! A one pound can of Dr. Prices Cream Baking: Powder only 30 cents at the Star Grocery (lte OButerprioc. THCHXIAY,H:JTKMI1KK U lrt. J'UbllKlirU i vory Thuixduy at ludcptiitlDMiv, Tiilk Comity, Ontuu. tfnt.TtHl at ViuMottti' l Imlim1inx, Onyiou, im ninlUir ul' Ui around vlaMi, BROWN 4 BAILEY. PaoMiiToaa. F. V. Bi H, K.IHr. J. T.Foms Awutctat IVMttor. L, A. Haii.kv, 1uimi Managvi. IIMK-MFTION SATW. One year . l.W H.X mouth ... Tlnvu nmntlji , to biimlu copy ,u5 I-AfAtll.E IK ADVAKCC I Aivichtiin Havwh will be mala kuowu uu Jn pimxti of I1 kinds dnwwi turt nolle Aii.l In a rtrt oImm nmmir. A.1trA nil ctHumunlcfitlolia Jo Tna KNTBm Tris centre of population in the United States moved westward 503 miles from 1790 to 1890. Ip skeptical outside world does not believe that Independence (s'fairly in the swim, a visit to the city will dissipate that notion as easily as the morning sun pene trates and scatters a foghank. The senseless gibber about a third term president is still going the rounds of the press. Even so astute a politician as Chauncy M. Dnpuy has caught the contagion and chatters commonplace non sense about President Cleveland being a possible third term candi late. Tun Industrial Exposition to be held at l'ortland in October is of more than ordinary importance to the people of Oregon and should enlist tho active cootKration of every public spirited citizen. It is the purpose of the managers to have a coimdeh) exhibit of the stato, its minerals, lumler, cereals fruits, vegetables, manufacturing industries, etc. Polk county should have a special ex hibit at the exposition. The products of her soil are second to no other section in the state and her timber resources are first class. We can make an exhibit in hops, wheat, oats, barley, hay, fruits and vegetables that will rank with any other county in the state, and ourpeople should see to it that Polk county occupies a front seat rignt under the fortlights at the expo sition. Xov is the time to act for the exposition opens on the 5th of Oetobor. irreat Willamette vallev. The soil is a rich alluvial and the brosd prairies are che-ckerboarded with tine farms undr magnificent cul tivation. The hill lands are also very productive and the coast mountains furnish an inexhausti ble supply of lumber. Anyone wishing to make a home in the Willamette valley should not per manently locate before visiting the west sido. Independence is situat ed in the very heart of this magnifi cent section and is the center of a great hop, grain and fruit raising - ... . . region. aNo uetier town . can oe found in the valley. It lias a live, enterprising and thrifty population and is doing more building im provements this year than any town of its population in the valley. t;UANI OPHNINO DAY, The i. A. It. lst Will Celebrate Tlie Onenliijj of Their New Hall, Thursday levell ing, Sept. ISO J. An liifercatliijr Projrruiiiinc Ar rungrtl t'onslstlnir of Music, Addresses, Hecl(a tlons, to. Okkgox is the least known of any of the Pacific states to the peo ple of the East, and the cause of this ignorance is easily accounted for. The people of Oregon have been content to let well enough alone and never extensively adver tised the resources of their state. Daring the past ten years the East has been Hooded with literature Tim San Franciso Call, under the control and brilliant editorship of Charles M. Shortridgo, has leap ed at a single bound into the trout ranks of Pacific Coast journalism. The Call is edited with marked ability and splendid courage, a courage that never hesitates to as sail venality and wrong in high as well as low places, and its trench ant blows fall like the crack of doom ujHin the dull ears of the oppressors of the people. It is bold and in dependent ih its editorial convict ions, but discusses the live issues of The initial number of The Pacific Jmpire, "a journal of freedom," edited by Mrs. Abigail Scott Dun iway has reached our editorial table. Mrs.Duniway is a veteran advocate of woman's social and political miancijation and the new journal ehows evidence of the editor's skill ed and erudite pen. "We wish the "Empire" a long life and a wide field of usefulness. booming California and Washing-the day with great vigor and clear The Oregon Agriculturist, quot ing figures from the Elgin Diary Reporter, says 18,000 cans of miik are delivered daily in Chicago. Allowing eight gallons to the can this shows an annual consumption of 52,760,003 gallons of milk. The average price of the consumer be ing about zO cents per gallon, makes Chicago's milk bill amount to $10,552,000 per year. As the producer gets about 8 cents per gallon or $4.220,00. it leaves the snug sum of 16,351.200 for tho railroads and middle men. In other words ft costs $1,000,000 to market a product costing $4,000, 000. . If these figures were reversed they would look more tn propor tion. Ocb versatile Roseburg corres pondent discusses a timely topic in an interesting and intelligent man ner in this week's issue of the En TERPRiSE. It occurs to us that it is as important to educate the boys intelligently in regard to the sins of Bociety as it is , to insti uct the girls in relation thereto. The game alluring pitfalls beset the pathway of each, and one sex is in as great danger of blindly stumbling as the Other. Indeed, the boys are in greater danger than the girls, be cause the instincts of early woman hood are keener and more sensitive than those of young manhood, be sides the female associations are more refined. Every parent should instruct their children in the laws of physical and mental morals, and not wait for outraged nature to give them the admonitory box on the ar, for nature's admonition often pomes too late to save the child from the insidious disease tnat leads to moral death. ton, tut comparatively little has been said in regard to Oregon. Most people never examine statis tics or study the geography of their country, but glean much of their information in such matters from unauthentic sources. Oregon has more square miles of territory and a larger area of tillable land than all of New England, and nearly as much as both New York and New England. Oregon has a total popu lation of only about 350,000.000 to New England's 4,500,000. The Wil lamette valley alone can easily sup port a population of one and a half million. It has unequalled re sources and a mild equable climate. j Timber, coal, the precious metals, ! stock raising, grain, hops, vege tables and fruits are some of its substantial resources of wealth making. There is practically no waste land in the valley, the soil is mostly a rich vegetable loam and very productive when properly cultivated. The hill tops and mountain sides are practically free from rock or gravel and produce grain, vegetable and fruits. The climatic conditions of Western Ore gon are perhaps unequalled any- where in the United States. The winter season is comparatively mild, somewhat rainy, to be sure, but little extreme cold and rarely a severe snow storm. The spring season is a series of sunshine and showers, causing vegetation to rapidly leap into vernal life, while the summer months are almost perfection, plenty of sunshine and a Dracing sea breeze during the day and cool pleasant nights. Autumn is simply the gradual merging of summer and spring in to winter. Oregon has a great future and the day is not far dis tant when this magnificent country will be the happy home of teeming millions. ness of thought. Its news columns are full and complete, but avoid the sensationalism which marks the columns of some of the leading ban i rancisco dailies. J lie tall will soon occupy the finest news paper building in the world, a mag nificent structure 310 feet in height. The managing editor of The Call, Air. ells iJrury, was a typo on the Christian Messenger, a religious paper puplished at Monmouth, in the early days of Polk county journalism. The Valley Transcript says: "Bicycles cost money ; but they have done and are doing more in Oregon toward encouraging the building of good roads than anything else that has ever been devised." We accept Bro. Snyder's first statement as self-eyident, but his corollary state ment is not so clear. It would be 6trange indeed if a mode of locomo tion, which is largely a pleasure fad, confined to comparatively a small number of the community, should produce results which the combined business and commercial interests of the country have hith erto failed to accomplish. Good roads are necessary to facilitate the transportation of produce and other commodities, and for the general accommodation of the traveling public. The people's financial in terests usually take precedence over their pleasures. The demand for good roads is due to the fact that rapid, easy and safe avenues of travel and transportation are essen tial to the prosperity of the com munity. There is no more reason wny tne Dicycie habit should pro duce a demand for good roads than does the old but perennial pleas ure of carriage and buggy riding. Arrangements are about com pleted for tho grand opening at the new 11. A. It. hall on Thurs day evening, September 20. The committee on arrangements will have tho programme completed early next week, a full announce ment of which will appear in the E.NTKliPKlSK. Department Commander Ethan W. Allen will be present and de liver an address on the work of the Grand Army of the Uepuplie , its object and significance, and will alsojdisouss tho coming encamp ment to lx held here next June. Capt.Il. L. Wells, division com mander of the Sons of Veterans, has consented to take part in the exercises and will audresa the mectimr. . The committee on arrangements are corresponding with Senator John 11. Mitchell and they are confident that he will consent to deliver the opening addres-. The Novel lo quartette and the Dallas quartette will take a leading part in the musical programme, as will also the Monmouth and Indepen dence cornet bands. Some of our best locijl talent have Consented to take part in the exercises, notably .Mrs. Babbitt and Miss Longacre, assisted by a chorus of twenty voices composed of the best talent in our church choirs. No effort will be spared to make the programme entertaining, bril liant and unique, indeed, one of the very best, if not the best enter tainment ever given in Indepen dence. ' The object of the entertainment is two fold. First, to celebrate wun appropriate exercises me completion of one of the most commodious public halls ever con structed in the state; sesond. to raise money to seat the building. A number of reserved seats will lie sold at 50 cents each, the proceeds to be used in purchasing chairs for the hall. The public will bear in mind that not a penny of the pro ceeds from this entertainment will go into any individual's jioeket, Maunlnf, MIcU. Common Sense Reasoning Hood's Sarsnparilla Had Cured Others, and It Cured Me. "It in sUtaan jrmr ajo my right ! birn to welland pain. Four yeara a-o It brokaout In tUr dreadful aoraa. I trlrJ all klmU of lre ami llnlumuta but ilia wuraa Ilia aura bacama. I Had to Walk on Crutches i and agrvatar part il tha lima waa eon tin ml to my bil. I ruulil not lwp uluhta and my ayra twramo afftt'tnd, I liava wurn (jlanwHi for ovr aix yra. flint I hT taken llood'a Hrairtlla and I'lllt two o( lha worat aoraa ou my limb liara hualad and tha third la almost olosud. M aura avua bay Ixwn banetltod aa t ran a to rvad and wrila and aUo I bread my noadla tur aowlng without tba uaa ol glaaara. I came to uaa Hood a Harai. nlla by noticing 11 if 1!" - raaaoDcd that what .dvvrtUamouta, I baa curad oluari Hood's5 Cures would enra me and It ha proved ao It la a aptandld modk'tne.' Mm, klitiii WscarbutHiK, Manning;, Mlohlirau. in the next century, may possibly be able to dis. pense Villi (lie article called by some TROUSERS, PANTALOONS, PANTS or BREECHES, but in this growth oi grace it is not policy to do so. I rpow fyavc my fall samples for suits and pants- Call and sec them. A perfect fit and workmanship guarontcsd. Ofeal GRIFFITH & PATTERSON'S (ItilR SWIIt W. H. PATTERSON, 1QT. Hood's Pills aura habitual eonnUi i"rloa aao, par bua Tho Industrial Imposition, but will be ecrupulously used to provide suitable Beating aocornoda Hons for the hall. The tr. A hall is not individual property, lu is the common property of th community Decuuse almost every person has contributed noinethiiiK towards its construction and each individual will be its beneficiary An effort will be made at the meeting to organize a camp of th Sons of Veterans, and any one de siring to become a member of this organization should send in his name to Mr. M. A. Baker of this city. Any one 18 years of age whose father saw service in the cause of the Union during the late civil war, is entitled to become t member. Look out for the pro gramme which will be announcer in full next week. POLK COUNT VS KISSOUKCES. Products and Population Shown I) J the Assessor's Returns. The lilght Kind of'a Girl. ' The increasing trade that is steadily coming to Independence from the country demands better bitching posts and feeding racks accommodation than is now sup plied by the city. If the city council is not disposed to supply these accommodations at th pub lic expense, then the business men pf the city ehonld take the matter in nand and have the necessary number of posts and racks erected at suitable points along the streets, Jiothing looks more unthrifty and phabby than to see the awning posts in front of the places of busi- pees made hitching posts for every saddle horse and team that coin eg to town. The horses not only Jitter the streets and break in the sidewalks, but often on a busy day so crotrd the streets that travel is The east side of the Willamette valley has for the past twenty years enjoyed the advantage of having a trunk line railroad, where as the west side has only a branch road which runs from Portland to Corvallis, a town located in th central part of the valley measur ing north and south. The Wil lamette river flows the whole length of the valley dividing it in to two equal sections. There practically no difference in the productive resources of these two natural divisions, bui owing to the fact that thousands of people travel through the eastern part of the valley who never visit the weetern section, the east side has been widely advertised while the west side is comparatively unknown It is not unfrequently the case that people traveling through the east ern part of the valley are told that the west side is a narrow hilly strip of country relatively unpro ductive gave for grazing purposes. That the story is disingenuous is apparent to anj-one in the least acquainted with the geography of the country, but unfortunately tha traveling public, particularly that portion which comes from the It won't do for a common country swain to flirt with the Tillamook girls, as a certain young Mr. lludnon has learned to hio sorrow. The story runs as follows: Young Hud.son was pay ing his best respects to a charming young backwoods maiden who lived near the town of Woods, but during the outing season this summer a num. berof valley people visited that seaside resort, and among thetn was a pretty Washington county girl, whose charms at once captivated the inexperienced heart of young Hudson. Of course, such cold blooded recreancy excited the jealous rage of the backwoods beauty, and in the lonely depths of her widowed heart she vowed to have revenge, sweet but cruel revenge. It so happened that on an unlucky day young Hudson met his former sweet heart on a trail along the lonely mountain side and the jilted Diana at once expostulated with her recreant lorer in a manner that conveyed physical as wtll as mental conviction as to the righteousness of her wrath. She used both a club and the stinging lash of her vitriolic tongue on the young fellow and he came out of the allray with not only a broken troth but also with a brokeu arm. The pity in there are not more such stalwart maidens as this Tillamook young Diana. as follows: Population 9,1!)3 Males 4,Hm Females ; 4,.'107 Legal voters 2,440 rounds of wool... Vi'.J,,lm .Sheep 27,0iS nogs I1,!K3 Horxes 5,20.1 Mules. :v j.n Cattle 6,.174 Acres land under cultivation. . 81,70.'ij issiieia wneat raiseu in wvi. . . 7!M,Wii Oats 5.'iO,.1(l7 itye and barley 23,H.1 Tho Portland Industrial Kpitioii U'tfliiH OetoUr .1, ami will !e the llm-xt exhibit ever held ill the I'ticllli) North west. The manager will leave no stone uutu rued to have a complete display of tliu rewmnvs of tht statu. Every brunch of Industry will bo r'hreented and to tul end tliu co operation of the people of the state la Holioltnl. The following Information Is given lor the Ix'tietlt of tlio who wish to Mendexhibits: Fruits to h sent nl one by expre. Mark on box name of sender, his ml dresrtaud contents of box. If hT!.hIi- able, give liiitne of specimens, murk "charges collect," Noti-peiiHhablu ex hibits, as dried fruits, tile, potlerv etc, tnarlr left hand corner ''specimens do nated for exhibition." Send by freight goes free. Large articles which owner wishes returned, freight charged re duced one-half. All exhibits should te addressed to C. JI. Hunt, Supt. Industrial Fxptwltion, Portland, Or. aiva-a'aai,wa-raa,airMaaaw ;.- OFIHJIT DA.Y .A-ISTD NIGHT. THE BOREAS SAL00N Carries the finest line of WINES, L.IUUOHS snd to lit) huttui lit tho city. CIGARS I. L. SMITH, Proprietor, independence, Oregon. OPEN" UJIT A.ISTX) NIGHT. A ., VB-Jat t Mf a if. 44 mj.V 4V aV 9 tMUI '.aVWUaVaf at Va SASH and DOOR M-iiii: f(ni.n.d with the liite.it and bust wmwt FAHTDRY working mm liinery ueara ' n I V-I I I . -ri pared to !o all kind. of wood work, Mich as Fraincs, Brackets, Mouldings, and nil kind of wood turning nt tliu lowest postildo ki q ccpperii " fuI MAIN STLfcT. ' ; quickly dol.O. ,NDZPINOENSC. OR. prices. CLASS o also carry liluss t'Uttins PUHLISIIKItS' NOTICK. The Imepk.'ien'ck Entkkimune passed to the ownership of F. M. Brown yind L. A; Jlailoy, on Aug ust 2d, mr. All bills due for ad vertising, job work, and Hubscrip A. 1 k . i rti -a . , nous, up to August a, art payable to and will be collected by Morin & Ford. All contracts for advertising, subscriptions and job work made by Morin a Ford while proprietors of The E.ntsuprise will be fulfilled by F. M. Crown and L. A. Bailey. Dated August 2d, 181)5. J. B. Moiu.v, J. T. Foitn, F. M. Baow.v, L. A. Baii.ky. Dallas, Or., Sept. 10. Assessor Beckett's returns for the year 189.1 srive i.. ii- ...i- i . .i I f roia conuijr uoiiumuou uuu prouuets VLand.-Several well Imnroved Hn.it t, LITTLE FILICE HOTEL, Inlfjirnlanct, Oregon. t'loso to railway statiuiiH, h ton m bout laiulsng ami tliu business part of tliu city KoonsnnI mutes for both tranciont and jicrmancnt guests. .SVrvicu un surpassed. Katojj s to S2 jK-r iay. J. 5173 VP FOR- -o and WAY LANDINGS eastern houth Dakota farms to trade for I'olk county farm lands. AImo choice residence property In the largent city in Iowa to trade for farm land or City property. For further particulars uquire of F. M. Brown, Extkki'kihb ollice. 1 ons of hay K).h.'i7 IJuhbels of corn 2,105 Pounds hotter and cheese 172.91.1 Bushels DaxReed 6.'J2 Pounds tobacco 441 Pounds lion 2.041.640 Kiisncls polatix-s 142,601 Apples 4,28 Prunes and plums 13,22j Feet lumber 5,41.1,879 is materially impeded. A decent respect tor the neat appearance of j East, is not informed on the sub- our city and the comfort of both ject. Xow, the sober truth is that Bucklen'i Arnica Salve- The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt 1 1 I . - I - i ' m . . imeuiii, rever isores, letter. The Ideal Panacea. James L. Francis, Alderman. Chicago, says: "I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung Complaints, havu.g used it in my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of physi cian s prescriptions or other pre parations. Ilev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I hive been a Minister of the Methodist Enisco 1 ! 1 i r . pai tnurcn ior w years or more. and have never found anything so beneficial, or that gave me such speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial bottles free at any Drug Store. its citizens and those who come here to trade demand that this jigjssnce gbouhj be remedied, the counties of Washington, Yam 1 M1 T-a 11 ?-. ...... muwu uipriw landrfl. J'rice X cenU per some of the yerj bett part of the 1 For Bile by all druggitis. The Enterprise, has gained an enviaMa rpnntArinn f,.r it flna t..h Chapped Hand--;, Chilblains. Corns. ' work- and it. nrnruHM tr -nutatn tl.ut and all Skin Eruptions, and poi-, reputation in spite of competition from tiveiv cures I'jjes or no rav re- mr wmroe. aii.i..r Tt.i ..m,. u quired. Jt is guaranteed to trive;i- pr-tar.-d o do the latest st vies of rwrf.'f Knti.ffK.tiin rr ms-.n...- . 1 w rk. 1 11 a nei t. a rt is! ic a nd work Two Lives Saved. Mrs. I'hocbe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there wa no hope for her, but two iiottles of Dr. king's Now Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. E k'ers, 13!) Florida street, San Fran cisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. Kina's .new discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thank lui. It is such results, of which inese are samples, that prove the wonderful elhcacv of this incriicino . " . - " in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at Drucr Store. H.f CTii la r eize 50 cents andll. SALEM, l'Olt'J'LAiXD Steamer Altona. Leave Portland Tuesdays; Thursdays anl Saturdays, G:(X)a. m. iA-avo Indrpendeuce Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (J SO Leave baletn " " ,. u Fast Time. Chear) Rates. To Hop Growers We are manufacturing the strongest, most durable, easiest to operate, most satisfactory and most economical HOP PRESS ver put on tho market. Fully war ranted. Come and examine it. With the best facilities for mak ing and repairing all kinds of Farm Machinery and Vehicles and none but first-class wood and iron workers employed. We fe.-J justified in stating that we are hotter prepared to do your wood and iron work than any other firm in Polk county. Our prices are most reasonable. To Tiie Public LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Corrected weekly by Star Grocery . KRENGEL & HILLIARD, THE BLACKSMITHS, Independence, - - - Oregon. The J. F. O'DOMELL COMPANY Arc Chickens. ..1.50 a 2.50 per dot, . . menl.ke manner, and at livimr prices. uy,x-Idirv us all, sample our work, and (get our prices, Side llaeon K r ltw- Miotuciers 7 (,t (. Hams 10 lit vt. '-ard o. K(rsrs lit. Potatoes xw. Cabbag '40c I'eas i i-iring ueans 2c Corn 'frf. Onions (old) . 4e Cucumbers .'.Hc Apples Ojc Peach plnms . . .;0c ' rlacKterrn8 . Hurt let I 'ears ...Vtc IVaches j tiouej ....66100 lb. ft dor.. bn i, dot. lb. , dot. , lb. t , bu. t crate, bu. M lb. usivc Affmifs for the STUDEBAKER Wagons, Carriages and Uutrirics, in Polk county.