Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, September 19, 1895, Image 2

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    one pound can of Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder only 30cona at t ho Star flrorory.
s a a i
A Brilliant Program Arranged. Noted Speakers from Abroad.
The unspeakable Turk is in a
td way. The Turkish govern
inentseenis u'terly incapable of
appreciating the need of reforms
in Armenia, and nothing short of
the irre-ustib'e lio of Anglo-
iNtxon and Russian Imvonets will
n il it tlio salutary lceson. The
Turk is an intruder upon European
soil and nothing only the jealousy
of the rreat nowers has saved
CHORUS America. Turkey from dismemhernient. The
PRAYER Rev. A. R. Crawford.
w n i it. fir ibstint wlmr. the
Ottoman government will have to
retreat hack into Asia.
We noto with pleasure that
Polk county will exhibit at the
coming state fair. There is no
reason why this county cannot
make a very creditable showing in
fruits, hops ami cereals, as well as
a good ntock exhibit. We do not
expect Polk county to win all the
premiums, because she is too new
in the exhibition business for that,
but we do expect to see. her step
well up into the front row.
So mr editors rush in whereothers
dare not tread. Of course, Oregon
has a delightful and unequaled
climate, but the editor of the Or-
egoman lias mado tne interesting
discovery that it is "heavenly." i
.tlmr to Hfii who could ct on the
outside of the greatest quantity ol
"tarantula juice," und, ol coure, it
did not taku long for the whole
crowd to Ih full of tight up to the
The city marshal saw there was
trouble brewing, so he ti'puuxin
special police force, and In n short
. . .i.'. .. i. .... 'n... i...
I lino inn rneaeiwnn mi
The tlrst on the program as i diun gathered in a group on ferry
reading of the first I'salm and street near the sawmill, and at
prayer, followed by a duet by once commenced a drunken row
Misses Wildes and t'ole, which wasjUUl0ng thcnisel ves. The marnhal
prettily rendered. Pres. Campbell j u,l posse started in to make
then, in a few well chosen words, wrrests and a general knock down
IuterosttuB Exorolagi Aud it Tory datli
lactory Attoiidnuct.
The friends, patrons and stu
dents of the O. S.N. S. at Mon
mouth assembled in the chapel ol
the school promptly nt 10 o'clock
A, in. to witness or take part in the
opening exercise.
welcomed the old students and
complimented them upon their re
turn to the school; he also ex
tended a very cordial welcome to
those who, for tie first tine,
crossed the threshold of the state
normal. no very impressively
and dnic-out llttht was the result.
Of course, the Indian were readily
ovcrHwered and seven o the poor
devils locked up in the "couler.'
There were a number of visitor
in the city and our eiluen f. It
ashamed that tliev should he
We never bef.ire knew the kind of ,,nirged upon their responsibilities ' witnesses of su. h a" disreputable
t I . - "I'll 1 ! . I .1 . I ..... i a I ' f . . .
climate that prevails in the celest ial
realm, but according to the Or
egouUn it is fittingly represented
by our September weather. If this
really is a bona fide discovery we
opine that many devout people will
have to reconstruct their idea of
QUARTETTE Xovello Club.
VIOLIN SOLO..-. Miss enisle Fennell.
ADDRESS Ethan W. Allen, Department Commander G. A. K.
SELECTION . Dallas Glee Club.
RECITATION "The Dandy Fifth," Mrs. J. P. Irvine, of McMinnville.
VOCAL SOLO "The Last Roll Call," Miss Mattie Loneacre.
PIANO SOLO Mrs. W. Babbitt.
MANDOLIN SOLO Barton W. Fisher, of Portland.
. ADDRESS Miss Nettie Ungerman, of McMinnville.
-QUARTETTE . Novelb Club.
PIANO SOLO . Prof. Wymer, of Salem.
ADDRESS Oapt. II. L. Wells, Division Commander Sons of Veterans.
SELECTION Dallas Glee Club
ADDRESS Senator John II. Mitchell
CHORUS The Star Spangled Banner
as students and cttucu of this
great republic.
Miss liassett, the music teacher,
then sang a solo which was re
ceived by the audience with many
marks ol appreciation.
I'rof. luckha;n the veteran
pedagogue of the faculty, in a
short address outlined the work of
a normal school, lie said the
buxines of n normal school wa
for the purpose of preparing stud
ents for the high and noble calling
of teaching, and the speaker Indd
that the succcs-sful teacher was
greater than he who rules an em
pire; that there was three
very essential for the successful
teacher, viz: Moral character,
knowledge and th" faculty of im
parling to others that knowledge
The reaiter of tlil paMr will In
pleam'tl lo li uni that .llirre i tit h-nt
out' ibeaili'il thxt'tiMi tluil Ki'li in'.- h ,.
Ihh-ii utile to cine in all IU nml
tliat Is t'atiinli. Hall's t'ahirrli Cure
Is the tin I v HiM.ll I vi i'Iiik iiuu kiiniiM
lie honed that the students would t the meilii-al fraiernltv. t'liiiirrh he-
applv themsi lves and make rapid i eoiistitulloiial .II-m iin., r .pnri a
progress in their studies aud show w'u1 V"V1' "n" " 'i'""
' i . , .... ..1 i itirh lire Is taki-ii Ititeriiiillv. (n-l utt
an a lantability to sch.l work .lin-etlv uhoii the l.l i IIM.f
i ; I ... . I. .11 ..,.11 ' r .1 ... . .
I IINiI'MI . illlU'oril t'. PiaiUCK ; 'l ' ' "I III"- I-U III, llll'fllH" l(i
scene. It is to lie liopeH lliul tins
city will never be the scene of a
similar drunken broil again. In
deed, ail opportunity for Indian'
to obtain li'iuor on Sunday should
be suppressed with a stem and
vigorous baud. There is no ex
cuse for it, aud every self-respecting
citizen is opposrd to it. We
have a city ordinance to pr't"ct
t he peace and dignity of the cily.
If necessary enforce it.
IOD Itewiird.
Mir; niury iHMey
Vrvtlorlkn, low.
Goitre 11 Year?
Tanaolous Chronic Cat CivtWi
to Hood's raaparllla,
"Thlttr-ous ywin sun, aftr itauvvoM
lllnr... my iiw xn lo It AZ
nut glv in sny lriiilils,i-til Und,!;
mil v, tr ni.njf ywnn. AIhiu Inn m-
iril ii niiiiiiH Hivt. m -.... ...v Mil i l it.
. i I l.l I....
Torrlbta Choking Spoilt,
Kvrn my wl thmiittil m Ul houfk
romp, I rmil of lly Iw K.Um.1
Mli'li., w b ti'' eurwtt et g"!lr bj
II.hmI MumsiHirUla snil t iti ntx.l U t-y
fun to ll llil ii""ll' liio, imlnif mv
xittlni. My link inntatirmi Zl liuliw W
Mity Sk'atlint KIllH-tin.
iiiiw. It U wutiili'r 1
nit ntiiiiiliiiiinl U SJ
mv trli'iiil. mill iir'ghlMin, fur I ..gruv.
Iiilf wr nil tlm 1 1 mi. .ml nu cm tliuu(li
I roil l.l llvs tliruilKll I lit. wlnlnr,
tlmuirlit rurt tut r- UI- 1 him At ymri
nt ai." Mm. lUm JIlMKiKr, Prw.
rrlka, Tak only IImkI'i,
Hond4 VllU ""'""'tin.nii
IIOUU ill." b., UjkJUfc
Children under 12 years of age admitted free.
Tickets on sale at Clodfelter Bros., Independence, and Morehead & Tatoiu's, Monmouth.
TitKKE app: ars to be a dub-renee
of opinion la-lixeen United Scutes
Atiorniytteie-ral Harmon and
Superintendent (ii'bert in regard
to punishment of United Sute-i
prisoners kept in the Ov- gon
tentiary. Attoruev-General
tnon exi.ires--es the opinion that;
the whipping post is a relic of!
barbai'ism, and, it rcsi :t -d to at!
all, should be used in Mode; ation. j
I tie superinteniient is disposed to
manage the affairs or the peniten
tiary as he sees fit, uttvl savs that
it the federal authorities are not
satisfied with his treatment o!
Uncle Sammy's prisoners they can
remove them to other quarters. In
this particular case Gilbert appears
to be a bigger man than Ilarruon.
now i rut course ol siudv was ex
tended to three yiars instead ol
two as heretofore, and then as
signed the students to their respec
tive classes and rooms.
The school opens with a some
what smaller attendance than last
yen r.
The lmlv stud-'Dts Hre largelv in
. I ! ' . .1.1 . . I "
uie ina oruv, i i,e attendance is i
pehi-1 satisfactory for the tirst day.
tlar-jai'd a large increase is -spi cteil
:e xt week, as many could not lit
em! the opening exercises, owing
io harvesting oi crops and otiier
duties. A more intelligent lot ()f
Voting gentleman and young lad ies,
,ud by the way the girls are ijuite
handsome ton, cannot he found in
any of the schoola this year.
A VistTon.
ire) im; tin-loiiiiiiiiiiini of ihf .iw i..
ami niviiiu the )i:ill nt k!t'enu:ti by
liallilnij; iii the eons: mill. mi a-'-"istiii;;
ntiliiri. in iMntf Iih w.ii!;. "M,,.
'io(irl. tors liave s i tiiiieh fund In it(,
enralivf miwch. ilmt tin y ,i. r liu
iltnnbvil for any f.i-- It
fiiils to cure. Send for 1 1 n't el le-a ii:
Illl.i. Ad'lri-x
!'. .I.'IIK.!:V ,'. .., Tdo, n
t'-t.Seiil lo i uj;m,.H, ;.'. is
. l.iretoiit UcMtlt.
f'mai n letter writleii by l!iv, J.
(illlliteillilll, ( I illelil,l!e, .Mlrlt,
are ierinil!'l to luulte tlii. I'llmi
Inise nu Ii. in ri .'.Minui-ii.lii lf
King' New t'l-iovi-iy, the ic.n;i
Vefe n'lneM IlliirVeliatu In the l 11 ( r
w i.e. U i.tle I t ii .n-lur 1. 1 I he l'.a,:j.i
liiin li ul h. Jillil-lniii klin
.r ! ,;!i tl.mii viflti plieliiiiiiiil.i nnint.
in- l.l .rh.e, lerrlhle nroi t t n(
i ..'.! 1 1 1. 1; .ml. I l. -t huiim with liiilo
liilerril.! ami ll nimri ( iM
eoitl I net Mirvitit I lu-iii. A frlin,
reeimiiiii't. I'r. Kit'i;'. Nw liiiv'iy;
It u ; ijnii 1 in i! w oi k ii io I 1 1 i t." ! . I v jlt
In. ! it v In rv. nS," I thil Ihm e l'iv at
nu'' l ! Mt:. iit'u.'ar ie .Vie, mij
l.o.i. 1
Featherbome Corsets and Waists.
Correct Shapes.
Best Materials.
Latest Styles.
.Most Comfortable.
Recommended by
wto wear them.
Dress-Makers scy: "They era
Ihe best fitting corset on the
market." Merchants cheerfully
refund the money after 4 voc!:'a
rial if not satisfactory. Call for
them at ths stores.
he G5iitcrvt$t
Published every Thursday at Indi-iivDdeuve,
Polk CottiiEy, Oregon.
We trust J,hat it will never again
i be our duty to report so disreputa
ble a scene as occurred in this city
last Sunday. The drunke.i broil
and knock down arrests were bad
enough, but the fact that a mob of across the liar, this is
i ) i so ii a v i : f i' l sc kx 1 :.
During the hop ticking season a
motley crowd gathers in this
vicinity and on Sundays the hied
nest strceis of the city are jammed
with people who come in for th.-ir
week's supplies. Onliiiaiilv there
ix iiouiing very otijeciionaitlo in
this, but while the groceries are
.1 1 . . - . 1 . . .
ooing a innving iraiie uie saloons
are also reaping a gulden harvest.
There is always a certain class of
whites who spend their earniutM
the case in !
Entered at ttie PolofSce at Independence,
Oregon, a-s ntatter of tlie neottid clas.
BROWN & BAILEY, Proprietors.
y. M. Brows, Editor.
Ij. A. Bailk-, tiusiuetia Manager.
fortv or fifty Indians can come into ! e,v,;rT ""nn unity, and Ind-pn-
at nee is no exception lo the general
rule, but the great majority of peo
ple live sober, respectable and
decent lives and expend their
money where it will do themselves
sirBiscBimoy batks.
One year
Kix month 75
Three months io
hi ogle copy 0,1
the city on Sunday and obtain tho
whiskey to make tlum beastly
drunk is a ehame and diHi,'ract.
Indejendence h a good town and
has aa moral and law abiding citi
zenship ad any other city oi it
Advertising Kates will be malt- known on
Job 1'kintivo of nil kinds done on short notice
and in a first cIwh iimrmfr.
.A drinks all coniraunications to Tint Enter
raisK, Jd(p;iiaiice, Oregon.
Why Are gsa,
FEATHERBONE CORSETS better than all others?
First. They Fit Better.
Second. They Wear Better.
Thibd. They are More Stylish.
Fourth. They are More Comfortable.
Fifth. They are CHEAPER.
No Other
Material entering into the manufacture of a Corset can compare
... : . 1. PLTiTucrtDnvL1
ivitu riAtujjivuu.iiJ.
The Featherbone
CORSET WAIST is, beyond question, the most comfortable gar
ment made; it fits like a glove, has all the style of a corset, and
wears like iron. We make a specialty of these goods and recom
mend them to you without reserve. We are authorized to refund
your money after 4 weeks' trial, if not satisfactory.
The Independence public schools
will open on the first Monday in
October, and it behooves every
parent to see that their children
attend school promptly and
regularly. Every child should be
given the benefit of a public school
education. It is worth more to
them than the inheritance of
thousands of dollars without
and lamily the tuuHt good. This is
not the cine, howevrr. with tln
I II h fnrf .limit f i,,l; .i,u .........
but Sunday's di.tur- j hm, to as,siht U) u k( ,
bance was occasioned by a tempo-J hop crop. The Indian has an lib
rary laxity that is as inexcusable j normal passion for whiskey, and
d. The poor I courts have ruleil that be
J u citizen and entitled to all the
privilege of citizenship, he delights
Dress Goods.
i .1
i'iok ui our center counter
for Hig bargains in press g,tul.
Winter Outing Flannels at ml
to 12ict.H per yurd.
Cabot W and Cabot , and
L Musli ns selling away down.
We nre si lling prints at VU
per yard.
Shoes. . . .
A biitgaiu cuii nter for Sliocn,
fiitiu ."(iris tn f-J.(K) per pair.
her guoiis,
bie ligures.
.Mneiiitoslies, lltllf
etc., nt lowest jtossi-
as it was unexpected, the poor
debauched Indians who were ar
rainged before the recorder's court
and fined a few dollars were not
the real hufferers. It is the com
munity that is hit in the face and
wears the flush of shame on its
cheek. Patience has its limits and !
those who art wise will take warn'
Wires it comes to constructing
and handling sailing craft the Brit
ons are decidedly inferior to the
Titrgrand opening of the G. A. R.
Auditorium on the 26, instant is
an event of more than ordinary in
terest in the history of Independ-
to come to town and glut his appi
uie ior strong drink. There is
perhaps a hundred and fifty or two
hundred Indians employed in the
hop yurds adjoining town, and the
bucks take advantage of every
rainy day to come to town and fill
up with "chain lightning" that
win kin at torty rods. Of course,
the saloons sell whiskey to the In
dians. The courts have given them
the privilege, and, of course, those
engaged in the traliic will sell
when and where and to whom they
can. This is nerfectlv leiritimut..
AS- .P-t ....
m ureat neciuction All Over the House. We Have
the Goods We Have the Prices
to Suit Everybody.
or your money refunded.
on ils merits. Satisfaction guaranteed
from SI hi m.wu nrtint rxf .. .i..
-r . - ..... ..... -..j ...r.nM ij, , IHH. IflJI.
ence. it marks an era in the a moral wrong exists somewhere,
growth ol the city. This splendid ! and we believe that it rests with
building shows that we have passed j tne court that rendered the
the boundary line of a small I ".eclHI0"'rantln(? tt,e Indians nil
......, ... i . i the privileges of citizenshin. But
wy wwii nun are ueyin nine 10 V,,. . .,.. . r - l . ,
6 b I the outrage for which the people of
West Side Trading Co.
Cot: Main and C. S(m 1 XliKl'li X 1 KXCK,
V. S. Xewberg Never Rip and
on earth. Tint newest novelties in
(Jimp a ml Furs.
Bull nreeelics nro the best
rcsH Trim in nigs, Puttons,
Yankees. Every American will j habits of a higher urban life; it is
rejoice over the signal victory of the I a monument to the thrift and en-
Defender over the Valkyrie, but it
is probable that Lord Dunraven
had some excuse for refusing to
race Friday owing to the crowding
of his vessel by excursion boats.
But the Defender has proven that
she is easily the fleetest yacht that
sails the seas. The America cup is
safe for another year.
The Salem Statesman suecrests
a good idea in raising the question
why should not the sons and daugh
ters of Oregon arrange to celebrate
the 37th anniversary of the state's
admission into the Union. It
says: "l negative sons of Call
terprise of our citizens, asign board
of progress and an index of the
future. . The building is the gener
ous gitt of the people. Every dol
lar was voluntarily contributed and
every day's labor donated. It Ite
longs to the people. The Grand
i i
jiiuepenaence have occasion to
blush occurred on last Sunday
me inoian seems disposed to
think that Sunday is the particu
lar day on which he is entitled to
hold his saturnalia of dissipation.
And he has some grounds for ba
thinking when be visits a town of
nearly A.IM) inhabitants, whih has
a regularly chartered municipal
government and an organized
ponce lorce, and rinds thatSu
ZZTZXTX-- Drrlng at ,eaf!t SeVen Stated friod8in fornia celebrated admission day at I to
;.:le Life a rec.;rd should be preserved of a Sacramento on Monday the !'tb. gramme in
A i
person's likeness, as follows:
Infanthood, Babyhood, Childhood, Boy
hood, Manhood, Middle age. Old age,
and I). IL CRAVEN the photographer,
vision and care. The entire pro
ceeds of next Thursday evening's
entertainment will be expended in
providing seating accomodations.
Not one cent Mill go into any in
dividual's pocket. We call at-
the fine display pro
an othpr rohimn. A
t i . . . i .
vregon nas enougn native sons and : r.,f ; r...
, , - ..I'-t... ... ill .-t-wiv. UNI liao a
uaugniers proua oi tne
their birth to make a
bration of her
...i.. -
I .ml. tu.l la nr.lfi !-... n . . . . L . .. . . I . ' 1
r. . uv nguui, umi lne legal day ol rest and religious
set the ball to rolling and the build- communion, is noi regarded any
ing is simply under their super- Ir'ore than the ordinary week dav;
uib uuwiness nouses with doors
wide open and the saloons doing tt
thriving trade through the shut
front door and the open back door
and in defiame of the fact that i
they are under bonds not in H,.
this very thing.
On Sunday last a mob of Indian
bucks and squaws swarmed the
streets. The squaws were orderly
and decent in their behavior and ,
state of ar(J (rv onh whoCMn gh,,u!d cheer- iT""1 nt of their time and
fnllypatre the enterUinmeot. I" Jn VakinS nry pur-
. . , .. . ciianen mr ineir
iUjXZU)- will wpply you with these likenesses at mitvorc.i- An FaK,.,-, k.i. . It i fi.r . f.r r.l.J.. unA . .'nps, but the
Z- the very lowest rates. Give him a call. W i. .K.ll !. "1" " ucs were In f t f
the very lowest rates. Give him a call. next. Where shall it be held?" J should be a large aCwidance. each one seemed
to vie with the
in the next century, may
possibly be able to dis
pense with the article
called bv
. PANTS or
but in this groAvtb of m-ace it
is not policy to do so.
I rpow fpave my Fall samples for suits and
pants- Call and see them. A perfect fit
and workmanship guaranteed.