,
second and third reading and lost.
Owens & Gaither, 1. L. bmith
and J. R. Cooper's saloon bonds
approved and recorder instructed
to issue license thereon.
Moved and seconded that the
council proceed to elect a mayor to
to fill vacancy. VV. L. Wilkins
and W. P. Connaway placed in
nomination. After casting three
ballots there being no election, it
was moved and seconded that the
election of mayor be postponed an-
till next regular meeting ot the city
council. Carried.
The following bills against the
town were allowed:
vv. it . . . , t ...
. . Wail Rlrtn Pllh. IO 8 1.5)0
Heade s woro. iessou0, 'n Vv "
Krnwn A. RailfV
J. VV. Richardson, Jr
Little Palace Hot4
J. W. Fetzer
A. J.TuDber
. . J. T. Ford
Robinson's Elementary algebra, Pre80Ott4 veuesa
. .. n -r . .n) I, ! ftilmnrfe
Smith's ingnsn wrru rElectric Light" o5
tar, font mmnosition book. Har-
irva n t I
i .i KJuinrv Collar's Total,
nets gcuui . . v- . j
eisenbach and pencils and tablet.
Alexander-Cooper Drug Co
A1.y, .im to ..J Vl W-1""1
Ruliber GoodB,
Patent Medicines
Etc., Etc.
Carefully -:- Compounded
T..,r nl NlL'Ut.
Exclusive Agents
for the
Wagons, Carriages
and Uuggies
in Polk county.
it i y i : 1 1 AwAk
T-vii?rA y,a home on ine The nublic scnoois wm
Luckiamute in I'ol couniy, Momiay, October V, ana every
Oregon, on
Saturday, September b o in houid pretient
28. 1895, Paul HiHAr-nd, of . BCome prov,ded with
heart failure, aa jew,, u - .
months and 1 days. uuulk ; . y ,
t....1 iriltiKmnrl was born in supplies needed in me gruuo
,l,vm. rountv. Ohio, June 7, 1823; which you belong.
emigrated to Oregon in 1845, and All those who were not aoie 10
Llul6Itt . . .... u mincr thfi final exami-
was married to miss r.vumic uo v.
Tetherow, daughter of Solomon nation and all others who are not
Ul"uu"' . i. . j .:n m0ot in t.ViA-nnnci-
Ti'therow. July 3, 14U. ine ue- ciassiuuu r
wl. a mew yonth, only 22 pal's room next Saturday morning,
W of age, when he made the Oct. 5, at 9 o'clock, for examina-
lomt and toilsome journey w,iu uu.uuv. ---
Z plains" to Oregon, but he pos- Following is a list of books and
Ised tlie true pioneer spirit and supplies needed in the difterent
hv sturdy industry managed w
by sturny j firade. Slate with covered
..iri-nunit mmseii auu mm"; .
he comforts of a pleasant home, frame, slate pencil and sponge,
He located his donation land lead pencil and paper; later in the
claim on the south bank of the year a New National reaaer
. i. :n aha rT ThA onn rRW 1 1 1 15 uvJUDt.xiv
Little Luc.iamuvt, u r; (,rade.New National
most fertile ana uenumut i -
. i - 11.... anrf tnr a raanir l 11. z,. nvo lcuv v. v.. .
LiroonW,Jthi.f.v.Md..,t IM bl.nt rg boot "
. . Drti.i iiiirirtrann i nrn.r.Lict3 Liauci a.v. o
heen his nomo. i . ,
I ,:tv. nrtVArpil frame, slate
was an honest man, a useuu -"'.: iM,indl.
r MHfl Arav t ha I Itori ri I K I M 1 1 1 V uiivi K1
zen and his menus, I v " , .!nn.i
. .1 . ol,ova Thirrl liraae. lew
granger at me g-,, V .," xr a w.h'. rit.hrf,etio No,
Jo kTounty has few citizens more 1, five cent composition blank, pen
1U1II wiuv; . .11 J nr-otlOA Tlftner.
. ,j mnr. ann rimiinr aiitA i - i
wiHniv known i.". . -
S!ly respected than this sturdy drawing book No 3, training book
mgniy , , ..,5.irBna Nft s. Blate with covered frame,
TLme from the roll call of lead and slate pencil, Manson's
,i. ii.-i.
the Oregon pioneers. spelling uian.
1 It ? commonplace to speak no Fourth , Grade -New National
... .... j-j w i rviwinT rilfir No. 4. Fish's arithmeUc No.
111 ... , r iv:. iW-u 11 Maxwell's laneuaee lessons,
hn life WOrK OI into .uv.v , ,r )
Ilia I"" . I n . j i . -J f on arm's
ill to speak. He may have Keaae s worn -
tnn in his I snellind bianK, copy
ot n m Dlttil uun wav ww ... - r
jouoej through life, but who is it pen and holder Elementary geog
J .J t..,i TintiKran r.nhv. drawing book No. 4, draw-
that does run, " . ;1 vior,v
nassed smoothly overground where mg pencil, siate auu
Sortmen Blip and fall. He was tablet and five cent composition
morally a sound man and mentally taoiet.
physically a strong man; rum u.--""7"
i oHoimia ronirio. reader No. 5. Elementary geography
Hns but was broad and charitable Maxwell's language lessons and
tlOnB, OUV ... L 4 -Ui, oKlt TTian'a
towards those who couia not see ten ceu r"" v,-., -
the lieht that was so clear and arithmetic No. 2, Brook's mental
7 . him arithmetic, Reade's word lesson?,
dear to nun. ... . ... . j :
Paul Hiltibrand lived a long and' Manson s spelling Diana, uriu
On motion council adjourned.
A Timely Reminder.
fnrrpa nnon onr con-
Rev. O. B. Whitmore preacueu - , .
., iltoneaiin. loenuvramiiMi uuu
u . iiirmdn txi i.iih ihiuuic . . . l. .1
no mrcncii ov-.v,.. r t many reducea in sirengiu uu
of Independence last Sunday even- vgori poorly prepared to continue
ii. t fu,l o lu-iaitinn u. nf HFa Tha xtomach
lllK. XIO lino .vv K X I ' " -
with the Northwest Savings' Com- and Dowels, me great
panv at Portland, and will move ft.
bis family to that city the latter neryoU8 8y8tem ha8 ai80 suffered
part of this week. Mr. Whitmore ia the Btruggle. Typhoid fever
is a very pleasant gentleman, a ftnd malaria in particular find in
aud forcible speaker and dur- the fall that combination of earth,
' - .. Ami iratop that nfiRrir inia sea
ing bis ten or twelve n" peouaiy dangerous. The
ministration here as pastor oi ine , ... , tufl decavine veee-
nnrnrrAiTfttinnftl church he has L-Kloa nmtrihnte their share of
1. .,.... fviiind who Tft- I
rnftae Lllaiiy wmm wiituu-iuvv.
.i - 1 ii il, n w. nof -era in a rt I A
. . i ? . 4maivi tnic r a. tiitiiimiibh a uiudu t uiuw "
rTTmZ at these important
commuunj. x. - --- ... anj Rhould be used in the
done good work here ana me -
f V.ia irvfliifinrn will De a
MHIII'.M III 11113 A U -
material loss to the religious and
mAio1 11 Til ift.iniy ot the community.
1UV1 ua w 0
Rev Mr. Whitmore and lamuy
have the best wishes of their many
friends in Independence.
Death of a Yamhill County
fall before serious sickness has laid
you low.
Win. J- Garrison, a pioneer of
iai riil at McMinnvilie last
Thnrsdav. aeed 68 years. He was
ontoin of the first camp of Indian
War Veterans organizea in mis
J V.? a vannoaf UTAH
State, anu, uw '"iv"i
ed by that society on Sunday at ii
o'clock a. m. Two daughters sur
vive him, Mrs. Belle Holman and
Mrs. Martha Redmond, both ol
Sperling Bros.,
Meat Market
"dealer in-
Choice Meats.
A Marion County Pioneer.
There died in Salem on Monday
last one of Marion county's well
known citizens, Thomas H. Hub-
Wrf from Briehts' disease, agea oz
years, 3 months and 17 days. He
came to Oregon in iooo, anu re
sided near Silverton until 1864.
About that time he engaged m
mining in Idaho. He afterward
Anrned to Marion county where
l a Antra rtcA in farminir. From 1890
UO o.fe"
1 809 h was manager of the Kus
.n liardware firm in Portland.
OVA - - V
He left a widow and three children.
OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 8 to 9 a. m.
Free Delivery to all parts
of the city.
Main Street. - - Independence.
P. H. Murphy, Prop.
Repairing of
all kinds will
1 1
The best of
turned out on
short notice.
A share of your patronage
I is solicited.
Main street, Independence